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SAP Next-Gen: Innovation With Purpose

by Bernd Welz Ann Rosenberg

This book presents SAP Next-Gen, an innovation community for SAP Leonardo. It is intended for next generation business leaders, Chief Digital Officers, Chief Innovation Officers, Chief Information Officers and IT professionals who are defining the vision, strategy, technologies and organizational changes needed to drive their exponential enterprise and to innovate with purpose. The book opens with an introduction to turning bold ideas into reality with a purpose-driven mindset supporting the 17 United Nations Global Goals. Part 1 focuses on what’s at stake including Digital - The New Normal, Exponential Growth, and Innovation in the 21st century. Part 2 introduces readers to the SAP Next-Gen matchmaking model, and readers are invited to join SAP Next-Gen clubs for industries, technologies, and methodologies. Readers also learn about the Silicon Valleys of the world, make vs. buy vs. join, and where to learn more and get engaged with SAP Next-Gen.SAP Next-Gen is an innovation community for SAP Leonardo supporting SAP’s 355,000+ customers across 25 industries in 180+ countries. SAP Next-Gen enables customers and partners to connect with academic thought leaders, researchers, and students in the SAP Next-Gen network of 3,200+ educational institutions across 111 countries worldwide, as well as with startups, tech community partners, venture firms, purpose driven partners, and SAP experts.

Mechatronics and Machine Vision in Practice 3

by John Billingsley Peter Brett

In contrast with previous books on mechatronics and machine vision in practice, a significant number of chapters focus on systems designed for human interaction and deciphering human motion. Examples illustrate assistive actuation of hip joints, the augmentation of touch sense in artificial hand prostheses and helping stroke survivors in repetitive motion therapy. Interactive mechatronics and the experience of developing machine interfaces has enabled an examination of how we use mechatronics in the service of training, and even to consider why computer games perhaps appear to capture attention so much more readily than a human instructor! Mechatronics continues to be an exciting and developing field. It is now an essential part of our world and living experience. This and the previous books in this series illustrate the journey in developing the use of mechatronics so far. We anticipate that you will find the chapters here an equal source of inspiration for new devices to solve the challenges of new applications, and of course as a resource for teaching and inspiring the new generation of mechatronics engineers.

Color Image and Video Enhancement

by M. Emre Celebi Bogdan Smolka Michela Lecca

This text covers state-of-the-art color image and video enhancement techniques. The book examines the multivariate nature of color image/video data as it pertains to contrast enhancement, color correction (equalization, harmonization, normalization, balancing, constancy, etc. ), noise removal and smoothing. This book also discusses color and contrast enhancement in vision sensors and applications of image and video enhancement.

Intersections in Simulation and Gaming: 21st Annual Simulation Technology And Training Conference, Simtect 2016, And 47th International Simulation And Gaming Association Conference, Isaga 2016, Held As Part Of The First Australasian Simulation Congress, Asc 2016, Melbourne, Vic, Australia, September 26-29, 2016, Revised Selected Papers (Lecture Notes in Computer Science #10711)

by Anjum Naweed Marcin Wardaszko Elyssebeth Leigh Sebastiaan Meijer

This book constitutes the refereed post-conference proceedings of the 21st Annual Simulation Technology and Training Conference, SimTecT 2016, and the 47th International Simulation and Gaming Association Conference, ISAGA 2016, Held as Part of the First Australasian Simulation Congress, ASC 2016, held in Melbourne, VIC, Australia, in September 2016. The 28 revised full papers included in the volume were carefully reviewed and selected from 55 submissions. They are organized in the following topical sections: Making the grade; Come to think of it; From here to fidelity; The name of the game; and Ahead of the game.

Metriken für das Testreporting

by Frank Witte

Zu jeder Softwareentwicklung gehört es dazu, das Management regelmäßig über Fortschritte und etwaige Probleme des Projekts zu informieren. Dieses Buch stellt verschiedene Testgrößen und Metriken vor, mit denen sich Fortschritte im Rahmen eines Softwaretests plastisch darstellen lassen und Handlungsbedarf leicht zu identifizieren ist. Detailreich werden dazu die für ein erfolgreiches Reporting wesentlichen Kenngrößen und Indexwerte erklärt. Ausgehend von der historischen Entwicklung des Testreportings erläutert der Autor den grundsätzlichen Nutzen der Metriken und gibt einen Überblick darüber, welche verschiedenen Arten von Metriken es gibt und wie sie im Softwaretest sinnvoll eingesetzt werden können. Er zeigt, wie sich, angefangen bei der Testspezifikation über die Testdurchführung bis hin zur Entwicklung der Testabdeckung, eine bestimmte Metrik individuell auf eine zu testende Software abstimmen lässt und wie man dadurch eine Automatisierung der Tests erreichen kann. Daneben stellt er Vorzüge und Nachteile jener Testmetriken auf, die auf Fehlern basieren, also die die Fehleranzahl, die Fehlerdichte und die Entwicklung der Fehler im Zeitverlauf messen. Mit dieser ausführlichen Auseinandersetzung mit dem Testreporting liefert der Autor eine optimale Bewertungsgrundlage, mit der sich nicht nur einschätzen lässt, welche Testmetrik man für welchen Einsatzzweck bzw. welche individuellen Projektsituation verwenden sollte, sondern auch, worin besondere Probleme einer einzelnen Metrik für das Testreporting bestehen können und wie man diese Probleme am besten löst. Damit richtet sich dieser praktische Leitfaden vor allem an Mitarbeiter in IT-Projekten, wie Projektleiter, Softwaretester und Entwickler, aber auch Unternehmens- und Technologieberater sowie Dozenten an Hochschulen und Universitäten finden hier einen spannenden Einblick in verschiedene Methoden des Softwaretestings.

Unterrichtsmethoden für den Informatikunterricht

by Andreas Zendler

Zu den meisten Unterrichtsfächern findet man heute umfangreiche Standardwerke zum Thema Unterrichtsmethoden, nur für das Fach Informatik existiert keine vergleichbare Literatur. Dabei zeigt ein Blick auf die Bildungspläne aller Bundesländer, dass sich die Informatik als Unterrichtsfach in den Sekundarstufen I und II etablieren wird. Das vorliegende Buch versteht sich als ein Beitrag zur Schließung dieser Lücke in der Informatikdidaktik. Unterrichtsmethoden sind für den Lernerfolg im Unterricht von entscheidender Bedeutung und bilden auch den Dreh- und Angelpunkt dieses Buches. Unterrichtsmethode wird verstanden als klar umrissener, begrifflich herauslösbarer, selbstständiger, wenn auch integrierter Bestandteil des Unterrichts. Als Beispiele für dieses Verständnis von Unterrichtsmethoden werden unter anderem die Vor- und Nachteile des problemorientierten Unterrichts, des entdeckenden Lernens, der Computersimulation, des Frontalunterrichts und der Modellmethode für die Informatikdidaktik erläutert. So entsteht ein Überblick über 20 verschiedene und für den Informatikunterricht relevante Methoden, die anhand von Vorgehensmodellen und konkreten Beispielen für den Einsatz im Unterricht illustriert werden. Außerdem haben Informatiklehrer die verschiedenen Methoden in Hinblick auf ihre Lerneffektivität eingeschätzt. Die Grundlage für dieses erste Übersichtswerk zu Unterrichtsmethoden für den Informatikunterricht bilden verschiedene Forschungsprojekte der Pädagogischen Hochschule Ludwigsburg, die zwischen 2015 und 2018 Daten zu diesem Thema gesammelt haben. Auch dieses wissenschaftliche Fundament macht das Buch zu einer unbedingten Empfehlung für alle (angehenden) Informatiklehrer, die schon lange nach einem Titel mit Unterrichtsmaterialien für den Informatikunterricht gesucht haben.

Grid Optimal Integration of Electric Vehicles: Examples with Matlab Implementation

by Seddik Bacha Andrés Ovalle Ahmad Hably

This book is a compilation of recent research on distributed optimization algorithms for the integral load management of plug-in electric vehicle (PEV) fleets and their potential services to the electricity system. It also includes detailed developed Matlab scripts. These algorithms can be implemented and extended to diverse applications where energy management is required (smart buildings, railways systems, task sharing in micro-grids, etc.). The proposed methodologies optimally manage PEV fleets’ charge and discharge schedules by applying classical optimization, game theory, and evolutionary game theory techniques. Taking owner’s requirements into consideration, these approaches provide services like load shifting, load balancing among phases of the system, reactive power supply, and task sharing among PEVs. The book is intended for use in graduate optimization and energy management courses, and readers are encouraged to test and adapt the scripts to their specific applications.

NASA Formal Methods: 10th International Symposium, Nfm 2018, Newport News, Va, Usa, April 17-19, 2018, Proceedings (Lecture Notes in Computer Science #10811)

by Aaron Dutle César Muñoz Anthony Narkawicz

This book constitutes the proceedings of the 10th International Symposium on NASA Formal Methods, NFM 2018, held in Newport News, VA, USA, in April 2018.The 24 full and 7 short papers presented in this volume were carefully reviewed and selected from 92 submissions. The papers focus on formal techniques and other approaches for software assurance, their theory, current capabilities and limitations, as well as their potential application to aerospace, robotics, and other NASA-relevant safety-critical systems during all stages of the software life-cycle.

Influencer Relations: Marketing Und Pr Mit Digitalen Meinungsführern

by Annika Schach Timo Lommatzsch

Die Zusammenarbeit mit digitalen Influencern wird für die Marketing- und PR-Abteilungen großer Unternehmen immer interessanter. Neben klassischer Werbung, Media Relations und Content Marketing gehört auch das Influencer Marketing mittlerweile zum Handwerkszeug der Unternehmenskommunikation. Aber was sind eigentlich Influencer? Influencer sind die Meinungsführer und Meinungsmacher des digitalen Zeitalters. Typischerweise haben sie sich über verschiedene digitale Kanäle (wie Blogs und Social Media) ein Netzwerk aufbauen können, in dem sie dank einer gewissen Themenkompetenz als Anlaufquelle für bestimmte Informationen gelten. Influencer sind in der Regel also weder Journalisten noch klassischen Testimonials oder Prominente, die seit jeher in der Werbung als Botschafter eingesetzt werden, sondern viel mehr ganz normale Menschen, die sich in der digitalen Öffentlichkeit den Ruf eines Experten für bestimmte Themen erarbeiten konnten. In Unternehmen gilt daher die Pflege der Influencer Relations als Weiterentwicklung des Empfehlungsmarketings. Denn auch wenn die Theorie die Wirksamkeit des Influencer Marketings noch oft kritisch diskutiert, sind Unternehmen, die mittlerweile - ausschließlich oder verstärkt - auf diese Form der Kommunikation setzen, sehr erfolgreich damit. Dieses Grundlagenwerk bietet erstmals eine fundierte Aufbereitung der Felder Influencer Relations und Influencer Marketing. Neben einer umfassenden Definition und Abgrenzung der wichtigen Begrifflichkeiten stellt es vor allem die Aspekte der strategischen Planung und praktischen Umsetzung vor und erläutert die Themen Evaluation/Key Performance Indicators sowie rechtliche und medienethische Grundlagen. Führende Experten aus der Praxis geben anhand aktueller Best-Cases einen Einblick in den aktuellen Status quo der jungen Disziplin, der vor allem für Vertreter aus Unternehmen und Agenturen interessant ist. Insgesamt ein lohnendes Buch für Kommunikations- und Marketingexperten wie auch Studierende der Kommunikationswissenschaften sowie der Public Relations und des Marketings.

Java APIs, Extensions and Libraries: Swing, Javafx, Javascript, Jdbc And Network Programming Apis

by Kishori Sharan

This book completes the Apress Java learning journey and is a comprehensive approach to learning Java APIs, extensions, and modules such as Java EE integration, mobile Java modules, JavaFX, and JDBC. In this book, you'll learn how to build user interfaces with Swing and JavaFX as well as how to write network programs with the new Java 9 and much more.Java APIs, Extensions and Libraries is for Java programmers who are familiar with the fundamentals of the Java language and Java programming, who are now ready to call upon the power of extended Java functionality available from the huge array of Java APIs, extensions, and libraries. After reading and learning from this book you'll be ready to become a professional Java programmer.What You’ll LearnExtend your Java skills beyond the fundamental object-oriented concepts and core language featuresApply Java Swing for building Java front ends Get started with Java network programmingConnect to databases and access data from Java programs using the JDBC APIWork with JavaFX, RMI (Remote Method Invocation), and JNI (Java Native Interface)Use the new scripting features of JavaWho This Book Is ForJava programmers who are familiar with the fundamentals of the Java language and Java programming.

Computational Engineering

by Jürgen Geiser

Das Buch bietet ein ausgewogenes Verhältnis zwischen Theorie und praktischen Anwendungen des berechnenden Ingenieurswesens. Es illustriert sowohl die mathematischen Modelle im Computational Engineering, wie auch die zugehörigen Simulationsmethoden für die verschiedenen Ingenieursanwendungen und benennt geeignete Softwarepakete. Die umfangreichen Beispiele aus der berechnenden Ingenieurswissenschaft, welche Wärme- und Massentransport, Plasmasimulation und hydrodynamische Transportprobleme einschließen, geben dem Leser einen Überblick zu den aktuellen Themen und deren praktische Umsetzung in spätere Simulationsprogramme. Übungsaufgaben und prüfungsrelevante Fragen schließen die einzelnen Kapitel ab.

Playful Disruption of Digital Media (Gaming Media and Social Effects Ser.)

by Daniel Cermak-Sassenrath

This book starts with the proposition that digital media invite play and indeed need to be played by their everyday users. Play is probably one of the most visible and powerful ways to appropriate the digital world. The diverse, emerging practices of digital media appear to be essentially playful: Users are involved and active, produce form and content, spread, exchange and consume it, take risks, are conscious of their own goals and the possibilities of achieving them, are skilled and know how to acquire more skills. They share a perspective of can-do, a curiosity of what happens next? Play can be observed in social, economic, political, artistic, educational and criminal contexts and endeavours. It is employed as a (counter) strategy, for tacit or open resistance, as a method and productive practice, and something people do for fun.The book aims to define a particular contemporary attitude, a playful approach to media. It identifies some common ground and key principles in this novel terrain. Instead of looking at play and how it branches into different disciplines like business and education, the phenomenon of play in digital media is approached unconstrained by disciplinary boundaries. The contributions in this book provide a glimpse of a playful technological revolution that is a joyful celebration of possibilities that new media afford. This book is not a practical guide on how to hack a system or to pirate music, but provides critical insights into the unintended, artistic, fun, subversive, and sometimes dodgy applications of digital media.Contributions from Chris Crawford, Mathias Fuchs, Rilla Khaled, Sybille Lammes, Eva and Franco Mattes, Florian 'Floyd' Mueller, Michael Nitsche, Julian Oliver, and others cover and address topics such as reflective game design, identity and people's engagement in online media, conflicts and challenging opportunities for play, playing with cartographical interfaces, player-emergent production practices, the re-purposing of data, game creation as an educational approach, the ludification of society, the creation of meaning within and without play, the internalisation and subversion of roles through play, and the boundaries of play.

Advances in Embedded Computer Vision (Advances in Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition)

by Branislav Kisačanin Margrit Gelautz

This illuminating collection offers a fresh look at the very latest advances in the field of embedded computer vision. Emerging areas covered by this comprehensive text/reference include the embedded realization of 3D vision technologies for a variety of applications, such as stereo cameras on mobile devices. Recent trends towards the development of small unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) with embedded image and video processing algorithms are also examined. Topics and features: discusses in detail three major success stories - the development of the optical mouse, vision for consumer robotics, and vision for automotive safety; reviews state-of-the-art research on embedded 3D vision, UAVs, automotive vision, mobile vision apps, and augmented reality; examines the potential of embedded computer vision in such cutting-edge areas as the Internet of Things, the mining of large data streams, and in computational sensing; describes historical successes, current implementations, and future challenges.

Computer Vision in Sports (Advances in Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition)

by Graham Thomas Thomas B. Moeslund Adrian Hilton

The first book of its kind devoted to this topic, this comprehensive text/reference presents state-of-the-art research and reviews current challenges in the application of computer vision to problems in sports. Opening with a detailed introduction to the use of computer vision across the entire life-cycle of a sports event, the text then progresses to examine cutting-edge techniques for tracking the ball, obtaining the whereabouts and pose of the players, and identifying the sport being played from video footage. The work concludes by investigating a selection of systems for the automatic analysis and classification of sports play. The insights provided by this pioneering collection will be of great interest to researchers and practitioners involved in computer vision, sports analysis and media production.

Oracle SQL Revealed: Executing Business Logic In The Database Engine

by Alex Reprintsev

Write queries using little-known, but powerful, SQL features implemented in Oracle's database engine. You will be able to take advantage of Oracle’s power in implementing business logic, thereby maximizing return from your company’s investment in Oracle Database products.Important features and aspects of SQL covered in this book include the model clause, row pattern matching, analytic and aggregate functions, and recursive subquery factoring, just to name a few. The focus is on implementing business logic in pure SQL, with a comparison of different approaches that can be used to write SELECT statements to return results that drive good decision making and competitive action in the marketplace. This book covers features that are often not well known, and sometimes not implemented in competing products. Chapters on query transformation and logical execution order provide a grasp of the big picture in which the individual SQL features described in the other chapters are executed. Also included are a discussion on when to use the procedural capabilities from PL/SQL, and a series of examples showing different mixes of SQL features being applied in common types of queries that you are likely to encounter. What You Will LearnGain competitive advantage from Oracle SQLKnow when to step up to PL/SQL versus staying in SQLBecome familiar with query transformations and join mechanicsApply the model clause and analytic functions to business intelligence queriesMake use of features that are specific to Oracle Database, such as row pattern matchingUnderstand the pros and cons of different SQL approaches to solving common query tasksTraverse hierarchies using CONNECT BY and recursive subquery factoringWho This Book Is ForDatabase programmers with some Oracle Database experience. The book is also for SQL developers who are moving to the Oracle Database platform or want to learn unique features of its query engine. Both audiences will learn to apply the full power of Oracle’s own SQL dialect to commonly encountered types of business questions and query challenges.

Sequences, Groups, and Number Theory

by Valérie Berthé Michel Rigo

This collaborative book presents recent trends on the study of sequences, including combinatorics on words and symbolic dynamics, and new interdisciplinary links to group theory and number theory. Other chapters branch out from those areas into subfields of theoretical computer science, such as complexity theory and theory of automata. The book is built around four general themes: number theory and sequences, word combinatorics, normal numbers, and group theory. Those topics are rounded out by investigations into automatic and regular sequences, tilings and theory of computation, discrete dynamical systems, ergodic theory, numeration systems, automaton semigroups, and amenable groups. This volume is intended for use by graduate students or research mathematicians, as well as computer scientists who are working in automata theory and formal language theory. With its organization around unified themes, it would also be appropriate as a supplemental text for graduate level courses.

Autonomy Requirements Engineering for Space Missions (NASA Monographs in Systems and Software Engineering)

by Mike Hinchey Emil Vassev

Advanced space exploration is performed by unmanned missions with integrated autonomy in both flight and ground systems. Risk and feasibility are major factors supporting the use of unmanned craft and the use of automation and robotic technologies where possible. Autonomy in space helps to increase the amount of science data returned from missions, perform new science, and reduce mission costs. Elicitation and expression of autonomy requirements is one of the most significant challenges the autonomous spacecraft engineers need to overcome today. This book discusses the Autonomy Requirements Engineering (ARE) approach, intended to help software engineers properly elicit, express, verify, and validate autonomy requirements. Moreover, a comprehensive state-of-the-art of software engineering for aerospace is presented to outline the problems handled by ARE along with a proof-of-concept case study on the ESA's BepiColombo Mission demonstrating the ARE's ability to handle autonomy requirements.

Advanced Research in Data Privacy (Studies in Computational Intelligence #567)

by Guillermo Navarro-Arribas Vicenç Torra

This book provides an overview of the research work on data privacy and privacy enhancing technologies carried by the participants of the ARES project. ARES (Advanced Research in Privacy an Security, CSD2007-00004) has been one of the most important research projects funded by the Spanish Government in the fields of computer security and privacy. It is part of the now extinct CONSOLIDER INGENIO 2010 program, a highly competitive program which aimed to advance knowledge and open new research lines among top Spanish research groups. The project started in 2007 and will finish this 2014. Composed by 6 research groups from 6 different institutions, it has gathered an important number of researchers during its lifetime. Among the work produced by the ARES project, one specific work package has been related to privacy. This books gathers works produced by members of the project related to data privacy and privacy enhancing technologies. The presented works not only summarize important research carried in the project but also serve as an overview of the state of the art in current research on data privacy and privacy enhancing technologies.

A Rigorous Semantics for BPMN 2.0 Process Diagrams

by Felix Kossak Christa Illibauer Verena Geist Jan Kubovy Christine Natschläger Thomas Ziebermayr Theodorich Kopetzky Bernhard Freudenthaler Klaus-Dieter Schewe

This book provides the most complete formal specification of the semantics of the Business Process Model and Notation 2. 0 standard (BPMN) available to date, in a style that is easily understandable for a wide range of readers - not only for experts in formal methods, but e. g. also for developers of modeling tools, software architects, or graduate students specializing in business process management. BPMN - issued by the Object Management Group - is a widely used standard for business process modeling. However, major drawbacks of BPMN include its limited support for organizational modeling, its only implicit expression of modalities, and its lack of integrated user interaction and data modeling. Further, in many cases the syntactical and, in particular, semantic definitions of BPMN are inaccurate, incomplete or inconsistent. The book addresses concrete issues concerning the execution semantics of business processes and provides a formal definition of BPMN process diagrams, which can serve as a sound basis for further extensions, i. e. , in the form of horizontal refinements of the core language. To this end, the Abstract State Machine (ASMs) method is used to formalize the semantics of BPMN. ASMs have demonstrated their value in various domains, e. g. specifying the semantics of programming or modeling languages, verifying the specification of the Java Virtual Machine, or formalizing the ITIL change management process. This kind of improvement promotes more consistency in the interpretation of comprehensive models, as well as real exchangeability of models between different tools. In the outlook at the end of the book, the authors conclude with proposing extensions that address actor modeling (including an intuitive way to denote permissions and obligations), integration of user-centric views, a refined communication concept, and data integration.

Brain-Computer Interface Research: A State-of-the-Art Summary 3 (SpringerBriefs in Electrical and Computer Engineering #6)

by Brendan Allison Christoph Guger Theresa Vaughan

This book provides a cutting-edge overview of the latest developments in Brain-Computer-Interfaces (BCIs), reported by leading research groups. As the reader will discover, BCI research is moving ahead rapidly, with many new ideas, research initiatives, and improved technologies, e. g. BCIs that enable people to communicate just by thinking - without any movement at all. Several different groups are helping severely disabled users communicate using BCIs, and BCI technology is also being extended to facilitate recovery from stroke, epilepsy, and other conditions. Each year, hundreds of the top BCI scientists, engineers, doctors, and other visionaries compete for the most prestigious honor in the BCI research community: the annual BCI Award. The 2013 BCI Award competition was by far the most competitive, with over 160 research groups vying for a nomination. The chapters of this book summarize the ten projects that were nominated, in particular the winning project, and analyses how these reflect general trends in BCI development. Each project summary includes an introduction, description of methods, results, and also includes newer work completed after the project was entered for the competition. The texts are presented in accessible style with numerous supporting pictures, graphs, and figures.

Contrastiveness in Information Structure, Alternatives and Scalar Implicatures (Studies in Natural Language and Linguistic Theory #91)

by Ferenc Kiefer Chungmin Lee Manfred Krifka

A group of authors containing both leading authorities and young researchers addresses a number of issues of contrastiveness, polarity items and exhaustivity, quantificational expressions and the implicatures they generate, and the interaction between semantic operators and speech acts. The 19 contributions provide insights on the interplay between semantics and pragmatics. The volume's reach is cross-linguistic and takes an unorthodox multi-paradigm approach. Languages studied range from European languages including Hungarian and Russian to East Asian languages such as Japanese and Korean, with rich data on focus and discourse particles. This volume contributes to a major area of research in linguistics of the last decade, and provides novel, state-of-the-art views on some of the central topics in linguistic research, and will appeal to an audience of graduate and advanced undergraduate researchers in linguistics, philosophy of language and computational linguistics.

Agile Anywhere: Essays on Agile Projects and Beyond (SpringerBriefs in Computer Science)

by Orit Hazzan Yael Dubinsky

The message conveyed in this work is that agility can be implemented anywhere. Accordingly, ten guidelines are presented for the adoption of agility to enable us to cope with changes in our lives, in our teams, and in our organizations. Since the authors advocate agility, the content is presented in the form of concise standalone chapters, allowing the reader to focus on the specific topic they wish to adopt in order to become agile.

Constructive Side-Channel Analysis and Secure Design: 5th International Workshop, COSADE 2014, Paris, France, April 13-15, 2014. Revised Selected Papers (Lecture Notes in Computer Science #8622)

by Emmanuel Prouff

This book constitutes the thoroughly refereed post-conference proceedings of the 5th International Workshop, COSADE 2014, held in Paris, France, in April 2014. The 20 revised full papers presented together with two invited talks were carefully selected from 51 submissions and collect truly existing results in cryptographic engineering, from concepts to artifacts, from software to hardware, from attack to countermeasure.

Data Preprocessing in Data Mining (Intelligent Systems Reference Library #72)

by Francisco Herrera Salvador García Julián Luengo

Data Preprocessing for Data Mining addresses one of the most important issues within the well-known Knowledge Discovery from Data process. Data directly taken from the source will likely have inconsistencies, errors or most importantly, it is not ready to be considered for a data mining process. Furthermore, the increasing amount of data in recent science, industry and business applications, calls to the requirement of more complex tools to analyze it. Thanks to data preprocessing, it is possible to convert the impossible into possible, adapting the data to fulfill the input demands of each data mining algorithm. Data preprocessing includes the data reduction techniques, which aim at reducing the complexity of the data, detecting or removing irrelevant and noisy elements from the data. This book is intended to review the tasks that fill the gap between the data acquisition from the source and the data mining process. A comprehensive look from a practical point of view, including basic concepts and surveying the techniques proposed in the specialized literature, is given. Each chapter is a stand-alone guide to a particular data preprocessing topic, from basic concepts and detailed descriptions of classical algorithms, to an incursion of an exhaustive catalog of recent developments. The in-depth technical descriptions make this book suitable for technical professionals, researchers, senior undergraduate and graduate students in data science, computer science and engineering.

Computational Movement Analysis (SpringerBriefs in Computer Science)

by Patrick Laube

This SpringerBrief discusses the characteristics of spatiotemporal movement data, including uncertainty and scale. It investigates three core aspects of Computational Movement Analysis: Conceptual modeling of movement and movement spaces, spatiotemporal analysis methods aiming at a better understanding of movement processes (with a focus on data mining for movement patterns), and using decentralized spatial computing methods in movement analysis. The author presents Computational Movement Analysis as an interdisciplinary umbrella for analyzing movement processes with methods from a range of fields including GIScience, spatiotemporal databases and data mining. Key challenges in Computational Movement Analysis include bridging the semantic gap, privacy issues when movement data involves people, incorporating big and open data, and opportunities for decentralized movement analysis arising from the internet of things. The interdisciplinary concepts of Computational Movement Analysis make this an important book for professionals and students in computer science, geographic information science and its application areas, especially movement ecology and transportation research.

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