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Cybersecurity Investments: Decision Support Under Economic Aspects (Progress in IS)

by Stefan Beissel

This book offersreaders essential orientation on cybersecurity safeguards, and first andforemost helps them find the right balance between financial expenditures andrisk mitigation. This is achieved by pursuing a multi-disciplinary approach thatcombines well-founded methods from economics and the computer sciences. Established decision making techniques are embedded into a walk-through for thecomplete lifecycle of cybersecurity investments. Insights into the economic aspectof the costs and benefits of cybersecurity are supplemented by established andinnovative economic indicators. Readers will find practical tools and techniquesto support reasonable decision making in cybersecurity investments. Further,they will be equipped to encourage a common understanding using economicaspects, and to provide cost transparency for the senior management.

Cybersecurity Lexicon

by Luis Ayala

This book offers easy-to-understand definitions of cybersecurity technical terminology and hacker jargon related to automated control systems common to buildings, utilities, and industry, and explains the threats and vulnerabilities of critical infrastructure. Although written primarily for building designers and maintenance personnel, much of the terminology applies to cyber-physical attacks in general. Buildings today are automated because the systems are complicated so we depend on the building controls system (BCS) to operate the equipment. We also depend on a computerized maintenance management system (CMMS) to keep a record of what was repaired and to schedule required maintenance. SCADA, BCS, and CMMS can all be hacked. The Cybersecurity Lexicon puts cyber jargon related to building controls all in one place. The book is a handy desk reference for professionals interested in preventing cyber-physical attacks against their facilities in the real world. Discussion of cybers-physical attacks on automated control systems is clouded by a lack of standard definitions and a general misunderstanding about how bad actors can actually employ cyber technology as a weapon in the real world. The book provides: Concepts related to cyber-physical attacks and building hacks are listed alphabetically with text easily searchable by key phrase. Definitions of technical terms related to equipment controls common to industry, utilities, and buildings--much of the terminology also applies to cybersecurity in general. What you'll learn Readers will be able to quickly find cybersecurity-physical attack concepts and get a simple explanation of the meaning. Many of the most common types of cybersecurity-attacks are explained so readers can quickly assess the threat to their facilities in real time. The definition of as facilities, engineering, and cybersecurity acronyms. Who this book is for Architects, Engineers, Building Managers, Students, Researchers and Consultants interested in cybersecurity-attacks against facilities in the real world. Also for IT professionals getting involved in cybersecurity responsibilities.

The Cyborg Subject

by Garfield Benjamin

This book outlines a new conception of the cyborg in terms of consciousness as the parallax gap between physical and digital worlds. The contemporary subject constructs its own internal reality in the interplay of the Virtual and the Real. Reinterpreting the work of Slavoj Žižek and Gilles Deleuze in terms of the psychological and ontological construction of the digital, alongside the philosophy of quantum physics, this book offers a challenge to materialist perspectives in the fluid cyberspace that is ever permeating our lives. The inclusion of the subject in its own epistemological framework establishes a model for an engaged spectatorship of reality. Through the analysis of online media, digital art, avatars, computer games and science fiction, a new model of cyborg culture reveals the opportunities for critical and creative interventions in the contemporary subjective experience, promoting an awareness of the parallax position we all occupy between physical and digital worlds.

D Web Development

by Kai Nacke

Leverage the power of D and the vibe.d framework to develop web applications that are incredibly fast About This Book * Utilize the elegant vibe.d framework to build web applications easily and REST backends with the D programming language * Learn about all components of vibe.d to enhance your web development with D * A hands-on guide to the vibe.d framework; from static web pages to template-based, interactive and localized web applications with database access and REST backends Who This Book Is For Whether you are new to the world of D, or already have developed applications in D, or if you want to leverage the power of D for web development, then this book is ideal for you. Basic knowledge of core web technologies like HTML 5 is helpful but not required. This book explains the difficult details to speed your web development. What You Will Learn * Create amazingly fast web applications with D * Use Diet templates to easily create a web user interface * Utilize the web framework for interactive applications with input validation and internationalization * Access a database to provide persistent storage for your application * Extend your application with a REST interface and access other applications via REST * Understand vibe.d's fiber-based approach to asynchronous I/O and use it for integration of existing components * Create GUI applications with vibe.d In Detail D is a programming language with C-like syntax and static typing. The vibe.d framework builds on powerful D concepts like template meta-programming and compile-time function execution to provide an easy-to-use environment for web applications. The combination of a feature-rich web programming framework with a language compiling to native code solves two common issues in web development today: it accelerates your development and it results in fast, native web applications. Learning the vibe.d framework before you start your application will help you to choose the right features to reach your goal. This book guides you through all aspects of web development with D and the vibe.d framework. Covering the popular operating systems today, this guide starts with the setup of your development system. From the first Hello World-style application you will move on to building static web pages with templates. The concise treatment of web forms will give you all the details about form handling and web security. Using the abstractions of the web framework you will learn how to easily validate user input. Next, you will add database access to your application, providing persistent storage for your data. Building on this foundation, you will expose your component and integrate other components via REST. Learning about the internals of vibe.d you will be able to use low-level techniques such as raw TCP access. The vibe.d concepts can also be used for GUI clients, which is the next topic that you will learn. vibe.d is supported by an active community, which adds new functionality. This comprehensive guide concludes with an overview of the most useful vibe.d extensions and where to find them. It also shows you how to integrate these extensions in your application. The concepts are always illustrated with source code, giving you an insight into how to apply them in your application. Style and approach A tutorial-style guide to develop web applications with D and the vibe.d framework. Each topic is explained in detail and illustrated with source code, providing you with hands-on assistance for your application.

Dance Notations and Robot Motion (Springer Tracts in Advanced Robotics #111)

by Jean-Paul Laumond Naoko Abe

How and why to write a movement? Who is the writer? Who is the reader? They may be choreographers working with dancers. They may be roboticists programming robots. They may be artists designing cartoons in computer animation. In all such fields the purpose is to express an intention about a dance, a specific motion or an action to perform, in terms of intelligible sequences of elementary movements, as a music score that would be devoted to motion representation. Unfortunately there is no universal language to write a motion. Motion languages live together in a Babel tower populated by biomechanists, dance notators, neuroscientists, computer scientists, choreographers, roboticists. Each community handles its own concepts and speaks its own language. The book accounts for this diversity. Its origin is a unique workshop held at LAAS-CNRS in Toulouse in 2014. Worldwide representatives of various communities met there. Their challenge was to reach a mutual understanding allowing a choreographer to access robotics concepts, or a computer scientist to understand the subtleties of dance notation. The liveliness of this multidisciplinary meeting is reflected by the book thank to the willingness of authors to share their own experiences with others.

Dark Territory: The Secret History of Cyber War

by Fred Kaplan

&“An important, disturbing, and gripping history&” (Kirkus Reviews, starred review), the never-before-told story of the computer scientists and the NSA, Pentagon, and White House policymakers who invent and employ cyber wars—where every country can be a major power player and every hacker a mass destroyer.In June 1983, President Reagan watched the movie War Games, in which a teenager unwittingly hacks the Pentagon, and asked his top general if the scenario was plausible. The general said it was. This set in motion the first presidential directive on computer security.From the 1991 Gulf War to conflicts in Haiti, Serbia, Syria, the former Soviet republics, Iraq, and Iran, where cyber warfare played a significant role, Dark Territory chronicles a little-known past that shines an unsettling light on our future. Fred Kaplan probes the inner corridors of the National Security Agency, the beyond-top-secret cyber units in the Pentagon, the “information warfare” squads of the military services, and the national security debates in the White House to reveal the details of the officers, policymakers, scientists, and spies who devised this new form of warfare and who have been planning—and (more often than people know) fighting—these wars for decades.“An eye-opening history of our government’s efforts to effectively manage our national security in the face of the largely open global communications network established by the World Wide Web….Dark Territory is a page-turner [and] consistently surprising” (The New York Times).

Dart: Scalable Application Development

by Davy Mitchell Ivo Balbaert Sergey Akopkokhyants

Master the art of designing web client and server with Google's bold and productive language – Dart About This Book • Create robust applications with unit tests, documentation, and diagnostic logging • Master the core Dart language, type system, and key development tools • Connect to existing web services, process JSON, and create your own framework for the data display • Use mixins, reflections, annotations, and other metadata programming techniques to create powerful app Who This Book Is For If you are familiar with web development and are looking to learn, or even just evaluate, Dart as a multipurpose language, this learning path is for you. No familiarity with the Dart language is assumed. For beginners, it will serve as a guide to rapidly accelerate from a novice level to the master level; for intermediate to advanced developers it will quickly fill in the gaps on Dart and can explore a range of application types and powerful packages that are demonstrated in a practical manner. What You Will Learn • Handle form data and encryption • Set up your Dart environment to achieve the highest productivity • Run and debug the Dart server and web applications and compile them in JavaScript • Work with PostgreSQL—an industry standard relational database system • Create robust applications with unit tests, documentation, and diagnostic logging • Develop command-line applications, and explore the key data structures and libraries • Detect and use HTML5 features that will help you deliver rich, cross-platform content • Demonstrate the power of Polymer web components for binding data and structuring your web pages In Detail Designed to create next generation apps, Google's Dart offers a much more robust framework and also supersedes JavaScript in several aspects. Familiar yet innovative, compact yet scalable, it blows away the accumulated JavaScript legacy limitations. Dart was designed for great tool-ability and developer productivity, allowing you to create better application faster than before. Google chose it for their billion dollar advertising business and you have its power for your projects too. The first module will introduce you the Dart language starting from its conception to its current form, and where it headed is through engaging substantial practical projects. You will be taken through building typical applications and exploring the exciting new technologies of HTML5. The second module will show you how to add internalization support to your web applications and how i18n and i10n access can be embedded into your code to design applications that can be localized easily. You will be shown how to organize client-to-server communication and how different HTML5 features can be used in Dart. Finally, this module will show you how you can store data locally, break the storage limit, and prevent security issues in your web application. The third module is a pragmatic guide that will increase your expertise in writing all kinds of applications, including web apps, scripts, and server-side apps. It provides rich insights on how to extend your Dart programming skills. Altogether, this course provides you the power to create powerful applications with Dart, without worrying about your knowledge leading to you having to make compromises to the end product! This Learning Path has been curated from three Packt products: • Dart By Example By Davy Mitchell • Mastering Dart By Sergey Akopkokhyants • Dart Cookbook By Ivo Balbaert Style and approach This is an enticing learning path that starts from the very basics to gradually pick up pace as the story unfolds. Each topic is explained with the help of recipes that solves a real-world problem involving hands-on work thus giving you a deep insight into the world of DART.

Das Apple-Imperium 2.0: Die neuen Herausforderungen des wertvollsten Konzerns der Welt

by Nils Jacobsen

Das Apple-Imperium 2. 0 Apple ist größer, wertvoller und mächtiger als je zuvor. Doch im Zenit der Macht liegt bekanntlich der Keim des Niedergangs. Wie andere Imperien in der Geschichte ist auch Apples scheinbar unangefochtene Regentschaft vom Verfall bedroht. Die Apple Watch, die erste neue Produktkategorie seit fünf Jahren, tut sich schwerer als erwartet. Und wie lange kann das iPhone eigentlich noch sein bemerkenswertes Wachstum fortsetzen? Das ,,Apple-Imperium 2. 0" beleuchtet Apple als Wirtschaftsunternehmen - und das vor allem in der Ära des neuen Regenten Tim Cook. Besichtigen Sie den wertvollsten Konzern der Welt, der sein Königreich mit aller Macht verteidigen will und sich dafür doch ein weiteres Mal neu erfinden muss. Der erfahrene Wirtschaftsjournalist und Apple-Experte Nils Jacobsen erzählt die packende Geschichte des beeindruckendsten Unternehmens unserer Zeit: Das Geheimnis des unglaublichen Apple-Erfolgs - und welchen Herausforderungen sich der Techpionier in Zukunft stellen muss. Der Autor Nils Jacobsen, Jahrgang 1974, ist ausgewiesener Apple-Experte und Wirtschaftsjournalist mit knapp 20-jähriger redaktioneller Erfahrung. Der gebürtige Hanseat verfolgt seit Mitte der 90er Jahre in unzähligen Artikeln Apples erstaunlichen Aufstieg zum wertvollsten Konzern aller Zeiten und die darauffolgenden Turbulenzen der Tim Cook-Ära. Jacobsen berichtet über Apple täglich beim Medienportal MEEDIA, in einer wöchentlichen Kolumne bei Yahoo Finance und zuvor in zahlreichen Artikeln für manager magazin online, SPIEGEL Online, WELT Online, das Hamburger Abendblatt, Mac Life und anderen bekannten Medien und Apple-Magazinen. www. facebook. com/DasAppleImperium

Das einfache und emotionale Kauferlebnis: Mit Usability, User Experience und Customer Experience anspruchsvolle Kunden gewinnen

by Johannes Robier

Bei der Entscheidung eines Kunden für den Kauf eines Produktes oder Dienstleistung sind viele Faktoren wichtig, die bewusst oder unbewusst wahrgenommen werden. Ausschlaggebend für Kaufentscheidung ist letztlich jedoch ein Gefühl des Vertrauens, das der Kunde entwickelt hat. Dieser "Reason to believe" ist der entscheidende Faktor, warum Produkte gekauft, weshalb Dienstleistungen in Anspruch genommen und wieso Kunden zu loyalen Stammkunden werden. Dieses Buch zeigt Ihnen von den psychologischen Grundlagen der Informationsvermittlung bis hin zu methodischen Anwendungen, wie Sie den ,,Reason to Believe" Ihrer Produkte und Dienstleitungen strukturiert erarbeiten, kommunizieren und in den Vordergrund stellen können.

Data Acquisition Using LabVIEW

by Behzad Ehsani

Transform physical phenomena into computer-acceptable data using a truly object-oriented language About This Book • Create your own data acquisition system independently using LabVIEW and build interactive dashboards • Collect data using National Instrument's and third-party, open source, affordable hardware • Step-by-step real-world examples using various tools that illustrate the fundamentals of data acquisition Who This Book Is For If you are an engineer, scientist, experienced hobbyist, or student, you will highly benefit from the content and examples illustrated in this book. A working knowledge of precision testing, measurement instruments, and electronics, as well as a background in computer fundamentals and programming is expected. What You Will Learn • Create a virtual instrument which highlights common functionality of LabVIEW • Get familiarized with common buses such as Serial, GPIB, and SCPI commands • Staircase signal acquisition using NI-DAQmx • Discover how to measure light intensity and distance • Master LabVIEW debugging techniques • Build a data acquisition application complete with an installer and required drivers • Utilize open source microcontroller Arduino and a 32-bit Arduino compatible Uno32 using LabVIEW programming environment In Detail NI LabVIEW's intuitive graphical interface eliminates the steep learning curve associated with text-based languages such as C or C++. LabVIEW is a proven and powerful integrated development environment to interact with measurement and control hardware, analyze data, publish results, and distribute systems. This hands-on tutorial guide helps you harness the power of LabVIEW for data acquisition. This book begins with a quick introduction to LabVIEW, running through the fundamentals of communication and data collection. Then get to grips with the auto-code generation feature of LabVIEW using its GUI interface. You will learn how to use NI-DAQmax Data acquisition VIs, showing how LabVIEW can be used to appropriate a true physical phenomenon (such as temperature, light, and so on) and convert it to an appropriate data type that can be manipulated and analyzed with a computer. You will also learn how to create Distribution Kit for LabVIEW, acquainting yourself with various debugging techniques offered by LabVIEW to help you in situations where bugs are not letting you run your programs as intended. By the end of the book, you will have a clear idea how to build your own data acquisition system independently and much more. Style and approach A hands-on practical guide that starts by laying down the software and hardware foundations necessary for subsequent data acquisition-intensive chapters. The book is packed full of specific examples with software screenshots and schematic diagrams to guide you through the creation of each virtual instrument.

Data Analytics with Hadoop: An Introduction for Data Scientists

by Benjamin Bengfort Jenny Kim

Ready to use statistical and machine-learning techniques across large data sets? This practical guide shows you why the Hadoop ecosystem is perfect for the job. Instead of deployment, operations, or software development usually associated with distributed computing, you'll focus on particular analyses you can build, the data warehousing techniques that Hadoop provides, and higher order data workflows this framework can produce.Data scientists and analysts will learn how to perform a wide range of techniques, from writing MapReduce and Spark applications with Python to using advanced modeling and data management with Spark MLlib, Hive, and HBase. You'll also learn about the analytical processes and data systems available to build and empower data products that can handle--and actually require--huge amounts of data.Understand core concepts behind Hadoop and cluster computingUse design patterns and parallel analytical algorithms to create distributed data analysis jobsLearn about data management, mining, and warehousing in a distributed context using Apache Hive and HBaseUse Sqoop and Apache Flume to ingest data from relational databasesProgram complex Hadoop and Spark applications with Apache Pig and Spark DataFramesPerform machine learning techniques such as classification, clustering, and collaborative filtering with Spark's MLlib

Data and Applications Security and Privacy XXX: 30th Annual IFIP WG 11.3 Conference, DBSec 2016, Trento, Italy, July 18-20, 2016. Proceedings (Lecture Notes in Computer Science #9766)

by Vipin Swarup Silvio Ranise

This book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the 30th Annual IFIP WG 11. 3 International Working Conference on Data and Applications Security and Privacy, DBSec 2016, held in trento, Itlay, in July 2016. The 17 full papers and 7 short papers presented were carefully reviewed and selected from 54 submissions. Their topics cover a wide range of data and application security and privacy problems including those of mobile devices, collaborative systems, databases, big data, virtual systems, cloud computing, and social networks. The program also included twoinvited talks.

Data and Information Quality: Dimensions, Principles and Techniques (Data-Centric Systems and Applications #0)

by Carlo Batini Monica Scannapieco

This book provides a systematic and comparative description of the vast number of research issues related to the quality of data and information. It does so by delivering a sound, integrated and comprehensive overview of the state of the art and future development of data and information quality in databases and information systems. To this end, it presents an extensive description of the techniques that constitute the core of data and information quality research, including record linkage (also called object identification), data integration, error localization and correction, and examines the related techniques in a comprehensive and original methodological framework. Quality dimension definitions and adopted models are also analyzed in detail, and differences between the proposed solutions are highlighted and discussed. Furthermore, while systematically describing data and information quality as an autonomous research area, paradigms and influences deriving from other areas, such as probability theory, statistical data analysis, data mining, knowledge representation, and machine learning are also included. Last not least, the book also highlights very practical solutions, such as methodologies, benchmarks for the most effective techniques, case studies, and examples. The book has been written primarily for researchers in the fields of databases and information management or in natural sciences who are interested in investigating properties of data and information that have an impact on the quality of experiments, processes and on real life. The material presented is also sufficiently self-contained for masters or PhD-level courses, and it covers all the fundamentals and topics without the need for other textbooks. Data and information system administrators and practitioners, who deal with systems exposed to data-quality issues and as a result need a systematization of the field and practical methods in the area, will also benefit from the combination of concrete practical approaches with sound theoretical formalisms.

Data Management Essentials Using SAS and JMP

by Kezik, Julie , MS and Hill, Melissa , MPH Julie Kezik Melissa Mph Hill

SAS programming is a creative and iterative process designed to empower you to make the most of your organization's data. This friendly guide provides you with a repertoire of essential SAS tools for data management, whether you are a new or an infrequent user. Most useful to students and programmers with little or no SAS experience, it takes a no-frills, hands-on tutorial approach to getting started with the software. You will find immediate guidance in navigating, exploring, visualizing, cleaning, formatting, and reporting on data using SAS and JMP. Step-by-step demonstrations, screenshots, handy tips, and practical exercises with solutions equip you to explore, interpret, process and summarize data independently, efficiently and effectively.

Data Management Technologies and Applications: Third International Conference, DATA 2014, Vienna, Austria, August 29-31, 2014, Revised Selected papers (Communications in Computer and Information Science #178)

by Andreas Holzinger Markus Helfert Orlando Belo Chiara Francalanci

This book constitutes the thoroughly refereed proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on Data Technologies and Applications, DATA 2015, held in Colmar, France, in July 2015. The 9 revised full papers were carefully reviewed and selected from 70 submissions. The papers deal with the following topics: databases, data warehousing, data mining, data management, data security, knowledge and information systems and technologies; advanced application of data.

Data Mining and Constraint Programming: Foundations of a Cross-Disciplinary Approach (Lecture Notes in Computer Science #10101)

by Christian Bessiere, Luc De Raedt, Lars Kotthoff, Siegfried Nijssen, Barry O'Sullivan and Dino Pedreschi

A successful integration of constraint programming and data mining has the potential to lead to a new ICT paradigm with far reaching implications. It could change the face of data mining and machine learning, as well as constraint programming technology. It would not only allow one to use data mining techniques in constraint programming to identify and update constraints and optimization criteria, but also to employ constraints and criteria in data mining and machine learning in order to discover models compatible with prior knowledge. This book reports on some key results obtained on this integrated and cross- disciplinary approach within the European FP7 FET Open project no. 284715 on “Inductive Constraint Programming” and a number of associated workshops and Dagstuhl seminars. The book is structured in five parts: background; learning to model; learning to solve; constraint programming for data mining; and showcases.

Data Mining and Learning Analytics: Applications in Educational Research

by Donald Ipperciel Samira Elatia Osmar R. Zaïane

Addresses the impacts of data mining on education and reviews applications in educational research teaching, and learning This book discusses the insights, challenges, issues, expectations, and practical implementation of data mining (DM) within educational mandates. Initial series of chapters offer a general overview of DM, Learning Analytics (LA), and data collection models in the context of educational research, while also defining and discussing data mining's four guiding principles-- prediction, clustering, rule association, and outlier detection. The next series of chapters showcase the pedagogical applications of Educational Data Mining (EDM) and feature case studies drawn from Business, Humanities, Health Sciences, Linguistics, and Physical Sciences education that serve to highlight the successes and some of the limitations of data mining research applications in educational settings. The remaining chapters focus exclusively on EDM's emerging role in helping to advance educational research--from identifying at-risk students and closing socioeconomic gaps in achievement to aiding in teacher evaluation and facilitating peer conferencing. This book features contributions from international experts in a variety of fields. Includes case studies where data mining techniques have been effectively applied to advance teaching and learning Addresses applications of data mining in educational research, including: social networking and education; policy and legislation in the classroom; and identification of at-risk students Explores Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) to study the effectiveness of online networks in promoting learning and understanding the communication patterns among users and students Features supplementary resources including a primer on foundational aspects of educational mining and learning analytics Data Mining and Learning Analytics: Applications in Educational Research is written for both scientists in EDM and educators interested in using and integrating DM and LA to improve education and advance educational research. Samira ElAtia is Associate Professor of Education at The University of Alberta, Canada. She has published numerous articles and book chapters on topics relating to the use of technology to support pedagogical research and education in higher education. Her current research focuses on using e-learning environment and big data for fair and valid longitudinal assessment of, and for, learning within higher education. Donald Ipperciel is Principal and Professor at Glendon College, York University, Toronto, Canada and was the Canadian Research Chair in Political Philosophy and Canadian Studies between 2002 and 2012. He has authored several books and has contributed chapters and articles in more than 60 publications. Ipperciel has dedicated many years of research on the questions of e-learning and using technology in education. He is co-editor of the Canadian Journal of Learning and Technology since 2010. Osmar R. Zaïane is Professor of Computing Science at the University of Alberta, Canada and Scientific Director of the Alberta Innovates Centre of Machine Learning. A renowned researcher and computer scientist, Dr. Zaiane is former Secretary Treasurer of the Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) Special Interest Group on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining. He obtained the IEEE ICDM Outstanding Service Aware in 2009 as well as the ACM SIGKDD Service Award the following year.

Data Mining and Machine Learning in Building Energy Analysis

by Frédéric Magoules Hai-Xiang Zhao

Focusing on up-to-date artificial intelligence models to solve building energy problems, Artificial Intelligence for Building Energy Analysis reviews recently developed models for solving these issues, including detailed and simplified engineering methods, statistical methods, and artificial intelligence methods. The text also simulates energy consumption profiles for single and multiple buildings. Based on these datasets, Support Vector Machine (SVM) models are trained and tested to do the prediction. Suitable for novice, intermediate, and advanced readers, this is a vital resource for building designers, engineers, and students.

Data Mining with SPSS Modeler: Theory, Exercises and Solutions

by Tilo Wendler Sören Gröttrup

Introducingthe IBM SPSS Modeler, this book guides readers through data mining processesand presents relevant statistical methods. There is a special focus onstep-by-step tutorials and well-documented examples that help demystify complexmathematical algorithms and computer programs. The variety of exercises andsolutions as well as an accompanying website with data sets and SPSS Modeler streams are particularly valuable. Whileintended for students, the simplicity of the Modeler makes the book useful foranyone wishing to learn about basic and more advanced data mining, and put thisknowledge into practice.

Data Privacy Management and Security Assurance: 11th International Workshop, DPM 2016 and 5th International Workshop, QASA 2016, Heraklion, Crete, Greece, September 26-27, 2016, Proceedings (Lecture Notes in Computer Science #9963)

by Alessandro Aldini Fabio Martinelli Neeraj Suri Vicenç Torra Giovanni Livraga

This book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the 11th International Workshop on Data Privacy Management, DPM 2016 and the 5th International Workshop on Quantitative Aspects in Security Assurance, QASA 2016, held in Heraklion, Crete, Greece, in September 2016. 9 full papers and 4 short papers out of 24 submissions are included in the DPM 2016 Workshop. They are organized around areas related to the management of privacy-sensitive informations, such as translation of high-level business goals into system-level privacy policies; administration of sensitive identifiers; data integration and privacy engineering. The QASA workshop centeres around research topics with a particular emphasis on the techniques for service oriented architectures, including aspects of dependability, privacy, risk and trust. Three full papers and one short papers out of 8 submissions are included in QASA 2016.

Data Privacy Management, and Security Assurance: 10th International Workshop, DPM 2015, and 4th International Workshop, QASA 2015, Vienna, Austria, September 21-22, 2015. Revised Selected Papers (Lecture Notes in Computer Science #9481)

by Alessandro Aldini Fabio Martinelli Joaquin Garcia-Alfaro Guillermo Navarro-Arribas Neeraj Suri

This book constitutes the revised selected papers of the10th International Workshop on Data Privacy Management, DPM 2015, and the 4thInternational Workshop on Quantitative Aspects in Security Assurance, QASA2015, held in Vienna, Austria, in September 2015, co-located with the 20thEuropean Symposium on Research in Computer Security, ESORICS 2015. In the DPM 2015 workshop edition, 39 submissions werereceived. In the end, 8 full papers, accompanied by 6 short papers, 2 positionpapers and 1 keynote were presented in this volume. The QASA workshop series responds to the increasingdemand for techniques to deal with quantitative aspects of security assuranceat several levels of the development life-cycle of systems and services, fromrequirements elicitation to run-time operation and maintenance. QASA 2015received 11 submissions, of which 4 papers are presented in this volume aswell.

Data Protection on the Move: Current Developments in ICT and Privacy/Data Protection (Law, Governance and Technology Series #24)

by Serge Gutwirth Ronald Leenes Paul Hert

This volume brings together papers that offer methodologies, conceptual analyses, highlight issues, propose solutions, and discuss practices regarding privacy and data protection. It is one of the results of the eight annual International Conference on Computers, Privacy, and Data Protection, CPDP 2015, held in Brussels in January 2015. The book explores core concepts, rights and values in (upcoming) data protection regulation and their (in)adequacy in view of developments such as Big and Open Data, including the right to be forgotten, metadata, and anonymity. It discusses privacy promoting methods and tools such as a formal systems modeling methodology, privacy by design in various forms (robotics, anonymous payment), the opportunities and burdens of privacy self management, the differentiating role privacy can play in innovation. The book also discusses EU policies with respect to Big and Open Data and provides advice to policy makers regarding these topics. Also attention is being paid to regulation and its effects, for instance in case of the so-called 'EU-cookie law' and groundbreaking cases, such as Europe v. Facebook. This interdisciplinary book was written during what may turn out to be the final stages of the process of the fundamental revision of the current EU data protection law by the Data Protection Package proposed by the European Commission. It discusses open issues and daring and prospective approaches. It will serve as an insightful resource for readers with an interest in privacy and data protection.

Data Science: Third International Conference of Pioneering Computer Scientists, Engineers and Educators, ICPCSEE 2017, Changsha, China, September 22–24, 2017, Proceedings, Part II (Communications in Computer and Information Science #728)

by Qilong Han Weipeng Jing Guanglu Sun Zeguang Lu Beiji Zou Xiaoning Peng

This bookconstitutes the refereed proceedings of the First National Conference on BigData Technology and Applications, BDTA 2015, held in Harbin, China, in December2015. The 26revised papers presented were carefully reviewed and selected from numeroussubmissions. The papers address issues such as the storage technology of Big Data;analysis of Big Data and data mining; visualization of Big Data; the parallelcomputing framework under Big Data; the architecture and basic theory of BigData; collection and preprocessing of Big Data; innovative applications in someareas, such as internet of things and cloud computing.

Data Science and Big Data Computing: Frameworks and Methodologies

by Zaigham Mahmood

This illuminating text/reference surveys the state of the art in data science, and provides practical guidance on big data analytics. Expert perspectives are provided by authoritative researchers and practitioners from around the world, discussing research developments and emerging trends, presenting case studies on helpful frameworks and innovative methodologies, and suggesting best practices for efficient and effective data analytics. Features: reviews a framework for fast data applications, a technique for complex event processing, and agglomerative approaches for the partitioning of networks; introduces a unified approach to data modeling and management, and a distributed computing perspective on interfacing physical and cyber worlds; presents techniques for machine learning for big data, and identifying duplicate records in data repositories; examines enabling technologies and tools for data mining; proposes frameworks for data extraction, and adaptive decision making and social media analysis.

Data Science Essentials in Python: Collect - Organize - Explore - Predict - Value

by Dmitry Zinoviev

Go from messy, unstructured artifacts stored in SQL and NoSQL databases to a neat, well-organized dataset with this quick reference for the busy data scientist. Understand text mining, machine learning, and network analysis; process numeric data with the NumPy and Pandas modules; describe and analyze data using statistical and network-theoretical methods; and see actual examples of data analysis at work. This one-stop solution covers the essential data science you need in Python.Data science is one of the fastest-growing disciplines in terms of academic research, student enrollment, and employment. Python, with its flexibility and scalability, is quickly overtaking the R language for data-scientific projects. Keep Python data-science concepts at your fingertips with this modular, quick reference to the tools used to acquire, clean, analyze, and store data.This one-stop solution covers essential Python, databases, network analysis, natural language processing, elements of machine learning, and visualization. Access structured and unstructured text and numeric data from local files, databases, and the Internet. Arrange, rearrange, and clean the data. Work with relational and non-relational databases, data visualization, and simple predictive analysis (regressions, clustering, and decision trees). See how typical data analysis problems are handled. And try your hand at your own solutions to a variety of medium-scale projects that are fun to work on and look good on your resume.Keep this handy quick guide at your side whether you're a student, an entry-level data science professional converting from R to Python, or a seasoned Python developer who doesn't want to memorize every function and option.What You Need:You need a decent distribution of Python 3.3 or above that includes at least NLTK, Pandas, NumPy, Matplotlib, Networkx, SciKit-Learn, and BeautifulSoup. A great distribution that meets the requirements is Anaconda, available for free from If you plan to set up your own database servers, you also need MySQL ( and MongoDB ( Both packages are free and run on Windows, Linux, and Mac OS.

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