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A Review of the FBI's Trilogy Information Technology Modernization Program

by Committee on the FBI's Trilogy Information Technology Modernization Program

The Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) is in the process of developing a modern information technology (IT) system—the Trilogy program— that is designed to provide a high-speed network, modern workstations and software, and an application—the Virtual Case File (VCF)—to enhance the ability of agents to organize, access, and analyze information. Implementation of this system has encountered substantial difficulties, however, and has been the subject of much investigation and congressional concern. To help address these problems, the FBI asked the National Research Council (NRC) to undertake a quick review of the program and the progress that has been made to date. This report presents that review. The current status of four major aspects of the program—the enterprise architecture, system design, program management, and human resources—are discussed, and recommendations are presented to address the problems.

RFID Security

by Anita Campbell Anand Das Brad Haines John Kleinschmidt Frank Thornton

RFID (Radio Frequency Identification) is a method of remotely storing and receiving data using devices called RFID tags. RFID tags can be small adhesive stickers containing antennas that allow them to receive and respond to transmissions from RFID transmitters. RFID tags are used to identify and track everything from Exxon EZ passes to dogs to beer kegs to library books. RFID tags use a standard that has already been hacked by several researchers. There are several motives for someone wanting to hack an RFID system: For monetary gain. Hacking a store's RFID system would allow a hacker to lower the pricing on any product(s). One could also steal cars (Prius or Lexus already have RFID keys) with RFID-encoded keys. Wreak havoc with someone's supply chain. Malicous/mischievous hackers can delete/alter/modify all identifying information for an entire shipment of products. Protect personal privacy. Privacy advocates fear that RFID tags embedded in products (which continue to transmit information after leaving a store) will be used to track consumer habits. RFID tags are also being tested as a means for identifying individuals on passports, driver's licenses, etc. This also has the ACLU types up in arms because, just like RFID tags in consumer products, these tags would be "always on" and broadcasting your personal information wherever you are.

Robotics with the Boe-Bot: Student Guide: Version 2.2

by Andy Lindsay

Andy Lindsay wrote versions 2.0, 2.1, and 2.2 of "Robotics with the Boe-Bot." The latest version of this book, version 2.2, is 345 pages. The book consists of eight chapters. Each chapter has a number of hands-on activities. These forty-one activities will involve you in building electronic circuits and programming the robot's BS2 module's PIC16C57c microcontroller in Parallax BASIC. You will learn how to control the robot's continuous rotation servos, navigate using tactile whiskers, detect variations in light levels with photoresistors, use infrared LED circuits for detecting objects and determining distances, and so forth. Each chapter ends with a summary, questions, exercises, and projects. There are also extensive appendixes and an index. All of the material in this book is presented in meticulous detail.

Rules of Play: Game Design Fundamentals

by Katie Salen Eric Zimmerman

As active participants in game culture, the authors have written Rules of Play as a catalyst for innovation, filled with new concepts, strategies, and methodologies for creating and understanding games.

Run Your Own Web Server Using Linux and Apache

by Tony Steidler-Dennison

This book is for Web Developers who want to learn how to use Linux and Apache for Website Hosting. The first chapters will teach you how to install Linux and Apache 2.0 on a home or office machine for testing purposes. Then you'll learn how to perform dozens of common tasks including: *Updating server software *Setting up new Websites, Email Accounts and Subdomains *Configuring various Linux and Apache files related to performance and security *Install spam filtering software *Perform automatic backups and crash recoveries And much more. This is the ideal book for anyone who wants to run Websites using a leased or co-located Linux server, without having to spends thousands of dollars annually on third party support and management.

Running Mac OS X Panther

by James N. Davidson

Apple® has shown no mercy to the Macintosh® power user---that dedicated individual who knows their Mac® inside and out: what makes it tick, and what makes it tick better. In the rapid evolution of Mac OS® X, there have been three major releases, and each new release challenges the power user to once more stay ahead of the learning curve. Mac OS X Panther is no exception to that rule. With more than 100 new features, including a new Finder, Expos , FileVault, and an improved BSD Unix core, there's plenty here to master. Fortunately, power users have a secret weapon in Running Mac OS X Panther . This book takes readers deep inside Mac OS X's core, revealing the inner workings of Panther for those who want to get the most out of their system. Running Mac OS X Panther is the ultimate Swiss Army Knife⠢ for power users who want to customize, tweak, and generally rev up their Mac. The easy-to-follow format is organized into three primary parts: Getting Started introduces you to Mac OS X--where it came from, how it's put together, and how it works Administration Essentials gives you the tools you need to examine how your system is running and adjust all the knobs behind its operation Networking and Network Services covers all the ways Mac OS X interfaces with the world around it, including wireless and spontaneous networking Developer Tools, including Xcode, for Mac OS X are discussed throughout the book where needed to accomplish the task at hand. The appendices that follow include handy quick reference materials for things such as Open Firmware. Written for readers who are inquisitive and confident enough to dig into their Macintosh system, Running Mac OS X Panther doesn't waste time talking about silly Finder tips or glossing over the messier details. This book dives right in and explains how your Mac works. You may not be a Mac guru when you start this book, but once you've read it, you'll be well on your way.

SAP NetWeaver For Dummies

by Dan Woods Jeffrey Word

Imagine that it’s the 1950s, and you are in charge of developing the U. S. interstate system. There are countless roads already in use. The system can go in numerous different directions. Where do you begin? Starting to transform your business with SAP NetWeaver is that daunting. NetWeaver is both an application platform and an integration platform. It integrates your current IT systems to enable portals, collaboration, data management, and development environments. To grasp the complexities and possibilities of SAP ASAP, dig in with SAP NetWeaver For Dummies and explore: MySAP Business Suite SAP Enterprise Planning Resource (ERP), Customer Relationship Management (CRM), Supply Chain Management (SCM), Human Capital Management (HCM), Product Lifecycle Management (PLM), Supplier Relationship Management (SRM), and more Mobile Infrastructure that performs like a universal translator for mobile interfaces, including laptops, wireless phones, and PDAs Master Data Management, including using the content consolidation technique to “clean up” data, master data harmonization to distribute it, and central master data management to maintain a data repository Web Application Service and NetWeaver Developer Studio—tools that let you integrate and create your own customized applications Written by Dan Woods, former CTO of The and CapitalThinking, and Jeffrey Word, the Director of Technology Strategy for SAP, this guide features real-life stories from businesses and examples of typical uses to help you cut through the complexities and get up and running. It includes a CD-ROM with: Detailed white papers and product overviews Stores from customers using SAP NetWeaver today Demos that show SAP NetWeaver in action A directory of resources for additional information Like that interstate system, SAP NetWeaver doesn’t have to be integrated all at once. You choose the applications that have the most potential to benefit your company’s operations and bottom line. SAP NetWeaver For Dummies even gives you recommendations for rolling it out and suggests practical ways to get started and get quick returns on your SAP investment. Then you’re going full-speed ahead on the road to success!

SAS For Dummies (For Dummies Computers Ser.)

by Stephen McDaniel Chris Hemedinger

Created in partnership with SAS, this book explores SAS, a business intelligence software that can be used in any business setting or enterprise for data delivery, reporting, data mining, forecasting, statistical analysis, and more SAS employee and technologist Stephen McDaniel combines real-world expertise and a friendly writing style to introduce readers to SAS basics Covers crucial topics such as getting various types of data into the software, producing reports, working with the data, basic SAS programming, macros, and working with SAS and databases

Search Engine Optimization

by Harold Davis

SEO--short for Search Engine Optimization--is the art, craft, and science of driving web traffic to websites. Web traffic is food, drink, and oxygen--in short, life itself--to any web-based business. Whether your website depends on broad, general traffic, or high-quality, targeted traffic, this PDF has the tools and information you need to draw more traffic to your site. You'll learn how to effectively use PageRank (and Google itself); how to get listed, get links, and get syndicated; and much more. The field of SEO is expanding into all the possible ways of promoting web traffic. This breadth requires a range of understanding. In this PDF you'll find topics that cover that range, so you can use SEO to your benefit. Those topics include: Understanding how to best organize your web pages and websites. Understanding technologic and business tools available that you can use to achieve your SEO goals. Understanding how Google works. (Since Google is far and away the most important search engine, effectively using SEO means effectively using Google. This PDF covers how to boost placement in Google search results, how not to offend Google, how best to use paid Google programs, and more.) Understanding best SEO practices (whether your organization is small and entrepreneurial, or whether you have responsibility for a large web presence). When you approach SEO, you must take some time to understand the characteristics of the traffic that you need to drive your business. Then go out and use the techniques explained in this PDF to grab some traffic--and bring life to your business.

Security Log Management

by Jacob Babbin

As a system administrator or security professionals, you probably find yourself inundated each day with a deluge of log files from seemingly countless devices, servers, and applications on your network ranging from Windows Server to Snort to your PIX firewall and everything in between. At times, the task of "seeing the forest through the trees" to extract useful, repeatable information from these logs may seem almost impossible. This unique book will show you how to use a combination of open source software such as Tcpdstats, and Snort perfmonitor to create succinct, meaningful reports that give you the big picture of your network's overall health and well being. So, if you need to analyze and prioritize everything from how much of your bandwidth is devoted to browsing, to the most targeted machines in your IDS logs, this is the book for you. This book teaches IT professionals how to analyze, manage, and automate their security log files to generate useful, repeatable information that can be use to make their networks more efficient and secure using primarily open source tools. The book begins by discussing the "Top 10" security logs that every IT professional should be regularly analyzing. These 10 logs cover everything from the top workstations sending/receiving data through a firewall to the top targets of IDS alerts. The book then goes on to discuss the relevancy of all of this information. Next, the book describes how to script open source reporting tools like Tcpdstats to automatically correlate log files from the various network devices to the "Top 10" list. By doing so, the IT professional is instantly made aware of any critical vulnerabilities or serious degradation of network performance. All of the scripts presented within the book will be available for download from the Syngress Solutions Web site.

Selling Graphic and Web Design

by Donald Sparkman

Expert guidance on selling graphic design, in print and online. Attract today's savvy design clients! A veteran designer who turned his small business into a multimillion-dollar new-media company shares his strategies for success in this new edition of the acclaimed Selling Graphic and Web Design. Donald Sparkman's approach blurs the lines between graphic design, web design, and marketing by building strategic partnerships and thinking outside the box. No-nonsense advice for writing proposals and offering the right design solutions, plus information on providing services that fit a client's needs and budget, have made this book indispensable. Now, in this revised and expanded version, leading Internet designers share strategies on effective marketing for the web, including pricing, billing, portfolios, ethics, brand design, web content management, brand law, and much more. Trusted advice and the latest strategies combine to make Selling Graphic and Web Design a great one-stop resource for designers in every field. New edition of a classic Up-to-the-minute advice on selling to internet clients Get the top clients and keep them

sendmail 8.13 Companion

by Bryan Costales George Jansen Claus Assmann Gregory Shapiro

If you had a list of the words used to describe sendmail, they'd probably include reliable, flexible, configurable, complex, monolithic, and daunting. But you're not likely to find the word easy. Even seasoned sendmail pros are sometimes frustrated by the intricacies of sendmail's configuration files. With a little determination and the help of a good reference book, like sendmail , Third Edition, you can master this demanding program. But when there's a significant point release, like sendmail V8.13, where do you turn? An excellent companion to our popular sendmail , Third Edition, the sendmail 8.13 Companion provides a timely way to document the improvements in V8.13 in parallel with its release. The book highlights the important changes in the latest update to sendmail, pointing out not just what is handy or nice to have, but what's critical in getting the best behavior from sendmail. This is especially important now that spam is on the rise, and because mobile technology requires roving laptops to use encrypted connections. Not surprisingly, many of the changes and additions to V8.13 have been driven by the ongoing fight against spam. Anyone concerned about spam--and who isn't?--will benefit greatly by upgrading to V8.13 sendmail. Among its many enhancements, V8.13 includes new routines that support the SPF sending site authentication standard (in the Milter library), simultaneous connection control, high connection rate control, and finer tuning of SASL parameters. The additions to the Milter library, alone, make upgrading worthwhile, but sendmail's connection control makes it a no-brainer. The key to understanding them is the sendmail 8.13 Companion . The book is divided into twenty-five chapters that parallel the chapters in the third edition of the sendmail book. For instance, if you're interested in Options configuration (Chapter 24 in sendmail), you'll turn to Chapter 24 in your companion volume to find out what's new in V8.13. For a simple dot release (8.12 to 8.13), V8.13 sendmail has added more features, options, and fundamental changes than any other single dot release has included. If you need to set up or manage sendmail, you'll want this companion volume close at hand. Even if you aren't ready to upgrade to V8.13, you'll find the key to understanding them is the sendmail 8.13 Companion a useful guide to understanding and staying current with the latest changes in sendmail.

Server Disk Management in a Windows Environment

by Drew Robb

Hard drives and disk management receive scant attention from the industry press, yet recent surveys have identified disk failure as the #1 source of server downtime. Combine this fact with the skyrocketing TCO of data storage management, and it is apparent that server disk management is a subject deserving of much more scrutiny.Server Disk

Silence on the Wire: A Field Guide to Passive Reconnaissance and Indirect Attacks

by Michal Zalewski

Author Michal Zalewski has long been known and respected in the hacking and security communities for his intelligence, curiosity and creativity, and this book is truly unlike anything else out there. In Silence on the Wire: A Field Guide to Passive Reconnaissance and Indirect Attacks, Zalewski shares his expertise and experience to explain how computers and networks work, how information is processed and delivered, and what security threats lurk in the shadows. No humdrum technical white paper or how-to manual for protecting one's network, this book is a fascinating narrative that explores a variety of unique, uncommon and often quite elegant security challenges that defy classification and eschew the traditional attacker-victim model.

Simulated Evolution and Learning

by Yuhui Shi Kay Chen Tan Mengjie Zhang Ke Tang Xiaodong Li Qingfu Zhang Ying Tan Martin Middendorf Yaochu Jin

Inspired by the Darwinian framework of evolution through natural selection and adaptation, the field of evolutionary computation has been growing very rapidly, and is today involved in many diverse application areas. This book covers the latest advances in the theories, algorithms, and applications of simulated evolution and learning techniques. It provides insights into different evolutionary computation techniques and their applications in domains such as scheduling, control and power, robotics, signal processing, and bioinformatics. The book will be of significant value to all postgraduates, research scientists and practitioners dealing with evolutionary computation or complex real-world problems. This book has been selected for coverage in: • Index to Scientific & Technical Proceedings (ISTP CDROM version / ISI Proceedings)• CC Proceedings — Engineering & Physical SciencesContents: "Evolutionary Theory: "Using Evolution to Learn User Preferences "(S Ujjin & P J Bentley)"Evolutionary Learning Strategies for Artificial Life Characters "(M L Netto et al. )"The Influence of Stochastic Quality Functions on Evolutionary Search "(B Sendhoff et al. )"A Real-Coded Cellular Genetic Algorithm Inspired by Predator–Prey Interactions "(X Li & S Sutherland)"Automatic Modularization with Speciated Neural Network Ensemble "(V R Khare & X Yao)""Evolutionary Applications: "Image Classification using Particle Swarm Optimization "(M G Omran et al. )"Evolution of Fuzzy Rule Based Controllers for Dynamic Environments "(J Riley & V Ciesielski)"A Genetic Algorithm for Joint Optimization of Spare Capacity and Delay in Self-Healing Network "(S Kwong & H W Chong)"Joint Attention in the Mimetic Context — What is a “Mimetic Same”? "(T Shiose et al. )"Time Series Forecast with Elman Neural Networks and Genetic Algorithms "(L X Xu et al. )"and other articlesReadership: Upper level undergraduates, graduate students, academics, researchers and industrialists in artificial intelligence, evolutionary computation, fuzzy logic and neural networks.

The Skeptical Business Searcher: The Information Advisor's Guide to Evaluating Web Data, Sites, and Sources

by Robert Berkman

Focusing on free sources, Berkman (editor of The Information Advisor newsletter) arms business searchers with techniques for finding reliable, accurate company and industry data on the Web. He covers strategies to use before turning to a Web search engine (libraries, pre-screened sources, indexes and directories, weblogs) but also has plenty to say about effective use of search engines themselves. He provides tips on evaluating information for reliability and bias, and discusses big-picture topics like building up personal knowledge and search intuition. Annotation ©2004 Book News, Inc., Portland, OR (

Smart Money: The Story of Bill Gates

by Aaron Boyd

Bill Gates and Microsoft, the company he founded in 1975, have become a driving force in the technological revolution and the world economy. Already the wealthiest man in the world, Gates is determined to control the direction of software and technological change well into the 21st century.

Software Architecture Design Patterns in Java

by Partha Kuchana

Software engineering and computer science students need a resource that explains how to apply design patterns at the enterprise level, allowing them to design and implement systems of high stability and quality. Software Architecture Design Patterns in Java is a detailed explanation of how to apply design patterns and develop software architectures. It provides in-depth examples in Java, and guides students by detailing when, why, and how to use specific patterns. This textbook presents 42 design patterns, including 23 GoF patterns. Categories include: Basic, Creational, Collectional, Structural, Behavioral, and Concurrency, with multiple examples for each. The discussion of each pattern includes an example implemented in Java. The source code for all examples is found on a companion Web site. The author explains the content so that it is easy to understand, and each pattern discussion includes Practice Questions to aid instructors. The textbook concludes with a case study that pulls several patterns together to demonstrate how patterns are not applied in isolation, but collaborate within domains to solve complicated problems.

Software Configuration Management

by Jessica Keyes

An effective systems development and design process is far easier to explain than it is to implement. A framework is needed that organizes the life cycle activities that form the process. This framework is Configuration Management (CM). Software Configuration Management discusses the framework from a standards viewpoint, using the original

Software Engineering for Image Processing Systems

by Philip A. Laplante

Software Engineering for Image Processing Systems creates a modern engineering framework for the specification, design, coding, testing, and maintenance of image processing software and systems. The text is designed to benefit not only software engineers, but also workers with backgrounds in mathematics, the physical sciences, and other engineering

Software Metrics: A Guide to Planning, Analysis, and Application

by C. Ravindranath Pandian

The modern field of software metrics emerged from the computer modeling and "statistical thinking" services of the 1980s. As the field evolved, metrics programs were integrated with project management, and metrics grew to be a major tool in the managerial decision-making process of software companies. This book simplifies software measurement and explains its value as a tool for decision-makers at software companies. Techniques presented in Software Metrics: A Guide to Planning, Analysis, and Application are derived from best practices. The ideas are field-proven, down-to-earth, and straightforward, making it an invaluable resource for those striving for process improvement. This overview helps readers enrich their knowledge of measurements, analysis, and best practices, and demonstrates how ordinary analysis techniques can be applied to achieve extraordinary results. Easy-to-understand tools and techniques show how metrics create models that are indispensable to decision-making in the software industry.

SpamAssassin: A practical guide to integration and configuration

by Alistair Mcdonald

Written specifically for busy network and system administrators, the book is a detailed and practical guide to implementing the right antispam solution for your network and your business requirements. You'll go from a detailed walk through of initial set up, to advanced configuration options like Bayesian filtering, listing, rewriting, and rules. The book shows how to optimize SpamAssassin for all major mail servers and clients. If you are a network or system administrator and you're either using or evaluating SpamAssassin, this book will increase your understanding and transform your productivity.


by Alan Schwartz

Sys admins can field scores of complaints and spend months testing software suites that turn out to be too aggressive, too passive, or too complicated to setup only to discover that SpamAssassin (SA), the leading open source spam-fighting tool, is free, flexible, powerful, highly-regarded, and remarkably effective. The drawback? Until now, it was SpamAssassin's lack of published documentation. This clear, concise new guide provides the expertise you need to take back your inbox. "Detailed, accurate and informative--recommended for spam-filtering beginners and experts alike." --Justin Mason, SpamAssassin development team

Spidering Hacks

by Tara Calishain Kevin Hemenway

Written for developers, researchers, technical assistants, librarians, and power users, Spidering Hacks provides expert tips on spidering and scraping methodologies. You'll begin with a crash course in spidering concepts, tools (Perl, LWP, out-of-the-box utilities), and ethics (how to know when you've gone too far: what's acceptable and unacceptable). Next, you'll collect media files and data from databases. Then you'll learn how to interpret and understand the data, repurpose it for use in other applications, and even build authorized interfaces to integrate the data into your own content.

Strategic Information Security

by John Wylder

The new emphasis on physical security resulting from the terrorist threat has forced many information security professionals to struggle to maintain their organization's focus on protecting information assets. In order to command attention, they need to emphasize the broader role of information security in the strategy of their companies. Until now

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