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Database Systems for Advanced Applications: 23rd International Conference, DASFAA 2018, Gold Coast, QLD, Australia, May 21-24, 2018, Proceedings, Part II (Lecture Notes in Computer Science #10828)

by Jian Pei Yannis Manolopoulos Shazia Sadiq Jianxin Li

This two-volume set LNCS 10827 and LNCS 10828 constitutes the refereed proceedings of the 23rd International Conference on Database Systems for Advanced Applications, DASFAA 2018, held in Gold Coast, QLD, Australia, in May 2018.The 83 full papers, 21 short papers, 6 industry papers, and 8 demo papers were carefully selected from a total of 360 submissions. The papers are organized around the following topics: network embedding; recommendation; graph and network processing; social network analytics; sequence and temporal data processing; trajectory and streaming data; RDF and knowledge graphs; text and data mining; medical data mining; security and privacy; search and information retrieval; query processing and optimizations; data quality and crowdsourcing; learning models; multimedia data processing; and distributed computing.

Database Systems for Advanced Applications: 23rd International Conference, DASFAA 2018, Gold Coast, QLD, Australia, May 21-24, 2018, Proceedings, Part I (Lecture Notes in Computer Science #10827)

by Jian Pei Yannis Manolopoulos Shazia Sadiq Jianxin Li

This two-volume set LNCS 10827 and LNCS 10828 constitutes the refereed proceedings of the 23rd International Conference on Database Systems for Advanced Applications, DASFAA 2018, held in Gold Coast, QLD, Australia, in May 2018.The 83 full papers, 21 short papers, 6 industry papers, and 8 demo papers were carefully selected from a total of 360 submissions. The papers are organized around the following topics: network embedding; recommendation; graph and network processing; social network analytics; sequence and temporal data processing; trajectory and streaming data; RDF and knowledge graphs; text and data mining; medical data mining; security and privacy; search and information retrieval; query processing and optimizations; data quality and crowdsourcing; learning models; multimedia data processing; and distributed computing.

Databases and Information Systems: 13th International Baltic Conference, DB&IS 2018, Trakai, Lithuania, July 1-4, 2018, Proceedings (Communications in Computer and Information Science #838)

by Audrone Lupeikiene Olegas Vasilecas Gintautas Dzemyda

This book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the 13th International Baltic Conference on Databases and Information Systems, DB&IS 2018, held in Trakai, Lithuania, in July 2018.The 24 revised papers presented were carefully reviewed and selected from 69 submissions. The papers are centered around topics like information systems engineering, enterprise information systems, business process management, knowledge representation, ontology engineering, systems security, information systems applications, database systems, machine learning, big data analysis, big data processing, cognitive computing.

Daten- und Informationsqualität: Auf dem Weg zur Information Excellence

by Knut Hildebrand Marcus Gebauer Holger Hinrichs Michael Mielke

Die Verbesserung und Sicherung der Informationsqualität (IQ) wird in immer mehr Unternehmen als eigenständige und wichtige Managementaufgabe begriffen. IQ-Management ist mittlerweile ein elementarer Baustein in Systemintegrationsprojekten. Aber auch für laufende Prozesse mit heterogenen Daten und Nutzern ist eine hohe Informationsqualität die Grundvoraussetzung für funktionierende betriebliche Abläufe. Das erste deutschsprachige Buch zum Thema behandelt Daten- und Informationsqualität umfassend: von Definitionen zur Datenqualität über Methoden und Regelwerke für ihr Management bis hin zur Verankerung in der Organisation – mit Fallbeispielen aus zahlreichen Unternehmen. Im einführenden Kapitel erläutern die Autoren zunächst die Grundlagen. Sie stellen wissenschaftliche Modelle der Informationstheorie vor und erläutern die Rolle von Daten im Wissens- und Informationsmanagement und als Produktionsfaktor. Ein weiteres grundlegendes Kapitel widmet sich den verschiedenen Dimensionen der Informationsqualität. Anhand von 15 Begriffen und erläuternden Beispielen werden die IQ-Dimensionen wie beispielsweise Zugänglichkeit (accessibility), Umfang (appropriate amount of data) oder Glaubwürdigkeit (believability) präzise beschrieben. Dieses Kapitel ist zugleich Ergebnis der Arbeit einer Projektgruppe in der DGIQ (Deutsche Gesellschaft für Informations- und Datenqualität). Im zweiten Teil des Buchs werden die Methoden, Tools und Techniken für das Management der Datenqualität erläutert. Dazu zählen unter anderem Datenqualitätsmetriken, Methoden wie Total Data Quality Management, die strukturierte Datenanalyse oder Maßnahmen wie Datenbereinigung. Der Band wurde für die vierte Auflage erweitert und an zahlreichen Stellen überarbeitet. Wissenschaftlich fundiert und von Praktikern geschrieben, präsentiert es den aktuellen Stand aus Forschung und Anwendung. Das Buch richtet sich an Unternehmensführungen, IT-Manager, beispielsweise in Banken und Versicherungen, und an alle Datenspezialisten. Ein Muss für alle IT-Profis.

Datenbanksysteme für Dummies (Für Dummies)

by Wolfgang Gerken

Datenbanken sind unverzichtbare Basis fast aller heutigen Informationssysteme. Dieses Buch vermittelt Ihnen das notwendige Grundlagenwissen dazu, vor allem zu relationalen Datenbanksystemen. Der Inhalt orientiert sich an den neuesten Empfehlungen der Gesellschaft für Informatik für das Studienfach Informatik. Im Mittelpunkt des praktischen Teils stehen die Datenbankmanagementsysteme Oracle Database XE und MySQL. Mit den zahlreich vorhandenen Übungsaufgaben können Sie Ihren Lernfortschritt überprüfen. Musterlösungen sind vorhanden.

Datenorganisation und Datenbanken: Praxisorientierte Übungen mit MS Access 2016

by Frank Herrmann

Hinter jedem elektronischen Informationssystem, hinter jeder Bestellung im Internet steht eine Datenbank. Wer solche Datenbanken entwerfen und aufbauen will, benötigt umfassende theoretische Kenntnisse über die logische und physische Datenorganisation Dieses Lehrbuch verknüpft Theorie und Praxis und führt in die Grundlagen der Datenorganisation und ihre Anwendung in Datenbanken mit Access ein. Der Autor behandelt ein breites Themenspektrum, mit dem Leser umfassende Kenntnisse zu verschiedenen Datenorganisationsmodellen, wie beispielsweise relationale oder Netzwerk-Datenmodelle, zu den unterschiedlichen Datenbankmanagementsystemen sowie zur Weiterentwicklung von bestehenden Datenbanken erwerben. Das Buch zeichnet sich durch eine klar strukturierte und anwendungsnahe Vermittlung der Lehrinhalte aus. Die verschiedenen Problemstellungen werden durch zahlreiche Lösungshinweise, Beispiele und Bilder veranschaulicht. Anhand der vielen begleitenden Übungen, die sich gleichermaßen für die Einzel- und Gruppenarbeit eigenen, können Leser ihre frisch erworbenen Kenntnisse zur Datenbankentwicklung direkt in die Praxis umsetzen.Mit dem Lehrbuch bildet der Autor den gesamten Stoff einer Hochschul-Veranstaltung in den Fächern Informatik oder Wirtschaftsinformatik mit einem Umfang von 20 Stunden Vorlesung und 20 Stunden Übungen ab. Studierende finden hier ein begleitendes Lernbuch zu Vorlesungen und Übungen, während Dozenten es zur Vorbereitung von Lehrveranstaltungen einsetzen können. Darüber hinaus eignet sich das Buch für den Informatik-Unterricht an Schulen und für Schulungen sowie für die individuelle Weiterbildung im Bereich Datenbankanwendung und Datenbankentwicklung mit Microsoft Access.

Datenschutz – Konzepte, Algorithmen und Anwendung: Werkzeuge Zum Datenschutz Im Alltag

by Markus Von Rimscha

Daten sind eine wichtige Ressource des 21. Jahrhunderts. Das stellt Softwareentwickler vor die Aufgabe, Anwendungen schon bei der Entwicklung sicherer zu machen. Aber auch Endanwender können viel tun, um ihre Daten vor unerwünschten Zugriffen zu schützen. Wie aber kann ich vertraulich kommunizieren? Was ist zu tun, wenn ein Dienst-Anbieter gehackt wurde? Wie kann ich Risiken minimieren? Dieses Buch zeigt, wie sich Nutzer in der vernetzten Welt bewegen können, ohne den Schutz der Privatsphäre aufzugeben oder Geschäftsgeheimnisse preiszugeben. Es vermittelt die wichtigsten technischen Konzepte, mit denen sich vertrauliche Daten schützen lassen. Leser erarbeiten sich mit dem Buch das nötige Know-how – Spezialkenntnisse werden dabei nicht vorausgesetzt.Im ersten Teil werden die wichtigsten Algorithmen vorgestellt, die Softwareentwickler zur Verschlüsselung von Daten einsetzen können. Grundlegende Konzepte wie die symmetrische Verschlüsselung mit Rijndael oder asymmetrische Verschlüsselung mit RSA und McEliece werden detailliert bis hin zum lauffähigen Beispiel beschrieben. Während der erste Teil des Buchs Kryptographie-Einsteiger fokussiert, stehen im zweiten Teil die Endanwender im Mittelpunkt. Leser erfahren, wie sie sich bei der Ersteinrichtung eines neuen Geräts, der Vergabe von Passwörtern, beim Online-Banking und anderen typischen Alltagssituationen vor dem unerwünschten Abschöpfen ihrer Daten schützen können. Der Autor ist Softwareentwickler und Dozent und hat dieses Buch für Nutzer geschrieben, die mehr Kontrolle über ihre Daten gewinnen möchten, sowie für Software-Entwickler, die die grundsätzliche Funktionsweise der wichtigsten Algorithmen kennenlernen möchten. Der Band kann auch für Lehrveranstaltungen zu den Grundlagen der Kryptographie und zum praktischen Datenschutz im Unternehmen eingesetzt werden.

Datenvisualisierung mit R: 111 Beispiele

by Thomas Rahlf

Dieses Buch f#65533;hrt in die Grundlagen der Gestaltung von Pr#65533;sentationsgrafiken mit der Open Source Software R ein, die hinsichtlich der Visualisierungsm#65533;glichkeiten praktisch keine W#65533;nsche offen l#65533;sst und sich zunehmend als Standard im Bereich der Statistiksoftware etabliert. Anhand von 111 vollst#65533;ndigen Skript-Beispielen lernen Sie, wie Sie Balken- und S#65533;ulendiagramme, Bev#65533;lkerungspyramiden, Lorenzkurven, Streudiagramme, Zeitreihendarstellungen, Radialpolygone, Gantt-Diagramme, Profildiagramme, Heatmaps, Bumpcharts, Mosaik- und Ballonplots sowie eine Reihe verschiedener thematischer Kartentypen mit dem Base Graphics System von R erstellen. F#65533;r jedes Beispiel werden reale Daten verwendet sowie die Abbildung und deren Programmierung Schritt f#65533;r Schritt erl#65533;utert. Das Buch ist damit ein wertvolles Nachschlagewerk f#65533;r eine F#65533;lle von Anwendungsf#65533;llen der Datenvisualisierung, zu deren traditionellen Anwendungsbereichen in Wissenschaft und Marketing vermehrt auch neue Gebiete wie Big- Data-Analysen oder Datenjournalismus hinzukommen. In der vorliegenden Auflage wurden Beispiele zu Cartogrammen, Chord-Diagrammen und Netzwerken sowie ein neues Kapitel zu interaktiven Visualisierungen mit Javascript aufgenommen. Der Autor Thomas Rahlf arbeitet als Direktor in der Gruppe Qualit#65533;ts- und Verfahrensmanagement bei der Deutschen Forschungsgemeinschaft und ist Lehrbeauftragter an der Universit#65533;t Bonn. Er hat #65533;ber Methodologien der Statistik und #65533;konometrie promoviert, ist Mitglied im Editorial Board der Zeitschrift Cliometrica und Herausgeber einer Historischen Statistik von Deutschland. Den Themen Open Source, Datendesign und -visualisierung gilt seit vielen Jahren sein Interesse.

Dawn of the Code War: America's Battle Against Russia, China, and the Rising Global Cyber Threat

by Garrett M. Graff John P. Carlin

The inside story of how America's enemies launched a cyber war against us-and how we've learned to fight back With each passing year, the internet-linked attacks on America's interests have grown in both frequency and severity. Overmatched by our military, countries like North Korea, China, Iran, and Russia have found us vulnerable in cyberspace. The "Code War" is upon us. In this dramatic book, former Assistant Attorney General John P. Carlin takes readers to the front lines of a global but little-understood fight as the Justice Department and the FBI chases down hackers, online terrorist recruiters, and spies. Today, as our entire economy goes digital, from banking to manufacturing to transportation, the potential targets for our enemies multiply. This firsthand account is both a remarkable untold story and a warning of dangers yet to come.

DBA Transformations: Building Your Career in the Transition to On-Demand Cloud Computing and Extreme Automation

by Michelle Malcher

Adapt your career as a database administrator to the changing industry. Learn where the growth and demand for DBA talent are occurring and how to enhance your skill set. Creating databases, providing access, and controlling data are no longer the focus. What matters now is managing and monitoring the systems that provide access to users of the data. This book will help you formulate a plan for development and change to remain valuable in the face of radical new developments around cloud computing, containerized databases, and automation of routine tasks. The playing field is shifting rapidly with the development of technologies and software enhancements that automate and even eliminate many traditional aspects of the DBA job. DBA Transformation helps you redirect your attention and skills as a DBA to areas such as design and development of the containers and cloud environments on which automation depends. You will be encouraged to build soft skills as well as to focus on technical pain points such as data security that are of even greater importance now that so much corporate data is in cloud-based systems that are accessible from the Internet at large. What You'll Learn Embrace and profit from rapid shifts in the database industry Recognize where growth and demand for talent are occurring Create a personal transformation plan to help you navigate the changes Pivot your career toward more interesting skills and responsibilities Who This Books Is For Working database professionals who are interested in keeping their careers relevant as well as building their careers and making them stronger in the face of dramatic changes that are being driven by trends toward cloud computing and containerization

Decision and Game Theory for Security: 9th International Conference, GameSec 2018, Seattle, WA, USA, October 29–31, 2018, Proceedings (Lecture Notes in Computer Science #11199)

by Linda Bushnell Radha Poovendran Tamer Başar

The 28 revised full papers presented together with 8 short papers were carefully reviewed and selected from 44 submissions.Among the topical areas covered were: use of game theory; control theory; and mechanism design for security and privacy; decision making for cybersecurity and security requirements engineering; security and privacy for the Internet-of-Things; cyber-physical systems; cloud computing; resilient control systems, and critical infrastructure; pricing; economic incentives; security investments, and cyber insurance for dependable and secure systems; risk assessment and security risk management; security and privacy of wireless and mobile communications, including user location privacy; sociotechnological and behavioral approaches to security; deceptive technologies in cybersecurity and privacy; empirical and experimental studies with game, control, or optimization theory-based analysis for security and privacy; and adversarial machine learning and crowdsourcing, and the role of artificial intelligence in system security.

Decision-Making in Crisis Situations: Research and Innovation for Optimal Training

by Sophie Sauvagnargues

This book presents concepts and methods for optimal training for decision making in crisis situations. After presenting some general concepts of decision-making during crisis situations, it presents various innovations for optimal training, such as serious games, scenario design, adapted animation of crisis exercises, observation and debriefing of exercises related to pedagogical objectives.

Decision Support Systems VIII: 4th International Conference, ICDSST 2018, Heraklion, Greece, May 22–25, 2018, Proceedings (Lecture Notes in Business Information Processing #313)

by Fatima Dargam Pavlos Delias Isabelle Linden Bertrand Mareschal

This book constitutes the proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Decision Support Systems, ICDSST 2018, held in Heraklion, Greece, in May 2018. The main topic of this year’s conference was “Sustainable Data-Driven and Evidence Based Decision Support”. The 15 papers presented in this volume were carefully reviewed and selected from 71 submissions. They were organized in topical sections named: decision support systems for a sustainable society; decision support systems serving the public; decision support systems in management and organization; and advances in decision support systems’ technologies and methods. The EWG-DSS series of International Conference on Decision Support System Technology (ICDSST), starting with ICDSST 2015 in Belgrade, were planned to consolidate the tradition of annual events organized by the EWG-DSS in offering a platform for European and international DSS communities, comprising the academic and industrial sectors, to present state-of-the-art DSS research and developments, to discuss current challenges that surround decision-making processes, to exchange ideas about realistic and innovative solutions, and to co-develop potential business opportunities.

Decision Support Using Nonparametric Statistics

by Warren Beatty

This concise volume covers nonparametric statistics topics that most are most likely to be seen and used from a practical decision support perspective. While many degree programs require a course in parametric statistics, these methods are often inadequate for real-world decision making in business environments. Much of the data collected today by business executives (for example, customer satisfaction opinions) requires nonparametric statistics for valid analysis, and this book provides the reader with a set of tools that can be used to validly analyze all data, regardless of type. Through numerous examples and exercises, this book explains why nonparametric statistics will lead to better decisions and how they are used to reach a decision, with a wide array of business applications. Online resources include exercise data, spreadsheets, and solutions.

Decoding Technology Acceptance in Education: A Cultural Studies Contribution (Routledge Research in Education)

by Caroline Stockman

The process of integrating technology into education often overlooks that technology is a sign; it is not a neutral message conveyor, but rather a material artefact placed into a context inevitably subject to culture. In an original and novel combination, Decoding Technology Acceptance in Education brings together two academic domains not previously pursued together, yet which diverge in many ways: cultural studies and technology acceptance studies. Drawing on empirical data, Stockman demonstrates that teachers activate a meaning-making process through encoding and decoding signs around technology as an artefact of culture, and as a result their acceptance behaviour and decisions rely on the dynamics of the cultural whole to which they belong. In this study, technology acceptance is revisited as an issue of cultural negotiation; the common approach, which provides an instrumental view on technology as a neutral tool, is insufficient for the topic of technology acceptance. Rather than proposing yet another model of technology acceptance, Decoding Technology Acceptance in Education offers a renewed frame of mind and the conclusions it provides are of vital importance to the theoretical and practical advancement of technology acceptance studies, as well as to the practical integration of technology into education. Providing original empirical evidence for the influence of culture on educational decision-making, the book raises awareness for the importance of cultural research in areas where it has been under-considered. This book will be of great interest to researchers, academics and postgraduate students engaged in the study of technology acceptance and technology use in education, as well as those interested in cultural studies.

Decolonial Pedagogy: Examining Sites of Resistance, Resurgence, and Renewal

by Njoki Nathani Wane Kimberly L. Todd

Through innovative and critical research, this anthology inquires and challenges issues of race and positionality, empirical sciences, colonial education models, and indigenous knowledges. Chapter authors from diverse backgrounds present empirical explorations that examine how decolonial work and Indigenous knowledges disrupt, problematize, challenge, and transform ongoing colonial oppression and colonial paradigm. This book utilizes provocative and critical research that takes up issues of race, the shortfalls of empirical sciences, colonial education models, and the need for a resurgence in Indigenous knowledges to usher in a new public sphere. This book is a testament of hope that places decolonization at the heart of our human community.

Deconstruction Machines: Writing In The Age Of Cyberwar (Electronic Mediations Ser. #54)

by Justin Joque Catherine Malabou

A bold new theory of cyberwar argues that militarized hacking is best understood as a form of deconstruction From shadowy attempts to steal state secrets to the explosive destruction of Iranian centrifuges, cyberwar has been a vital part of statecraft for nearly thirty years. But although computer-based warfare has been with us for decades, it has changed dramatically since its emergence in the 1990s, and the pace of change is accelerating.In Deconstruction Machines, Justin Joque inquires into the fundamental nature of cyberwar through a detailed investigation of what happens at the crisis points when cybersecurity systems break down and reveal their internal contradictions. He concludes that cyberwar is best envisioned as a series of networks whose constantly shifting connections shape its very possibilities. He ultimately envisions cyberwar as a form of writing, advancing the innovative thesis that cyber attacks should be seen as a militarized form of deconstruction in which computer programs are systems that operate within the broader world of texts. Throughout, Joque addresses hot-button subjects such as technological social control and cyber-resistance entities like Anonymous and Wikileaks while also providing a rich, detailed history of cyberwar. Deconstruction Machines provides a necessary new interpretation of deconstruction and timely analysis of media, war, and technology.

Decoupled Drupal in Practice: Architect and Implement Decoupled Drupal Architectures Across the Stack

by Preston So

Gain a clear understanding of the most important concepts in the decoupled CMS landscape. You will learn how to architect and implement decoupled Drupal architectures across the stack—from building the back end and designing APIs to integrating with front-end technologies. You'll also review presenting data through consumer applications in widely adopted technologies such as Angular, Ember, React, and Vue.js.Featuring a foreword by Drupal founder and project lead Dries Buytaert, the first part of this book chronicles the history of the CMS and the server–client divide, analyzes the risks and rewards of decoupled CMS architectures, and presents architectural patterns. From there, the book explores the core and contributed landscape for decoupled Drupal, authentication mechanisms, and the surrounding tooling ecosystem before delving into consumer implementations in a variety of technologies. Finally, a series of chapters on advanced topics feature the Drupal REST plugin system, schemas and generated documentation, and caching. Several projects point to a decoupled future for Drupal, including the Contenta CMS and work to modernize Drupal's JavaScript using React. Begin learning about these and other exciting developments with Decoupled Drupal today. What You’ll Learn Evaluate the risks and rewards of decoupled Drupal and classify its architecturesAuthenticate requests to Drupal using OAuth, JWT, and Basic AuthenticationConsume and manipulate Drupal content via API through HTTP requestsIntegrate with other consumer applications for native mobile and desktop as well as set-top boxes (Roku, Apple TV, Samsung TV)Add new resources to Drupal's REST API using the REST plugin systemGenerate API documentation that complies with the OpenAPI (Swagger) standardWho This Book Is For Those with some exposure to CMSes like WordPress and Drupal and those who wish to follow along with JavaScript application development will benefit. A familiarity with API-first or services-oriented architectures is helpful but not presumed.

Decrypting the Encryption Debate: A Framework For Decision Makers

by Engineering Medicine National Academies of Sciences

Encryption protects information stored on smartphones, laptops, and other devices - in some cases by default. Encrypted communications are provided by widely used computing devices and services - such as smartphones, laptops, and messaging applications - that are used by hundreds of millions of users. Individuals, organizations, and governments rely on encryption to counter threats from a wide range of actors, including unsophisticated and sophisticated criminals, foreign intelligence agencies, and repressive governments. Encryption on its own does not solve the challenge of providing effective security for data and systems, but it is an important tool. At the same time, encryption is relied on by criminals to avoid investigation and prosecution, including criminals who may unknowingly benefit from default settings as well as those who deliberately use encryption. Thus, encryption complicates law enforcement and intelligence investigations. When communications are encrypted "end-to-end," intercepted messages cannot be understood. When a smartphone is locked and encrypted, the contents cannot be read if the phone is seized by investigators. Decrypting the Encryption Debate reviews how encryption is used, including its applications to cybersecurity; its role in protecting privacy and civil liberties; the needs of law enforcement and the intelligence community for information; technical and policy options for accessing plaintext; and the international landscape. This book describes the context in which decisions about providing authorized government agencies access to the plaintext version of encrypted information would be made and identifies and characterizes possible mechanisms and alternative means of obtaining information.

Deep Belief Nets in C++ and CUDA C: Restricted Boltzmann Machines And Supervised Feedforward Networks (Deep Belief Nets In C++ And Cuda C Ser.)

by Timothy Masters

Discover the essential building blocks of the most common forms of deep belief networks. At each step this book provides intuitive motivation, a summary of the most important equations relevant to the topic, and concludes with highly commented code for threaded computation on modern CPUs as well as massive parallel processing on computers with CUDA-capable video display cards. The first of three in a series on C++ and CUDA C deep learning and belief nets, Deep Belief Nets in C++ and CUDA C: Volume 1 shows you how the structure of these elegant models is much closer to that of human brains than traditional neural networks; they have a thought process that is capable of learning abstract concepts built from simpler primitives. As such, you’ll see that a typical deep belief net can learn to recognize complex patterns by optimizing millions of parameters, yet this model can still be resistant to overfitting. All the routines and algorithms presented in the book are available in the code download, which also contains some libraries of related routines. What You Will LearnEmploy deep learning using C++ and CUDA CWork with supervised feedforward networks Implement restricted Boltzmann machines Use generative samplingsDiscover why these are importantWho This Book Is ForThose who have at least a basic knowledge of neural networks and some prior programming experience, although some C++ and CUDA C is recommended.

Deep Belief Nets in C++ and CUDA C: Convolutional Nets

by Timothy Masters

Discover the essential building blocks of a common and powerful form of deep belief network: convolutional nets. This book shows you how the structure of these elegant models is much closer to that of human brains than traditional neural networks; they have a ‘thought process’ that is capable of learning abstract concepts built from simpler primitives. These models are especially useful for image processing applications. At each step Deep Belief Nets in C++ and CUDA C: Volume 3 presents intuitive motivation, a summary of the most important equations relevant to the topic, and concludes with highly commented code for threaded computation on modern CPUs as well as massive parallel processing on computers with CUDA-capable video display cards. Source code for all routines presented in the book, and the executable CONVNET program which implements these algorithms, are available for free download.What You Will LearnDiscover convolutional nets and how to use themBuild deep feedforward nets using locally connected layers, pooling layers, and softmax outputsMaster the various programming algorithms requiredCarry out multi-threaded gradient computations and memory allocations for this threadingWork with CUDA code implementations of all core computations, including layer activations and gradient calculationsMake use of the CONVNET program and manual to explore convolutional nets and case studiesWho This Book Is ForThose who have at least a basic knowledge of neural networks and some prior programming experience, although some C++ and CUDA C is recommended.

Deep Belief Nets in C++ and CUDA C: Autoencoding In The Complex Domain

by Timothy Masters

Discover the essential building blocks of a common and powerful form of deep belief net: the autoencoder. You’ll take this topic beyond current usage by extending it to the complex domain for signal and image processing applications. Deep Belief Nets in C++ and CUDA C: Volume 2 also covers several algorithms for preprocessing time series and image data. These algorithms focus on the creation of complex-domain predictors that are suitable for input to a complex-domain autoencoder. Finally, you’ll learn a method for embedding class information in the input layer of a restricted Boltzmann machine. This facilitates generative display of samples from individual classes rather than the entire data distribution. The ability to see the features that the model has learned for each class separately can be invaluable. At each step this book provides you with intuitive motivation, a summary of the most important equations relevant to the topic, and highly commented code for threaded computation on modern CPUs as well as massive parallel processing on computers with CUDA-capable video display cards. What You'll LearnCode for deep learning, neural networks, and AI using C++ and CUDA CCarry out signal preprocessing using simple transformations, Fourier transforms, Morlet wavelets, and moreUse the Fourier Transform for image preprocessingImplement autoencoding via activation in the complex domainWork with algorithms for CUDA gradient computationUse the DEEP operating manualWho This Book Is ForThose who have at least a basic knowledge of neural networks and some prior programming experience, although some C++ and CUDA C is recommended.

Deep Learning By Example: A hands-on guide to implementing advanced machine learning algorithms and neural networks

by Ahmed Menshawy

Grasp the fundamental concepts of deep learning using Tensorflow in a hands-on manner About This Book • Get a first-hand experience of the deep learning concepts and techniques with this easy-to-follow guide • Train different types of neural networks using Tensorflow for real-world problems in language processing, computer vision, transfer learning, and more • Designed for those who believe in the concept of 'learn by doing', this book is a perfect blend of theory and code examples Who This Book Is For This book targets data scientists and machine learning developers who wish to get started with deep learning. If you know what deep learning is but are not quite sure of how to use it, this book will help you as well. An understanding of statistics and data science concepts is required. Some familiarity with Python programming will also be beneficial. What You Will Learn • Understand the fundamentals of deep learning and how it is different from machine learning • Get familiarized with Tensorflow, one of the most popular libraries for advanced machine learning • Increase the predictive power of your model using feature engineering • Understand the basics of deep learning by solving a digit classification problem of MNIST • Demonstrate face generation based on the CelebA database, a promising application of generative models • Apply deep learning to other domains like language modeling, sentiment analysis, and machine translation In Detail Deep learning is a popular subset of machine learning, and it allows you to build complex models that are faster and give more accurate predictions. This book is your companion to take your first steps into the world of deep learning, with hands-on examples to boost your understanding of the topic. This book starts with a quick overview of the essential concepts of data science and machine learning which are required to get started with deep learning. It introduces you to Tensorflow, the most widely used machine learning library for training deep learning models. You will then work on your first deep learning problem by training a deep feed-forward neural network for digit classification, and move on to tackle other real-world problems in computer vision, language processing, sentiment analysis, and more. Advanced deep learning models such as generative adversarial networks and their applications are also covered in this book. By the end of this book, you will have a solid understanding of all the essential concepts in deep learning. With the help of the examples and code provided in this book, you will be equipped to train your own deep learning models with more confidence. Style and approach A step-by-step guide filled with multiple examples to help you get started with data science and deep learning.

Deep Learning Cookbook: Practical Recipes to Get Started Quickly

by Douwe Osinga

Deep learning doesn’t have to be intimidating. Until recently, this machine-learning method required years of study, but with frameworks such as Keras and Tensorflow, software engineers without a background in machine learning can quickly enter the field. With the recipes in this cookbook, you’ll learn how to solve deep-learning problems for classifying and generating text, images, and music.Each chapter consists of several recipes needed to complete a single project, such as training a music recommending system. Author Douwe Osinga also provides a chapter with half a dozen techniques to help you if you’re stuck. Examples are written in Python with code available on GitHub as a set of Python notebooks.You’ll learn how to:Create applications that will serve real usersUse word embeddings to calculate text similarityBuild a movie recommender system based on Wikipedia linksLearn how AIs see the world by visualizing their internal stateBuild a model to suggest emojis for pieces of textReuse pretrained networks to build an inverse image search serviceCompare how GANs, autoencoders and LSTMs generate iconsDetect music styles and index song collections

Deep Learning Essentials: Your Hands-on Guide To The Fundamentals Of Deep Learning And Neural Network Modeling

by Wei Di

Deep Learning is one of the trending topics in the field of Artificial Intelligence today and can be considered to be an advanced form of machine learning. This book will help you take your first steps when it comes to training efficient deep learning models, and apply them in various practical scenarios. You will model, train and deploy different kinds of neural networks such as CNN and RNN and see their applications in real-world domains.

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