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Sass and Compass in Action

by Brandon Mathis Wynn Netherland Chris Eppstein Nathan Weizenbaum

SummarySass and Compass in Action is the definitive guide to stylesheet authoring using these two revolutionary tools. Written for both designers and developers, this book demonstrates the power of both Sass and Compass through a series of examples that address common pain points associated with traditional stylesheet authoring. The book begins with simple topics such as CSS resets and moves on to more involved topics such as grid frameworks and CSS3 vendor implementation differences.About this BookFor 15 years, we've been using CSS to patiently paint the web by hand. No more! Sass and Compass add scripting and a library of components to standard CSS so you can simplify stylesheet authoring, automate tedious tasks, and add dynamic styling features to your pages. Think of Sass and Compass as power tools that allow you to paint with remarkable speed and precision.Sass and Compass in Action is a hands-on guide to stylesheet authoring using these two revolutionary tools. This practical book shows you how to eliminate common CSS pain points and concentrate on making your pages pop. You'll begin with simple topics like CSS resets and then progress to more substantial challenges like building a personal stylesheet framework to bundle and reuse your own approaches and opinions.Purchase of the print book includes a free eBook in PDF, Kindle, and ePub formats from Manning Publications.What's InsideCSS for desktop and mobile web apps Loaded with examples and reusable techniques Authors are Sass and Compass creators and core team membersAbout the AuthorsWynn Netherland is a full stack web developer who co hosts The Changelog Podcast. Chris Eppstein is the creator of Compass and a member of the Sass core team. Brandon Mathis is a passionate professional web designer with deep Sass skills. Nathan Weizenbaum is the creator and lead developer of Sass.Table of ContentsPART 1: GETTING ACQUAINTED WITH SASS AND COMPASS Sass and Compass make stylesheets fun again Basic Sass syntax PART 2: USING SASS AND COMPASS IN PRACTICE CSS grids without the math Eliminate the mundane using Compass CSS3 with CompassPART 3: TUNING FOR PRODUCTION Spriting From prototype to production High-performance stylesheetsPART 4: ADVANCED SASS AND COMPASS Scripting with Sass Creating and sharing a Compass extension

Agile Project Management para Principiantes: Dominar los Conocimientos Básicos con Scrum

by Bryan Mathis

Escrito para principiantes, este libro explica los conceptos de Agile usando un enfoque de Scrum y los junta en un mismo marco. En vez de simplemente definir términos, presenta Agile como un sistéma vivo y dinámico que sirve para eliminar lo banal y volver a lo básico a la vez que se gestionan proyectos. La primera mitad del libro explica en detalle el Manifesto Agile, tanto la teoría como la aplicación práctica. La segunda mitad del libro aporta explicaciones detalladas para aplicar Scrum, el cual es un metodo Agile conocido por su simplicidad y facil implementación. Startups pequeñas y emprendedores encontrarán en libro consejos prácticos, ánimos e inspiración mientras que los equipos de desarrollo de grandes empresas agradecerán su explicación clara y concisa sobre como engajan las piezas de Agile.

Agile Project Management per principianti: Padroneggiare le basi con Scrum

by Bryan Mathis

L'approccio Agile nella gestione dei progetti sta guadagnando popolarità perché ottiene risultati migliori in meno tempo con team più piccoli rispetto ai metodi vecchi, rigidi e plan-based. Nell'economia odierna basata sulle informazioni in cui Internet guida il mercato di nuovi prodotti e le esigenze dei clienti cambiano dall'oggi al domani, Agile aiuta le aziende a stare al passo con le richieste dei clienti accogliendo i rapidi cambiamenti come parte vitale del processo di sviluppo. Scritto per principianti, questo libro spiega i concetti di Agile usando l'approccio Scrum e li inserisce in un quadro coerente. Invece di limitarsi a una definizione di termini, presenta Agile come un sistema vivente e dinamico eliminare le perdite di tempo e tornando alle basi mentre si gestiscono i progetti. La prima metà del libro spiega dettagliatamente il Manifesto Agile, sia in teoria che in pratica. La seconda metà del libro fornisce spiegazioni dettagliate per l'applicazione di Scrum, che è un metodo Agile noto per la sua semplicità e facilità di implementazione. Le piccole start-up e gli imprenditori troveranno consigli pratici, incoraggiamento e ispirazione in questo libro, mentre i team di sviluppo delle aziende più grandi apprezzeranno la sua spiegazione chiara e concisa di come i pezzi del puzzle Agile si incastrano.

Gestion de projet Agile pour débutants: Maîtriser les bases avec Scrum

by Bryan Mathis

L’approche agile de la gestion de projet gagne en popularité car elle permet d’obtenir de meilleurs résultats en moins de temps avec des équipes plus petites que les anciennes méthodes rigides et planifiées. Dans l’économie actuelle basée sur l’information, où Internet génère de nouveaux produits et où les besoins des clients changent du jour au lendemain, Agile aide les entreprises à répondre aux demandes de leurs clients en considérant le changement rapide comme un élément essentiel du processus de développement. Écrit pour les débutants, ce livre explique les concepts Agile en utilisant l’approche Scrum et les intègre dans un cadre cohérent. Au lieu de simplement définir des termes, il présente Agile comme un système vivant et dynamique permettant d’éliminer les fioritures et de revenir à l’essentiel tout en gérant des projets. La première moitié du livre explique le Manifeste d'Agile en détail, à la fois en théorie et en pratique. La seconde partie du livre fournit des explications détaillées sur l’application de Scrum, une méthode Agile connue pour sa simplicité et sa facilité de mise en œuvre. Les petites startups et les entrepreneurs trouveront dans ce livre des conseils pratiques, des encouragements et de l’inspiration, tandis que les équipes de développement des grandes entreprises apprécieront son explication claire et concise de la manière dont les pièces du puzzle Agile s’emboîtent.

Designed for Use: Create Usable Interfaces for Applications and the Web

by Lukas Mathis

This book is for designers, developers, and product managers who are charged with what sometimes seems like an impossible task: making sure products work the way your users expect them to. You'll find out how to design applications and websites that people will not only use, but will absolutely love. The second edition brings the book up to date and expands it with three completely new chapters.Interaction design - the way the apps on our phones work, the way we enter a destination into our car's GPS - is becoming more and more important. Identify and fix bad software design by making usability the cornerstone of your design process.Lukas weaves together hands-on techniques and fundamental concepts. Each technique chapter explains a specific approach you can use to make your product more user friendly, such as storyboarding, usability tests, and paper prototyping. Idea chapters are concept-based: how to write usable text, how realistic your designs should look, when to use animations. This new edition is updated and expanded with new chapters covering requirements gathering, how the design of data structures influences the user interface, and how to do design work as a team. Through copious illustrations and supporting psychological research, expert developer and user interface designer Lukas Mathis gives you a deep dive into research, design, and implementation--the essential stages in designing usable interfaces for applications and websites.Lukas inspires you to look at design in a whole new way, explaining exactly what to look for - and what to avoid - in creating products that get people excited.

Blockchain Technology in Supply Chain Management for Society 5.0 (Smart and Intelligent Computing in Engineering)

by K Mathiyazhagan Atour Taghipour Vernika Agarwal

Society 5.0 is a human-centered community where integrated systems operate throughout society to secure comfort in all aspects of life, from energy and medical care, to education, work, and leisure. Blockchain technologies enable the streamlining of supply chain processes and information sharing among various industries. This book presents recent research on the adaptation and implementation of Blockchain technologies in supply chain management in Society 5.0. It discusses different applications of blockchain, its important role in connecting information technology and artificial intelligence with human lives, the challenges, and the future of supply chain management for societal improvements.

Lean and Green Manufacturing: Towards Eco-Efficiency and Business Performance (Management and Industrial Engineering)

by Kaliyan Mathiyazhagan K. E. K. Vimal Harish Kumar Anbanandam Ramesh Vernika Agarwal

This book provides a stage-by-stage integration of lean and green manufacturing paradigms to achieve environmental and economic benefits. The book includes chapters on conceptual development for incorporating the lean and green paradigm, and methods, tools and techniques for developing and integrating lean manufacturing. Several case studies which demonstrate the benefits of integrating lean and green manufacturing techniques are also covered here. The contents of this book are expected to support researchers and practitioners in the implementation of integrated lean and green manufacturing technologies.

Proceedings of 3rd International Conference on Artificial Intelligence: ICAIAA 2022 (Algorithms for Intelligent Systems)

by Garima Mathur Mahesh Bundele Ashish Tripathi Marcin Paprzycki

This book gathers outstanding research papers presented in the 3rd International Conference on Artificial Intelligence: Advances and Application (ICAIAA 2022), held in Poornima College of Engineering, Jaipur, India, during April 23–24, 2022. This book covers research works carried out by various students such as bachelor, master and doctoral scholars, faculty and industry persons in the area of artificial intelligence, machine learning, deep learning applications in health care, agriculture, and business, security. It also covers research in core concepts of computer networks, intelligent system design and deployment, real-time systems, WSN, sensors and sensor nodes, SDN, NFV, etc.

Mastering Natural Language Processing with Python

by Iti Mathur Deepti Chopra Nisheeth Joshi

Maximize your NLP capabilities while creating amazing NLP projects in Python About This Book * Learn to implement various NLP tasks in Python * Gain insights into the current and budding research topics of NLP * This is a comprehensive step-by-step guide to help students and researchers create their own projects based on real-life applications Who This Book Is For This book is for intermediate level developers in NLP with a reasonable knowledge level and understanding of Python. What You Will Learn * Implement string matching algorithms and normalization techniques * Implement statistical language modeling techniques * Get an insight into developing a stemmer, lemmatizer, morphological analyzer, and morphological generator * Develop a search engine and implement POS tagging concepts and statistical modeling concepts involving the n gram approach * Familiarize yourself with concepts such as the Treebank construct, CFG construction, the CYK Chart Parsing algorithm, and the Earley Chart Parsing algorithm * Develop an NER-based system and understand and apply the concepts of sentiment analysis * Understand and implement the concepts of Information Retrieval and text summarization * Develop a Discourse Analysis System and Anaphora Resolution based system In Detail Natural Language Processing is one of the fields of computational linguistics and artificial intelligence that is concerned with human-computer interaction. It provides a seamless interaction between computers and human beings and gives computers the ability to understand human speech with the help of machine learning. This book will give you expertise on how to employ various NLP tasks in Python, giving you an insight into the best practices when designing and building NLP-based applications using Python. It will help you become an expert in no time and assist you in creating your own NLP projects using NLTK. You will sequentially be guided through applying machine learning tools to develop various models. We'll give you clarity on how to create training data and how to implement major NLP applications such as Named Entity Recognition, Question Answering System, Discourse Analysis, Transliteration, Word Sense disambiguation, Information Retrieval, Sentiment Analysis, Text Summarization, and Anaphora Resolution. Style and approach This is an easy-to-follow guide, full of hands-on examples of real-world tasks. Each topic is explained and placed in context, and for the more inquisitive, there are more details of the concepts used.

Instant Social Media Marketing with HootSuite

by Kunal Mathur

Filled with practical, step-by-step instructions and clear explanations for the most important and useful tasks. A step-by-step, short and fast-paced tutorial, packed with powerful recipes that will teach you how to enhance your social networks with HootSuite.If you are a marketer who is new to social media marketing and are looking to manage and track multiple social media profiles such as LinkedIn, Twitter, and Facebook, then this book is ideal for you. Familiarity with social media networks and tools are expected.

IoT Machine Learning Applications in Telecom, Energy, and Agriculture: With Raspberry Pi and Arduino Using Python

by Puneet Mathur

Apply machine learning using the Internet of Things (IoT) in the agriculture, telecom, and energy domains with case studies. This book begins by covering how to set up the software and hardware components including the various sensors to implement the case studies in Python. The case study section starts with an examination of call drop with IoT in the telecoms industry, followed by a case study on energy audit and predictive maintenance for an industrial machine, and finally covers techniques to predict cash crop failure in agribusiness. The last section covers pitfalls to avoid while implementing machine learning and IoT in these domains. After reading this book, you will know how IoT and machine learning are used in the example domains and have practical case studies to use and extend. You will be able to create enterprise-scale applications using Raspberry Pi 3 B+ and Arduino Mega 2560 with Python. What You Will LearnImplement machine learning with IoT and solve problems in the telecom, agriculture, and energy sectors with PythonSet up and use industrial-grade IoT products, such as Modbus RS485 protocol devices, in practical scenariosDevelop solutions for commercial-grade IoT or IIoT projectsImplement case studies in machine learning with IoT from scratch Who This Book Is For Raspberry Pi and Arduino enthusiasts and data science and machine learning professionals.

Machine Learning Applications Using Python: Cases Studies from Healthcare, Retail, and Finance

by Puneet Mathur

Gain practical skills in machine learning for finance, healthcare, and retail. This book uses a hands-on approach by providing case studies from each of these domains: you’ll see examples that demonstrate how to use machine learning as a tool for business enhancement. As a domain expert, you will not only discover how machine learning is used in finance, healthcare, and retail, but also work through practical case studies where machine learning has been implemented. Machine Learning Applications Using Python is divided into three sections, one for each of the domains (healthcare, finance, and retail). Each section starts with an overview of machine learning and key technological advancements in that domain. You’ll then learn more by using case studies on how organizations are changing the game in their chosen markets. This book has practical case studies with Python code and domain-specific innovative ideas for monetizing machine learning. What You Will LearnDiscover applied machine learning processes and principlesImplement machine learning in areas of healthcare, finance, and retailAvoid the pitfalls of implementing applied machine learningBuild Python machine learning examples in the three subject areasWho This Book Is ForData scientists and machine learning professionals.

Emerging Trends in Data Driven Computing and Communications: Proceedings of DDCIoT 2021 (Studies in Autonomic, Data-driven and Industrial Computing)

by Rajeev Mathur C. P. Gupta Vaibhav Katewa Dharm Singh Jat Neha Yadav

This book includes best selected, high-quality research papers presented at International Conference on Data Driven Computing and IoT (DDCIoT 2021) organized jointly by Geetanjali Institute of Technical Studies (GITS), Udaipur, and Rajasthan Technical University, Kota, India, during March 20–21, 2021. This book presents influential ideas and systems in the field of data driven computing, information technology, and intelligent systems.

A Glimpse Beyond 5G in Wireless Networks (Signals and Communication Technology)

by Mohammad Abdul Matin

This book gathers the latest research findings on emerging trends in 5G and beyond wireless systems. The authors present and assess different enabling technologies, capabilities, and anticipated communications and computing solutions for 5G and beyond. Topics discussed include new frequency bands, new multiple antenna systems, massive D2D connectivity, new network deployment, and more. These discussions help the readers to understand more advanced research materials for developing new ideas to make a contribution in this field for themselves. This book aims to serve as a virtual and effective bridge between academic research in theory and engineering development in practice. Students, professional, and practitioners who seek to learn the latest development in wireless technologies should find interest in this book.

Towards Cognitive IoT Networks (Internet of Things)

by Mohammad Abdul Matin

This book gathers state-of-the-art research contributions written by academics and researchers, which address emerging trends in system design and implementation for the Internet of Things (IoT), and discuss how to promote IoT technologies and applications. The book is chiefly intended for researchers and academics who want to get caught up with the latest trends in enabling technologies for IoT and related applications and services. However, it also includes chapters on the fundamentals of IoT, offering essential orientation for general readers.

Wideband, Multiband, and Smart Antenna Systems (Signals and Communication Technology)

by Mohammad Abdul Matin

This book provides current R&D trends and novel approaches in design and analysis of broadband, multiband, and smart antennas for 5G and B5G mobile and wireless applications, as well as the identification of integration techniques of these antennas in a diverse range of devices. The book presents theoretical and experimental approaches to help the reader in understanding the unique design issues and more advanced research. Moreover, the book includes chapters on the fundamentals of antenna theory. The book is pertinent to professionals and researchers working in the field of antenna engineering; it is written for graduate students, researchers, academics, and industry practitioners who want to improve their understanding in the current research trends in design analysis of broadband, multiband, and smart antennas for wireless applications.

The Art of Machine Learning: A Hands-On Guide to Machine Learning with R

by Norman Matloff

Learn to expertly apply a range of machine learning methods to real data with this practical guide.Packed with real datasets and practical examples, The Art of Machine Learning will help you develop an intuitive understanding of how and why ML methods work, without the need for advanced math.As you work through the book, you&’ll learn how to implement a range of powerful ML techniques, starting with the k-Nearest Neighbors (k-NN) method and random forests, and moving on to gradient boosting, support vector machines (SVMs), neural networks, and more.With the aid of real datasets, you&’ll delve into regression models through the use of a bike-sharing dataset, explore decision trees by leveraging New York City taxi data, and dissect parametric methods with baseball player stats. You&’ll also find expert tips for avoiding common problems, like handling &“dirty&” or unbalanced data, and how to troubleshoot pitfalls.You&’ll also explore:How to deal with large datasets and techniques for dimension reductionDetails on how the Bias-Variance Trade-off plays out in specific ML methodsModels based on linear relationships, including ridge and LASSO regressionReal-world image and text classification and how to handle time series dataMachine learning is an art that requires careful tuning and tweaking. With The Art of Machine Learning as your guide, you&’ll master the underlying principles of ML that will empower you to effectively use these models, rather than simply provide a few stock actions with limited practical use.Requirements: A basic understanding of graphs and charts and familiarity with the R programming language

The Art of R Programming: A Tour of Statistical Software Design

by Norman Matloff

R is the world's most popular language for developing statistical software: Archaeologists use it to track the spread of ancient civilizations, drug companies use it to discover which medications are safe and effective, and actuaries use it to assess financial risks and keep economies running smoothly.The Art of R Programming takes you on a guided tour of software development with R, from basic types and data structures to advanced topics like closures, recursion, and anonymous functions. No statistical knowledge is required, and your programming skills can range from hobbyist to pro.Along the way, you'll learn about functional and object-oriented programming, running mathematical simulations, and rearranging complex data into simpler, more useful formats. You'll also learn to:–Create artful graphs to visualize complex data sets and functions–Write more efficient code using parallel R and vectorization–Interface R with C/C++ and Python for increased speed or functionality–Find new R packages for text analysis, image manipulation, and more–Squash annoying bugs with advanced debugging techniquesWhether you're designing aircraft, forecasting the weather, or you just need to tame your data, The Art of R Programming is your guide to harnessing the power of statistical computing.

Probability and Statistics for Data Science: Math + R + Data (Chapman & Hall/CRC Data Science Series)

by Norman Matloff

Probability and Statistics for Data Science: Math + R + Data covers "math stat"—distributions, expected value, estimation etc.—but takes the phrase "Data Science" in the title quite seriously: <P><P> * Real datasets are used extensively. * All data analysis is supported by R coding. * Includes many Data Science applications, such as PCA, mixture distributions, random graph models, Hidden Markov models, linear and logistic regression, and neural networks. * Leads the student to think critically about the "how" and "why" of statistics, and to "see the big picture." * Not "theorem/proof"-oriented, but concepts and models are stated in a mathematically precise manner. <P><P> Prerequisites are calculus, some matrix algebra, and some experience in programming. <P><P> Norman Matloff is a professor of computer science at the University of California, Davis, and was formerly a statistics professor there. He is on the editorial boards of the Journal of Statistical Software and The R Journal. His book Statistical Regression and Classification: From Linear Models to Machine Learning was the recipient of the Ziegel Award for the best book reviewed in Technometrics in 2017. He is a recipient of his university's Distinguished Teaching Award.

Statistical Regression and Classification: From Linear Models to Machine Learning (Chapman & Hall/CRC Texts in Statistical Science)

by Norman Matloff

<p>Statistical Regression and Classification: From Linear Models to Machine Learning takes an innovative look at the traditional statistical regression course, presenting a contemporary treatment in line with today's applications and users. <p>The book treats classical regression methods in an innovative, contemporary manner. Though some statistical learning methods are introduced, the primary methodology used is linear and generalized linear parametric models, covering both the Description and Prediction goals of regression methods. The author is just as interested in Description applications of regression, such as measuring the gender wage gap in Silicon Valley, as in forecasting tomorrow's demand for bike rentals. An entire chapter is devoted to measuring such effects, including discussion of Simpson's Paradox, multiple inference, and causation issues. Similarly, there is an entire chapter of parametric model fit, making use of both residual analysis and assessment via nonparametric analysis.</p>

The Art of Debugging with GDB, DDD, and Eclipse: For Professionals And Students

by Norman Matloff Peter Jay Salzman

Debugging is crucial to successful software development, but even many experienced programmers find it challenging. Sophisticated debugging tools are available, yet it may be difficult to determine which features are useful in which situations. The Art of Debugging is your guide to making the debugging process more efficient and effective.The Art of Debugging illustrates the use three of the most popular debugging tools on Linux/Unix platforms: GDB, DDD, and Eclipse. The text-command based GDB (the GNU Project Debugger) is included with most distributions. DDD is a popular GUI front end for GDB, while Eclipse provides a complete integrated development environment.In addition to offering specific advice for debugging with each tool, authors Norm Matloff and Pete Salzman cover general strategies for improving the process of finding and fixing coding errors, including how to:–Inspect variables and data structures–Understand segmentation faults and core dumps–Know why your program crashes or throws exceptions–Use features like catchpoints, convenience variables, and artificial arrays–Avoid common debugging pitfallsReal world examples of coding errors help to clarify the authors’ guiding principles, and coverage of complex topics like thread, client-server, GUI, and parallel programming debugging will make you even more proficient. You'll also learn how to prevent errors in the first place with text editors, compilers, error reporting, and static code checkers.Whether you dread the thought of debugging your programs or simply want to improve your current debugging efforts, you'll find a valuable ally in The Art of Debugging.

Distributed Applications and Interoperable Systems: 21st IFIP WG 6.1 International Conference, DAIS 2021, Held as Part of the 16th International Federated Conference on Distributed Computing Techniques, DisCoTec 2021, Valletta, Malta, June 14–18, 2021, Proceedings (Lecture Notes in Computer Science #12718)

by Miguel Matos Fabíola Greve

This book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the 21st IFIP WG 6.1 International Conference on Distributed Applications and Interoperable Systems, DAIS 2021, held in Valletta, Malta, in June 2021, as part of the 16th International Federated Conference on Distributed Computing Techniques, DisCoTec 2021. The 7 regular papers and 3 short papers presented in this book were carefully reviewed and selected from 15 submissions. DAIS addresses all practical and conceptual aspects of distributed applications, including their design, modeling, implementation and operation, the supporting middleware, appropriate software engineering methodologies and tools, as well as experimental studies and applications.

Pro Linux System Administration

by Dennis Matotek James Turnbull Peter Lieverdink

We can all be Linux experts, provided we invest the time in learning the craft of Linux administration. Pro Linux System Administration makes it easy for small- to medium-sized businesses to enter the world of zero-cost software running on Linux and covers all the distros you might want to use, including Red Hat, Ubuntu, Debian, and CentOS. Authors, and systems infrastructure experts James Turnbull, Peter Lieverdink, and Dennis Matotek take a layered, component-based approach to open source business systems, while training system administrators as the builders of business infrastructure. If you want to implement a SOHO or SMB Linux infrastructure, Pro Linux System Administration clearly demonstrates everything you need. You'll find this book also provides a solid framework to move forward and expand your business and associated IT capabilities, and you'll benefit from the expertise and experienced guidance of the authors. Pro Linux System Administration covers An introduction to using Linux and free and open source software to cheaply and efficiently manage your business A layered model that allows your infrastructure to grow with your business Easy and simple-to-understand instructions including configurations, examples, and extensive real-world hints and tips

Recent Advances in Soft Computing

by Radek Matoušek

This proceeding book contains a collection of selected accepted papers of the Mendel conference held in Brno, Czech Republic in June 2016. The proceedings book contains three chapters which present recent advances in soft computing including intelligent image processing. The Mendel conference was established in 1995 and is named after the scientist and Augustinian priest Gregor J. Mendel who discovered the famous Laws of Heredity. The main aim of the conference is to create a regular possibility for students, academics and researchers to exchange ideas and novel research methods on a yearly basis.

Recent Advances in Soft Computing: Proceedings of 23rd International Conference on Soft Computing (MENDEL 2017) Held in Brno, Czech Republic, June 20-22, 2017 (Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing #837)

by Radek Matoušek

This book presents selected papers from the MENDEL conference that was held in Brno, Czech Republic in June 2017. Consisting of two parts, the book discusses recent advances in soft computing, including intelligent image processing: Part 1 addresses evolutionary computing, swarm intelligence, metaheuristics, and optimization; Part 2 then focuses on neural networks, machine learning, self-organization, fuzzy systems, and advanced statistics. The MENDEL conference was established in 1995 and it bears the name of the scientist and Augustinian priest Gregor J. Mendel, who discovered the famous Laws of Heredity. The main aim of the conference was to create a regular opportunity for students, academics and researchers to exchange their ideas and novel research methods.

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