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Showing 33,826 through 33,850 of 54,505 results

Virtual Reality for Psychological and Neurocognitive Interventions (Virtual Reality Technologies for Health and Clinical Applications)

by Stéphane Bouchard Albert “Skip” Rizzo

This exciting collection tours virtual reality in both its current therapeutic forms and its potential to transform a wide range of medical and mental health-related fields. Extensive findings track the contributions of VR devices, systems, and methods to accurate assessment, evidence-based and client-centered treatment methods, and—as described in a stimulating discussion of virtual patient technologies—innovative clinical training. Immersive digital technologies are shown enhancing opportunities for patients to react to situations, therapists to process patients’ physiological responses, and scientists to have greater control over test conditions and access to results. Expert coverage details leading-edge applications of VR across a broad spectrum of psychological and neurocognitive conditions, including: Treating anxiety disorders and PTSD.Treating developmental and learning disorders, including Autism Spectrum Disorder,Assessment of and rehabilitation from stroke and traumatic brain injuries.Assessment and treatment of substance abuse.Assessment of deviant sexual interests.Treating obsessive-compulsive and related disorders.Augmenting learning skills for blind persons. Readable and relevant, Virtual Reality for Psychological and Neurocognitive Interventions is an essential idea book for neuropsychologists, rehabilitation specialists (including physical, speech, vocational, and occupational therapists), and neurologists. Researchers across the behavioral and social sciences will find it a roadmap toward new and emerging areas of study.

Virtual Reality Marketing: Using VR to Grow a Brand and Create Impact

by Henry Stuart

If a picture is worth a thousand words, then virtual reality (VR) is priceless. This new medium is booming - by 2025, the industry is expected to become bigger than TV. Virtual Reality Marketing is a comprehensive exploration of all things VR, providing readers with everything they need to know about the current VR landscape, and the unprecedented opportunity it offers brands to create unique emotional connections with consumers. A truly comprehensive guide, Virtual Reality Marketing covers all aspects of the industry, including interactive and passive VR, 360 video, social VR marketing, and the role that influencers and bloggers are set to play in its development. It also looks to the future - exploring how VR is evolving and the changes it will undergo in the future. Virtual Reality Marketing is the only complete guide to VR marketing available, written by a recognized industry expert who has facilitated VR coverage for major international brands including Facebook, Audi, Google and Mercedes F1. Packed with fascinating case studies, tips and strategies, this text is the leading resource for any reader looking to incorporate VR in their own marketing campaigns.

Virtual Sites as Learning Spaces: Critical Issues on Languaging Research in Changing Eduscapes

by Sangeeta Bagga-Gupta Giulia Messina Dahlberg Ylva Lindberg

This volume fills a gap in the literature between the domains of Communication Studies and Educational Sciences across physical-virtual spaces as they intersect in the 21st century. The chapters focus on “languaging” - communicative practices in the making - and its intersection with analogue and virtual learning spaces, bringing together studies that highlight the constant movement between analogue-virtual dimensions that continuously re-shape participants' identity positionings. Languaging is understood as the deployment of one or more than one language variety, modality, embodiment, etc in human meaning-making across spaces. Languaging activities are explored through a multitude of literary artefacts, genres, media, and modes produced in and across sites. The authors go beyond “best practice” approaches and instead present “how-to-explore” communicative practices for researchers, learners and teachers. This book will be of interest to readers situated in the areas of literacy, literature, bi/multilingualism, multimodality, linguistic anthropology, applied linguistics, and related fields. Chapters 2, 5, 8 and 12 are open access under a CC BY 4.0 license at

Virtual und Augmented Reality: Grundlagen und Methoden der Virtuellen und Augmentierten Realität (Examen. Press Ser.)

by Ralf Dörner Wolfgang Broll Paul Grimm Bernhard Jung

Lernen Sie mit diesem Buch die Grundlagen der Virtuellen und Augmentierten Realität kennen Dieses Buch über die Virtuelle und Augmentierte Realität ist sowohl für Praktiker und Interessierte im Selbststudium als auch für Studierende geeignet. Letztere können es hervorragend als Begleitlektüre für entsprechende Lehrveranstaltungen, zum Beispiel in der Informatik nutzen. Die zweite Auflage wurde umfassend erneuert und erweitert. Mit ihrer Hilfe kann der Leser sein Verständnis für das Themengebiet rund um die VR und AR vertiefen. Thematisch schneidet das Buch viele Bereiche der Virtuellen und Augmentierten Realität an, darunter beispielsweise Wahrnehmungsaspekte der AR, Interaktionen in einer virtuellen Welt oder die mathematischen Basics für VR und AR. (105)

Virtual Vernacular

by Sarah Bonser

Learn to see the patterns and relationships in visual mediums and buildings as you push the boundaries of design. Sarah Bonser’s Virtual Vernacular breaks the barriers between architectural theory and game design. The text explores the way in which architecture can convey history, culture, and emotion to occupants, audience members, and players. Divided into three sections, the text guides the reader on how to tackle creative problem solving and development strategy. Key Features: Architectural theory is hard to navigate, and this approach is an accessible way to start learning it. Learn more specifically how pop culture parodies these design theories. Find ways to solve abstract design problems by using the built environment as a case study. Learn about technical limitations on the built environment that visually impact the look and feel of spaces. Each piece of architectural theory comes with abstracts and applications, which is a more organized and network-style way to teach an otherwise long-winded subject.

Vision Quanten-Internet: Ultraschnell und hackersicher

by Gösta Fürnkranz

Die Zukunft des Internets kann fantastisch werden! Mit neuer Quantentechnologie sind hackersicherer Informationsaustausch sowie ultraschnelle Datenverarbeitung möglich. Die Basis bildet Albert Einsteins „Quantenspuk“. Dabei handelt es sich nicht um Zauberei, sondern um knallharte Wissenschaft. Dieses Buch unternimmt eine faszinierende Reise durch die Welt unserer Quantenzukunft – vom ersten „Quantensatelliten“ zum Hochsicherheitsinternet, bis hin zur Quantencloud und weiteren, teils futuristischen Applikationen.Der Autor führt den Leser durch grundlegende quantenphysikalische Zusammenhänge, erklärt die Konzepte von Quantencomputer, -Kryptografie, -Teleportation und stellt ihren Bezug zum Quanteninternet her. Besonders die gesellschaftliche Relevanz, technische Schwierigkeiten und Implementierungsbeispiele werden unter die Lupe genommen. Thematisch passende Anekdoten lockern den Text auf. Mit diesem Buch erfahren Sie, wie Quanten das Internet revolutionieren können! "… in lebendiger Sprache wird der aktuelle Stand der Forschung in seiner ganzen Breite und Pracht dargestellt – lesenswert und kurzweilig!" Rupert Ursin, Gruppenleiter und Vizedirektor des Instituts für Quantenoptik und Quanteninformation, Wien

Visual Analytics with Tableau

by Alexander Loth

A four-color journey through a complete Tableau visualization Tableau is a popular data visualization tool that’s easy for individual desktop use as well as enterprise. Used by financial analysts, marketers, statisticians, business and sales leadership, and many other job roles to present data visually for easy understanding, it’s no surprise that Tableau is an essential tool in our data-driven economy. Visual Analytics with Tableau is a complete journey in Tableau visualization for a non-technical business user. You can start from zero, connect your first data, and get right into creating and publishing awesome visualizations and insightful dashboards. • Learn the different types of charts you can create • Use aggregation, calculated fields, and parameters • Create insightful maps • Share interactive dashboards Geared toward beginners looking to get their feet wet with Tableau, this book makes it easy and approachable to get started right away.

Visual and Text Sentiment Analysis through Hierarchical Deep Learning Networks (SpringerBriefs in Computer Science)

by Arindam Chaudhuri

This book presents the latest research on hierarchical deep learning for multi-modal sentiment analysis. Further, it analyses sentiments in Twitter blogs from both textual and visual content using hierarchical deep learning networks: hierarchical gated feedback recurrent neural networks (HGFRNNs). Several studies on deep learning have been conducted to date, but most of the current methods focus on either only textual content, or only visual content. In contrast, the proposed sentiment analysis model can be applied to any social blog dataset, making the book highly beneficial for postgraduate students and researchers in deep learning and sentiment analysis. The mathematical abstraction of the sentiment analysis model is presented in a very lucid manner. The complete sentiments are analysed by combining text and visual prediction results. The book’s novelty lies in its development of innovative hierarchical recurrent neural networks for analysing sentiments; stacking of multiple recurrent layers by controlling the signal flow from upper recurrent layers to lower layers through a global gating unit; evaluation of HGFRNNs with different types of recurrent units; and adaptive assignment of HGFRNN layers to different timescales. Considering the need to leverage large-scale social multimedia content for sentiment analysis, both state-of-the-art visual and textual sentiment analysis techniques are used for joint visual-textual sentiment analysis. The proposed method yields promising results from Twitter datasets that include both texts and images, which support the theoretical hypothesis.

Visual Basic in Easy Steps: Updated for Visual Basic 2019

by Mike McGrath

Visual Basic in easy steps, 6th edition gives you code examples, screenshots, and step-by-step instructions that illustrate each aspect of Visual Basic so you'll be creating your own interactive applications in no time!. <p><p> You need have no previous knowledge of any programming language so it's ideal if you're a newcomer to Windows programming. Each chapter builds your knowledge of Visual Basic. By the end of this book you will have gained a sound understanding of Visual Basic programming and be able to create your own interactive applications. <p><p> Visual Basic in easy steps, 6th edition has an easy-to-follow style that will appeal to anyone who wants to begin Windows programming. It will appeal to programmers who want to quickly learn the latest Visual Basic techniques, and to the student who is studying computing at school or college, and to those seeking a career in Information Technology who needs a thorough understanding of Visual Basic programming.

Visual Guidance of Unmanned Aerial Manipulators (Springer Tracts in Advanced Robotics #125)

by Angel Santamaria-Navarro Joan Solà Juan Andrade-Cetto

This monograph covers theoretical and practical aspects of the problem of autonomous guiding of unmanned aerial manipulators using visual information. For the estimation of the vehicle state (position, orientation, velocity, and acceleration), the authors propose a method that relies exclusively on the use of low-cost and highrate sensors together with low-complexity algorithms. This is particularly interesting for applications in which on board computation with low computation power is needed. Another relevant topic covered in this monograph is visual servoing. The authors present an uncalibrated visual servo scheme, capable of estimating at run time, the camera focal length from the observation of a tracked target. The monograph also covers several control techniques, which achieve a number of tasks, such as robot and arm positioning, improve stability and enhance robot arm motions. All methods discussed in this monograph are demonstrated in simulation and through real robot experimentation. The text is appropriate for readers interested in state estimation and control of aerial manipulators, and is a reference book for people who work in mobile robotics research in general.

Visual Perception for Humanoid Robots: Environmental Recognition and Localization, from Sensor Signals to Reliable 6D Poses (Cognitive Systems Monographs #38)

by David Israel González Aguirre

This book provides an overview of model-based environmental visual perception for humanoid robots. The visual perception of a humanoid robot creates a bidirectional bridge connecting sensor signals with internal representations of environmental objects. The objective of such perception systems is to answer two fundamental questions: What & where is it? To answer these questions using a sensor-to-representation bridge, coordinated processes are conducted to extract and exploit cues matching robot’s mental representations to physical entities. These include sensor & actuator modeling, calibration, filtering, and feature extraction for state estimation. This book discusses the following topics in depth: • Active Sensing: Robust probabilistic methods for optimal, high dynamic range image acquisition are suitable for use with inexpensive cameras. This enables ideal sensing in arbitrary environmental conditions encountered in human-centric spaces. The book quantitatively shows the importance of equipping robots with dependable visual sensing. • Feature Extraction & Recognition: Parameter-free, edge extraction methods based on structural graphs enable the representation of geometric primitives effectively and efficiently. This is done by eccentricity segmentation providing excellent recognition even on noisy & low-resolution images. Stereoscopic vision, Euclidean metric and graph-shape descriptors are shown to be powerful mechanisms for difficult recognition tasks. • Global Self-Localization & Depth Uncertainty Learning: Simultaneous feature matching for global localization and 6D self-pose estimation are addressed by a novel geometric and probabilistic concept using intersection of Gaussian spheres. The path from intuition to the closed-form optimal solution determining the robot location is described, including a supervised learning method for uncertainty depth modeling based on extensive ground-truth training data from a motion capture system.The methods and experiments are presented in self-contained chapters with comparisons and the state of the art. The algorithms were implemented and empirically evaluated on two humanoid robots: ARMAR III-A & B. The excellent robustness, performance and derived results received an award at the IEEE conference on humanoid robots and the contributions have been utilized for numerous visual manipulation tasks with demonstration at distinguished venues such as ICRA, CeBIT, IAS, and Automatica.

Visual Saliency: From Pixel-Level to Object-Level Analysis

by Jianming Zhang Filip Malmberg Stan Sclaroff

This book will provide an introduction to recent advances in theory, algorithms and application of Boolean map distance for image processing. Applications include modeling what humans find salient or prominent in an image, and then using this for guiding smart image cropping, selective image filtering, image segmentation, image matting, etc. In this book, the authors present methods for both traditional and emerging saliency computation tasks, ranging from classical low-level tasks like pixel-level saliency detection to object-level tasks such as subitizing and salient object detection. For low-level tasks, the authors focus on pixel-level image processing approaches based on efficient distance transform. For object-level tasks, the authors propose data-driven methods using deep convolutional neural networks. The book includes both empirical and theoretical studies, together with implementation details of the proposed methods. Below are the key features for different types of readers.

Visual Studio Code: End-to-End Editing and Debugging Tools for Web Developers

by Bruce Johnson

Expert guidance on using Visual Studio Code for editing and debugging your web development projects Visual Studio Code, a free, open source, cross-compatible source code editor, is one of the most popular choices for web developers. It is fast, lightweight, customizable, and contains built-in support for JavaScript, Typescript, and Node.js extensions for other languages, including C++, Python, and PHP. Features such as debugging capability, embedded Git control, syntax highlighting, code snippets, and IntelliSense intelligent code completion support—several of which set it apart from the competition—help make Visual Studio Code an impressive, out-of-the-box solution. Visual Studio Code: End-to-End Editing and Debugging Tools for Web Developers helps readers to become familiar with and productive in Visual Studio Code. This up-to-date guide covers all of the essential components of the software, including the editing features of the workspace, advanced functionality such as code refactoring and key binding, and integration with Grunt, Gulp, NPM, and other external tools. New users, experienced developers, and those considering moving from another developer tool will benefit from this book’s detailed, yet easy-to-follow information on Visual Studio Code. This book: Teaches readers how to use Visual Studio Code to do full-stack development Explains the steps to install Visual Studio Code on Windows, Mac and Linux platforms Provides a foundation for non-users considering moving to Visual Studio Code Helps current users expand their knowledge of the tool and its available extensions Describes how to open a .NET Core project and get end-to-end execution and debugging functionality Visual Studio Code: End-to-End Editing and Debugging Tools for Web Developers is an invaluable guide for both professional and hobbyist web developers seeking immediately-useful information on Visual Studio Code.

Visual Studio Code Distilled: Evolved Code Editing for Windows, macOS, and Linux

by Alessandro Del Sole

Use Visual Studio Code to write and debug code quickly and efficiently on any platform, for any device, using any programming language, and on the operating system of your choice. Visual Studio Code is an open source and cross-platform development tool that focuses on code editing across a variety of development scenarios, including web, mobile, and cloud development. Visual Studio Code Distilled teaches you how to be immediately productive with Visual Studio Code, from the basics to some of the more complex topics. You will learn how to work on individual code files, complete projects, and come away with an understanding of advanced code-editing features that will help you focus on productivity, and source code collaboration with Git.What You'll Learn Comprehend Visual Studio Code in a way that is not just theory or a list of features, but an approach driven by developer tasks and needsUnderstand integrated support for team collaboration with Git for executing and debugging code, and the many ways you can extend and customize VS CodeDebug code on multiple platforms though real-world guidance, such as working under corporate networksExpand your coding intelligence from web to mobile to the cloud, and even artificial intelligenceAcquire valuable tips, tricks, and suggestions from hard-earned, real-world experience to be more productiveWho This Book Is ForAll developers (including JavaScript, Java, NodeJS), not just those with a Microsoft background, who will benefit from learning and using VS code as a cross-platform and cross-language tool.

VLSI Design and Test: 22nd International Symposium, VDAT 2018, Madurai, India, June 28-30, 2018, Revised Selected Papers (Communications in Computer and Information Science #892)

by S. Rajaram N. B. Balamurugan D. Gracia Nirmala Rani Virendra Singh

This book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the 22st International Symposium on VLSI Design and Test, VDAT 2018, held in Madurai, India, in June 2018.The 39 full papers and 11 short papers presented together with 8 poster papers were carefully reviewed and selected from 231 submissions. The papers are organized in topical sections named: digital design; analog and mixed signal design; hardware security; micro bio-fluidics; VLSI testing; analog circuits and devices; network-on-chip; memory; quantum computing and NoC; sensors and interfaces.

VLSI Design and Test: 23rd International Symposium, VDAT 2019, Indore, India, July 4–6, 2019, Revised Selected Papers (Communications in Computer and Information Science #1066)

by Rohit Sharma Virendra Singh Sudeb Dasgupta Anirban Sengupta Santosh Kumar Vishvakarma

This book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the 23st International Symposium on VLSI Design and Test, VDAT 2019, held in Indore, India, in July 2019. The 63 full papers were carefully reviewed and selected from 199 submissions. The papers are organized in topical sections named: analog and mixed signal design; computing architecture and security; hardware design and optimization; low power VLSI and memory design; device modelling; and hardware implementation.

VLSI Design and Test for Systems Dependability

by Shojiro Asai

This book discusses the new roles that the VLSI (very-large-scale integration of semiconductor circuits) is taking for the safe, secure, and dependable design and operation of electronic systems.The book consists of three parts. Part I, as a general introduction to this vital topic, describes how electronic systems are designed and tested with particular emphasis on dependability engineering, where the simultaneous assessment of the detrimental outcome of failures and cost of their containment is made. This section also describes the related research project “Dependable VLSI Systems,” in which the editor and authors of the book were involved for 8 years. Part II addresses various threats to the dependability of VLSIs as key systems components, including time-dependent degradations, variations in device characteristics, ionizing radiation, electromagnetic interference, design errors, and tampering, with discussion of technologies to counter those threats. Part III elaborates on the design and test technologies for dependability in such applications as control of robots and vehicles, data processing, and storage in a cloud environment and heterogeneous wireless telecommunications. This book is intended to be used as a reference for engineers who work on the design and testing of VLSI systems with particular attention to dependability. It can be used as a textbook in graduate courses as well. Readers interested in dependable systems from social and industrial–economic perspectives will also benefit from the discussions in this book.

VLSI-SoC: 25th IFIP WG 10.5/IEEE International Conference on Very Large Scale Integration, VLSI-SoC 2017, Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates, October 23–25, 2017, Revised and Extended Selected Papers (IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology #500)

by Michail Maniatakos Ibrahim Abe Elfadel Matteo Sonza Reorda H. Fatih Ugurdag José Monteiro Ricardo Reis

This book contains extended and revised versions of the best papers presented at the 25th IFIP WG 10.5/IEEE International Conference on Very Large Scale Integration, VLSI-SoC 2017, held in Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates, in August 2017. The 11 papers included in this book were carefully reviewed and selected from the 33 full papers presented at the conference. The papers cover a wide range of topics in VLSI technology and advanced research. They address the latest scientific and industrial results and developments as well as future trends in the field of System-on-Chip (SoC) Design. On the occasion of the silver jubilee of the VLSI-SoC conference series the book also includes a special chapter that presents the history of the VLSI-SoC series of conferences and its relation with VLSI-SoC evolution since the early 80s up to the present.

VLSI-SoC: 26th IFIP WG 10.5/IEEE International Conference on Very Large Scale Integration, VLSI-SoC 2018, Verona, Italy, October 8–10, 2018, Revised and Extended Selected Papers (IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology #561)

by Ricardo Reis Masahiro Fujita Nicola Bombieri Graziano Pravadelli Todd Austin

This book contains extended and revised versions of the best papers presented at the 26th IFIP WG 10.5/IEEE International Conference on Very Large Scale Integration, VLSI-SoC 2018, held in Verona, Italy, in October 2018. The 13 full papers included in this volume were carefully reviewed and selected from the 27 papers (out of 106 submissions) presented at the conference. The papers discuss the latest academic and industrial results and developments as well as future trends in the field of System-on-Chip (SoC) design, considering the challenges of nano-scale, state-of-the-art and emerging manufacturing technologies. In particular they address cutting-edge research fields like heterogeneous, neuromorphic and brain-inspired, biologically-inspired, approximate computing systems.

VMware vSphere 6.7 Cookbook: Practical recipes to deploy, configure, and manage VMware vSphere 6.7 components, 4th Edition

by Abhilash G B

Proven, actionable ways to install, manage, secure and monitor your vSphere 6.7 environments Key Features Get up to speed with the installation and life cycle management of a vSphere 6.7 environment, using a task-based approach Secure your vSphere environment using SSL Certificates Get introduced to the tools that are used to monitor the performance of the vSphere Environment Book Description VMware vSphere is the most comprehensive core suite of SDDC solutions on the market. It helps transform data centers into simplified on-premises private cloud infrastructures. This edition of the book focuses on the latest version, vSphere 6.7. The books starts with chapters covering the greenfield deployment of vSphere 6.7 components and the upgrade of existing vSphere components to 6.7. You will then learn how to configure storage and network access for a vSphere environment. Get to grips with optimizing your vSphere environment for resource distribution and utilization using features such as DRS and DPM, along with enabling high availability for vSphere components using vSphere HA, VMware FT, and VCHA. Then, you will learn how to facilitate large-scale deployment of stateless/stateful ESXi hosts using Auto Deploy. Finally, you will explore how to upgrade/patch a vSphere environment using vSphere Update Manager, secure it using SSL certificates, and then monitor its performance with tools such as vSphere Performance Charts and esxtop. By the end of this book, you'll be well versed in the core functionalities of vSphere 6.7 and be able to effectively deploy, manage, secure, and monitor your environment. What you will learn Deploy a new vSphere 6.7 environment or upgrade an existing vSphere environment to version 6.7 Learn how to configure and manage storage and network access for a vSphere environment Enable high availability for Hosts, VMs and vCenter Server Optimize your vSphere environment for resource distribution/utilization Patch or upgrade a vSphere environment using vSphere Update Manager Secure vSphere infrastructure components using SSL certificates Effectively monitor the performance of your vSphere environment Who this book is for If you are a systems administrator, support engineer, or anyone who wants to learn how to install, configure, and manage a vSphere environment in a quick, hands-on manner, then this book is for you. Consultants and infrastructure architects who wish to design and deploy vSphere 6.7 environments will also find this book helpful.

VMware vSphere 6.7 Data Center Design Cookbook: Over 100 practical recipes to help you design a powerful virtual infrastructure based on vSphere 6.7, 3rd Edition

by Mike Brown Hersey Cartwright

Design a virtualized data center with VMware vSphere 6.7 Key Features Get the first book on the market that helps you design a virtualized data center with VMware vSphere 6.7 Learn how to create professional vSphere design documentation to ensure a successful implementation A practical guide that will help you apply infrastructure design principles to vSphere design Book Description VMware is the industry leader in data center virtualization. The vSphere 6.x suite of products provides a robust and resilient platform to virtualize server and application workloads. This book uses proven infrastructure design principles and applies them to VMware vSphere 6.7 virtual data center design through short and focused recipes on each design aspect. The second edition of this book focused on vSphere 6.0. vSphere features released since then necessitate an updated design guide, which includes recipes for upgrading to 6.7, vCenter HA; operational improvements; cutting-edge, high-performance storage access such as RDMA and Pmem; security features such as encrypted vMotion and VM-level encryption; Proactive HA; HA Orchestrated Restart; Predictive DRS; and more. By the end of the book, you will be able to achieve enhanced compute, storage, network, and management capabilities for your virtual data center. What you will learn Identify key factors related to a vSphere design Mitigate security risks and meet compliance requirements in a vSphere design Create a vSphere conceptual design by identifying technical and business requirements Design for performance, availability, recoverability, manageability, and security Map the logical resource design into the physical vSphere design Create professional vSphere design documentation Who this book is for If you are an administrator or consultant interested in designing virtualized data center environments using VMware vSphere 6.x (or previous versions of vSphere and the supporting components), this book is for you.

Vocational Education and Training in ASEAN Member States: Current Status and Future Development (Perspectives on Rethinking and Reforming Education)

by Bin Bai Paryono

This book is the first monograph to systematically introduce readers to technology and vocational education and training in ASEAN countries. It details the current state of development and key development trends regarding technology and vocational education and training in the ten ASEAN countries. For each ASEAN country, the book addresses the history, status quo, characteristics, reform and development trends in technology and vocational education and training.The content mainly focuses on technology and vocational education and training systems, vocational qualification frameworks, technology and vocational education and training related personnel, etc. All the latest data presented here is drawn from the newest official website and research reports, accurately reflecting the development status of ASEAN countries and helping us make better forecasts regarding its future.This book offers a valuable reference guide for academic research in technology and vocational education and training. It can also be used as a textbook for postgraduate courses in technology and vocational education and training, as well as training material for various vocational education teachers and managers.

Voice Applications for Alexa and Google Assistant

by Dustin Coates

SummaryVoice Applications for Alexa and Google Assistant is your guide to designing, building, and implementing voice-based applications for Alexa and Google Assistant. Inside, you'll learn how to build your own "skills"—the voice app term for actions the device can perform—from scratch.Foreword by Max Amordeluso.Purchase of the print book includes a free eBook in PDF, Kindle, and ePub formats from Manning Publications. You'll find registration instructions inside the print book.About the TechnologyIn 2018, an estimated 100 million voice-controlled devices were installed in homes worldwide, and the apps that control them, like Amazon Alexa and Google Assistant, are getting more powerful, with new skills being added every day. Great voice apps improve how users interact with the web, whether they're checking the weather, asking for sports scores, or playing a game.About the BookVoice Applications for Alexa and Google Assistant is your guide to designing, building, and implementing voice-based applications for Alexa and Google Assistant. You'll learn to build applications that listen to users, store information, and rely on user context, as you create a voice-powered sleep tracker from scratch. With the basics mastered, you'll dig deeper into multiuse conversational flow and other more-advanced concepts. Smaller projects along the way reinforce your new techniques and best practices. What's insideBuilding a call-and-response skillDesigning a voice user interfaceUsing conversational contextGoing multimodalTips and best practicesAbout the ReaderPerfect for developers with intermediate JavaScript skills and basic Node.js skills. No previous experience with voice-first platforms is required.About the AuthorDustin A. Coates is a developer who focuses on voice and conversational applications. He's currently the voice search lead at Algolia and is also a Google Developers Expert for Assistant as well as cohost of the VUX World podcast.Table of ContentsIntroduction to voice first Building a call-and-response skill on Alexa Designing a voice user interface Using entity resolution and built?in intents in Alexa skills Making a conversational Alexa skill VUI and conversation best practices Using conversation tools to add meaning and usabilityDirecting conversation flowBuilding for Google Assistant Going multimodal Push interactions Building for actions on Google with the Actions SDK

VoIP Technology: Applications and Challenges (Springer Series in Wireless Technology)

by Tamal Chakraborty Iti Saha Misra Ramjee Prasad

This book offers an accessible introduction and practical guide to Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) technology, providing readers with the know-how to solve the problems encountered in applying VoIP technology across all types of network. It incorporates the latest research findings and brings readers up to date with the challenges that are faced by researchers developing novel applications of VoIP.The authors discuss the general architecture of VoIP technology, along with its application and relevance in conventional and emerging wireless communication networks, including Wireless Local Area Networks (WLANs), Worldwide Interoperability for Microwave Access (WiMAX), Long Term Evolution (LTE) and Cognitive Radio Networks. The book also includes Quality of service (QoS) studies under dynamic and unpredictable network conditions, which examine the reliability of both legacy systems And the upcoming pervasive computing systems. Further, it explains how the heuristic-based learning algorithms that are used in VoIP communications may help develop today’s technology in the area of autonomous systems.This book is a valuable source of information for academics and researchers, as it provides state-of-theart research in VoIP technology. It is also of interest to network designers, application architects, and service providers looking for a coherent understanding of VoIP across a wide range of devices, network applications and user categories.

Vue CLI 3 Quick Start Guide: Build and maintain Vue.js applications quickly with the standard CLI

by Ajdin Imsirovic

Build Vue apps the right way using Vue CLI 3. Understand how the building blocks of Vue CLI 3 work including npm, webpack, babel, eslint, plugins, GUI, testing, and SCSS. Import third-party libraries and maintain your project.Key FeaturesLearn to work with Vue CLI 3 both on the command line and with a GUIManage VueJS apps, settings, Vue plugins, and third-party libraries Learn how to build Vue apps from scratch using webpack, babel, ES6, vue-router, Jest, Cypress, SCSS, and GitBook DescriptionThe sprawling landscape of various tools in JavaScript web development is becoming overwhelming. This book will show you how Vue CLI 3 can help you take back control of the tool chain. To that end, we'll begin by configuring webpack, utilizing HMR, and using single-file .vue components. We'll also use SCSS, ECMAScript, and TypeScript. We'll unit test with Jest and perform E2E testing with Cypress.This book will show you how to configure Vue CLI as your default way of building Vue projects. You'll discover the reasons behind using webpack, babel, eslint, and other modern JavaScript toolchain technologies. You'll learn about the inner workings of each through the lens of Vue CLI 3. We'll explore the extendibility of Vue CLI with the built-in settings, and various core and third-party plugins.Vue CLI helps you work with Vue components, routers, directives, and services in the Vue ecosystem. While learning these concepts, you'll examine the evolution of JavaScript. You'll learn about use of npm, IIFEs, modules in JavaScript, Common.js modules, task runners, npm scripts, module bundlers, and webpack. You'll get familiar with the reasons why Vue CLI 3 is set up the way it is. You'll also learn to perform linting with ESLint and Prettier.Towards the end, we'll introduce you to working with styles and SCSS. Finally, we'll show you how to deploy your very own Vue project on Github Pages.What you will learnWork with nvm, install Node.js and npm, use Vue CLI 3 with no configuration, via the command line and the graphical user interfaceBuild a Vue project from scratch using npm and webpack, and learn about hot module replacementWork with Babel settings, configurations, and presetsWork with Vue plugins, including testing plugins such as Jest and CypressWrite, run, and watch unit and E2E tests using TDD assertions in the red-green-refactor cycleWork with Vue router and use, nested, lazy-loading, and dynamic routesAdd SCSS to your projects and work with third-party Vue pluginsDeploy your Vue apps to Github PagesWho this book is forThis book is for existing web developers and developers who are new to web development. You must be familiar with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript programming. Basic knowledge of the command line will be helpful but is not necessary.

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