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Handbook of Discrete and Combinatorial Mathematics (Discrete Mathematics and Its Applications)

by Kenneth H. Rosen

Handbook of Discrete and Combinatorial Mathematics provides a comprehensive reference volume for mathematicians, computer scientists, engineers, as well as students and reference librarians. The material is presented so that key information can be located and used quickly and easily. Each chapter includes a glossary. Individual topics are covered in sections and subsections within chapters, each of which is organized into clearly identifiable parts: definitions, facts, and examples. Examples are provided to illustrate some of the key definitions, facts, and algorithms. Some curious and entertaining facts and puzzles are also included. Readers will also find an extensive collection of biographies. This second edition is a major revision. It includes extensive additions and updates. Since the first edition appeared in 1999, many new discoveries have been made and new areas have grown in importance, which are covered in this edition.

Applied SOA: Service-Oriented Architecture and Design Strategies

by Mike Rosen Boris Lublinsky Kevin T. Smith Marc J. Balcer

Endorsed by all major vendors (Microsoft, Oracle, IBM, and SAP), SOA has quickly become the industry standard for building next-generation software; this practical guide shows readers how to achieve the many benefits of SOA Begins with a look at the architectural principles needed to create successful applications and then goes on to examine the process for designing services and SOA implementations Each stage of the design process has an accompanying chapter that walks readers through the details and provides helpful tips, techniques, and examples The author team of SOA practitioners also provides two unique, comprehensive, end-to-end case studies illustrating the architectural and design techniques presented in the book

Linux Kernel Networking

by Rami Rosen

Linux Kernel Networking takes you on a guided in-depth tour of the current Linux networking implementation and the theory behind it. Linux kernel networking is a complex topic, so the book won't burden you with topics not directly related to networking. This book will also not overload you with cumbersome line-by-line code walkthroughs not directly related to what you're searching for; you'll find just what you need, with in-depth explanations in each chapter and a quick reference at the end of each chapter. Linux Kernel Networking is the only up-to-date reference guide to understanding how networking is implemented, and it will be indispensable in years to come since so many devices now use Linux or operating systems based on Linux, like Android, and since Linux is so prevalent in the data center arena, including Linux-based virtualization technologies like Xen and KVM. What you'll learn *Kernel networking basics, including socket buffers *How key protocols like ARP, Neighbour Discovery and ICMP are implemented *In-depth looks at both IPv4 and IPv6 *Everything you need to know about Linux routing *How netfilter and IPsec are implemented *Linux wireless networking *Additional topics like Network Namespaces, NFC, IEEE 802. 15. 4, Bluetooth, InfiniBand and more Who this book is for Software developers and architects, project managers, CTOs, network admins and architects, network security professionals, computer science researchers, and Linux kernel hackers. A basic knowledge of C and networking is required; basic knowledge of the Linux kernel is helpful but not mandatory. Table of Contents 1. Introduction 2. Netlink Sockets 3. ICMP: Internet Control Message Protocol 4. IPv4 5. The IPv4 Routing Subsystem 6. Advanced Routing 7. Linux Neighboring Subsystem 8. IPv6 9. Netfilter 10. IPsec 11. Layer 4 Protocols 12. Wireless in Linux 13. InfiniBand 14. Advanced Topics Appendix A: Linux API Appendix B: Network Administration Appendix C: Glossary

LinkedIn Marketing: An Hour a Day

by Viveka Von Rosen

A step-by-step guide for succeeding on the for ''business'' social media network LinkedIn Marketing: An Hour a Day helps you create, customize, and optimize a presence on LinkedIn, the world's largest social network for professionals. In this detailed, step-by-step book, LinkedIn expert Viveka von Rosen reveals how to use this powerful platform to ensure that you or your company get noticed by the right audience. Discover previously undocumented tips and tricks for community growth and management, including how to best use Groups, events, and other LinkedIn features and applications. Offers a complete resource for anyone who wants to market and recruit on the world's largest professional network Features hands-on tutorials, case studies, examples, tips, and tactics Reveals how to monitor and maintain a vibrant LinkedIn presence Includes effective tactics for recruiters, job seekers, and entrepreneurs, as well as legal, real estate, and nonprofit professionals Incorporates an exploration of the LinkedIn advertising platform, API, and mobile platform This soup-to-nuts guidebook for tackling every stage of the LinkedIn process ensures your online presence will get noticed.

Grokking Bitcoin

by Kalle Rosenbaum

SummaryIf you think Bitcoin is just an alternative currency for geeks, it's time to think again. Grokking Bitcoin opens up this powerful distributed ledger system, exploring the technology that enables applications both for Bitcoin-based financial transactions and using the blockchain for registering physical property ownership. With this fully illustrated, easy-to-read guide, you'll finally understand how Bitcoin works, how you can use it, and why you can trust the blockchain.Foreword by David A. Harding, Contributor to Bitcoin documentation.Purchase of the print book includes a free eBook in PDF, Kindle, and ePub formats from Manning Publications.About the TechnologyInflation, depressed economies, debased currencies ... these are just a few of the problems centralized banking has caused throughout history. Bitcoin, a digital currency created with the ambition to shift control away from change-prone governments, has the potential to bring an end to those problems once and for all. It's time to find out how it can help you.About the BookGrokking Bitcoin explains why Bitcoin's supporters trust it so deeply, and why you can too. This approachable book will introduce you to Bitcoin's groundbreaking technology, which is the key to this world-changing system. This illustrated, easy-to-read guide prepares you for a new way of thinking with easy-to-follow diagrams and exercises. You'll discover how Bitcoin mining works, how to accept Bitcoin, how to participate in the Bitcoin network, and how to set up a digital wallet.What's insideBitcoin transactionsThe blockchainBitcoin miningBitcoin walletsAbout the ReaderIntended for anyone interested in learning about Bitcoin technology. While a basic understanding of technical concepts is beneficial, no programming skills are necessary.About the AuthorKalle Rosenbaum is a computer scientist, an avid Bitcoin supporter, and the founder of Propeller, a Bitcoin consultancy.Table of ContentsIntroduction to BitcoinCryptographic hash functions and digital signaturesAddressesWalletsTransactionsThe blockchainProof of workPeer-to-peer networkTransactions revisitedSegregated witnessBitcoin upgrades

Serverless computing with Azure and .NET

by Sasha Rosenbaum

This book is for .NET developers who would like to learn about serverless architecture. Basic C# programming knowledge is assumed.

Queen of Blades

by Aaron Rosenberg Glenn Rane

Former marshal-turned-rebel Jim Raynor has broken away from the power-crazed Emperor Arcturus Mengsk. Enraged over Mengsk's betrayal of the powerful telepath, Sarah Kerrigan, to the ravenous Zerg, Raynor has lost all faith in his fellow humanity. Yet, in the aftermath of Mengsk's treachery, Raynor is plagued by strange visions of Char -- a deadly, volcanic world haunted by horrifying alien creatures. As the nightmares grow in intensity, Raynor begins to suspect that they may not be figments of his imagination -- but a desperate form of telepathic contact. Convinced that the woman he loves is still alive, Raynor launches a hasty mission to rescue Kerrigan from Char. But deep beneath the planet's smoldering surface, Raynor finds a strange chrysalis. . . and is forced to watch in horror as a terrible, all-too-familiar entity rises from it. Before him stands a creature of depthless malice and vengeance. . . Sarah Kerrigan: the Zerg Queen of Blades.

Parallel Agile – faster delivery, fewer defects, lower cost

by Doug Rosenberg Barry Boehm Matt Stephens Charles Suscheck Shobha Rani Dhalipathi Bo Wang

From the beginning of software time, people have wondered why it isn’t possible to accelerate software projects by simply adding staff. This is sometimes known as the “nine women can’t make a baby in one month” problem. The most famous treatise declaring this to be impossible is Fred Brooks’ 1975 book The Mythical Man-Month, in which he declares that “adding more programmers to a late software project makes it later,” and indeed this has proven largely true over the decades. Aided by a domain-driven code generator that quickly creates database and API code, Parallel Agile (PA) achieves significant schedule compression using parallelism: as many developers as necessary can independently and concurrently develop the scenarios from initial prototype through production code. Projects can scale by elastic staffing, rather than by stretching schedules for larger development efforts. Schedule compression with a large team of developers working in parallel is analogous to hardware acceleration of compute problems using parallel CPUs. PA has some similarities with and differences from other Agile approaches. Like most Agile methods, PA "gets to code early" and uses feedback from executable software to drive requirements and design. PA uses technical prototyping as a risk-mitigation strategy, to help sanity-check requirements for feasibility, and to evaluate different technical architectures and technologies. Unlike many Agile methods, PA does not support "design by refactoring," and it doesn't drive designs from unit tests. Instead, PA uses a minimalist UML-based design approach (Agile/ICONIX) that starts out with a domain model to facilitate communication across the development team, and partitions the system along use case boundaries, which enables parallel development. Parallel Agile is fully compatible with the Incremental Commitment Spiral Model (ICSM), which involves concurrent effort of a systems engineering team, a development team, and a test team working alongside the developers. The authors have been researching and refining the PA process for several years on multiple test projects that have involved over 200 developers. The book’s example project details the design of one of these test projects, a crowdsourced traffic safety system.

Fractal Dimensions of Networks (Springerbriefs In Computer Science Ser.)

by Eric Rosenberg

Current interest in fractal dimensions of networks is the result of more than a century of previous research on dimensions. Fractal Dimensions of Networks ties the theory and methods for computing fractal dimensions of networks to the “classic” theory of dimensions of geometric objects.The goal of the book is to provide a unified treatment of fractal dimensions of sets and networks. Since almost all of the major concepts in fractal dimensions originated in the study of sets, the book achieves this goal by first clearly presenting, with an abundance of examples and illustrations, the theory and algorithms for sets, and then showing how the theory and algorithms have been applied to networks. Thus, the book presents the classical theory and algorithms for the box counting dimension for sets, and then presents the box counting dimension for networks. All the major fractal dimensions are studied, e.g., the correlation dimension, the information dimension, the Hausdorff dimension, the multifractal spectrum, as well as many lesser known dimensions. Algorithm descriptions are accompanied by worked examples, many applications of the methods are presented, and many exercises, ranging in difficulty from easy to research level, are included.

A Survey of Fractal Dimensions of Networks (SpringerBriefs in Computer Science)

by Eric Rosenberg

Many different fractal dimensions have been proposed for networks. In A Survey of Fractal Dimensions of Networks the theory and computation of the most important of these dimensions are reviewed, including the box counting dimension, the correlation dimension, the mass dimension, the transfinite fractal dimension, the information dimension, the generalized dimensions (which provide a way to describe multifractals), and the sandbox method (for approximating the generalized dimensions). The book describes the use of diameter-based and radius-based boxes, and presents several heuristic methods for box counting, including greedy coloring, random sequential node burning, and a method for computing a lower bound. We also discuss very recent results on resolving ambiguity in the calculation of the information dimension and the generalized dimensions, and on the non-monotonicity of the generalized dimensions. Anyone interested in the theory and application of networks will want to read this Brief. This includes anyone studying, e.g., social networks, telecommunications networks, transportation networks, ecological networks, food chain networks, network models of the brain, or financial networks.

Sequence Alignment: Methods, Models, Concepts, and Strategies

by Michael S. Rosenberg

The sequencing of the human genome involved thousands of scientists but used relatively few tools. Today, obtaining sequences is simpler, but aligning the sequences--making sure that sequences from one source are properly compared to those from other sources--remains a complicated but underappreciated aspect of comparative molecular biology.

Dreaming in Code: Two Dozen Programmers, Three Years, 4,732 Bugs, and One Quest for Transcendent Software

by Scott Rosenberg

Our civilization runs on software. Yet the art of creating it continues to be a dark mystery, even to the experts. To find out why it's so hard to bend computers to our will, Scott Rosenberg spent three years following a team of maverick software developers--led by Lotus 1-2-3 creator Mitch Kapor--designing a novel personal information manager meant to challenge market leader Microsoft Outlook. Their story takes us through a maze of abrupt dead ends and exhilarating breakthroughs as they wrestle not only with the abstraction of code, but with the unpredictability of human behavior-- especially their own.

Say Everything: How Blogging Began, What It's Becoming, And Why It Matters

by Scott Rosenberg

The author of "Dreaming in Code" examines the new species of written conversation--blogs--and explores the dilemmas that still face this new medium, from privacy and self-expression to authority and community.

The Digitalization of the 21st Century Supply Chain

by Stuart M. Rosenberg

The goal of this book is to gain a clear picture of the current status and future challenges with regard to the digitalization of the supply chain – from the perspective of the suppliers, the manufacturers, and the customers. They were the target groups of the book. Digitization has touched upon all aspects of businesses, including supply chains. Technologies such as RFID, GPS, and sensors have enabled organizations to transform their existing hybrid (combination of paper-based and IT-supported processes) supply chain structures into more f lexible, open, agile, and collaborative digital models. Unlike hybrid supply chain models, which have resulted in rigid organizational structures, unobtainable data, and disjointed relationships with partners, digital supply chains enable business process automation, organizational flexibility, and digital management of corporate assets. In order to reap maximum benefits from digital supply chain models, it is important that companies internalize it as an integral part of the overall business model and organizational structure. Localized disconnected projects and silo-based operations pose a serious threat to competitiveness in an increasingly digital world. The technologies discussed in this text – artificial intelligence, 3D printing, Internet of things, etc. – are beginning to come together to help digitize, automate, integrate, and improve the global supply chains. It’s certainly an exciting and challenging time for both new supply chain professionals and long-time supply chain professionals.

Bitcoin und Blockchain: Vom Scheitern einer Ideologie und dem Erfolg einer revolutionären Technik

by Patrick Rosenberger

Die Einführung von Kryptowährungen und der Blockchain-Technologie stellt unsere Gesellschaft vor völlig neue Herausforderungen. Schon in naher Zukunft werden sämtliche Bestandteile unseres Lebens unter dem Einfluss eines dezentralen Netzwerks stehen. Banken, Unternehmen, sogar Regierungen setzen auf das Potenzial der dezentralen Datenspeicherung. Was aber sind Blockchain und Kryptowährungen und wie sind sie entstanden? Dieses Buch ist eine unverzichtbare Lektüre für alle, die ein tiefes Verständnis für dieses Thema entwickeln möchten, ohne sich dafür mit Formeln oder Programmcode auseinanderzusetzen.Zur Einführung beleuchtet der Autor die Geschichte des Geldes und zeigt, wie sich die Zukunftswährung Bitcoin dank der innovativen Blockchains entwickeln konnte. Der legendäre Erfinder der ersten Kryptowährung, Satoshi Nakamoto, bleibt zwar bis heute anonym, ist jedoch in der Währung, die er sogar mit seinem Namen geprägt hat, mittlerweile millionenschwer. Detailliert beschreibt der Autor die Ideologie hinter der Technologie und ihre zahlreichen Anwendungsmöglichkeiten. Neben den berühmten Bitcoins haben inzwischen auch viele weitere Kryptowährungen wie Ethereum entwickelt, die ebenfalls auf der Technologie der Blockchains basiert. Mit der fortschreitenden Evolution des Internets der Dinge ist noch lange kein Ende der Entwicklung in Sicht. Allerdings entstehen bereits die ersten Alternativen zur Blockchain-Technologie, namentlich in Form des IOTA-Netzwerkes, einer Technik, die seit 2015 entwickelt wird und aktuell in der Betaphase steckt.Mit diesen und vielen weiteren Aspekten liefert das Buch eine spannende Lektüre zu einem der Themen der Zukunft und vermittelt erfahrenen Informatikern, aber auch technikaffinen Laien ein umfassendes Grundlagenwissen über Kryptowährungen und ihre zugrundeliegenden Technologien.

Bitcoin und Blockchain: Vom Scheitern einer Ideologie und dem Erfolg einer revolutionären Technik

by Patrick Rosenberger

Der Erfolg von Kryptowährungen und der Blockchain-Technologie stellt unsere Gesellschaft vor völlig neue Herausforderungen. Schon in naher Zukunft könnten sämtliche Bestandteile unseres Lebens unter dem Einfluss eines dezentralen Netzwerks stehen. Banken, Unternehmen, sogar Regierungen setzen auf das Potenzial der dezentralen Datenspeicherung. Mit der fortschreitenden Evolution des Internets der Dinge, dem Metaverse oder der Möglichkeit, Vermögenswerte zu tokenisieren, ist noch lange kein Ende der Entwicklung in Sicht. Dabei war die Idee und Ideologie hinter Bitcoin eigentlich eine ganz andere: Die digitale Währung wurde als ein alternatives Zahlungssystem erfunden, das ohne die Kontrolle von Banken funktioniert.Dieses Buch ist eine unverzichtbare Lektüre für alle, die ein tiefes Verständnis für dieses Thema entwickeln möchten, ohne sich dafür mit Formeln oder Programmcode auseinanderzusetzen.

Learning the Korn Shell

by Bill Rosenblatt

This Nutshell Handbook(R) is a thorough introduction to the Korn shell, both as a user interface and as a programming language. The Korn shell, like the C and Bourne shells, is a program that interprets UNIX commands. It has many features that aren't found in other shells, including command history (the ability to recall and edit previous commands). The Korn shell is also faster; several of its features allow you to write programs that execute more quickly than their Bourne or C shell equivalents. This book provides a clear and concise explanation of the Korn shell's features. It explains ksh string operations, co-processes, signals and signal handling, and one of the worst "dark corners" of shell programming: command-line interpretation. It does this by introducing simple real-life examples and then adding options and complexity in later chapters, illustrating the way real-world script development generally proceeds. An additional (and unique) programming aid, a Korn shell debugger ( kshdb ), is also included. Learning the Korn Shell is an ideal resource for many UNIX users and programmers, including software developers who want to "prototype" their designs, system administrators who want to write tools for their own use, and even novices who just want to use some of ksh's more advanced interactive features.

Learning the Korn Shell

by Bill Rosenblatt Arnold Robbins

The Korn shell is an interactive command and scripting language for accessing Unix® and other computer systems. As a complete and high-level programming language in itself, it's been a favorite since it was developed in the mid 1980s by David G. Korn at AT&T Bell Laboratories. Knowing how to use it is an essential skill for serious Unix users. Learning the Korn Shell shows you how to use the Korn shell as a user interface and as a programming environment. Writing applications is often easier and quicker with Korn than with other high-level languages. Because of this, the Korn shell is the most often used shell in commercial environments and among inexperienced users. There are two other widely used shells, the Bourne shell and the C shell. The Korn shell, or ksh, has the best features of both, plus many new features of its own. ksh can do much to enhance productivity and the quality of a user's work, both in interacting with the system, and in programming. The new version, ksh93, has the functionality of other scripting languages such as awk, icon, Perl, rexx, and tcl. Learning the Korn Shell is the key to gaining control of the Korn shell and becoming adept at using it as an interactive command and scripting language. Prior programming experience is not required in order to understand the chapters on basic shell programming. Readers will learn how to write many applications more easily and quickly than with other high-level languages. In addition, readers will also learn about Unix utilities and the way the Unix operating system works in general. The authors maintain that you shouldn't have to be an internals expert to use and program the shell effectively. The second edition covers all the features of the current version of the Korn shell, including many new features not in earlier versions of ksh93, making it the most up-to-date reference available on the Korn shell. It compares the current version of the Korn shell to several other Bourne-compatible shells, including several Unix emulation environments for MS-DOS and Windows. In addition, it describes how to download and build ksh93 from source code. A solid offering for many years, this newly revised title inherits a long tradition of trust among computer professionals who want to learn or refine an essential skill.

On Computing: The Fourth Great Scientific Domain

by Paul S. Rosenbloom

A proposal that computing is not merely a form of engineering but a scientific domain on a par with the physical, life, and social sciences.Computing is not simply about hardware or software, or calculation or applications. Computing, writes Paul Rosenbloom, is an exciting and diverse, yet remarkably coherent, scientific enterprise that is highly multidisciplinary yet maintains a unique core of its own. In On Computing, Rosenbloom proposes that computing is a great scientific domain on a par with the physical, life, and social sciences. Rosenbloom introduces a relational approach for understanding computing, conceptualizing it in terms of forms of interaction and implementation, to reveal the hidden structures and connections among its disciplines. He argues for the continuing vitality of computing, surveying the leading edge in computing's combination with other domains, from biocomputing and brain-computer interfaces to crowdsourcing and virtual humans to robots and the intermingling of the real and the virtual. He explores forms of higher order coherence, or macrostructures, over complex computing topics and organizations. Finally, he examines the very notion of a great scientific domain in philosophical terms, honing his argument that computing should be considered the fourth great scientific domain.With On Computing, Rosenbloom, a key architect of the founding of University of Southern California's Institute for Creative Technologies and former Deputy Director of USC's Information Sciences Institute, offers a broader perspective on what computing is and what it can become.

On Computing

by Paul S. Rosenbloom

Computing isn't simply about hardware or software, or calculation or applications. Computing, writes Paul Rosenbloom, is an exciting and diverse, yet remarkably coherent, scientific enterprise that is highly multidisciplinary yet maintains a unique core of its own. In On Computing, Rosenbloom proposes that computing is a great scientific domain on a par with the physical, life, and social sciences. Rosenbloom introduces a relational approach for understanding computing, conceptualizing it in terms of forms of interaction and implementation, to reveal the hidden structures and connections among its disciplines. He argues for the continuing vitality of computing, surveying the leading edge in computing's combination with other domains, from biocomputing and brain-computer interfaces to crowdsourcing and virtual humans to robots and the intermingling of the real and the virtual. He explores forms of higher order coherence, or macrostructures, over complex computing topics and organizations, such as computing's role in the pursuit of science and the structure of academic computing. Finally, he examines the very notion of a great scientific domain in philosophical terms, honing his argument that computing should be considered the fourth great scientific domain. Rosenbloom's proposal may prove to be controversial, but the intent is to initiate a long overdue conversation about the nature and future of a field in search of its soul. Rosenbloom, a key architect of the founding of University of Southern California's Institute for Creative Technologies and former Deputy Director of USC's Information Sciences Institute, offers a broader perspective on what computing is and what it can become.

Oracle PL/SQL For Dummies

by Michael Rosenblum Dr Paul Dorsey

Find tips for creating efficient PL/SQL code If you know a bit about SQL, this book will make PL/SQL programming painless! The Oracle has spoken-you need to get up to speed on PL/SQL programming, right? We predict it'll be a breeze with this book! You'll find out about code structures, best practices, and code naming standards, how to use conditions and loops, where to place PL/SQL code in system projects, ways to manipulate data, and more. Discover how to Write efficient, easy-to-maintain code Test and debug PL/SQL routines Integrate SQL and PL/SQL Apply PL/SQL best practices Use new features introduced in Oracle 9i and 10g

Übersetzen im Wandel: Wie Technologisierung, Automatisierung und Künstliche Intelligenz das Übersetzen verändern

by Christoph Rösener Carmen Canfora Torsten Dörflinger Felix Hoberg Simon Varga

Der Fachbereich Translations-, Sprach- und Kulturwissenschaft (FTSK) Germersheim der Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz feierte im Jahr 2022 sein 75-jähriges Bestehen. Dieses Jubiläum nahm der Germersheimer Arbeitsbereich Allgemeine und Angewandte Sprachwissenschaft sowie Translationstechnologie (ASTT) zum Anlass, im Rahmen einer Tagung 2022 einen Blick nicht auf die Vergangenheit, sondern die Zukunft des Übersetzerberufs zu werfen. Im Zentrum des Interesses standen dabei die Auswirkungen, die der Übersetzerberuf und die Übersetzerausbildung im Zuge des digitalen Wandels erfahren, der insbesondere in Gestalt der Maschinellen Übersetzung und der fortschreitenden Automatisierung von Übersetzungsprozessen die Branche zunehmend prägt.Welche Kompetenzen müssen Studierenden heute vermittelt werden, damit sie in der Berufswelt von morgen ihren Platz finden? Wie kann man sie mit einer positiven Haltung dem digitalen Wandel gegenüber ausstatten und ihnen somit eine aktive Rolle in diesemSystem ermöglichen?​

Multi-Agent Systems: 18th European Conference, EUMAS 2021, Virtual Event, June 28–29, 2021, Revised Selected Papers (Lecture Notes in Computer Science #12802)

by Ariel Rosenfeld Nimrod Talmon

This book constitutes the revised post-conference proceedings of the 18th European Conference on Multi-Agent Systems, EUMAS 2021. The conference was held online in June, 2021. 16 full papers are presented in this volume, each of which carefully reviewed and selected from a total of 51 submissions. The papers report on both early and mature research and cover a wide range of topics in the field of multi-agent systems.

Digital Online Culture, Identity, and Schooling in the Twenty-First Century

by Kimberly N. Rosenfeld

Digital Online Culture, Identity and Schooling in the Twenty-First Century provides a cultural, ideological critique of identity construction in the context of virtualization. Kimberly Rosenfeld explores the growing number of people who no longer reside in one physical reality but live, work, and play in multiple realities. Rosenfeld's critique of neo-liberal practices in the digital environment brings to light the on-going hegemonic and counter-hegemonic battles over control of education in the digital age. Rosenfeld draws conclusions for empowering the population through schooling, and how it should understand, respond to, and help individuals live out the information revolution.

Search Analytics for Your Site

by Louis Rosenfeld

Any organization that has a searchable web site or intranet is sitting on top of hugely valuable and usually under-exploited data: logs that capture what users are searching for, how often each query was searched, and how many results each query retrieved. Search queries are gold: they are real data that show us exactly what users are searching for in their own words. This book shows you how to use search analytics to carry on a conversation with your customers: listen to and understand their needs, and improve your content, navigation and search performance to meet those needs.

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