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Showing 53,001 through 53,025 of 54,151 results

Well Packed – Not a Bit Too Much: Compression of Digital Data Explained in an Understandable Way (essentials)

by Olaf Manz

With today's flood of data circulating on storage media and the Internet, compression of digital data remains an immensely important aspect of data transmission and storage. This essential explains, without theoretical superstructure and with elementary mathematical methods, the most important compression methods, such as the entropy encodings of Shannon-Fano and of Huffman, as well as the dictionary encodings of the Lempel-Ziv family. Irrelevance reduction and quantization for optical and acoustic signals, which exploit the inadequacies of the human eye and ear for data compression, are also discussed in detail. The whole is illustrated by means of common practical applications from the everyday environment. The presentation allows the use, for example, in working groups at schools, in introductory courses at universities and is also suitable for interested laypersons.This Springer essential is a translation of the original German 1st edition essentials, Gut gepackt – Kein Bit zu viel by Olaf Manz, published by Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden GmbH, part of Springer Nature in 2020. The translation was done with the help of artificial intelligence (machine translation by the service A subsequent human revision was done primarily in terms of content, so that the book will read stylistically differently from a conventional translation. Springer Nature works continuously to further the development of tools for the production of books and on the related technologies to support the authors.

Well-Quasi Orders in Computation, Logic, Language and Reasoning: A Unifying Concept of Proof Theory, Automata Theory, Formal Languages and Descriptive Set Theory (Trends in Logic #53)

by Peter M. Schuster Monika Seisenberger Andreas Weiermann

This book bridges the gaps between logic, mathematics and computer science by delving into the theory of well-quasi orders, also known as wqos. This highly active branch of combinatorics is deeply rooted in and between many fields of mathematics and logic, including proof theory, commutative algebra, braid groups, graph theory, analytic combinatorics, theory of relations, reverse mathematics and subrecursive hierarchies. As a unifying concept for slick finiteness or termination proofs, wqos have been rediscovered in diverse contexts, and proven to be extremely useful in computer science. The book introduces readers to the many facets of, and recent developments in, wqos through chapters contributed by scholars from various fields. As such, it offers a valuable asset for logicians, mathematicians and computer scientists, as well as scholars and students.

Wer sehen will, muss spüren: Warum uns manche Serien und Filme berühren und uns andere kaltlassen (Über/Strom: Wegweiser durchs digitale Zeitalter)

by Wiebke Schwelgengräber

​Warum berühren uns Serien wie „Game of Thrones“, „Breaking Bad“, „Sex Education“ und Filme wie „Es“, „Sieben“, oder „Mamma Mia!“? Manchmal sind wir gefesselt von einem Film oder einer Serie und vergessen alles um uns herum. Und ein anderes Mal vergeht die Zeit einfach nicht und der Film langweilt uns zu Tode. Wieder andere Filme und Serien können wir gar nicht erst aushalten, weil Gewalt, Ekel, und Demütigungen von Figuren uns unangenehm vereinnahmen und geradezu einschnüren.In diesem Buch erfahren Sie, wie Filme und Serien uns emotional berühren - oder eben auch nicht. Anhand zahlreicher Beispiele lernen Sie, wie Langeweile, Freude, Angst, Empathie, Ekel, Nervosität, Scham, Schrecken oder Sehnsucht beim Film- und Serienschauen geradezu leiblich spürbar werden. Diese philosophischen Betrachtungen werden jeweils psychologisch eingeordnet, um einen umfassenden Blick auf das ‚Spüren beim Sehen‘ zu erlangen. .Der InhaltGeschichten verbinden unsGeschichten berühren unsKatharsis nach AristotelesLeibphänomenologieDas Phänomen Binge-WatchingGeschichten wollen erinnert werdenEntladung von Wut und EnttäuschungEntladung von SehnsuchtGeschichten lassen uns trotzdem manchmal kaltGeschichten verändern unsDie ZielgruppePersonen, die Filme und Serien schauen, Rezensionen/Kritiken lesen, im Alltag über ebenjene mit anderen sprechen

#WeRateDogs: The Most Hilarious and Adorable Pups You've Ever Seen

by Matt Nelson

The ultimate book for our obsession with dogs on social media!“Over-the-top and hilarious.” —Barkpost <P><P>Based on the Twitter and Instagram sensation, #WeRateDogs features the most heroic, over-the-top adorable, wildly successful, all-around entertaining dogs the world has ever seen! It combines extraordinary photos with ridiculous captions to expand the knowledge and overall lives of its readers. It is not only an exceptionally reliable source for dog greatness, it is also a one stop shop for happiness. <P><P>This book takes readers on a journey through the strict science of dog rating and the unwavering rules associated with it. Questioning the accuracy of these ratings is ill-advised. They are certainly not arbitrary and this book is absolutely not just about how cute dogs are. It truly is all about precision and ethics in dog rating. <P><P>The #WeRateDogs book will produce an audible reaction with every flip of the page—whether a groan from a terrible pupper pun or an “aww” of seeing a super floofer. If #WeRateDogs takes you away from reality and pushes you into this conglomerate of absurdity for even a second, then it has fulfilled its purpose.

Werbe- und Konsumentenpsychologie

by Georg Felser

Wie funktioniert Werbung? Wie werden Kaufentscheidungen beeinflusst? Wie manipulierbar sind wir als Konsumentinnen und Konsumenten? Welche Methoden im Marketing funktionieren und warum? Das Buch „Werbe- und Konsumentenpsychologie“ gibt Antworten auf diese Fragen. Mit der fünften Auflage des seit Jahren erfolgreichen und prüfungsrelevanten Lehrbuchklassikers halten Sie die psychologischen Grundlagen des Neuromarketings und der Verhaltensökonomie in Ihren Händen. Wussten Sie, dass ein nicht geringer Teil unseres Konsumverhaltens durch automatische, unbewusste und »implizite« Prozesse gesteuert wird? In diesem leicht verständlichen und gleichzeitig wissenschaftlich anspruchsvollen Buch erfahren Sie, welche Rolle diesen Prozessen tatsächlich zukommt. Diese Neuauflage wurde um eine Vielzahl aktueller Forschungsergebnisse sowie neuer Textabschnitte und Kapitel wie z.B. zum digitalen Marketing, Werbung über Influencer, die Bedeutung von Kundenrezensionen, die Folgen des E-Commerce, Online- und Versandhandel und „innovative“ Werbeformen wie z.B. Ambient Marketing oder Native Advertising erweitert.

We're Engaged!

by Bob Davis Dawn Davis

Today's brides- and grooms-to-be have grown up inundated by world-class photography on the Internet, television, magazines, and social networking sites. Therefore, it's no surprise that these savvy, image-conscious consumers have high expectations when commissioning their engagement portraits. They want unique, innovative images that make them look great and reflect their personal style as individuals and as a couple. In this book, acclaimed photographers Bob and Dawn Davis show you how to rise to that lofty goal and deliver memorable, personalized images from each session. Covering the process from start to finish, you'll learn how to select locations, work with clients on their styling, get great poses even from camera-shy subjects, and find (or create) amazing lighting indoors and out-all day long. Lighting diagrams paired with each final image selection, along with supporting image variations from the same session, make it easy to learn!

Werkzeuge der digitalen Wirtschaft: Eine Einführung in relationale und nicht-relationale Datenbanken (essentials)

by Andreas Meier

Das essential f#65533;hrt in Big Data ein und erl#65533;utert die wichtigsten Werkzeuge zur Nutzung von SQL- wie NoSQL-Technologien. Neben semantischer Datenmodellierung, Abfragesprachen, Konsistenzgew#65533;hrung mit ACID oder BASE werden NoSQL-Datenbanken vorgestellt und organisatorische Aspekte des Datenmanagements erl#65533;utert. Der Leser erh#65533;lt mit diesem Kompendium die wichtigsten Grundlagen sowohl zu SQL- wie auch zu NoSQL-Datenbanken.


by Kent Wertime Ian Fenwick

"We are all DigiMarketers now - or we should be. The authors have for the first time provided a lucid, hype-free, business-based and practical guide to the new age of marketing: it is a kind of digital Baedeker, which should be on every businessman's book-shelf. " -Miles Young, Chairman, Ogilvy & Mather Asia Pacific "The digital frontier is now the center of our universe. As Kent Wertime and Ian Fenwick show, marketers must seize this digital opportunity to accelerate their market growth. " -John A. Quelch, Senior Associate Dean and Lincoln Filene Professor of Business Administration, Harvard Business School "Too many advertisers are stuck in the primordial soup when it comes to their digital marketing strategy. However, they need to evolve fast if they are to survive in a multi-channel landscape. This timely book acts like an Origin of the Species, steering hesitant brand owners through the complexities of the digital ecosystem. An impressive blend of academic theory, professional insight and practical advice. " -Paul Kemp-Robertson, Co-founder & Editorial Director, Contagious www. contagiousmagazine. com "DigiMarketing: The Essential Guide to New Marketing & Digital Media is a clear call for companies to evolve their marketing practice. This book is essential reading for anyone seeking a roadmap to the future of business. " -Dipak C. Jain, Dean, Kellogg School of Management "The rise of conversational media new forms of distribution - from blogs to mobile platforms - challenge traditional approaches to marketing, and require every business to have a transition plan. Kent Wertime and Ian Fenwick have written a book that is required reading for any marketers interested in successfully making that transition. " -John Battelle, CEO and Founder, Federated Media Publishing and Author, The Search "Kent Wertime and Ian Fenwick have written the definitive guide to marketing in the digital age. But Digimarketing does more than educate marketing professionals. It describes the new media landscape brilliantly, making it an essential read for anyone who hopes to understand the most important technological revolution of the past fifty years. I wore out three yellow highlighters before realizing that every sentence and every paragraph is worth committing to memory. " -Norman Pearlstine, Former Editor-in-Chief, Time Inc. and Managing Editor, The Wall Street Journal, Senior Advisor, Telecommunications & Media, The Carlyle Group

Wertschöpfungsnetzwerke deutscher Cloud-Anbieter: HMD Best Paper Award 2013 (essentials)

by Norman Pelzl Andreas Helferich Georg Herzwurm

Die Autoren untersuchen in diesem Beitrag die Wertschöpfungsnetzwerke deutscher Cloud-Anbieter anhand einer Clusteranalyse. Auf Basis der Ergebnisse und vorgestellten Fallbeispiele sind Cloud-Anbieter in der Lage, sich einem der Cluster zuzuordnen, ihr eigenes Wertschöpfungsnetzwerk zu analysieren sowie Optionen zur Neukonfiguration der Wertschöpfungsarchitektur zu identifizieren. Cloud Computing hat nicht nur das Potenzial, IT-Nutzung signifikant umzugestalten, sondern auch IT-Angebote erheblich zu innovieren. Aufgrund des starken Marktwachstums werden etablierte IT-Anbieter gezwungen, ihre Geschäftsmodelle grundlegend zu überdenken. Die Abkehr von herkömmlichen Geschäftsmodellen erzwingt eine Neupositionierung von Aktivitäten innerhalb des Wertschöpfungsnetzwerks. Insbesondere durch die Vernetzung der Cloud-Services eröffnen sich neue Optionen für IT-Unternehmen.

The Westminster Lobby Correspondents: A Sociological Study of National Political Journalism (Routledge Revivals)

by Jeremy Tunstall

The Westminster Lobby correspondents have a special place in both the politics and the mass media of Britain. These journalists dominate the behind-the-scenes reporting of British national politics. In this book, originally published in 1970, Jeremy Tunstall presents the first systematic social science study of the uniquely British phenomenon of Lobby correspondents.The study includes data collected from interviews with the national Lobby correspondents, who also completed lengthy questionnaires. It contains evidence of their careers, political opinions, pay, working conditions, relationships with their employing news organization and political news sources, and on the way in which the correspondents both compete with, and exchange information with, each other. As well as this fascinating empirical data, the book offers an important contribution to the sociology of politics and the mass media, and to the study of ‘organizational intelligence’ and the sociology of occupations.There had long centred upon the Lobby correspondents many myths and misconceptions, which Jeremy Tunstall effectively demolishes. (The so-called ‘Lobby rules’ were here published for the first time.) Other real dilemmas are, however, revealed: the competing demands of publicity and secrecy; the dilemmas of British politics in which basic principles – such as Parliamentary supremacy and Cabinet secrecy – are daily breached, not only by the correspondents, but also by leading politicians; and the problems of a system of political communication whose obsession with daily news values is so similar to official and academic contributions. With media and politics still very much linked today, this reissue can be read and enjoyed in its historical context.

Wharfie Animator: Harry Reade, The Sydney Waterfront, and the Cuban Revolution

by Max Bannah

This book examines the life of the Australian artist Harry Reade (1927–1998) and his largely overlooked contribution to animation. It constitutes a biography of Reade, tracing his life from his birth to his period of involvement with animation between 1956 and 1969. It explores the forces that shaped Reade and chronicles his experiences as a child, his early working life, the influence of left-wing ideology on his creative development, his introduction to animation through the small but radical Waterside Workers’ Federation Film Unit (WWFFU), and the influence he had on the development of Cuban animation as an educational tool of the Revolution. Key Features The text offers an alternative framework for considering the political, social, and cultural themes that characterised 1950s Australia and 1960s Cuba. A rare look into the cultural heritage of labor organizations and the populist power of animation to stimulate radical social consciousness. The book also crosses a range of intellectual disciplines, including Animation Studies, Art History, Cinema Studies, and the Social and Political Histories of Australia and Cuba. Max Bannah lives on Queensland’s Sunshine Coast. Between 1976 and 2010, he worked in Brisbane as an animator producing television commercials, short films, and cartoon graphics. He also lectured in Animation History and Practice and Drawing for Animation at the Queensland University of Technology where, in 2007, he completed his Masters by Research thesis, "A Cause for Animation: Harry Reade and the Cuban Revolution."

What a Boy Wants

by Nyrae Dawn

If you adore Jennifer E. Smith's The Statistical Probability of Love at First Sight and Jessica Park's Flat-Out Love, you'll love this book.Courtesy of watching his mom's relationships, Sebastian Hawkins knows what girls need to do to get a guy. He has what he considers a PHD in hooking up. When he needs extra cash for a car, Sebastian starts up an online venture as The Hook-up Doctor, to anonymously help girls land the guy of their dreams. Of course, his services don't offer a happily-ever-after guarantee. He's seen firsthand getting together never means staying together. And then he falls in love... With the last girl he would expect...Totally not in his game plan. Suddenly, Sebastian finds himself muddled in the game he's always prided himself on. He can't even pick up girls at parties anymore! Why would anyone want to be in love when it turns you into a stuttering, screwed-up, mess with really lame stalker tendencies? Stalking? Totally not his gig. But the Hook-up Doctor won't let himself go down easily. He's always known how to give a girl what she wants and now it's time to figure out what a boy wants... and he definitely plans on getting it.A companion novel to What a Boy Needs.

What AI Can Do: Strengths and Limitations of Artificial Intelligence

by Manuel Cebral-Loureda

The philosopher Spinoza once asserted that no one knows what a body can do, conceiving an intrinsic bodily power with unknown limits. Similarly, we can ask ourselves about Artificial Intelligence (AI): To what extent is the development of intelligence limited by its technical and material substrate? In other words, what can AI do? The answer is analogous to Spinoza’s: Nobody knows the limit of AI. Critically considering this issue from philosophical, interdisciplinary, and engineering perspectives, respectively, this book assesses the scope and pertinence of AI technology and explores how it could bring about both a better and more unpredictable future. What AI Can Do highlights, at both the theoretical and practical levels, the cross-cutting relevance that AI is having on society, appealing to students of engineering, computer science, and philosophy, as well as all who hold a practical interest in the technology.

What Algorithms Want: Imagination in the Age of Computing

by Ed Finn

We depend on -- we believe in -- algorithms to help us get a ride, choose which book to buy, execute a mathematical proof. It's as if we think of code as a magic spell, an incantation to reveal what we need to know and even what we want. Humans have always believed that certain invocations -- the marriage vow, the shaman's curse -- do not merely describe the world but make it. Computation casts a cultural shadow that is shaped by this long tradition of magical thinking. In this book, Ed Finn considers how the algorithm -- in practical terms, "a method for solving a problem" -- has its roots not only in mathematical logic but also in cybernetics, philosophy, and magical thinking. Finn argues that the algorithm deploys concepts from the idealized space of computation in a messy reality, with unpredictable and sometimes fascinating results. Drawing on sources that range from Neal Stephenson's Snow Crash to Diderot's Encyclopédie, from Adam Smith to the Star Trek computer, Finn explores the gap between theoretical ideas and pragmatic instructions. He examines the development of intelligent assistants like Siri, the rise of algorithmic aesthetics at Netflix, Ian Bogost's satiric Facebook game Cow Clicker, and the revolutionary economics of Bitcoin. He describes Google's goal of anticipating our questions, Uber's cartoon maps and black box accounting, and what Facebook tells us about programmable value, among other things.If we want to understand the gap between abstraction and messy reality, Finn argues, we need to build a model of "algorithmic reading" and scholarship that attends to process, spearheading a new experimental humanities.

What Algorithms Want: Imagination in the Age of Computing

by Ed Finn

The gap between theoretical ideas and messy reality, as seen in Neal Stephenson, Adam Smith, and Star Trek. We depend on—we believe in—algorithms to help us get a ride, choose which book to buy, execute a mathematical proof. It's as if we think of code as a magic spell, an incantation to reveal what we need to know and even what we want. Humans have always believed that certain invocations—the marriage vow, the shaman's curse—do not merely describe the world but make it. Computation casts a cultural shadow that is shaped by this long tradition of magical thinking. In this book, Ed Finn considers how the algorithm—in practical terms, “a method for solving a problem”—has its roots not only in mathematical logic but also in cybernetics, philosophy, and magical thinking. Finn argues that the algorithm deploys concepts from the idealized space of computation in a messy reality, with unpredictable and sometimes fascinating results. Drawing on sources that range from Neal Stephenson's Snow Crash to Diderot's Encyclopédie, from Adam Smith to the Star Trek computer, Finn explores the gap between theoretical ideas and pragmatic instructions. He examines the development of intelligent assistants like Siri, the rise of algorithmic aesthetics at Netflix, Ian Bogost's satiric Facebook game Cow Clicker, and the revolutionary economics of Bitcoin. He describes Google's goal of anticipating our questions, Uber's cartoon maps and black box accounting, and what Facebook tells us about programmable value, among other things.If we want to understand the gap between abstraction and messy reality, Finn argues, we need to build a model of “algorithmic reading” and scholarship that attends to process, spearheading a new experimental humanities.

The What and How of Modelling Information and Knowledge: From Mind Maps to Ontologies

by C. Maria Keet

The main aim of this book is to introduce a group of models and modelling of information and knowledge comprehensibly. Such models and the processes for how to create them help to improve the skills to analyse and structure thoughts and ideas, to become more precise, to gain a deeper understanding of the matter being modelled, and to assist with specific tasks where modelling helps, such as reading comprehension and summarisation of text. The book draws ideas and transferrable approaches from the plethora of types of models and the methods, techniques, tools, procedures, and methodologies to create them in computer science. This book covers five principal declarative modelling approaches to model information and knowledge for different, yet related, purposes. It starts with entry-level mind mapping, to proceed to biological models and diagrams, onward to conceptual data models in software development, and from there to ontologies in artificial intelligence and all the way to ontology in philosophy. Each successive chapter about a type of model solves limitations of the preceding one and turns up the analytical skills a notch. These what-and-how for each type of model is followed by an integrative chapter that ties them together, comparing their strengths and key characteristics, ethics in modelling, and how to design a modelling language. In so doing, we’ll address key questions such as: what type of models are there? How do you build one? What can you do with a model? Which type of model is best for what purpose? Why do all that modelling? The intended audience for this book is professionals, students, and academics in disciplines where systematic information modelling and knowledge representation is much less common than in computing, such as in commerce, biology, law, and humanities. And if a computer science student or a software developer needs a quick refresher on conceptual data models or a short solid overview of ontologies, then this book will serve them well.

What Color Is Your Parachute? Guide to Job-Hunting Online (Sixth Edition): Blogging, Career Sites, Gateways, Getting Interviews, Job Boards, Job Search Engines, Personal Websites, Posting Resumes, Research Sites, Social Networking

by Richard Nelson Bolles Mark Emery Bolles

Before you start your Internet job-hunt, there are some things that you must know, like: * Why are job sites like Monster and CareerBuilder so stunningly ineffective? * What can you do to make sure your resumes survive the elimination process? * How do you find the information that search engines like Google can't? * How can you tell the difference between a genuinely helpful job board, and a website designed only to collect resumes? * When are hobby forums more helpful than business networking sites? * When is the Internet not helpful when job-hunting? * What is the fatal flaw of all social networking sites? The Guide to Job-Hunting Online, 6th Edition, not only answers these questions and many more, but shows you how to comprehensively and effectively use the Internet for all aspects of your job-hunt. This companion to What Color Is Your Parachute?, the best-selling job-hunting book in the world, has been completely rewritten for our changing times and includes hundreds of updated website recommendations and descriptions. The Guide to Job-Hunting Online shows you how to quickly find the data that will be most helpful to you, how to identify and research the places where you will most enjoy working, how to leverage the power of social networking sites, and how to use your Internet time most effectively, avoiding the common pitfalls and setting you up for success.

What Comes After Farce

by Hal Foster

Surveying the artistic and cultural scene in the era of TrumpIf farce follows tragedy, what follows farce? Where does the double predicament of a post-truth and post-shame politics leave artists and critics on the Left? How to demystify a hegemonic order that dismisses its own contradictions? How to belittle a political elite that cannot be embarrassed, or to mock party leaders who thrive on the absurd? How to out-dada President Ubu? And, in any event, why add outrage to a media economy that thrives on the same?What Comes After Farce? comments on shifts in art, criticism, and fiction in the face of the current regime of war, surveillance, extreme inequality, and media disruption. A first section focuses on the cultural politics of emergency since 9/11, including the use and abuse of trauma, paranoia, and kitsch. A second group reviews the neoliberal makeover of art institutions during the same period. Finally, a third section surveys transformations in media as reflected in recent art, film, and fiction. Among the phenomena explored here are "machine vision" (images produced by machines for other machines without a human interface),"operational images" (images that do not represent the world so much as intervene in it), and the algorithmic scripting of information so pervasive in our everyday lives.

What Curriculum for the Information Age

by Mary Alice White

First Published in 1987. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis, an informa company.

What Customers Crave: How to Create Relevant and Memorable Experiences at Every Touchpoint

by Nicholas J. Webb

The best companies in the world discover what their customers desire--and then deliver it in memorable and deeply human experiences. How well do you know your customers?What Customers Crave examines how the hyper-connected economy is radically changing consumer expectations, and reveals what companies need to do to stay on top. The solution rests on two simple questions: What do your customers love? What do they hate? Find the answers, and you're well on your way to success.Jam-packed with tools and examples, What Customers Crave helps you reinvent how you engage with customers (both digitally and non-digitally) and:Gain invaluable insights into who they are and what they care aboutUse listening posts and Contact Point Innovation to refine customer typesEngineer experiences for each micromarket that are not only exceptional, but insanely relevantConnect across the five most important touchpointsCo-create with your customersAnd much moreWhen you learn to provide your customers with exactly what they want, they not only buy--they come back again and again...and bring their friends.

What Does it Mean to be Human? Life, Death, Personhood and the Transhumanist Movement (Anticipation Science #3)

by D. John Doyle

This book is a critical examination of the philosophical and moral issues in relation to human enhancement and the various related medical developments that are now rapidly moving from the laboratory into the clinical realm. In the book, the author critically examines technologies such as genetic engineering, neural implants, pharmacologic enhancement, and cryonic suspension from transhumanist and bioconservative positions, focusing primarily on moral issues and what it means to be a human in a setting where technological interventions sometimes impact strongly on our humanity. The author also introduces the notion that death is a process rather than an event, as well as identifies philosophical and clinical limitations in the contemporary determination of brain death as a precursor to organ procurement for transplantation. The discussion on what exactly it means to be dead is later applied to explore philosophical and clinical issues germane to the cryonics movement. Written by a physician/ scientist and heavily referenced to the peer-reviewed medical and scientific literature, the book is aimed at advanced students and academics but should be readable by any intelligent reader willing to carry out some side-reading. No prior knowledge of moral philosophy is assumed, as the various key approaches to moral philosophy are outlined early in the book.

What Every Engineer Should Know About Cyber Security and Digital Forensics (What Every Engineer Should Know)

by Joanna F. DeFranco Bob Maley

Most organizations place a high priority on keeping data secure, but not every organization invests in training its engineers or employees in understanding the security risks involved when using or developing technology. Designed for the non-security professional, What Every Engineer Should Know About Cyber Security and Digital Forensics is an overview of the field of cyber security. The Second Edition updates content to address the most recent cyber security concerns and introduces new topics such as business changes and outsourcing. It includes new cyber security risks such as Internet of Things and Distributed Networks (i.e., blockchain) and adds new sections on strategy based on the OODA (observe-orient-decide-act) loop in the cycle. It also includes an entire chapter on tools used by the professionals in the field. Exploring the cyber security topics that every engineer should understand, the book discusses network and personal data security, cloud and mobile computing, preparing for an incident and incident response, evidence handling, internet usage, law and compliance, and security forensic certifications. Application of the concepts is demonstrated through short case studies of real-world incidents chronologically delineating related events. The book also discusses certifications and reference manuals in the areas of cyber security and digital forensics. By mastering the principles in this volume, engineering professionals will not only better understand how to mitigate the risk of security incidents and keep their data secure, but also understand how to break into this expanding profession.

What Every Engineer Should Know About Data-Driven Analytics (What Every Engineer Should Know)

by Phillip A. Laplante Satish Mahadevan Srinivasan

What Every Engineer Should Know About Data-Driven Analytics provides a comprehensive introduction to the theoretical concepts and approaches of machine learning that are used in predictive data analytics. By introducing the theory and by providing practical applications, this text can be understood by every engineering discipline. It offers a detailed and focused treatment of the important machine learning approaches and concepts that can be exploited to build models to enable decision making in different domains. Utilizes practical examples from different disciplines and sectors within engineering and other related technical areas to demonstrate how to go from data, to insight, and to decision making. Introduces various approaches to build models that exploits different algorithms. Discusses predictive models that can be built through machine learning and used to mine patterns from large datasets. Explores the augmentation of technical and mathematical materials with explanatory worked examples. Includes a glossary, self-assessments, and worked-out practice exercises. Written to be accessible to non-experts in the subject, this comprehensive introductory text is suitable for students, professionals, and researchers in engineering and data science.

What Every Engineer Should Know About Digital Accessibility (ISSN)

by Sarah Horton David Sloan

Accessibility is a core quality of digital products to be deliberately addressed throughout the development lifecycle. What Every Engineer Should Know About Digital Accessibility will prepare readers to integrate digital accessibility into their engineering practices. Readers will learn how to accurately frame accessibility as an engineering challenge so they are able to address the correct problems in the correct way.Illustrated with diverse perspectives from accessibility practitioners and advocates, this book describes how people with disabilities use technology, the nature of accessibility barriers in the digital world, and the role of engineers in breaking down those barriers. Accessibility competence for current, emerging, and future technologies is addressed through a combination of guiding principles, core attributes and requirements, and accessibility‑informed engineering practices.FEATURES Discusses how technology can support inclusion for people with disabilities and how rigorous engineering processes help create quality user experiences without introducing accessibility barriers Explains foundational principles and guidelines that build core competency in digital accessibility as they are applied across diverse and emerging technology platforms Highlights practical insights into how engineering teams can effectively address accessibility throughout the technology development lifecycle Uses international standards to define and measure accessibility quality Written to be accessible to non‑experts in the subject area, What Every Engineer Should Know About Digital Accessibility is aimed at students, professionals, and researchers in the field of software engineering.

What Every Engineer Should Know About Excel (What Every Engineer Should Know #50)

by J. P. Holman Blake K. Holman

<p>Understanding the powerful computational and graphics capabilities of Microsoft Excel is an enormous benefit to engineers and technical professionals in almost any field and at all levels of experience. What Every Engineer Should Know About Excel is a practical guide to unlocking the features and functions of this program, using examples and screenshots to walk readers through the steps to build a strong understanding of the material. <p>This second edition is updated to reflect the latest version of Excel (2016) and expands its scope to include data management, connectivity to external data sources, and integration with "the cloud" for optimal use of the Excel product. It also introduces the ribbon bar navigation prevalent in Microsoft products beginning with the 2007 version of MS Office. Covering a variety of topics in self-contained chapters, this handy guide will also prove useful for professionals in IT, finance, and real estate.</p>

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