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Grundlagen des Cloud Computing: Eine nichttechnische Einführung

by Anders Lisdorf

Unabhängig davon, wo sich Ihr Unternehmen auf dem Weg in die Cloud befindet, ist der Wechsel in die Cloud in den kommenden Jahren unvermeidlich. Die Cloud wird kommen und bleiben, und jetzt ist der beste Zeitpunkt, um optimale Strategien zu entwickeln, um die Vorteile zu nutzen und die Risiken zu minimieren. Cloud Computing Basics ist der praktische, leicht zugängliche Einstiegspunkt, den Sie gesucht haben.Sie erhalten eine Einführung in die Grundlagen des Cloud Computing und in alle fünf großen Cloud-Plattformen. Der Autor Anders Lisdorf stellt sicher, dass Sie sich ein grundlegendes Cloud-Vokabular aneignen und lernen, wie Sie die von den verschiedenen Anbietern verwendeten Fachbegriffe übersetzen können. Die Nutzung der wirtschaftlichen und sicherheitstechnischen Vorteile, die die Cloud bietet, kann für jedes Unternehmen sehr unterschiedlich aussehen, und Lisdorf nutzt sein Fachwissen, um Ihnen zu helfen, Ihre Strategie entsprechend anzupassen.Grundlagen des Cloud Computing ist dazu da, Ihr Unternehmen in die Zukunft zu führen. Ganz gleich, ob Sie ein Anfänger auf diesem Gebiet sind oder eine technische Führungskraft, die den Wandel in Ihrem Unternehmen ankurbelt - dieses Buch bietet wichtige Einblicke in die Einführung der Cloud und ihre Vorteile für unser modernes digitales Zeitalter. Lassen Sie sich nicht abhängen und legen Sie sich die Grundlagen des Cloud Computing noch heute in Ihr Bücherregal.Was Sie lernen werdenVerstehen, was die Cloud ist und wie sie sich von herkömmlichen On-Premise-Lösungen unterscheidetSie erwerben ein grundlegendes Cloud-Vokabular und lernen, wie Sie es mit den Begriffen der verschiedenen Anbieter vergleichenSie kennen die wichtigsten Komponenten der Cloud und wissen, wie sie genutzt werdenSie kennen die Anbieter auf dem Cloud-Markt, ihre Stärken und Schwächen und wissen, was Sie von ihnen erwarten können.die optimale Cloud-Lösung auf den Unternehmenskontext abstimmenUntersuchung verschiedener Ansätze zur Cloud-Einführung und der Kontexte, in denen sie geeignet sind, damit Sie bestimmen können, wie Ihr Unternehmen den größten Nutzen aus der Cloud ziehen kannFür wen ist dieses Buch gedacht?Ein allgemeines Geschäftspublikum, das sich über die Grundlagen des Cloud Computing informieren möchte, um fundierte Gespräche mit technischen Fachleuten und Anbietern führen zu können. Das Buch richtet sich an alle, die ein tieferes Verständnis dafür entwickeln möchten, was die Cloud ist, woher sie kommt und wie sie sich in Zukunft auf jedes Unternehmen auswirken wird. Ein Grundverständnis der Informationstechnologie ist hilfreich, aber nicht erforderlich.

Enterprise Cyber Risk Management as a Value Creator: Leverage Cybersecurity for Competitive Advantage

by Bob Chaput

This book will help you learn the importance of organizations treating enterprise cyber risk management (ECRM) as a value creator, a business enabler, and a mechanism to create a competitive advantage. Organizations began to see the real value of information and information technology in the mid-1980s. Forty years later, it’s time to leverage your ECRM program and cybersecurity strategy in the same way. The main topics covered include the case for action with specific coverage on the topic of cybersecurity as a value creator, including how the courts, legislators, and regulators are raising the bar for C-suite executives and board members. The book covers how the board’s three primary responsibilities (talent management, strategy, and risk management) intersect with their ECRM responsibilities.ECRM was once solely focused on managing the downside of risk by defending the organization from adversarial, accidental, structural, and environmental threat sources. Author Bob Chaput presents the view that we must focus equally on managing the upside of cyber strengths to increase customer trust and brand loyalty, improving social responsibility, driving revenue growth, lowering the cost of capital, attracting higher quality investments, creating competitive advantage, attracting and retaining talent, and facilitating M&A work. He focuses on the C-suite and board role in the first part and provides guidance on their roles and responsibilities, the most important decision about ECRM they must facilitate, and how to think differently about ECRM funding. You will learn how to the pivot from cost-center thinking to value-center thinking.Having built the case for action, in the second part, the book details the steps that organizations must take to develop and document their ECRM program and cybersecurity strategy. The book first covers how ECRM must be integrated into business strategy. The remainder of that part presents a sample table of contents for an ECRM Program and Cybersecurity Strategy document and works through each section to facilitate development of your own program and strategy. With all the content and ideas presented, you will be able to establish, implement, and mature your program and strategy.What You Will LearnRead new information and treat ECRM and cybersecurity as a value creatorReceive updates on legal cases, legislative actions, and regulations that are raising the stakes for organizations, their C-suites, and boardsThink differently about funding ECRM and cybersecurity initiativesUnderstand the most critical ECRM decision that boards must facilitate in their organizationsUse practical, tangible, actionable content to develop and document your ECRM program and cybersecurity strategy“This book should be mandatory reading for C-suite executives and board members. It shows you how to move from viewing cybersecurity as a risk to avoid, and a cost center that does not add value and is overhead, to seeing cybersecurity as an enabler and part of your core strategy to transform your business and earn customer and stakeholder trust.” —Paul Connelly, First CISO at the White House and HCA Healthcare Who This Book Is ForThe primary audience includes Chief Information Security Officers, Chief Risk Officers, and Chief Compliance Officers. The secondary audience includes C-suite executives and board members. The tertiary audience includes any stakeholder responsible for privacy, security, compliance, and cyber risk management or students of these topics.

Transforming Conversational AI: Exploring the Power of Large Language Models in Interactive Conversational Agents

by Michael McTear Marina Ashurkina

Acquire the knowledge needed to work effectively in conversational artificial intelligence (AI) and understand the opportunities and threats it can potentially bring. This book will help you navigate from the traditional world of dialogue systems that revolve around hard coded scripts, to the world of large language models, prompt engineering, conversational AI platforms, multi-modality, and ultimately autonomous agents.In this new world, decisions are made by a system that may forever remain a ‘black box’ for most of us. This book aims to eliminate unnecessary noise and describe the fundamental components of conversational AI. Past experiences will prove invaluable in constructing seamless hybrid systems. This book will provide the most recommended solutions, recognizing that it is not always necessary to blindly pursue new tools.Written in unprecedented and turbulent times for conversational interfaces you’ll see that despite previous waves of advancement in conversational technology, now conversational interfaces are gaining unparalleled popularity. Specifically, the release of ChatGPT in November 2022 by Open AI revolutionized the conversational paradigm and showed how easy and intuitive communication with a computer can be. Old professions are being disrupted, new professions are emerging, and even the most conservative corporations are changing their strategy and experimenting with large language models, allocating an unprecedented amount of budget to these projects. No one knows for sure the exact future of conversational AI, but everyone agrees that it’s here to stay. What You'll Learn See how large language models are constructed and used in conversational systems Review the risks and challenges of new technologies in conversational AI Examine techniques for prompt engineering Enable practitioners to keep abreast of recent developments in conversational AI Who This Book Is For Conversation designers, product owners, and product or project managers in conversational AI who wish to learn about new methods and challenges posed by the recent emergence in the public domain of ChatGPT. Data scientists, final year undergraduates and graduates of computer science

Spring Boot 3 Recipes: A Problem-Solution Approach for Java Microservices and Cloud-Native Applications

by Marten Deinum

Solve all your Spring Boot 3 micro-framework problems using complete, real-world Java-based code snippets and examples inspired by various problems and corresponding solutions to those problems . When you start a new project, you’ll be able to copy the code and configuration files from this book, and then modify them for your own specific software programming needs. This can save you a great deal of work over creating a project from scratch.Spring Boot 3 Recipes has been revised to include new features like the new Spring Native, newly repackaged Spring Data, Spring Kafka for messaging and more on Kubernetes/deployment than in the previous edition. It includes Java 17 long term support code and Jakarta EE 9+ code as a base for Spring Boot 3. This handy code reference takes advantage of these things as it introduces you to VMWare's Spring Boot 3 and Spring Native. Quickly, it dives into code snippets on how to apply and integrate SpringBoot 3 with the Spring MVC web framework, web sockets and WebFlux for the rapid development of web applications, web services, microservices and more. You'll also get solutions to common problems with data persistence, integrating Spring Boot with batch processing, algorithmic programming via Spring Batch, and much more. These enable you to enhance or round out your web applications or microservices with a data and/or transaction-tier to boot. Other recipes cover topics such as using and integrating Boot with Spring's enterprise services, Spring Integration, testing, monitoring and more.At the end of the book, you'll have the code snippets and packages to deploy your Spring Boot-created microservices or applications on a cloud platform like Amazon using the popular Kubernetes container. Finally, this code reference is a must have for your Spring library. What You'll LearnGet reusable code recipes and snippets for the Spring Boot 3 micro-framework Discover how Spring Boot 3 integrates with other Spring APIs, tools, and frameworksAccess Spring MVC, web sockets and WebFlux for easier web developmentWork with microservices for web services development and integration with your Spring Boot applicationsAdd persistence and a data tier seamlessly to make your Spring Boot web application do moreIntegrate enterprise services via Spring Integration and Jakarta EE to create a more complex Java application using Spring BootWho This Book Is ForThis book is for experienced Java and Spring software programmers, developers.

ChatGPT for Java: A Hands-on Developer's Guide to ChatGPT and Open AI APIs

by Bruce Hopkins

Embrace the future of software development! ChatGPT for Java is the perfect starting point for Java developers to learn how to build intelligent applications using ChatGPT and Open AI APIs.This book takes you from the ground up to demonstrate how to use ChatGPT programmatically. You will learn the basics of ChatGPT and OpenAI APIs, including how to authenticate, send prompts, generate responses, test in the Playground, and handle errors. Each chapter includes practical exercises which demonstrate different API functionalities and bring your concepts to life. You will learn how to AI-enable your own applications using models such as GPT-4, GPT-3.5, Whisper, DALL-E, and many more. As a result, developers will understand that generative AI tools will not replace software development jobs! Instead, you will leverage ChatGPT as your Java AI-pair programmer to increase speed and productivity. You will also learn how ChatGPT can provide powerful Natural Language Processing (NLP) capabilities to your Java apps in order to understand various formats of unstructured text. Step-by-step, you will apply the concepts covered to create your own intelligent chatbots that can automatically process messages from either Slack on Discord. With this book, Java developers will be empowered to take their applications to new heights by leveraging the power of AI as this exciting field continues to evolve and transform.What You Will LearnAuthenticate with the ChatGPT and OpenAI APIs and learn how to engineer and send promptsTest your prompts in the ChatGPT PlaygroundHow to use multiple artificial intelligence models Harness the power the temperature, top_p, and other parameters that can ONLY be accessed by developers to create more unique and engaging responses from ChatGPTCreate intelligent bots for Slack or Discord serversIncorporate context into prompts for betterresponses and apply advanced features of the APIs.Explore future directions for ChatGPT and OpenAI Who This Book Is ForBeginning and intermediate Java developers who have a basic understanding of Java programming concepts and are interested in learning how to add intelligence to their applications by using ChatGPT programmatically. No prior experience with ChatGPT or OpenAI APIs is required.

Visual Analytics for Dashboards: A Step-by-Step Guide to Principles and Practical Techniques

by Arshad Khan

This book covers the key principles, best practices, and practical techniques for designing and implementing visually compelling dashboards. It explores the various stages of the dashboard development process, from understanding user needs and defining goals, to selecting appropriate visual encodings, designing effective layouts, and employing interactive elements. It also addresses the critical aspect of data storytelling, examining how narratives and context can be woven into dashboards to deliver impactful insights and engage audiences. Visual Analytics for Dashboards is designed to cater to a wide range of readers, from beginners looking to grasp the fundamentals of visual analytics, to seasoned professionals seeking to enhance their dashboard design skills. For different types of readers, such as a data analyst, BI professional, data scientist, or simply someone interested in data visualization, this book aims to equip them with the knowledge and tools necessary to create impactful dashboards. What you’ll learn The principles of data visualization How to create effective dashboards Meet all the requirements for visual analytics/data visualization/dashboard courses Deepen understanding of data presentation and analysis How to use different kinds of tools for data analysis, such as scorecards and key performance indicators Who This Book Is For Business analysts, data analysts, BI professionals, end-users, executives, developers, as well as students in dashboards, data visualizations, and visual analytics courses.

Designing to FIPS-140: A Guide for Engineers and Programmers

by David Johnston Richard Fant

This book provides detailed and practical information for practitioners to understand why they should choose certification. It covers the pros and cons, and shows how to design to comply with the specifications (FIPS-140, SP800 documents, and related international specs such as AIS31, GM/T-0005-2021, etc.). It also covers how to perform compliance testing. By the end of the book, you will know how to interact with accredited certification labs and with related industry forums (CMUF, ICMC). In short, the book covers everything you need to know to make sound designs.There is a process for FIPS-140 (Federal Information Processing Standard) certification for cryptographic products sold to the US government. And there are parallel certifications in other countries, resulting in a non-trivial and complex process. A large market of companies has grown to help companies navigate the FIPS-140 certification process. And there are accredited certification labs you must contract toget the certification.Although this was once a fairly niche topic, it is no longer so. Other industries—banking, military, healthcare, air travel, and more—have adopted FIPS certification for cryptographic products. The demand for these services has grown exponentially. Still, the available skills pool has not grown. Many people are working on products with zero usable information on what to do to meet these standards and achieve certification or even understand if such certification applies to their products. What You Will Learn What is FIPS-140? What is the SP800 standard?What is certification? What does it look like? What is it suitable for?What is NIST? What does it do?What do accredited certification labs do?What do certification consultants do?Where and when is certification required?What do FIPS-140 modules look like?What are the sub-components of FIPS-140 modules (RNGs, PUFs, crypto functions)? How does certification work for them?What are the physical primitives (RNGs, PUFs, key stores) and how do you handle the additional complexity of certifying them under FIPS?What are the compliance algorithms (AES, SP800-90 algos, SHA, ECDSA, key agreement, etc.)?How do you design for certification (BIST, startup tests, secure boundaries, test access, zeroization, etc.)?How do you get CAVP certificates (cert houses, ACVTs)?How do you get CMVP certifications (cert houses, required documents, design information, security policy, etc.)? Who This Book Is For Hardware and software engineers or managers of engineering programs that include any form of cryptographic functionality, including silicon vendors, library vendors, OS vendors, and system integrators

CompTIA Linux+ Certification Companion: Hands-on Preparation to Master Linux Administration (Certification Study Companion Series)

by Ahmed F. Sheikh

The CompTIA Linux+ Certification" book – the ultimate guide to mastering Linux system administration in preparation for the CompTIA Linux+ Certification. Whether you're a beginner or an experienced professional, this comprehensive resource is designed to equip you with the knowledge and skills needed to excel in the world of Linux.With its comprehensive coverage, this book delves into essential Linux concepts, commands, and techniques, providing you with a complete reference guide. You'll review how to customize and navigate the shell environment, write powerful scripts, configure user interfaces, perform administrative tasks, configure system services, establish network connections, and secure your system. No stone is left unturned in this in-depth exploration of Linux administration.What sets this book apart is its practical approach. Real-world scenarios and practical applications take center stage, ensuring that you not only understand the theory but also know how to apply it effectively.Troubleshooting common issues becomes second nature as you gain the skills to diagnose and resolve system problems with ease. You'll discover industry best practices and standards, enabling you to optimize systems, implement robust security measures, and adhere to compliance regulations.What You Will Learn:Linux operating systems, including installation, configuration, and management of Linux-based servers and systems. Essential administrative tasks, such as user and group management, file system administration, network configuration, and security implementation.Insights into troubleshooting common Linux issues, enabling readers to diagnose and resolve system problems effectively. Practical techniques for identifying and addressing system errors, performance bottlenecks, network connectivity issues, and other challenges that may arise in a Linux environment.Industry best practices and standards in Linux administration. System optimization, backup and recovery strategies, security practices, and adherence to compliance regulations.Who This Book is for:Administrators: This book serves as an excellent resource for individuals who are new to Linux administration and wish to develop a strong foundation in this field. They may have basic knowledge of Linux concepts or come from related IT roles and seek to expand their skills to include Linux system management.IT Professionals Transitioning to Linux: Professionals already working in the IT industry, such as system administrators or network engineers, who want to enhance their skill set and broaden their knowledge by incorporating Linux administration into their repertoire. They may have experience with other operating systems and are seeking to acquire Linux-specific skills.Experienced Linux Administrators: Seasoned Linux administrators can benefit from this book as well. It serves as a comprehensive reference guide, offering advanced topics, best practices, and insights into the latest trends and developments in the Linux ecosystem. It can be a valuable resource for expanding their expertise and staying up-to-date with industry standards.Secondary or tertiary audiences may include IT managers, system architects, or developers who work closely with Linux systems and wish to gain a deeper understanding of Linux administration. Additionally, students pursuing computer science or IT-related degrees may find the book beneficial for their coursework and career advancement.

Mastering Microsoft Fabric: SAASification of Analytics

by Debananda Ghosh

Learn and explore the capabilities of Microsoft Fabric, the latest evolution in cloud analytics suites. This book will help you understand how users can leverage Microsoft Office equivalent experience for performing data management and advanced analytics activity. The book starts with an overview of the analytics evolution from on premises to cloud infrastructure as a service (IaaS), platform as a service (PaaS), and now software as a service (SaaS version) and provides an introduction to Microsoft Fabric. You will learn how to provision Microsoft Fabric in your tenant along with the key capabilities of SaaS analytics products and the advantage of using Fabric in the enterprise analytics platform. OneLake and Lakehouse for data engineering is discussed as well as OneLake for data science. Author Ghosh teaches you about data warehouse offerings inside Microsoft Fabric and the new data integration experience which brings Azure Data Factory and Power Query Editor of Power BI together in a single platform. Also demonstrated is Real-Time Analytics in Fabric, including capabilities such as Kusto query and database. You will understand how the new event stream feature integrates with OneLake and other computations. You also will know how to configure the real-time alert capability in a zero code manner and go through the Power BI experience in the Fabric workspace. Fabric pricing and its licensing is also covered.After reading this book, you will understand the capabilities of Microsoft Fabric and its Integration with current and upcoming Azure OpenAI capabilities.What You Will LearnBuild OneLake for all data like OneDrive for Microsoft OfficeLeverage shortcuts for cross-cloud data virtualization in Azure and AWSUnderstand upcoming OpenAI integrationDiscover new event streaming and Kusto query inside Fabric real-time analyticsUtilize seamless tooling for machine learning and data scienceWho This Book Is ForCitizen users and experts in the data engineering and data science fields, along with chief AI officers

ABCs of Electronics: An Easy Guide to Electronics Engineering (Maker Innovations Series)

by Farzin Asadi

Learn the fundamental principles of electronic components in a simple, easy-to-follow text. This book is a must-have for anyone seeking to master the basics of electronic engineering.Completely avoiding unnecessary complex technical concepts and highly mathematical terms, chapters are presented in simple language, using analogies that are familiar to everyone. From deciphering schematics to practical implementation, the knowledge imparted in these pages opens doors to exciting possibilities. You'll gain a solid understanding of crucial components like diodes, transistors, relays, ICs, DC motors, and more.Whether you're a student looking to grasp the fundamentals or a maker eager to bring your projects to life, ABCs of Electronics is your essential companion. What You'll LearnGain the skills to read and implement electronic schematicsDevelop a practical understanding of digital electronics, logic gates, and prototyping platforms.Discover how to work with DC motors and relays for various electronic applications.Acquire essential electronics knowledge Simplify the complexities of electronics and offer practical, hands-on guidance.Who This Book Is ForMakers, high school and college students pursuing electronic engineering, individuals with a general interest in electronics, and anyone seeking a practical and simplified approach to learning the fundamentals of electronics.

RISC-V Assembly Language Programming: Unlock the Power of the RISC-V Instruction Set (Maker Innovations Series)

by Stephen Smith

Gain the skills required to dive into the fundamentals of the RISC-V instruction set architecture. This book explains the basics of code optimization, as well as how to interoperate with C and Python code, thus providing the starting points for your own projects as you develop a working knowledge of assembly language for various RISC-V processors.The RISC-V processor is the new open-source CPU that is quickly gaining popularity and this book serves as an introduction to assembly language programming for the processor in either 32- or 64-bit mode. You’ll see how to write assembly language programs for several single board computers, including the Starfive Visionfive 2 and the Espressif ESP32-C3 32-bit RISC-V microcontroller. The book also covers running RISC-V Linux with the QEMU emulator on and Intel/AMD based PC or laptop and all the tools required to do so.Moving on, you’ll examine the basics of the RISC-V hardware architecture, all the groups of RISC-V assembly language instructions and understand how data is stored in the computer’s memory. In addition, you’ll learn how to interface to hardware such as GPIO ports. With RISC-V Assembly Language Programming you’ll develop enough background to use the official RISC-V reference documentation for your own projects.What You'll LearnProgram basic RISC-V Assembly LanguageSee how data is represented and stored in a RISC-V based computerMake operating system calls from Assembly Language and include other software libraries in projectsInterface to various hardware devicesComprehend code containing Assembly LanguageReverse engineer and hack codeUse the official RISC-V reference documentationWho This Book Is ForThose who have already learned to program in a higher-level language like Python, Java, C# or even C and now wish to learn Assembly Language programming.

The Engineering Leadership Playbook: Strategies for Team Success and Business Growth

by Raphael Neves

In today's business landscape, software engineering teams must deliver innovation faster than ever. However, outdated management approaches centered on tools and metrics rather than people strangle velocity and creativity. Legacy leaders cling to rigid structures mismatched with market dynamics, draining effort and morale from burnt-out teams. The Engineering Leadership Playbook provides a modern framework to unlock your team's potential through empathy, clarity, and empowerment. Unlike traditional leadership books fixated on delivery metrics, Raphael Neves offers a refreshing people-oriented leadership model tailored to nuances of engineering culture. With 15+ years leading high-growth tech teams, Raphael demystifies how to balance autonomy with alignment, reconstruct feedback models on psychological safety, and sustain excellence amidst uncertainty. You'll learn his proven conflict resolution blueprint for defusing clashes through mutual understanding while tangibly tracking progress. Additionally, his continuous feedback system grounded in evidence spotlights gaps early while accelerating strengths. This playbook moves systematically from foundational concepts like emotional intelligence and leading by example into team development frameworks around high-impact coaching, mentorship, and performance reviews. The method is brought full circle through innovation catalysts that maintain creative momentum at scale. Step-by-step, Raphael unpacks human-centered leadership aligned with accelerating market realities. Apply his engineering management playbook, and your teams will thrive fueled by vision, trust, and care. What You'll Learn Study different leadership styles and how to switch their approaches depending on circumstances Review critical communication skills, especially in technical fields Create IDPs for team members, especially senior engineers and leaders Who This Book Is For Current engineering leaders, aspiring engineering leaders, senior engineers, HR professionals and recruiters, and professionals in related fields

Mindful Design: A Survival Guide for Responsible Product Designers (Design Thinking)

by Scott Riley

Learn to create seamless designs backed by a responsible understanding of the human mind. This new edition is fully updated and reworked to employ a realistic, challenging, and practical approach to interface design, presenting state of the art scientific studies in behavioral sciences, interface design and the psychology of design. All with modern, up-to-date examples and screenshots. The practical portion of this edition has been completely reworked, giving you the chance to follow along with a real, proven design process that has produced several successful products imbued with the principles of mindful, responsible design.You'll examine how human behavior can be used to integrate your product design into lifestyle, rather than interrupt it, and make decisions for the good of those that are using your product. You will also learn about the neurological aspects and limitations of human vision and perception; about our attachment to harmony and dissonance; and about our brain’s propensity towards pattern recognition and how we perceive the world around us. In the second half of the book, you’ll follow along with the key phases of a design project, implementing what you have learned in an end-to-end, practical setting. Design is a responsibility, but not enough designers understand the human mind or the process of thought. Mindful Design, Second Edition introduces the areas of brain science that matter to designers, and passionately explains how those areas affect each human’s day-to-day experiences with products and interfaces, providing a battle-tested toolkit to help you make responsible design decisions. What You'll Learn Review how attention and distraction work and the cost of attentional switchingUse Gestalt principles to communicate visual groupingEnsure your underlying models make sense to your audienceUse time, progression, and transition to create a compositionCarefully examine controlling behavior through reductionist and behaviorist motivation concepts Apply the theoretical knowledge to practical, mindful interface design Who This Book Is For The primary audience for this book is professional designers who wish to learn more about the human mind and how to apply that to their work. The book is also useful for design-focused product owners and startup founders who wish to apply ethical thinking to a team, or when bootstrapping their products. The secondary audience is design students who are either studying a ‘traditional’ visual design course, or a UX/interaction design course who have a desire to learn how they might be able to apply mindful design to their early careers. Finally, a tertiary audience for this book would be tutors involved in teaching design, or peripheral, courses who may wish to incorporate its teachings into their lectures, workshops or seminars.

Beginning C: From Beginner to Pro

by German Gonzalez-Morris Ivor Horton

Learn how to program using C, beginning from first principles and progressing through step-by-step examples. This seventh edition is fully updated to reflect new features of C23, and addresses deprecated functions and features that are no longer supported.You’ll discover that C is a foundation language that every programmer ought to know. Beginning C is written by renowned author Ivor Horton and expert programmer German Gonzalez-Morris. This book increases your programming expertise by guiding you through the development of fully working C applications that use what you've learned in a practical context. Examples of how to use deprecated functions are also provided, along with new examples for replacing them when a simple solution is possible.By the end of the book you'll be confident in your skills with all facets of the widely-used and powerful C language and be able to strike out on your own by trying the exercises included at the end of each chapter. All you need are this book and any of the widely available C compilers, and you'll soon be writing real C programs. What You Will Learn Discover the C programming languageProgram using C starting with first steps, then making decisionsUse loops, arrays, strings, text, pointers, functions, I/O, and moreCode applications with strings and textStructure your programs efficientlyWork with data, files, facilities, and more Who This Book Is For Those new to C programming who may or may not have some prior programming experience.

Practical Web Accessibility: A Comprehensive Guide to Digital Inclusion

by Ashley Firth

Everyone deserves to use the Internet. An estimated 1.3 billion people experience significant disability. That’s 16percent of the world’s population, or one in six of us. At the same time, over 96 percent of the one million most popular websites have an accessibility issue. Add to this the massive rise in legal cases around sites not being accessible, including Beyoncé, Disney, and Netflix, and you have an important topic that more and more people are starting to engage with.In this updated and revamped second edition of the Amazon technology chart-topping Practical Web Accessibility, you’ll be guided through a broad range of disabilities and access needs. You’ll understand the ways these users typically engage with the web, the barriers they often face, and practical advice on how your websites and content can be compliant, but more than that, inclusive and enjoyable to use. There’s also a new chapter on “Outsourcing Accessibility,” exploring third party “bolt-on” tools, “build your own website” platforms like Wix, and popular design systems. You‘ll explore whether they’re helpful or detrimental in the fight to make the web more accessible.Throughout this book you’ll learn to test for, spot, and fix web accessibility issues for a wide range of physical and mental impairments. Featuring content from the latest compliance frameworks, including the newly released WCAG 2.2 and exploratory concepts in WCAG 3, you’ll see how to go beyond the basic requirements in order to help your users. You’ll also learn that an accessible approach won’t just help people with disabilities, it will improve your website for everyone.This book comes complete with practical examples you can use in your own sites, along with a brand-new approach to auditing and improving a website’s accessibility, and a team’s approach to it, based on tools created by the author and refined over years as a consultant — The FAIR framework and ACCESS checklist. With these tools, you can set up processes for yourself and your team that will drastically improve the accessibility of your sites and, importantly, keep them that way in the future. Suitable for those of any profession or experience level, Practical Web Accessibility gives you all the information you need to ensure that your sites are truly accessible for the modern, inclusive web. If you would like to learn about web accessibility in a clear and actionable way, this book is for you.What You Will LearnA greater understanding of a vast range of disabilities that have online access needs, and the issues they typically face accessing content online.Ways to apply the practical steps required to cater for those needs.How to take your sites, and colleagues, on a journey from being inaccessible to accessible.The importance of accessibility in your designs, code, content, and more.The best ways to test andimprove your sites, so you can be compliant, and truly accessible. Who This Book Is For Anyone, regardless of what they do, who wants to learn how to make websites and their content more accessible for those with disabilities. In the world of web, the book has been used by front and backend developers, designers, product and project managers, team and business leaders.

Speed Metrics Guide: Choosing the Right Metrics to Use When Evaluating Websites

by Matthew Edgar

Faster websites offer a better user experience and typically have higher conversion rates. It can be challenging to know where to invest to meaningfully improve a website's speed. Investing correctly to improve speed starts with understanding how to correctly measure speed and knowing how to use those measurements to identify the biggest opportunities. Speed Metrics Guide helps marketers, SEOs, business leaders, designers, and everybody else involved in website performance select the right metrics to use to optimize their website's speed. Each chapter examines a specific metric, discusses what it measures, why the metric matters and what tactics will help improve that metric. What You'll LearnThe best metrics and tools to help you measure website speed, including Google's Core Web VitalsHow and when to best use each metricWhere each metric fits within the website loading processHow to use each metric to find different ways of improving website speed Who This book Is ForNon-technical audience, including marketers, SEOs, designers, and UX professionals.

Scalable AI and Design Patterns: Design, Develop, and Deploy Scalable AI Solutions

by Abhishek Mishra

Understand and apply the design patterns outlined in this book to design, develop, and deploy scalable AI solutions that meet your organization's needs and drive innovation in the era of intelligent automation.This book begins with an overview of scalable AI systems and the importance of design patterns in creating robust intelligent solutions. It covers fundamental concepts and techniques for achieving scalability in AI systems, including data engineering practices and strategies. The book also addresses scalable algorithms, models, infrastructure, and architecture considerations. Additionally, it discusses deployment, productionization, real-time and streaming data, edge computing, governance, and ethics in scalable AI. Real-world case studies and best practices are presented, along with insights into future trends and emerging technologies.The book focuses on scalable AI and design patterns, providing an understanding of the challenges involved in developing AI systems that can handle large amounts of data, complex algorithms, and real-time processing. By exploring scalability, you will be empowered to design and implement AI solutions that can adapt to changing data requirements.What You Will LearnDevelop scalable AI systems that can handle large volumes of data, complex algorithms, and real-time processingKnow the significance of design patterns in creating robust intelligent solutionsUnderstand scalable algorithms and models to handle extensive data and computing requirements and build scalable AI systemsBe aware of the ethical implications of scalable AI systemsWho This Book Is ForAI practitioners, data scientists, and software engineers with intermediate-level AI knowledge and experience

The Business of Hacking: Creating, Developing, and Maintaining an Effective Penetration Testing Team

by Michael Butler Jacob G. Oakley

There is a plethora of literature on the topic of penetration testing, hacking, and related fields. These books are almost exclusively concerned with the technical execution of penetration testing and occasionally the thought process of the penetration tester themselves. There is little to no literature on the unique challenges presented by creating, developing, and managing a penetration testing team that is both effective and scalable. In addition, there is little to no literature on the subject of developing contractual client relationships, marketing, finding and developing talent, and how to drive penetration test execution to achieve client needs. This book changes all that.The Business of Hacking is a one-of-a-kind book detailing the lessons the authors learned while building penetrating testing teams from the ground up, making them profitable, and constructing management principles that ensure team scalability. You will discover both the challenges you face as you develop your team of offensive security professionals and an understanding of how to overcome them. You will gain an understanding of the client’s requirements, how to meet them, and how to surpass them to provide clients with a uniquely professional experience. The authors have spent combined decades working in various aspects of cybersecurity with a focus on offensive cybersecurity. Their experience spans military, government, and commercial industries with most of that time spent in senior leadership positions. What you’ll learn How to handle and ongoing develop client relationships in a high end industryTeam management and how the offensive security industry comes with its own unique challenges. Experience in other industries does not guarantee success in penetration testing.How to identify, understand, and over-deliver on client expectations.How to staff and develop talent within the team.Marketing opportunities and how to use the pentesting team as a wedge for upsell opportunities.The various structures of services available that they may present to their clients. Who This Book Is For This book is written for anyone curious who is interested in creating a penetration testing team or business. It is also relevant for anyone currently executing such a business and even for those simply participating in the business.

An Introduction to PHP: Learn PHP 8 to Create Dynamic Websites

by Mark Simon

Use PHP to enhance your web pages. This book shows you how PHP programming works, and how to write and organize PHP code. The book starts with steps to download and install a setup for a sample website that will form the basis for upcoming chapters. You start by writing PHP code and learn how to mix it with HTML and manage the code. From there, you will learn about dynamic content, along with a deep dive into form processing and sending email. Saving uploaded data and uploading files is discussed next. You will learn how to configure your PHP project and develop a library. You will then learn how to create an image catalog and manage data on your web page. By the end of the book, you will understand how to work with cookies, sessions, and logging in, followed by an example of creating a simple blog that reiterates the concepts developed in the previous chapters.After reading this book, you will be able to configure, create, and manage your dynamic website.What Will You LearnKnow the basics of programming with the PHP languageUse PHP to generate dynamic web pagesWork with SQL databasesWork with forms to upload text data and binary filesUse tips and tricks to write clean and maintainable codeWho This Book Is ForWeb developers and students learning to develop and maintain PHP code on their website

Radical Therapy for Software Development Teams: Lessons in Remote Team Management and Positive Motivation

by Gregory Lind Maryna Mishchenko

Build and maintain effective, collaborative, and motivated software development teams. This book addresses the challenges in doing so, like communication gaps, trust issues, and motivation problems, and provides strategies to overcome them. You'll be introduced to the Radical Therapy Dev philosophy, a holistic approach designed to optimize software development teams for better performance and overall well-being. This book highlights common pain points in software development and offers solutions to resolving much of the issues in teams. It offers strategies for implementation, focusing on adaptability and accountability, while also promoting community-supported standards. And, the book reveals why an emphasis on fostering a growth mindset, mentorship programs, and junior-intern initiatives promotes continuous learning and collaboration.With the rise of remote work, you'll see why hiring globally while thinking locally is gaining popularity. You'll also gain insights into removing barriers to remote work, along with tools and policies for remote collaboration. Additionally, the book explores the concept of cloud-native software development and its benefits. Radical Therapy for Software Development Teams critiques the traditional "agile" methodology, identifying its shortcomings while extracting valuable lessons that can still be applied effectively. What You Will LearnAddress communication gaps, foster trust, and nurture a growth mindset among team membersAvoid common feedback mistakes, recognize accomplishments, and implement a reward systemImprove software development practices and team dynamics Take a scientific approach to project management rather than traditional requirements gatheringBreak Down Communication BarriersWho This Book is ForSoftware development professionals

Programming for Game Design: A Hands-On Guide with Godot

by Wallace Wang Tonnetta Walcott

Create video game elements using the Godot game engine, gaining practical experience in programming and video game development. The Godot game engine uses a simplified programming language called GDScript, which closely resembles Python. By learning GDScript, you can focus more on learning the basics of programming. You’ll explore concepts such as variables and data structures variables used to store information about video game objects that can be manipulated using a keyboard or a mouse. You’ll also learn about user interface design, branching statements, and looping statements, enabling you to actively engage in programming and create your own interactive games. By the end of the book, you’ll have a solid understanding of how video game elements work and how the basic principles of programming work as well. By programming simple video game elements in the Godot game engine, you’ll learn both programming and the principles of 2D video game design.What You Will LearnUnderstand the basics of programming by creating simple video game elements in the Godot game engine.Explore variables and data structures to actively store and modify information about video game objects.Gain a deeper understanding of user interface design.Master simplified programming languages like GDScript.Who This Book Is For Aspiring programmers and game enthusiasts seeking an engaging introduction to programming through video game creation.

Windows Forensics: Understand Analysis Techniques for Your Windows

by William Butler Chuck Easttom Jessica Phelan Ramya Sai Bhagavatula Sean Steuber Karely Rodriguez Victoria Indy Balkissoon Zehra Naseer

This book is your comprehensive guide to Windows forensics. It covers the process of conducting or performing a forensic investigation of systems that run on Windows operating systems. It also includes analysis of incident response, recovery, and auditing of equipment used in executing any criminal activity.The book covers Windows registry, architecture, and systems as well as forensic techniques, along with coverage of how to write reports, legal standards, and how to testify. It starts with an introduction to Windows followed by forensic concepts and methods of creating forensic images. You will learn Windows file artefacts along with Windows Registry and Windows Memory forensics. And you will learn to work with PowerShell scripting for forensic applications and Windows email forensics. Microsoft Azure and cloud forensics are discussed and you will learn how to extract from the cloud. By the end of the book you will know data-hiding techniques in Windows and learn about volatility and a Windows Registry cheat sheet.What Will You LearnUnderstand Windows architectureRecover deleted files from Windows and the recycle binUse volatility and PassMark volatility workbenchUtilize Windows PowerShell scripting for forensic applicationsWho This Book Is ForWindows administrators, forensics practitioners, and those wanting to enter the field of digital forensics

Beginning STM32: Developing with FreeRTOS, libopencm3, and GCC (Maker Innovations Series)

by Warren Gay

See how using FreeRTOS and libopencm3 instead of the Arduino software environment will help you develop multi-tasking applications that go beyond Arduino norms. This updated version includes expanded coverage of software setup for Windows 10 and 11, additional TM32 hardware capabilities, including clear explanations of "totem pole outputs" versus "open drain outputs," and a new section on project showcasing an interrupt-driven approach for processing USART data.Each chapter contains clear explanations of the STM32 hardware capabilities to help get you started with the device, including GPIO and several other ST Microelectronics peripherals like USB and CAN bus controller. You’ll learn how to download and set up the libopencm3 + FreeRTOS development environment, using GCC. With everything set up, you’ll leverage FreeRTOS to create tasks, queues, and mutexes. You’ll also learn to work with the I2C bus to add GPIO using the PCF8574 chip. And how to create PWM output for RC control using hardware timers.You'll be introduced to new concepts that are necessary to master the STM32, such as how to extend code with GCC overlays using an external Winbond ​W25Q32 flash chip. Your knowledge is tested at the end of each chapter with exercises. Upon completing this book, you’ll be ready to work with any of the devices in the STM32 family. Beginning STM32, Second Edition provides the professional, student, or hobbyist a way to learn about ARM without costing an arm!What You'll Learn Initialize and use the libopencm3 drivers and handle interruptsUse DMA to drive a SPI based OLED displaying an analog meterRead PWM from an RC control using hardware timersUnderstand STM32 capabilities, including USB controller, RTC, DMA, CAN bus, and more Who This Book Is ForExperienced embedded engineers, students, hobbyists and makers wishing to explore the ARM architecture, going beyond Arduino limits.

Building Generative AI-Powered Apps: A Hands-on Guide for Developers

by Aarushi Kansal

Generative AI has gone beyond the responsibility of researchers and data scientists and is being used by production engineers. However, there is a lot of confusion where to get started when building an end-to-end app with generative AI. This book consolidates core models, frameworks, and tools into a single source of knowledge. By providing hands-on examples, the book takes you through the generative AI ecosystem to build applications for production.The book starts with a brief and accessible introduction to transformer models before delving into some of the most popular large language models and diffusions models (image generation). These models are the foundations of both AI and your potential new apps. You will then go through various tools available to work with these models, starting with Langchain, a framework to develop foundational models, which is the next building block you should grasp after understanding generative AI models. The next chapters cover databases, caching, monitoring, etc., which are the topics necessary to build larger-scale applications. Real-world examples using these models and tools are included.By the end of this book, you should be able to build end-to-end apps that are powered by generative AI. You also should be able to apply the tools and techniques taught in this book to your use cases and business.What You Will LearnWhat is Generative AI?What is ChatGPT and GPT4?What are language models and diffusions models?How do we deploy LangChain and HuggingFace?Who This Book Is ForSoftware engineers with a few years of experience building applications in any language or infrastructure

VMware vSphere Essentials: A Practical Approach to vSphere Deployment and Management

by Luciano Patrão

This book fills a vacuum in the market for high-quality information on a VMware vSphere system and offers a thorough introduction to VMware virtualization. Written for novices and those seeking more information about vSphere, this book walks you through its key concepts and technology, such as vSphere infrastructure creation, maintenance, and performance for beginners and advanced users.You'll take a step-by-step approach to guarantee you grasp the fundamental concepts and practical procedures required to construct and manage virtual machines in a VMware vSphere system. You'll explore the key components of vSphere with detail and explanation for each feature, including the hypervisor, networking, storage, and high availability, unravelling their intricacies and highlighting best practices.This book provides full VMware knowledge to develop, set up, and maintain vSphere environments that meet modern computing needs. It also features advanced topics, such as resource optimization, performance monitoring, advanced settings, and automation, empowering you to take your virtualization skills to the next level. VMware vSphere Essentials uses a unique step-by-step instructions designed to provide a high-level understanding, accompanied by illustrative images. What You'll LearnEnhance network efficiency with advanced vSphere LACP setupConfigure and manage virtual machines in vSphereImplement vSphere networking and storage Explore advanced vSphere features, such as DRS, HA, and fault toleranceMaster seamless VM migration techniquesOptimize hardware utilization with direct path I/O passthroughWho This Book Is ForSystem administrators, advanced vSphere administrators, and IT professionals pursuing VMware certifications

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