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Kue untuk sore ini

by Gabriele Napolitano

Kue untuk sore ini oleh: Gabriele Napolitano 30 resep kue itali Bingung buat kue apa sore ini? Buku ini dapat membantu anda dengan 30 lebih resep yang di ambil dari resep-resp simpanan Ibu di italia.

La dieta Dash: Gli ultimi accorgimenti della Dieta Dash per la perdita di peso

by The Blokehead

In base a due studi di ricerca condotti dal NHLBI e dal National Heart, Lung e Blood Institute, la pressione arteriosa può effettivamente essere ridotta attraverso un programma di dieta che non comprende solo basse quantità di grassi totali, colesterolo e grassi saturi, ma che è anche principalmente composta da latte e latticini a basso contenuto di grassi o senza grassi, frutta e verdura. Il piano alimentare da essi stabilito da allora è stato indicato come il piano alimentare DASH che è principalmente composto di noci, pollame, pesce e cereali integrali. Esso prevede un consumo minimo di bevande contenenti zucchero, zuccheri aggiunti, dolci e carne rossa magra. Acquista il libro per saperne di più

La Dieta DASH: Le Migliori Ricette & il Piano per Perdere Peso

by The Blokehead

Il metodo DASH (Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension) è un programma di dieta consigliato per quelle persone che desiderano controllare o abbassare l'alta pressione sanguigna. L'attenzione principale del programma di dieta DASH è rivolta alla riduzione del consumo di sodio, ma allo stesso tempo viene data molta importanza all'aumento del consumo di alimenti ricchi di calcio, magnesio e potassio, nutrienti noti per il loro apporto alla riduzione della pressione sanguigna. Apri il libro per saperne di più!

La Dieta Alcalina: La Dieta Alcalina per Principianti E Le 40 Migliori Ricette Alcaline

by Nancy Ross

VUOI CONOSCERE I BENEFICI DELLA DIETA ALCALINA E LE MIGLIORI 40 RICETTE? Questa è un'anteprima di quello che imparerai: Problemi di salute che nascono con l'acidità cosa mangiare con la dieta alcalina Colazioni che riducono l'acidità Ottime idee per pranzo Cena con la famiglia e molto molto altro!

La diète paléo pour débutants: Les 40 meilleures recettes

by The Blokehead

Un aperçu de la diète paléo comprenant 40 merveilleuses recettes! Apprenez-en plus sur le mode de vie qui influença plusieurs diètes, adhérez à celle-ci et reprenez votre santé en main...

La Dieta Paleo Per Principianti

by The Blokehead

Che cos’è la dieta Paleo La dieta Paleolitica viene talvota chiamata la “dieta del cavernicolo”, la “dieta del cacciatore - raccoglitore”, la “dieta dell’Età della pietra” o la “dieta del guerriero”. Oggi tuttavia molte persone chiamano questo regime alimentare semplicmente “dieta Paleo”. Essa segue i limiti dietetici dei nostri avi preistorici, in particolare quelli dei cacciatori- raccoglitori dell’antichità. Questa dieta fa enorme affidamento su prodotti freschi, evitando alimenti trasformati che più volte si sono dimostrati nocivi alla salute.

La dieta Paleo per principianti: le migliori 30 ricette di pasta Paleo

by The Blokehead

La dieta Paleo per principianti: le migliori 30 ricette di pasta Paleo. Scopri le migliori ricette di pasta Paleo in quetsa utilissima guida, scoprirai anche come seguire la dieta Paleo e quali cibi mangiavano i nostri antenati. Con questo libro perderai peso facilmente senza rinunciare al gusto.

Crockpot (Dump Dinners): Deliziose ricette per cene facili da preparare (Dump Dinners)

by Sam Parker

Cene facili e veloci sguinzagliate - Ricette gustose tutte per voi!! Il ricettario delle cene facili Cosa c'è per cena? - le migliori ricette senza stress, che non sporcano per trascorrere più tempo a godervi il vostro pasto e meno tempo per la loro preparazione!! Sei troppo occupato per poter mangiare bene? Ti ritrovi regolarmente a mangiare cibo spazzatura o procurato da un take away? Vuoi trovare un modo semplice e veloce per ottenere il nutrimento che il tuo corpo desidera ardentemente? QUESTO RICETTARIO è stato creato per le persone come te che sono occupate ma hanno ancora voglia di avere un pasto fatto in casa per la cena senza passare troppe ore a prepararlo. La parte migliore di queste ricette è che ogni ricetta può essere preparata e cotta con poco tempo e fatica! A causa di numerosi impegni, spesso ricorriamo a qualcosa di semplice e veloce, forse anche acquistato fuori casa. Questo può risultare costoso, tuttavia, e alla fine non è la migliore opzione per mantenere la famiglia in salute. Queste ricette facili sono la soluzione perfetta per questo problema, e in questo libro si avrà la possibilità di selezionare una ricetta diversa per ogni giorno dell'anno con 365 diverse ricette per cena super facili. Trovare il tempo per fare un pasto decente può essere quasi impossibile con i nostri impegni, tanto che si finisce spesso per mangiare in ristoranti e fast food, che non solo non sono salutari, ma rappresentano anche una perdita di soldi! Con "Il ricettario delle cene facili: deliziose ricette per cene facili da preparare" si può dimenticare il fastidio della preparazione dei pasti di alta qualità sostituendoli con altri che ci permettono di impiegare molto meno tempo. Se siete alla ricerca di ricette di tutti i giorni che non sono troppo complicate e sono oltretutto economiche - questo libro di cucina è per voi. Non hai ancora approfittato di

Detox em 10 dias com smoothies verdes

by The Blokehead

O Detox em 10 dias com smoothies verdes e um livro de dicas e receitas para fazer uma dieta de desintoxicaçao em 10 dias, alimentando-se de smoothies à base de verduras e outros alimentos. Alem disso o livro oferece mais de 100 receitas de smoothies dos mais variados tipos e para diversos objetivos.

Research: Successful Approaches in Nutrition and Dietetics

by Academy Dietetics

A comprehensive guide for survey planning, study and questionnaire design, and execution and presentation of research. Topics include evidence-based practice, appetite assessment, estimating sample size, economic analysis, using DRIs to assess intake and creating consumer research nutrition messages. This book is invaluable for practicing professionals and students.

Food Heritage and Nationalism in Europe (Critical Heritages of Europe)

by Ilaria Porciani

Food Heritage and Nationalism in Europe contends that food is a fundamental element of heritage, and a particularly important one in times of crisis. Arguing that food, taste, cuisine and gastronomy are crucial markers of identity that are inherently connected to constructions of place, tradition and the past, the book demonstrates how they play a role in intangible, as well as tangible, heritage. Featuring contributions from experts working across Europe and beyond, and adopting a strong historical and transnational perspective, the book examines the various ways in which food can be understood and used as heritage. Including explorations of imperial spaces, migrations and diasporas; the role of commercialisation processes, and institutional practices within political and cultural domains, this volume considers all aspects of this complex issue. Arguing that the various European cuisines are the result of exchanges, hybridities and complex historical processes, Porciani and the chapter authors offer up a new way of deconstructing banal nationalism and of moving away from the idea of static identities. Suggesting a new and different approach to the idea of so-called national cuisines, Food Heritage and Nationalism in Europe will be a compelling read for academic audiences in museum and heritage studies, cultural and food studies, anthropology and history. Chapters 1,2,4,6 and 12 of this book are available for free in PDF format as Open Access from the individual product page at They have been made available under a Creative Commons Attribution-Non Commercial-No Derivatives 4.0 license

Lost Restaurants of Asheville (American Palate)

by Nan K. Chase

Asheville has been a restaurant town for two centuries, since stagecoaches arrived bringing the first tourists. Neighborhood cafés and busy lunch counters, raucous roadhouses and white-linen dining rooms provided the backdrop for much of Asheville’s development as a world-class foodie destination. Some, like the Stockyard Cafe and Three Brothers Restaurant, have vanished without a trace, while others, including the Art Deco S&W Cafeteria and the Woolworth soda fountain, are easy to spot because they have barely changed. Longtime residents will recognize recipes for Rabbit’s apple cinnamon pork chops and High Tea Café’s Eggnog Colbert. Author Nan K. Chase reveals the hidden history of Asheville’s restaurants, including the struggles of desegregation and the decades when downtown Asheville was almost dead.

Classic Restaurants of Alexandria (American Palate)

by Hope Nelson

From seaport pubs to international cuisine, Alexandria’s culinary history runs deep. George Washington danced in the ballroom of Gadsby’s Tavern, an Old Town landmark. The Royal Restaurant hung its first shingle a century ago where Market Square is today. Chadwick’s has survived fire and flood in its home on the Potomac riverfront. The storefront of legendary Shuman’s Bakery may be closed, but the latest generation continues to serve the famous jelly cake to loyal locals. Journalist Hope Nelson curates this tasting menu of some of Alexandria’s favorite restaurants, watering holes and breweriesâ€"past and present.

The Angels' Share: A Wine Country Mystery (Wine Country Mysteries #10)

by Ellen Crosby

Ellen Crosby pours up another corking mystery with The Angels' Share, an intriguing blend of secret societies, Prohibition bootleg wine, and potentially scandalous documents hidden by the Founding Fathers, all of which yield a vintage murder. When Lucie Montgomery attends a Thanksgiving weekend party for friends and neighbors at Hawthorne Castle, an honest-to-goodness castle owned by the Avery family, the last great newspaper dynasty in America and owner of the Washington Tribune, she doesn’t expect the festive occasion to end in death.During the party, Prescott Avery, the 95-year old family patriarch, invites Lucie to his fabulous wine cellar where he offers to pay any price for a cache of 200-year-old Madeira that her great-great-uncle, a Prohibition bootlegger, discovered hidden in the US Capitol in the 1920s. Lucie knows nothing about the valuable wine, believing her late father, a notorious gambler and spendthrift, probably sold or drank it. By the end of the party Lucie and her fiancé, winemaker Quinn Santori, discover Prescott’s body lying in his wine cellar. Is one of the guests a murderer?As Lucie searches for the lost Madeira, which she believes links Prescott’s death to a cryptic letter her father owned, she learns about Prescott’s affiliation with the Freemasons. More investigating hints at a mysterious vault supposedly containing documents hidden by the Founding Fathers and a possible tie to William Shakespeare. If Lucie finds the long-lost documents, the explosive revelations could change history. But will she uncover a three hundred-year-old secret before a determined killer finds her?

Black Food Geographies: Race, Self-reliance, And Food Access In The Nation's Capital

by Ashanté Reese

In this book, Ashante M. Reese makes clear the structural forces that determine food access in urban areas, highlighting Black residents' navigation of and resistance to unequal food distribution systems. Linking these local food issues to the national problem of systemic racism, Reese examines the history of the majority-Black Deanwood neighborhood of Washington, D.C. Based on extensive ethnographic fieldwork, Reese not only documents racism and residential segregation in the nation's capital but also tracks the ways transnational food corporations have shaped food availability. By connecting community members' stories to the larger issues of racism and gentrification, Reese shows there are hundreds of Deanwoods across the country. Reese's geographies of self-reliance offer an alternative to models that depict Black residents as lacking agency, demonstrating how an ethnographically grounded study can locate and amplify nuances in how Black life unfolds within the context of unequal food access.

Fancy AF Cocktails: Drink Recipes from a Couple of Professional Drinkers

by Ariana Madix Tom Sandoval

The long-awaited cocktail book from Vanderpump Rules stars Ariana and Tom is finally here! Bravo's hit show Vanderpump Rules, which Vogue recently called "America's perfect reality show," is a spin-off of The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills. The show is centered around the crazy, booze-fueled lives of the staff at Lisa Vanderpump's wildly popular SUR restaurant in West Hollywood. Ariana Madix and Tom Sandoval, two of the show&’s stars, fell in love on the show and have stuck together through it all. They've been talking about writing a cocktail book on the show for a few seasons, and now they're finally delivering the goods with this book that has drinks for every situation. It features a mix of classy cocktails for fancy special occasions and trashier recipes for those times when you just have a few random ingredients in your kitchen and want to keep the buzz going. Shots and recovery recipes are also included, so your pregame and morning after will be covered too. Woven throughout are brand-new photos and behind-the-scenes stories crafted with the help of Bravo insider and co-author Danny Pellegrino, making this a true must-have for fans of the show.

Cocina latina ligera: Recetas y consejos para una vida más saludable

by Johana Clavel

Cocina latina ligera, el primer libro de la chef venezolana Johana Clavel, reune más de 170 recetas latinoamericanas en sus versiones más saludables, inspiradas por su misión de llevar bienestar y conocimiento nutricional a nuestros hogares. La comida latinoamericana es deliciosa, pero también puede ser excesivamente frita y alta en carbohidratos y azúcar. Johana busca romper los esquemas e inspirar a madres, padres y cualquier amante de la cocina a recrear sus recetas favoritas en sus versiones más saludables. Desde incluir linaza molida en sus tamales, hasta sustituir arroz por quinua en una deliciosa paella de mariscos, Johana invita a sus lectores a descubrir los maravillosos beneficios de comer alimentos frescos, variados y completos – sin sacrificar su inigualable sabor latino. Sin embargo, aprender a cocinar platos sanos es, en su opinión, solo mitad de la batalla. Entender la importancia de comer saludable, para ti y para todos los que te rodean, es la parte más esencial de su mensaje. Cuando era solo una adolescente, Johana fue diagnosticada con una preocupante condición cardiaca, y recibió la triste noticia de que tendría que tomar medicamentos el resto de su vida. Su esposo y su pequeño hijo también sufrían problemas en su bienestar. Decidida a tomar las riendas, Johana fue capaz de revertir los problemas de salud de toda su familia, y todo gracias a un cambio en su estilo de vida, y en la calidad de la comida que ponía sobre su mesa. Además de las deliciosas recetas, incluye también una guía de sustitución de alimentos, ideas para la alimentación de los niños, y los mejores consejos de Johana para comenzar a llevar una vida saludable. Prólogo de José Fernandez.

Power Spicing: 60 Simple Recipes for Antioxidant-Fueled Meals and a Healthy Body: A Cookbook

by Rachel Beller

Dive into the wide world of spices and herbs with more than 60 simple, elegant recipes that will spice up your kitchen game and improve your long-term health. Power Spicing is your primer to demystifying the healing powers of spices and their ability to fight cancer, reduce inflammation, protect your organs, burn fat, and boost your metabolism, all while enjoying flavor-packed dishes throughout the day. From turmeric that gives your morning latte an antioxidant boost to cayenne that infuses that bar-snack popcorn with an anti-inflammatory kick, this book is filled with recipes that add disease-fighting power to your daily routine.Registered dietitian nutritionist Rachel Beller teaches you how to build a spice pantry while sharing the health benefits of each and explaining how to help them work synergistically—for example, anti-oxidant, cancer-fighting garlic is even more effective when combined with rosemary. Whether you&’re in search of quick tricks such as stirring paprika and sumac into homemade hummus or looking to boost your weeknight repertoire with a Glowing Green Frittata or Anti-Inflammatory Chickpea Curry, Power Spicing boasts countless ways to mix and match spices in order to get the most out of every dish you create.

CLEAN 7: Supercharge the Body's Natural Ability to Heal Itself—The One-Week Breakthrough Detox Program

by Alejandro Junger

The definitive program on detoxification just got easier, thanks to multiple New York Times bestselling author Dr. Alejandro Junger’s detailed, personalized, and medically proven seven-day plan that helps us begin to rid our bodies of the multitude of toxins that infiltrate our systems every day.Each day, too many of us struggle unnecessarily with debilitating health issues, such as colds or viruses, allergies or hay fever, stubborn extra pounds, poor sleep, recurrent indigestion, constipation, or irritable bowel syndrome, itchy rashes, acne or other skin conditions, depression, anxiety, or frequent fatigue. But we don’t have to suffer any longer. In his bestseller Clean, the international leader in the field of integrative medicine revealed how many of these common ailments are the direct result of toxic build-up in our systems accumulated through daily living, and offered solutions for combatting them. Now, with Clean Seven, Dr. Junger makes his groundbreaking program easier and more accessible than ever before. Clean Seven is his medically proven seven-day regimen that provides all the necessary tools to support and reactivate our bodies’ detoxification system to its fullest capabilities. In one week, you can begin addressing those nagging health issues by discovering the foods that harm you and the foods that heal you, lose extra weight, and start to experience what it truly means to be well.The first seven days of any program are the most critical. Undertaking a new routine is stressful, and tests our commitment, willpower, and focus. Understanding exactly what’s going on in your body—why you might feel fatigue on day two or cravings on day five—is the key to success. A doctor who’s helped millions, Dr. Junger personally guides you through the process, offering a clear, day-by-day, meal-by-meal exploration of what’s happening in your body to keep you focused on your goals.Filled with the latest science on the brain, and featuring delicious, nutritious recipes, and details on everything from prepping your kitchen to prepping your mind, Clean Seven revolutionizes the detoxification process. If you have been searching for a book or program to help you take that next step for your overall health, Clean Seven is the answer. Discover what it truly means to be healthy.

The Gut-Friendly Cookbook: Delicious Low-fodmap, Gluten-free, Allergy-friendly Recipes For A Happy Tummy

by Alana Scott

More than 100 fresh low-FODMAP recipes—the go-to diet for digestive issues, including IBS Recent studies have shown that a low-FODMAP diet—one that eliminates certain carbohydrates that can trigger gas, bloating, and other digestive issues—can help followers to feel better fast. Created by Monash University in Melbourne, Australia, the diet has become a worldwide sensation. Because the offending foods often seem like healthy choices (apples, cauliflower, and garlic can all cause tummy discomfort), it can be a challenge to pull together meals. Enter Alana Scott and her wonderful cookbook. Scott, who suffers from irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), began developing recipes so she could enjoy eating again. In The Gut-Friendly Cookbook, she shares more than 100 recipes for delicious dinners, breakfasts, lunches, and snacks, plus sweet treats, gorgeous photographs of each recipe, and plenty of easy-to-read background information on FODMAPs, a shopping guide, and advice on how to change your eating through the whole cycle of the low-FODMAP journey. The recipes have all been reviewed and approved by a FODMAP- trained registered dietitian.

Stuff Every Sushi Lover Should Know (Stuff You Should Know #27)

by Marc Luber Brett Cohen

A pocket guide with everything you need to know to enjoy sushi at a restaurant or at home. Sushi is one of the most popular foods in the world. But sushi lovers know there&’s more to learn beyond the spicy tuna, salmon avocado, and California maki roll lunch special at your local restaurant. This staple of the Japanese diet has been perfected by sushi chefs for hundreds of years. Each component—from the fish and the rice to the nori, vegetables, wasabi, and soy sauce—works in perfect harmony to create a single bite of pure pleasure. But sushi can also be intimidating. Where does the fish come from? Are there seasons for sushi fish? What does omakase mean? And how do you make sushi at home? Within the pages of this pocket-sized guide, you&’ll find information, how-tos, and trivia for sushi lovers at all levels. Experts and newbies alike will learn: • Types of Sushi Fish and Their Origins • The Importance of Sushi Rice • Sushi Etiquette • 10 Ways to Expand Your Palate • How to Slice Fish • And more!

Fix It with Food: More Than 125 Recipes to Address Autoimmune Issues and Inflammation: A Cookbook

by Michael Symon Douglas Trattner

A guide to managing inflammation and pain with 125+ recipes proving that you don&’t need to sacrifice delicious food to eat healthfully and be pain free, from celebrity chef and The Chew co-host Michael Symon &“Michael fixed himself with irresistible recipes that just happened to be healthy. Now you can enjoy healing yourself as well.&”—Mehmet Oz, MD, attending surgeon, New York–Presbyterian/Columbia University When Michael Symon found out he had rheumatoid arthritis and external lupus, he suspected that what he ate—or didn&’t eat—could make a profound difference in his levels of inflammation and how he felt. So he committed to a food &“reset&” on The Chew—no red meat, white flour, sugar, dairy, or alcohol. Michael used social media to share his experiment with his fans, and was shocked by the outcome: after completing the reset, he felt amazing. He discovered that dairy, sugar, and processed flours are his food triggers, and that by avoiding them, his inflammation essentially vanished. Michael came up with more than 125 recipes to satisfy his cravings without aggravating his body, including Ginger and Chile-Roast Chicken, dairy-free Mac and Cheese, Spaghetti Squash with Arugula Pesto, and Apple and Cherry Oat Crisp, among many others. Now, for the first time, he is sharing these recipes, as well as a guide on how to identify your food triggers and create a meal plan that works around whatever ingredient causes your discomfort so that you too can enjoy incredible food without sacrificing your health.

Dr. Kellyann's Cleanse and Reset: Detoxify, Nourish, and Restore Your Body for Sustained Weight Just 5 Days

by Kellyann Petrucci

Combat and prevent the effects of burnout with a detoxifying and nourishing cleanse program that liberates your body from poisons that make you sick, tired, and overweight—from the New York Times bestselling author of Dr. Kellyann's Bone Broth Diet and The 10-Day Belly Slimdown Whether from stressful times like the holidays or from the demands of your regular routine, your body naturally becomes depleted over time, making it even more difficult to lose weight and maintain the energy and vitality you need to get through the day. This is something Dr. Kellyann Petrucci experienced firsthand in 2017 while she was writing her last book, doing nonstop TV appearances, and running her business. She gained 20 pounds, her hormones went haywire, and she was at a loss for how to turn things around. She decided it was time to hit the reset button and created her simplest plan yet, specifically designed to help the millions of women who are overweight, overworked, and overextended get reenergized both physically and mentally. This is a comfortable, incredibly powerful 5-day cleanse protocol that resets your metabolism, giving you the kind of quick, confidence-boosting results you need to get back on a healthy track. The power ingredient in the Cleanse and Reset is collagen, which improves skin elasticity and brings back that coveted youthful glow, eases joint pain, heals leaky gut, supports weight management, and has anti-inflammatory properties. The healing and reparative smoothies, shakes, soups, and bone broth blends that you&’ll enjoy on the 5-day cleanse are packed with collagen and can be adapted to any diet, with a focus on modifying the cleanse for the keto diet (along with great collagen alternatives for vegetarians and vegans!). The program also includes an optional 1-day &“keto push&” that you can follow for an extra boost the day before you begin your cleanse. Dr. Kellyann's Cleanse and Reset will help you slim your body, deep-cleanse your cells, and reclaim your energy and focus so you can start feeling truly good again.Advance praise for Dr. Kellyann&’s Cleanse and Reset&“If you are feeling tired, unhealthy, and emotionally burned-out and want a fresh way to rejuvenate, Kellyann has a message for you: she&’s been where you are. And she knows the way out.&”—Mehmet Oz, MD&“Dr. Kellyann Petrucci has done a terrific job bringing the science of detoxification to the table. This is a top-notch way to deal with the multiple toxic challenges posed by our modern world.&”—David Perlmutter, MD, #1 New York Times bestselling author of Grain Brain and Brain Wash

Happy Burger (READ 180)

by Ranberg Chuck and Patrick Daley

Scott has found the job of his dreams. Well, not exactly. He has to wear a clown hat and fry pounds of potatoes. However, he needs the money to take the love of his life, Stacy, to the big dance. Will his job pay off? Or, will he have to work the night of the big dance?

Can You Eat a Rainbow?

by Anastasia Suen Paul Colin

Look inside this book to find out if you really can eat a rainbow.

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