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Eet Minder Leef Langer U Praktiese Gids Vir Kalorie Beperking Met Optimale Voeding

by Anca Ioviţă

Tydens my derde jaar in die mediese skool, het ek op ‘n aanlyn artikel afgekom oor kalorie beperking met optimale voeding. Ek het gelees oor ‘n oënskynlik eenvoudige dieët ingryping wat die gemiddelde en maksimale lewensduur van laboratorium diere soos gis, vrugte vlieë, wurms en muise verleng het. Op daardie tydstip was ek nie bewus dat sulke eksperimente reeds gedoen word op nie-menslike primate ook nie. <P><P> Eerlikwaar, ek het afgemaak as nuuskierigheid, ‘n ingryping wat ‘n effek het op eenvoudige organismes soos vrugte vlieë, maar wat nooit op sulke komplekse wesens soos ons sal werk nie. Dit was net te goed om waar te wees. <P><P> Tyd het verby gegaan en my verkeerd bewys. Gegewe ‘n vroeë kindertyd fassinasie met die grense van lewens verlenging, het ek ingenieurswese en medisyne gestudeer in ‘n poging om radikale verlengde menslike lewensduur te bewerkstellig. Na ‘n kort rukkie van navorsing oor neurale prostese in ‘n Duitse laboratorium, het ek besef dat kunsmatig ingeplante toestelle binne in die menslike liggaam nie ‘n lang termyn oplossing was nie. <P><P> Ek het huis toe gekom waar ek met my mediese residensie in geriatries begin het, die tak van medisyne wat spesialiseer in ouderdom-geassosieerde siektes. ‘n Snaakse ding het toe gebeur. Om te lees oor teorieë van oud word is een ding. Daaglikse sorg vir mense 3 – 4 keer jou ouderdom is totaal ‘n ander ding en ek het begin om die kolletjies te verbind. <P><P> Ek het opgelet dat sommige mense verouder soos wyn en ander soos asyn. Volgens hulle maer liggaamstrukture en gedetailleerde lewens stories, het dit gelyk asof kalorie inname iets daarmee te doen gehad het. Dis hoe ek die eerste woorde van hierdie boek begin tik het. <P><P> Inhoudsopgawe <P><P> Inleiding <P><P> •Basiese Beginsels Van Kalorie Beperking Met Optimale Voeding <P><P> •Wat U Nie In Hierdie Boek Sal Vind Nie <P><P> •Hoe Behoort U Die Boek Te Gebruik? Minder I

Mangez moins, vivez plus Votre guide pratique vers la restriction calorique avec nutrition optimale

by Anca Ioviţă

Lors de ma troisième année de médecine, je suis tombée sur un article en ligne traitant de la restriction calorique avec nutrition optimale. Il contenait des informations sur un régime simple capable de prolonger la durée de vie moyenne et maximale de sujets de laboratoire tels que des levures, des mouches drosophiles, des vers et des souris. Lorsque j’ai lu cet article, j’ignorais que de telles expériences étaient menées également sur des primates. Pour être honnête, j’ai vu cette intervention comme une simple anecdote qui pourrait avoir quelques effets sur des organismes simples tels que des moches drosophiles, mais également comme quelque chose qui ne pourrait jamais fonctionner pour des organismes complexes comme nous. Cela paraissait trop beau pour être vrai. Avec le temps, je me suis rendue compte que j’avais tort. Pour satisfaire ma fascination d’enfant sur les limites de l’extension de la vie, j’ai étudié l’ingénierie et la médecine, pour tenter de trouver un moyen d’allonger la durée de vie des êtres humains. Après un court séjour dans le domaine des prothèses neuronales dans un laboratoire allemand, j’ai réalisé que l’implantation d’appareils artificiels dans le corps humain n’était pas une solution pérenne. Je suis retournée chez moi et j’ai entamé mon internat en médecine gériatrique, la branche de la médecine spécialisée dans les maladies liées à l’âge. C’est là qu’un événement cocasse s’est produit. Lire les différentes théories sur le vieillissement est une chose. Mais s’occuper de personnes trois à quatre fois plus âgées que vous en est une autre, et c’est là que j’ai commencé à faire le lien. J’ai remarqué que certaines personnes vieillissaient comme un bon vin, tandis que d’autres connaissaient un vieillissement plus proche de celui du vinaigre. Leurs corps fragiles et leurs histoires de vie détaillées semblaient indiquer

Mangia di meno, vivi di più - guida pratica alla restrizione calorica con nutrizione ottimale

by Anca Ioviţă

Al terzo anno di medicina mi sono imbattuta in un articolo in Rete che parlava della restrizione delle calorie con nutrizione ottimale. Si parlava di un intervento apparentemente semplice, fatto sul regime alimentare di alcuni organismi e animali da laboratorio che ne aveva prolungato le aspettative di vita media e massima: lieviti, moscerini della frutta, vermi, topi. A quel tempo non sapevo che questo tipo di esperimenti fosse già stato condotto anche su primati non umani. Ad essere sincera, avevo liquidato l’esperimento come una stranezza: poteva anche aver avuto efficacia su organismi semplici come i moscerini della frutta, ma non avrebbe mai funzionato su esseri viventi complessi come noi: troppo bello per essere vero. Il tempo mi ha dato torto. I limiti della vita hanno sempre esercitato un certo fascino su di me, sin da bambina: ho studiato Ingegneria e Medicina, infatti, cercando di scoprire come prolungare radicalmente la durata dell’esistenza. Dopo un breve periodo come ricercatrice sulle protesi neurali in un laboratorio in Germania, mi sono però resa conto che impiantare dispositivi artificiali all’interno del corpo umano non sarebbe potuta essere una soluzione a lungo termine. Tornata a casa mi sono specializzata in Geriatria, cioè in quel ramo della medicina che studia le malattie correlate all’età. È stato allora che è accaduto un fatto curioso: leggere teorie legate all’invecchiamento è una cosa, prendersi cura tutti i giorni di persone che hanno tre o quattro volte la tua età è un’altra. Così, ho semplicemente fatto due più due. Avevo notato che alcune delle persone delle quali mi occupavo quotidianamente erano invecchiate “come un buon vino”, altre come “vino divenuto aceto”. Basandomi sulla loro esile struttura fisica e sui dettagli della loro vita, sembrava proprio che l’assunzione di calorie c’entrasse in qualche modo. È stato così che ho iniziato a scrivere le prime righe di q

Coma Menos, Viva Mais - seu guia prático para restrição calórica com nutrição ótima

by Anca Ioviţă Ariane Zabaleta

Durante meu terceiro ano na faculdade de medicina, me deparei com um artigo online sobre restrição calórica por meio da nutrição ótima. Eu li sobre uma intervenção alimentar aparentemente simples que prolongou a vida média e máxima de animais em laboratório, como levedura, moscas de frutas, vermes e ratos. Naquela época, eu não sabia que tais experimentos também já eram realizados em primatas não humanos. Honestamente, acabei descartando isso como curiosidade. Uma intervenção que poderia ter algum efeito em organismos simples, como moscas de frutas, mas algo que nunca funcionaria em seres complexos como nós. Parecia bom demais para ser verdade. O tempo passou e mostrou que estava errada. Dado um fascínio da infância com os limites da extensão da vida, estudei engenharia e medicina na tentativa de prolongar radicalmente a expectativa de vida humana. Após um curto período de pesquisa com próteses neurais em um laboratório alemão, percebi que implantar dispositivos artificiais no corpo humano não era uma solução para longo prazo. Voltei para casa, onde comecei minha residência médica em geriatria, a área da medicina especializada em doenças associadas à idade. Algo engraçado acabou acontecendo. Ler sobre as teorias do envelhecimento é uma coisa. Cuidar diariamente de pessoas com 3 ou 4 vezes a sua idade, é outra completamente diferente e eu comecei a ligar os pontos. Eu notei que algumas pessoas envelheciam como vinho e outras envelheciam como vinagre. De acordo com seus corpos magros e históricos detalhados, parecia que a ingestão de calorias tinha algo a ver com isso. Foi assim que comecei a digitar as primeiras palavras deste livro. Índice Analítico Introdução •Princípios Básicos da Restrição Calórica com Nutrição Ótima •O que Você NÃO Encontrará neste Livro •Como Você Deve Usar este Livro? Menos �

The $7 a Meal Healthy Cookbook

by Chef Susan Irby

With grocery bills on the rise and the economy on the slide, you may think you're going to have to sacrifice nutrition and taste in the name of the almighty shrinking dollar. But with this practical, perfectly delicious cookbook, you can feed your family healthy, flavorful meals for only seven bucks. Inside, you'll find recipes that address every health concern - from high-fiber and low-sodium to no trans fat and low sugar - including:Guilt-free Cranberry SconesParmesan Orzo SaladOnion and Mushroom RisottoChicken Tortellini with SquashSpicy Chinese Beef and BroccoliTurkey Spring RollsBaked Stuffed Tex-Mex TroutSweet Potato PuddingPeanut Butter Chocolate Bars Comes complete with cost per meal, nutritional information, and cooking and preparation tips - because eating well doesn't have to cost a fortune!

The $7 a Meal Pressure Cooker Cookbook

by Chef Susan Irby

Today's new pressure cookers are the modern cook's ultimate time-saver--and now you can slash cooking time 70 percent and cut costs at the same time!In this one-of-a-kind collection, you'll find hundreds of delicious, nutritious recipes that won't break the bank, including: Rosemary Pork Shoulders with Apples, Chicken Bordeaux, Catfish in Creole Sauce, Swiss Chard and Vegetables in Parmesan Sauce, and Molten Fudge Pudding Cake!For that slow-cooked taste in far less time, this cookbook is the perfect solution for busy cooks on a budget!

The $7 a Meal Quick and Easy Cookbook

by Chef Susan Irby

It is possible to prepare affordable, nutritious meals in just minutes a day. With these clever culinary masterpieces, you will find the recipes you need to whip up delicious, deceptively inexpensive dishes that will have the whole family begging for more, such as Skillet Zucchini Quiche, Greek Pita Pockets with Tzatziki, Cassoulet Provencale, Ham and Sausage Jambalaya, Shrimp Pad Thai Stir-Fry, Sweet-and-Sour Meatloaf, and Five-Minute Chocolate Mousse.From soups and appetizers to entrées and desserts, these flash-in-a-pan recipes are all you need to please any palate!

Boost Your Metabolism Cookbook

by Susan Irby

The secret is out: Eating low-fat, low-calorie foods doesn't automatically equate to low numbers on the scale. However, by focusing on foods that keep the metabolism high and the body healthy, automatic weight loss is the result! And in this creative collection, the Bikini Chef Susan Irby shows dieters they don't need to eat wacky foods or sacrifice flavor to reach their goal. She serves up mouthwatering recipes you can whip up while you trim down, including:Polenta Blueberry PancakeOrzo Salad with Red Bell Peppers and Fresh HerbsJalapeno Salsa Pork Tenderloin with Pomegranate and Onion MarmaladeGreen Tea SorbetComplete with nutritional information and specific tips throughout, this cookbook is all you need to program your body to burn fat better and faster--with every bite!

The Complete Idiot's Guide to Quinoa Cookbook: Discover This Incredible Superfood with Over 180 Recipes for Every Meal

by Susan Irby

Quinoa, often mistakenly called a grain, has quickly become a dietary staple for many people because it contains more protein than any grain; has more calcium than milk; is high in iron, vitamins, and dietary fiber; is gluten, wheat, and cholesterol free; and is considered an excellent antioxidant. Quinoa can be used for any meal in a variety of ways, but it is largely flavorless. The Complete Idiot's Guide® Quinoa Cookbook has more than 250 recipes for every meal of the day.

The Giant $7 a Meal Cookbook

by Susan Irby

In this supersized edition, you'll find the delicious, deceptively inexpensive recipes you need to spice up family dining at your house--and save money at the same time! With more than 700 easy-to-prepare appetizers, entrées, sides, and desserts, you will whip up great meals in no time--at a great price!You'll find such low-cost culinary masterpieces as:Caprese SaladPeanut Chicken SoupCitrus-Glazed ShrimpHerb-Crusted New York Strip SteakSlow Cooker LasagnaCrab and Spinach RisottoChocolate TrufflesCaramel Mandarin Orange Cakeand much, much more!Whether you are looking for the ultimate comfort food (Mom's Turkey Meatloaf), health-conscious family fare (Baked Eggplant Rolls with Ricotta and Fresh Herbs), or easy slow-cooker crowd pleasers (Queso con Chile), this cookbook makes your job in the kitchen easier, faster, tastier--and cheaper!

The Giant $7 a Meal Cookbook: 701 Inexpensive Meals the Whole Family Will Love

by Susan Irby

In this supersized edition, you'll find the delicious, deceptively inexpensive recipes you need to spice up family dining at your house--and save money at the same time! With more than 700 easy-to-prepare appetizers, entrTes, sides, and desserts, you will whip up great meals in no time--at a great price!You'll find such low-cost culinary masterpieces as:Caprese SaladPeanut Chicken SoupCitrus-Glazed ShrimpHerb-Crusted New York Strip SteakSlow Cooker LasagnaCrab and Spinach RisottoChocolate TrufflesCaramel Mandarin Orange Cakeand much, much more!Whether you are looking for the ultimate comfort food (Mom's Turkey Meatloaf), health-conscious family fare (Baked Eggplant Rolls with Ricotta and Fresh Herbs), or easy slow-cooker crowd pleasers (Queso con Chile), this cookbook makes your job in the kitchen easier, faster, tastier--and cheaper!

Charlottesville Food: A History of Eating Local in Jefferson's City (American Palate)

by Casey Ireland

From the early days of Thomas Jefferson's "Garden Book" at Monticello to the hustle and bustle of the modern City Market on Water Street, Charlottesville has an illustrious culinary history. The city's cuisine is characterized by a delight in locally raised ingredients. The locavore mentality appears at all levels of Charlottesville's food industry, including the nationally acknowledged methods of Joel Salatin's Polyface Farms, the sourcing of local pork for Chipotle's Charlottesville location and the accessibility of regional ingredients everywhere from Whole Foods Market to online favorite Relay Foods. Author and food enthusiast Casey Ireland explores how Charlottesville's residents have created a food culture that is all their own..

Kathryn at Home: A Guide to Simple Entertaining

by Kathryn M. Ireland

From the author of Inspired By and Timeless Interiors, a guide to fabulous at-home entertaining both indoors and outdoors. Beyond pulling a room together with great fabrics and furniture pieces, Kathryn M. Ireland has an extraordinary talent for pulling together stunning tabletops and delicious meals. Here she celebrates good friends and great food in the French countryside and in southern California. In an elegant scrapbook style, she shares her notes and advice on entertaining, particularly outdoors. Join Kathryn and her talented friend Ithaka for a breakfast, lunchtime picnics, a candlelight dinner, afternoon tea, a barbecue, and a wedding—all interlaced with signature Kathryn M. Ireland fabrics.

Mrs. Claus and the Santaland Slayings: A Funny & Festive Christmas Cozy Mystery (A Mrs. Claus Mystery #1)

by Liz Ireland

&“Exceptional…the perfect holiday entertainment.&”— Publishers Weekly STARRED REVIEW This Christmas season, travel to the North Pole you&’ve never seen before—where Santa&’s new wife, April Claus, is not only set on creating the perfect holiday—she&’s also set on solving the perfect crime… Love is full of surprises—though few compare to realizing that you&’re marrying the real-life Santa. April Claus dearly loves her new husband, Nick, but adjusting to life in the North Pole is not all sugarplums and candy canes. Especially when a cantankerous elf named Giblet Hollyberry is killed—felled by a black widow spider in his stocking—shortly after publicly arguing with Nick. Christmastown is hardly a hotbed of crime, aside from mishaps caused by too much eggnog, but April disagrees with Constable Crinkle&’s verdict of accidental death. As April sets out to find the culprit, it&’ll mean putting the future of Christmas on the line—and hoping her own name isn&’t on a lethal naughty list . . .

Outpatient Nutrition Care and Home Nutrition Support: Practical Guidelines for Assessment and Management

by Carol Ireton-Jones

Nutrition, defined by Merriam-Webster, is the process of eating the right kind of food so you can grow properly and be healthy. However, making the right food and nutrition choices and finding the best and most accurate nutrition information can be a challenge, especially when a disease or injury is present. <P><P>There are a wide range of ways that nutrition can be healing, from a simple broth that provides fluids and electrolytes to therapeutic nutrition for diabetes, irritable bowel syndrome, or osteoporosis. Registered Dietitian Nutritionists (RDN) have expertise in disease management and translation of nutrition requirements to foods to consume. However, nutrition care often does not receive the attention in the out-patient setting that is needed to achieve nutrition goals. <P><P>The purpose of this book is to provide pertinent and concise nutrition care information for Registered Dietitian Nutritionists and other professionals working with individuals outside of the hospital including nurses, pharmacists, and physicians. This book covers screening, assessing, and treating malnutrition; out-patient nutrition care in diabetes, cardiovascular disease, gastrointestinal disease, osteoporosis; and home enteral and parenteral nutrition. In each chapter the reader will learn more about the disease process as well as the management of the disease or therapy. <P><P>As the number of patients receiving home care nutrition support increases, proper assessment and management of this therapy is crucial, and clinicians need to practice at an advanced level. This book presents advanced and readily applicable information on proper nutrition care of individuals in the outpatient setting and those receiving home nutrition support.

Outpatient Nutrition Care: Practical Guidelines for Assessment and Management

by Carol Ireton-Jones Berkeley Limketkai

As the number of patients receiving home care nutrition support increases, proper assessment and management of this therapy is crucial, and clinicians need to practice at an advanced level. This second edition provides practical nutrition care information for professionals working with individuals outside of the hospital including registered dietitians, nurses, pharmacists, and physicians. It covers screening, assessing, and treating malnutrition; outpatient nutrition care in diabetes, cardiovascular disease, gastrointestinal disease, and home enteral and parenteral nutrition. Each chapter describes the disease process as well as the management of the disease or therapy. Key Features Presents practical information on proper nutrition care of individuals in the outpatient setting and those receiving home nutrition support New information on GI tests and procedures; gastroparesis/pancreatitis, parenteral lipids, and bariatric surgery Expanded chapter on short bowel syndrome and malabsorptive disorders Additional information on feeding options including an overview of oral, oral supplements, and enteral and parenteral nutrition Teaches the user additional information on disease processes as well as the management of the disease or therapy

Homebrewing (Idiot's Guides)

by Daniel Ironside

Learn to homebrew with simple techniques and 60 delicious recipes! Any homebrewing beginner knows the science of homebrewing can be overwhelming, and without the right knowledge and a strict adherence to best practices, what can start as a good batch of beer can end up being flushed down the drain due to common mistakes that every beginner can make. Idiot&’s Guides: Homebrewing breaks down the brewing process, step-by-step, and helps you understand how to minimize the risk of a bad batch, maximize your success, and foster the passion and pride that every homebrewer experiences when they brew the perfect beer. From the very basics of the brewing process to more advanced techniques, this A to Z guide will give you everything you need to get started and begin making your own homebrews in no time. Here&’s what you&’ll find inside: • An introduction to all the essential homebrewing basics, including purchasing equipment, setting up your home brewery, recordkeeping, and cleaning and sanitizing • 60 fantastic extract and all-grain recipes for IPAs, pilsners, lagers, ales, lambics, and more • Detailed explanations of all the key ingredients in the brewing process, including malt, hops, yeast, and water • Step-by-step instructions for the brewing process – including making wort, fermenting, conditioning, and packaging • Advanced techniques, including troubleshooting, collecting the wort, and harvesting yeast, as well as expert tips for serving and tasting

The Runner's World Vegetarian Cookbook: 150 Delicious and Nutritious Meatless Recipes to Fuel Your Every Step (Runner's World)

by Heather Mayer Irvine

150 delicious meatless recipes packed with performance-boosting nutrients As a runner, you know that your food is your fuel—you have to eat well in order to perform well. But if you think it’s impossible to be a high-performing athlete and ditch meat, think again. Legendary ultrarunner Scott Jurek is plant-based and track star Carl Lewis is vegetarian. Being wholly or mostly meatless doesn’t have to mean sacrificing nutrition or performance—in fact, these whole-food recipes can help bring your body to peak health and fitness. Written by Heather Mayer Irvine, the Food and Nutrition editor of Runner’s World, this vegetarian cookbook not only contains healthy recipes but also in-depth information on how runners—regardless of their food-with-a-face preference—can eat more plants. In this cookbook, you’ll find delicious and nutritious recipes for every meal (and yes, even dessert!) that will help power your runs and recovery.

The Pure Package

by Jennifer Irvine

Love food but hate dieting? This weight loss gourmet eating plan will work for you...just like it has for the stars in the know.If you think a healthy, balanced diet means bland and tasteless food then you would be wrong. With over 70 tried-and-tested recipes THE PURE PACKAGE will help you to create healthy and delicious meals that can be adapted to suit a variety of needs. Whether you want to get fit, lose weight or simply detox, THE PURE PACKAGE will provide you with the nutritional know-how and guidance to achieve a healthy eating plan. With snacks and treats, delicious dinners, light lunches and nutritious breakfast ideas, together with weekly shopping lists, handy tips and straightforward substitutions, you will be able to cook healthy, gourmet food with a difference. THE PURE PACKAGE plan is easy, enjoyable, stress free - and effective in helping you break old habits and achieve your goals.

Pure Package: The Balance Diet

by Jennifer Irvine

From the founder of The Pure Package, the gourmet diet food delivery service, and author of the hugely successful THE DIET FOR FOOD LOVERS, comes this delicious collection of recipes designed to be healthy, nutritious and quick. Ideal for people who lead busy lives but still want to eat and feel healthy, this book will provide all the tips, tricks and know-how needed to whip up meal after meal with minimal fuss.Jennifer Irvine launched The Pure Package in 2003 from her kitchen, and the concept has grown to become an award-winning business while still maintaining the personal touch, which ensures its recipes are developed with real people in mind. Jennifer grew up on her parents' farm in Ireland where she developed her passion for food, by cooking and growing fresh produce. Jennifer believes that you can reach your health goals while indulging in delicious, convenient food, and in this book she tells you how.

The Pure Package

by Jennifer Irvine

Love food but hate dieting? This weight loss gourmet eating plan will work for you...just like it has for the stars in the know.If you think a healthy, balanced diet means bland and tasteless food then you would be wrong. With over 70 tried-and-tested recipes THE PURE PACKAGE will help you to create healthy and delicious meals that can be adapted to suit a variety of needs. Whether you want to get fit, lose weight or simply detox, THE PURE PACKAGE will provide you with the nutritional know-how and guidance to achieve a healthy eating plan. With snacks and treats, delicious dinners, light lunches and nutritious breakfast ideas, together with weekly shopping lists, handy tips and straightforward substitutions, you will be able to cook healthy, gourmet food with a difference. THE PURE PACKAGE plan is easy, enjoyable, stress free - and effective in helping you break old habits and achieve your goals.

Pure Package The Balance Diet: Quick And Easy Recipes To Feel Healthy And Slim

by Jennifer Irvine

From the founder of The Pure Package, the gourmet diet food delivery service, and author of the hugely successful THE DIET FOR FOOD LOVERS, comes this delicious collection of recipes designed to be healthy, nutritious and quick. Ideal for people who lead busy lives but still want to eat and feel healthy, this book will provide all the tips, tricks and know-how needed to whip up meal after meal with minimal fuss.Jennifer Irvine launched The Pure Package in 2003 from her kitchen, and the concept has grown to become an award-winning business while still maintaining the personal touch, which ensures its recipes are developed with real people in mind. Jennifer grew up on her parents' farm in Ireland where she developed her passion for food, by cooking and growing fresh produce. Jennifer believes that you can reach your health goals while indulging in delicious, convenient food, and in this book she tells you how.

The Salvage Chef Cookbook: More Than 125 Recipes, Tips, and Secrets to Transform What You Have in Your Kitchen into Delicious Dishes for the Ones You Love

by Robert Irvine Michael Love

How much food do you throw away every day?The Salvage Chef Cookbook is far more than a book of 125 scrumptious recipes; it begins by demonstrating to readers how to both increase food shelf life and determine when food is truly spoiled. What then follows is a collection of easy recipes for cooks of all levels.Families throw away perfectly edible yet overlooked food every day, as they often aren't savvy enough in the kitchen to stretch their hard-earned dollars and salvage the food they have in their refrigerators and pantries.How much time do you spend staring at last week's groceries, wondering if you can make a hearty meal with half a box of rice, wilted spinach, or leftover grilled chicken? Can you incorporate those overripe bananas or week-old strawberries into a breakfast or dessert that will satisfy your family?According to Chef Michael Love, you can. Instead of running to the store or ordering take-out, you can more often than not make use of what you have on hand. The food in your kitchen can and should be salvaged. Chef Love's recipes show you how to creatively transform what you currently have into surprising, delectable, and delicious family meals.Love also provides an accessible and innovative Salvage Index-a comprehensive list of both fresh and leftover items designed to help readers decide what meals they can prepare from the ingredients they have.The Salvage Chef Cookbook is a culinary must-have featuring old favorites reimagined through the use of salvaged food to create dishes both familiar and exciting.

Impossible to Easy: 111 Delicious Recipes to Help You Put Great Meals on the Table Every Day

by Robert Irvine Brian O'Reilly

The host of Food Network's Dinner: Impossible shows busy people how to keep food simple but deliciousChef Robert Irvine goes where few chefs dare. As the host of Food Network's Dinner: Impossible, he has cooked on a desert island, in an eighteenth-century kitchen, inside an ice hotel, and even for cowpunchers on a cattle drive. In Impossible to Easy, he converts the classical and improvisational kitchen skills he's learned during the past twenty-five years under some of the most challenging conditions into advice to help the home cook achieve mastery in his or her own kitchen.Irvine shows how to approach ingredients in new and familiar ways, how to plan and execute delicious meals every time, and how to guarantee maximum flavor from every dish. By establishing a few simple organizational, shopping, and storage habits, home cooks can not only get the most out of fresh foods and spices but elevate their everyday meals to a higher level of accomplishment and enjoyment. Here, too, is advice on useful equipment and implements, pantry staples, do-ahead tips, and 111 easy-to-master recipes (many complete with timelines, and half of which are gluten free) that are sure to keep family and friends coming back for more. By separating each process into its constituent parts, anyone can easily create such tasty dishes as Lime-Cured Shrimp and Roasted Corn Chowder, Porcini-Dusted Pork Chops with Cremini Mushrooms and Golden Raisins over Horseradish-Scented Potatoes, Pommes Frites with Chipotle Aioli, Duck Confit with Three-Bean Cassoulet, Windy City Stovetop Pizza, Braised Asian Pear with Roquefort and Sweet Port Wine Dressing, Banana Chocolate-Hazelnut Crepes, and dozens more right in his or her own home.

Mission: My Life, My Recipes, and Making the Impossible Easy

by Robert Irvine Brian O'Reilly

The star of Food Network's Dinner: Impossible, Chef Robert Irvine shares the adventurous story of his life, his thoughts on cooking, and his favorite recipesThere are few chefs on the planet who do what Irvine does, flying around the world at a moment's notice to cook for heads of state, royalty, and celebrities. Irvine reveals his fascinating past and unorthodox culinary training. His career as a world-renowned chef began at the age of fifteen when he was discovered by Prince Charles while cooking in the mess halls of the British Royal Navy.In Mission: Cook! Irvine tells the wild stories of his career, from studying under the best European chefs to cooking for three thousand refugees on a beach while civil war raged in South Yemen to preparing an Oscars feast while coordinating the biggest chefs in the business. Sprinkled throughout are Irvine's most incredible recipes from his travels around the world, including Roasted Duck with White Bean Ragout, Truffle Oil, and Shaved Parmesan Cheese; Tea-Smoked Chicken; Lobster Risotto with Clams; and his ethereal Windsor Angel Food Cake. Easy to prepare and deliciously satisfying, these are dishes that everyone will savor.Irvine's candid stories and behind-the-scenes look at the creation of his Food Network TV show Dinner: Impossible prove that the life of a celebrity chef is anything but ordinary. As is Mission: Cook!—a unique and fascinating look into the mind and life of one of the world's hottest chefs.

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