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Recetas caseras con pan de ayer

by Xavier Barriga

«Con el pan del día anterior o con el que va quedando durante toda la semana podemos preparar un gran número de elaboraciones distintas con multitud de variantes y combinaciones. En este libro encontrarás propuestas para el desayuno y la merienda, para acompañar estupendas ensaladas, para deleitar a los niños... Así veremos, por ejemplo, cómo utilizar de manera original productos tan basicos y comunes como las tostadas o el pan rallado, o aprenderemos a cocinar sopas dulces de pan para un desayuno rico, energético y muy sano.»Xavier Barriga


by Xavier Barriga

Con este original libro tu cocina se convertirá en un auténtico obrador, siguiendo las sabias enseñanzas de Xavier Barriga, maestro panadero y asesor internacional de panificadoras.Este libro desvela los secretos de la harina y nos pone manos a la obra elaborando exquisitos panes de todos los tipos, desde los más clásicos hasta los crujientes hojaldrados, pasando por los panes dulces, los panes más aromáticos, e incluso panes de otros países, como las tortitas americanas, el appam de la India o el pan de pita de Marruecos.Todo explicado con un lenguaje muy claro, ilustrado con esclarecedoras imágenes de cada paso, y con soluciones prácticas y efectivas a los principales problemas que pueden surgir en cualquier fase de la elaboración del pan.Además, el libro dedica un capítulo especial a los celíacos y a otras intolerancias. Siguiendo las claras instrucciones de este libro, está garantizaba la obtención de un pan bueno, apetecible y sobre todo, sano, muy sano.

Yo sí conseguí adelgazar con mis recetas

by Carmen Albo

Recetas pensadas para todas aquellas personas que quieran ponerse a dieta sin pasar hambre, seguidores de la dieta Dukan y que además son amantes de la buena cocina.

Diet Coach

by Kimberley Willis

AQUEST ÉS EL LLIBREPER PERDRE PESQUE ESTAVES ESPERANT.LENTRENADOR PERSONAL QUE TOFEREIX TRUCS RÀPIDS,ESTRATÈGIES SIMPLES I CONSELLS QUE NO FALLEN.Les dietes por si soles no acostumen a funcionar; si més no, no gaire. Quan fem dieta estem massa centrats a pensar què podem menjar i no ens fixem en la manera com mengem ni com ens sentim. Kimberly Willis sap que, per mantenir definitivament el pes ideal, lúnica opció és fer canvis fonamentals en la forma que tenim de pensar en el menjar i de relacionar-nos-hi.Diet Coach se centra en tu més que en els aliments, per ajudar-te a superar lànsia de menjar i perquè, duna vegada per totes, controlis els teus hàbits alimentaris tant si segueixes una dieta como si no. Ja sigui per mitjà deslògans clau, de tècniques senzilles per distreure lansietat o dedicant temps a assaborir cada mos, en aquest llibre trobaràs estratègies i mètodes molt senzills que realment funcionen.Aquesta petita guia és tot el que necessites per perdre pes i aconseguir una relació amb el menjar més feliç i sana.


by Xavier Barriga

Por fin llega el turno de las galletas, Xavier Barriga nos presenta unas sencillas recetas explicadas paso a paso. Gracias a los consejos del autor, conseguiremos que nuestro horno produzca una multitud de apetitosas galletas que harán las delicias de nuestros familiares, amigos...En el libro de recetas encontrarás:- Los utensilios más necesarios para elaborar galletas y que debemos tener en cuenta en las diferentes fases del proceso de preparación.- Los pasos básicos, donde veremos el procedimiento detallado para elaborar los dos tipos de masa más habituales, a partir de los cuales se preparan buena parte de las galletas de este libro. Se trata de la masa para galletas de manga y la masa para galletas de corte.- Y recetas para todos los gustos:Recetas de galletas para una merienda perfecta (Rosquillas crujientes de almendra tostada, botones, herraduras de mantequilla con chocolate...)De diferentes formas y colores (Galletas de pasas y ron, galletas crujientes de dulce de leche, sables de coco...)Las muy fashion (Teja de sésamo negro tostado, cigarrillo ruso relleno de praliné, galletas rellenas de crema y limón, galletas blandas con crema pastelera, sablés de mermelada de frambuesa...)Las de toda la vida (cocos gratinados, carquiñolis...)Galletas saladas y diferentes (Galletas de zanahoria y queso fresco, milhojas de centeno con guacamole...)Galletas con mucha fibra (Cookies de espelta integral y copos de avena, crackers integrales extrafinos...)Las que no vas a resistir (Florentinas de naranja y piñones tostados, pequeños bocados de cabello de ángel, galletas crujientes de limón y amapola, las de coco pasión, galletas de chocolate y caramelo, tejas de almendra con pannacotta...)Y otras elaboraciones, consejos y trucos.

Con la cocina no se juega

by David De Jorge

La osadía en la cocina, como el picante, convierte en manjar la insipidez del agua, la mucosidad vegetariana, la patata cocida, el huevo soso, la salsa más flojeras, el puchero más zonzo y el consomé más cartucho. Lo mismo ocurre a la hora de enfrentarse a un libro, cuando el cocinero siente un vértigo similar al de ese primer día de servicio en el que está solo ante el mundo. El banco no te fía ya ni un duro y aún no has empezado, la campana extractora no funciona y la licencia de apertura no llega hasta mañana. No cabe la fruta en la cámara frigorífica, salta el piloto de los fogones cada vez que arrimas la olla y el aire acondicionado de la sala escupe fuego en vez de fresco por sus lamas mientras sopla fuera un calor que es pura chicharra. El servicio empieza en un plis plas y la parrilla está apagada, tienes jarretes anunciados en la carta, que aún hierven tiesos en su jugo, y falta por condimentar la polenta de maíz, montar las salsas y las guarniciones del mero, el costillar y la lubina. Los jefes de partida y ayudantes, pasteleros, marmitones y sala al completo, toda mi gente y clientes, tú también, pedís con la mirada, el pensamiento y toda el alma que suene música y esto marche. Confía. Habrá crónica de restaurantes redactada con hermosura, grandes personajes, chefs, productos, escritores, editores y gourmets peculiares, en un cajón de sastre a rebosar de mariscos, moluscos y crustáceos de centelleante colorido. Y algunas recetas para que te reboces en ellas, comidas añoradas, elaboradas, descritas con humor y soltura, cocina de verdad, sabrosa y apta para todos los públicos."Con simpatía, franqueza y sin engolamientos ni jergas displicentes, David de Jorge prueba, sazona, corta, pregunta, felicita, sopla, descubre, sirve, recomienda, aliña, sonríe, recuerda y blasfema. La reacción es inmediata: empiezas a salivar y sueñas con atunes gigantes bailando sobre un mar de jugos gástricos, ajos y cebollinos."Sergi Pàmies

The Juice Lady(TM)'s Juicing for High-Level Wellness and Vibrant Good Looks

by Cherie Calbom

The newest book by the "Juice Lady", presents a comprehensive nutritional guide to the health benefits of juicing, with a special emphasis on common and chronic ailments.

Cooking & Screaming

by Adrienne Kane

An inspiring, recipe-filled memoir about loss, recovery, and finding oneself through food and cooking. "I rose from my wheelchair slowly, using the arms of the seat to steady myself; I managed to lift my weighty limbs and limp the three steps to the counter. Stirring left-handed, I did not want to leave the warmth of the kitchen. I felt good. And for a moment I forgot about the life that I was living. Being in the kitchen, the sights and smells, the smear of crimson tomato sauce on my borrowed apron, felt like a bit of home, a place that felt so far away. "Adrienne Kane always loved food. Waiting by the oven for the sweet, crisp cookies she baked with her mother to emerge. Learning to create a simple yet delicious frittata with her best friend. Fueling long hours of work on her senior thesis with a satisfying tagliatelle. But just two weeks before her college graduation, Adrienne suffered a hemorrhagic stroke that left her paralyzed on the entire right side of her body. Once a dancer and aspiring teacher, she was now dependent on her loved ones, embarrassed by her disability, and facing an identity crisis. The next several years were a blur of doctors, therapists, rehabilitation, and frustration. Until she got back in the kitchen. It started with a stir. A stir and a taste. A little more salt. Maybe a side of crisp, sautéed potatoes. She learned to wield a chef's knife with her left hand, and to brace vegetables with her right. As she slowly stumbled from her quiet resting place at the kitchen table to where her mother stood by the stove, food became not only her sustenance and her solace, it became Adrienne's calling. She tested new recipes and created her own, crafting beautiful, delectable feasts for the people who had nurtured her -- her mother and father, who himself had survived a stroke several years earlier; the friends who encouraged her to write a cookbook; and, of course, the boyfriend-turned-husband who stood beside her all the way. Eventually, through determination, hard work, and a healthy portion of courage, she turned her culinary love into a career as a caterer, food writer, photographer, and recipe developer. Filled with simple, tempting recipes and complex, hard-won lessons, Cooking and Screaming is Adrienne's moving and heartfelt story of food, loss, work, and joy. . . and finding her identity through the most unlikely combination of ingredients.

Cooking With Convection

by Beatrice Ojakangas

If you own a convection oven, but don’t really know how to use it, this book is for you. Beatrice Ojakangas, an authority on convection cooking and author of more than two dozen previous cookbooks, explains how to use your convection oven to achieve perfect results in dramatically less time than with a conventional oven. You will learn: *How to cook a whole meal in your oven–from meat to side dishes to dessert–all at the same time *How to cook multiple batches of cookies, cakes, and pies on three or even four oven shelves *How to roast and bake in a third less time than in a conventional oven while achieving even better results *How to calculate the correct temperature and timing for convection cooking if you are using a standard recipe And here are more than 150 great recipes for snacks and appetizers; pizza and foccacia; soups; roast beef, lamb, pork and poultry; savory pies and tarts; casseroles and pasta; vegetables; yeast breads and quick breads; cakes, cookies, pies, and pastries; and much, much more. Try Melted Onion Tart with Parmigiano-Reggiano, Mexican Vegetable Tortilla Soup, Tandoori Salmon with Cucumber Sauce, Asian Spiced Roast Whole Chicken, and Cocoa Cake with Easy Buttercream Frosting, among so many imaginative and easy dishes. By circulating hot air around food, convection ovens cook and brown food much more quickly and at a lower temperature than conventional ovens, while retaining food’s natural juiciness and flavor. With this book you will be able to save significant amounts of time and effort while turning out delicious dishes for everyday meals and easy entertaining.

Seven Days, Seven Dinners: A Taste of What's For Dinner? (E-SHORT)

by Curtis Stone

In this exclusive eBook, celebrity chef Curtis Stone, host of Bravo's hugely popular Top Chef Masters, whips up an entire week's worth of easy, tasty dinners! A happy family starts with a home-cooked meal. But the demands of every day life--soccer games, dance recitals, late nights at the office--can present major challenges to getting dinner on the table each night. Curtis Stone's Seven Days, Seven Dinners provides a week's worth of delicious, doable dinner recipes. Inspired by his cookbook What's for Dinner?, each dish is designed to feed a busy life with quick, easy, and affordable meals. * Motivating Monday: A healthy meal that starts the week off right * Time-Saving Tuesday: Dinner on the table in 35 minutes * One-Pot Wednesday: A flavorful dish made in just one skillet, leaving you with less cleanup * Thrifty Thursday: Feeding your family on a budget gives you more for less * Five-Ingredient Friday: A simple recipe that's fun and helps kick off the weekend * Dinner Party Saturday: An extraordinary dinner to bring out your inner chef * Family Supper Sunday: A comforting family favorite made with lots of love Seven Days, Seven Dinners is sure to bring confidence to your kitchen and happiness to your table every night of the week.

Seven Days, Seven Dinners

by Curtis Stone

In this exclusive eBook, celebrity chef, Curtis Stone, host of the Bravo's hugely popular Top Chef Masters, whips up an entire week's worth of easy, tasty dinners! A happy family starts with a home-cooked meal. But with the demands of every day life--soccer games, dance recitals--home cooks don't always have the time for the prep and clean up of a good dinner. Seven Days, Seven Dinners shares seven new recipes you won't find in Curtis Stone's tantalizing new cookbook What's for Dinner?, featuring 130 dishes in all. In this exclusive e-short, you get: - Motivating Monday: A healthy meal that starts the week off right- Time-Saving Tuesday: Dinner on the table in 15 to 40 minutes- One-Pot Wednesday: A flavorful dish in just one pot, pan, skillet, or grill, leaving you with less clean up- Thrifty Thursday: Feed your family on a budget, getting more for less- Five-Ingredient Friday: A simple recipe that is fun and helps kick off the weekend- Dinner Party Saturday: An extraordinary dinners to bring out your inner chef- Family Supper Sunday: A comforting family favorite made with lots of love Seven Days, Seven Dinners is sure to bring confidence to your kitchen and happiness to your table every night this week.

Salt Sugar Fat: How the Food Giants Hooked Us

by Michael Moss

From a Pulitzer Prize-winning investigative reporter at The New York Times comes the explosive story of the rise of the processed food industry and its link to the emerging obesity epidemic. Michael Moss reveals how companies use salt, sugar, and fat to addict us and, more important, how we can fight back. In the spring of 1999 the heads of the world's largest processed food companies--from Coca-Cola to Nabisco--gathered at Pillsbury headquarters in Minneapolis for a secret meeting. On the agenda: the emerging epidemic of obesity, and what to do about it. Increasingly, the salt-, sugar-, and fat-laden foods these companies produced were being linked to obesity, and a concerned Kraft executive took the stage to issue a warning: There would be a day of reckoning unless changes were made. This executive then launched into a damning PowerPoint presentation--114 slides in all--making the case that processed food companies could not afford to sit by, idle, as children grew sick and class-action lawyers lurked. To deny the problem, he said, is to court disaster. When he was done, the most powerful person in the room--the CEO of General Mills--stood up to speak, clearly annoyed. And by the time he sat down, the meeting was over. Since that day, with the industry in pursuit of its win-at-all-costs strategy, the situation has only grown more dire. Every year, the average American eats thirty-three pounds of cheese (triple what we ate in 1970) and seventy pounds of sugar (about twenty-two teaspoons a day). We ingest 8,500 milligrams of salt a day, double the recommended amount, and almost none of that comes from the shakers on our table. It comes from processed food. It's no wonder, then, that one in three adults, and one in five kids, is clinically obese. It's no wonder that twenty-six million Americans have diabetes, the processed food industry in the U.S. accounts for $1 trillion a year in sales, and the total economic cost of this health crisis is approaching $300 billion a year. In Salt Sugar Fat, Pulitzer Prize-winning investigative reporter Michael Moss shows how we got here. Featuring examples from some of the most recognizable (and profitable) companies and brands of the last half century--including Kraft, Coca-Cola, Lunchables, Kellogg, Nestlé, Oreos, Cargill, Capri Sun, and many more--Moss's explosive, empowering narrative is grounded in meticulous, often eye-opening research. Moss takes us inside the labs where food scientists use cutting-edge technology to calculate the "bliss point" of sugary beverages or enhance the "mouthfeel" of fat by manipulating its chemical structure. He unearths marketing campaigns designed--in a technique adapted from tobacco companies--to redirect concerns about the health risks of their products: Dial back on one ingredient, pump up the other two, and tout the new line as "fat-free" or "low-salt." He talks to concerned executives who confess that they could never produce truly healthy alternatives to their products even if serious regulation became a reality. Simply put: The industry itself would cease to exist without salt, sugar, and fat. Just as millions of "heavy users"--as the companies refer to their most ardent customers--are addicted to this seductive trio, so too are the companies that peddle them. You will never look at a nutrition label the same way again.From the Hardcover edition.

The Incredible Book Eating Boy

by Oliver Jeffers

Like many children, Henry loves books. But Henry doesn't like to read books, he likes to eat them. Big books, picture books, reference books . . . if it has pages, Henry chews them up and swallows (but red ones are his favorite). And the more he eats, the smarter he gets-he's on his way to being the smartest boy in the world! But one day he feels sick to his stomach. And the information is so jumbled up inside, he can't digest it! Can Henry find a way to enjoy books without using his teeth? With a stunning new artistic style and a die-cut surprise, Oliver Jeffers celebrates the joys of reading in this charming and quirky picture book. It's almost good enough to eat.

Diabetic Living Quick and Easy Meals

by Diabetic Living

Delicious meals in minutes the whole family will enjoy Eat right for diabetes and get dinner on the table fast with this photo-filled collection of easy, everyday meals from Diabetic Living-the only lifestyle magazine for individuals living with diabetes. These fast-fix recipes-low in fat, carb-smart, and made with nutrient-rich ingredients-make it easy to put healthy meals on the table every night of the week. Enjoy mouthwatering main dishes, such as Pesto Turkey Burgers, Mediterranean Tostadas, and Pork Chops Primavera. You'll find the most current information on the best foods to choose in an eating plan and lots of timesaving tips for making healthy meals in a snap. Includes 120 fresh and tasty recipes with a color photo of every recipe Every recipe for breakfast, sandwiches, soups and stews, entrees, salads, and sides is ready in 30 minutes or less Special slow-cooker and dessert chapters featuring recipes that require only 20 minutes or less of prep time Recipes highlight total grams of carbohydrate per serving and provide full nutrition information Clear serving-size icons make it easy to see the satisfying portion sizes With Diabetic Living Quick & Easy Diabetic Meals, fast, fresh food is never far away!

Better Homes and Gardens Can It!

by Better Homes and Gardens

A complete, step-by-step guide to fresh flavors for home canning and preservingHome canning and preserving is growing in popularity every day. It's easy and a great way to get the most from your backyard garden or farmer's market finds so that you can enjoy seasonal bounty all year long. This follow-up to Better Homes and Gardens You Can Can, gives you fresh, new flavor ideas and combinations to spice up your canning and preserving. Better Homes and Gardens Can It! brings canning and preserving to a whole new level, perfect for new canners looking for contemporary ideas as well as experienced canners wanting to expand their recipes.Full of delicious recipes and hands-on instruction, as well as gorgeous photography, this is the book you want to add new excitement to canning fruits and vegetables!Includes more than 100 recipes with simple instructions for successFeatures 140 beautiful full-color photographs that showcase the recipes and provide instructionBonus chapter of food gifts with simple packaging ideasFor today's growing number of do-it-yourselfers and home cooks who embrace the benefits in-season produce, Better Homes and Gardens Can It! is the source for fresh, new canning and preserving ideas.

I'm Dreaming of a Chocolate Christmas

by Marcel Desaulniers

No one knows chocolate like Marcel Desaulniers, whose bestselling, James Beard Award-winning Death by Chocolate and IACP Award-winning Desserts to Die For have made his name synonymous with luscious chocolate desserts. Now, with I'm Dreaming of a Chocolate Christmas, Desaulniers has created the ultimate holiday baking book for chocolate lovers everywhere. The chocolate treats and desserts you'll find inside are guaranteed to draw oohs and ahhs from your family and friends, and many are also straightforward to make-which means you'll have time to enjoy Christmas, too! If you've ever dreamed of an all-chocolate Christmas, this book can make your dream come true. Desaulniers gives you seventy-two seductive recipes for every holiday occasion-delectable gifts, tempting treat platters, dreamy breakfast nibbles, and, of course, lots of decadent desserts. Delight your faraway friends and family with treatsthat are perfect for shipping-nearly twenty inall, including Chocolate Fruitycakes, Chocolate Gingerbread Snowflakes, and Chocolate ButtonsUp ButterShots Bundt Cake. Put a smile on thekids' faces with tasty bites like Cranberry Choco-late Chip Oatmeal Cookies, Christmas Breakfast Chocolate Sour Cream Crumb Cake, and Choco-late Drop Peanut Butter Ice Cream Sandwiches. And indulge the grown-ups with sinful desserts such as Chocolate Mint Bourbon Cr+me Br l_e, White Chocolate Banana Walnut Christmas Log, and Chocolate Hazelnut Elagantes. Desaulniers and his elves tested all of the recipes in a home kitchen using ordinary equipment and supermarket ingredients to make sure that each one is foolproof. So whether you've been naughty or nice, you can tackle any of these recipes with confidence. Many are easy to prepare, and all are beautiful to behold and oh-so-delicious to eat. To make sure each sweet treat comes out just so, Desaulniers also provides "Chef's Touch" notes that detail techniques, variations, storage tips, and serving suggestions. With forty-eight enticing full-color photos, advice on equipment, and a chapter on packing and shipping holiday treats, I'm Dreaming of a Chocolate Christmas is sure to become an indispensable holiday companion.

Gluten-Free Girl and the Chef

by Daniel Ahern Shauna James Ahern

The first cookbook from the author of Gluten-Free Girl and GlutenFreeGirl. comCombining tempting recipes with an authentic love story, Gluten-Free Girl and the Chef is a narrative cookbook for anyone who loves food. A must-have for those who need to eat gluten-free, this cookbook offers irresistible stories and plenty of mouth-watering meals. From the authors of the much-loved food blog, Gluten-Free Girl and the Chef, the book includes evocative photos, cooking techniques, and 100 chef-tested recipes that are sure to give joy in the belly. Illustrates the working day of a talented chef and what he does to put delicious food on the plate Contains great-tasting recipes that everyone can cook and eat Meant to be read cover to coverGluten-Free Girl and the Chef inspires anyone who has to eat gluten-free to say yes to the food he or she can eat.

Family Circle Healthy Family Dinners

by Family Circle Editors

The cookbook that proves fast and tasty dinners can be healthy, too! Busy parents want to provide fast and healthy everyday meals for their families without giving up their favorite foods. In Healthy Family Dinners, the editors of Family Circle compile more than 200 mouthwatering yet good-for-you recipes of every kind-including main-dish salads, pasta, meat, poultry, fish, as well as vegetarian dishes, simple slow cooker favorites, and even desserts. 100 luscious full-color photos will whet any appetite while nutrition information and shopping tips help parents make smart food choices day-in and day-out. With no exotic or hard-to-find ingredients, these recipes are more than just nutritious, they're quick to the table, too. And at less than 500 calories per serving, Healthy Family Dinners will be a book you can turn to any night of the week. From Family Circle magazine, a trusted brand for almost 80 years with a circulation of almost 4 million readers Features more than 200 recipes offering tasty, healthy weeknight dinner options Includes more than 100 gorgeous full-color photos for dinnertime inspiration Nutrition information for every recipe For healthy dinner ideas from a name you can trust, Healthy Family Dinners is the perfect cookbook.

Larousse On Cooking

by Larousse

A gorgeous guide to simple French-inspired cooking from the legendary Larousse kitchens The name Larousse has been synonymous with culinary excellence for nearly a century, and this new book brings the expertise of the Larousse team to home cooks with hundreds of straightforward, accessible recipes, illustrated throughout with tantalizing photography. Perfect for everyone from beginners to experienced cooks, the book includes clear instructions, step-by-step photos, and tips on basic techniques such as poaching an egg and filleting a fish, as well as a broad range of recipes, from easy weeknight meals to upscale, traditional French classics. Features 300 recipes for everything from appetizers and simple weeknight dinners to innovative ideas for entertaining Serves as an ideal companion for Larousse: On Pastry, also published by Wiley Includes 500 full-color photographs of finished dishes, ingredients, and techniques A must-have addition to any cook's library, Larousse: On Cooking makes it easy to prepare simple, elegant French-inspired cuisine in your own kitchen.

So Easy: Luscious, Healthy Recipes for Every Meal of the Week

by Ellie Krieger

A New York Times bestselling author's guide to quick and healthy everyday meals. As weekly host of the Food Network's Healthy Appetite, Ellie Krieger is known for creating light and healthy dishes that taste great and are easy enough for the busiest people to prepare. Now, Ellie has put together a collection of meal solutions for those of us who love food and want to eat well but struggle to make it happen given life's hectic pace. With 150 delicious, easy-to-prepare, fortifying recipes, Ellie provides dishes that tackle every possible mealtime situation. There are recipes for: Grab-and-go breakfasts for hectic days, as well as easy breakfast options for more leisurely mornings; Lunches to go, each road-tested in a cooler pack, along with at-home lunches for when you have the luxury of eating in; A month's worth of different rush-hour dinners-fabulous meals you can whip up in less than thirty minutes-as well as dinners for days when you have a little more time to marinate or roast, but still want it all to be effortless; Decadent desserts, some ready in minutes, others truly worth waiting for-all easily pulled together. As a mom with a full-time job, Ellie knows how busy life is when you're juggling your family's needs. Now, you can stop stressing over whether to eat healthily or to eat fast. The recipes here--from Cheddar Apple Quesadilla, Pork Piccata with Spinach and Garlic Mashed Potatoes, Marinated Flank Steak with Blue Cheese Sauce to Chocolate-Cream Cheese Panini Bites and Fig and Ginger Truffles--are ideal, regardless of the time, or experience, you have in the kitchen. When so much in life is complicated, isn't it nice to know that eating doesn't have to be? After making and enjoying the meals in this book, you will say along with the title, "That was SO EASY!"

White House Chef

by Walter Scheib Andrew Friedman

"An engaging book about life at the Executive Mansion. . . . Hillary Clinton had charged this fiercely competitive, meticulously organized chef with bringing â ²whatâ ²s best about American food, wine, and entertaining to the White House. â ² His sophisticated contemporary food was generally considered some of the best ever served there. " --Marian Burros, New York Times White House Chef Join Walter Scheib as he serves up a taste--in stories and recipes--of his eleven years as White House chef under Presidents Bill Clinton and George W. Bush. Scheib takes readers along on his whirlwind adventure, from his challenging audition process right up until his controversial departure. He describes his approach to meals ranging from the intimate (rooftop parties and surprise birthday celebrations for the Clintons; Tex-Mex brunches for the Bushes) to his creative approach to bringing contemporary American cuisine to the "peopleâ ²s house" (including innovative ways to serve state dinners for up to seven hundred people and picnics and holiday menus for several thousand guests). Scheib goes beyond the kitchen and his job as chef. He shares what it is like to be part of President Clintonâ ²s motorcade (the "security bubble") and inside the White House during 9/11, revealing how he first evacuates his staff and then comes back to fix meals for hundreds of hungry security and rescue personnel. Staying cool under pressure also helps Scheib in other aspects of his job, such as withstanding the often-changing "temperature" of the White House and satisfying the culinary sensibilities of two very different first families.

American Heart Association Eat Less Salt

by American Heart Association

This all-new health guide from the American Heart Association, the most trusted source on cardiovascular health, makes living a low-sodium lifestyle more achievable than ever before. Given the association's recommendation that Americans should reduce their daily sodium intake by half to 1,500 milligrams, going low-sodium can seem daunting at best, but this user-friendly book makes it both possible and practical. With up-to-date health information, real-life strategies, and 60 low-sodium recipes for popular high-sodium foods, American Heart Association Eat Less Salt provides a complete toolkit for adopting a low-sodium lifestyle one step at a time.Everyone can benefit from eating less salt: Millions of Americans (including 97 percent of children) consume far more sodium than they need, averaging about 3,400 milligrams of sodium a day, or seven times what the body needs to function. Current statistics say that nine out of ten Americans will develop high blood pressure at some time in their lives. The higher the sodium intake, the greater the risk for high blood pressure and its potentially deadly effects, including heart attack and stroke. To address that risk, here is guidance on how to cut back on sodium and make the lifestyle adjustments that can prevent or reduce high blood pressure. In American Heart Association Eat Less Salt, you will find realistic strategies and approaches for achieving your low-sodium goals. Features include:-An action plan for small incremental changes-Easy-to-understand charts for targeting high-sodium foods both at home and when eating out-Tips for staying focused on eating well-Information on deciphering food labels-60 recipes for low-sodium favorites. American Heart Association Eat Less Salt shows you how to gradually reduce your dietary sodium without feeling deprived.

The Newlywed Cookbook

by Robin Miller

Start your life together with exquisite food from simple recipes. With more than 200 delicious recipes and easy-to-follow instructions, this is the cookbook for any newlywed couple. Author Robin Miller is renowned for her friendly expert guidance, and she has specially crafted these easy, delicious recipes to cook together. Enjoy: Intimate, candlelight meals Hosting your first dinner party Breakfasts in bed and picnic lunches Special occasion meals: family holidays, in-law visits, anniversary dinners And more!

1,000 Indian Recipes

by Neelam Batra

1,000 Indian Recipes enables home cooks to recreate the authentic flavors of India in their own kitchens. Complete with guidelines for finding ingredients, this book provides recipes for vegetarian and nonvegetarian entrees, seasoning blends, chutneys, rice dishes, breads, desserts, and much more. The author presents information on Indian spices and basic ingredients, such as paneer cheese and pickles, as well as instructions for preparing ingredients ahead of time. There are recipes for such enticing dishes as Cilantro-Lime Chutney, Spicy Spinach Curry, Garlicky Shrimp Rice with Coconut Milk, Chicken Tikka Masala, Fresh Fruit in Rose-Flavored Cream, Layered Green Chile Parantha Breads, Mango Milkshakes, and many more.

1,000 Italian Recipes

by Scicolone

It's Like Getting 5 Cookbooks in 1 * 179 Pastas and Sauces * 241 Meat, Poultry, and Fish Entrees * 158 Vegetable Dishes * 179 Desserts * And Much More! CELEBRATE ITALIAN COOKING with this authoritative and engaging tribute. Author Michele Scicolone offers simple recipes for delicious classics such as lasagne, minestrone, chicken cutlets, and gelato, plus many more of your favorites; a wealth of modern dishes, such as grilled scallop salad; and a traveler's odyssey of regional specialties from the northern hills of Piedmont to the sun-drenched islands of Sicily and Sardinia. Whether giving expert advice on making a frittata or risotto, selecting Italian ingredients, or pairing Italian wines with food, Scicolone enlivens each page with rich details of Italian food traditions. This book is a treasury to turn to for any occasion.

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