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Showing 1,626 through 1,650 of 28,176 results Guide to Your Best Body

by Kris Gethin

From the worldÆs leading online fitness site Bodybuilding. com comes a revolutionary 12-week diet and exercise program-supported by two million members and thousands of real-life success stories.

Hometown Brew

by Ellen Akins

From a writer whose work Robert Coover has described as "subtle, wise, intricate, innovative," a rich novel of family rivalries, corporate maneuvers, and sexual intrigue--set in a small Wisconsin beer town.In the background: a small family-run brewery, Gutenbier, whose backward business practices have been miraculously transformed into an asset by the new vogue for microbreweries and designer beverages. At the center: two women whose world is the brewery. Melissa Johnson is the heiress to Gutenbier, and Alice Reinhart works there. On her father's death, Melissa inherits the chairmanship everyone expected to go to her brother and finds herself resented by both workers and management. Alice, returning from New York and a bad marriage, takes up her job in the brewery only to discover that an indiscretion she committed at seventeen has surfaced and has made her the object of a series of seemingly innocent pranks that slowly reveal a darker intent. As these two women fight the forces arrayed against them and the novel moves toward its climax, the business, the politics--the life--of a town are compellingly portrayed.

Roland Mesnier's Basic to Beautiful Cakes

by Lauren Chattman Roland Mesnier

In his twenty-five years as Executive White House Pastry Chef, Roland Mesnier prided himself on creating a unique dessert for every special occasion, from elaborate State Dinners and formal receptions to smaller family gatherings and birthday celebrations. In Roland Mesnier's Basic to Beautiful Cakes, the author of the classic and comprehensive Dessert University shows home cooks how to create desserts that can be beautifully embellished to serve any occasion by using a small set of foolproof cake recipes. Hazelnut Ring Cake, for example, can be served on its own at teatime, as it was in the Reagan White House; or, with the addition of espresso-flavored whipped cream and a crown of caramelized phyllo, can become the memorable culmination of an elegant dinner party. Chocolate Dome Cake (one of the Carters' favorites) can be topped with raspberry glaze, served with Grand Marnier mousse, or spangled with berries. Blueberry Upside-Down Cake with yogurt sauce is a light treat for a long weekend morning; the cherry version, with its lattice of whipped cream, will delight children and adults alike, and the truly grand Peach and Spice Upside-Down Cake with Brioche "Peaches" is a show-stopping confection, elegant enough for the Clintons to serve to the chancellor of Germany and the prime minister of England. Even on the most important ocassions, Chef Mesnier believes that desserts don't have to be filled with butter and cream. Recipes like the wheat-free Carrot Cake, the dairy-free Orange Sherbert Cake with Glazed Oranges, and the low-fat Apricot SoufflÉ Cake with Apricot Grand Marnier Sauce satisfy guests with special dietary concerns but still meet Roland's exacting standards for taste and presentation. The easy-to-follow instructions for these time-tested recipes anticipate pitfalls and offer sensible suggestions for when it is worth to invest in high-end ingredients and equipment and when you can get by without them, and how to peel and slice fruit for the most attractive results. With Chef Mesnier taking you through every step of each carefully constructed recipe, you can be sure that your cakes will be delicious and spectacular every time. Soon you will have mastered the basic recipes and a few of the more advanced techniques, and you will be able to develop a repertoire of your own. like Chef Mesnier, you'll be able to tailor your desserts to the tastes of your guests or the spirit of a celebration. Whether the table is lit by tapers and laid with your best silver or you are serving a few friends Sunday supper in the kitchen, you will be able to create sophisticated mouthwatering desserts that your guests will remember for weeks to come.

The School of Essential Ingredients

by Erica Bauermeister

Reminiscent of Chocolat and Like Water for Chocolate, a gorgeously written novel about life, love, and the magic of food. The School of Essential Ingredients follows the lives of eight students who gather in Lillian’s Restaurant every Monday night for cooking class. It soon becomes clear, however, that each one seeks a recipe for something beyond the kitchen. Students include Claire, a young mother struggling with the demands of her family; Antonia, an Italian kitchen designer learning to adapt to life in America; and Tom, a widower mourning the loss of his wife to breast cancer. Chef Lillian, a woman whose connection with food is both soulful and exacting, helps them to create dishes whose flavor and techniques expand beyond the restaurant and into the secret corners of her students’ lives. One by one the students are transformed by the aromas, flavors, and textures of Lillian’s food, including a white-on-white cake that prompts wistful reflections on the sweet fragility of love and a peppery heirloom tomato sauce that seems to spark one romance but end another. Brought together by the power of food and companionship, the lives of the characters mingle and intertwine, united by the revealing nature of what can be created in the kitchen.

Nutritional Strategies for the Very Low Birthweight Infant

by David H. Adamkin

The goal of nutritional management in VLBW and ELBW infants is the achievement of postnatal growth at a rate that approximates the intrauterine growth of a normal fetus at the same postconceptional age. In reality, however, growth lags considerably after birth; although non-nutritional factors are involved, nutrient deficiencies are critical in explaining delayed growth. This practical clinically-oriented pocketbook reviews and summarises all available clinical evidence. It enables the reader to implement parenteral or enteral feeding plans, with the goals of reducing postnatal weight loss, earlier return to birthweight, and improved catch-up growth. Both nutrient balance and growth and the impact on neurodevelopment and health outcomes are evaluated. With many tables and algorithms to summarise key data and management strategies, Nutritional Strategies for the Very Low Birthweight Infant is an invaluable guide for all healthcare professionals caring for premature babies.

PETA'S Vegan College Cookbook

by People for The Ethical Treatment of Animals

Who needs the cafeteria? Make your own easy, delicious, animal-free meals! Let PETA turn your dorm room or apartment into the campus destination for amazing vegan food! Inside are the 250 simplest, most scrumptious recipes for college vegans on a budget - and the best part is, the most complicated kitchenware you'll ever need is a microwave. With vegan recipes collected from PETA's nearly 2 million members, we've got all the best insider info:Vegan alternatives to meaty, eggy, and milky stuff. How to stock your kitchen/mini-fridge. How to made meat-free sandwiches, salads, soups and stews. Breakfast, lunch and dinner recipes. The best drinks, dips, sauces, and dressings. Unbelievable vegan dessert recipesSpotlight sections on the staples we love: peanut butter, potatoes and Ramen. Featuring a forward from PETA president Ingrid E. Newkirk, this is the essential college cookbook for every vegetarian or vegan on a budget.

Mumbai New York Scranton

by Jason Fulford Tamara Shopsin

An extraordinarily moving memoir from an iconoclastic new talent--an artist, cook, and illustrator whose adventures at home and abroad reveal the importance of living life with your eyes wide open. Best known for her witty illustrations, and as a cook beside her mischievous father in her family's legendary Manhattan restaurant, in Mumbai New York Scranton, Tamara Shopsin offers a brilliantly inventive, spare, and elegant chronicle of a year in her life characterized by impermanence. In a refreshingly original voice alternating between tender and brazen, Shopsin recounts a trip to the Far East with her sidekick husband and the harrowing adventure that unfolds when she comes home. Entire worlds, deep relationships, and indelible experiences are portrayed in Shopsin's deceptively simple and sparse language and drawings. Blending humor, love, suspense--and featuring photographs by Jason Fulford--Mumbai New York Scranton inspires a kaleidoscope of emotions. Shopsin's surprising and affecting tale will keep you on the edge of your seat.

The Sweet Potato Lover's Cookbook

by Lyniece North Talmadge

Who would have imagined that the simple sweet potato could offer so many delicious possibilities? The Sweet Potato Lover's Cookbook showcases recipes that take advantage of and feature this stellar vegetable. With their nutritional value, great taste, and use worldwide, sweet potatoes truly are one of nature's most unique gifts to the world. This cookbook is the perfect resource for making sweet potatoes a regular, flavorful part of one's menu. Tempt your taste buds with: ¿ Orange Butter Sweet Potato Waffles ¿ Sausage and Sweet Potato Soup ¿ Candied Sweet Potatoes ¿ Easy Caramel Sweet Potato Pie ¿ And more!


by Brigitte Mars

A raw foods diet advocates exactly that: raw foods. No cooking, no grilling, no steaming, no application of heat of any kind. Why? Because eating food closest to its natural state engenders a tremendous exchange of energy between food and body. The result, over time, is a feeling of buoyant, radiant health. Tackling head-on the skepticism likely to greet proponents of what the world sees as a "fad" diet, renowned nutritionist and long-time raw-foods adherent Brigitte Mars presents historical data, case studies, and scientific evidence confirming the efficacy of raw foods diets. In addition, Mars points out the environmental benefits of the raw foods diet, making a case for eating raw foods as a means of reducing waste, making the most of agricultural practice, and reducing the human footprint on the earth. Whether the reader wants to jump right into an all-raw diet or just wants to introduce more raw foods into the diet, Mars offers gentle encouragement and practical instruction. Readers will find advice on planning a balanced diet to meet their nutritional needs, combining foods for best effect, preserving raw foods, equipping the raw kitchen, sprouting, juicing, and every other technique that makes the raw foods diet simple, delicious, and healthful. In-depth profiles describe the nutritional and health benefits of hundreds of fruits, vegetables, nuts, and seasonings. Perhaps most important, Mars provides more than 200 kitchen-tested, real-people-approved raw foods recipes. Under Mars's instruction, readers will enjoy making everything from juices and shakes to salads, soups, dressings, yogurts, crackers, spreads, dips, vegetable burgers, curries, vegetable pastas, wraps, and more.

The Everything Giant Book of Juicing

by Teresa Kennedy

Juice your way to better health! Millions of Americans don't get the recommended daily amounts of fruits and vegetables in their diets. If you want to try an easy way to drink some of these fruits and vegetables, you'll find all you need in The Everything Giant Book of Juicing. It's packed with 300 recipes for fresh, delicious, and easy juices for nutrition on the run, including: Boost juice Grapeberry cocktail Carrot mango cup Tropical treat Mint shake Adding fresh juices to your diet can help ward off colds and migraines, promote longevity, shed excess pounds, and prevent serious diseases. And this all-new collection includes recipes for smoothies, frozen drinks, and ice pops for more fun ways to include vitamin-rich foods in a healthy, balanced diet. So whip up some juice, raise a glass, and make a toast--to your health!

Slow Cooker: The Best Cookbook Ever with More Than 400 Easy-to-Make Recipes

by Diane Phillips James Baigrie

Featuring more than 400 recipes, "The Best Slow Cooker Cookbook Ever" helps save time and money week after week and keeps families eating well at home every day.

La buena cocina

by Harold Mcgee

La buena cocina está destinado a convertirse en una pieza esencial del repertorio de cocina de cientos de miles de lectores en todo el mundo, una asombrosa y original obra que dirige los esfuerzos del chef a la vez que resuelve con rapidez todas las dudas que surgen en los fogones del aficionado.McGee ha creado en un solo volumen de fácil usola guía esencial para los amantes de la cocina, apta para todo tipo de cocineros: desde los principiantes que necesitan aprender, pasando por los que quieren conocer mejor las artes culinarias o los profesionales que buscan nuevos planteamientos teóricos para elaborar el mejor plato.La buena cocina destila todo el saber de la ciencia moderna de los alimentos y lo traduce en información útil: nos conduce del mercado a la mesa y nos explica la importancia de los ingredientes ya sean comunes o exóticos en el resultado final, así como las técnicas a emplear en su preparación, con un estilo directo y humilde que contagia su entusiasmo por la gastronomía. Este nuevo y esperado libro constituye una guía concisa y autorizada que enseña y deleita a partes iguales, diseñada para ayudar a esos cocineros caseros que tienen que lidiar con todo un universo de ingredientes, recetas, y electrodomésticos en constante expansión para alcanzar esa tierra prometida que es un plato bien hecho.«Esta nueva aportación de McGee volverá a ser una obra imprescindible para todo aquel que ame la cocina en cualquiera de sus variantes.»Del prólogo de Martín Berasategui

Saber comer

by Michael Pollan

Una guía sencilla para comer de manera inteligente Comer no tiene por qué ser tan complicado. En esta época de dietas milagrosas demasiado elaboradas y consejos contradictorios sobre salud y nutrición, Saber comer nos ofrece 64 reglas básicas para nuestra alimentación diaria. Escrito con claridad, precisión y una agudeza que lo ha llevado a convertirse en un bestseller, este manual indispensable bebe de una gran variedad de tradiciones y nos muestra cómo las distintas culturas han alcanzado a través de los siglos una sabiduría común sobre la comida. Saber comer es un manual perfecto para gente con sentido común y para todo aquel que alguna vez se haya preguntado "¿qué, cuándo, y cómo debería comer?".

Más de 999 recetas sin bobadas

by David De Jorge Martín Berasategui

Más de 999 recetas sin bobadas llega de la mano de dos de las estrellas más brillantes del firmamento gastronómico, Martín Berasategui y David de Jorge. Recetas prácticas para el menú de cada día presentadas en el programa de cocina más irreverente y de más audiencia de la televisión vasca: Robin Food. Atracón a mano armada. Una cocina sencilla y con sentido común toma forma en este nutrido recetario que se aleja de las extravagancias y de los ingredientes exóticos, recetas para gente ocupada y con buen gusto: ensaladas, sopas y cremas, bocadillos, salsas y aderezos, pero también platos elaborados y cócteles para las ocasiones más especiales.Un libro imprescindible en cualquier cocina, destinado a convertirse en un clásico.


by Toker Rudy-Eliahu

El Gogl Mogl es un exquisito postre muy popular entre los judíos de Europa Oriental. Es una delicia casera, a base de yemas de huevo crudo batidas con azúcar o miel, más un chorrito de licor. Ingredientes variados que mezclados forman un gusto exquisito y original, como el humor judío. Este libro tiene algo de mucho sabor. Sus páginas recorren la divertida gama de matices acuñada por el humor judío desde sus primeros días, cuando Eva le contaba las costillas a Adán cada vez que volvía de darse una vuelta por el Paraíso, hasta hoy. Una vez que tengas este libro en tus manos, los autores te recomiendan que apagues el celular y te ubiques cómodamente en un sillón para leerlo, después de dejar en el contestador los siguientes mensajes: "Si es mi mamá, estoy bien, cuando pueda te llamo; si es mi analista, estoy muy mal y necesito su ayuda urgente; si es el doctor: me duele acá venga a verme, pero avise cuándo viene, así la conoce a mi hija la soltera; si es un acreedor, está equivocado de número". Ahora sí ya estás listo para comenzar a deleitarte con nuestro libro. Que lo disfrutes!


by J. Lopez May

Llegó el libro de cocina que faltaba! La combinación perfecta entre las recetas sanas y prácticas de Juliana López May y las travesuras de Gaturro suelto en la cocina. Un libro que divierte, enseña a cocinar con recetas que puede hacer toda la familia, y sobre todo enseña a comer mejor, derribando por el camino el mito de que sano no es igual que rico. Porque sano puede ser perfectamente# Gaturriquísimo!


by Maximo Lopez May

Cuando me preguntan cómo comenzó mi carrera o cuándo empecé a interesarme por la cocina cuento siempre lo mismo: que somos cuatro hermanos y que dos somos cocineros profesionales. Que no debe ser casualidad que nos guste tanto cocinar y que la cocina haya sido un camino en nuestras vidas# un camino muy importante, no sólo por los momentos compartidos, sino porque la cocina es el lugar en donde todo pasa, donde las horas no tienen principio ni final, donde los años de dedicación se transforman en placer y felicidad. Máximo y yo tenemos la gracia de poder vivir de lo que nos apasiona. Para nosotros, "dar de comer" es un acto de amor y de entrega absoluta y, en la vida, como se sabe, todo lo que uno da, vuelve. Querido hermano, sé que estás en un momento de siembra y de cosecha al mismo tiempo. Los ciclos nunca terminan, siempre están empezando. Que este comienzo sea el inicio de miles de momentos mágicos en tu vida, como cocinero, como hermano y como amigo! Te quiero mucho, Juli


by Cecilia Garau

"A través de su enfoque familiar y nutricional, Cecilia Garau estimula la planificación y el comer consciente ofreciendo recursos prácticos. Lo que sugiere es posible, y su mirada positiva permite construir una noción sobre cómo mejorar el acto de comer con cambios simples, al alcance de todos." ALBERTO CORMILLOT El peso ideal está destinado a convertirse en la biblia de la nutrición argentina. El ABC de la alimentación saludable para reeducar nuestro paladar, dejar de lado las dietas mágicas y las conductas obsesivas relacionadas con la comida, y al fin aprender a comer. Cecilia Garau cuenta con la experiencia profesional y propia, porque ella misma mantiene su peso ideal con naturalidad. Así, tira por la borda varios mitos que nada tienen que ver con la buena alimentación y nos explica cómo funcionan las dietas más famosas y por qué son peligrosas a largo plazo. Nos enseña a autodiagnosticar cómo comemos, a descifrar qué se esconde detrás de las etiquetas de los productos, a comprar mejores alimentos, a conocer qué deben comer los niños y las embarazadas, a comer en familia, en salidas- como dice la autora- a pasar "de la cajita feliz a la caja de herramientas para aprender a alimentarnos". Este libro nos acerca a la ciencia de la nutrición para descubrir todo lo que no sabemos sobre nuestra alimentación.


by Lucio Tennina

Hoy circula mucha información equivocada acerca de los alimentos. Lucio Tennina, experto médico nutricionista de gran trayectoria y éxito probado, escucha hace años a padres desorientados acerca de la comida con la que alimentan a sus hijos e insiste en que la clave sigue siendo saber para comer. Este libro tiene ese punto de partida. Luego de la lactancia, cuando se amplía la dieta del niño, qué hacemos? Por qué el bebé come verduras hasta el año y medio y luego las detesta? Qué le transmitimos? Qué come mi hijo explica de manera clara qué deben comer los chicos en cada etapa de crecimiento y cómo deben incorporar los alimentos para adecuarlos a los cambios que se van sucediendo en sus cuerpos y a las necesidades que estos conllevan. Incluye menús semanales con un completo equilibrio de nutrientes y viandas escolares aconsejables para cada día de la semana. Al cuidar la salud de nuestros hijos, vamos también a cuidar la propia. Qué come mi hijo es una oportunidad para mejorar la calidad de vida de toda la familia y ayudar a nuestros niños en el desarrollo de una vida sana.

The Sweet Life: Diabetes without Boundaries

by Sam Talbot

Sam Talbot is a professional chef, restaurateur, surfer, painter, philanthropist, and, since the age of 12, type 1 diabetic. Yet he has not let the disease stop him from living a rich life packed with energy, adventure, and achievement--culinary and otherwise. In his first, much-anticipated book, he recounts how diabetes has affected but not compromised his life or career, and he shares his own tips--alongside those from other famous diabetics like Halle Berry, Larry King, and Tommy Lee--on how to handle everything from work and hobbies to relationships and travel with discipline and enthusiasm. To round out this advice, he offers bits of foodie wisdom and 75 innovative recipes for fresh, all-natural dishes anybody, diabetic or not, can prepare and enjoy. Heartfelt, entertaining, and backed by real-life experience and solid medical expertise, The Sweet Life will give readers hope, inspiration, and the proof they need to realize that life with diabetes isn't about diabetes: It's about living.

La Dieta de 17 Dias

by Dr Mike Moreno

Si necesitas perder peso rápido y de manera segura, eficaz y duradera, ¡este es el libro para ti! La Dieta de 17 Días del Dr. Mike Moreno se basa en métodos comprobados para ayudarte a perder peso y mantenerlo a raya por siempre, bien sea que tengas que perder 10 libras o 100. Su programa revolucionario regulará el metabolismo de tu cuerpo para que quemes grasa todo el día. El programa está estructurado en torno a cuatro ciclos de 17 días: Acelerar: la fase de pérdida rápida de peso que te ayudará a eliminar de tu sistema el azúcar y la grasa acumulada. Activar: es la fase del reinicio de tu metabolismo, alternando días de calorías bajas y altas para ayudarte a eliminar grasa corporal. Lograr: esta fase consiste en aprender a controlar las porciones y a introducir nuevas rutinas de acondicionamiento. Llegar: es una combinación de los tres primeros ciclos para mantener buenos hábitos para siempre. ¡Puedes disfrutar de tus comidas favoritas los fines de semana! Esta no es una dieta basada en una pequeña lista de alimentos aprobados, rutinas de ejercicio extenuante o conteos de calorías poco realistas que te dejan insatisfecha y con hambre. La moderación y las porciones adecuadas son factores clave en La Dieta de 17 Días; el truco consiste en descubrir los alimentos y las rutinas que funcionen mejor con tu verdadero estilo de vida. Es por eso que el libro está lleno de consejos para evitar las trampas de alimentos habituales como las vacaciones, comer por fuera para probar diferentes cocinas, o simplemente un frasco de dulces tentadores. Cada fase cuenta con una extensa lista de alimentos, recetas y muestras de programas de comidas para que las compras de alimentos sea fácil. La Dieta de 17 Días es un programa sencillo con el que obtendrás grandes resultados si lo sigues y dejas que el Dr. Mike te ayude a lo largo del camino. Independiente- mente de que éste sea tu primer intento o el número cincuenta con una dieta, tienes que creer que puedes hacer esto. Lo importante ahora es concentrarte en tus objetivos, identificar qué necesitas para lograrlos, y tomar medidas para comenzar el proceso. Tu salud y tu felicidad son importantes, así que sé fuerte, cree en ti, ¡y deja que tu Dieta de 17 Días comience ahora mismo!

The Virgin Diet

by Jj Virgin

Your fat is not your fault.Are you eating all the right things-low-fat yogurt, egg-white omelets, whole-grain bread, even tofu-but still can't lose the weight? Your favorite "diet" foods may be to blame.In this groundbreaking program, nutrition and fitness expert JJ Virgin reveals the real secret behind weight gain-food intolerance. A negative reaction to certain foods like dairy or gluten can sabotage your health by triggering inflammation and causing a host of nasty symptoms like bloating, breakouts, headaches, achy joints and-worst of all-stubborn weight gain.On The Virgin Diet, you'll eat plenty of anti-inflammatory, healing foods to reclaim your health and reset your metabolism, while avoiding the 7 foods that are most likely to cause food intolerance. You'll never feel hungry or deprived, and in just one week, you'll drop up to 7 pounds, lose belly bloat, gain energy, clear up inflammation and look and feel years younger. And that's just the beginning!

What Explains the Rise in Food Price Volatility?

by Shaun K. Roache

A report from the International Monetary Fund.

World Food Prices and Monetary Policy

by Luis A. V. Catão Roberto Chang

A report from the International Monetary Fund.

500 Best Quinoa Recipes: Using Nature's Superfood for Gluten-Free Breakfasts, Mains, Desserts and More

by Camilla V. Saulsbury

Hundreds of meal ideas for incorporating this delicious protein powerhouse into your cooking repertoire. By now you've probably heard and seen all the positive press about quinoa -- it's now firmly established in the superfoods hall of fame. Not only is quinoa high in protein (more than any other grain) but the protein it supplies is complete protein, which means it includes all the essential amino acids. It's also an excellent source of magnesium, folate, phosphorus, iron and fiber so it's an ideal ingredient for vegans, vegetarians and flexitarians. And because it's also gluten-free, it's a valuable ingredient for anyone affected by gluten intolerance. Quinoa naturally has a wonderful texture (reminiscent of couscous) and a delicious nutty flavor, is quick and easy to work with and is now readily and inexpensively available in grocery and health food stores. And because it comes in so many different forms -- like puffed, rolled, as a flour or whole (seeds) -- it lends itself to a myriad of recipe ideas. Camilla, with her degree in food studies, has created mouthwatering quinoa recipes suitable for every meal and occasion -- these excellent recipes are sure to become a mainstay in home kitchens. Get your breakfast off to an excellent start with either Quinoa Granola, Chorizo-Quinoa Hash Browns or a Quick Quinoa Breakfast Burrito with enough energy to burn through to the afternoon. Your next get-together can be both delicious and nutritious with Smoky Quinoa-Sausage Sliders, Herbed Cornbread Bites or Quinoa-Olive Tapenade. These recipes take you from breakfast and appetizers to soups, stews, chilis, meatless mains, lean chicken, meat and fish entrees, to breads, muffins, scones, salads and side dishes. Camilla also includes comprehensive and interesting information on the nutritional values and history of quinoa along with handy tips and techniques for preparation.

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