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Ricette: Ricette per Hamburger Semplici e Veloci

by Vesela Flay Amanda Z.

Gli hamburger sono una vera delizia. Possono essere salati, agrodolci, dolci, ed esalatano i migliori saprori di ogni carne. Ecco perché sono così popolari. Di solito gli hamburger vengono presentati con cheddar, lattuga, pomodoro, bacon, cipolla, cetriolini e salse come senape, maionese o ketchup. In questo libro troverete ricette per bambini, per vegetariani o per amanti della carne. Sicuramente troverete quello adatto a voi! Ai fornelli! Scarica ora la tua copia.

Receitas: Deliciosas Receitas Cetónicas Para Perder Peso

by John D Gibson Ana Roma

Está a seguir uma dieta cetogénica neste momento, ou planeia seguir uma no futuro? Está preocupado com os alimentos que poderá comer e como os manter interessantes? Seguir uma dieta rica em gordura para perder peso parece bom de mais para ser verdade. Ainda assim, a dieta cetogénica oferece exatamente isso, mas para ter realmente sucesso irá precisar de receitas simples e satisfatórias e que tenham resultados. Ao seguir a dieta cetogénica irá aumentar os seus níveis de energia, restaurar o seu metabolismo e perder peso ao mesmo tempo. A dieta cetogénica utiliza alimentos baixos em hidratos de carbono e ricos em gordura em conjunto com métodos de confeção lenta que lhe permitiram alcançar o máximo potencial do seu corpo e os melhores níveis de saúde que sentiu até agora. Porque deverá comprar este livro? •Não irá precisar de ingredientes ricos em fibra dos quais nunca ouviu falar. •Não terá que utilizar eletrodomésticos complicados (só precisa de uma panela de cozedura lenta, de um liquidificador e de um processador de comida). •Instruções breves, simples e fáceis de seguir. •100% direcionado para a dieta cetogénica A melhor coleção de receitas cetogéncias para que tudo saia na perfeição. Diga adeus à sua gordura para sempre e abrace as novas mudanças.

Resumen: La Grasa cómo Combustible

by Abbey Beathan Inaki Vega Bayo

¿Qué ocurriría si los científicos estuviesen persiguiendo un paradigma erróneo? ¿Qué pasaría si sus teorías acerca de cómo surge el cáncer fuesen erróneas? Durante mucho tiempo, hemos aceptado que el cáncer nace de una enfermedad genética debido a cromosomas dañados. Sin embargo, ¿y si estamos equivocados? ¿Y si estamos pensando en el punto de salida equivocado lo que nos hace abordar la enfermedad más mortal en el mundo de forma equivocada? En esta magnífica guía, Joseph Mercola entra al debate y nos enseña cómo la mayoría de las enfermedades se generan por procesos metabólicos defectuosos. Esto es algo revolucionario ya que nos demuestra que sí tenemos la posibilidad de luchar por minimizar las probabilidades de contraer cáncer. (Nota: Este resumen está escrito y publicado en su totalidad por Abbey Beathan. No está relacionado con el autor original de ninguna manera)

The Paleo Approach Cookbook: A Detailed Guide to Heal Your Body and Nourish Your Soul

by Sarah Ballantyne Wahis Terry

<p>Autoimmune diseases affect more than 50 million Americans, but a Paleo diet can help calm your immune system, reduce inflammation, and help your body heal. This companion cookbook to the groundbreaking book The Paleo Approach makes changing your diet easy and economical with more than 200 Paleo recipes, shopping guides, meal plans, and more. <p>An estimated 50 million Americans suffer from some form of autoimmune disease. If you're among them, you may know all too well how little modern medicine can do to alleviate your condition. But that's no reason to give up hope. In this companion cookbook to the groundbreaking book The Paleo Approach, Sarah D. Ballantyne, Ph.D., shows you just how easy and delicious regaining your health can be. <p>The Paleo Approach Cookbook walks you through which foods you should eat to calm your immune system, reduce inflammation, and help your body heal itself. There's no need to worry that "going Paleo" will break the bank or require too much time in the kitchen preparing special foods. <p>In The Paleo Approach Cookbook, Dr. Ballantyne provides expert tips on how to make the switch easily and economically. She explains how to stay within your food budget, how to make the best use of your time in the kitchen, and where to shop for what you need. Complete food lists, shopping guides, and meal plans take the guesswork out of eating to maximize healing. <p>Don’t know how to cook? Dr. Ballantyne walks you through essential kitchen techniques, from chopping vegetables to using a pressure cooker safely. Armed with more than 200 delicious recipes, from breakfast staples to decadent desserts, you can reverse your disease and love every bite!

Conservación & Preservación de Carnes

by Sarah Sophia Irene Saravia

La Guía Esencial de Como Conservar y Preservar Carnes con 30 Recetas Deliciosas, Rápidas y Simples. Conservar y Preservar Carnes, Recetas ¿Estas tratando de encontrar las mejores maneras de enfrascar y preservar carne? ¿Estás buscando por una mejor manera de tener carnes deliciosamente envejecidas y perfectamente tiernas? Bien, amaras el libro de cocina Conservación y Preservación de Carnes. Las recetas contenidas te ofrecerán deliciosas comidas y con un sabor maravilloso que tienen un mejor sabor del que tendrían si no la hubieras conservado y preservado. Tu fácilmente puedes incrementar el tiempo de conservación de tu comida. Tus comidas tendrán un sabor delicioso y te darán un mejor sabor del que imaginaste. En este libro aprenderás: Que es conservación y preservación Como puedes preservar tu comida Porque hace que tu comida tenga un mejor sabor Asombrosas recetas para conservar carnes ¡Y mucho, mucho más! Pero no solo eso, también obtendrás los dos ingredientes que son esenciales para explotar el sabor. Así que, deja de hervir la comida y perder enormes cantidades de sabor y compra el mejor libro disponible en Conservación y Preservación. Tú lo amaras, y tú nunca conservaras de la misma manera otra vez Toma tu copia de Recetas de Conservación y Preservación de Carnes, haciendo un clic en el botón de comprar. Posdata: No olvides tomar el maravilloso regalo gratis dentro de este libro, es solo nuestra manera de decir “Gracias por comprar” Un libro de La Serie Esencial de Cocina – Revísanos en Facebook.

Lemons Are a Girl's Best Friend: 60 Superfood Recipes to Look and Feel Your Best

by Janet Hayward

Lemons Are a Girl's Best Friend is a handy, pocket-sized guide to thirty superfoods, each with two simple recipes--one to eat and one to use as a beauty treatment, complete with notes about each food's benefits and best uses.With 60 recipes for healthy dishes and all-natural beauty treatments, Lemons Are a Girl's Best Friend lets you have your Pomegranate Facial and eat your Halloumi, Orange, and Pomegranate Salad, too. Each of the recipes uses just a handful of all-natural, common ingredients to make deliciously clean dishes and easy treatments for healthier skin, hair, and nails. Each superfood is introduced with a list of its active compounds, which are then translated into tangible benefits--for example, the Vitamin C in the Tomato and Basil Bruschetta gives your immune system a boost, while the lycopene in the Tomato Face Mask protects your skin from free radicals and UV rays. With recipes for grocery store staples (oats, sweet potatoes, cucumbers) and buzzy superfoods (seaweed, chia seeds, cider vinegar) alike, there is something in Lemons for everyone!

The New Rum: A Modern Guide To The Spirit Of The Americas

by Bryce T. Bauer

Nine countries, forty producers, and ten classic cocktails Rum, traditionally relegated to cloying cocktails or tropical- themed novelty drinks, is undergoing a global renaissance. In bars and distilleries across the world, rum is being defined as a dynamic, complex, and versatile drink. New to the scene of connoisseurship, rum is a spirit of possibilities, inviting imaginative bartenders and mixologists to leave their marks on this burgeoning movement. In The New Rum, award- winning drinks author Bryce T. Bauer charts the historical and cultural journey of the spirit of the Americas from its origins in the Caribbean, to its long- held status as a cheap vacation drink, to today’s inspiring craft revival. This rum-spiked travelogue also includes a producer- focused drinks guide, covering dozens of the world’s most innovative and iconic producers, making everything from Martinique rhum agricole to long-aged sippers from Barbados and the Dominican Republic.

Brewing Everything: How To Make Your Own Beer, Cider, Mead, Sake, Kombucha, And Other Fermented Beverages (Countryman Know How #0)

by Dan Crissman

Easy and authentic ways to ferment delicious beverages at home Brewing Everything is a thorough, accessible, and humorous guide to brewing anything from beer to cider to sake. For every brewing project there is both an easy way and a hard way, a method useful to both the curious novice and the hardcore brewing veteran. Each chapter includes interviews with experts (brewmasters, cidermakers, new meadery startups, and small-batch kombucha sellers) as well as the author’s own home- tested recipes. Brewing Everything walks you through the process from start to finish, beginning with easier shortcuts until you get the hang of it, and then upgrading to the harder stuff after you’ve brewed a thing or two. With step-by-step instructions, color photographs, and methods for every level of experience, this is the ultimate guide to all things home brew.

Tu ciclo vital: Descubre tu ritmo circadiano ideal para sanar desde el interior

by Suhas G. Kshirsagar

¡Aprovecha al máximo el poder de tu reloj genético para optimizar tu actividad física, perder peso y dormir como nunca! Dime cuál es tu rutina diaria y te diré qué tan saludable te sientes. Dime a qué hora comes o duermes y te diré si te es difícil perder peso o qué tan sensible eres al estrés. Aunque la ciencia ha demostrado la cercanía entre el funcionamiento de nuestro cuerpo y el ritmo circadiano de luz y oscuridad, las exigencias de la vida moderna nos mantienen en un estado constante de jet lag, imponiéndonos horarios que no coinciden con los ciclos naturales de nuestra fisiología. Durante milenios, el ayurveda ha enfatizado la importancia deuna rutina saludable para prosperar, y en esta guía revolucionaria el doctor Suhas G. Kshirsagar combina su profundo conocimiento de esta disciplina tradicional con los últimos descubrimientos de la cronobiología y la genética para enseñarnos, a través de test fáciles de aplicar y un plan holístico de 30 días, a balancear nuestros hábitos cotidianos y a encontrar las rutinas estacionales personalizadas que nuestro cuerpo realmente necesita. Trabaja en armonía con los ritmos naturales de tu cuerpo, no en su contra, y diseña la rutina óptima que transformará tu salud y tu vida para siempre. PRÓLOGO DE DEEPAK CHOPRA

Irresistible History of Alabama Barbecue, An: From Wood Pit To White Sauce (American Palate)

by Mark A. Johnson

From Muscle Shoals to Mobile, Alabamians enjoy fabulous barbecue at home, at club meetings and at countless eateries. In the 1820s, however, a group of reformers wanted to eliminate the southern staple because politicians used it to entice voters. As the state and nation changed through wars and the civil rights movement, so did Alabama barbecue. Alabama restaurants like Big Bob Gibson’s, Dreamland and Jim ’n Nick’s have earned fans across the country. Mark A. Johnson traces the development of the state’s famous food from the earliest settlement of the state to the rise of barbecue restaurants.

Sixpence in her shoe

by Phyllis Mcginley

A Collection of witty, observant essays about the hard but fulfilling vocation of being a housewife by a writer who believes women should cherish and be proud to choose being a housewife as a particularly enriching career for women. Topics include how not to kill your husband, benefits of higher education to housewives, should women have jobs outside the home?, buying a house, decorating a house, the virtue of thrift, giving dinner parties, houseguests, kitchen design and utensils, family traditions, parenting and 16 recipes.

Sicilian Food: Recipes from Italy's Abundant Isle

by Mary Taylor Simeti

The definitive guide to Sicilian cooking filled with authentic, hard-to-find recipes from this sun-drenched island. Gleaned from the author’s friends, family, and acquaintances on the island of Sicily, Sicilian Food is a delicious journey through the food, traditions, and recipes of this corner of the world. Mary Taylor Simeti, an American who married a Sicilian, set out to discover the food of her husband firsthand. She haunted former convents and palaces where Palermo’s libraries have been maintained. She tested each ancient recipe herself and updated the methods, providing clear and easy-to-follow directions. The book reflects the unique culture of Sicily, both the external influences of a series of conquerors and the domestic changes brought about by peasant, clergy, and aristocrat alike. There are recipes using the vegetable abundance of the Sicilian landscape, recipes for ice cream or granita, and recipes with names like Virgins’ Breasts and Chancellor’s Buttocks. Rich with history, the book draws from Sicilian archives and museums and quotes from Homer, Plato, Apicius, Lampedusa, and Pirandello—offering not only a culinary adventure but also an experience that feels like traveling to Sicily.

Dieta Páleo para perda de peso rápida

by Jane Duncan Jonas Rossi

Por que você deve optar por uma dieta Paleo? Bem, é muito simples! A dieta Paleo é uma das dietas mais saudáveis que já existiram. Esta ótima dieta é a única que pode ajudá-lo a aumentar seus níveis de energia, sua força, sua saúde geral e que pode ajudá-lo a perder peso ao mesmo tempo! Esta dieta traz muitos efeitos positivos e pode realmente mudar sua vida para melhor! O que poderia ser melhor do que comer alimentos saudáveis e saborosos e não estourar o seu orçamento? A resposta é simples - A dieta Paleo. Com o livro de receitas, você obtém os segredos de como preparar refeições baratas com carnes magras e peixes, frutas frescas, petiscos e vegetais grelhados. A dieta Paleo não só ajudará a perder peso, mas também ajudará você a se tornar a melhor versão de si mesmo. Ajudará a reduzir o açúcar no sangue, diminuir a pressão arterial e diminuir os níveis de colesterol ruim. Vai lhe dar uma maior sensação de clareza mental e elevar seus níveis de energia para o céu! Graças a este livro, você vai aprender: •Capítulo 1 – Introdução à dieta Paleo •Capítulo 2 – Como é a abordagem Paleo? •Capítulo 3 – Quais são as vantagens da dieta Paleo? •Capítulo 4 – O que muda no seu corpo com a dieta Paleo? •Capítulo 5 – Comidas a evitar e a incluir •Capítulo 6 – Receitas Depois de terminar este livro, espero que você tenha aprendido a aproveitar ao máximo a dieta Paleo. Também espero que você aproveite todas as receitas saudáveis e deliciosas que forneci para ajudar você a começar sua nova jornada. Ao começar com essa dieta, você está se comprometendo a se tornar a melhor versão de si mesmo. Não espere nem mais um minuto! Adquira sua cópia agora!

Receitas: Receitas Para Cozimento em Baixa Temperatura.

by Steve Gaughan Camila Domingues

Se você quer aprender uma maneira legal de preparar sua comida, você está no lugar certo! Dese-me apresentar a técnica Sous Vide de cozimento à vácuo! Você irá descobrir algumas formas de cozinhar assim como: •Capítulo 1- As Vantagens do Cozimento à Vácuo •Capítulo 2 – Ferramentas Necessárias •Capítulo 3 – Entendendo o Método Usado no Livro •Capítulo 4 – Receitas Você não precisa ir a restaurantes caros para comer comidas perfeitas. Se você é um entusiasta na técnica sous vide procurando por novas receitas para seu rerpetório, ou apenas um iniciante na técnica, esse livro te mostrará o quão fácil é preparar comidas com a qualidade de restaurante em sua própria casa. Essas são algumas receitas para você perceber como é maravilhoso obter resultados profissionais com um pouco de planejamento.

Dietary Reference Intakes for Calcium and Vitamin D: For Calcium, Phosphorus, Magnesium, Vitamin D, And Fluoride (Dietary Reference Intakes Ser.)

by Institute of Medicine

Calcium and vitamin D are essential nutrients for the human body. Establishing the levels of these nutrients that are needed by the North American population is based on the understanding of the health outcomes that calcium and vitamin D affect. It is also important to establish how much of each nutrient may be "too much." Dietary Reference Intakes for Calcium and Vitamin D provides reference intake values for these two nutrients. The report updates the DRI values defined in Dietary Reference Intakes for Calcium, Phosphorous, Magnesium, Vitamin D, and Fluoride, the 1997 study from the Institute of Medicine. This 2011 book provides background information on the biological functions of each nutrient, reviews health outcomes that are associated with the intake of calcium and vitamin D, and specifies Estimated Average Requirements and Recommended Dietary Allowances for both. It also identifies Tolerable Upper Intake Levels, which are levels above wish the risk for harm may increase. The book includes an overview of current dietary intake in the U.S. and Canada, and discusses implications of the study. A final chapter provides research recommendations. The DRIs established in this book incorporate current scientific evidence about the roles of vitamin D and calcium in human health and will serve as a valuable guide for a range of stakeholders including dietitians and other health professionals, those who set national nutrition policy, researchers, the food industry, and private and public health organizations and partnerships.

The Last Lobster: Boom or Bust for Maine's Greatest Fishery?

by Christopher White

From the author of Skipjack & The Melting World comes a mystery: the curious boom in America’s beloved lobster industry and its probable crashMaine lobstermen have happened upon a bonanza along their rugged, picturesque coast. For the past five years, the lobster population along the coast of Maine has boomed, resulting in a lobster harvest six times the size of the record catch from the 1980s—an event unheard of in fisheries. In a detective story, scientists and fishermen explore various theories for the glut. Leading contenders are a sudden lack of predators and a recent wedge of warming waters, which may disrupt the reproductive cycle, a consequence of climate change.Christopher White's The Last Lobster follows three lobster captains—Frank, Jason, and Julie (one the few female skippers in Maine)—as they haul and set thousands of traps. Unexpectedly, boom may turn to bust, as the captains must fight a warming ocean, volatile prices, and rough weather to keep their livelihood afloat. The three captains work longer hours, trying to make up in volume what they lack in price. As a result, there are 3 million lobster traps on the bottom of the Gulf of Maine, while Frank, Jason, and others call for a reduction of traps. This may in boost prices. The Maine lobstering towns are among the first American communities to confront global warming, and the survival of the Maine Coast depends upon their efforts.It may be an uphill battle to create a sustainable catch as high temperatures are already displacing lobsters northward toward Canadian waters—out of reach of American fishermen. The last lobster may be just ahead.

The F-Factor Diet: Discover the Secret to Permanent Weight Loss

by Tanya Zuckerbrot

A top nutritionist reveals the secret to permanent weight loss. To help her busy clients ditch the fad diets,Tanya Zuckerbrot spent more than a decade designing a healthful, delicious, sustainable diet that sheds pounds, boosts energy, lowers cholesterol, and reduces the risk of heart disease and diabetes. The F-Factor Diet presents a fresh take on eating high-fiber carbs, and reveals the secrets to satisfying meals and lasting weight loss, including: - A simple three-stage program - A wide array of food choices - More than 75 delicious recipes-from appetizers through desserts-and a complete set of guidelines for those who don't want to cook - Journal pages and helpful hints to keep dieters on track

COOKING LIGHT Superfoods: Nutrient-packed Entrees and Sides

by The Editors of Cooking Light

Though you may be familiar with the term, “superfood” can take on different meanings, depending on where you look. Cooking Light uses the term broadly to refer to any food that goes above and beyond in providing essential vitamins and minerals in rich amounts per serving—spinach, berries, quinoa, salmon, nuts, and avocados, to name a few. When you incorporate these nutrient-dense foods into your diet, the health benefits are plentiful, such as increased energy, weight loss, and help with disease prevention. We wanted to take it a step further and create a collection of delicious recipes that pair these powerful foods with healthy fats, whole grains, and minimal added sugars to create a complete, satisfying meal your family can enjoy. The 87 recipes included in this special edition, COOKING LIGHT Superfoods do just that. We hope that these tasty recipes inspire you to incorporate more nutrient-packed superfoods into your diet. Enjoy!

SOUTHERN LIVING Cakes & Pies: 132 Top-Rated Desserts for Every Season

by The Editors of Southern Living

In this special collector's edition, SOUTHERN LIVING Cakes & Pies, enjoy 132 top-rated desserts for every season. Discover our best cheesecakes, cobblers, pound cakes & more!

La dieta del cuerpazo: Plan para transformar tu cuerpo radicalmente en 28 días

by Michelle Lewin Dr Samar Yorde

En La Dieta del Cuerpazo, Michelle Lewin, la gurú del fitness y fenómeno en redes sociales, revela su plan de alimentación, ofrece consejos para perder peso, optimizar el ejercicio y conseguir el cuerpo tonificado de tus sueños.¿Cómo mantener un cuerpo perfecto? A Michelle Lewin, la famosa modelo del fitness, sus fans le hacen esta pregunta a diario. Conocida por sus curvas envidiables, sus abdominales perfectos y su fuerza increíble, Lewing se ha posicionado como una de las más importantes figuras de inspiración y motivación en el mundo del finess, la salud y el bienestar, y ha ganado millones de seguidores que están deseosos de conocer sus secretos de alimentación y ejercicio. Ahora, con la ayuda de la médico y coach de salud Dr. Samar Yorde, Lewin compartirá por primera vez sus secretos para perder y mantener su peso. Lewin ha creado un plan de alimentación fácil de seguir que tiene beneficios asombrosos para todo tipo de cuerpos. Comparte su historia, su lucha personal, su propia transformación, mientras ofrece apoyo para transformar y crear un estilo de vida saludable entre sus seguidores. Con planes de comidas, recetas, tips de ejercicio y una sección de preguntas frecuentes de sus seguidores actuales, La Dieta del Cuerpazo te ayudará a lograr el cuerpo fuerte, tonificado y esbelto que Michelle Lewin ha hecho tan famoso.

The Heat Is On (Next Best Junior Chef #2)

by Charise Mericle Harper Aurélie Blard-Quintard

The competition heats up in episode two of this zesty series for fans of kids' cooking competitions! With this episode's theme of family and tradition, from a diner challenge to a quinceañera to the farmer's market, the junior chefs will have to sauté their way through the chewiest challenges yet. They're the best in the nation, but can they handle the twists and turnovers week two has in store, on- and off-camera? Which junior chefs can stand the heat? And which one will need to get out of the kitchen? We are one episode closer to discovering just who will earn the title of Next Best Junior Chef. Bonus: Includes real cooking techniques for the aspiring young chef!

Food52 Vegan: 60 Vegetable-Driven Recipes for Any Kitchen (Food52 Works)

by Amanda Hesser Merrill Stubbs Gena Hamshaw

An essential collection of hassle-free, vibrant vegan recipes, from the author behind Food52's wildly popular The New Veganism and Vegan Lunch columns.Omnivore or vegan (or anywhere in between), we're all looking for memorable, flavorful dishes to cook for ourselves and the people we care about. If those recipes happen to be healthful, nourishing, and friendly to vegetarians and vegans, even better.With her wildly popular New Veganism column on Food52, Gena Hamshaw has inspired home cooks to incorporate plant-based recipes into their everyday routine--and even gained some nutritional yeast and cashew cheese converts. This vibrant collection of all-new recipes plus beloved favorites from the column--along with exquisite photography and helpful tips throughout--will show all of us innovative ways to cook with fresh produce and whole foods. From Savory Breakfast Polenta to Cauliflower and Oyster Mushroom Tacos to Ginger Roasted Pears with Vanilla Cream, these recipes are delicious, dependable, and deeply satisfying. Cook from this book just a couple of times and you'll soon find yourself stocking up on coconut oil, blending your own nut milks, seeking the sweetest tomatoes at the market, and looking at plant-based dishes in a whole new way.From the Hardcover edition.

Trente Nuances D’Entrées

by Gabriele Napolitano Claudia Mirruzzo

Beaucoup de recettes d'une mère italienne pour préparer des entrées rapides, gourmandes et de qualité.


by Gabriele Napolitano Alessandra Colarizi

意大利的甜点你会做吗?试试吧 这些三十多个制作方法正是从一个意大利妈妈的食谱选出来的


by Gabriele Napolitano Rosalba Giustizieri

你们想在主菜之前吃一道冷盘 这个书让你们选择你们最受到偏爱的意大利冷盘 你们找到很容易地做饭的意大利菜肴 你们吃这个冷盘的时候 你们有点印象在意大利住 考验你们做饭的能力

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