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Showing 8,251 through 8,275 of 28,175 results

The Belly Fat Cure#: Discover The New Carb Swap System™ And Lose 4 To 9 Lbs. Every Week

by Jorge Cruise

For years, experts have told you that you’re tired and overweight because you eat too much and don’t exercise enough. They were WRONG. The truth is that you are eating foods packed with hidden sweeteners that deliver a belly-fattening Sugar/Carb Value. This simple guide makes smart eating effortless and affordable. This revised edition is updated with a completely new chapter—Simply Fit™, with Belly-Burning Workouts—and includes more than 1,500 options customized for: carboholics, meat lovers, chicken and seafood fans, chocoholics, fast-food junkies, and even vegans! What are you waiting for? Dig in!

The Belly Fat Cure# Fast Track: Discover The Ultimate Carb Swap And Drop Up To 14 Lbs. The First 14 Days

by Jorge Cruise

For years, fad diets and infomercials have overwhelmed you with unrealistic – and often unsafe – methods for losing belly fat quickly. It’s time to know the truth. Avoiding hidden sugars – not calories – is the true key to weight loss. Combining this discovery with the burn-boosting power of the Ultimate Carb Swap, you will lose up to 14 lbs. in the first 14 days. This doctor-approved, science-based solution includes yummy foods such as cookies, pancakes, burgers, and even wine. This revised edition of the book is updated with a completely new chapter – Simply Fit™, with Belly-Burning Workouts. So if you are ready to cure belly fat super fast with foods you already have in your kitchen, dig in!

I Can Make You Sleep: Overcome Insomnia Forever And Get The Best Rest Of Your Life!

by Paul McKenna

Would you like to sleep really well?Would you like to stop your mind racing and feel calm?Easily stop the disruption of waking during the night?Would you like to sleep when you want to?Awaken refreshed and full of energy?Then let Paul McKenna help you!We spend nearly a third of our lives asleep, but more of us are suffering from insomnia than ever before. Now Paul McKenna, Ph.D., has made a series of major scientific breakthroughs that can dramatically improve your sleep starting today.In this book, he shows you simple techniques and changes in your thinking and behavior can transform your sleep habits. The accompanying guided hypnosis download is designed to deeply relax you when you want to sleep and reset your body’s natural sleep mechanism, so you’ll automatically find it easier to get deep, restful sleep.If you want to get a good night’s restful sleep and wake up refreshed, have the energy to achieve what you want, and improve the quality of your life, then this book is for you!

I Can Make You Happy

by Paul McKenna

Do you want to be happier?Do you want to stop feeling bad right now?Do you want to experience greater joy than ever before?What if it was possible to feel happier than you had ever imagined before?It doesn’t matter whether you’re sad, bored, or depressed, or already quite content —Paul McKenna can help you become a whole lot happier!Scientific research reveals that our levels of happiness aren’t fixed; we can change them through our thoughts and actions. Dr. McKenna has spent the past 25 years developing a system that can have an immediate, measurable impact on people’s emotional well-being. This book uses powerful psychological techniques and a downloadable guided hypnosis session to help you feel really good right now.The human mind is like a computer, with its own software that governs how we think and act. Most human problems are caused by negative programs running in the unconscious mind. This book and audio session help you install positive programs that seek out and magnify the factors that create happiness. Use it to take control of your life and start feeling happier today!

I Can Make You Thin: Love Food, Lose Weight!

by Paul McKenna

Would you like to eat less without feeling like you’re missing out?Are you unable to lose those last 10 pounds?Would you like to stop sabotaging yourself?Do you want to feel truly happy with your body?If you’ve struggled with your weight for too long, let Paul McKenna help you lose weight and change your relationship with food!>Diets work for less than 10 percent of people. So it’s time to try something new. I Can Make You Thin is a revolutionary weight-loss system that re-patterns your thoughts and behaviors around food to help you take control of your eating. All your decisions about how much you eat take place in your mind—so this remarkable book, which includes a free digital download featuring a powerful guided hypnosis session with Dr. McKenna, reprograms your unconscious mind to change your relationship with food, speed up your metabolism, overcome emotional eating, and instantly stop cravings. If you find it hard to say no to second helpings, this system can make it easy. If you get discouraged about your weight, this system can give you hope. And if you have zero motivation to exercise, it can get you moving with ease.Dr. McKenna’s system will help you start losing weight right away, and you can use the techniques and the hypnosis session again and again as you go all the way to your ideal shape and size. It’s a system so simple that most people can’t believe it will work for them. The best part is, you don’t have to believe—you just have to follow the instructions and watch your life start to change for the better.

Instant Confidence

by Paul McKenna

Would you like to have the confidence to go for anything you want?Would you like to feel strong in difficult situations?Would you like to feel powerful determination to improve your life?Then let Paul McKenna help you!In this groundbreaking book, Paul McKenna, Ph.D., reveals the secrets of mastering your emotions and living with a greater sense of ease and certainty than ever before. You will learn how to push the "off" switch on fear and desperation and create huge amounts of confidence and motivation in just a few moments. Before you’ve even finished the book, your whole attitude towards life will begin to change!Whether you want to feel totally confident in business, romance, or any other area of your life, Dr. McKenna will walk you through a series of simple yet powerful techniques to transform your outlook. You’ll also receive a guided hypnosis download that uses the latest psychological techniques to fill your mind with positive thoughts and feelings. Each time you listen, you will be reinforcing optimism and programing your mind for success.If you’re ready to feel completely comfortable in yourself and achieve what you are truly capable of, this book is for you!

Quit Smoking Today Without Gaining Weight

by Paul McKenna

Are you worried about how smoking is damaging your health?Do you want to quit smoking, but worry that you’ll gain weight?Would you like to stop cravings in a matter of moments?Have you tried to quit before, only to start again?If quitting was easy, would you do it today?THEN LET PAUL McKENNA HELP YOU!Over the past three decades, Paul McKenna, Ph.D., has developed a unique approach that makes quitting surprisingly easy. Through the simple conditioning techniques revealed in this book and downloadable hypnosis session, you can retrain your mind and body so you no longer need cigarettes and actually feel better without them. Better still, you are highly unlikely to gain weight in the process! It doesn’t matter if you’ve smoked all your life, if you’ve tried to quit many times before, or if you don’t believe this system will work for you. All you have to do is follow Dr. McKenna’s instructions fully and completely and he can help you to feel free of cigarettes.

Hypnotic Gastric Band: The New Surgery-free Weight-loss System

by Paul McKenna

More than 50 percent of Americans are overweight and looking for a solution. At last, there has been a weight-loss breakthrough that’s easy and has a significant success rate: Paul McKenna’s Hypnotic Gastric Band.Gastric band surgery, a radical operation that reduces the available space in the stomach, is a drastic—though often highly effective—treatment that’s often a last resort. Hypnotic Gastric Band offers similar results without the risks of surgery: this psychological procedure works to convince the unconscious mind that a gastric band has been put in place, helping the body to behave as if a band were physically present—so it’s easy to eat less and lose weight at last, while still feeling completely satisfied.Dr. McKenna spent years researching this groundbreaking process with leading medical experts in weight loss. He describes it as "the closest thing to real magic I have ever experienced," except this procedure isn’t magic, it’s grounded in solid science. All our decisions about food are made in the mind, which in many ways is like a computer. Hypnosis helps to reprogram the "computer" so that when people eat, they feel full faster.With the Hypnotic Gastric Band there is no dangerous physical surgery, no forbidden food, and no miserable dieting. Instead, the Hypnotic Gastric Band helps people make healthier food choices, enjoy their food more, and eat less without effort and without feeling deprived. The book comes with free digital downloads of guided hypnosis and detailed instructions to install your Hypnotic Gastric Band and to adjust it as the weight comes off. Just read the short book, then download the essential 25-minute hypnotic trance and start reprogramming your mind to eat less.

Make Your Own Rules Cookbook: More Than 100 Simple, Healthy Recipes Inspired By Family And Friends Around The World

by Tara Stiles

In Make Your Own Rules Cookbook, Strala Yoga founder, fashion designer, and entrepreneur Tara Stiles shows you how to have fun making your own rules in the kitchen. You’ll begin by breaking free of the labels, judgements, restrictions, and stresses of having to eat a certain way—letting go of the binge-and-purge, punishment-and-reward, diet-and-fail cycles. Learning to listen to what your body really wants, and make intuitive choices, you will find balance and harmony and go on to discover the massively bountiful buffet before you—an endless array of tastes and textures from all across the world!Tara prides herself on making healthy living easy and effortless, and this cookbook holds the same philosophy. She gently guides you through every step of the Make Your Own Rules process, from • preparing yourself for a major shift in your mind-set • stocking a healthy, green kitchen • choosing handy kitchen tools and appliances • scheduling time for grocery shopping and cooking into your busy lifestyle • and more!Tara also gives you the freedom to play in the kitchen, get creative, experiment with recipes, and make them your own. With more than 100 mouthwatering recipes inspired by her international travels, her Midwestern roots, and her daily life in NYC, Make Your Own Rules Cookbook offers up a generous helping of plant-powered juices, smoothies, salads, main dishes, and desserts designed to leave you feeling radiant, energized, and satisfied.Ditch the takeout menus, let your imagination run wild, and get your hands dirty in the kitchen!

Applied RNA Bioscience

by Seiji Masuda Shingo Izawa

The focus of this book is to introduce up-to-date information on applications and practical use of RNA for agriculture, biotechnology and medicine.<P><P> It provides unique ideas, tools, and methods in detail from a variety of scientific and technical disciplines. RNA science has progressed enormously in recent decades, and vast amounts of information on RNA functions and their regulatory mechanisms are becoming available. Such a progress opened the door to an age of practical application of RNA in many fields including agriculture, plant science, medical science, brewing and fermentation technology, and material production. <P>This book inspires its readership and contributes to not only expansion in application of RNA but also to basic research.

The Bone Broth Secret

by Louise Hay Heather Dane

When a forgotten, time-honored traditional food is rediscovered for its health and beauty benefits, we all pay attention. In this one-of-a-kind culinary adventure, internationally renowned self-help pioneer Louise Hay and "21st-century medicine woman" Heather Dane join together to explore a fresh and fun take on the art of cooking with bone broth, as well as the science behind its impressive curative applications.Chock-full of research, how-tos, and tips, this inventive cookbook offers a practical, playful, and delicious approach to improving your digestion, energy, and moods. With over 100 gut-healing recipes for broths, elixirs, main dishes, breads, desserts—and even beauty remedies and cocktails—Louise and Heather will show you how to add a dose of nourishment into every aspect of your diet. You’ll also get entertaining stories along the way that remind you to add joy back onto your plate and into your life. Plus, you’ll find out how Louise not only starts her day with bone broth, but uses it as an ingredient in many of her meals as well—discovering why it is one of her secrets to vibrant wellness and longevity."Wherever I go, I’m asked, ‘How do you stay so healthy and young?’ Or I’m complimented on how beautiful my skin, hair, and nails look. I always say that the key is positive thoughts and healthy food. For many years, the staple of my diet has been bone broth. My doctors keep pointing out that my blood tests and other health-test results are better than people half my age. I tell them, ‘I’m a big, strong, healthy girl!’ Then I talk about bone broth. I want everyone to know about it because I believe it is an integral part of my health, energy, and vitality."— Louise Hay

The Ultimate Pet Health Guide: Breakthrough Nutrition And Integrative Care For Dogs And Cats

by Gary Richter

As a holistic veterinarian and scientist, Dr. Gary Richter helps dog and cat owners to navigate the thicket of treatment options and separate the fact from the fiction. He wants us to use what actually works, not just what Western science or alternative medicine say "should" work. This multifaceted approach to health is known as integrative medicine. Dr. Richter examines traditional medicine from many cultures alongside modern medical techniques, describing the best of complementary care and the best of conventional veterinary medicine. Every treatment he recommends has the backing of scientific research or years of successful outcomes in his clinical practice. After explaining the treatment, he offers specific recommendations for an integrative approach to common diseases, including allergies, skin conditions, diabetes, heart disease, and cancer. A holistic approach to health includes nutrition, as it sets up the foundation for your pet’s health. Dr. Richter cuts through the hype in the pet-food world and explains how to choose the best commercial foods and supplements, and even includes both raw and cooked dog- and cat-food recipes for general diet as well as to treat specific needs. He also explains how we can use the right foods and supplements to "hack" the body’s processes, including the immune system.

The Uncook Book

by Tanya Maher

The Uncook Book by Tanya Maher is the perfect book for anyone who wants to celebrate life through food. Raw food really gives you that opportunity because it gives you so much energy and clarity – but this book is as much about pleasure and enjoying life as it is about health. Offering easy-to-follow, accessible recipes with a modern edge, Tanya draws on her years of experience as a raw food nutritionist and guides you through brilliant basics, fun family favorites and elegant entertaining with living foods.As more and more people begin to appreciate the huge health benefits that a raw food lifestyle offers, Tanya makes it easy to either greatly increase your intake of raw foods or embrace this way of eating for breakfast, lunch and dinner if it feels right for you – while still enjoying a busy social calendar! With beautiful photography, easy-to-source, familiar ingredients, and pull-out information on the benefits they offer your body, these recipes are so tasty that you will want to make them again and again. And if you think you’re going to be deprived of anything at all, there’s even a section on delicious superfood cocktails!

Healthy Is the New Skinny: Your Guide To Self-love In A Picture Perfect World

by Katie H. Willcox

We live in a world where beauty is everything. Society tells us that if we just looked a certain way, if we had the right products, if we were skinny enough, then we would be enough —we would have value. Society is wrong, but it took Katie H. Willcox years to understand this:"Over the course of my 30 short years, I have both worked as a professional model and been the exact opposite of our culture’s beauty ideal. I have struggled with my weight and felt like I didn’t and never would fit in. Then I had a powerful realization: my misery and self-loathing didn’t change with my weight or how ‘pretty’ society thought I was, so my looks weren’t the source of happiness and worth that I had believed them to be. But then, what was? And how had I come to invest so much of myself in beliefs that were so untrue?"In these pages, Katie shares the lessons she learned in her journey to find the answers to these questions. She reveals who gains from our feeling small and why we need to examine the messages we receive from our culture and our families. She explains how we can redefine beauty, make healthy the new "skinny," and harness the power of our thoughts to choose self-love. Katie encourages us to discover our true magnificent selves, find our purpose, and pursue our dreams —and help others to do the same.Join the movement! Visit and follow us on Instagram @healthyisthenewskinny.

The Hot Detox Plan: Cleanse Your Body And Heal Your Gut With Warming, Anti-inflammatory Foods

by Julie Daniluk

Are you ready to eat hot, comforting foods; feel a warm, happy glow; and look hotter than you have in years?The Hot Detox Plan is an incredible tool that has the potential to truly transform your life. Whether you have a skin disorder, allergies, belly bloating, or irritable bowel syndrome, this tool works by taking stress off your digestive system until it is restored. It incorporates foods that heal and avoids foods that can potentially be harmful.In the past, detoxification was traditionally done in the spring and fall when temperatures were moderate and fresh greens were plentiful. However, the popularity of New Year’s resolutions in January pushes many people to want to cleanse in the heart of winter. But this goes against common sense. In the winter, we need to keep our fires burning to cope with a cooler climate. When it’s cold outside, a standard "cold" detox program of smoothies, juices, and raw salads does not support you, and may even cause you to feel run down, slow your metabolism, or aggravate a digestive condition. (Case in point: Have you ever started your day with a frozen banana smoothie and ended up feeling bloated and tired by noon?)The Hot Detox Plan is a deep cleansing program that serves up a delicious, warming menu with anti-inflammatory remedies that spark digestive vitality. You can have delicious healing food in a balanced approach over the course of 3, 10, or 21 days instead of a crash diet or fast that will leave you jonesing for sugar. The Hot Detox Plan embraces the ancient wisdom of India and China, applying the time-tested intelligence of warming up the body’s core. Inspired by hot yoga practices, this detox will switch up your routine and motivate you to try new exciting combinations. Whether you live in a warm or cool climate, utilizing the heat of a warming diet is the key to alleviating many common concerns such as IBS, low immunity, hormone imbalance, and chronic pain. Even for those who live in a warm climate, have a hot constitution, or suffer from an inflammatory condition such as rheumatoid arthritis, the cooling superfoods recommended in this book will balance the menu and ensure great results for everyone.The Hot Detox Plan is a soul-satisfying, 5-step detox plan that uses metabolism-boosting spices and hearty recipes to reduce bloating, heal digestion and reset your vitality.

Heal Your Drained Brain: Naturally Relieve Anxiety, Combat Insomnia, and Balance Your Brain in Just 14 Days

by Dr Mike Dow

Are you anxious, frazzled, exhausted? Do you find yourself constantly worrying? Do you feel like you’re "running on empty"? Do you have trouble sleeping? Like millions of people living today, your brain has become drained.These days, it seems like everything in our day-to-day lives —from our increasingly unpredictable world, the smart phones we can’t stop using, to the processed foods we eat all day long, to the many hours we spend at our jobs —is setting us up to feel drained. The short-term effects of becoming drained are uncomfortable, but the long-term effects can be life-threatening. Left untreated, it can quadruple your risk of high blood pressure —the #1 cause of preventable death. Finding natural solutions to anxiety and insomnia is becoming increasingly vital as sleeping pills, antianxiety medications, and hospitalizations have seen a dramatic spike recently. More and more people are desperate to heal their drained brains.In his latest book, Dr. Mike Dow offers a 2-week plan designed to help you naturally balance your brain. He explains what drains modern brains, which groups are wired for it, and provides clinically proven tools to help you feel less drained. Dr. Mike offers nutritional tips, recipes, cognitive behavioral tools, supplements, breathing techniques, self-hypnosis, and mindfulness. Stress hormones like cortisol and adrenaline go down as feel-good neurotransmitters like GABA and serotonin rise."When you balance your brain, you experience countless rewards. You have more energy. You feel like yourself again. You sleep more soundly and wake up looking forward to the day ahead. . . . I can’t wait for you to become the best version of yourself, and I look forward to the life you will create when you are no longer drained." —Dr. Mike Dow

EFT for Weight Loss

by Dawson Church

Weight loss is one of the most frustrating problems imaginable. People trying to lose weight usually fail, and most wind up weighing more than before. Not with EFT! Several studies show that by using the method in this book, called "Clinical EFT" because it's the only version of EFT validated in dozens of clinical trials, you can lose weight, and keep it off permanently. One study found that people lost an average of 11 lb. in the year after a Clinical EFT weight loss program. In this book you'll hear from dozens of people who lost weight successfully with EFT. Their deeply moving stories tell how many other parts of their lives improved too, from skin tone to marriage, from self-confidence to financial abundance. That's because EFT, also called Tapping, eliminates stress. Author Dawson Church has conducted many scientific studies of EFT. These show that Clinical EFT reduces cortisol, your main stress hormone, while lowering anxiety, depression, and pain, leading to long-term weight loss. Clinical EFT has been used successfully by thousands of people to lose those unwanted pounds without expensive drugs or risky surgery, and is your proven solution to keeping weight off permanently. When you experience the simple, powerful, science-based solutions in these pages, you'll understand why tens of thousands of people like you have made EFT for Weight Loss the best-selling book on the subject ever published.

ThetaHealing® Rhythm for Finding Your Perfect Weight

by Vianna Stibal

Written by the creator of ThetaHealing®, Vianna Stibal, this is more than just a weight loss book! It is about finding a real rhythm for your mind, body and spirit, while tapping into your inner beauty and love for yourself. ThetaHealing began when Vianna realised that she could teach other people the method that she used to heal herself from a serious health condition. It is now famous for being one of the most powerful energy-healing techniques in the world. Now, for the first time, Vianna has compiled a book that demonstrates how to use ThetaHealing for weight loss and reveal a strong, healthy and beautiful body which you love! Using the techniques in this book, you will be able to:• select the right foods and supplements to nourish your body, and enjoy the foods you love without guilt• make your body think that it is exercising while you listen to music and relax!• release the emotions and fears that hold you back from having the body you want• change your unhelpful beliefs into more productive and useful beliefs that will allow you to release your excess weight. So say goodbye to calorie counting and feeling guilty, and say hello to being comfortable in your own body and finding inner peace and happiness!

The Gastric Mind Band: The Proven, Pain-Free Alternative to Weight-Loss Surgery

by Martin Shirran Marian Shirran

Gastric mind Band therapy provides the answer to understanding and overturning your weight loss woes. No guilt, rules, or rigid calorie counting, and nothing banned. Just re-establishing a normal relationship with something you've got to face every day. Now you can read about the GmB phenomenon for yourself. Experience some of the many benefits without leaving home. The Shirrans are a breath of fresh air... they ask: 'why shouldn't you be hungry? What's wrong with hunger?' If your weight problem - and the global obesity epidemic - are to be overcome, hunger should be understood and embraced, not feared. This book will give you the relationship with food you always dreamed of. Learn:* how to use the GmB mental Pause Button to freeze time and save you from yourself* about the dieting 'conspiracy' that's been keeping you feeling helpless and stuck* how to have the level of motivation and control around food that you've been longing for* how to harness the power of the subconscious mind.

Hot, Healthy, Happy: The 21-Day Diet to Eat, Drink and Think Your Way to Self-Love and Skinny Jeans

by Christy Fergusson

Let's face it, we'd all love to have the perfect body, but not if it means starving ourselves and feeling miserable all the time! There are a million ways to lose weight and countless books selling the secret to skinny, but what if you want a diet for girls that's about more than thin thighs and a size 6 waist? Inside Hot, Healthy, Happy you'll find a nutritional, psychological and spiritual toolkit that will enable you to:• wake up each day with enough energy to follow your dreams• have flawless skin and nails to die for• have a period without needing painkillers and chocolate bars• connect to and trust your inner wisdom• feel happy and confident, despite facing drama in the TwittersphereIn Hot, Healthy, Happy, The Food Psychologist and nutritional therapist Christy Fergusson shows how science makes you sexy and invites you to achieve the life and the body you want. Discover the cutting-edge 21-day formula she used to overcome a myriad of health conditions and become the definition of hot, healthy and happy!Now it's your turn to eat, drink and think your way to self-love and skinny jeans.

Meals That Heal Inflammation: Embrace Healthy Living and Eliminate Pain, One Meal at a Time

by Julie Daniluk

TV host and nutritionist Julie Daniluk reveals just how much pain is caused by inflammation and shows how to relieve it through diet. Featuring a practical nutrition guide, menu plan and 130 easy and delicious recipes, Meals that Heal Inflammation makes healthful eating a true pleasure. Inflammation is on the rise. Conditions such as allergies, skin disorders, asthma, heart disease, arthritis and any other condition ending in "itis" all have an inflammatory component. In Meals that Heal Inflammation registered holistic nutritionist Julie Daniluk shows how to change our immune response through diet. The first part of the book outlines the six causes of inflammation and gets to the root of the pain we experience. She then shows how to build a healthy kitchen full of foods that will contribute to our wellbeing. The book's easy and tempting recipes include quinoa salad, salmon with fennel and even key lime pie. Extensively researched, and full of information about the healing properties of everyday foods, Meals that Heal Inflammation will be a mainstay in any kitchen with a healthy focus.

The Deliciously Conscious Cookbook: Over 100 Vegetarian Recipes with Gluten-free, Vegan and Dairy-free Options

by Belinda Connolly

The Deliciously Conscious Cookbook is bursting with tempting treats that anyone can enjoy, no matter what their dietary requirements. It features 100 imaginative vegetarian recipes—many of them gluten free, dairy free, lower sugar or vegan—including Belinda Connolly’s signature savoury Butternut, Berry & Goat’s Cheesecake and her piquant Thai Cauliflower, Coconut & Lime Soup. Packed with easy-to-follow recipes for light lunches, simple suppers and moments of pure indulgence, it also offers a wealth of ways to adapt each dish for a variety of needs. Belinda is famous for using vegetables and pulses in innovative ways to create delectable sweet treats, such as her melt-in-the-mouth Adzuki Bean Fudge Brownies and the zesty Tropical Parsnip & Polenta Cake. Full of originality, this beautiful book offers health-conscious cooks inventive new ways to celebrate their love of food.

The Ecstasy of Surrender: 12 Surprising Ways Letting Go Can Empower Your Life

by Judith Orloff

Are you longing for your life to be easier and more fun? Would you like to stop pushing, micromanaging, and forcing things so you can relax? What if you could enjoy what you have instead of always lusting for 'more'? What if you could live in 'the zone', propelled by powerful currents toward the right people and opportunities? What if you could stop worrying about money and live with more emotional ease in the moment? If you answer 'yes' to all these questions and desire lasting positive change, then prepare to experience the ecstasy of surrender. The art of letting go, Dr Judith Orloff explains, is the secret key to manifesting power and success in all areas of life, including work, relationships, sexuality, radiant ageing and health and healing. In our superconnected world where emails and text messages constantly interrupt us, it's easier to let go than you think. Once embraced, surrendering removes roadblocks and the exhaustion that comes from 'trying too hard' – and it helps you achieve goals more effortlessly and brings ongoing happiness. With her stunning gift for storytelling coupled with her unique, results-oriented approach to physical, emotional and spiritual health – marrying neuroscience, psychiatry, intuitive medicine, energy techniques, and more – Judith provides a powerful, practical and accessible map for anyone who is longing to be happier but who feels stuck, burned-out, tense, worried or afraid to let go.

The End of Dieting: How to Live for Life

by Dr Joel Fuhrman

We’re fatter, sicker and hungrier than ever, and the diet industry – with its trendy weight-loss protocols and eat-this-not that ratios of fat, carbs and protein – offers only temporary short-term solutions at the expense of our permanent long-term health. As a result, we’re trapped in a cycle of food addiction, toxic hunger and overeating.In The End of Dieting, Dr Joel Fuhrman, a doctor and the New York Times bestselling author of Eat to Live and The End of Diabetes, shows us how to break free from this vicious cycle once and for all. Dr Fuhrman lays out in full all the dietary and nutritional advice necessary to eat our way to a healthier and happier life. At the centre of his revolutionary plan is his trademark health formula: Health = Nutrients/Calories. Foods high in nutrient density, according to Dr Fuhrman, are more satisfying than foods high in calories. They eliminate our cravings for fat, sweets and carbs. The more nutrient-dense food we consume, the more our bodies can function as the self-healing machines they’re designed to be. Weight will drop, diseases can reverse course and disappear and overall our lives can be longer and healthier. The core of The End of Dieting is an easy to follow programme that kickstarts your new life outside of the diet mill:• Simple meals for 10 days, to retrain your taste buds and detox• Gourmet flavourful recipes• A two-week programme, to flood your body with nutrientsThe End of Dieting is the book we have been waiting for – a proven, effective and sustainable approach to eating that lets us prevent and reverse disease, lose weight and reclaim our right to excellent health.

The Alkaline 5 Diet: Lose Weight, Heal Your Health Problems and Feel Amazing!

by Laura Wilson

This incredibly easy-to-follow diet allows you to eat five meals a day without restricting calories, and create the best health you've ever had! Written by ultra-marathoner and health coach Laura Wilson, who has used these principles to turn her own health around, this plant-based diet is grounded in solid science.Simple, satisfying, sustainable, super-healthy, and systematized, The Alkaline 5 Diet harnesses the healing power of alkaline foods, providing you with all the nutrients you need. It will give you:• consistent and easy fat loss – no more yo-yo dieting!• healing of health issues and reversal of disease• greatly increased energy throughout the day• better mental clarity• natural beauty – great skin, hair, eyes and nails• improved athletic performance and enduranceA diet that you can follow for 21 days or 21 years, The Alkaline 5 Diet makes it possible to eat big, delicious meals and get into the best health and shape of your life. You really can have it all!

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