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Showing 8,751 through 8,775 of 28,223 results

Mamá come sano: Alimentación saludable en el embarazo y la lactancia

by Julio Basulto

El embarazo y la lactancia son etapas maravillosas, pero repletas de dudas acerca de la dieta. ¿Influye la alimentación en mi fertilidad o en la de mi pareja? ¿Conviene recurrir a vitaminas, minerales, plantas medicinales, complementos alimenticios o fármacos? ¿Cuántas calorías debo tomar? ¿Cuánta agua tengo que beber? ¿Son un síntoma de peligro las náuseas u otras molestias típicas del embarazo? ¿Qué es ganar mucho (o poco) peso en el embarazo? ¿Cómo recupero la figura tras el parto? ¿Puedo ser vegetariana? ¿Es acaso una cuestión inextricable la alimentación en la lactancia? ¿Qué es (de verdad) una dieta sana?Julio Basulto aborda estas y muchas otras inquietudes, para ayudar al lector a formarse un criterio para elegir y decidir. Este libro no propone una dieta prodigiosa gracias a la cual tendremos un bebé extraordinario, recuperaremos el tipo rápidamente tras un parto fácil e indoloro, y produciremos abundante y nutritiva leche materna. Por el contrario, nos hará cuestionar muchos de nuestros hábitos alimenticios, algo absolutamente necesario no solo para la salud maternoinfantil, sino también para la de toda la familia.

Bio-based Materials for Food Packaging: Green and Sustainable Advanced Packaging Materials

by Shakeel Ahmed

This book provides an overview of the lastest developments in biobased materials and their applications in food packaging. Written by experts in their respective research domain, its thirteen chapters discuss in detail fundamental knowledge on bio based materials. It is intended as a reference book for researchers, students, research scholars, academicians and scientists seeking biobased materials for food packaging applications.

Come Out to the Garden

by Rick January

“Come out to the garden,” Granny calls to Mary Louise. It’s a beautiful, sunny day, and there are vegetables to be picked and a feast to be cooked! But Mary Louise points out there are plenty of vegetables growing in the cool shade of the porch, so why go out in the sun? Together they pick baskets of corn, beans, and other vegetables, then cook them up and make a tasty, healthy feast. Come join the rhyme and discover the reason why Granny and Mary are dozing in the sun and purring like the cat. Maybe tomorrow, you too can pick some turnips and peas!

The Complete America's Test Kitchen TV Show Cookbook 2001 - 2019: Every Recipe from the Hit TV Show with Product Ratings and a Look Behind the Scenes

by America'S Test Kitchen

This lively collection includes every recipe from all 19 seasons of the hit TV show with more than 1,200 foolproof recipes and dozens of tips and techniques. Learn what happens in the test kitchen before and during filming the show.All your new favorites are here--from Chinese Pork Dumplings and Chicken Picatta to French-Style Scrambled Eggs and Skillet-Roasted Brussels Sprouts to Lemon Bars and Easy Holiday Sugar Cookies. With this newly revised and updated edition, you'll have 19 years of great cooking and expertise from America's most-trusted test kitchen.

The Everything Anti-Inflammation Diet Book

by Karlyn Grimes

Olive oil protects your heart. Mushrooms fight free radicals. Ginger can combat rheumatoid arthritisWhy live with chronic pain when the remedy can be as simple as changing the foods you eat? Diets high in processed, fatty, and sugary foods are the main cause of chronic inflammation, which wreaks havoc on your body and contributes to heart disease, diabetes, Alzheimer's--and even cancer. But with this easy-to-use guide, you will learn how to modify your diet to reduce your risk of developing these serious, life-threatening conditions.Inside, nutrition expert Karlyn Grimes shows you how to:Identify inflammatory foodsAdd inflammation-fighting foods to any dietCreate an anti-inflammation plan you can live withGet the whole family on board This book includes flexible meal plans, 150 delicious recipes, and time-saving shopping and preparation tips. It's all you need to create balanced meals using fresh, unprocessed foods that nurture your body and soul.

Pollo a tavola 2

by Mary Roberts

Pollo a tavola è un libro di ricette di pollo che sorprenderà te e la tua famiglia. Dalle ricette classiche alle più esotiche - sono sicuro che diventeranno presto le preferite della famiglia.

Cenas con Pollo

by Mary Roberts

Este libro presenta deliciosas recetas para disfrutar del pollo de mil maneras. La escritora hace un recorrido por recetas de varios países.

Dieta Paleo: Receitas Paleo para iniciantes e atletas de peak fitness

by Tim Lewis

Descubra todos os benefícios da Dieta Paleo com muitas receitas deliciosas! Você está lutando para perder peso? Você quer ficar mais bonito e ter muito mais energia? Você quer mudar toda a sua vida? Use estas dicas para perder peso e receitas deliciosas para atingir felicidade, saúde e beleza, sem treinos chatos, dietas e corte de calorias. E se você pudesse simplesmente perder de 5 a 10 kg e atingir o peso desejado? A boa notícia é que você está prestes a descobrir a maneira mais fácil e rápida de perder peso como nunca... Existem muitas vantagens em utilizar esse livro: • Perda de peso rápida sem nenhum exercício • Confiança Inabalável •Saúde e felicidade • Energia inesgotável • Pele mais jovem Neste livro você encontrará algumas das melhores receitas paleo que você não encontraria em outro lugar. Do café da manhã ao jantar e tudo mais, as receitas apresentadas neste livro são super práticas e deliciosas... PEGUE A SUA CÓPIA E COMECE UMA NOVA VIDA Nos vemos lá dentro!

Dieta Cetogênica: Fat Bombs Cetogênicas Rápidas e Fáceis, Low Carb e Ricas em Gordura, Doces e Salgadas

by Steve Lawson

Quem disse que o prazer de comer e fazer dieta não podem andar juntos!? Fat Bombs e Doces! Este livro contém receitas de Fat Bombs, Doces e Aperitivos que se encaixam perfeitamente no seu plano de dieta cetogênica. Este livro foi criado para pessoas que adoram fazer deliciosos lanches com baixo teor de gordura e baixo teor de carboidratos, mas não querem gastar muito tempo na cozinha. Além disso, você se apaixonará pelo fato de ser extremamente fácil de fazer e com muito sabor! Estas são deliciosas guloseimas que você vai gostar de fazer de novo e de novo. Você também pode usá-las como sobremesas ou aperitivos de festas, e seus amigos nem saberão que estão comendo algo saudável. As Fat Bombs não são apenas rápidas, simples e gostosas, mas também são repletas de produtos que aumentam o metabolismo e queimam gordura abdominal! Sem mencionar os micronutrientes, vitaminas, minerais e superalimentos, contidos em algumas destas pequenas Fat Bombs. Como a gordura é a principal fonte de combustível na dieta cetogênica, e os carboidratos /açúcares são secundários, as Fat Bombs são úteis para o preenchimento dessa cota. Elas podem ser doces ou salgadas. Faça o download da sua cópia HOJE mesmo e aproveite para fazer essas delícias que dão água na boca INSTANTANEAMENTE!

Dieta Cetogênica: Receitas Doces e Salgadas de dar Água na Boca(Nutritivas e com Muita Gordura Boa)

by Sophia Rodgers

Porque dieta Cetogênica? Se você não sabia, a dieta cetogênica é uma das mais seguras e rápidas para regular seu peso. Nunca foi tão fácil perder todos esses quilinhos extras como é com essa dieta. Porém algumas pessoas têm dificuldade achando receitas o bastante para as suas refeições que incluam gorduras saudáveis, comidas sem glúten e com poucos carboidratos. As pessoas dizem que é especialmente difícil com bombas de gordura. Bom... agora não é mais! A chave é comer certo! Sem passar fome! Não precisa seguir as dietas da moda! Perca peso com bombas de gordura! Bombas de gordura foram feitas para melhorar o dia de pessoas que seguem uma dieta low carb ou cetogênica. Como elas estão cheias de gorduras proteínas e não tem carboidratos elas são perfeitas para todos. Elas são deliciosas e você não irá se cansar delas. A melhor parte é que elas não vão estragar sua dieta, mas são gostosas o bastante para você achar que está comendo algo que não deveria. Então pegue esse livro e vamos cozinhas. Você está prestes a descobrir uma nova maneira de fazer bombas de gordura deliciosas que pode comer e o quanto e quiser e ainda ser saudável ao mesmo tempo. Então o que está esperando? Pegue sua cópia agora!

Dieta Paleo: receitas Paleo definitivas para perder peso e se manter saudável

by Rebecca Herman

Você se sente como se estivesse lutando uma guerra perdida com você mesmo para perder peso? Infelizmente muitas pessoas nunca conseguirão seu perder peso porque elas não conseguem descobrir como alcançar seus resultados. Escolher uma dieta para seguir é fácil de falar mas difícil de cumprir. Há muitos fatores a serem considerados, alguns dos quais não são tão fáceis. Felizmente para você, eu não guardo nada. Nestas páginas, você encontrará tudo sobre o que realmente é a dieta Paleo, de forma que você possa avaliar devidamente seus méritos e decidir se ela é o meio de vida em que você se encaixa ou não. Esta dieta tem se provado eficaz para muitas pessoas, permitindo que elas se tornem mais saudáveis, percam peso, emagreçam e atinjam uma melhor qualidade de vida no geral. As receitas foram especialmente selecionadas de forma que você possa prepará-las em casa, utilizando ingredientes simples mas mesmo assim deliciosos e apetitosos. Aqueles que seguem a dieta Paleo acreditam que esta dieta é a mais natural e saudável forma de se alimentar. Ela é baseada na teoria de que a humanidade começou a adoecer e sofrer de excesso de peso com o início da agricultura. Assim, a dieta consiste nos produtos naturais que os humanos primitivos comiam durante o período Paleolítico. Este tipo de dieta irá trazer grandes benefícios para sua saúde e ajuda-lo a reduzir peso facilmente e mantê-lo em um nível constante. Com uma variedade de receitas para escolher que você nunca viu antes, você nunca estará perdido sem saber o que cozinhar!

Dieta cetogénica: Deliciosas Recetas Bajas en Calorías Para Instant Pot que Nutrirán tu Cuerpo (Olla programable)

by Andrea Obrien

¿Cansada del sobrepeso? ¿Lo intentaste pero no te funcionó? ¿Quieres perder peso más rápido? La Dieta Cetogénica te permite niveles controlados de grasas y proteínas, bajando los carbohidratos. Tu cuerpo quemará las grasas para ayudarse a perder kilos y en vez de la glucosa, las cetonas en tu sangre te darán la energía para seguir en pie. El principal énfasis está puesto en consumir grasas reduciendo los carbohidratos. Entonces, si quieres comer delicioso durante esta dieta, no te tendrás que negar estas cosas. Este libro de cocina de Instant Pot contiene más de 50 maravillosas recetas de platos con Instant Pot, con los cuales puedes complacerte. Un valor agregado es que puedes cocinarlas en tu Instant Pot. Teniendo un gran número de diferentes modos, será un excelente asistgente en tu cocina. Este libro contiene mis recetas ceto-amigables para Instant Pot, para desayuno, almuerzo, cena y hora de la merienda. Las recetas son deliciosas y fáciles de preparar. Este Recetario Cetogénico Instant Pot actúa como una guía de iniciación que te introducirá en la dieta Ceto, explicando exactamente qué es y los beneficios de la dieta, para luego equiparte con algunas herramientas, consejos, y fáciles recetas Instant Pot para que comiences. Estas recetas te ayudarán a sanar tu cuerpo, quemar grasa, y mantener un estilo de vida saludable. ¿Quieres tus comidas Ceto rápidas? ¡Este libro es para ti!

Pollo per cena

by Mary Roberts

Chicken Dinners è un libro di cucina pieno di fantastiche ricette di pollo che sorprenderanno voi e la vostra famiglia. Dalle ricette classiche a quelle più esotiche - sono sicura che diventeranno le preferite della vostra famiglia.

The Goodness of Guinness: A Loving History of the Brewery, Its People, and the City of Dublin

by Tony Corcoran

There is no other company, industry, or premises more closely aligned--indeed almost synonymous--with its hometown than Guinness's St. James's Gate Brewery and the city of Dublin. From the company's modest beginnings in 1759 to its heyday in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries and its continued strength into the twenty-first century, Guinness has had an enormous influence over the city's economic, social, and cultural life. In this warm and fascinating piece of history, Tony Corcoran examines the magnitude of the brewery's operation, and the working lives of the thousands of Dubliners who have depended on Guinness for their livelihood, either directly or indirectly. The company's unusually progressive treatment of its workers--health care, training, and housing--is revealed in detail, as is the Guinness family's philanthropy and compassion towards the less well-off residents of the city. Tracing Guinness's progressive attitudes to their roots, Corcoran also explores the important roles of the strong-willed women in each generation of the Guinness dynasty. A labor of love, full of anecdotes, humor, and historical insights into one of Dublin's most important and best-loved institutions. "Whenever I bleed, I am always surprised to see that my blood is not black. Certainly, when you consider that I was born into two Guinness families, had two Guinness grandfathers and five Guinness uncles, and was on the premises of Guinness before I could walk, I am as much a product of Guinness as the black stuff itself."--Tony Corcoran

The Power of Surrender: Let Go and Energize Your Relationships, Success and Wellbeing

by Judith Orloff

Are you longing for your life to be easier and more fun? Would you like to stop pushing, micromanaging, and forcing things so you can relax? What if you could enjoy what you have instead of always lusting for 'more'? What if you could live in 'the zone', propelled by powerful currents toward the right people and opportunities? What if you could stop worrying about money and live with more emotional ease in the moment? If you answer 'yes' to all these questions and desire lasting positive change, then prepare to experience the ecstasy of surrender. Are you longing for your life to be easier and more fun? Would you like to stop pushing, micromanaging and forcing things so you can relax? What if you could enjoy what you have instead of always lusting for 'more'? What if you could live in 'the zone', propelled by powerful currents toward the right people and opportunities? What if you could stop worrying about money and live with more emotional ease in the moment? If you answer 'yes' to all these questions and desire lasting positive change, then prepare to experience the ecstasy of surrender. The art of letting go, Dr Judith Orloff explains, is the secret key to manifesting power and success in all areas of life, including work, relationships, sexuality, radiant aging, and health and healing. With her stunning gift for storytelling coupled with her unique, results-oriented approach to physical, emotional and spiritual health - marrying neuroscience, psychiatry, intuitive medicine, energy techniques and more - Judith provides a powerful, practical and accessible map for anyone who is longing to be happier but who feels stuck, burned-out, tense, worried or afraid to let go.(Previously published as The Ecstasy of Surrender, ISBN: 9781781804209)

Ramen Otaku: Mastering Ramen at Home

by Sarah Gavigan Ann Volkwein Edward Lee

A guide to ramen for the home cook, from the chef behind the beloved shop Otaku Ramen.Sarah Gavigan is otaku. Loosely translated, she's a ramen geek. During her twenty years working in film production and as a music executive in L.A., Gavigan ate her way through the local ramen spots, but upon moving back to her native Nashville, she found she missed the steaming bowls of ramen she used to devour. So she dedicated herself to mastering the oft-secretive but always delicious art of ramen-making and opened her own shop within a few years.An Italian American born and raised in the South, Gavigan is an unlikely otaku. While her knowledge of ramen is rooted in tradition, her methods and philosophies are modern. Though ramen is often shrouded in mystery, Gavigan's 40+ recipes are accessible to the home cook who wants to learn about the cuisine but would sometimes rather make a quick stock in a pressure cooker than labor over a vat of liquid for twenty-four hours.Ramen Otaku strips the mystique from ramen while embracing its history, magic, and rightful place in the American home kitchen.

Superfuel: Ketogenic Keys to Unlock the Secrets of Good Fats, Bad Fats, and Great Health

by Dr James DiNicolantonio Dr Joseph Mercola

New York Times best-selling author Dr. Joseph Mercola teams up with cardiovascular expert Dr. James J. DiNicolantonio to cut through the confusion about how dietary fats affect our bodies--and set the record straight on how to eat for optimal health.Should you cook with coconut oil or vegetable oil? Eat butter, cream, or olive oil? Supplement with fish oil or flax oil? Sometimes it seems as if everyone has a different opinion on these crucial questions--but this book holds real answers. Best-selling author and teacher Dr. Joseph Mercola teams up with cardiovascular expert Dr. James DiNicolantonio to cut through the confusion about how dietary fats affect our bodies and set the record straight on how to eat for optimal well-being.Dr. DiNicolantonio, an internationally known and respected scientist, has spent nearly a decade studying the effects of different fats on the body. Dr. Mercola is one of the world's leading authorities on natural health. In Superfuel, they've gathered a wealth of information and insight in a form that's both impeccably researched and highly accessible.You'll read about: * The many health problems supposedly caused by saturated fat--that actually aren't * Why the so-called healthy vegetable oils are actually making you sick and fat * The optimal ratio of omega-3 to omega-6 fats in your diet * Foods that help resolve inflammation, increase longevity, and fight or prevent chronic illness * A cyclical ketogenic eating plan that keeps your body burning fat as healthy fuel * Supplemental fats such as fish oil, krill oil, and flax oil--what to take and how to choose * Which oils you should cook with, how to use them, and why * And much moreDrawing on Dr. DiNicolantonio's firsthand research at Saint Luke's Mid America Heart Institute, as well as hundreds of groundbreaking studies from the medical literature, Superfuel will give you the facts you need to optimize your fats and your health.

The 14-Day Anti-Inflammatory Diet: Heal your gut, prevent disease, and slow aging--one bite at a time!

by Mike Zimmerman The Editors Eat This, Not That!

Stop Inflammation to Prevent and Reverse Disease for a Longer, Happier Life!Look and Feel Better Than Ever! Discover the secret plan that jumpstarts your immune system and elimiates the silent killer that may be lurking inside you so you can finally STOP INFLAMMATION! Yes, inflammation may be secretly smoldering inside you until it emerges as weight gain, fatigure, high blood pressure, or type 2 diabetes. But now, you can take back control of your health! Studies show an anti-inflammatory diet can help you reverse or avoid cancer and beat heart disease, arthritis, Alzheimer's, IBS, psoriasis, insomnia, and leaky gut. The science-proven plan and delicious recipes in this book will help you dramatically improve your health and lose weight fast--in just two weeks! Health journalist Mike Zimmerman and the editors of Eat This, Not That! magazine have created a lifestyle plan to reverse inflammation by replacing your diet of processed, toxic fast foods with delicious, wholesome, plant-based meals that'll keep your body looking youthful and strong. The book features 75 quick and easy recipes that will help you lose up to a pound of toxic belly fat per day, and stay lean, healthy, and energized for life!

Rick Steves Ireland 2019 (Rick Steves)

by Rick Steves Pat O'Connor

Wander rustic towns, emerald valleys, lively cities, and moss-draped ruins: with Rick Steves on your side, Ireland can be yours! Inside Rick Steves Ireland 2019 you'll find:Comprehensive coverage for planning a multi-week trip through IrelandRick's strategic advice on how to get the most of your time and money, with rankings of his must-see favoritesTop sights and hidden gems, from the Rock of Cashel and the Ring of Kerry to distilleries making whiskey with hundred-year-old recipesHow to connect with local culture: Hoist a pint at the corner pub, enjoy traditional fiddle music, and jump into conversations buzzing with brogueBeat the crowds, skip the lines, and avoid tourist traps with Rick's candid, humorous insightThe best places to eat, sleep, and relax with a GuinnessSelf-guided walking tours of lively neighborhoods and awe-inspiring sightsTrip-planning tools, like how to link destinations, build your itinerary, and get from place to placeDetailed maps, including a fold-out map for exploring on the goUseful resources including a packing list, Irish phrase book, historical overview, and recommended readingOver 1,000 bible-thin pages include everything worth seeing without weighing you downAnnually updated information on Dublin, Kilkenny, Waterford, County Wexford, Kinsale, Cobh, Kenmare, The Ring of Kerry, Dingle Peninsula, County Clare, the Burren, Galway, the Aran Islands, Connemara, County Mayo, Belfast, Portrush, the Antrim Coast, Derry, County Donegal, and much moreMake the most of every day and every dollar with Rick Steves Ireland 2019.Planning a one- to two-week trip? Check out Rick Steves Best of Ireland.

Rick Steves Provence & the French Riviera (Rick Steves)

by Rick Steves Steve Smith

Stroll breathtaking coastlines, explore Roman ruins, and soak up the sun: with Rick Steves on your side, Provence and the French Riviera can be yours!Inside Rick Steves Provence & the French Riviera you'll find:Comprehensive coverage for spending a week or more exploring Provence and the RivieraRick's strategic advice on how to get the most out of your time and money, with rankings of his must-see favoritesTop sights and hidden gems, from the Pont du Gard aqueduct and impressionist masterpieces, to warm stone villages and cozy wineries How to connect with local culture: Relax at a waterfront café, dive into a bowl of bouillabaisse, and watch fishermen sail back to the harborBeat the crowds, skip the lines, and avoid tourist traps with Rick's candid, humorous insightThe best places to eat, sleep, and relax over a glass of Provençal wineSelf-guided walking tours of lively neighborhoods and incredible museums Detailed maps for exploring on the goUseful resources including a packing list, a French phrase book, a historical overview, and recommended readingOver 500 bible-thin pages include everything worth seeing without weighing you downComplete, up-to-date information on Arles, Avignon, Orange and the Côtes du Rhône, Nice, Monaco, Antibes, the Inland Riviera, and moreMake the most of every day and every dollar with Rick Steves Provence & the French Riviera.Spending more time in France? Try Rick Steves Best of France.

Taste of Home Instant Pot Cookbook: Savor 175 Must-have Recipes Made Easy in the Instant Pot

by Taste Of Home

Instant Pots are the hottest appliances on the market today, and they are changing the way we cook. The Taste of Home Instant Pot Cookbook will give you the essential recipes you want to make in your Instant Pot to feed your family and capture the flavor of the Instant Pot & electric pressure cooker craze!For fast-to-fix dinners, you can’t beat the convenience of an Instant Pot! That’s why these electric pressure and multi-cookers are the latest rage in homes across the country. Now you can make the most of this timesaving tool with Taste of Home Instant Pot Cookbook! Inside you’ll find a mouthwatering assortment of appetizers, entrees, sides and more—all made easy in the Instant Pot. Need a hearty weeknight dinner in a hurry? Whip up Saucy Mesquite Ribs. Looking for a meal-in-one dish that beats the clock? Consider Chicken Curry with Basmati Rice. You’ll find these recipes as well as easy breakfast dishes, finger-licking sandwiches and no-stress sides…all made quick in the Instant Pot. Dig into the comforting goodness you crave any day of the week. With the 175 recipes in Taste of Home Instant Pot Cookbook, it’s never been easier! You will also find key recipe hacks to help make use of the quick cooking feature of the Instant Pot like hard-boiled eggs, homemade yogurt, rice, beans, oatmeal, soups and bone broths, baked potatoes, even cheesecakes and more. Great for breakfast, lunch or dinner plus appetizers and desserts. Satisfy your meat-lovers or your vegetarians. Find out why the Instant Pot has so many obsessive fans (who call themselves, "Pot Heads"), and why you will soon be one among them. Instant Pots can be used as an electric pressure cooker, slow cooker, yogurt maker, rice cooker and more. Plus, a How to Use Your Instant Pot informational opening chapter so you will have Instant Pot success from the start!

A Drinkable Feast: A Cocktail Companion to 1920s Paris

by Philip Greene

A history of the Lost Generation in 1920s Paris told through the lens of the cocktails they lovedIn the Prohibition era, American cocktail enthusiasts flocked to the one place that would have them--Paris. In this sweeping look at the City of Light, cocktail historian Philip Greene follows the notable American ex-pats who made themselves at home in Parisian cafes and bars, from Ernest Hemingway, F. Scott Fitzgerald, and Gertrude Stein to Picasso, Coco Chanel, Cole Porter, and many more.A Drinkable Feast reveals the history of more than 50 cocktails: who was imbibing them, where they were made popular, and how to make them yourself from the original recipes of nearly a century ago. Filled with anecdotes and photos of the major players of the day, you'll feel as if you were there yourself, walking down the boulevards with the Lost Generation.

Torres en la cocina 3: Tradición con toque Torres

by Sergio Torres Javier Torres

La tercera entrega de Torres en la cocina. El toque Torres es una constante en nuestra cocina. Diferente, creativo, sorprendente... el toque Torres juega con los conceptos, las bases y los ingredientes para enriquecer la experiencia gastronómica y aportar frescura y personalidad a las recetas de siempre. Porque no entendemos la cocina como repetición sino como un diálogo entre tradición y vanguardia. Anímate a cocinar con toque Torres... y ¡con toque tú!

Torres a la cuina 3: Tradició amb toc Torres

by Sergio Torres Javier Torres

La tercera entrega de Torres a la cuina. El toc Torres és una constant a la nostra cuina. Diferent, creatiu, sorprenent..., el toc Torres juga amb els conceptes, les bases i els ingredients per enriquir l'experiència gastronòmica i aportar frescor i personalitat a les receptes de sempre. Perquè no entenem la cuina com una repetició de les mateixes coses, sinó com un diàleg entre la tradició i l'avantguarda. Anima't a cuinar amb un toc Torres... i afegeix-hi el teu toc personal!

La Cucina: Regional Cooking of Italy

by Giuliano Bugialli Italian Academy of Cuisine Staff

<p>2012 Reprint of Original 1953 Edition. Fifty years ago, a group of Italian scholars gathered to discuss a problem: how to preserve traditional Italian cooking. They formed the Italian Academy of Cuisine to document classic recipes from every region. <p>The academy’s more than seven thousand associates spread out to villages everywhere, interviewing grandmothers and farmers at their stoves, transcribing their recipes—many of which had never been documented before. This is the culmination of that research, an astounding feat—2,000 recipes that represent the patrimony of Italian country cooking. Each recipe is labeled with its region of origin, and it’s not just the ingredients but also the techniques that change with the geography. Sprinkled throughout are historical recipes that provide fascinating views into the folk culture of the past. There are no fancy flourishes here, and no shortcuts; this is true salt-of-the-earth cooking. <p>The book is an excellent everyday source for easily achievable recipes, with such simple dishes as White Bean and Escarole Soup, Polenta with Tomato Sauce, and Chicken with Lemon and Capers. For ease of use there are four different indexes. La Cucina is an essential reference for every cook’s library.</p>

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