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Showing 8,826 through 8,850 of 28,176 results

Dieta Chetogenica: Ricette Facili, A Basso Contenuto Di Carboidrati, Per Perdere Peso Una Volta Per Tutte

by Nick Rose

Fat Bombs e dolci! Questo libro fornisce delle ricette per preparare Fat Bombs, dolci e snack che si adattano perfettamente al vostro piano dietetico ketogenico. Le Fat Bombs sono lo snack salutare scelto da tutti i fanatici della dieta ketogenica! Tranquilli! Anche se non state seguendo la dieta ketogenica, potrete comunque deliziarvi con questi snack veloci, golosi e salutari, che vi forniranno un sacco di energie. Le Fat Bombs non sono solamente veloci, gustose e semplici da preparare, bensì risvegliano il metabolismo e aiutano ad eliminare la pancetta! Lo scopo di questi dolci è quello di darvi una sferzata di energia durante la giornata, specialmente dopo aver fatto attività fisica. Modificando la quantità di grassi giornalieri consumati sarete in grado di ottenere, finalmente, quel corpo da favola che avete sempre sognato! Compratelo subito e preparatevi a portare la vostra felicità, e la vostra salute, ai massimi livelli!

Paleo Rezepte: Der Ultimative Paleo-speiseplan Für Gewichtsverlust Garantiert (Paleo Kochbuch)

by Kevin Miller

Beste Paleo Kochbuch Möchten Sie Abnehmen, Muskeln Aufbauen Und Gesünder Leben? Sind Sie ernst mit Ihrem Körper und wollen verarbeitete Lebensmittel loswerden? Ist es Zeit, Gewicht zu verlieren, stärker zu werden und das gesunde Leben zu Leben, das Sie immer wollten? Die Paleo-Diät ist eine der am schnellsten wachsenden Möglichkeiten, Gewicht zu verlieren, die sich für alle Arten von Menschen bewährt hat. Im Gegensatz zu anderen Diäten bietet es alle wesentlichen Lebensmittel und Nährstoffe erforderlich, unter Beibehaltung einer gesunden balance und Auswahl, und hat sich schnell als eine der gesündesten Diäten um etabliert. In einer prägnanten, Schritt für Schritt, Paleo für Anfänger führt Sie durch den Prozess der Umwandlung Ihrer Gesundheit durch die Annahme eines Paleo lebensstil. Paleo für Anfänger lehrt Sie: •Kapitel 1: Einführung •Kapitel 2: Vorteile Einer Kohlenhydratarmen Paleo-Diät •Kapitel 3: Allgemeine Leitlinien im Kopf behalten •Kapitel 4: Sollte & sollte nicht von Paleo Diät •Kapitel 5: Leckere Rezepte Das Ziel dieses Buches ist es, Sie auf dem richtigen Weg zu einer effektiven Ernährung durch unsere leckeren und nahrhaften Rezepte und detaillierte Speiseplan zu führen. Wenn Sie unsere Struktur Folgen, werden Sie auf dem Weg zu vergießen 10 Pfund innerhalb des ersten Monats. So Laden Sie diese Anleitung jetzt und lernen Sie schöne neue Rezepte, die Sie und Ihre Gäste lieben werden!

Organisez le meilleur pique-nique de tous les temps

by Amber Richards

Organisez le meilleur pique-nique de tous les temps est un guide simple mais complet pour maitriser l’art du pique-nique. Qu’il s’agisse d’une escapade romantique sur la plage à deux ou d’une sortie avec toute la famille au parc du coin, nous garantissons que vous aurez le meilleur lieu de pique-nique, le meilleur repas, une stratégie parfaite, et un beau ciel bleu (non garanti) ! Après tout, vous ne voulez pas terminer avec de la nourriture gâchée, une invasion d’insectes, et un monospace rempli d’enfants grognons ! Et pourquoi pas avec un premier baiser qui finit par un transport d’urgence en hélicoptère ? Surtout pas ! Organisez le meilleur pique-nique de tous les temps est votre guide à garder sous la main pour organiser un pique-nique parfait à coup sûr. Téléchargez dès maintenant votre copie.

Ricettario per Dieta Chetogenica con Slow Cooker: Ricette Semplici per Dare Gusto alla Vostra Vita

by Emma Wittman

"Ricettario per la Dieta Chetogenica con la Slow Cooker: Ricette Semplici Chetogeniche con la Slow Cooker per Dare Gusto alla Vostra Vita." di Emma Wittman Le migliori ricette chetogeniche per Slow Cooker. Le migliori ricette per slow cooker per la dieta chetogenica, tutto cucinato alla perfezione. Liberatevi per sempre del vostro grasso e preparatevi ai nuovi cambiamenti del vostro corpo. Quando adotterete la dieta chetogenica, vi accorgerete che eliminerete il grasso facilmente e che mantenere un peso forma salutare sarà molto più semplice. Acquisirete un livello di efficienza fisica e di felicità quale non avete mai provato nella vostra vita, che è la chiave per mantenere una mente aperta e positiva, nonché una forma e un peso che vi soddisfano. Le slow cooker esistono da tanti anni e non mancano mai nelle case, ma sapevate che strumento valido possono rivelarsi quando si tratta di cucinare cibo sano? Questo libro vi mostrerà come fare per usare una slow cooker, come trovare quella migliore per la vostra famiglia e perché la sua versatilità e semplicità possono rendere più semplice la dieta chetogenica. E' stato dimostrato che la dieta chetogenica aumenta l'energia della persona, rende la mente più lucida, protegge dalle malattie gravi e porta alla perdita di peso. Con uno aiuto come la slow cooker è semplice preparare i pasti e con un libro come "Ricettario per la Dieta Chetogenica con la Slow Cooker: Ricette Semplici Chetogeniche con la Slow Cooker per Dare Gusto alla Vostra Vita" che vi aiuterà a perdere peso, prevenire malattie e aumentare l'autostima, trovare ispirazione non è mai stato così facile.

Libro De Cocina Cetogénica

by Diana Watson

¿Estás buscando el libro de cocina cetogénica perfecto que te llevará por la vía rápida para una mejor salud? ¿También tienes poco tiempo y quieres que tus comidas sean rápidas pero deliciosas al mismo tiempo? Presentamos "La cocina cetogénica rápida y fácil" ¡El camino más rápido hacia la vida y la salud épicas! Los beneficios de embarcarse en este viaje de cocina cetogénica incluyen: Menor ingesta de carbohidratos y calorías Niveles aumentados de energía Mayor quema de grasa y pérdida de peso Plan de dieta y plan de comidas para desayuno, almuerzo y cena Mejora de la calidad de vida ¡Y toda una lista de beneficios positivos!

Come Preparare Un Pasto Completo In Un Lampo

by Prasenjeet Kumar

Dal famoso sito Cooking In A Jiffy e dall'autore di numerosi libri best seller di libri di cucina, ecco un libro che non si ferma solo alle ricette. Rivela invece il segreto per preparare un pasto completo in circa 30 minuti. Come è possibile? Creando le corrette sequenze e suddividendo le attività in processi paralleli, è la risposta di Prasenjeet Kumar. Quindi, se finora non sapevate (o non avevate immaginato) come creare sequenze e organizzare processi paralleli possa ridurre di parecchio il vostro lavoro, siete proprio nel posto giusto. In quest'ottica, il libro presenta circa 40 piatti suddivisi in 10 menu completi che consistono in: due “modelli” di colazione, quattro menu indiani, uno tailandese, uno giapponese, e due occidentali.

Olla programable: Instant Pot)

by Jeff Waters

Se trata de un recetario para los usuarios de la nueva olla Instant Pot. Un recetario diseñado para conocer de antemano las novedades que proporciona este nuevo producto a aquellas personas que se consideran principiantes en el arte de la cocina; suministrándoles en primer lugar, un reconocimiento de las distintas funcionalidades y ventajas que la Instant Pot ofrece, como lo son: multifuncionalidad, rentabilidad, rapidez, versatilidad, higiene y de fácil uso. Asimismo, Ofrece una serie de recetas para “Dos Porciones” muy fáciles de elaborar con la Instant Pot, recetas variadas, verdaderamente deliciosas, sanas, con gran valor nutricional y de muy bajo costo; diseñada para principiantes en la cocina.

Olla programable: Recetas de Dieta Cetoagénica

by Jamie Fowler

•Capítulo 1: La Dieta Cetogénica •Capítulo 2: ¿Cómo se diferencia la dieta Cetoagénica a la Paleo? •Capítulo 3: Tips interesantes para la Dieta Cetoagénica. •Capítulo 4: Tips para el comienzo de la Dieta Cetoagénica. •Capítulo 5: ¿Qué es Instant Pot? •Capítulo 6: Recetas •Capítulo7: Rica Sopa de Yogurt Instant Pot con Rábano Daikon • Deliciosa Concha de Salchicha Ricotta con Pastel de Coliflor •Ejemplar Sopa de Brócoli • Pollo Guisado con Sabor a Menta •Alucinantes Costillas de Cerdo •Encantador Desayuno de Huevos con Queso •El Mejor Coliflor con Arroz •Encantadora Parrillada de Coco con Vainilla •Las Mejores Alcachofas al Vapor •Sopa de Champiñones al Estilo Titanic •Ideales Pechugas de Pollo Picante •Encantador Pan Relleno con Huevos •Súper Deliciosas Chuletas de Cerdo •Perfecto Pastel de Coliflor con Queso y Huevos •Salmón con Crema de Espinacas y Salsa Holandesa •Encantador desayuno de Calabacines con Ají •Sabroso Brócoli fácil de Preparar •Sabrosa e Inspiradora Sopa de Carne Mejicana •Encantadoras y Fácil Bananas Francesas Sofritas Instant Pot •Rica Tortilla Mejicana •Impresionante Sopa de Pescado con Zanahorias • Rico Pollo con Aceitunas •Pollo Estupendo •Desayuno Certero de Pastel de Arándanos •Calabaza espagueti a la Marinara con Queso Parmesano • Energéticas y Delicioso Pollo Tierno Esmechado • Nostálgica Sopa de Coliflor con Crema de Perejil • Sabroso Puré de Papas con Ajo y Cebollin • Sabroso Pollo Relleno •Verdadera Torta de Chocolate •Riquísimo

Receitas de Churrasco Deliciosas e Saborosas

by Will Mitchell

Churrasco é mais do que uma ótima maneira de preparar um saboroso jantar. Para um verdadeiro mestre churrasqueiro, o churrasco é um estilo de vida. O cheiro da carne sendo assada no fogo certamente vai motivar seus entes queridos a se unirem para desfrutar de uma deliciosa refeição. Aliás, quem não gosta de uma suculenta carne assada? Você vai descobrir... •Delicioso Molho de Churrasco Picante Carolina •Pontinhas Queimadas Engraçadas ao estilo KC •Tempero Vigoroso Sabor de Memphis •Peito Bovino Defumado Encantador •Molho Confiável Adocicado e Apimentado de Maçã •Molho Elegante Adocicado e Apimentado de Maçã •Grande Frango Assado Festivo •Queijo Cheddar Defumado Insano •Costeletas de Cordeiro Adocicadas Extragrandes ao Estilo Braye •e muito mais receitas Se você é um onívoro, você vai deliciar-se com este livro, pelo jeito divertido de usar os ingredientes e pelo conhecimento em balancear os grupos alimentares. Este livro se tornará o seu melhor amigo. Sempre uma ajuda para quando você estiver por conta própria e pronto para dar uma mão quando você for compartilhar refeições com família e amigos. Adquira sua cópia hoje.

Dieta De Resistencia A La Insulina: Su Guía Esencial Para La Prevención De La Diabetes Y Deliciosas Recetas Que Puede Disfrutar! (manejo De Pcos, Prevención De La)

by Diana Watson

¿Quién dice que tienes que renunciar a tus alimentos favoritos? ¡Toma hoy el control de tu diabetes tipo 2 con deliciosas recetas bajas en azúcar y altas en proteínas! ¿Padeces diabetes tipo 2? ¿Tienes problemas para mantener un nivel de azúcar en sangre bajo día tras día? ¿Sufres de aumento en tu azúcar después de una comida pesada y requieres de medicina para estabilizar tu condición? Y lo que es más importante, ¿estás buscando una dieta en la que puedas confiar para asegurar un nivel de azúcar en sangre estable después de cada comida y que también sea deliciosa y satisfactoria? Presentamos El Plan Dietético de Resistencia a la Insulina para Diabéticos Tipo 2 – Come lo que Amas Mientras Tomas el Control de tu Diabetes. En este libro recibirás y aprenderás: Qué puede hacer el plan dietético de resistencia a la insulina para ti. Cómo funciona y manejo a largo plazo de tu condición. Un plan dietético completo para que comiences. Expectativas y metas que debes ponerte. Recetas saludables bajas en azúcar para el desayuno, comida y cena. Alimentos saludables que trabajan para ayudarte a lograr una mejor salud y un cuerpo más saludable. Aquí hay algunas recetas que sé que amarás. Frittata de Albahaca y Jitomate. Panquecitos de Nuez, Zanahoria y Plátano. Revuelto de Queso de Cabra y Vegetales. Hummus con Limón. Tabbouleh con Quinoa. Brochetas de Camarón Asadas. Pimientos Rellenos de Arroz y Carne de Res. Hamburguesas de Pavo Asadas. Pechugas de Pollo con Salsa de Naranja. Camarón Pacotilla con Dip de Mostaza y Estragón. Y mucho, mucho más.... Adquiere hoy tu copia de este libro y diles adiós a las comidas insípidas de una vez por todas. ¡Desplázate hacia arriba y presiona el botón "Comprar Ahora" para adquirir tu copia!

SOUTHERN LIVING Christmas at Home: 205 Recipes and Ideas to Make This Your Most Festive Holiday Ever!

by The Editors of Southern Living

There's nothing like being at home for the holidays, and imagine how special your holiday can be with the help of Southern Living. For over 50 years, the experts at Southern Living have been helping their readers navigate the holidays with the best holiday recipes and advice on holiday decorating, gifts and more. Now, in Christmas at Home, the all-new special collector's edition, you'll have over 205 recipes and ideas to make your holidays their brightest.With sections devoted to Holiday Decorating, Holiday Menus, and Holiday Desserts, this 112-page guide will become your go-to guide for planning a holiday to remember. Decorate with Magnolia, craft a vintage Christmas, or lay out the perfect Christmas Eve Buffet. There is no time of year more suited for baking than Christmas, and the Holiday Desserts section alone is a mouthwatering collection of treats and confections that are perfect for sharing with family and friends including several takes on Southern Living's signature white cake. In addition, to celebrate 50 years of Southern Living, we've included 50 years of Sweets, which includes the best holiday treats from every decade of the magazine.Make this Christmas one to remember with the help of Southern Living Christmas at Home.

Branca: A Spirited Italian Icon

by Niccolò Branca di Romanico

A richly illustrated history of the world-famous Italian distillery and the country’s best-known liqueur, as seen through the brand’s legendary poster art and creative advertising campaigns. Since its founding in 1845, the Fratelli Branca Distillerie company has maintained a solid foothold in both domestic and international markets. Its unmistakable, bitter-tasting liqueur quickly became legendary with its combination of herbs and roots sourced from all over the world. The pioneering secret recipe, which is left to brew in oak barrels for more than a year, soon made history under the name Fernet-Branca. Today, the company continues to have its base in Milan, but exports its entire range worldwide thanks to a string of innovative advertising campaigns, some of which have entered design and poster history in more than a century of creative publicity. This book covers 170 years of the company’s life through a beautifully illustrated historical account that documents the continued rise of the brand, and includes many of the more successful advertising campaigns, offering a handsome collector’s album of historical coverage and archive material, with reproductions of poster art and sketches from the 1960s and 1980s.

Chinese: 50 Essential Recipes for Today's Busy Cook (The Best of Everything )

by Adams Media

Everything® cookbooks are a popular choice for home cooks looking for fresh, original recipes that only taste like you’ve spent all day in the kitchen. Now you can make all your favorite Chinese dishes at home! Here’s all you need to get started - whether you’re making a simple meal for one or an elaborate buffet for company - with recipes like Savory Shanghai Noodles and Mu Shu Beef.

Nourishment: What Animals Can Teach Us about Rediscovering Our Nutritional Wisdom

by Fred Provenza

Reflections on feeding body and spirit in a world of change <P><P> Animal scientists have long considered domestic livestock to be too dumb to know how to eat right, but the lifetime research of animal behaviorist Fred Provenza and his colleagues has debunked this myth. Their work shows that when given a choice of natural foods, livestock have an astoundingly refined palate, nibbling through the day on as many as fifty kinds of grasses, forbs, and shrubs to meet their nutritional needs with remarkable precision. <P><P> In Nourishment Provenza presents his thesis of the wisdom body, a wisdom that links flavor-feedback relationships at a cellular level with biochemically rich foods to meet the body’s nutritional and medicinal needs. Provenza explores the fascinating complexity of these relationships as he raises and answers thought-provoking questions about what we can learn from animals about nutritional wisdom. <P><P> What kinds of memories form the basis for how herbivores, and humans, recognize foods? Can a body develop nutritional and medicinal memories in utero and early in life? Do humans still possess the wisdom to select nourishing diets? Or, has that ability been hijacked by nutritional “authorities”? Consumers eager for a “quick fix” have empowered the multibillion-dollar-a-year supplement industry, but is taking supplements and enriching and fortifying foods helping us, or is it hurting us? <P><P> On a broader scale Provenza explores the relationships among facets of complex, poorly understood, ever-changing ecological, social, and economic systems in light of an unpredictable future. To what degree do we lose contact with life-sustaining energies when the foods we eat come from anywhere but where we live? To what degree do we lose the mythological relationship that links us physically and spiritually with Mother Earth who nurtures our lives? <P><P> Provenza’s paradigm-changing exploration of these questions has implications that could vastly improve our health through a simple change in the way we view our relationships with the plants and animals we eat. Our health could be improved by eating biochemically rich foods and by creating cultures that know how to combine foods into meals that nourish and satiate. Provenza contends the voices of “authority” disconnect most people from a personal search to discover the inner wisdom that can nourish body and spirit. That journey means embracing wonder and uncertainty and avoiding illusions of stability and control as we dine on a planet in a universe bent on consuming itself.

Depuración Smoothie Verde 10 (10-Day Green Smoothie Cleanse Spanish Edition)

by Jj Smith

Finalmente disponible en Español, el aclamado bestseller del New York Times. ¡Baja hasta 15 libras en 10 días!Con Depuración Smoothie Verde 10 lograrás incrementar tu nivel de energía, limpiar tu mente, mejorar tu salud general y dar un impulso radical a tu pérdida de peso. Compuestos por una mezcla de súper alimentos, frutas y verduras de hoja verde, los smoothies verdes aquí propuestos constituyen una bebida saludable y deliciosa que además ayudan a saciar el apetito. Disfrutarás bebiéndolos y tu cuerpo te agradecerá que los consumas, porque tu salud y energía se incrementarán hasta niveles que nunca imaginaste posibles. ¡Es una experiencia que puede cambiarte la vida solo con que lo intentes! Este libro incluye la lista de compras, las recetas y una serie de detalladas instrucciones para realizar una depuración de 10 días, además de sugerencias para obtener un resultado óptimo y duradero. ¿Estás listo para verte más esbelto, sexy y saludable? Si completas el programa de Depuración Smoothie Verde 10, lograrás: • Desintoxicar tu organismo y recuperar tu salud y energía • Perder entre 10 y 15 libras en 10 días • Librarte de la grasa corporal, incluyendo la del vientre • Reducir tu cintura sin necesidad de realizar ejercicios extenuantes • Anhelar de manera natural alimentos saludables,de modo que no tengas necesidad de volver a hacer dieta. • Más de 100 recetas saludables para una gran variedad de dolencias y objetivos.

Culinaria France: A Celebration of Food and Tradition

by Andre Domine

Culinaria France invites the reader to a culinary journey through this paradise for gourmets. Take a look at Paris’ top gastronomy, learn about the origins of rural cuisine, breathe the air of Provence, and peak into the nets of France’s fishermen on the northern coasts. Lavishly illustrated with wonderful photographs, this volume provides a completely up-to-date portrait of the richness of French specialties and whets the appetite for culinary pleasures à la française.

Ottolenghi Simple: A Cookbook

by Yotam Ottolenghi

A collection of 130 easy, flavor-forward recipes from beloved chef Yotam Ottolenghi. In Ottolenghi Simple, powerhouse author and chef Yotam Ottolenghi presents 130 streamlined recipes packed with his signature Middle Eastern–inspired flavors, all simple in at least (and often more than) one way: made in 30 minutes or less, with 10 or fewer ingredients, in a single pot, using pantry staples, or prepared ahead of time for brilliantly, deliciously simple meals. Brunch gets a make-over with Braised Eggs with Leeks and Za’atar; Cauliflower, Pomegranate, and Pistachio Salad refreshes the side-dish rotation; Lamb and Feta Meatballs bring ease to the weeknight table; and every sweet tooth is sure to be satisfied by the spectacular Fig and Thyme Clafoutis. With more than 130 photographs, this is elemental Ottolenghi for everyone.

The Bar Cart Bible: Everything You Need to Stock Your Home Bar and Make Delicious Classic Cocktails

by Media Adams

The Recipe for the Perfect Bar Cart! Like with any good drink, the secret to creating a winning bar cart is to understand its components. The Bar Cart Bible breaks down these elements and provides you with the necessary information, including:300+ cocktail recipesBottles to have on handA glassware guideRequired equipmentMeasurement chartsDefinitions of bartending terminologyGarnish suggestionsMixology tips4 pieces of frame-ready, decorative artNow isn't it time for a drink?

Joe Beef: Another Cookbook of Sorts

by Frederic Morin David McMillan Meredith Erickson

It's the end of the world as we know it. Or not. Either way, you want Joe Beef: Surviving the Apocalypse in your bunker and/or kitchen.In their much-loved first cookbook, Frederic Morin, David MacMillan, and Meredith Erickson introduced readers to the art of living the Joe Beef way. Now they're back with another deeply personal, refreshingly unpretentious collection of 150 new recipes, some taken directly from the menus of Fred and Dave's acclaimed Montreal restaurants, others from summers spent on Laurentian lakes and Sunday dinners at home. Think Watercress soup with Trout Quenelles, Artichokes Bravas, and Deer Beer Belly--alongside Smoked Meat Croquettes, a Tater Tot Galette, and Squash Sticky Buns.Also included are instructions for making your own soap and cough drops and guidance on stocking a cellar with apocalyptic essentials--Canned Bread, Pickled Pork Butt, and Smoked Apple Cider Vinegar--for throwing the most sought-after in-bunker dinner party.In this book filled with recipes, reflections, and ramblings, you'll find chapters devoted to the Quebecois tradition of celebrating Christmas in July, the magic of puvlic television, and Fred and Dave's unique take on barbecue (Brunt-Enf Bourguignon, Cassoulet Rapide), as well as ruminations on natural wine and gluten-free cooking, and advice on why French cuisine rocks at a dinner party.Whether you're holing up for a zombie holocaust or just cooking at home, Joe Beef is a book about doing it yourself, about making it your own, and about living--or at least surviving--in style.

Rick Steves Best of Europe (Rick Steves)

by Rick Steves

Hit Europe's can't-miss art, sights, and bites with Rick Steves Best of Europe!Expert advice from Rick Steves on what's worth your time and moneyItineraries for one to four days in the top destinations in England, France, Germany, Italy, the Netherlands, Spain, and SwitzerlandRick's tips for beating the crowds, skipping lines, and avoiding tourist trapsThe best of local culture, flavors, and haunts, including walks through the most interesting neighborhoods and museumsTrip planning strategies like how to link destinations and design your itinerary, what to pack, where to stay, and how to get aroundOver 100 full-color maps and vibrant photosExperience Europe's Old World romance and New World excitement for yourself with Rick Steves Best of Europe!Rick Steves Best of Europe covers London, Paris, Provence, the French Riviera, Barcelona, Madrid, Rome, Venice, Florence, Cinque Terre, the Swiss Alps/Berner Oberland, Munich, Rothenberg and the Romantic Road, the Rhine Valley, Berlin, and Amsterdam

Joe Beef: Another Cookbook of Sorts

by Frederic Morin David McMillan Meredith Erickson

A new cookbook/survival guide/love letter to Montreal for these apocalyptic times, from the James Beard Award–nominated culinary adventurists and proprietors of the beloved restaurant, Joe Beef. “The first Joe Beef cookbook changed forever what a cookbook could be. Anything that came after had to take it into account. Now, with this latest and even more magnificent beast, the rogue princes of Canadian cuisine and hospitality show us the way out of the numbing, post-apocalyptic restaurant Hell of pretentiousness and mediocrity that threatens to engulf us all. It makes us believe that the future is shiny, bright, beautiful, delicious—and probably Québécois. This book will change your life.” —Anthony Bourdain It’s the end of the world as we know it. Or not. Either way, you want Joe Beef: Surviving the Apocalypse in your bunker and/or kitchen. In their much-loved first cookbook, Frédéric Morin, David McMillan, and Meredith Erickson introduced readers to the art of living the Joe Beef way. Now, they’re back with another deeply personal, refreshingly unpretentious collection of more than 150 new recipes, some taken directly from the menus of Fred and Dave’s acclaimed Montreal restaurants, others from summers spent on Laurentian lakes and Sunday dinners at home. Think Watercress Soup with Trout Quenelles, Artichokes Bravas, and seasonal variations on Pot-au-Feu—alongside Smoked Meat Croquettes, a Tater Tot Galette, and Squash Sticky Buns. Also included are instructions for making your own soap and cough drops, not to mention an epic 16-page fold-out gatefold with recipes and guidance for stocking a cellar with apocalyptic essentials (Canned Bread, Pickled Pork Butt, and Smoked Apple Cider Vinegar) for throwing the most sought-after in-bunker dinner party Filled with recipes, reflections, and ramblings, in this book you’ll find chapters devoted to the Québécois tradition of celebrating Christmas in July, the magic of public television, and Fred and Dave’s unique take on barbecue (Burnt-End Bourguignon, Cassoulet Rapide), as well as ruminations on natural wine and gluten-free cooking, and advice on how children should behave at dinner. Whether you’re holing up for a zombie holocaust or just cooking at home, Joe Beef is a book about doing it yourself, about making it on your own, and about living—or at least surviving—in style.

Taco! Taco! Taco!: The Ultimate Taco Cookbook - Over 100 Recipes for Everybody

by Sara Haas Bryan Roof

Make every day Taco Tuesday! Tacos are the perfect food--uniquely versatile and incredibly delicious! Taco! Taco! Taco! features 100 taco recipes that are as easy to prepare as they are to love.Who doesn't like tacos? Simple to make, tacos can be prepared in many different ways, and provide the ideal platform for tons of nourishing foods. Taco! Taco! Taco! features 100 taco recipes, each providing delicious and fun ideas for your next meal. Some recipes include: * Chicken Shawarma Tacos * Italian Meatball Tacos * BBQ Skirt Steak Tacos * Grilled Coriander Shrimp Tacos * Cumin Chickpea Tacos * Mediterranean Veggie Tacos * Sesame Bok Choy Tacos * Cinnamon French Toast Taco * S'mores Tacos * Yogurt Flatbreads, and many more!Guaranteed to be a hit at any dinner table, these flavorful tacos will have you saying, "Taco! Taco! Taco!"

The Food of Italy

by Waverley Root

Root shares the stories of an elephant forced to spend the winter of 1551 in the South Tyrol and the dishes named after him, the proper way to bottle Chianti, and the mysteries surrounding the origin of tortellini. Essential reading for travelers—of the armchair and ticketed variety, alike—The Food of Italy, which features decorative maps and illustrations, brings the subtleties of the Italian palate into any home.

100 Family Meals: Bring the Family Back to the Dinner Table (Taste of Home )

by Editors at Taste of Home

Discover what thousands of other home cooks already have—sharing meals as a family is important. Starting today you can make memories and make a difference in your family. Join the challenge that’s sweeping households from coast to coast. Resolve to serve100 sit-down family meals this year. It’s easy with Taste of Home 100 Family Meals! This exciting new cookbook helps you savor the heartwarming benefits of family dinners, casual weekend meals and even Saturday-morning breakfasts. It’s a snap with this collection of 100 simple entrees, each including a side dish option, dessert idea or other serving suggestion. From fast stews and hot sandwiches to slow-cooked dishes and comforting casseroles, dinner-time solutions are always at your fingertips…no matter what the family calendar looks like. You’ll also find two bonus chapters, helping you round out main dishes with no-fuss sides and quick desserts. Icons highlight main courses that come together in 30 minutes, simmer up in a slow cooker or only require a handful of ingredients. Tips shared by other family cooks help you substitute ingredients, streamline preparation or round out the meal. In addition, notes panels and journal sections help you keep your commitment to sharing a meal with your family at least 100 times over the next 12 months. Join the #100FamilyMeals initiative, feed your family home-cooked dinners and start making memories in your home tonight. With Taste of Home 100 Family Meals, you’ll make the dinner table a special place once again. CHAPTERS Introduction 30-Minute Menus Beefy Entrees Chicken Dinners Pork, Ham & More Seafood Specials Meatless Mains Weekend Breakfasts Sides, Salads & Breads Quick Desserts

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