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Showing 201 through 225 of 6,993 results

The Learning Disabled Child: Ways That Parents Can Help

by Suzanne H. Stevens

Stevens gives parents what they need to determine whether or not their child has a learning disability. She then provides tips to help parents navigate the public school system in order to obtain help. She also presents adaptive techniques, discusses the therapies which are available and what they can do. She asks parents the tough questions which need to be answered if a learning-disabled child is to succeed in a regular classroom and adapt successfully to the disability. Clear, concises, informative, upbeat, practical.

The New Boy Is Blind

by William J. Thomas

from the book jacket: Ricky is in the fourth grade-but he's never been in school before. He is just like all his classmates except for one special difference-he is blind. How he adjusts to this new world of the clasroom, the playground, and the people around him-and how they adjust to him-makes a sensitive story about frustration and triumph. Ricky's friends, teachers, and, most of all, his mother learn an important lesson that while Ricky is blind, he is still able to do everything.

One Child

by Torey Hayden

Finally, a beginning...<P><P> The time had finally come. The time I had been waiting for through all these long months that I knew sooner or later had to occur. Now it was here.<P> She had surprised me so much by actually crying that for a moment I did nothing but look at her. Then I gathered her into my arms, hugging her tightly. She clutched onto my shirt so that I could feel the dull pain of her fingers digging into my skin. She cried and cried and cried. I held her and rocked the chair back and on its rear legs, feeling my arms and chest get damp from the tears and her hot breath and the smallness of the room.

One of the Lucky Ones

by Lucy Ching

<P>Many people might think me unlucky because I am blind, writes Lucy Ching in this poignant autobiography, but I prefer to think of myself as one of the lucky ones. <P>Indeed, Lucy Ching's achievements despite total blindness would be outstanding in any time and place- especially so in China of the 1930s, where the blind were treated as outcasts and blind children were sometimes sold into slavery by their own families. Lucy Ching was fortunate enough to be kept at home with her parents, but as she reveals in this remarkable memoir, her triumph over her disability was due to her own fierce determination... and to a very special friendship. Under the devoted care of her amah, an illiterate servant woman who was guided only by common sense, intuition and affection for the child, Lucy Ching learned to live in a sighted world, vowing to have the independence and fulfillment of a profession. <P>As a child, Lucy taught herself to read and write in braille and was allowed to attend school with sighted children. And, quite against the beliefs of her family, she converted to Christianity and made a solemn promise to God that her lifework would be to help the blind. Lucy's unflagging dedication was rewarded with a scholarship to the Perkins School for the Blind in Boston, where she received the special training which has enabled her to carry out her promise. <P>My life could have been spent in enforced idleness and isolation, observes Lucy Ching, cut off from other people and their lives and problems. But I was luckier than that. God had other plans for me. <P>Like Helen Keller, she found herself, her work and her God through affliction. Today Lucy Ching is a social worker in Hong Kong, where she works with the blind as well as other handicapped people.

Ordinary Daylight: A Portrait of an Artist Going Blind

by Andrew Potok

<P>Andrew Potok is an intense, vigorous, sensual man--and a gifted painter. Then, passing forty, he rapidly begins to go blind from an inherited eye disease, retinitis pigmentosa. Depressed and angry, he rages at the losses that are eradicating his life as an artist, his sources of pleasure, his competence as a man. He hates himself for becoming blind. But as he will ultimately discover, and as this remarkable memoir recounts, it is not the end of the world. It is the beginning. <P> his the story of Potok's remarkable odyssey out of despair. He attempts to come to terms with his condition: learning skills for the newly blind, dealing with freakish encounters with the medical establishment, going to London for a promised cure through a bizarre and painful "therapy" of bee stings. He wrestles with the anguish of knowing that his daughter has inherited the same disease that is stealing his own eyesight. And then, as he edges ever closer to complete blindness, there comes the day when he recognizes that the exhilaration he once found in the mix of paint and canvas, hand and eye, he has begun to find in words. <P>By turns fierce, blunt, sexy, and uproariously funny, Andrew Potok's memoir of his journey is as shatteringly frank as it is triumphant.

Outsiders in a Hearing World: A Sociology of Deafness

by Paul C. Higgins

Sociological observations on several topics in the deaf community: identity, deviance among the deaf, stigma, and encounters with the hearing.

Save Me! A Young Woman's Journey through Schizophrenia to Health

by Judy Lee

The author describes growing up with an alcoholic mother and plunging into the drug culture during her years as a college student. After several LSD trips she found herself losing touch with reality, and was diagnosed as a paranoid schizophrenic. With the help of a "reality therapist" and her deep Christian faith she finally managed to rebuild her life.

Theories of Illness: World Survey

by George Peter Murdock

Theories of Illness establishes a new landmark in comparative studies. Utilizing concepts from modern medicine and anthropological theory, Professor Murdock distinguishes the natural causes of illness from theories of supernatural causation. He subdivides the latter into theories of illness that are related to aggression (witchcraft, sorcery, and spirit aggression) and those which are related to guilt and a sense of sin (taboo violation and mystical retribution). Obviously, these relate to man's most basic beliefs as revealed in early religions.

Adjustment to Severe Physical Disability: A Metamorphosis

by Charlene Deloach Bobby G. Greer

<p><i>Adjustment to Severe Physical Disability: A Metamorphosis</i>, then, is designed for professionals-in-training, practicing professionals, and parents or families of disabled persons. <p>The book deals with (1) the societal misconceptions that impede the physical, psychological, and social adjustment of disabled persons; (2) the effects these misconceptions have on the attitudes and effectiveness of those who work with disabled persons; and (3) existing services, laws, environmental changes, and technological advances that affect both the efforts of professionals and the lives of disabled persons. In keeping with the goals of this book, the content ranges from hard science to advocacy, from objective data to personal experiences. Case illustrations are designed to stimulate discussion and self-exploration, as well as to illuminate the factual basis for author opinions with no printed sources. Ideally, these illustrations will serve a heuristic function, leading students to conduct needed research into the psychosocial aspects of disability. </p>

Berthold Lowenfeld on Blindness and Blind People: Selected Papers

by Berthold Lowenfeld

This book contains articles spanning a period of almost 40 years by Dr. Berthold Lowenfeld, a creative writer in education of the visually handicapped on Blindness and Blind People.

Deaf Heritage: A Narrative History of Deaf America

by Jack Gannon

This in-depth history of Deaf America begins with an overview of the early years. Each chapter then covers a decade of history, beginning with 1880. The text is supplemented by marvelous pictures, illustrations, vignettes and biographical profiles. "Subchapters" chronicle the multi-facited dimensions of Deaf culture by focusing on Deaf athletes and more. A complete Deaf Culture course!

Guidelines and Games for Teaching Efficient Braille Reading

by Myrna R. Olson Sally S. Mangold

These unique guidelines and games provide ideas for adapting a general reading program to the needs of braille readers and enriching early instruction in braille that are based on research in the areas of rapid reading and precision teaching. Classroom teachers and anyone working with children who are blind or visually impaired will find this classic handbook an invaluable resource.

Independence Training for Visually Handicapped Children

by Doris Tooze

First published in 1981, this book was written to help parents and teachers to participate in child-based mobility programmes, covering the needs of visually-handicapped children from pre-school to adulthood. It gives insight into ways in which these figures can make the world meaningful to young children, as well as making them aware of the special training that is necessary to develop the social skills of daily living that a sighted child acquires through imitation. Travel techniques must be learnt to enable these children to move independently and the book describes various methods that can be used by the blind traveller. It also examines the role of physical education and dance, both of particular importance for the visually-handicapped child at school age.

The Making of Blind Men

by Robert A. Scott

The disability of blindness is a learned social role. The various attitudes and patterns of behavior that characterize people who are blind are not inherent in their condition but, rather, are acquired through ordinary processes of social learning. The Making of Blind Men is intended as a systematic and integrated overview of the blindness problem in America. Dr. Scott chronicles which aspects of this problem are being dealt with by organizations for the blind and the effectiveness of this intervention system. He details the potential consequences of blind people becoming clients of blindness agencies by pointing out that many of the attitudes, behavior patterns, and qualities of character that have been assumed to be given to blind people by their condition are, in fact, products of socialization. As the self-concepts of blind men are generated by the same processes of socialization that shape us all, Dr. Scott puts forth the challenge of reforming the organized intervention system by critically evaluating the validity of blindness workers' assumptions about blindness and the blind. It is felt that an enlightened work force can then render the socialization process of the blind into a rational and deliberate force for positive change.

Recreation Programming for Visually Impaired Children and Youth

by Jerry D. Kelley

The book is designed primarily for the recreation consultant or trainer concerned with assisting the community recreation leader in his or her efforts to provide recreation programs and services for the visually impaired child.

The Seeing Summer

by Jeannette Eyerly Emily Arnold McCully

More than anything else Carey wants a new ten-year-old playmate to replace the friend who had moved away. When she hears that the new family next door has a girl her own age, Carey straightens her room and settles down to watch and wait. She is stunned to learn that her new young neighbor is blind and carries a white cane. Not fair! Jenny will not be able to do everything Carey can do. But Carey is in for a surprise—Jenny can cook, play games, read her own books, and run outdoors like everyone else. When two thugs kidnap Jenny for a high ransom, Carey tracks them down and becomes a second captive. Together the girls keep up their courage and use their ingenuity to survive the terrifying adventure. The Seeing Summer is a story of capture and escape, but best of all it is a story of friendship between two ten-year-olds who are very much alike, even though one cannot see.


by Suzanne Morris

At two, Ian Maguire is both a beautiful and very gifted little boy, a child that his parents, Monica and Forrest, are justifiably proud of. But Ian is special in other ways. Increasingly unresponsive to the world around him, he is content only when alone, rocking in his crib or playing obsessively with his favorite toy, a pocket mirror of his mother's. Forrest, preoccupied with his high- pressure job, refuses to see anything unusual about his son's behavior, and retreats ever further into his work. Monica, more anxious than even she will admit, finally takes Ian to be tested. The results are shattering. Her son, the doctors tell her, is probably autistic, certainly psychotic, and there is little hope of improvement. Confirming her deepest fears, the diagnosis plunges Monica into an agony of uncertainty and guilt. Is Ian's sickness the consequence of Forrest's remoteness, or must she now reveal a secret about Ian's birth she has kept even from her husband? Confused, her marriage coming apart, Monica sets out to find her own answers. She takes Ian to Galveston Bay, to a place she knew as a child, and, in a startling climax, she discovers the love and understanding they have both needed so badly.

Somebody Else's Kids: They Were Problems No One Wanted ... Until One Teacher Took Them to Her Heart

by Torey L. Hayden

They were all "just somebody else's kids"-four problem children placed in Torey Hayden's class because nobody knew what else to do with them. They were a motley group of children in great pain: a small boy who echoed other people's words and repeated weather forecasts; a beautiful seven year old girl brain damaged by savage parental beatings; an angry and violent ten year old who had watched his stepmother murder his father; a shy twelve year old who had been cast out of Catholic school when she became pregnant. But they shared one thing in common: a remarkable teacher who would never stop caring-and who would share with them the love and understanding they had never known to help them become a family.

Tess: The Story of a Guide Dog

by Peter Purves

The raising of a guide dog in the United Kingdom. Readers will enjoy the adventures that Tess has, from running away, to eating all sorts of things, and digging up all the flowers. A delightful book for all ages.

A Way Of His Own

by T. A. Dyer

A lame boy from a very primitive nomadic tribe is abandoned by his family and, together with a girl stolen from another tribe, tries to survive a cruel winter.

When the Cook Can't Look: A Cooking Handbook for the Blind and Visually Impaired

by Ralph Read

<P>This cooking handbook, designed to be read to the blind and visually impaired by a relative or friend, is written by one who is most qualified-- a blind person. <P>Ralph Read lost his sight in adulthood and now, from personal experience, makes available to other sightless individuals his innovative, sensible and safe methods for coping in the kitchen.

Before & After Zachariah: A True Story About a Family and a Different Kind of Courage

by Fern Kupfer

The heart-wrenching story of one couple's courageous decision to have their severely brain-damaged son cared for in a residential facility.

The Ceres Solution

by Bob Shaw

Denny Hargate, wheelchair-bound and embittered, has his life changed when he meets a beautiful woman in an out-of-the-way place called Cotter's Edge.

A Cup of Christmas Tea

by Tom Hegg

A nephew's visit to an elderly great aunt at Christmastime brings him memories of past holidays and the realization of how the human spirit can triumph over adversity.

Deaf-Blind Infants and Children

by John Mcinnes J. A. Treffry

This is a comprehensive reference guide for teachers, parents, and paraprofessionals working or living with children who are both deaf and blind. It provides day-to-day guidance and suggestions about techniques and methods for assessing children with multi-sensory deprivation, and for devising programs to help them cope.

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