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Decreasing Behaviors Of Persons With Severe Retardation And Autism

by Richard M. Foxx

This widely used manual shows how to increase desirable behaviors by using techniques such as shaping, prompting, fading, modeling, backward chaining, and graduated guidance. It offers specific guidelines for arranging and managing the learning environment as well as standards for evaluating and maintaining success. Exercises, review questions, and numerous examples are included. The book is written for special educators, aides, residential staff, and those responsible for designing or evaluating behavioral programs. Often adopted as a supplementary college text.

Eclipse: An Autobiography

by Hugues De Montalembert David Noakes

Up until 1978, the author, a French count by birth, was a painter. He travelled extensively working on documentary films such as I A Dancer about Rudolph Nureyev and Margot Fonteyn. He took a deep interest in the culture of the countries he visited: the harlem voodoo in West Africa and Indonesian music in Bali. On May 25th 1978, when returning to his apartment in New York from a Greenwich Village coffee-house, he was met by two intruders who threw caustic solution in his face. At the age of thirty-five he was blinded for life. Hugues de Montalembert is currently based in Rome although he continues to travel between Europe, America and South East Asia. The French edition of ECLIPSE became a bestseller when it was published in 1982 and the author is currently working on his second book.

Emma's Story

by Sheila Hocken

From the Book Jacket: SPRING DIGGING It was lovely helping Paddy in the garden. Digging up weeds -I gave her a helping paw there watching her put things in. After lunch Paddy said she'd put in everything she wanted to, and was now going to do some baking in the kitchen, but as it was quite sunny I could stop out in the garden. I went round again sniffing all the things she'd buried. Perhaps she'd left them there and wanted to get them out later, like I did sometimes with bones? If I did that for her now it would save her such a lot of time. So I went round and dug them all up. It took me ages. There were about a hundred. Won't she be pleased, I thought, when she knows I found every one and brought them all back for her? It wasn't long before she opened the door. 'Emma, come on in, it's teatime. ' Then she spotted the bulbs. I sat there looking pleased with myself. But she suddenly started laughing. 'Oh Emma... no. What have you done?' 'My name is Emma and I'm a chocolate-coloured labrador. Most other labradors are black or yellow, but not only am I a very special colour, I used to be a very special dog. I used to be a guide dog--and that isn't something any dog can do. So I'm going to tell you how to be a guide dog, right from the beginning, from when I was a puppy.' EMMA & I and EMMA V.I.P. have made Emma a very famous guide dog indeed. Now Sheila Hocken tells the full story of Emma's training from Emma's point of view This really is Emma's story, a book as lovable and lively as Emma herself.

Greff: The Story of a Guide Dog

by Patricia Curtis

Greff, a big yellow Labrador retriever, was destined to be a guide dog. Follow Greff from the night of his birth, through his experiences with his puppy raisers, to the time he returns to the Guide Dog Foundation for training, and to the day that Greff and his new owner graduate and go home.

Inside Out: The Social Meaning of Mental Retardation

by Seymour B. Sarason Steven J. Taylor Robert Bogdan

'We have to assume that the mind is working no matter what it looks like on the outside. We can't just judge by appearance...If you take away the label they are human beings.' Ed MurphyWhat does it mean to be 'mentally retarded'? Professors Bogdan and Taylor have interviewed two experts, 'Ed Murphy' and 'Pattie Burt,' for answers. Ed and Pattie, former inmates of institutions for the retarded, tell us in their own words.Their autobiographies are not always pleasant reading. They describe the physical, mental, and emotional abuses heaped upon them throughout their youth and young adulthood; being spurned, neglected, and ultimately abandoned by family and friends; being labelled and stigmatized by social service professionals armed with tests and preconceptions; being incarcerated and depersonalized by the state.Ed and Pattie survived these experiences--evidence, perhaps, of the indefatigable will of the human spirit to assert its essential humanity--but the wounds they have suffered, and the scars they bear, have not been overcome. They are now contributing, independent, members of society, but the stigma of 'mental retardation' remains.Their stories are both true and representative--powerful indictments of our knowledge of, our thinking about, and our ministrations to, the mentally handicapped. The interviewers argue that Ed and Pattie challenge the very concept of 'mental retardation.' Retardation, they assert, is an 'imaginary disease'; our attempts to 'cure' it are a hoax.Read Ed's and Pattie's accounts and judge for yourself.

Is There No Place on Earth for Me?

by Susan Sheehan

Sylvia Frumkin a highly intelligent young girl became a schizophrenic in her late teens and spent most of the next seventeen years in and out of mental institutions. Susan Sheehan followed Sylvia for almost a year, talking with and observing her.

Learning through Touch: Supporting Learners with Multiple Disabilities and Vision Impairment through a Bioecological Systems Perspective

by Mike Mclinden Steve Mccall Liz Hodges

This fully revised and updated second edition of Learning through Touch is essential reading for practitioners who support learners with multiple disabilities and vision impairment. These learners will rely on support from their learning partners throughout their education to mediate their learning experiences. The text explores the key role that touch plays in the education of these learners and provides practical advice about how to develop the skills through touch that they will need to become ‘active agents’ in their own development. The book reflects international initiatives that seek to ensure that people with disabilities have opportunities to take meaningful control within their learning and their lives. Key features include: Chapters that support curriculum access for learners with visual impairments; Reflections on up-to-date research studies and guidance for further reading throughout, allowing for a strong conceptual foundation for practice; Portfolio activities designed to help implement effective learning opportunities within your own practice. Written to assist teachers and other professionals who support children with visual impairment and additional difficulties, this text will appeal to professionals and students alike. It is an invaluable resource for anyone looking to explore the role of touch in creating effective learning experiences.

Look At Me: A Resource Manual for the Development of Residual Vision in Children with Multiple Disabilities

by Audrey J. Smith Karen Shane Cote

Look at me is a complete resource for educators working with visually/multiply handicapped as well as those having low vision as their only disability. It provides the reader with basic, written information on the structure and function of the eye.

Missing Pieces: A Chronicle of Living With a Disability

by Irving Kenneth Zola

he personal odyssey of a man with a disability, this passionate book tries to tell as well as analyze what it is like to have a disability in a world that values vigor and health. Zola writes, "Missing Pieces is an unraveling of a social problem in the manner of Black Like Me. Like its author, I, too, am a trained social observer, but for me 'passing' was not an issue. For I already have the stigmata of the disable - the braces, the limp, the cane - though I have spent much of my life denying their existence." The author started out in the role of a social scientist on a seven-day excursion to acquaint himself with an extraordinary experiment in living - Het Dorp, one of the few places in the world designed to promote "the optimum happiness" of those with severe physical disabilities. Neither a medial center nor a nursing home, Het Dorp is a village in the western-most part of the Netherlands. What began as a sociological attempt to describe this unusual setting became, through the author's growing awareness, what can only be called a socio-autobiography. Resuming his prior dependence on a wheelchair, the author experienced his own transformation from someone who is "normal" and "valid" to someone who is "invalid." The routine of Het Dorp became his: he lived in an architecturally modified home, visited the workshops, and shared meals, social events, conversation, and perceptions with the remarkably diverse residents. The author confronts some rarely discussed issues - the self-image of a person with a chronic disability, how one fills one's time, how one deals with authority and dependence, and love and sex. Missing Pieces offers striking insights into an aspect of the human condition shared by nearly 30 million Americans. It is must reading for the general reader, as well as for the rehabilitation counselor, social worker, or social scientist. Author note: Irving Kenneth Zola (1935-1994) was Professor of Sociology at Brandeis University and a founding member and counselor at the Boston Self-Help Center. Nancy Mairs is the author of seven books, including Waist-High in the World: A Life Among the Disabled, and most recently, A Troubled Guest: Life and Death Stories. She lives in Tucson with her husband, George.

The Nature of Stuttering

by Charles G. Van Riper

This text organizes & summarizes a vast wealth of information concerning the nature of stuttering.

Star of Light

by Patricia St. John

Hamid's blind sister, Kinza is about to be sold to a beggar by their stepfather. Hamid must rescue Kinza and escape from their mountain village to safety.

A Teachers' Guide to the Special Educational Needs of Blind and Visually Handicapped Children

by Sally S. Mangold

Suggestions and ideas from educational officials on how to provide additional support to blind students in the classroom setting.

Toys and Play for the Handicapped Child

by Barbara Riddick

First published in 1982. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis, an informa company.

The Dollhouse Murders

by Betty Ren Wright

Twelve-year-old Amy knows there is some connection between Aunt Claire's old dollhouse in the attic and a deadly secret from years ago.<P><P> Winner of Pacific Northwest Library Association’s Young Reader’s Choice Award

Emma and Co.

by Sheila Hocken

In Emma and Co readers will be delighted to renew their acquaintance with Sheila Hocken, her family and, of course, her dogs. Since the miraculous operation which restored her sight Sheila in gratitude to Emma, her devoted guide-dog, companion and best friend, has grown into a love of all dogs--and in particular chocolate-coloured Labradors. Perhaps it is because in watching them grow up she can see for the first time how Emma herself must have looked as a young dog, dancing with excitement at the prospect of going out wearing her distinctive guide-dog harness. Now, as Emma enjoys her well- earned retirement, the other dogs take up more and more time for Sheila, her husband Don and their daughter Kerensa. There is Bracken, full of fun and mischief; Buttons, whose first litter of puppies gives problems but also great pride: one of them is accepted by the Guide-Dog Association to be trained as a guide-dog. There is Mocha, beautiful but absentminded; Teak, whom she buys for Don's birthday to make a change from aftershave and socks; and Shadow, with whom she develops a great interest in Obedience Trials. All of them appear here and will certainly endear themselves to the reader as they have already done to the Hocken family. Emma and Co is full of delightful (and sometimes disastrous) anecdotes, both human and animal. But there is great sorrow in it too, for in the end Sheila must learn to live without the dog who was her 'eyes' for many years.

If We Could Hear The Grass Grow

by Eleanor Craig

From the book: "Each day I saw more clearly what I wanted. To have a day camp for troubled children. And spend one last summer with my children in this house. A final chance to reweave more smoothly the family ties that bound us." It was a summer that will touch your heart. Now, in the same honest, thoughtful style that made her previous book, P.S. Your Not Listening, so successful, Eleanor Craig, gifted family therapist, teacher, and author, tells the wonderfully moving true story of her experiences running a day camp for emotionally disturbed children at her Connecticut home. If We Could Hear the Grass Grow is a funny, sad, fascinating account of what it's really like to cope and communicate with severely antisocial children on a day-to-day basis, deal with their violence, help ease their pain, and free their astonishing often hidden-capacity for love and sharing. Eleanor Craig shows us how these seemingly unreachable children can be reached and, most important, can achieve remarkable growth when handled by a committed, sensitive teacher. Among her "special kids" are: Rodney, the "Big Man," older than his years, tough, uncontrollably aggressive, and as much in need of love as of discipline. Maria, sweet, undemanding, and troubled, one of a large Hispanic family where the father has a history of manic depression and of being physically abusive. She spends much of her time in fervent prayer. Frankie, overweight and immature, who acts out his mother's agoraphobia by refusing to leave her side, day or night. Adam, abandoned by his young, mentally ill mother, and unable to communicate except in comic book babble.

Independent Living for Physically Disabled People

by Irving Kenneth Zola Nancy M. Crewe

A text book for students in Rehabilitation Counseling classes.

The Littles Go to School

by John Peterson

"I still don't see why I have to go," said Lucy. "But Lucy, it's fun," said Tom. "You get to see lots of the tiny kids from all over the Big Valley. We use the chalkboards. We read some of the textbooks the big kids use. There are maps and charts, and we live in dormitories in the walls of the classroom. You'll like it." Tom and Lucy are going to school! But an unexpected adventure in a gerbil cage gets them to school a little too early!

Mental Retardation: The Developmental-difference Controversy

by Edward Zigler David Balla

Published in 1983, Mental Retardation is a valuable contribution to the field of Education.

Murphy's Boy: He Was a Frightened Boy Who Refused to Speak - Until a Teacher's Love Broke Through the Silence

by Torey L. Hayden

He sounded like a lost case right from the beginning. A fifteen year old boy who had not said a word since he was seven. And that wasn't the worst of it. When therapist Torey Hayden accepted this assignment others had long dismissed as futile, she knew she was in for a major challenge. But when she actually confronted Kevin, an institutionalized, retarded boy on the brink of manhood, who hid under tables, who feared highways and door hinges and spirals on notebooks and odd bits of string, who feared water too much to bathe and nakedness too much to change his clothes, she saw that bringing him back would take a miracle. And when the miracle happened, and Torey managed to penetrate Kevin's terrible silence, it was only to discover, lurking beneath a past littered with violence and mental cruelty, a dreadful secret, made all the worse by the bureaucracy that had recorded it, then filed it away.

No Time To Lose

by Gary Kleiman Sanford Dody

A biography of Gary Kleiman

The Other Side of Silence: Sign Language and the Deaf Community in America

by Arden Neisser

The history of the struggle to legitimize sign language against the pressure of a hearing educational establishment intent on forcing upon the deaf the almost impossible task of learning lipreading and speech.

Retarded Kids Need to Play: A Manual for Parents and Other Teachers

by Cyntha C. Hirst Elaine Michaelis

This book is written for the parents of retarded children, and for any other person who will be involved with teaching sport skills and physical education to the retarded. It presents a program of physical education activities which will help the retarded child develop those physical education skills necessary for enjoyable living.

An Uncommon Gift

by James S. Evans

The following quote is taken from the side flaps of the book: "Jamie Evans knows the meaning of fear, but it is not a posture he accepts himself. Like millions of Americans, he suffers from dyslexia and hyperkinesia. In this remarkable story of his struggle to combat these difficulties, he meets obstacle after obstacle and knocks them down, one by one. He reveals what is going on inside the person who cannot sit still, who is frustrated by an inability to read, who stutters, whose behavior is generally disruptive. The son of Dr. Louis H. Evans, Jr., and Colleen Townsend Evans, Jamie was born into a nurturing family who offered him love and provided excellent educational opportunities. Still, he had to fight a lonely battle. Beyond academic problems, Jamie experienced a lack of esteem and self-love. He was an angry, controlling person. In AN UNCOMMON GIFT Jamie relates how he conquered his learning disabilities. He shows that through counseling and supportive relationships deep emotional scars began to heal. From an individual who demanded constant attention emerged a caring person who recognizes the special needs of others. This is also a story of enduring faith. The author believes that God would not have given him problems without providing the resources to cope with them. He describes experiencing the power of Christ, who remained with him during a healing process that went on for years. Forthright, compelling, fascinating to read, this story of a young man's inner and outer struggles and ultimate victory carries a special message for all those who face life with handicaps to overcome, as well as for the families and friends who stand with them."

Understanding Low Vision

by Randall T. Jose

Textbook on assessment of low vision, clinical services, training and instructional services, and special considerations.

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