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In Love With A Fool

by Ana Roma

“Did it ever cross your mind to fall in love for the same person you swore to join with someone else?” That is exactly what happened to Ana Clara, the main character of this story. Ana Clara is in the same class as a boy she doesn’t dare to talk to after finding out she is completely, madly in love with him. The worst of all is that, even knowing he might be her prince charming, Ana Clara had already decided to find another princess to fill his heart. After learning that her talent to “find” and “match” soul mates wasn’t real, she decided to destroy the relationship and try to win the heart of the idiot with whom she fell in love with.

The Taylor Mac Book: Ritual, Realness and Radical Performance (Triangulations: Lesbian/Gay/Queer Theater/Drama/Performance)

by David Roman Sean Edgecomb

This is the first book to dedicate critical attention to the work of influential theater-maker Taylor Mac. Mac is particularly celebrated for the historic performance event A 24-Decade History of Popular Music, in which Mac, in fantastical costumes designed by collaborator Machine Dazzle, sang the history of the United States for 24 straight hours in October 2016. The MacArthur Foundation soon thereafter awarded their “genius” award to a “writer, director, actor, singer, and performance artist whose fearlessly experimental works dramatize the power of theater as a space for building community . . . [and who] interacts with the audience to inspire a reconsideration of assumptions about gender, identity, ethnicity, and performance itself.” Featuring essays, interviews, and commentaries by noted critics and artists, the volume examines the vastness of Mac’s theatrical imagination, the singularity of their voice, the inclusiveness of their cultural insights and critiques, and the creativity they display through stylistic and formal qualities and the unorthodoxies of their personal and professional trajectories. Contributors consider the range of Mac’s career as a playwright, performer, actor, and singer, expanding and enriching the conversation on this much-celebrated and deeply resonant body of work.

Alone Together Again: A Comedy

by Lawrence Roman

In the hilarious Broadway comedy, ALONE TOGETHER, Mom and Dad have spent the last thirty years raising three active sons. How they looked forward to the peace, the quiet and the privacy of an empty nest. After considerable comic turmoil and revelation of deep feelings, the nest is finally emptied. Peace now? Quiet? Not for long. The empty nest fills up again by the sudden, unexpected arrival of their parents, each with a problem which is dumped on Mom and Dad. How to empty the nest once again so Mom and Dad can be alone together. Cleverly comic, witty and wise. ALONE TOGETHER AGAIN has delighted audiences in Europe as well as the U.S.

Moving Mountains

by Lawrence Roman

Comedy / Casting: 3m, 4f / Scenery: Interior (Formerly titled Grapes and Raisins.) Charlie is a 65 year-old widower-turned-Casanova as he pursues the ladies on a beach in Southern California. But he's not interested in those younger girls; he's after "mature women", those who've built up history, depth, and loss. Charlie offers his companionship and insights, and they're all too happy to accept his advances. That is, until he meets Polly, a recent widow who doesn't make things easy for this suitor. Humor is also added by Charlie's daughter, who's shocked to hear about his romantic gallivanting.

Επιστολές από την Ανταρκτική

by Federico Romano

Το ταξίδι της ζωής ενός αλτρουιστή και γενναιόδωρου άνδρα μέσα από τον πόνο, τη χαρά, τη φιλία, την αγάπη και το θάνατο. Αυτές είναι οι «Επιστολές από την Ανταρκτική», ένα μυθιστόρημα που η πλοκή του διαδραματίζεται σε ένα φανταστικό νησί που είναι περισσότερο ένα μέρος της ανθρώπινης ψυχής. Συγκεκριμένα, η ανθρώπινη ψυχή που συναντάμε εδώ είναι αυτή του Φρέντερικ Τζόνσον. Οι συναντήσεις που θα κάνει, οι σκληρές εμπειρίες της ζωής που θα μπορέσει να αντιμετωπίσει και να χειριστεί, θα ξεδιπλώσουν τη στιγματισμένη ύπαρξη του από τη στιγμή της γέννησης του. Στην πραγματικότητα, νεογέννητος ακόμα, εγκαταλείφθηκε από τη μητέρα του που δεν θα την ξαναδεί ποτέ.

Briefe aus der Antarktis

by Federico Romano

Die Lebensreise eines selbstlosen und großzügigen Mannes durch Schmerz, Freude, Freundschaft, Liebe und Tod. "Briefe aus der Antarktis" Die Lebensreise eines selbstlosen und großzügigen Mannes durch Schmerz, Freude, Freundschaft, Liebe und Tod. Das ist "Briefe aus der Antarktis", Ein Roman, der auf einer Insel der Fantasie spielt, die mehr ein Ort der menschlichen Seele ist.Die menschliche Seele, die hier erzählt wird, ist Frederik Jonson. Seine Begegnungen, die harten Lebenserfahrungen, mit denen er fertig werden kann und mit denen er fertig werden kann, machen sein Leben von Anfang an zunichte. Er wurde von der Mutter verlassen, die er nie wieder sehen wird. Aber es ist genau der Traum der Mutter, die Sie noch nie getroffen hat, dass Sie sich ständig formt, dass sie für die, die sie braucht, "Mutter" wird, bis zum letzten Tag ihres Lebens, wenn Sie Ihr Baby holt, um es auf die letzte und wichtigste Reise zu bringen. Beispieltext: Die Lebensreise eines selbstlosen und großzügigen Mannes durch Schmerz, Freude, Freundschaft, Liebe und Tod. Das ist "Briefe aus der Antarktis", Ein Roman, der auf einer Insel der Fantasie spielt, die mehr ein Ort der menschlichen Seele ist. Die menschliche Seele, die hier erzählt wird, ist Frederik Jonson. Seine Begegnungen, die harten Lebenserfahrungen, mit denen er fertig werden kann und mit denen er fertig werden kann, machen sein Leben von Anfang an zunichte.

The Child of Never

by Federico Romano

The great journey that Frederik Jonson will make to the heavenly kingdom will open the way for him on the origin and truth of his life. Through a varied gallery of characters - human fauna of defenceless victims or executioners, wicked murderers or innocents, men devoted to excesses and perditions or innocent unconscious people - an extraordinary epiphany of greatness will take place: the revelation of Frederik's destiny and the eschatological passage from "child of never" to man from generous existence to heroism.

El Niño del Nunca

by Federico Romano

El gran viaje que hará Frederik Jonson en el reino celestial abrirá el camino hacia el origen y la verdad de su vida. A través de una variada galería de personajes y situaciones: fauna humana de víctimas indefensas o verdugos implacables, asesinos siniestros o inocentes, hombres devotos de los excesos y perdiciones o inocentes inconscientes, se logrará una extraordinaria epifanía de grandeza: la revelación del destino de Frederik y el pasaje escatológico. de un "niño del nunca" a un hombre de una existencia generosa hasta el heroísmo.

Te Gusta Morir?

by Federico Romano

Doce historias en primera y tercera persona, los personajes se mueven a lo largo de un hilo intentando mantener el equilibrio entre la fantasía y la realidad.

Tu aimes mourir?

by Federico Romano

Douze racontes à la première et à la troisième personne. Les personnages bougent sur une ficelle pour maintenir l'équilibre entre fantasme et réalité.

Cartas de la Antártida

by Federico Romano Raquel Ruiz Berset

"Cartas de la Antártida"es mi primera novela y el libro más difícil que he escrito hasta ahora. La trama la ideé hace 4 años, pero necesité muchísimo tiempo para construir los personajes y sus movimientos dentro de la historia, porque no quería dejar nada al azar. Cuando comprobé que todo encajaba perfectamente, escribí el libro en poco más de 4 meses. 4 años y 4 meses, ¿una casualidad? No lo sé. Sólo recuerdo que cuando estaba escribiendo la última página del libro sentí la necesidad de añadirle música... El libro estaba terminado y por eso se me ocurrió buscar a un músico que pudiera acentuar las emociones del libro y expresarlas a través de otra forma de arte. Max Cottica leyó y releyó el libro y logró expresar musicalmente todas las emociones de la historia. Indurance se llama su nueva banda, una mezcla de ambientes emocionales musicales ideados y tocados íntegramente por él. Lilium es la joven cantante italiana de los Lolamog que ha prestado su voz en la introducción (junto a Luca Artioli) y en las dos últimas canciones "Te amaré siempre" y "Yo soy el silencio", las letras, no obstante, las he escrito yo. La cubierta del libro es obra de Daniel Rolli. Dedico este libro a todos mis seres queridos, a los que han hecho una aportación gráfica y musical a esta obra, a los que han leído mis libros anteriores y a mis sueños que siempre me susurran:"Fede, ¡¡¡no te rindas nunca!!!".

Drama in the Language Classroom: What Every ESL Teacher Needs to Know

by Carmela Romano Gillette Deric McNish

Drama in the Language Classroom weaves together cutting-edge research and practices from the fields of theater and TESOL. After providing an overview of how drama can be used in the language classroom, Carmela Romano Gillette (a TESOL expert) and Deric McNish (an expert in actor training) present a collection of resources teachers need to begin using drama, including practical classroom-tested and evidence-based techniques. They show how theater, performance, and improvisation can help students build confidence, develop a deeper context for speaking, and create authentic opportunities for language use. In addition, they outline the para- and extra-linguistic techniques that can improve expression and meaningful communication. Each section includes sample activities, such as script analysis for improving fluency, and assessment suggestions. Readers do not need to have experience with performance or drama to learn how to incorporate these practices into the ESL classroom.

The Routledge Companion to Dramaturgy (Routledge Companions)

by Magda Romanska

Dramaturgy, in its many forms, is a fundamental and indispensable element of contemporary theatre. In its earliest definition, the word itself means a comprehensive theory of "play making." Although it initially grew out of theatre, contemporary dramaturgy has made enormous advances in recent years, and it now permeates all kinds of narrative forms and structures: from opera to performance art; from dance and multimedia to filmmaking and robotics. In our global, mediated context of multinational group collaborations that dissolve traditional divisions of roles as well as unbend previously intransigent rules of time and space, the dramaturg is also the ultimate globalist: intercultural mediator, information and research manager, media content analyst, interdisciplinary negotiator, social media strategist. This collection focuses on contemporary dramaturgical practice, bringing together contributions not only from academics but also from prominent working dramaturgs. The inclusion of both means a strong level of engagement with current issues in dramaturgy, from the impact of social media to the ongoing centrality of interdisciplinary and intermedial processes. The contributions survey the field through eight main lenses: world dramaturgy and global perspective dramaturgy as function, verb and skill dramaturgical leadership and season planning production dramaturgy in translation adaptation and new play development interdisciplinary dramaturgy play analysis in postdramatic and new media dramaturgy social media and audience outreach. Magda Romanska is Visiting Associate Professor of Slavic Languages and Literatures at Harvard University, Associate Professor of Theatre and Dramaturgy at Emerson College, and Dramaturg for Boston Lyric Opera. Her books include The Post-Traumatic Theatre of Grotowski and Kantor (2012), Boguslaw Schaeffer: An Anthology (2012), and Comedy: An Anthology of Theory and Criticism (2014).

El futuro truncado de Amie

by Eva Romero Lucinda E Clarke

Amie regresa a su amada África y a su vida habitual, pero sus enemigos no la han perdonado, ni olvidado. Están decididos a vengarse y recuperar su honor. Lo acontecido una noche lo cambia todo, dejándola sin casa, ni amigos, ni nombre, ni futuro. De repente, ya no existe y aquellos que la controlan se lo dejan bien claro; debe obedecer o morir. Futuro Truncado es el tercer libro de la saga Amie, un bestseller que ha recibido múltiples premios internacionales a ambos lados del Atlántico. De ser un ama de casa ingenua y recientemente casada, Amie pasa a enfrentarse a retos que cambian sus creencias y comportamiento más allá de lo reconocible. Una aventura de acción trepidante, que te mantiene pegada a sus páginas y que está ambientada en el África salvaje de la actualidad.

Fallacy of Silver Age

by Omry Ronen

In this study, Ronen critically examines the term "Silver Age", which over the years has gained such wide currency among historians and connoisseurs of 20th century Russian culture. The author traces the origin and the controversial development of what he condemns as an influential misnomer. Ronen sets out to debunk the myth that attributes invention of the term to Nikolai Berdiaev, and in turn traces this widely used catchword in the critical idiom from an abscure, avante-garde manifesto to the present day. He lays to rest the use of the term which he sees as the most misleading constituent of Russia's contemporary cultural self-awareness and self-assessment.

Do American Dream De Sofia E Outras Coisas

by Ronyfer Anabela Alves Lopes Afonso Romão Pinto

Uma jovem mulher guatemalteca à procura de um sonho inexistente, anos depois regressa a casa arrastando o pior dos pesadelos.

Os filhos de João

by RonyFer Valéria Armani

Pelas ruas de pedra daquela longeva cidade, perambulava aquela estranha mulher, abandonada pelos anos, abandonada pela vida, carregando sobre os ombros um mundo de sofrimento e traiçao. Seu passo era lento, como quem não tem pressa em avançar no tempo. Como bagagem, levava apenas uns trapos velhos e uma vida cheia de dor. De noite, dormia onde o cansaço a vencesse, dependendo da caridade humana, de alguém que lhe desse um pedaço de pão ou o que fosse para aplacar a sua fome. Repetia muitas vezes: “Serei a mãe de meu sobrinho ou a tia de meu filho?”, enquanto acariciava sem cessar o seu ventre, esse mesmo ventre que em seu interior abrigava, até os confins da amargura e do pecado, um petrificado feto que se negara a nascer.

Così Vicino Al Cielo, Così Lontano Dal Paradiso

by Ronyfer Roberto Ciampi

Di fronte alla disperazione di raggiungere la libertà e i sogni infranti, migliaia di cubani decidono di abbandonare la loro terra natale con qualunque mezzo.Daniel segue le orme di suo padre. Dopo aver perso tutto, decide di andare in esilio in Canada.Per la prima volta nella sua vita, ormai vecchio, malato e stanco scopre l'amore. È grazie a Lorena, un infermiera non più giovanissima che Daniel ritrova la speranza e la fede perduta. Sarà lei, con un soffio, a ridargli la vita e la gioia.Nel tramonto della vita il destino ha in serbo per lui una sorpresa. Un miracolo o una semplice coincidenza del destino?

Il Sogno Americano Di Sofia

by Ronyfer Federica Giammello

Una giovane donne guatemalese alla ricerca di un sogno inesistente, dopo anni di esilio, torna a casaportando con sè il peggiore degli incubi.

Angel with broken wings

by Ronyfer Federico Renzi

Stories of struggle and perseverance of one of the many political refugees who had to leave their Latin American country to try their luck in one of the countries called "first world". Juan Ramon emigrated from his native Guatemala to take refuge with his wife Flor de Maria, escaping from the institutionalized repression, to face the cold and xenophobic Canadian society.Then; he suffers, as so many thousands of displaced and dispossessed who have lost everything. Or almost everything; because it perseverance, courage, love of life and capacity for solidarity is.

Juan's Children

by Ronyfer Federico Renzi

It is the story of Ignacio and his life on a hacienda in Guatemala, and as the events of the past will be reflected in his future.

The Thiri Rama: Finding Ramayana in Myanmar

by Dawn Rooney

The Thiri Rama – or the Great Rama – was written for court performance and is the only known illustrated version of the Ramayana story in Myanmar. Based on palm-leaf manuscripts and scenes carved on over 300 sandstone plaques at a mid-nineteenth-century Buddhist pagoda west of Mandalay in Myanmar, this book presents an original translation of the Thiri Rama rendered in prose. The volume also includes essays on the history and tradition of the Ramayana in Myanmar as well as the cultural context in which the play was performed. It contains many helpful resources, incorporating a glossary and a list of characters and their corresponding personae in Valmiki’s Ramayana. With over 250 fascinating visuals and core text contributions by distinguished Burmese scholars, U Thaw Kaung, Tin Maung Kyi, and U Aung Thwin, this book will greatly interest scholars and researchers of South and Southeast Asian culture, literary forms, epics, art and art history, theatre and performance studies, religion, especially those concerned with Hinduism, as well as folklorists.

Normal People: The Scripts

by Sally Rooney

Delve deeper into the Emmy- and Golden Globe–nominated Hulu series based on Sally Rooney's bestselling novel with this must-have collection of the Normal People scripts, featuring behind-the-scenes photos and an introduction by director Lenny Abrahamson.&“You know, I did used to think that I could read your mind at times.&”&“In bed you mean.&”&“Yeah. And afterwards but I dunno maybe that's normal.&”&“It&’s not.&”Connell and Marianne grow up in the same small town in the west of Ireland, but the similarities end there. In school, Connell is popular. Marianne is a loner. But when the two strike up a conversation, something life-changing begins.With an introduction by director Lenny Abrahamson and featuring iconic images from the show, Normal People: The Scripts contains the complete screenplays of the acclaimed Emmy- and Golden Globe–nominated television drama that The New York Times called &“an unusually thoughtful and moving depiction of young people&’s emotional lives.&”

Flaming Idiots

by Tom Rooney

Farce / 6m, 2f / Carl and Phil decide that the ladder to success at the post office is missing a few rungs. They know that big money is waiting for people with entrepreneurial spirit and sound business judgement. They have lots of the spirit but little of the judgement and their new gourmet health food restaurant flounders. Zippy's, a popular cross town spot, has been crowded ever since Cy Manamalancia, a notorious mobster, was shot there and that was over twenty years ago. What if someone could get murdered in their restaurant? Flaming Idiots is a contemporary farce which takes place entirely in the restaurant kitchen and requires five doors for slamming. It won the New American Comedy Festival Award.


by Tom Rooney

All Groups / Comedy/Drama / 4 m., 4 f. / Interior unit set or in the round / Hypocrisy among modern America professionals is examined with wit and irony. Dick is a prominent lawyer handling a high profile child custody case. David is a notorious OB/GYN and Lisa is his rambunctious girlfriend who is ten years younger than everyone else. Judy is a burned out party girl willing to settle for dull but kind Arthur. They gather in the proper middle class home of Jake and John for a fifth wedding anniversary celebration. When Jake turns up inexplicably pregnant, the party goers must somehow reconcile things they have been saying with reality. / Winner of the James D. Phelen Award for Literature awarded by the San Francisco Foundation: "Tom Rooney's play creates an ordinary meeting of people speaking an apparently ordinary language, but charged with Rooney's sense of humor, timing and an ever changing focus."

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