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Numerical Methods for Inverse Scattering Problems

by Jingzhi Li Hongyu Liu

This book highlights the latest developments on the numerical methods for inverse scattering problems associated with acoustic, electromagnetic, and elastic waves. Inverse scattering problems are concerned with identifying unknown or inaccessible objects by wave probing data, which makes possible many industrial and engineering applications including radar and sonar, medical imaging, nondestructive testing, remote sensing, and geophysical exploration. The mathematical study of inverse scattering problems is an active field of research. This book presents a comprehensive and unified mathematical treatment of various inverse scattering problems mainly from a numerical reconstruction perspective. It highlights the collaborative research outputs by the two groups of the authors yet surveys and reviews many existing results by global researchers in the literature. The book consists of three parts respectively corresponding to the studies on acoustic, electromagnetic, and elastic scattering problems. In each part, the authors start with in-depth theoretical and computational treatments of the forward scattering problems and then discuss various numerical reconstruction schemes for the associated inverse scattering problems in different scenarios of practical interest. In addition, the authors provide an overview of the existing results in the literature by other researchers. This book can serve as a handy reference for researchers or practitioners who are working on or implementing inverse scattering methods. It can also serve as a graduate textbook for research students who are interested in working on numerical algorithms for inverse scattering problems.

Numerical Methods for Metamaterial Design

by Kenneth Diest

This book describes a relatively new approach for the design of electromagnetic metamaterials. Numerical optimization routines are combined with electromagnetic simulations to tailor the broadband optical properties of a metamaterial to have predetermined responses at predetermined wavelengths. After a review of both the major efforts within the field of metamaterials and the field of mathematical optimization, chapters covering both gradient-based and derivative-free design methods are considered. Selected topics including surrogate-base optimization, adaptive mesh search, and genetic algorithms are shown to be effective, gradient-free optimization strategies. Additionally, new techniques for representing dielectric distributions in two dimensions, including level sets, are demonstrated as effective methods for gradient-based optimization. Each chapter begins with a rigorous review of the optimization strategy used, and is followed by numerous examples that combine the strategy with either electromagnetic simulations or analytical solutions of the scattering problem. Throughout the text, we address the strengths and limitations of each method, as well as which numerical methods are best suited for different types of metamaterial designs. This book is intended to provide a detailed enough treatment of the mathematical methods used, along with sufficient examples and additional references, that senior level undergraduates or graduate students who are new to the fields of plasmonics, metamaterials, or optimization methods; have an understanding of which approaches are best-suited for their work and how to implement the methods themselves.

Numerical Methods for Reliability and Safety Assessment

by Seifedine Kadry Abdelkhalak El Hami

This book offers unique insight on structural safety and reliability by combining computational methods that address multiphysics problems, involving multiple equations describing different physical phenomena and multiscale problems, involving discrete sub-problems that together describe important aspects of a system at multiple scales. The book examines a range of engineering domains and problems using dynamic analysis, nonlinear methods, error estimation, finite element analysis and other computational techniques. This book also: · Introduces novel numerical methods · Illustrates new practical applications · Examines recent engineering applications · Presents up-to-date theoretical results · Offers perspective relevant to a wide audience, including teaching faculty/graduate students, researchers and practicing engineers.

Numerical Methods of Exploration Seismology: With Algorithms in MATLAB®

by Gary F. Margrave Michael P. Lamoureux

Exploration seismology uses seismic imaging to form detailed images of the Earth's interior, enabling the location of likely petroleum targets. Due to the size of seismic datasets, sophisticated numerical algorithms are required. This book provides a technical guide to the essential algorithms and computational aspects of data processing, covering the theory and methods of seismic imaging. The first part introduces an extensive online library of MATLAB® seismic data processing codes maintained by the CREWES project at the University of Calgary. Later chapters then focus on digital signal theory and relevant aspects of wave propagation and seismic modelling, followed by deconvolution and seismic migration methods. Presenting a rigorous explanation of how to construct seismic images, it provides readers with practical tools and codes to pursue research projects and analyses. It is ideal for advanced students and researchers in applied geophysics, and for practicing exploration geoscientists in the oil and gas industry.

Numerical Methods with Worked Examples: Matlab Edition

by C. Phillips C. Woodford

This book is for students following an introductory course in numerical methods, numerical techniques or numerical analysis. It introduces MATLAB as a computing environment for experimenting with numerical methods. It approaches the subject from a pragmatic viewpoint; theory is kept at a minimum commensurate with comprehensive coverage of the subject and it contains abundant worked examples which provide easy understanding through a clear and concise theoretical treatment. This edition places even greater emphasis on 'learning by doing' than the previous edition. Fully documented MATLAB code for the numerical methods described in the book will be available as supplementary material to the book on

Numerical Modeling in Open Channel Hydraulics

by Romuald Szymkiewicz

This book offers a comprehensive approach to the numerical modeling of open channel flow, based on the author's own research in this field, as well as his experience as a lecturer. It provides the reader with: Coverage of the most important problems of open channel hydraulics, including steady and unsteady flow in a single channel and in a channel network, transport of dissolved substance, transport of energy and more;Unified derivation of the governing equations for all problems, based on the fundamental laws of mass, momentum and energy conservation;Comprehensive presentation of the numerical methods applied in open channel flow modeling, with particular regard to the solution of hyperbolic and parabolic partial differential equations, which govern many important flow and transport processes;Detailed description of the numerical algorithms applied to solve particular problems, with many examples of solutions; Accuracy analysis of the numerical algorithms using the modified equation approach; New insights into numerical solution of some classical problems of open channel hydraulics, e.g. steady varied flow in a channel of arbitrary geometry.In-depth analysis of the simplified flood routing models and their unphysical properties, including a proposition of an alternative Instantaneous Unit Hydrograph, valid for all simplified models.Written in an accessible language, Numerical Modeling in Open Channel Hydraulics contains information useful for higher level undergraduate and postgraduate students of civil and environmental engineering faculties, as well as scientists and practitioners in the field of hydraulic engineering, especially those using existing numerical codes or developing their own ones.

Numerical Modeling of Soil Constitutive Relationship

by Qingyang Ren Jianting Zhou

This book adopts numerical method to model soil constitutive relationship while it abandons the traditional idea of looking for plastic potential as the only way to model. Firstly, the triaxial compression tests of expansive soil, sand and clay under different stress paths are introduced; then the elastoplastic constitutive equations of expansive soil, sand and clay under various stress paths are established by numerical modeling method; finally, the constitutive equations are embedded in the finite element program and verified by comparing the finite element calculation results of the triaxial test soil samples with the corresponding test results. The modeling obtains high accuracy.

Numerical Python in Astronomy and Astrophysics: A Practical Guide to Astrophysical Problem Solving (Undergraduate Lecture Notes in Physics)

by Wolfram Schmidt Marcel Völschow

This book provides a solid foundation in the Python programming language, numerical methods, and data analysis, all embedded within the context of astronomy and astrophysics. It not only enables students to learn programming with the aid of examples from these fields but also provides ample motivation for engagement in independent research. The book opens by outlining the importance of computational methods and programming algorithms in contemporary astronomical and astrophysical research, showing why programming in Python is a good choice for beginners. The performance of basic calculations with Python is then explained with reference to, for example, Kepler’s laws of planetary motion and gravitational and tidal forces. Here, essential background knowledge is provided as necessary. Subsequent chapters are designed to teach the reader to define and use important functions in Python and to utilize numerical methods to solve differential equations and landmark dynamical problems in astrophysics. Finally, the analysis of astronomical data is discussed, with various hands-on examples as well as guidance on astronomical image analysis and applications of artificial neural networks.

Numerical Ship Hydrodynamics: An Assessment of the Tokyo 2015 Workshop (Lecture Notes in Applied and Computational Mechanics #94)

by Takanori Hino Frederick Stern Lars Larsson Michel Visonneau Nobuyuki Hirata Jin Kim

This book explores computational fluid dynamics applied to ship hydrodynamics and provides guidelines for the future developments in the field based on the Tokyo 2015 Workshop. It presents ship hull test cases, experimental data and submitted computational methods, conditions, grids and results. Analysis is made of errors for global (resistance, sinkage, trim and self-propulsion) and local flow (wave elevations, mean velocities and turbulence) variables, including standard deviations for global variables. The effects of grid size and turbulence models are evaluated for both global and local flow variables. Detailed analysis is made of turbulence modeling capabilities for capturing local flow physics. Errors and standard deviations are also assessed for added resistance (captive test cases) and course keeping/speed loss (free running test cases) in head and oblique waves. All submissions are used to evaluate the error and uncertainty by means of a systematic verification and validation (V&V) study along with statistical investigations.

Numerical Simulation for Next Generation Thermal Power Plants (Springer Tracts in Mechanical Engineering)

by Falah Alobaid

The book provides highly specialized researchers and practitioners with a major contribution to mathematical models’ developments for energy systems. First, dynamic process simulation models based on mixture flow and two-fluid models are developed for combined-cycle power plants, pulverised coal-fired power plants, concentrated solar power plant and municipal waste incineration. Operation data, obtained from different power stations, are used to investigate the capability of dynamic models to predict the behaviour of real processes and to analyse the influence of modeling assumptions on simulation results. Then, a computational fluid dynamics (CFD) simulation programme, so-called DEMEST, is developed. Here, the fluid-solid, particle-particle and particle-wall interactions are modeled by tracking all individual particles. To this purpose, the deterministic Euler-Lagrange/Discrete Element Method (DEM) is applied and further improved. An emphasis is given to the determination of inter-phase values, such as volumetric void fraction, momentum and heat transfers, using a new procedure known as the offset-method and to the particle-grid method allowing the refinement of the grid resolution independently from particle size. Model validation is described in detail. Moreover, thermochemical reaction models for solid fuel combustion are developed based on quasi-single-phase, two-fluid and Euler-Lagrange/MP-PIC models. Measurements obtained from actual power plants are used for validation and comparison of the developed numerical models.

Numerical Simulation in Hydraulic Fracturing: Multiphysics Theory and Applications (Multiphysics Modeling #1)

by Xinpu Shen William Standifird

The expansion of unconventional petroleum resources in the recent decade and the rapid development of computational technology have provided the opportunity to develop and apply 3D numerical modeling technology to simulate the hydraulic fracturing of shale and tight sand formations. This book presents 3D numerical modeling technologies for hydraulic fracturing developed in recent years, and introduces solutions to various 3D geomechanical problems related to hydraulic fracturing. In the solution processes of the case studies included in the book, fully coupled multi-physics modeling has been adopted, along with innovative computational techniques, such as submodeling. In practice, hydraulic fracturing is an essential project component in shale gas/oil development and tight sand oil, and provides an essential measure in the process of drilling cuttings reinjection (CRI). It is also an essential measure for widened mud weight window (MWW) when drilling through naturally fractured formations; the process of hydraulic plugging is a typical application of hydraulic fracturing. 3D modeling and numerical analysis of hydraulic fracturing is essential for the successful development of tight oil/gas formations: it provides accurate solutions for optimized stage intervals in a multistage fracking job. It also provides optimized well-spacing for the design of zipper-frac wells.Numerical estimation of casing integrity under stimulation injection in the hydraulic fracturing process is one of major concerns in the successful development of unconventional resources. This topic is also investigated numerically in this book. Numerical solutions to several other typical geomechanics problems related to hydraulic fracturing, such as fluid migration caused by fault reactivation and seismic activities, are also presented. This book can be used as a reference textbook to petroleum, geotechnical and geothermal engineers, to senior undergraduate, graduate and postgraduate students, and to geologists, hydrogeologists, geophysicists and applied mathematicians working in this field. This book is also a synthetic compendium of both the fundamentals and some of the most advanced aspects of hydraulic fracturing technology.

Numerical Simulation in Physics and Engineering

by Inmaculada Higueras Teo Roldán Juan José Torrens

This book presents lecture notes from the XVI 'Jacques-Louis Lions' Spanish-French School on Numerical Simulation in Physics and Engineering, held in Pamplona (Navarra, Spain) in September 2014. The subjects covered include: numerical analysis of isogeometric methods, convolution quadrature for wave simulations, mathematical methods in image processing and computer vision, modeling and optimization techniques in food processes, bio-processes and bio-systems, and GPU computing for numerical simulation. The book is highly recommended to graduate students in Engineering or Science who want to focus on numerical simulation, either as a research topic or in the field of industrial applications. It can also benefit senior researchers and technicians working in industry who are interested in the use of state-of-the-art numerical techniques in the fields addressed here. Moreover, the book can be used as a textbook for master courses in Mathematics, Physics, or Engineering.

Numerical Simulation of Water Waves (Springer Tracts in Civil Engineering)

by Jianhua Tao

This book discusses the numerical simulation of water waves, which combines mathematical theories and modern techniques of numerical simulation to solve the problems associated with waves in coastal, ocean, and environmental engineering. Bridging the gap between practical mathematics and engineering, the book describes wave mechanics, establishment of mathematical wave models, modern numerical simulation techniques, and applications of numerical models in engineering. It also explores environmental issues related to water waves in coastal regions, such as pollutant and sediment transport, and introduces numerical wave flumes and wave basins. The material is self-contained, with numerous illustrations and tables, and most of the mathematical and engineering concepts are presented or derived in the text. The book is intended for researchers, graduate students and engineers in the fields of hydraulic, coastal, ocean and environmental engineering with a background in fluid mechanics and numerical simulation methods.

Numerical Solutions of Boundary Value Problems of Non-linear Differential Equations

by Sujaul Chowdhury Syed Badiuzzaman Faruque Ponkog Kumar Das

The book presents in comprehensive detail numerical solutions to boundary value problems of a number of non-linear differential equations. Replacing derivatives by finite difference approximations in these differential equations leads to a system of non-linear algebraic equations which we have solved using Newton’s iterative method. In each case, we have also obtained Euler solutions and ascertained that the iterations converge to Euler solutions. We find that, except for the boundary values, initial values of the 1st iteration need not be anything close to the final convergent values of the numerical solution. Programs in Mathematica 6.0 were written to obtain the numerical solutions.

Numerical Weather and Climate Prediction

by Thomas Tomkins Warner

This textbook provides a comprehensive yet accessible treatment of weather and climate prediction, for graduate students, researchers and professionals. It teaches the strengths, weaknesses and best practices for the use of atmospheric models. It is ideal for the many scientists who use such models across a wide variety of applications. The book describes the different numerical methods, data assimilation, ensemble methods, predictability, land-surface modeling, climate modeling and downscaling, computational fluid-dynamics models, experimental designs in model-based research, verification methods, operational prediction, and special applications such as air-quality modeling and flood prediction. This volume will satisfy everyone who needs to know about atmospheric modeling for use in research or operations. It is ideal both as a textbook for a course on weather and climate prediction and as a reference text for researchers and professionals from a range of backgrounds: atmospheric science, meteorology, climatology, environmental science, geography, and geophysical fluid mechanics/dynamics.

Numerical Weather Prediction

by Venkata Bhaskar Dodla

Numerical Weather Prediction (NWP) is the current state-of-art methodology to provide weather prediction at different spatial and time scales to serve user community. The NWP uses a modeling system built up adopting the mathematical equations governing atmospheric motion, incorporating the physical processes through parameterization methods, solved applying numerical methods and carrying out large number-crunching calculations on high speed computers. The NWP products have their application in agriculture, aviation, transport, tourism, sports, industry, health, energy and many other social sectors. Several decision support systems of disaster management and risk assessment are dependent on meteorological information from NWP products. The purpose of this book is to present the basics of NWP in lucid form to those who seek an overview of the science of modern weather prediction. Print edition not for sale in South Asia (India, Sri Lanka, Nepal, Bangladesh, Pakistan or Bhutan).

Numerical Weather Prediction: East Asian Perspectives (Springer Atmospheric Sciences)

by Seon Ki Park

This book describes the history, development, current status of numerical weather prediction (NWP), in both operational and research modes, and various applications of NWP models, which have been made by the scientists in East Asian countries. In particular, it introduces the major contributions to the worldwide NWP community achieved by East Asian scientists, including parameterizations, data assimilation techniques, parameter optimizations, and applications of the NWP models to improve the forecasts of high-impact weather systems in East Asia. This book provides both research scientists and graduate students with basic knowledge and insights on the development of NWP in East Asia.

Numerische Physik: Ausgewählte Beispiele der Theoretischen Physik mit C++ (Springer-Lehrbuch)

by Harald Wiedemann

Dieses Lehrbuch stellt die Numerische Physik anhand einer Vielzahl von Beispielen aus den Bereichen Mechanik, Elektrodynamik, Optik, Statistischer Physik und Quantenmechanik dar. Der Leser lernt hier nicht nur die wichtigsten numerischen Techniken in der Programmiersprache C++ kennen, sondern erhält auch neue Einblicke in die Physik, die konventionelle Zugänge nicht bieten. Das Werk schließt damit eine Lücke zwischen den Standardlehrbüchern der Theoretischen Physik und denen der reinen Programmierung.Zu jedem der physikalischen Themen gibt es eine kurze Wiederholung des theoretischen Hintergrunds und anschließend werden ausgewählte Beispiele im Detail ausgearbeitet. Übungen am Ende des Kapitels bieten weitere Gelegenheit die Anwendungen des Gelernten zu vertiefen.Das Buch richtet sich vornehmlich an Physikstudierende höherer Semester, die bereits über eine Basis in Theoretischer Physik verfügen und auch Grundkenntnisse in der Programmierung in C++ mitbringen.Auf der Produktseite zum Buch auf finden sich alle Quelltexte zu den Programmen im Buchtext zum Download. Im Anhang erhalten Sie eine Zusammenstellung und Erläuterung frei verfügbarer Software, die sowohl dem Windows-Anwender als auch dem Linux-Freund alle Werkzeuge an die Hand gibt, die er zur Bearbeitung anspruchsvoller physikalischer Fragestellungen benötigt - von Compilern über numerische Bibliotheken bis hin zu Visualisierungstools.

NUMISHEET 2022: Proceedings of the 12th International Conference and Workshop on Numerical Simulation of 3D Sheet Metal Forming Processes (The Minerals, Metals & Materials Series)

by Kaan Inal Julie Levesque Michael Worswick Cliff Butcher

The NUMISHEET conference series is the most significant international conference on the area of the numerical simulation of sheet metal forming processes. It gathers the most prominent experts in numerical methods in sheet forming processes and is an outstanding forum for the exchange of ideas and for the discussion of technologies related to sheet metal forming processes. Topics covered in this volume include but are not limited to the following: Materials Modeling and Experimental Testing MethodsFriction and ContactFormability, Necking, and FractureInstabilities and Surface DefectsFracture and DamageNumerical MethodsSpringbackIncremental Sheet FormingRoll FormingInnovative Forming MethodsProduct and Process Design and Optimization

Nursery Practices in Oil Palm: A Manual (Techniques In Plantation Science Ser. #17)

by Brian Forster Umi Setiawati Fazrin Nur Miranti Rahmaningsih Yassier Anwar Nur D Laksono Heru Rusfiandi Eben Haeser Sembiring Avasarala Sreenivasa Subbarao Hafni Zahara

This is a hands-on, practical guide to general and specific practices in oil palm nurseries to produce healthy, vigorous and uniform plants ready for field planting. There are two nursery stages, pre-nursery and main nursery. The pre-nursery receives both germinated seeds and tissue culture produced plantlets (ramets) which are planted in a relatively small area in which shade and humidity can be controlled. Once young plants are established they are transferred to the main nursery, potted-on and grown on to produce field-ready plants. Good nursery practices, using sustainable approaches where possible, aim to provide high quality planting materials for both commercial production and field trialling. The book covers: Nursery set up - pre-nursery and main nursery Fertilizer programmes Watering Culling Weeding Pests and diseases Pre-field genotypic screening and selection Quarantine nurseries This is an invaluable manual for commercial seed producers, nursery plant producers, commercial plantation companies and plant breeders, as well as researchers in oil palm. It is useful for those starting a career in oil palm production, and as a reference guide for managers and for training purposes.

Nurturing Alternative Futures: Living with Diversity in a More-than-Human World

by Muhammad A. Kavesh Natasha Fijn

Developing upon emerging environmental humanities and multispecies anthropological theories, this book provides a fresh perspective on how we might rethink more-than-human relationality and why it is important to "nurture alternative futures." The diverse chapters examine the life trajectories of people, animals, plants, and microbes, their lived experiences and constituted relationality, offering new ways to reinterpret and reimagine a multi-species future in the current era of planetary crisis. The ethnographic case studies from around the world feature a combination of biological and cultural diversity with analyses that prioritize local and Indigenous modes of thinking. While engaging with Mongolian herders, Indigenous Yucatec Mayan, Congolese farmers, rural Pakistani donkey keepers, Australian heritage breed farmers, Croatian cheesemakers, Japanese oyster aquafarmers, Texan corn growers, Californian cannabis producers, or Hindu devotees to the Ganges River, the chapters offer a grounded anthropological understanding of imagining a future in relationality with other beings. The stories, lived experiences, and mutual worlding that this volume presents offer a portrayal of alternative forms of multispecies coexistence, rather than an anthropocentric future.

Nurturing Nature and the Environment with Young Children: Children, Elders, Earth

by Janice Kroeger Casey Y. Myers Katy Morgan

This book, at the intersection of early childhood and reconceptualizing practice, looks at how practitioners, theorists, and teachers are supporting young children to care about the environment differently. Despite the current popularity of post-human perspectives, in social science more broadly and in early childhood studies more specifically, this is one of few to make visible international practices and perspectives that emerge at the intersection of early childhood education, environmental justice, sustainability, and intergenerational/interspecies communities. The book provides an innovative exploration of the links between children, elders, and nature. With contributions from established scholars, practitioners, and newcomers this book reframes educating for social justice within an ecological landscape; one in which young children and their elders are mobilized to understand, reconceptualize and even undo negative environmental impact, whilst grappling with the ways in which the earthly forces are acting upon them. Specific theoretical chapters (spirituality, nature, critical and post-human/materiality, pragmatics, and constructivism approaches) are blended with applications of pedagogic strategies from across the globe. This book responds to a growing interest among early childhood professionals and scholars for sustainably focused and ethically reimagined programs. This collection rewards the reader with opportunities to critically reflect on their own practice, delves into new terrestrial collectives, and explores new pedagogical pathways. It will be essential reading for practitioners and scholars alike.

The Nutmeg's Curse: Parables for a Planet in Crisis

by Amitav Ghosh

'Do not miss this book' NAOMI KLEIN, author of This Changes EverythingThe history of the nutmeg is one of conquest and exploitation - of both human life and the natural environment - and the origin of our contemporary climate crisis.Tracing the threats to our future to the discovery of the New World and the sea route to the Indian Ocean, The Nutmeg's Curse argues that the dynamics of climate change are rooted in a centuries-old geopolitical order constructed by Western colonialism. The story of the nutmeg becomes a parable revealing the ways human history has always been entangled with earthly materials - spices, tea, sugarcane, opium, and fossil fuels. Our crisis, Ghosh shows, is ultimately the result of a mechanistic view of the earth, where nature exists only as a resource for humans to use for our own ends, rather than a force of its own, full of agency and meaning.Writing against the backdrop of the global pandemic and the Black Lives Matter protests, Ghosh frames these historical stories in a way that connects our shared colonial past with the deep inequality we see around us today. By interweaving discussions on everything from the global history of the oil trade to the migrant crisis and the animist spirituality of indigenous communities around the world, The Nutmeg's Curse offers a sharp critique of contemporary society and speaks to the profoundly remarkable ways in which human history is shaped by non-human forces.

The Nutmeg's Curse: Parables for a Planet in Crisis

by Amitav Ghosh

'Do not miss this book' NAOMI KLEIN, author of This Changes EverythingFrom the bestselling author of the Ibis trilogy and The Great Derangement, The Nutmeg's Curse is an enthralling, panoramic history of the influence of colonialism on the world today, told through the surprising story of the nutmeg.The history of the nutmeg is one of conquest and exploitation - of both human life and the natural environment - and the origin of our contemporary climate crisis.Tracing the threats to our future to the discovery of the New World and the sea route to the Indian Ocean, The Nutmeg's Curse argues that the dynamics of climate change are rooted in a centuries-old geopolitical order constructed by Western colonialism. The story of the nutmeg becomes a parable revealing the ways human history has always been entangled with earthly materials - spices, tea, sugarcane, opium, and fossil fuels. Our crisis, Ghosh shows, is ultimately the result of a mechanistic view of the earth, where nature exists only as a resource for humans to use for our own ends, rather than a force of its own, full of agency and meaning.Writing against the backdrop of the global pandemic and the Black Lives Matter protests, Ghosh frames these historical stories in a way that connects our shared colonial histories with the deep inequality we see around us today. By interweaving discussions on everything from the global history of the oil trade to the migrant crisis and the animist spirituality of indigenous communities around the world, The Nutmeg's Curse offers a sharp critique of contemporary society and speaks to the profoundly remarkable ways in which human history is shaped by non-human forces.(P) 2021 Hodder & Stoughton Limited

Nutrient Control Actions for Improving Water Quality in the Mississippi River Basin and Northern Gulf of Mexico

by National Research Council of the National Academies

A large area of coastal waters in the northern Gulf of Mexico experiences seasonal conditions of low levels of dissolved oxygen, a condition known as hypoxia. Excess discharge of nutrients into the Gulf of Mexico from the Mississippi and Atchafalaya rivers causes nutrient overenrichment in the gulf's coastal waters and stimulates the growth of large algae blooms. When these algae die, the process of decomposition depletes dissolved oxygen from the water column and creates hypoxic conditions. In considering how to implement provisions of the Clean Water Act to strengthen nutrient reduction objectives across the Mississippi River basin, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) requested advice from the National Research Council. This book represents the results of the committee's investigations and deliberations, and recommends that the EPA and U.S. Department of Agriculture should jointly establish a Nutrient Control Implementation Initiative to learn more about the effectiveness of actions meant to improve water quality throughout the Mississippi River basin and into the northern Gulf of Mexico. Other recommendations include how to move forward on the larger process of allocating nutrient loading caps -- which entails delegating responsibilities for reducing nutrient pollutants such as nitrogen and phosphorus -- across the basin.

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