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Where to Find it in the Bible

by Rose Publishing

Rose Bible Basics: Where to Find it in the Bible - Find Your Favorite Bible Verses and Bible Stories Do you need help occasionally finding a specific Bible verse? Can't remember which chapter that Bible story is in? Rose Bible Basics: Where to Find it in the Bible is a valuable resource when you need to find a specific verse or Bible story. Where to Find it in the Bible also provides basic instructions so you can start your own inductive Bible study and it includes a one-year Bible reading program to help you really dig into God's Word. Finding specific Bible passages can sometimes be a challenge. Where to Find it in the Bible will help you find what you're looking for. Chapter titles include: *Favorite Bible Verses with topics including:* Words of comfort and strength *Verses for sharing Jesus with others *50 topics in Christian living *People in the Bible which includes:* Passages on over 100 important people in the Bible *Key scripture references *People in the genealogy of Jesus *100 Prayers in the Bible which will show you:* Prayers in the Psalms *Jesus' prayers *Prayers of confession, praise, and petition *52 Key Bible Stories where you will see:* Old Testament stories, such as: the call of Abraham, the 10 Commandments, Samson and Delilah, and Valley of the Dry Bones *New Testament stores, including: Jesus walking on water, the rich young ruler, and the conversion of Saul *A summary and the main points of each story *100 Prophecies Fulfilled by Jesus which shows:* Old Testament prophecies and the New Testament fulfillments *Gospels Side-By-Side which looks at:* The harmony of the Gospels *Jesus' parables, miracles, travels and Passovers *Bible Promises which includes:* 100 best-loved Bible verses *God's promises for times of sorrow, fear and despair Rose Bible Basics: Where to Find it in the Bible is a great resource for your personal Bible study, Sunday school class, small group, your church library, or to pass along to new believers who want to learn more about the God of the Bible.

Life of Joseph: God's Purposes in Suffering

by Rose Publishing

Is God really in charge? Where is he when everything goes wrong? The Life of Joseph shows how God can take misfortune and evil and turn it into great good. Joseph was betrayed by people close to him and had every reason to grow bitter, yet continued to obey God. And God was working behind the scenes to change Joseph and his family.The Life of Joseph is a easy-to-use, beautifully illustrated guide through God's purposes in suffering. This pamphlet follows the story of Joseph from the beginnings of God's promise to Abraham to the reconciliation of Joseph's family in Egypt. Life of Joseph includes a time line of the important events in the lives of Joseph and his family, as well as a family tree of Jacob's (Israel) sons. Life of Joseph also includes a side-by-side comparison of the dreams Joseph interpreted and how God was working in the lives of Joseph, Jacob, his brothers, and Judah to ultimately bring about the promised Messiah, Jesus!Life of Joseph helps us see meaning in suffering and aids us in our own journey toward wisdom. Includes a map and time line. Why is Joseph's story so compelling? Look at Joseph's life at age 17:*Favored excessively by his father*Hated by his 10 older brothers, who had a history of violence and treachery.*Thrown into a pit in the wilderness*Sold into slavery and never returned home again.*His parents were given proof he was dead and no search was instigatedLater, when it appeared his life was improving, he was...*Stalked by someone powerful and vengeful*Falsely accused and imprisoned*Abandoned in jail without friends or defenders*Forgotten by people who owed him a favorTo any observer, it would appear that God had abandoned Joseph.But invisibly God was working behind the scenes. Life of Joseph brings the fascinating story of Jacob, Joseph, and his family to life and is a resource you will be referring to again and again as you study the book of Genesis.


by Rose Publishing

The Queen Esther Pamphlet is an excellent overview of the story of Queen Esther in the Bible. Esther's story asks the important question: Where is God when things go wrong? It's easy to characterize Queen Esther as the lucky orphan girl who won the heart of the king. But in reality, she was a young woman with a tragic background and dangerous secret that could cost her life and the lives of her family. She was married to King Ahasuerus (King Xerxes) who destroyed peoples' lives on a whim and had a history of killing people close to him. Worse still, the king's favorite counselor and chief advisor, Haman, was a mortal enemy of Esther and Mordecai's family. Esther had to keep a low profile, keeping her secret, and hoping her enemy wouldn't make the connection. For Esther, life was unfair. But her story brings a message of hope to all who face trouble by showing how God works even through the fears and dangers. There can be happy endings in perilous times! This basic overview of Esther and the biblical and cultural insights is fantastic for a Queen Esther Bible study, Sunday school class, or small group discussion. 14 panels, fits inside most Bibles, 8.5 x 5.5 inches, unfolds to 38 inches long.Queen Esther Gives Insights into the Life of EstherDetails about Queen Esther's Life *Summary of Esther's story: Her danger and her courage *Background on the biblical feast of Purim *Explanation of why the Jewish people were in Persia *Orphaned, raised by Mordecai.Details about Life in Ancient Persia 2500 Years Ago *Map of Persia and the entire Middle East at the Time of King Xerxes *Timeline of Key Events in Israel, Persia, Greece and Egypt During Esther's Lifetime *Intrigue in the Persian Court *Customs in Ancient Persia Details about The Cast of Characters in the Life of Esther *Spiritual parallels between the two banquets: The King's and Esther's *Hebrew/Persian meanings of Esther's name, as well as other key characters *Genealogy and Background of Each Key Character in the Story Esther is an outstanding close-up on one of the most fascinating stories in the Bible. You will find this pamphlet a great resource as you study the book of Esther and you are sure to refer to it often.


by Benjamin Galan

Proverbs is one of the most beloved books in the Bible and this full-color 14-panel pamphlet gives you a good overview and includes discussion questions for personal or group use. It explains the types of proverbs and shows the richness hidden below the surface when you understand the their structure and meaning. What's Included in the Proverbs pamphlet?* 3 common mistakes when reading the proverbs* 6 tools for studying the proverbs* What is a proverb (and what isn't it)?* How Bible proverbs are different from other proverbs from ancient times.* Key verses and themes of the proverbs, such as Wisdom, Relationships, Money, Speech, Character, Honor, and Kingship.* 3 kinds of parallelism in the proverbs and why it's important. Study Questions for the Proverbs pamphlet*Read panels 1-2. How is a biblical proverb different from a biblical promise? *Read panel 3 and pick one of the "Wisdom" proverbs and one of the "Understanding Humanity" proverbs. Look up the verses in your Bible. These proverbs were written nearly 3000 years ago. Give one example of how they are just as important today.*Read panel 4 on "Description of a Wise Person." Pick one or two verses and look them up. What traits do you appreciate in others? Why is "forgiveness" an important trait for wise people?*Read panel 5 and pick a proverb on relationships. Women had a much lower status in ancient times than they do today, yet the Bible has a lot to say about treating women with respect. In your opinion, why was this important to the writers of the Proverbs?*Read panel 6, and pick one of the verses about wisdom and possessions. Look it up and share it. In a society that values wealth and money, what priorities do these Scripture passages encourage. Why?*Read panel 8, and chose a proverb about kingship. How did Jesus' life show the traits of kingship? As you work with other people at home, school, or the job, which of these traits would you like to model to others?*Read panels 9-10. How do the proverbs from the Bible differ from the proverbs in other ancient countries? What strikes you as the most important trait in this list and why?*Read "Proverbs in Context" at the bottom of page 11 and all of page 12. Sometimes the proverbs appear to promise a perfect life for good people. But we know from the life of Job that this is not always true. In the book of James, Christians are told they will have troubles, trials, and difficult times. What mistakes might people make as they read the Proverbs?*Look at the suggestions on panel 13, and pick a topic or theme to study (see panels 3-6 and 10 for ideas). There are 31 chapters in Proverbs, so it is easy to read one per day and make note of those passages that mention your theme. Keep notes as you read and one month from now, write or discuss what you've learned on this theme.Main Author: Benjamin Galán, MTS, ThM, the award-winning author of The Rose Book of Bible Prophecies, was the author of the Rose Guide to the Tabernacle, which won the 2009 Christian Retailers' Choice Award in Bible Reference. He is Adjunct Professor of Hebrew and Old Testament Literature at Fuller Theological Seminary.Benjamin Galán grew up in a Christian home in Mexico City. During his studies, Galán became enamored with natural sciences. In college, Galen studied physics and mathematics, and grew indifferent and hostile toward the Christian faith. Along with the French mathematician Laplace, Galan believed God was no longer a necessary hypothesis.After additional studies, Galán began to long for deep, satisfying connections and meaning in his young life. Through the moving testimony of a friend in school, Galán began to read the Bible with renewed eyes, and eventually returned to church. As he became more involved in the ministry of his home church, Galán sensed God's calling.During his theological studies, Galán fell in love with the Old Testament and understood the Old Testament as the key for understanding the New Testament.

The Humanities, Higher Education, and Academic Freedom: Three Necessary Arguments

by Michael Bérubé Jennifer Ruth

This book is a lively, passionate defence of contemporary work in the humanities, and, beyond that, of the university system that makes such work possible. The book's stark accounts of academic labour, and its proposals for reform of the tenure system, are novel, controversial, timely, and very necessary.

Life of David

by Rose Publishing

Experience the convenience of having this amazing Bible Study Tool at your fingertips--wherever you go! Plus, you can read, search, enlarge, and print the pamphlet right off your computer.This handy 14-page guide gives you the entire life of King David at a glance. From humble beginnings as a shepherd boy to king over Israel, David is one of the most beloved and impressive characters in the Bible. Despite many personal failures and weaknesses, David went down in history as "a man after God's own heart." Examine in detail the historical background of biblical events, a map of Bible places, This Bible pamphlet tracks every major event in King David's life as well as the important people around him. See David's life at a glance and know all of the key stories: David and Goliath, David and Jonathan, Saul's jealously and attacks on David's life, David's marriage to Michal, Abigail, and more. Complete with maps, charts and time lines, this pamphlet explores the life of Jesus' most famous ancestor. Perfect for the busy person who wants an overview of key themes and events.Time line covers these keys events:*David is born*Samuel anoints David as king*Saul becomes jealous of David's popularity and success*David kills Goliath*Saul's son Jonathan declares lifelong friendship with David*David commands some of King Saul's troops*David marries King Saul's daughter, Michal*Saul tries to kill David; David lives in exile*Saul takes Michal and marries her to another man*David gathers a band of soldiers; they fight Israel's enemies*David spares Saul's life*Nabal refuses hospitality to David*David marries Abigail and Ahinoam*David spares Saul's life a second time*David lives among the Philistines*Samuel dies*King Saul and son Jonathan die in battle with Philistines*David made king of Judah at age 30 in Hebron; Ishbosheth made king of Israel by Abner*Six sons born, including Absalom and Adonijah*David rules in Hebron 7 years and 6 months*Abner, cousin of King Saul, supports Saul's son Ishbosheth until insulted*Ishbosheth murdered by own generals*David marries four more wives and takes several concubines, has more children*David made king of Israel; conquers Jerusalem and makes it his capitol; rules 33 years*David defeats the Philistines at Baal Perazim*David orders the Ark of the Covenant to be returned to Shiloh from Kiriath Jearim*Celebration when the Ark returns; Michal scorns David's fervor*God promises that David's kingdom will last forever*David consolidates kingdom by victories over Philistines, Moabite, Arameans, Edomites, and Ammonites*David takes Jonathan's son Mephibosheth into his household*David kills Uriah and marries Bathsheba*Absolom rebels against his father*David averts plague by a sacrifice to God on what would later be the Temple Mount*David dies, leaves kingdom to son Solomon

Dare to Love: 1 Corinthians 13

by Rose Publishing

The "Love Chapter" in the Bible is one of the most precious passages of all time. The kind of love portrayed in 1 Corinthians is true love, strong and determined--and it is not for the faint of heart. In this beautiful full-color 14-page Dare To Love booklet, you will read the full text of this chapter and understand the teachings and insights in depth. These days, love is a risky adventure requiring not only strength and character, but also a vulnerable, gritty commitment. Paul's famous passage on love, 1 Corinthians 13, is often quoted during weddings, but it has a far greater application to today's world. Dare to Love unpacks this meaty chapter without sentimentalism, examining and applying the hard work of loving another human being, a spouse, child, friend, or neighbor. Discusses the differences in the four kinds of love: Agape (unconditional, God-like), Philia (friendship), Eros (pleasure, sexuality), and Storge (gift-love between parents and children). 1 Corinthians 13 includes principles that bring healing and restoration to marriages and families today. This pamphlet is perfect for people who are engaged, married, or caretakers for the sick or elderly. It also goes well with the movie "Fireproof," the book Love Dare and other marriage enrichment books.

Psalm 23

by Rose Publishing

Psalm 23 - The Beloved Psalm Brought To LifePsalm 23 has been read and cherished by countless generations and is considered the most popular psalm in the Bible. Easily read in 30 minutes or less, Psalm 23 is a great Bible study tool that provides a number of scriptural references that shows the importance of following the good shepherd. 14 panels, fits inside most Bibles, 8.5 x 5.5 inches, unfolds to 38 inches long Now you can get an insider's look at what Psalm 23 is all about -- a view from the shepherd. Learn how - *Psalm 23 reveals the yearly cycle of sheep moving through their pastures* A nomadic shepherd cared for his flock* Danger, drama, and salvation from death figured into shepherding*Sheep learned to trust and recognize their shepherd *Compare rod and staff references throughout the Bible.The Psalm 23 pamphlet is a word-by-word study of this cherished psalm, providing a meaning and an application for each phrase, as well as related Bible passages. For example:"He restores my soul"*Meaning - God cares for and keeps my heart and mind.*Sheep may become "cast," stuck on their backs, unable to get up. A downcast sheep is one that has rolled over into a depression and cannot right itself to stand. In this condition, a sheep struggling to raise itself may quickly become dehydrated in the simmer sun. A cast sheep is also easy prey for wild animals. top heavy, body down in a hole, legs flailing the air, a sheep in this state is a funny sight to see - funny, but also helpless. *Application - We can trust God for the needs of the body and spirit.*How has God restored your soul?*Related Passages - John 16:33; 17:13; Psalms 42:11Psalm 23 also includes a number of charts that compare a shepherd's duties with Jesus' actions, Old and New Testament shepherding imagery, Scripture references that show how different people in the Bible use their rod and/or staff, and other information that will help you with your daily walk the Lord.

Parables and Other Bible Studies

by Rose Publishing

Rose Bible Basics: Parables and Other Bible Studies will help you see the love of God through some of your favorite Bible passages. Each chapter provides basic tools for interpreting and applying Scripture so you can learn how to walk in step with God's plan for your life. Your small group or Sunday school class will enjoy studying these favorite biblical passages found in Rose Bible Basics: *Parables and Other Bible Studies: *Parables of Jesus - insights into God's Kingdom life *Life of Joseph - on the purpose of suffering *Psalm 23 - comfort during difficult times *Life of David - God's power in the lives of flawed people *Esther - Answers the question, "Where is God when life is unfair? *1 Corinthians 13 (Love Chapter: patience, kindness, perseverance) Rose Bible Basics: Parables and Other Bible Studies also includes a six-session study guide.

Pursuing Jesus

by Rose Publishing

Basic discipleship in language anyone can understand for a new generation of believers. Answers the question, "I'm a Christian--exactly what does that mean and how do I do it?" * New believer's tool; youth & young adult* The basics of Christian living for a new generation of believers. * Addresses 15 questions new believers have. * Written in nonreligious language for teens and young adults, this pamphlet provides encouragement and practical tips for new believers to stay strong on their journey with Jesus. Questions include:I don't feel holy or "Christian." Do I really belong?It was really a rush at first but now I don't feel the same. What happened?What happens when I sin? Is it all over?What's "quiet time"? Why do I need it?What is prayer? How do I do it? Why is the Bible important? How do I read it?So why do I need to go to church?People keep talking about spiritual gifts. Do I get one?What's this thing about giving away my money? A lot of things scare me. What does the Bible say about fear? I'm a Christian but I still have doubts. Is that OK?But if God loves me, why do bad things happen to me? Isn't Christianity the same as any other religion? Is Jesus the only way to be saved?Is there evidence that Jesus really died and rose from death?How do I know the Bible's reliable?

Why Wait?: 24 Reasons to Wait Until Marriage to Have Sex

by Rose Publishing

Why Wait? is a best-selling abstinence education booklet for Christians. It discusses one of the biggest challenges among teens and singles: pre-marital sexual activity. This bestselling full-color ebook presents 24 reasons--12 biblical and 12 medical and emotional--to think twice before risking health and happiness on sex outside of marriage. Emphasizing God's plan for marriage and his prohibition of sex outside of marriage, the ebook presents sobering statistics on sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) and offers sensible information that helps people make an educated decision about their lives. A Basic Abstinence Education Program for Churches, Sunday School Classes, and Youth GroupsAlthough many public school students receive sex education in school, Christians have a distinct view of the sacredness of sex that is usually not presented in a classroom setting. This Why Wait Pamphlet is a very basic abstinence education overview from a Christian stance that presents a Christian viewpoint on human sexuality in a simple 1-2 hour discussion. Many churches divide the students by gender to discuss these topics once a year, often in April or May, when public school address the issue, but it can be used any time.The reality is that many students today have experienced sexual contact already. Some have been taken advantage of. Others were pressured or coerced. Some have simply been naive. This grace-filled pamphlet also helps those who want to be assured of God's constant love and good plan no matter what they have experienced. It is never too late to treat yourself with respect and expect others to do the same.Abstinence Education from a Christian Point of ViewTeens and single adults ask themselves, Why Wait? Why does God care if I have sex? Everyone else is doing it. In fact, these many people are often surprised to discover that God does have very good reasons for us to wait for sex until marriage. The pamphlet presents 12 of God's compelling reasons to wait, but also provides ideas for those who have not, as well as an encouraging section on "second-time virginity."Abstinence Education: Medical FactsThe ebook also offers "Quick Facts from Medical Science." For instance--Did you know that:* STDs (sexually transmitted diseases) cost $8.4 billion each year to treat in the United States alone?* Two-thirds of people with STDs are less than 25 years old?God's Design: Sacredness of Sexuality Within MarriageGod's design for sexuality limits it to marriage. While that view might seem extreme these days, his plan is a wise one, allowing time for true love and tenderness to grow and have its appropriate place in life. Sexuality can be misused and abused. It belongs to mature people who are committed to one another through marriage.24 Reasons to Practice Abstinence Before Marriage* 12 Biblical reasons to wait, with verses of Scripture that inspire and encourage* 12 health and emotional reasons, including issues of pregnancy, STDs and personal regret* Nine ideas for "keeping out of trouble," such as* Group dating* Staying away from places where "making out" is encouragedBiblical Reasons for Abstinence Before Marriage3 Examples from the Why Wait Pamphlet* Having sex with a person creates a kind of "oneness" that God intended for marriage only (1 Cor. 6:16). This oneness is not just physical; it is emotional and spiritual, too. God created sensuality in a loving marriage to build intimacy and trust, and to bond the couple. * To test the commitment of the other person. Some people promise marriage just to get sex, and then they back out of their commitment. Many people have sex with people they would never marry (Proverbs 5:3-12).* The Bible says we should run away from sexually immoral situations (1 Cor. 6:18). When you feel yourself being tempted, get away!Health & Emotional Reasons for Abstinence Before Marriage3 Examples from the Why Wait Pamphlet* To avoid death by fatal sexually transmitted diseases, such as AIDS, which cause more than 18,000 deaths annually.* To increase your chance of a happy, lasting marriage. People who have sex

Knowing God's Will

by Rose Publishing

The Twelve Disciples - The Life and Ministry of Jesus' 12 Disciples

Spiritual Disciplines: Exploring the Classic Disciplines of the Faith

by Rose Publishing

The Spiritual Disciplines Pamphlet explains the classic spiritual disciplines that help us follow Jesus: Scripture reading, prayer, fasting, worship, solitude, and evangelism. The Spiritual Disciplines Pamphlet makes an excellent handout or Bible study on Christian maturity for a small group or Sunday school class. It addresses questions such as: What does it mean to be Jesus' disciples in the twenty-first century? Do spiritual disciplines look different in an electronic age? How can spiritual disciplines be a joy, not a legalistic burden?Includes an explaination and advice on these Spiritual Disciplines:* Bible Reading/Study* Prayer* Fasting* Worship* Service* Solitutude* Discernment* EvangelismEach Spiritual Discipline includes:* Examples from people in the Bible* Tips for getting started* How each discipline helps us to have a Christ-focused lifeDiscussion Questions* Scripture Reading: Read two of the Bible passages from the list on page 5. In your opinion, what is the message of these passages? Read the section on "The Disciplines Today." Some people love to read the Bible; others see it as a challenge. What ideas might work for those who struggle?* Prayer: Read one of the Psalms listed at the top of page 6 and pick one other Bible passage in that section. What is the writer of the Psalms expressing in his prayer? Is he being honest with God about his emotions and problems? In what way does this change your view of prayer? What attitude should we have? What kinds of prayers should we avoid? Pick one of the ideas in "The Disciplines Today" and share how you might apply it.* Fasting: Choose two of the passages at the top of page 8 to read. Why did these people choose to fast? Now look at the quote. How can we keep our focus on the right thing? Fasting is one of the most neglected of the Spiritual Disciplines, but it is excellent for teaching us self-control. Look at the tips. How might you practice the discipline of fasting? * Worship: People worship in many ways as we can see from the biblical examples at the top of page 9. Which of these suit your personality and circumstances the most? Look at the first point under "The Disciplines Today." In practical ways, how can we develop the right attitudes? When we worship in a group, the experience is often different from our private times of worship. What are the benefits of each? * Service: Jesus could have forced and bullied everyone into obeying him. Yet he did not. He chose to be a servant. Pick one of the passages from the Biblical Basis section at the top of page 10, and explain how Jesus' leadership is different from the kind of leadership found in the world today. Read the tips on page 10. How will you serve others in a way that imitates Jesus?* Solitude: Many biblical leaders sought to be alone with God. Pick one of the examples on page 11 and note anything of interest to you. If you are the type of person who likes having a lot of noise in your life, how do you practice solitude? What are the benefits of going off by yourself and praying and resting?* Discernment: Look at the examples of biblical discernment at the top of page 12. Read both of the last two bullet points in the Biblical Basis section. What does discernment mean and how does it look today? Some people seem to have the spiritual gift of discernment, but all believers can be more discerning in general. Why is it important to discuss issues with other believers?* Evangelism: Read all of the points at the top of page 13. What did Jesus teach? Look at the tips. What do you see as the most important? It is often easiest and most natural to share your own story with close friends. Do you ever sense an opportunity to discuss spiritual matters? Perfect for discipleship or small groups.

Why Truth Matters: 10 Common Doctrinal Errors

by Rose Publishing

What is truth, and how can we know? The Bible plainly reveals the errors and false teachings that Christians will be expected to identify and defend against. Learn to recognize the counterfeits through the light of God's truth. Christians often wonder why certain religious groups are called "cults" or are said to have "cultic teachings." The answer is fairly simple. The Scripture mentions 10 key Christian beliefs that cult leaders or aberrant teachers ignore or twist. You will learn each of these 10 beliefs and be able to give examples of truth vs. counterfeit teachings. The 10 Common Doctrinal Errors include: False Gospels, False Doctrine, False Gods, False Christs, False Spirits, False Prophets, False Apostles, False Teachers, False Visions, and False Miracles.

Strong in the Storm: God's Love During Tough Times

by Rose Publishing

God's love through tough times. Strong in the Storm: Six Lessons from Persecuted ChristiansThe lives of persecuted Christians have much to teach us about how God gives courage, peace, and even joy through life's toughest storms. This pamphlet gives 6 lessons we can learn from the persecuted Church and includes six amazing stories of believers who faced incredible hardship.You'll find out where Christians are being persecuted and how you can pray for them. Learn how to apply these lessons of faith, strength, and forgiveness to our own lives. This pamphlet is perfect for a 6-week Bible study or discussion group for adults.Every dayChristians are torturedBecause of their faith in Jesus ChristIn more than 50 countriesBeing a Christianmeans being persecutedIn North KoreaChristians are sent to labor campsTo starve or be killedIn Saudi ArabiaMany Christians have been arrestedOr killed in "honor killings" by their own families.In IranChristians are discriminated againstAnd cannot find or keep jobsTheir lives are on the line every day...Yet they are joyousThey have courageThey have peaceWhat is the secret to being Strong in the Storm?Persecuted Christians want you to know...They are just like youFaithful, flawed, human.Yet they know the six lessons about standing firm for Christ. Now you can hear their stories, andLearn to know God better during times of suffering.The new Strong in the Storm studyWill change your life.Perfect for personal study, prayer groups, or Bible studies. Buy it today.

Love Chapter: 1 Corinthians 13

by Rose Publishing

The Love ChapterIn The Love Chapter, enjoy having a close - up look with Dare to Love as you read line by line through 1 Corinthians 13. Be encouraged and challenged as you gain a clearer understanding of what love really is and how to practically show it to those around you - whether it's a spouse, child, friend, or neighbor.

The Dead Sea Scrolls: The Discovery Heard Around the World

by J. Randall Price

The discovery of the Dead Sea Scrolls is one of the most important archaeological finds ever for Christians. This find confirms that the Bible was translated accurately over the centuries. The scrolls also tell us about life at the time of Jesus and the New Testament. Dead Sea Scrolls includes the story of how the scrolls were discovered, a map, time line, photos of the caves where they were discovered and photos of the scrolls themselves.The Dead Sea Scrolls are a fascinating source of material regarding biblical times and the scrolls hold even greater importance to Christians. The Dead Sea Scrolls tell us: * The reliability of Old Testament translation over the years * Interesting information on the culture and times of Jesus Christ * What the people of Jesus' time expected from the Messiah The Dead Sea Scrolls examines the discovery of the oldest known copies of portions of the Old Testament. These ancient documents confirm the accuracy of modern Bible translations, but what were they doing hidden in caves in Qumran? Who were the people who hid them there? What do these scrolls reveal about Jewish history, the Old and New Testaments and early Christianity? The Dead Sea Scrolls investigates the amazing discovery. Includes a map of the region, a time line, and photos of caves and parchment scrolls. Includes insights on the Isaiah Scroll and other key discoveries. The pamphlet reveals: * What we know about the site * How the scrolls reveal the accuracy of Old Testament Bible translation over the centuries * What the scrolls reveal about Jewish history * What the scrolls reveal about early Christianity * What the scrolls reveal about the New Testament

Tabernacle: Leader Guide

by Rose Publishing

This is the leader guide to The Tabernacle, the ONLY DVD study from The Tabernacle Experience® on the market! This guide has everything a leader needs! From tips on how start each session to riveting discussion questions, this leader guide makes leading a Sunday School class, small group, or home study easier than ever. Covers all 6 sessions!This new The Tabernacle DVD is a fantastic 6-session video-based study on the biblical Tabernacle, and is perfect for your personal study, church small group, or Sunday school class. Learn more about this movable tent of meeting in the wilderness of Sinai where God dwelled with his people.Using the popular Tabernacle Experience® replica of the Tabernacle of Moses, this easy-to-teach study presents an expert-guided tour and explanation of each part. As you walk through this life-size model of the Old Testament Tabernacle, you will work your way from the Outer Courtyard into the Most Holy Place. Your teacher Shawn Barnard explains the significance and symbolism of each section of the Tabernacle. New! This ready-to-use Tabernacle DVD will explain - * Why and how the Tabernacle was built* How the sacrifices pointed toward Jesus Christ: Sin Offering, Guilt Offering, Grain/Gift Offering, Burn Offering, and Peace Offering* Why the Tabernacle is often called the "Tabernacle of God" because the design of the tent revealed God's holiness and humanity's need for God* The symbolism behind the Golden Lampstand/Candlestick, the Table of the Bread of Presence, the Altar of Incense and more* Why the Ark of the Covenant and Mercy Seat were at the center of worship* How the Tabernacle relates to biblical holidays, such as Passover* The parallels between the Tabernacle, Christ's ministry, and the church

Tabernacle: Participant Guide

by Rose Publishing

This is the participant guide to The Tabernacle, the ONLY DVD study from The Tabernacle Experience® on the market! This guide provides discussion questions, session overviews, and additional information to help enhance your understanding of The Tabernacle. It covers all 6 sessions included in The Tabernacle DVD-based study. Covers all 6 sessions. This new The Tabernacle DVD is a fantastic 6-session video-based study on the biblical Tabernacle, and is perfect for your personal study, church small group, or Sunday school class. Learn more about this movable tent of meeting in the wilderness of Sinai where God dwelled with his people.Using the popular Tabernacle Experience® replica of the Tabernacle of Moses, this easy-to-teach study presents an expert-guided tour and explanation of each part. As you walk through this life-size model of the Old Testament Tabernacle, you will work your way from the Outer Courtyard into the Most Holy Place. Your teacher Shawn Barnard explains the significance and symbolism of each section of the Tabernacle. New! This ready-to-use Tabernacle DVD will explain - * Why and how the Tabernacle was built* How the sacrifices pointed toward Jesus Christ: Sin Offering, Guilt Offering, Grain/Gift Offering, Burn Offering, and Peace Offering* Why the Tabernacle is often called the "Tabernacle of God" because the design of the tent revealed God's holiness and humanity's need for God* The symbolism behind the Golden Lampstand/Candlestick, the Table of the Bread of Presence, the Altar of Incense and more* Why the Ark of the Covenant and Mercy Seat were at the center of worship* How the Tabernacle relates to biblical holidays, such as Passover* The parallels between the Tabernacle, Christ's ministry, and the church

Noah's Ark

by Rose Publishing

This Noah's Ark Pamphlet is a booklet that shows a Noah's Ark picture drawn to the size and description in the Bible in Genesis 5.Noah's Ark DiagramThe Noah's Ark Pamphlet includes a fold-out picture that compares the massive Ark to common objects. Noah's Ark was longer than a football field or a soccer field, in fact 50 feet longer. Noah's Ark was 450 feet long (138 meters), and 75 feet wide (23 meters). Noah's Ark was wider than a semi-trailer truck.This Noah's Ark Pamphlet shows you the inside of Noah's ark based on the biblical description. What we know about the layout and floor plan of the Ark is shown in this fold-out Noah's Ark picture: We know the dimensions, the height, length, and width. We know it had 3 decks, and that Noah's Ark held animals for more than a year. This incredible Noah's Ark diagram is perfect for Sunday school lessons, Bible studies, and homeschool curriculum.So make yourself an ark of cypress wood; make rooms in it and coat it with pitch inside and out. This is how you are to build it: The ark is to be three hundred cubits long, fifty cubits wide and thirty cubits high. Make a roof for it, leaving below the roof an opening one cubit high all around. Put a door in the side of the ark and make lower, middle and upper decks.--Genesis 5:14-16The Noah's Ark booklet shows the massive ark and and artist's rendition of the inside of the Ark. It explains how Noah could house all of the animals on board, it also shows the size of Noah's Ark compared to giraffes, elephants and hippos.Using the Bible chronology, this handy pamphlet also includes a Noah's Ark Timeline of Events.Noah's Ark Pamphlet Includes A Timeline of EventsTimeline: Noah's Ark and the FloodTimeline: Noah, His Family and the Animals Leave Ark

Life of Moses

by Rose Publishing

Boost Your Moses IQ in Less Than 30 minutes. "My earnest prayer is that you... may see in the action of Moses an example for yourselves."-Charles SpurgeonAlready a Moses-expert? Boost your Moses IQ in less than 30 minutes with Rose Publishing's Life of Moses.You may know him as the great Lawgiver, the leader who parted the Red Sea, and the prophet who provided the Israelites with provision in the desert. But few realize Moses' insecurities...his hidden fears and anxieties. Get to know the real Moses: the 80-year-old man who hated the limelight, feared public speaking, and doubted God's call at first.Life of Moses pamphlet gives you 100's of facts--at your fingertips. Its full-color comparison charts, pictures, maps, and time lines allow you to easily understand Moses' family drama; track his Exodus journey; and uncover his personal struggles. In its thorough overview, you learn Moses' full story and its symbolic meaning without having to rummage through several heavy reference books and confusing commentaries.Moses gave us more than the Ten Commandments; he gave us an example to learn from. Find out how you can gain the confidence to follow God's will just as Moses did, and discover how God transforms our weaknesses and failures into strengths by getting Life of Moses today.Want to Discover More? Check out Life of Moses' Visual Features* Time line featuring Moses' major life events.* Map of the Exodus route. * Comparison chart on major events between Moses and Israel.* Comparison chart between Moses and Jesus.* Chart summarizing Moses' instructions in Deuteronomy.* Illustrations of Moses throughout his life. These visuals provide you with loads of information at a glance.

What the Bible Says About Spiritual Gifts

by Rose Publishing

This best-selling Spiritual Gifts Pamphlet explains the spiritual gifts in the Bible and includes a Spiritual Gifts Quiz to help people know their gifts.This Spiritual Gifts booklet explains each of the gifts of the Holy Spirit and what they mean. When you became a Christian, the Holy Spirit gave you spiritual gifts to build up fellow believers, both in your own church and worldwide. This pamphlet defines spiritual gifts, and describes the differences between the biblical gifts. The Spiritual Gifts Test helps you identify your spiritual gifts, and explains how to use your gifts to benefit others. Each gift of the Spirit is vital and none is more important than others. No matter what your giftedness is, you play an important role in strengthening the church.Did You Know? 63% of Christians Don't Know Their Spiritual GiftsA recent Barna study showed that nearly two-thirds of Christians don't know their spiritual gift(s), don't think they have a gift at all, or claim to have a gift that is not actually biblical.Most Christians know something about Spiritual Gifts, but many don't realize how important they are. Believers are given Spiritual Gifts to contribute to the growth of the church. Spiritual Gifts are important because Scripture says that the church needs all of the gifts working together to help build the Body of Christ. Every believer counts! This pamphlet includes a Spiritual Gifts Questionnaire to determine which gift(s) you might have.The Holy Spirit gives spiritual gifts to Christians to help build the life and ministry of the Church. Yet, a large number of Christians do not use or even recognize their spiritual gift. Rose Publishing's Spiritual Gifts pamphlet will help you learn how important Spiritual Gifts are and how to develop the gift(s) the Holy Spirit has given you. Topics in the Spiritual Gifts pamphlet include --* A self-test "Spiritual Gifts Questionnaire" to determine which gift or gifts you may have.* Description of each gift and how to develop it more as you minister to other believers.Use for* Individual study* Discipleship* Small Group or Sunday School class* Christian School* Homeschoolers* New Believers' class* Church libraryStudy Questions for Personal Use or Small Groups:* Read pages 2-4: Based on page 2, what are the purposes of the gifts? These days many churches have paid staff; so why would the God give each believer a gift for the church? Why are these gifts important to all believers?* See page 3: Some gifts are very dramatic and visible and others are quiet and don't attract much attention. What is the main purpose of these gifts? Why do people need to be involved with other Christians, rather than becoming isolated? Scripture says we must appreciate each person's gift even if it is not very showy. How might you recognize the gifts that other believers have?* See page 4 and the 8 biblical ways that Holy Spirit works in our lives: The Holy Spirit is actively at work in the church with the purpose of glorifying Christ and helping the body of Christ (believers in the church) become more mature. Look at the list: Pick two ways the Holy Spirit acts and why they are important to the church. What would happen if these did not happen? How might you help carry out these priorities in your church?* Read all of page 5 and then go back to the first paragraph. If the Holy Spirit provides the life to the body, how do the members "keep it moving"? Later in the Spiritual Gifts pamphlet, each gift will be described, but based on these four lists of spiritual gifts from Scripture, why do you think such a wide variety of gifts is given to the church? Pick any two gifts and tell how (in your opinion) they fit into the Holy Spirit's priorities on page 4.* Read page 6-7: Christians in every type of church agree on what the spiritual gifts are, but not all Christians agree on precisely how and when they are to be used. Look at Paul's warning at the bottom of page 6 (taken from 2 Corinthians 12:12-26) about not being arrogant but showing concern for each member of the body (each person) so that the

Free Will Vs. Predestination

by Rose Publishing

This popular Freewill vs. Predestination Pamphlet compares the beliefs of Calvinism and Arminianism on 5 key topics. This Calvinism and Arminianism comparison chart is helpful for personal use, adult Bible study, Sunday school lessons, and homeschool curriculum. What's at Stake in the Calvinism vs. Arminianism Debate?The two views have many practical implications. Do people have free will or does God predestine them to be saved? If God elects us, is there any reason to spread the Gospel? Can a person lose his salvation? This easy-to-understand pamphlet compares the teachings of Arminianism with Calvinism and gives the key Bible verses you need to understand this important topic.Some people have strong feelings about salvation via "free will" versus "predestination." Both sides use Bible passages to state their case and often the discussion can go in many different directions.The Free Will vs. Predestination pamphlet provides a side-by-side comparison chart of Arminianism and Calvinism on:* Free Will and Total Inability* Election* Atonement* Grace* Security of the BelieverThis Free Will vs. Predestination Pamphlet Includes* History Timeline of Key Events* Predestination Timeline: Augustine, Martin Luther, John Calvin, Reformed Churches, Synod of Dort* Arminianism Timeline: Pelagius, Erasmus of Ratterdam, Albert Pighius, Arminius, Remonstrants* Shows where Free Will vs. Predestination views agree* Biblical passages supporting each view. Helps Christians develop an appreciation and respect for each other's beliefs* Glossary of words: Arminian Points, Prevenient Grace, Regeneration, Remonstrance, Saints, Synod, and TULIP.


by Rose Publishing

The Book of Jonah: A Bible Study on Hearing God's CallThe story of Jonah in the Bible is more than a children's story about a great whale or fish. It's a story of being obedient to God, even when we don't want to. How do you respond to unexpected change? To plans interrupted, perspectives challenged, and routines ruined? Do you hide from it, distracting yourself by staying busy? Do you resist it, questioning the new direction? Although change remains an unavoidable part of life, we naturally crave to maintain the stability of the familiar. Discover how to stay afloat despite life's changes and interruptions in this excellent Jonah Bible Study. (See the Bible Study Questions below.) Themes in the Book of JonahGod Called Jonah to Nineveh, to the Land of Israel's EnemiesThe call of God required Jonah to make 3 major changes* Change his life's direction. * Change his location. * Change his perspective on who deserves God's grace. How did Jonah respond? He hid, attempting to run from God. So, God swallowed him up in his mercy and reminded him of his grace. Find out how Jonah's story represents more than a fishing tale, explore the scope of God's unrelenting mercy, and discover how God can transform lifes in unanticipated ways in Jonah. Dive into the meaning and relevance of this beloved Bible story with this full color, 14-pannel pamphlet which highlights one disobedient prophet and one all-loving God. Enjoy hundreds of fascinating facts and scriptural insights at your fingertips, including information on the cultural, historical, and symbolic background of the Book of Jonah. God doesn't promise us smooth sailing, but when we let him navigate our life choices he will never let us sink.

Caitlin in Charge (American Girl: Like Sisters #4)

by Helen Huang Clare Hutton

What animal makes the loudest sound?Caitlin knows it's the blue whale, of course! She has a talent for trivia and is delighted when Emma, Zoe, and Natalia vote her captain of their school trivia team. She's determined to lead them to victory through multiple levels of competition-all the way to the top prize, a trip to New York City!But being a team captain is more complicated than Caitlin thought it would be. Her drive to win is starting to create a rift between her and the other girls. When a potential advantage for an upcoming contest falls in her lap, Caitlin has to decide what to do. Is this the big break her team needs. . . or is it cheating?

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