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Guiding Teams to Excellence With Equity: Culturally Proficient Facilitation

by John J. Krownapple

Guide your school through its cultural proficiency transformation Despite the best efforts of equity leaders, our schools suffer from persistent inequities. Guiding the Journey to Excellence with Equity is a must-read for anyone who supports professional learning in our schools. It defines a process of “inside-out” growth that helps develop culturally proficient educators with the facilitation skills needed to navigate the obstacles that arise during equity transformations. Written with an equity lens, this book: Includes a powerful vignette that illustrates common challenges and solutions Focuses on mental models for managing group energy Is grounded in a systems model for personal and organizational transformation Provides tools for planning culturally proficient learning experiences

Guiding Teams to Excellence With Equity: Culturally Proficient Facilitation

by John J. Krownapple

Guide your school through its cultural proficiency transformation Despite the best efforts of equity leaders, our schools suffer from persistent inequities. Guiding the Journey to Excellence with Equity is a must-read for anyone who supports professional learning in our schools. It defines a process of “inside-out” growth that helps develop culturally proficient educators with the facilitation skills needed to navigate the obstacles that arise during equity transformations. Written with an equity lens, this book: Includes a powerful vignette that illustrates common challenges and solutions Focuses on mental models for managing group energy Is grounded in a systems model for personal and organizational transformation Provides tools for planning culturally proficient learning experiences

Using Mindfulness to Improve Learning: 40 Meditation Exercises for School and Home

by Billie Krstovic

Written by an experienced school and meditation teacher, this book is packed with tried and tested mindfulness exercises and relevant follow-up wellbeing, pastoral and academic activities for anyone working with young people. It includes discussions about education and wellbeing, anecdotes from real life experience and numerous testimonies from students and teachers, as well as easy to follow instructions and plenty of useful in-depth explanations. All activities in this book link to variety of school subjects, including science, maths, philosophy, music, art and sport. Divided into two parts, the book explores: What mindfulness and grounding are How mindfulness and grounding works at home, in daily life and in education How teachers can use mindfulness and grounding in the classroom and how parents can support mindfulness and grounding at home What effects can be expected from mindfulness meditation This book is an invaluable resource for secondary teachers, youth workers, therapists and parents and can be used in classrooms, pastoral offices, youth clubs or at home.

Reclaiming Calliope: Freeing the Female Voice through Undomesticated Singing

by Fides Krucker

The practice and politics of the unfettered female voice--reclaiming your power through voice, song, and opera-inspired exercises.For centuries, opera has used women&’s voices to convey male stories. Within an art form dominated by men, the female voice is a means to an end: controlled, denatured, and crafted to carry words and intentions that belie the true depth and complexity of the female experience.Here, author and opera singer Fides Krucker shows readers what it means to find--and use--our authentic voice, to sing wildly and uninhibited from the depths of our bodies and spirits. Part memoir, part radical vocal guide, and part feminist call to action, Reclaiming Calliope offers an intriguing look at the rarified world of opera, with fascinating behind-the-scenes details to which outsiders don&’t typically have access. Through incisive critique, personal stories, and intriguing exposé, Krucker razes the male gaze that packaged characters like Carmen, Tosca, and La Traviota&’s Violetta for viewer consumption--and radically envisions an empowered, new way of finding and fueling the authentic female voice.Through a series of breathing and vocal prompts that anyone--not just singers--can do, Krucker helps readers reconnect to their authentic primal voices: she takes the reader inside her vocal studio to learn new methods of breath, voicework, and embodiment to uncover and access personal and social truths. Each chapter includes a theme-related exercise--an act of expression, release, self-discovery, or resistance--that guides readers to develop voices unbound from anyone else&’s storytelling, boldly and without apology.

Approaches to Teaching Baudelaire's Prose Poems (Approaches to Teaching World Literature #142)

by Cheryl Krueger

A prolific poet, art critic, essayist, and translator, Charles Baudelaire is best known for his volumes of verse (Les Fleurs du Mal [Flowers of Evil]) and prose poems (Le Spleen de Paris [Paris Spleen]). This volume explores his prose poems, which depict Paris during the Second Empire and offer compelling and fraught representations of urban expansion, social change, and modernity. Part 1, "Materials," surveys the valuable resources available for teaching Baudelaire, including editions and translations of his oeuvre, historical accounts of his life and writing, scholarly works, and online databases. In Part 2, "Approaches," experienced instructors present strategies for teaching critical debates on Baudelaire's prose poems, addressing topics such as translation theory, literary genre, alterity, poetics, narrative theory, and ethics as well as the shifting social, economic, and political terrain of the nineteenth century in France and beyond. The essays offer interdisciplinary connections and outline traditional and fresh approaches for teaching Baudelaire's prose poems in a wide range of classroom contexts.

Themes and Stories in Youthwork Practice

by Mark Krueger

Learn to follow the rhythms of building a relationship with youth at riskThemes and Stories in Youth Work Practice takes a refreshing look at the creative possibilities of working with youth in a variety of group care and developmental settings. Author Mark Krueger presents an innovative approach to developing relationships through shared experiences that plays out like modern dance, choreographed according to individual needs and strengths but always open to improvisations that follow the rhythms of life. The book also promotes a framework of understanding youth work through personal stories constructed alone and together by youth and youth workers.Themes and Stories in Youth Work Practice offers a unique perspective on theory and practice as it examines human interaction as an interpersonal, inter-subjective, and contextual process. The book recounts a day in the life of a youth worker, examines qualitative inquiries conducted by youth workers, recalls personal stories, and addresses the ways youth workers' experiences influence their interactions with youth. Counselors working in community centers, group homes, treatment centers, and community and group care programs will discover how to use the interactive dance between workers and youth at risk to create human compositions, advancing the story and getting a feel of where they are in moments of connection, discovery, and empowerment.From the author:"Youth work is like a modern dance. We bring ourselves to the moment and try to interact in synch with youths' rhythms for trusting and growing. As we interact, we are in a sense, in-and passing through-youth. The challenge is to know ourselves so that we can know each other, and this comes about in part through a constant exploration of our stories. It also comes about when we are in youth work with youth, learning how to dance."Geared toward experienced youth workers but equally relevant for students and anyone new to the field, Themes and Stories in Youth Work Practice is an enlightening read for anyone working in, or for, residential treatment centers, group homes, shelters, foster care, juvenile justice programs, community-based youth serving organizations, after school programs, recreation programs, camps, churches, and neighborhood centers.

Towards a Competence-Based View on Models and Modeling in Science Education (Models and Modeling in Science Education #12)

by Dirk Krüger Annette Upmeier zu Belzen Jan Van Driel

The book takes a closer look at the theoretical and empirical basis for a competence-based view of models and modeling in science learning and science education research. Current thinking about models and modeling is reflected. The focus lies on the development of modeling competence in science education, and on philosophical aspects, including perspectives on nature of science. The book explores, interprets, and discusses models and modeling from the perspective of different theoretical frameworks and empirical results. The extent to which these frameworks can be integrated into a competence-based approach for science education is discussed. In addition, the book provides practical guidance by outlining evidence-based approaches to diagnosing and promoting modeling competence. The aim is to convey a strong understanding of models and modeling for professions such as teacher educators, science education researchers, teachers, and scientists. Different methods for the diagnosis and assessment of modeling competence are presented and discussed with regard to their potential and limitations. The book provides evidence-based ideas about how teachers can be supported in teaching with models and modeling implementing a competence-based approach and, thus, how students can develop their modeling competence. Based on the findings, research challenges for the future are identified.

Theorien in der naturwissenschaftsdidaktischen Forschung

by Dirk Krüger Ilka Parchmann Horst Schecker

Das Buch stellt wichtige theoretische Konzepte für die naturwissenschaftsdidaktische Forschung vor. Diese bilden die Grundlage für die Herleitung naturwissenschaftsdidaktischer Fragen und Hypothesen und die Entwicklung eines Forschungsdesigns. Das Buch liefert eine Basis, um im Rahmen von Bachelor-, Master- oder Promotionsarbeiten den aktuellen Forschungsstand weiter zu entwickeln. Ziel ist es, Nachwuchsforschern ein begriffliches Gerüst für das eigene Vorgehen zu geben, Ergebniserwartungen begründbar zu machen und Ergebnisse in der Auswertung zu erklären. Dem interdisziplinären Autorenteam gelingt es, durch ihre Forschungserfahrung den aktuellen Wissensstand von der Theorie bis zur Anwendung profund darzulegen. Durch die interdisziplinäre Herangehensweise wird der fachübergreifende Nutzen der beschriebenen Theorien besonders deutlich. Das Buch ergänzt den Band „Theorien in der biologiedidaktischen Forschung“ und steht in einer Reihe mit dem Band „Methoden in der naturwissenschaftsdidaktischen Forschung“.

Biologiedidaktische Nature of Science-Forschung: Zukunftsweisende Praxis

by Dirk Krüger Bianca Reinisch Daniela Mahler

Dieses Open-Access-Buch präsentiert aktuelle Erkenntnisse einer Schwerpunkttagung zum Reflektieren über die Natur der Naturwissenschaften (Nature of Science). Sie erfahren weiterführende Ideen durch neue theoretische und damit innovative Forschungsansätze von Expert*innen der Didaktik der Biologie. Ergänzend finden Sie konkrete Vorschläge zur Vermittlung verschiedener Aspekte des komplexen Themenbereichs für den Unterricht und die Lehrkräftebildung. Eine unverzichtbare Lektüre, wenn Sie sich mit dem Gebiet näher auseinandersetzen wollen. Dieser Band richtet sich an Studierende des Lehramts Biologie, an Biologielehrkräfte, an Forschende der Biologiedidaktik sowie an Hochschullehrkräfte, die wiederum Lehramtsstudierende mit Schwerpunkt Biologie betreuen. Reflektieren Sie über die Natur der Naturwissenschaft Biologie und erkennen Sie die Bedeutung der Biologie in unserer dynamischen Welt. Dieses Buch ist nicht nur ein Leitfaden, sondern vor allem ein Impulsgeber für zukünftige Forschungsinitiativen.

Handbuch Kindheits- und Jugendforschung

by Heinz-Hermann Krüger Cathleen Grunert Katja Ludwig

Das Handbuch dokumentiert den aktuellen Diskussionsstand in der erziehungs- und sozialwissenschaftlichen Kindheits- und Jugendforschung. Für die vorliegende dritte Auflage wurden zwei Drittel der Beiträge neu verfasst und elf weitere Artikel ergänzt, um auf die Weise der inhaltlichen Ausdifferenzierung und Weiterentwicklung der Felder und Kernthemen in der Kindheits- und Jugendforschung gerecht werden zu können.

Governance Reforms in European University Systems: The Case Of Austria, Denmark, Finland, France, The Netherlands And Portugal (Educational Governance Research Ser. #8)

by Karsten Krüger Martí Parellada Daniel Samoilovich Andrée Sursock

This book examines governance reforms in higher education in six European countries: Austria, Denmark, Finland, France, the Netherlands, and Portugal. It focuses in particular on the governance of the systems and institutions in these countries. The book shows that each of the national reform processes has been characterised by its own specific pathways embedded in the country’s specific socio-economic contexts and cultures, but also has a number of features in common with the other countries and processes. The first chapter of the book presents a conceptual framework to analyse the reform processes as an ’implementation game’ played by several actors with diverse interests. The second chapter describes the national reform processes of the six selected countries, giving a voice to the individual university rectors and officials who played an important role during the reform processes. Their stories constitute a vivid narrative of the government drivers of reform and of the rationales of the institutions as main partners in the reform processes. These narratives are analysed, complemented by, and contrasted with a review of the literature on the subject in the third chapter. The final chapter consist of concluding remarks and lessons learned.

High Stakes Testing: New Challenges and Opportunities for School Psychology

by Louis J. Kruger David Shriberg

Meet the challenges of high stakes testing in the practice of school psychology School psychologists can be a positive influence on how students, teachers, parents, schools, and communities cope with the challenges and opportunities associated with high stakes testing. Unfortunately, there has been a significant lack of literature to guide school psychologists and related school-based practitioners on this topic. High Stakes Testing: New Challenges and Opportunities for School Psychology is a timely groundbreaking book that provides useful and thought-provoking information to help psychologists meet the challenges of high stakes testing and create new roles for themselves in helping children succeed. This book discusses practical ways to help provide academic support to facilitate student success on high stakes tests, reduce the impact of stress associated with high stakes testing, assess the data from the tests to improve programs, and take a leadership role in the appropriate use of the tests. The No Child Left Behind Act of 2001(NCLB) and its accountability provisions has helped create and sustain a climate where student performance on state-created achievement tests often has high stakes implications for students, families, and schools. High Stakes Testing: New Challenges and Opportunities for School Psychology provides important background information about high stakes testing, including the legal, historical, and political context of high stakes testing, pertinent psychometrics, and a review of research on academic and non-academic outcomes as it relates to high stakes testing. Using this information as a foundation, the book then identifies new roles and opportunities for school psychologists with respect to high stakes testing. This book is comprehensively referenced. Topics in High Stakes Testing: New Challenges and Opportunities for School Psychology include: advocating for the appropriate use of state-wide assessments the influence of item response theory (IRT) on the development of high stakes tests whether the accountability system of NCLB is truly improving student&’s learning the impact of high stakes tests on classroom instruction and student motivation strategies for helping students succeed on high stakes tests available resources to cope with the stress of high stakes testing and more High Stakes Testing: New Challenges and Opportunities for School Psychology is a thought-provoking, horizon-expanding resource for school psychologists, public school educators, administrators, school counselors, curriculum coordinators, and special education teachers involved in organizing, administering, and preparing students to take high stakes tests.

Media-Related Out-of-School Contact with English in Germany and Switzerland: Frequency, Forms and the Effect on Language Learning

by Maleika Krüger

This open access book aimes to close a critical research gap in understanding how frequently German-speaking adolescents come into contact with the English language through various media channels, such as television, books, or the internet, and how this contact influences learners’ English competences. In addition, this research project explores the effect of family background and gender on this contact. The analysis shows frequent contact with English-language media content by young learners in Germany and Switzerland. More frequent contact was associated with higher language competences. Differences could be found in the preferences of media content and type of media channels due to socio-economic family background and gender.

In All Things: A Nine-Week Devotional Bible Study on Unshakeable Joy

by Melissa B. Kruger

This accessible and practical Bible study of the book of Philippians invites you to discover a joy and contentment that will carry you through every circumstance of life.With warm teaching and perspective-shifting insights, Bible teacher Melissa Kruger walks you through the power-packed words of the apostle Paul to believers in the early church to discover what he knew about the secret to unshakeable peace--and how his insights can help any woman discover a secure and satisfying contentment no matter what life may bring. With the Scripture passages printed right in the book for handy reference, this is an ideal resource for busy women of any life stage who want to deepen their spiritual life and increase their daily joy.

Sportgeschichte in Deutschland - Sport History in Germany: Herausforderungen und internationale Perspektiven – Challenges and International Perspectives (Bildung und Sport #22)

by Michael Krüger Annette R. Hofmann

Der Band enthält deutsch- und englischsprachige Beiträge zu aktuellen Themen der sporthistorischen Forschung, die aus dem Internationalen Kongress für Sportgeschichte 2018 in Münster hervorgegangen sind. Das Themenspektrum reicht von deutschen und europäischen Aspekten der internationalen Sportgeschichtsforschung bis zu Beiträgen von japanischen, koreanischen und chinesischen Autorinnen und Autoren.

The Question of Canon: Challenging the Status Quo in the New Testament Debate

by Michael J. Kruger

2013 Preaching Survey of the Year's Best Books for PreachersPreaching's Preacher's Guide to the Best Bible Reference for 2014 (New Testament General) Did the New Testament canon arise naturally from within the early Christian faith? Were the books written as Scripture, or did they become Scripture by a decision of the second-century church? Why did early Christians have a canon at all? These are the types of questions that led Michael J. Kruger to pick apart modern scholarship?s dominant view that the New Testament is a late creation of the church imposed on books originally written for another purpose. Calling into question this commonly held "extrinsic" view, Kruger here tackles the five most prevalent objections to the classic understanding of a quickly emerging, self-authenticating collection of authoritative scriptures. Already a noted author on the subject of the New Testament canon, Kruger addresses foundational and paradigmatic assumptions of the extrinsic model as he provides powerful rebuttals and further support for the classic, "intrinsic" view. This framework recognizes the canon as the product of internal forces evolving out of the historical essence of Christianity, not a development retroactively imposed by the church upon books written hundreds of years before. Unlike many books written on the emergence of the New Testament canon that ask "when?" or "how?" Kruger focuses this work on the "why?"—exposing weaknesses in the five major tenets of the extrinsic model as he goes. While The Question of Canon scrutinizes today?s popular scholastic view, it also offers an alternative concept to lay a better empirical foundation for biblical canon studies.

Quick Scripture Reference for Counseling

by John G. Kruis

This revised and expanded third edition is specially designed to help people use the Scriptures more effectively in their lives. Scripture passages, taken from the NIV, on practical topics are thoughtfully arranged in a numbered list so users can see their significance at a glance. With this collection, readers have the pertinent Bible passages at their fingertips when they need them most.

Investigating Dynamic Relationships Among Individual Difference Variables in Learning English as a Foreign Language in a Virtual World (Second Language Learning and Teaching)

by Mariusz Kruk

This book focuses on the dynamic relationships among individual difference (ID) variables (i.e., willingness to communicate, motivation, language anxiety and boredom) in learning English as a foreign language in the virtual world Second Life. The theoretical part provides an overview of selected issues related to the four ID factors in question (e.g., definitions, models, sources, types, empirical investigations). The empirical part reports the findings of a research project which aimed to examine the changing nature of WTC, motivation, boredom and language anxiety experienced by six English majors during their visits to the said virtual world, the main contributors to the changes in the levels of the constructs under investigation, as well as their relationships. The book closes with the discussion of directions for further research as well as pedagogical implications.

Multilingual Approach to Diversity in Education (MADE): A Methodology for Linguistically and Culturally Diverse Classrooms

by Anna Krulatz MaryAnn Christison

This book introduces the Multilingual Approach to Diversity in Education (MADE), a framework that provides an extensive, holistic instrument with research-based teacher indicators for teachers, teacher educators, and administrators to deliver optimal education to multilingual learners in a range of contexts. The authors introduce and provide a theoretical and research-based rationale for the MADE, presenting in turn each of its seven indicators, situating them within current research and theory in multilingualism and education, and providing specific examples of classroom applications. This book will be of interest to academics, teacher educators, pre-service and practicing teachers, and graduate students interested in teaching and researching multilingual learners.

Be Nice to Mice! (Katie Kazoo Switcheroo #20)

by Nancy Krulik

Fourth-grader Katie is concerned when an older girl uses live mice in a science fair project, but when Katie turns into the sixth-grader and has to run the experiment herself, she has a different opinion of the student.

Doggone It! (Katie Kazoo Switcheroo #8)

by Nancy Krulik

When strict Mrs. Derkman moves next door to third-grader Katie Carew, scares her friends away, and insists she keep her dog, Pepper, on a leash, Katie finds a non-magical solution to the problem. Includes steps for teaching a dog to sit and stay.

Drat! You Copycat! (Katie Kazoo Switcheroo #7)

by Nancy Krulik

Katie agrees to be a buddy for the new girl in class even though her best friend Suzanne does not approve.

The First Cut

by Nancy Krulik

The students at the school aspire to be stars. When Eileen Kerr, a renowned talent agent, comes to town in search of her next hit girl band, the young women of PCBS realize how close they are to reaching their dreams. Only four girls will be chosen.

Flower Power (Katie Kazoo Switcheroo #27)

by Nancy Krulik

One afternoon Katie overhears Mr. G. say he's cutting off his ponytail and picking up a suit. Mr. G. in a suit? Something strange is going on. Of course, Suzanne thinks Mr. G. is looking for another job. The kids in 4A can't let Mr. G. leave! So they devise a plan to make sure he stays for good. But when Katie turns into Mr. G., she discovers that she and her friends may have made their problem even worse . . .

Free the Worms! (Katie Kazoo Switcheroo #28)

by Nancy Krulik

The whole class collects worms from the field to feed Slinky the class pet snake as a treat, but Katie refuses--she's a vegetarian! Then when the magic wind appears, Katie learns what it's like to be in someone else's skin--scaly snakeskin to be exact!

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