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Thinking the Unthinkable: A new imperative for leadership in the digital age

by Chris Langdon Nik Gowing

Executive leadership faces new vulnerabilities. Many leaders privately concede them, but few are willing to talk publicly about them. "Unthinkable" events since 2014 have revealed a new leadership fragility at the highest levels. And the pace of change in 2017 shows that the uncertainties are greater than ever. Is this the "new normal?"Thinking The Unthinkable is an investigation into why leaders have appeared more unable or unwilling than ever to anticipate the biggest issues of our time.In an era of "wicked problems" why are current leadership behaviours and culture apparently not fit for purpose? What are the causes of so many failures in policy and strategic forecasting? Are they human frailties? Or are they systemic failures to embrace smartly new realities?Through hundreds of interviews and conversations, Nik Gowling and Chris Langdon have analysed the deep new challenges to the human capacity of leaders at the highest keels to accept, understand, embrace then handle the extraordinary processes of change and disruption. This essential book draws on the candid responses. The findings are scary and disconcerting.

Handbuch Kindheits- und Jugendsoziologie (Springer Reference Sozialwissenschaften Ser.)

by Andreas Lange Herwig Reiter Sabina Schutter Christine Steiner

Im Handbuch werden die wichtigsten gesellschaftlichen Bedingungen und Entwicklungen des Aufwachsens und Erwachsenwerdens von Kinder und Jugendlichen dargestellt. Neben den theoretischen Implikationen des Verständnisses von Kindheit und Jugend werden auch konkrete Forschungsfelder und methodische Herangehensweisen an kindheits- und jugendsoziologische Themen vorgestellt.

Intersektionalität in der Politischen Bildung: Entangled Citizens (Citizenship. Studien zur Politischen Bildung)

by Dirk Lange Lara Möller

Dieser Sammelband widmet sich dem Schwerpunktthema Intersektionalität und den damit verbundenen Impulsen, Anregungen und Schlussfolgerungen für die Politische Bildung. Der Begriff der Intersektionalität erlaubt es dabei, eine subjektbezogene und lebensnahe Perspektive zu berücksichtigen. Die Beiträge des Sammelbandes diskutieren, wie in einer subjektbezogenen Politischen Bildungsarbeit existierende Interdependenzen und Überschneidungen verschiedener Diskriminierungsformen in der Gesellschaft erfasst werden können. Der Band will dazu beitragen, die didaktischen Potenziale unterschiedlicher Forschungshintergründe vorzustellen und damit verbunden theoretische Überlegungen und empirische Erkenntnisse zum Thema Intersektionalität in der Politischen Bildung zu präsentieren.

Transformative Sustainability Education: Reimagining Our Future (Research and Teaching in Environmental Studies)

by Elizabeth A. Lange

This book lays out the principles and practices of transformative sustainability education using a relational way of thinking and being. Elizabeth A. Lange advocates for a new approach to environmental and sustainability education, that of rethinking the Western way of knowing and being and engendering a frank discussion about the societal elements that are generating climate, environmental, economic, and social issues. Highlighting the importance of Indigenous and life-giving cultures, the book covers educational theory, transformation stories of adult learners, social and economic critique, and visions of changemakers. Each chapter also has a strong pedagogical element, with entry points for learners and embodied practices and examples of taking action at micro/meso/macro levels woven throughout. Overall, this book enacts a relational approach to transformative sustainability education that draws from post humanist theory, process thought, relational ontology, decolonization theory, Indigenous philosophy, and a spirituality that builds a sense of sacred towards the living world. Written in an imaginative, storytelling manner, this book will be a great resource for formal and nonformal environmental and sustainability educators.

The Chaos Of Now

by Erin Jade Lange

When Jordan Bishop set himself on fire at Haver High school as a result of internet bullying, it triggered a nationwide crackdown. New laws empower teachers to become cyber snoops in case of abuse on social media. For teen hacker, Eli Bennett, the laws put fundamental freedoms at risk. And he's not alone in thinking this. Approached by two mysterious hackers, Eli is recruited into a group that wants justice for Jordan the way Jordan would've wanted it. But what starts as a bit of fun to rile the cyber snoops soon spirals out of control. Revenge on Jordan's bullies could be classed as bullying itself... At best, Eli's school career is in jeopardy, at worst, once more lives are at risk.

Dead Ends

by Erin Jade Lange

When Dane, a bully, refuses to hit Billy D. because he has Down syndrome, Billy takes that as a sign of friendship and enlists Dane's help in solving riddles left in an atlas by his missing father, sending the pair on a risky adventure

The Unforgettable Photograph: How to Take Great Pictures of the People and Things You Love

by George Lange Scott Mowbray

Renowned photographer George Lange’s work is guided by one simple truth: An unforgettable photograph is not about what the subject looks like, but what it feels like. In this entirely new kind of photography guide, written by Mr. Lange and Scott Mowbray, magazine editor and longtime amateur photographer, the rest of us will learn how to take photographs that don’t just document life but celebrate it.No fancy equipment required. Just hundreds of simple, inspiring ideas and lessons—each one illustrated with a photograph—organized around the six essential principles of seeing like a photographer. (Here’s one: Shoot the Moment, Not the Subject.)Here’s why to shoot in natural light—always. The fun of putting babies in surprising places. How to get intimate with food. Using a dramatic sky as your backdrop. The benefit of learning to know the light in every room of your house. Shooting hands or feet instead of faces. How to move past the “I was here” postcard effect. How to catch the in-between moments. Because in the end, it’s about living the moment, shooting the moment—and being in the moment forever.

Feel Good Management – Anforderungen und Aufgabengebiete: Praxishandbuch mit Fallbeispielen

by Jessica Lange

Lernen Sie mit diesem Fachbuch den Beruf des Feel Good Managers näher kennenDas Feel Good Management ist ein neues Konzept, welches den Trend in Unternehmen zur Mitarbeiterorientierung ausdrückt. Diese Mitarbeiterorientierung gilt mit Blick auf den stark zunehmenden Wettbewerb auf dem Arbeitsmarkt in Zukunft als zentraler Kompetenzfaktor eines Unternehmens. So sollen Faktoren wie Fachkräftemangel oder der sogenannte War for Talents ausgeglichen werden.Dieses Buch gibt Ihnen einen umfangreichen Überblick über die Anforderungen und Aufgaben eines Feel Good Managers. Dazu gehören unter anderem: MitarbeitermotivationVerbesserung der Arbeitsatmosphäre durch Teambuilding-MaßnahmenSteigerung der ArbeitgeberattraktivitätGrundlagen der MitarbeiterführungPersonalentwicklung und MitarbeiterorientierungKonfliktmanagementSteigerung der MitarbeiterzufriedenheitLangfristige MitarbeiterbindungDas Buch richtet sich sowohl an Feel Good Manager als auch Unternehmer, die Klarheit und Verständnis über die Position und Aufgaben dieses Berufs bekommen und ihr Wissen in zentralen Aufgabenbereichen vertiefen möchten. Darüber hinaus ist dieses Buch auch für Führungskräfte sinnvoll. Denn durch das operative Geschäft kann es oftmals zu kurz kommen, Mitarbeiterbedürfnisse frühzeitig zu erkennen und zu berücksichtigen. Dieses Buch zeigt Ihnen, wie Sie die Vorteile des Feel Good Managements für Ihr Unternehmen nutzen können.Feel Good Management von A-ZDas Buch über Feel Good Management gibt einen einführenden Überblick über die Thematik. Viele Praxistipps helfen bei der Umsetzung im eigenen Betrieb. Im Speziellen werden die folgenden Inhalte behandelt:Einführung ins Feel Good ManagementAufgaben und Anforderungen des Feel Good Managers im ÜberblickWeiterentwicklung einer UnternehmenskulturVerbesserung der internen KommunikationUnterstützung des PersonalmanagementsSelbstmanagement des Feel Good Managers und Unterstützung des betrieblichen Gesundheitsmanagements

Feelgood Management - Requirements and Tasks: Practical Guide with Case Studies

by Jessica Lange

This practical guide provides the reader with a comprehensive overview and detailed insight into the essential requirements and tasks of a Feelgood Manager. Feelgood Management is a new management concept that expresses the trend towards employee orientation. After customer orientation, employee orientation is considered a central future competence factor in corporate competition, especially in view of the increasing competition on the labor market (shortage of skilled workers, war for talents). The book is aimed at existing and future Feelgood Managers, who on the one hand want to get clarity and understanding about the position and tasks and on the other hand want to deepen or broaden their knowledge in key areas of responsibility. Beyond that, however, this book is useful not only for Feelgood Managers, but for anyone who manages employees. The recognition and consideration of employee needs is a task of personnel management, which is often neglected through no fault of the operational business. The reader is provided with key insights and simple ways to take advantage of Feelgood Management. The book on Feelgood Management provides an introductory overview of the topic. Many practical tips help with the implementation in one's own business. In particular, the following contents are covered: · Introduction to Feelgood Management · Tasks and requirements of the Feelgood Manager at a glance · Further development of the corporate culture Improvement of internal communication Support of the personnel management Self-management of the Feelgood Manager and support of company health management This book is a translation of an original German edition. The translation was done with the help of artificial intelligence (machine translation by the service A subsequent human revision was done primarily in terms of content, so that the book will read stylistically differently from a conventional translation.

Learning to be a Teacher

by John Lange Sue Burroughs-Lange

Being a successful teacher means constantly examining your own development to identify blind spots and ensure you engage on a meaningful level with teaching and learning. This book discusses theoretical and conceptual ideas, linked to direct strategies for the classroom, that guide students towards becoming proactive and effective learners, giving them the confidence to take charge of their professional future in teaching. Built around a series of ‘contributing ideas', this book includes a conceptual framework for critically analysing and thinking about the teaching and learning environment. Examples throughout explore how to make the most of professional learning opportunities so students can take personal control of their learning, through self-regulation and self-monitoring. Strategies for making practical use of these ideas for classroom planning and preparation for learning are also included.

Learning to be a Teacher

by John Lange Sue Burroughs-Lange

Being a successful teacher means constantly examining your own development to identify blind spots and ensure you engage on a meaningful level with teaching and learning. This book discusses theoretical and conceptual ideas, linked to direct strategies for the classroom, that guide students towards becoming proactive and effective learners, giving them the confidence to take charge of their professional future in teaching. Built around a series of ‘contributing ideas', this book includes a conceptual framework for critically analysing and thinking about the teaching and learning environment. Examples throughout explore how to make the most of professional learning opportunities so students can take personal control of their learning, through self-regulation and self-monitoring. Strategies for making practical use of these ideas for classroom planning and preparation for learning are also included.

Educations in Ethnic Violence

by Matthew Lange

In Educations in Ethnic Violence, Matthew Lange explores the effects education has on ethnic violence. Lange contradicts the widely held belief that education promotes peace and tolerance. Rather, Lange finds that education commonly contributes to aggression, especially in environments with ethnic divisions, limited resources and ineffective political institutions. He describes four ways in which organized learning spurs ethnic conflicts. Socialization in school shapes students' identities and the norms governing intercommunal relations. Education can also increase students' frustration and aggression when their expectations are not met. Sometimes, the competitive atmosphere gives students an incentive to participate in violence. Finally, education provides students with superior abilities to mobilize violent ethnic movements. Lange employs a cross-national statistical analysis with case studies of Sri Lanka, Cyprus, the Palestinian territories, India, sub-Saharan Africa, Canada and Germany.

Fundamentals in Assistive Technology 4th Edition

by Michelle L. Lange

An Introduction to Assistive Technology Implementation in the Lives of People with Disabilities

Future Perspectives for Higher Education: A Delphi-based Scenario Study with Special Regard to Elite Higher Education Institutions and Leadership Education

by Nick Lange

In recent decades, trends, such as educational expansion and globalization, have caused structural changes in higher education worldwide. To successfully place higher education institutions in an environment characterized by global competition, various nations have launched excellence initiatives that pursue the goal of producing universities that attain the label of “excellent”, “world-class”, or “elite”. These institutions are perceived as developing future leaders who foster positive change in society. Against this background, initiatives that foster elite higher education institutions must include various institutional factors. To holistically design initiatives an understanding of what constitutes an elite higher education institution is necessary. Against the background of the institutions’ relevance for developing leaders for society, investigating their connection to leadership education must be addressed as well. This book adopts a future-oriented perspective, developing scenarios that consider a variety of future developments which influence higher education as a whole and elite institutions in particular.

Faculty Peer Group Mentoring in Higher Education: Developing Collegiality through Organised Supportive Collaboration (Higher Education Dynamics #61)

by Thomas De Lange Line Wittek

This book addresses how peer group mentoring in higher education can contribute to the development of supportive and collaborative working environments for faculty staff. It draws on an extensive empirical study examining how group based peer-mentoring methods are implemented and experimented within four different academic communities at one university, and documents how these environments and their participants experience peer group mentoring as a collaborative measure in the development of teaching and supervision practices. The book presents a literature review of research on peer group mentoring in higher education and provides the conceptual grounding for the book, placing peer group mentoring within the field of faculty development.The work presents analyses of the enactment of peer group mentoring in different environments and of faculty peers’ engagement and collaboration with colleagues within the same teacher community, across teaching and supervision communities and across institutional boundaries. It also discusses the significance of trust in these peer group mentoring settings, summarises the implications of the reported findings and addresses the role this peer based approach might play in developing supportive collegiality in higher education as a working environment.

The Cool Code (The Cool Code #1)

by Deirdre Langeland

In this funny and heartfelt slice-of-life graphic novel for fans of Raina Telgemeier and Kayla Miller, when coding whiz Zoey goes from homeschooled to new school, she develops an app to help her make friends. Will the Cool Code help Zoey fit in? Or will it completely crash her social life?In an attempt to fit in, Zoey develops an app called the Cool Code with a cute llama avatar that will tell her everything from what to say to what to wear based on pop culture algorithms she’s uploaded.But when the app gives her ridiculous advice, awkwardness and hilarity ensues. With a few upgrades and a bit of debugging from the coding club, the app actually works—Zoey gets really popular . . . and gets her pulled in all kinds of directions, including away from her real friends.Life’s most complicated choices. . . is there a code for that?

Rational Accounting Concepts: The Writings of Willard J. Graham (Routledge Library Editions: Accounting)

by Harold Q. Langenderfer Grover L. Porter

Willard J. Graham (1897-1966) was an important contributor to both accounting thought and education and he pioneered life-long education for executive business that is still emulated today. This volume collects 25 of his key writings which shed light on his contributions to management accounting and business education as well as the accounting profession.

Stärkung des kindlichen Selbstkonzepts

by Ina Langenkamp

Lehrer/-innen, Erzieher/-innen oder im pädagogischen Bereich tätige Person sind im täglichenArbeitsalltag vor zahlreiche Herausforderungen gestellt. Die Autorin widmetsich in diesem Buch insbesondere der Stärkung des kindlichen Selbstkonzepts.Aufgrund von Interviews mit Teilnehmenden eines Patenschaftsprojekts (Kinderund Paten) werden wichtige Erkenntnisse zur Stärkung der verschiedenen Facettendes kindlichen Selbstkonzepts aus der 1:1 Situation im Patenschaftsprojekt aufdie 1: 29 Situation in einer Klasse übertragen. Im Zusammenhang mit wichtigentheoretischen Erkenntnissen (Selbstkonzeptforschung, Erziehungsstilforschung,Bindungstheorie, Selbstdiskrepanzen) werden konkrete, sofort umsetzbare,Handlungsalternativen im (schulischen) Arbeitsalltag mit Kindern entwickelt.Diese Implikationen wurden praktisch erprobt und mit Fallberichten angereichert.

Learning about Social Entrepreneurship and Management in Times of Social Transformation (Ethical Economy #66)

by Luise Li Langergaard Katia Dupret Jennifer Eschweiler

The book brings together perspectives on entrepreneurship research, education and practice to understand social entrepreneurship in its wider societal, political and economic context. Its unique contribution comes from its interdisciplinary approach that spans from the societal to the organizational level, with specific focus social innovation and management. It views management of social entrepreneurship and social enterprise in light of its societal context and employs social innovation to critically assess social entrepreneurship as driver of change. The emergence of social entrepreneurship as an academic field is linked to several societal trends such as public austerity, financial crises, new social challenges and a growing counter-movement to globalised capitalism. Generally seen as organisations serving both social and economic objectives, social enterprises, social innovation and social entrepreneurship have their roots in civil society, civic activism or the solidarity economy, but also manifest themselves as for-profit companies, with new organisational forms emerging and old ones changing. The contributions in this book elucidate these developments and the role of social entrepreneurs and social enterprises. Furthermore, the book offers great insight into the specific ways of managing, leading and creating innovation in social enterprises as well as perspectives on how to understand their social impact or value creation.

Living as United Methodist Christians: Our Story, Our Beliefs, Our Lives

by Andy Langford Sally Langford

Pastors Andy and Sally Langford take a unique approach in this six-session study by looking at how United Methodists claim and live their faith as individuals and as a denomination. Through the study, you will gain insight into the history of The United Methodist Church, its beliefs and faith practices. Living as United Methodist Christians is ideal for small groups, new member classes, and disciple training classes and includes: An introduction that sets the stage for exploring the belief and practices of United Methodist Christians Six chapters that will help learners hear and claim for themselves the Christian story, particular emphases and beliefs of United Methodists, and ways to live as a United Methodist Christian Leader and learner helps such as reflection questions placed near main text material to which they refer. These helps will stimulate discussion about the reflections or insights participants gain from the material

New Essays in the Philosophy of Education (International Library of the Philosophy of Education Volume 13)

by Glenn Langford

The contributors to this collection of essays offer a stimulating and varied range of approaches to this developing area. The volume includes discussions on the concept of education and such related topics as indoctrination and the nature and scope of the theory of education. Aspects of education including the field of moral education, and issues which are reflected prominently in the curricula of such subjects as Mathematics and Science in schools and colleges are considered.

The Spirit of Notre Dame: Legends, Traditions, and Inspiration from one of America's Most Beloved Universities

by Jeremy Langford Jim Langford

Finally, a book that captures the spirit of Notre Dame. One of the most famous universities in the world, Notre Dame has come to symbolize excellence and faith in action, which sets it apart as an institution and a place that has deeply influenced millions of people. Call it a mystique or grace; there is something about the lure and lore of Notre Dame that evokes admiration and respect. The Spirit of Notre Dame marks the first time that a single book collects the stories that personify the character that is uniquely Notre Dame. Notre Dame is the Golden Dome, the Victory March, the Basilica, the Grotto, playing fields, dorms, chapels, the library, classrooms, and research centers. But most of all, it is people: from faith-filled visionaries and world-renowned scholars to celebrated coaches and athletes to professors, students, janitors and cooks, volunteers and friends. From the university's bold founder, Rev. Edward Sorin, to American legends of the football field (and silver screen) Knute Rockne, the Gipper, and Rudy, Notre Dame is the setting for some of our culture's most uplifting stories of perseverance in the face of tremendous odds. The Spirit of Notre Dame tells these stories and more . . . of miraculous athletic comebacks and incredible victories against the odds, of the Notre Dame graduate who survived the Bataan Death March by focusing on the university, of football stars like Chris Zorich who overcame tough circumstances, and of walk-on players who realized their dreams of playing for the Fighting Irish. Included in these pages are stories of the women's teams who have won national championships in basketball and soccer, and dedicated leaders such as Fathers Corby, Hesburgh, and Malloy; professors Frank O'Malley, Emil T. Hofman, and a line of great teachers whose blood is in the bricks; coaches Leahy, Ara, Holtz, Willingham, and McGraw; and a host of graduates like Dr. Tom Dooley and Judge Ann Williams who have devoted themselves to serving others both on the campus and in the world. Engaging, amusing, and inspiring,The Spirit of Notre Dame is the absolute essential title for the millions of people who have a place in their heart for the Fighting Irish.

Langford's Advanced Photography: The Guide For Aspiring Photographers (Advanced Photography Ser.)

by Michael Langford Efthimia Bilissi

Langford's Advanced Photography is the only advanced photography guide a serious student or aspiring professional will ever need. In this eighth edition, Efthimia Bilissi continues in the footsteps of Michael Langford by combining an unrivalled level of technical detail with a straightforward writing style while simultaneously bringing the text firmly in to the digital era.This book covers the entire photographic process from a technical standpoint - not only detailing the 'how' but also explaining the 'why' that is so often missing from photography texts. From the workings of cameras, lenses, digital imaging sensors and software to new hot topics such as HDR imaging, digital asset management, and even running your own photography business, everything a serious photographer could need to extend their art into professional realms is covered.The book also benefits from a full glossary, charts and inspirational full color images throughout, with summaries and projects at the end of each chapter to reinforce the theory.

Concept Development in the Secondary School (Psychology Revivals)

by Peter Langford

Originally published in 1987, this book introduces the reader to work on the intellectual development of adolescents relevant to the secondary school teacher. It covers the teaching of English, history, geography, economics, politics, legal studies, physics, chemistry, biology and mathematics. Although it emphasises the continuing importance of Piaget’s thought, the book aims to introduce readers to the non-Piagetian research that had taken place in recent years.

Dealing With Difficult People In A Week: How To Deal With Difficult People In Seven Simple Steps (Teach Yourself In A Week Ser.)

by Naomi Langford-Wood Brian Salter

The ability to deal with difficult people is crucial to anyone who wants to advance their career. Written by Brian Salter and Naomi Langford-Wood, leading experts on dealing with difficult people as both coaches and practitioners, this book quickly teaches you the insider secrets you need to know to in order to overcome the barriers presented by difficult colleagues or customers.The highly motivational 'in a week' structure of the book provides seven straightforward chapters explaining the key points, and at the end there are optional questions to ensure you have taken it all in. There are also cartoons and diagrams throughout, to help make this book a more enjoyable and effective learning experience.So what are you waiting for? Let this book put you on the fast track to success!

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