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Showing 39,751 through 39,775 of 78,640 results

La Reconnaissance professionnelle en éducation: Évaluer, valoriser, légitimer (Collection Questions en éducation)

by Anne Jorro

La recherche et la construction théorique de la reconnaissance professionnelle en éducation trouve dans ce volume sa première élaboration qui porte sur la distinction entre l’évaluation et la reconnaissance professionnelle. L’aversion pour l’évaluation dans l’éducation tient dans le fait que l’évaluation comme pratique vécue laissait à l’acteur le poids d’un regard critique, un poids trop lourd à supporter et dont les conséquences sont bien connues : pratiques de contournement et déni de l’évaluation par les évalués et les évaluateurs. La reconnaissance professionnelle devient plus attirante quand elle est le signe d’une évaluation positive, réalisant alors une reconfiguration identitaire des enseignants en formation et développement professionnel. De ce point de vue, la reconnaissance professionnelle pourrait être une nouvelle forme de l’évaluation professionnelle qui tienne compte des systèmes d’attentes interpersonnels, et qui suppose des processus de valorisation et de légitimation des qualités professionnelles en éducation.

La Révolution Végane: Pourquoi et comment nous nous dirigeons vers la prochaine étape de l'Histoire

by Joseph de la Paz Sophia Bisstouane

Le véganisme, vous intéresse-il ? Vous sentez-vous concerné par le sort des animaux ? La situation dans le monde, vous préoccupe-t-elle ? Voulez-vous savoir pourquoi le véganisme est le phénomène le plus important de notre époque ? Souhaitez-vous savoir de quelle manière le monde est en train de changer ? Dans ce livre passionnant et surprenant, vous découvrirez : •l'ensemble des raisons et des avantages pour lesquels de plus en plus de personnes s'intéressent au véganisme •des données scientifiques sur la santé, la psychologie, la sociologie, l'économie, la biologie et l'écologie •pourquoi le véganisme est plus qu'un régime alimentaire et plus qu'une philosophie •comment évolue notre perception de la santé publique, des droits des animaux et de l'écologie •comment le véganisme se développe dans le monde •une vision de l'avenir végane qui nous attend « Il n'y a rien de plus puissant au monde qu'une idée dont l’heure est venue » (Victor Hugo) « Ce livre est né afin de formuler, de présenter les arguments et les données, de la profonde conviction interne partagée par les millions d’autres véganes à travers le monde. Ceci est le chemin à suivre et il n'y a pas de marche arrière possible » (Joseph de la Paz) Après les travaux de Peter Singer, de Gary Francione, de Will Tuttle et de Melanie Joy, arrive cette magnifique exposition de ce que le véganisme peut signifier pour l'humanité. Découvrez le lien entre la libération animale, la libération humaine et la libération de la planète. Joseph de la Paz (Barcelone, 1973) est un éducateur et un militant, ayant fait des études supérieures en sciences politiques, sociologie, psychologie et nutrition. Il est marié et père de deux filles. Co-fondateur du tout récent Parti Végane en Israël, musicien et voyage

La rivoluzione vegana: perché e come avanziamo verso la prossima tappa della storia

by Federico Renzi Joseph de la Paz

Sei interessato al veganismo? Ti interessano gli animali? Sei preoccupato per la situazione mondiale? Vuoi sapere il motivo per cui il veganismo è il fenomeno più significativo della nostra epoca? Vuoi conoscere come sta cambiando il mondo? In questo libro emozionante e sorprendente, potrai scoprire: • una gamma completa di ragioni e vantaggi per cui sempre più persone sono oggi interessate al veganismo • informazione scientifica sulla salute, la psicologia, la sociologia, l'economia, la biologia e l'ecologia • perché il veganismo è più di una dieta e anche più di una filosofia • come sta cambiando la nostra percezione della salute pubblica, dei diritti degli animali e dell'ecologia • come si sta espandendo nel mondo il veganismo • una visione del futuro vegano che ci riguarda "Non c'è niente al mondo più potente di un'idea il cui tempo è venuto." (Victor Hugo) "Questo libro nasce per dare voce, argomenti e dati a una profonda convinzione interiore che abbiamo milioni di vegani e vegane di tutto il mondo. Questo è il cammino e non si può più tornare indietro". (Joseph de la Paz) Dopo le opere di Peter Singer, Gary Francione, Will Tuttle, Melanie Joy e Nick Cooney, arriva questa magnifica esposizione di quello che potrebbero significare il veganismo per l'umanità. Scopri il legame tra la liberazione animale, la liberazione umana e la liberazione del pianeta. Joseph de la Paz (Barcellona, 1973) è un educatore e attivista con studi accademici nel campo delle scienze politiche, la sociologia, la psicologia e la nutrizione. É sposato e padre di due bambine. Co-fondatore del neo nato Partito Vegano appena creato in Israele, musicista e viaggiatore instancabile viaggiatore, apporta un rinfrescante approccio multidisciplinare per analizzare e comprendere il fenomeno più interessante, emozionante e decisivo del XXI secolo: il veganismo.

La Scienza del Pensiero Critico: Guida all’auto-formazione e Strumenti di Abilità Cognitiva

by David Duxby

Ti piacerebbe essere in grado di pensare criticamente e lucidamente? Da molto tempo le tecniche di pensiero critico sono state usate dalle persone per prendere decisioni migliori in tutti gli aspetti della vita. Usare tecniche di pensiero critico ti aiuterà anche a gestire il tuo budget, a guadagnare denaro, a vivere bene, a mangiare in modo salutare, a prendere le migliori decisioni possibili, ad aumentare la tua energia, concentrazione, felicità generale, e molto di più! Sentiti più positivo e raggiungi un'elevata qualità di vita padroneggiando quest'abilità essenziale. Verrai introdotto ai segreti che i professionisti del pensiero critico usano per diventare più efficace che mai! Con decadi di strategie testate questo ebook ti mostrerà il modo più veloce ed efficace per usare il pensiero critico a tuo beneficio! Questa guida ti insegnerà tecniche comprovate senza far uso di strumenti supplementari costosi o di corsi. Cosa è incluso: - Prendere decisioni migliori - Avere relazioni più salubri - Guadagnare di più - Avere più energia - Mangiare in modo migliore - Ridurre ed eliminare l'ansia - Dormire meglio - Superare i problemi della vita, gli ostacoli con facilità - Cosa devi sapere e molto di più! Se vuoi essere più in salute o migliorare la concentrazione e sentirti meglio allora questa guida è per te. --> Vai in cima alla pagina, aggiungi il libro al carrello e compralo Liberatoria: L’autore e/o il detentore(i) del copyright non si assumono responsabilità, non promettono o garantiscono circa l’accuratezza, la completezza o l’adeguatezza dei contenuti di questo libro, ed espressamente declinano ogni responsabilità per errori e omissioni nel suo contenuto. Questo prodotto deve essere usato solo come riferimento. Sei invitato a consultare un professionista prima di prendere decisioni riguardanti gli argomenti trattati nel libro.

La stanza chiusa a chiave: Uno studio psicoanalitico su Rustin Cohle, personaggio di True Detective

by David Hijón Romero

Questo saggio delinea un'analisi approfondita di Rustin Cohle, il protagonista della serie televisiva True Detective prodotta dalla HBO. Rustin Cohle è un detective che ha il compito di investigare sul caso di una donna assassinata, il cui corpo viene rinvenuto in una strana posizione il giorno del compleanno di sua figlia. È un personaggio riflessivo che si considera una persona realistica, ma in termini filosofici è consapevole di essere pessimista a causa della sua visione della vita e della realtà. Analizzeremo il comportamento di Rustin Cohle, il suo modo di guardare la realtà e la sua psiche (o come lui stesso la definisce, la stanza chiusa a chiave) da un punto di vista psicoanalitico. A questo scopo, ci serviremo della teoria psicoanalitica di Freud e delle recenti ricerche basate sulla teoria del trauma. Altri libri dell'autore: -The Transcendentalism of Kvothe -Crónicas de Gaia: Sangre y Polvo -Donderion, el Cuentacuentos

La tavola, la tazza e il fumo perduto

by Eleonora Moretto

Charly e Ursula intraprenderanno un viaggio che darà loro una lezione profonda ed importante.

La traduction raisonnée, 3e édition: Manuel d’initiation à la traduction professionnelle de l’anglais vers le français (Pédagogie de la traduction)

by Jean Delisle Marco A. Fiola

Ce manuel, dont la visée est essentiellement pratique, propose une méthode d’initiation à la traduction professionnelle, par opposition aux exercices de traduction axés sur l’acquisition d’une langue étrangère. Il répond aux exigences particulières de formation des futurs traducteurs de métier et s’adresse tout particulièrement, mais non exclusivement, aux étudiants des programmes universitaires de traduction. Son domaine est celui des textes pragmatiques généraux, formulés selon les normes de la langue écrite et en vue d’un apprentissage dans le sens anglais - français. Le manuel renferme 9 objectifs généraux d’apprentissage, 75 objectifs spécifques, 85 textes à traduire, 253 exercices d’application, un glossaire de 275 notions, une bibliographie de 410 titres et des milliers d’exemples de traduction.Published in French.

La triche: (Cheat) (Orca Currents en Français)

by Kristin Butcher

Laurel se découvre une passion pour le journalisme d'investigation. Pour écrire un article-choc, elle mène une enquête sur une triche à son école. Elle découvre que la tricherie est généralisée—beaucoup plus qu'elle ne l'avait imaginé. Aveugle à toute autre préoccupation, Laurel est prête à perdre ses amies pour tirer cette histoire au clair. Mais son ultime découverte change tout.

La vacuna contra la por: Mètode per vèncer les pors infantils

by Montse Domènech

Montse Domènech volca en aquest llibre els seus quaranta anys d'experiència tractant a nens i adolescents, per oferir als pares un mètode senzill i pràctic per afrontar el problema de les pors infantils. Aquest llibre s'adreça a totes les famílies amb nens, tinguin l'edat que tinguin. Malgrat el trastorn que causen tant en els nens i com en les famílies, les pors infantils són sentiments naturals inevitables que contribueixen a formar la ment humana, ja que ajuden a fer que els joves desenvolupin la imaginació, aprenguin a fer front als problemes i a protegir-se dels perills. Per als pares, aquestes pors poden convertir-se en un veritable problema. O bé perquè no saben com solucionar-les o bé perquè interfereixen en la convivència familiar, aquest tema sol ser un de les motius per als quals els pares busquen amb més freqüència el consell d'un professional. La vacuna contra la por ofereix un mètode indispensable, pràctic i senzill per tal que els pares comprenguin les pors dels seus fills i els ajudin a superar-les. Ofereix la solució per als temors més comuns i que Montse Domènech ha tractat al llarg de la seva trajectòria professional: terrors nocturns, malsons, somnambulisme, por a l'escola, a nedar, a la separació dels pares, als lladres, al metge... i molts d'altres. A més d'explorar aquests estats emocionals tan complicats, aquest llibre ens ofereix jocs i contes per llegir-los als nens abans d'anar a dormir, de manera que aquesta guia es converteix en una «vacuna» imaginària que allunyi les pors per sempre i els retorni el somriure.

La Valeur d'Une Femme

by G. G. Vega Elphanielle Hervé

Malheureusement, l’histoire de l’humanité après le déluge (Genèse 6 y 7), nous a montré que les femmes ont beaucoup souffert, surtout de l’abus des hommes, un manque de respect et un manque de valorisation de l’identité de la femme. Elles ont souffert de ridicules limitation sociales, intellectuelles et du travail, un manque de considération de tout type, mépris, discrimination et marginalisation. À un moment, les hommes ont commis l’injustice de les appeler le sexe faible, en général, dans le sens du mépris, d’inutilité ou d’une gêne. Ce qui est ironique c’est que chaque homme, après Adam, existe grâce à une femme. Sans le ventre de la femme, ils ne pourraient pas être enfanté, sans la poitrine de la femme, ils ne vivraient pas plus d’une semaine, et sans la protection, l’aide, l’attention et l’éducation de leurs mères, ils ne deviendraient pas des hommes utiles, ils ne pourraient pas être forts, ni se sentir capable de prendre son indépendance. Ce livre a le but de mettre en avant ce que mérite les femmes. Nous, les hommes, ne sommes pas plus, nous avons seulement un autre rôle dans la vie.

The Lab: Creativity and Culture

by David Edwards

Never has the spirit of innovation been more highly valued than today. Around the world, people see the hard-to-teach skills of creativity as the lifeblood of cultural change and the engine of economic development. In The Lab, David Edwards presents a blueprint for revitalizing labs with "artscience"? creative thought that erases conventional boundaries between art and science?to produce innovations that otherwise might never see the light of day. At the heart of The Lab is "cultural incubation," whereby ideas translate with free-wheeling public exchange through a kind of innovation funnel—from educational settings (as in The Lab at Harvard University), to cultural settings (as at Le Laboratoire in Paris and elsewhere), to realizations as innovative products or humanitarian initiatives (within LaboGroup and other translation labs around the globe). With examples ranging from breathable chocolate (Le Whif) to contemporary art installations that explore the neuroscience of fear, Edwards shows how a measured-risk, seed-investment, mentorship-focused network of labs can allow exotic, unexpected ideas to flourish without being killed off at the first hint of impracticality. Unique to the innovation funnel is how creator risk is encouraged but also managed by mentors and others in each lab, so that the most daring ideas—lighting African villages with microbiotic lamps, or cleaning the air with plant-based filters—can emerge within passionate and sometimes inexperienced creative bands. Lively and engaging, replete with anecdotes that bring Edwards's unique personal experience in developing artscience labs to life, The Lab approaches innovation from exciting new angles, finding invigorating ways to repurpose our most creative assets—in scientific exploration, artistic imagination, and business model-building. David Edwards teaches at Harvard University in the School of Engineering and Applied Sciences. His creative work is described at

Lab Class: Professional Learning Through Collaborative Inquiry and Student Observation

by Lisa Ann Cranston

School-based, collaborative teacher learning that drives student achievement Meaningful growth in teacher practice comes when we invest in teacher-led, inquiry-based collaborative models where teachers get to roll up their sleeves and study what’s really going on in classrooms. Lab Class introduces an observation-based professional learning design that helps teachers collaboratively plan, investigate, and develop solutions to a specific problem of practice by observing a host teacher’s classroom through the eyes of students. This book provides instructional leaders and team facilitators with observation protocols that encourage teachers to: Plan collaborative inquiry projects by identifying a focus of the inquiry, combing the research literature, creating norms for observations, and identifying resources needed Observe and analyze student conversations, actions, and products to determine the impact of instructional decisions on students Identify patterns from observations and determine next steps for professional learning Close the knowing-doing gap by bringing professional learning out of workshops and back where it belongs—in the classroom! "For those looking to empower teachers by bringing the learning of teaching closer to the classroom, this resource will help you achieve your goals." —Jenni Donohoo, Provincial Literacy Lead, Council of Ontario Directors of Education Author of Collective Efficacy "Lab Class is a professional learning structure to take learning walks to the next level. It provides a process to deepen inquiry and focus teacher observations and learning." —Ellen S. Perconti, Superintendent Mary M. Knight School District, WA

Lab Class: Professional Learning Through Collaborative Inquiry and Student Observation

by Lisa Ann Cranston

School-based, collaborative teacher learning that drives student achievement Meaningful growth in teacher practice comes when we invest in teacher-led, inquiry-based collaborative models where teachers get to roll up their sleeves and study what’s really going on in classrooms. Lab Class introduces an observation-based professional learning design that helps teachers collaboratively plan, investigate, and develop solutions to a specific problem of practice by observing a host teacher’s classroom through the eyes of students. This book provides instructional leaders and team facilitators with observation protocols that encourage teachers to: Plan collaborative inquiry projects by identifying a focus of the inquiry, combing the research literature, creating norms for observations, and identifying resources needed Observe and analyze student conversations, actions, and products to determine the impact of instructional decisions on students Identify patterns from observations and determine next steps for professional learning Close the knowing-doing gap by bringing professional learning out of workshops and back where it belongs—in the classroom! "For those looking to empower teachers by bringing the learning of teaching closer to the classroom, this resource will help you achieve your goals." —Jenni Donohoo, Provincial Literacy Lead, Council of Ontario Directors of Education Author of Collective Efficacy "Lab Class is a professional learning structure to take learning walks to the next level. It provides a process to deepen inquiry and focus teacher observations and learning." —Ellen S. Perconti, Superintendent Mary M. Knight School District, WA

Lab Reports and Projects in Sport and Exercise Science: A Guide for Students

by Mike Price

Most science degrees will have a practical or laboratory-based component which will require some sort of final report, whether this be a conventional laboratory report or a final-year dissertation. All of these formats require students to be able to analyse their data in an appropriate way and subsequently convey their key thoughts and information to a third party. Therefore, writing laboratory reports is an essential part any science degree. This new revised edition sees the expansion of statistical examples including initial data checks and assumptions, increased awareness of critical appraisal tools and resources, project planning and a range of 'Challenge yourself' activities to supplement understanding and provides a comprehensive overview of what should be contained within each section of a scientific report, and clearly explains how it should be presented. Written in a friendly and engaging style, it guides the reader through abstracts, literature reviews, methodology, reporting discussions and referencing and contains a wealth of examples and practical advice on how to improve and refine your own writing. From writing a first lab report to preparing a final-year dissertation or postgraduate thesis, sports and exercise science students at all levels will find this book a valuable resource in developing both skill and confidence in scientific communication. Key features include: The layout of the book is designed to reflect that of a typical scientific report to help students plan their own projects. Each chapter includes numerous examples, exercises and activities to engage students and develop skills in each aspect of report writing. The book includes discussion of critical appraisal techniques to help students refine their research questions. All data sets and illustrations used are drawn from the key disciplines in sport and exercise science, including physiology, psychology and biomechanics.

Labeling: Pedagogy and Politics

by Paul Kihn Glenn M. Hudak

A diverse group of contributors, from the fields of education, psychology, philosophy and cultural studies, explore the social phenomenon of labeling. The authors question the nature of labeling, its contexts and processes, looking in particular at its prescriptive and confining effects. The assumption that labels are neutral and applied neutrally is rejected as the political nature of labeling is revealed.Topics discussed by the contributors include:*the politics of labeling*whiteness as a label for western cultural politics*labeling in institutions*popular culture and labeling*school communities and classrooms and the politics of labeling*labeling and race*sexual labelings*the impact of categorization on our children*labeling in the special education system*immigrants and limited English proficiency groups. Contributors include: Michael Apple, Peter McLaren, Cameron McCarthy and Maxine Greene.

Labnet: Toward A Community of Practice (Technology and Education Series)

by Richard Ruopp Shahaf Gal Brian Drayton Meghan Pfister

Connected by a computer telecommunications network, ninth-graders from eight high schools scattered thousands of miles across Alaska work together, building a robot submarine to gather samples from the floor of Prince William Sound. This is high school science as some teachers and educational reformers today envision it -- centered on student projects that encourage learning by doing...supported by modern technology...enriched by collaboration among students and teachers, both face to face and far apart. This example is drawn from LabNet, a three-year effort funded by the National Science Foundation. The project was conducted by Technical Education Research Centers (TERC), a nonprofit educational organization dedicated to improving mathematics and science education. Eventually reaching 562 teachers in 37 states, Puerto Rico, and American Samoa, LabNet had a direct impact on their classroom practice. In a follow-up evaluation, the majority said they had assigned their students more projects and had used LabNet's telecommunications network to exchange project ideas with other teachers. This book is the story of LabNet as told by its editors, with 14 additional essays on science projects -- both theoretical and practical -- by LabNet teachers and TERC staff.

The Labor of Job: The Biblical Text as a Parable of Human Labor

by Antonio Negri

In The Labor of Job, the renowned Marxist political philosopher Antonio Negri develops an unorthodox interpretation of the Old Testament book of Job, a canonical text of Judeo-Christian thought. In the biblical narrative, the pious Job is made to suffer for no apparent reason. The story revolves around his quest to understand why he must bear, and why God would allow, such misery. Conventional readings explain the tale as an affirmation of divine transcendence. When God finally speaks to Job, it is to assert his sovereignty and establish that it is not Job's place to question what God allows. In Negri's materialist reading, Job does not recognize God's transcendence. He denies it, and in so doing becomes a co-creator of himself and the world. The Labor of Job was first published in Italy in 1990. Negri began writing it in the early 1980s, while he was a political prisoner in Italy, and it was the first book he completed during his exile in France (1983-97). As he writes in the preface, understanding suffering was for him in the early 1980s "an essential element of resistance. . . . It was the problem of liberation, in prison and in exile, from within the absoluteness of Power. " Negri presents a Marxist interpretation of Job's story. He describes it as a parable of human labor, one that illustrates the impossibility of systems of measure, whether of divine justice (in Job's case) or the value of labor (in the case of late-twentieth-century Marxism). In the foreword, Michael Hardt elaborates on this interpretation. In his commentary, Roland Boer considers Negri's reading of the book of Job in relation to the Bible and biblical exegesis. The Labor of Job provides an intriguing and accessible entry into the thought of one of today's most important political philosophers.

Labor Safety Technician: Passbooks Study Guide (Career Examination Series)

by National Learning Corporation

The Labor Safety Technician Passbook® prepares you for your test by allowing you to take practice exams in the subjects you need to study. It provides hundreds of questions and answers in the areas that will likely be covered on your upcoming exam.

Laboratorio di scrittura e magia

by Patricia Sánchez-Cutillas

È un libro di scrittura creativa che relaziona la letteratura alla magia. La magia dei momenti del giorno, l'energia delle dee Luna e degli dei Sole, l'eterno ritorno, le date magiche, persino i fenomeni atmosferici sono elementi che puoi utilizzare per scrivere, per inventare le tue storie o per rafforzarle. Questo libro ti insegnerà a farlo ed è dedicato agli amanti della cultura e della conoscenza e a coloro a cui piace la magia della vita e della letteratura. E alla fine di ogni tema ci sono delle proposte per scrivere e mettere in pratica ciò che si è appreso.

Laboratory Experiments Chemistry: The Central Science

by John H. Nelson Kenneth C. Kemp Michael Lufaso

This manual contains 43 finely tuned experiments chosen to introduce basic lab techniques and to illustrate core chemical principles. In the 14th Edition, all experiments were carefully edited for accuracy, safety, and cost. Pre-labs and questions were revised and new experiments added concerning solutions, polymers, and hydrates. Each of the experiments is self-contained, with sufficient background material, to conduct and understand the experiment. Each has a pedagogical objective to exemplify one or more specific principles. <P><P> Because the experiments are self-contained, they may be undertaken in any order, although the authors have found in their General Chemistry course that the sequence of Experiments 1 through 7 provides the firmest background and introduction. The authors have included pre-lab questions to answer before starting the lab. The questions are designed to help in understanding the experiment, learning how to do the necessary calculations to treat their data, and as an incentive for reading the experiment in advance. These labs can also be customized through Pearson Collections, our custom database program.

Laboratory Imaging & Photography: Best Practices for Photomicrography & More (Applications in Scientific Photography)

by Michael Peres

Laboratory Imaging and Photography: Best Practices for Photomicrography and More is the definitive guide to the production of scientific images. Inside, the reader will find an overview of the theory and practice of laboratory photography, along with useful approaches to choosing equipment, handling samples, and working with microscopic subjects. Drawing from over 150 years of combined experience in the field, the authors outline methods of properly capturing, processing and archiving the images that are essential to scientific research. Also included are chapters on applied close-up photography, artificial light photography and the optics used in today’s laboratory environment, with detailed entries on light, confocal and scanning electron microscopy. A lab manual for the digital era, this peerless reference book explains how to record visual data accurately in an industry where a photograph can serve to establish a scientific fact. Key features include: Over 200 full-color photographs and illustrations A condensed history of scientific photography Tips on using the Adobe Creative Suite for scientific applications A cheat sheet of best practices Methods used in computational photography

Laboratory Manual for Exercise Physiology

by G. Gregory Haff Charles Dumke

Laboratory Manual for Exercise Physiology, Third Edition With HKPropel Access, provides guided lab activities for in-person or virtual settings that allow students to translate their scientific understanding of exercise physiology into practical applications.

Laboratory Manual in Physical Geology

by Vincent S. Cronin Dennis Tasa American Geological Institute Staff National Association of Geoscience Teachers Staff

Laboratory Manual in Physical Geology offers an inquiry and activities-based approach that builds skills and gives students a complete learning experience in the lab. This user-friendly lab manual examines the basic processes of geology and their applications to everyday life, featuring an exceptional illustration program by Dennis Tasa and contributions from over 200 highly regarded geologists and geoscience educators. <P><P> With the 12th Edition, lead author Vince Cronin and the newly formed NAGT editorial panel deliver the latest data and science, including new climate/environmental change and hazards/disasters lab activities.

Laboratory Technician: Passbooks Study Guide (Career Examination Series #C-2496)

by National Learning Corporation

The Laboratory Technician Passbook® prepares you for your test by allowing you to take practice exams in the subjects you need to study. It provides hundreds of questions and answers in the areas that will likely be covered on your upcoming exam, including but not limited to: basic laboratory equipment and glassware; principles of biology, chemistry and general science; general laboratory principles and practices; record keeping; and more.

Laboring and Learning

by Tatek Abebe Johanna Waters

This volume incorporates ground-breaking new academic perspectives on the contributions that children and young people make to societies around the world, with a particular focus on learning and work. The chapters in the volume offer conceptual and empirical insights into how young people learn to labour, and the complex social, spatial, temporal, institutional and relational processes that informs their engagements in daily, generational and social reproduction. The editors have intentionally avoided using the terms 'education' and 'employment' in the title, as this volume is an attempt to capture the multitude of ways, spaces and contexts (not just 'formal') in which learning takes place and work is carried out. Here, learning indicates education in the broadest possible sense, to incorporate not just formal schooling and the acquisition of institutionally recognised academic knowledge and credentials, but also informal learning (including socialization and the on-the-job acquisition of skills that takes place almost imperceptibly, over time). In addition to the theoretical perspectives this volume brings on young people's education and work, other prominent conceptual themes present throughout the work are mobilities, transitions and gender. Following four initial chapters that engage with conceptual issues, the remainder of the volume is divided into two sections, entitled 'spaces of labouring and learning' and 'livelihoods, transitions and social reproduction'. Within these sections, a broad spectrum of empirical chapters demonstrates how young people live, learn and labour in Africa, Asia, Europe and Latin America. These include, among others, geographies of education; interface between migration, learning and livelihoods; cultural politics of human capital formation; schooling and work; citizenship education; families and parenting; socialization and informal education; education-induced migration; processes and practices of inclusion and exclusion in educational institutions; part-time work; domestic work; care work; informal livelihoods; entrepreneurship; social transitions; and a wide range of social, economic, cultural, political (structural) forces that intersect and dissect these topics. As the reader will become aware, there is no such thing as a standard educational or work trajectory, a 'normal' transition or a straight forward relationship between work, education and social reproduction. Indeed, one of the aims of the volume is deliberately to showcase the diversity that young people's lives hold in this regard.

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