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Demographics and the Demand for Higher Education

by Nathan D. Grawe

The decisions we make in the next five years are critical in determining whether colleges thrive or flounder.2017 National Student Clearinghouse Research Center Award for Outstanding AACRAO SEM Research PresentationHigher education faces a looming demographic storm. Decades-long patterns in fertility, migration, and immigration persistently nudge the country toward the Hispanic Southwest. As a result, the Northeast and Midwest—traditional higher education strongholds—expect to lose 5 percent of their college-aged populations between now and the mid-2020s. Furthermore, and in response to the Great Recession, child-bearing has plummeted. In 2026, when the front edge of this birth dearth reaches college campuses, the number of college-aged students will drop almost 15 percent in just 5 years.In Demographics and the Demand for Higher Education, Nathan D. Grawe has developed the Higher Education Demand Index (HEDI), which relies on data from the 2002 Education Longitudinal Study (ELS) to estimate the probability of college-going using basic demographic variables. Analyzing demand forecasts by institution type and rank while disaggregating by demographic groups, Grawe provides separate forecasts for two-year colleges, elite institutions, and everything in between. The future demand for college attendance, he argues, depends critically on institution type. While many schools face painful contractions, for example, demand for elite schools is expected to grow by more than 15 percent in future years.Essential for administrators and trustees who are responsible for recruitment, admissions, student support, tenure practices, facilities construction, and strategic planning, this book is a practical guide for navigating coming enrollment challenges.

Deploying iPads in the Classroom

by Guy Hart-Davis

Master the skills and knowledge to plan and execute a deployment of iPads that will suit your school and your classroom. This book helps you evaluate your various options for deploying iPads--from configuring the tablets manually, through using Apple Configurator for imaging tablets, to subscribing to the heavy-duty Apple School Manager web service--and then shows you how to put your chosen approach into practice. Step-by-step instructions and practical examples walk you through the key questions you need to answer to get the most from your IT investment and then show you how to turn your decisions into deeds. The iPad is a wonderful device for helping students to study more comfortably and learn more quickly. Apple's popular tablet enables you to put in each student's hands a full-power computer that enables her to access resources both on the school's network and on the Internet; communicate via email, instant messaging, and video chat; and create digital content that she can submit effortlessly to your online marking system. Students love using the iPad--perhaps even more than teachers do! What You'll Learn Plan your iPad deployment and choose the right iPad models, accessories, and apps Image, configure, and deploy iPads in your classroom Review tips, tricks, and techniques for managing iPads and keeping your digital classroom running smoothly Who This Book Is For Teachers and IT administrators at schools or colleges, and administrators and organizers in other bodies that need to deploy iPads en masse to conference attendees or hotel visitors

Deploying Raspberry Pi in the Classroom

by Guy Hart-Davis

Learn how to deploy Raspberry Pi computers in a classroom or lab situation and how to navigate the hardware and software choices you face. Deploying Raspberry Pi in the Classroom equips you with the skills and knowledge to plan and execute a deployment of Raspberry Pi computers in the classroom. Teachers and IT administrators at schools will see how to set up the hardware and software swiftly on your own or with the help of your students. Step-by-step instructions and practical examples walk you through building your Raspberry Pi workstations and your network, managing the computers and the network, and troubleshooting any problems that arise. This book offers several points to involve your students through hands-on activities. These activities are designed to benefit your beginner and older or more able students alike. Make Deploying Raspberry Pi in the Classroom a part of you instructional library today. What you will learn Put an easily-manageable computer on each desk for students to learn Internet use and essential office software skills Image, configure, and plan a classroom deployment of Raspberry Pi computers Manage your classroom Raspberry Pi computers and keeping them up and running smoothly and efficiently Who this book is for Primary audience would be teachers and IT administrators at schools or colleges. It will also appeal to administrators at social clubs or organizations that provide less formal tuition or simply provide Internet access.

El deporte es lo peor ( ¡Abajo el cole! #2)

by María Frisa

Diviértete y aprende con los consejos de esta segunda entrega de «¡Abajo el cole!». Los chicos se van de campamento... prepárate para troncharte con más travesuras, líos y chistes de Hugo y sus amigos. Cuando eres Hugo: 1.- Has ganado un campeonato de baloncesto con tus amigos, y os vais a un resort de lujo que resulta ser, ejem ejem, un campamento casposo. 2.- El plan de los entrenadores es obligaros «amablemente» a correr y a hacer flexiones hasta que se os salga el hígado por la boca. ¡Y, encima, os han requisado el móvil! 3.- Tu mejor amigo descubre la Pista Perdida de un legendario juego de pistas con un premio MILLONARIO, pero necesitáis resolverlo en los seis días que dura el campamento y sin que nadie se entere. Es como si sobre vuestra cabeza se activara una cuenta atrás. 4.- Tu archienemigo es mutonto y pasa de la chica que te gusta, dándote la oportunidad de tu vida. 5.- Y todos creen que, además de ser bajito, estás obsesionado con hacer listas, aunque, evidentemente, es mentira. Definitivamente... ¡VIVA EL DEPORTE! Porque, aunque seas un pringado y un soso como Hugo, tu amigo Javi (¡YO!) es un crack, y va a mejorarlo todo con sus chistacos para que este libro sea el MÁS DIVERTIDO del MUNDO.

Depression-Era Sculpture of the Bay Area

by Betty S. Veronico Nicholas A. Veronico

The Great Depression was a terrible blow for the Bay Area’s thriving art community. A few private art projects kept a small number of sculptors working, but for the majority, prospects of finding new commissions were grim. By the mid-1930s, Pres. Franklin D. Roosevelt’s New Deal program had gathered steam, and assistance was provided to the nation’s art community. Salvation came from the Works Progress Administration (WPA), which employed thousands of artists to produce sculpture for public venues. The Bay Area art community subsequently benefitted from the need to fill the then-forthcoming Golden Gate International Exposition (GGIE) with sculpture of all shapes and sizes. As bad as the Depression was, its legacy more than 80 years on is one of beauty. The Bay Area is dotted with sculpture from this era, the majority of it on public display. Depression-Era Sculpture of the Bay Area is a visual tour of this artistic bounty.

Der Anti-Stress-Trainer für Betriebsräte

by Martin Ulmer Peter Buchenau

Dieses Buch aus der Anti-Stress-Trainer-Reihe beschäftigt sich mit den spezifischen Stressfaktoren im Arbeitsalltag von Betriebsräten und deren effizienter Bewältigung. Betriebsräte sind als Vermittler zwischen Arbeitgeber und Arbeitnehmer einer Vielzahl von Rollenkonflikten ausgesetzt. Auch die hohe Erwartungshaltung an ihr fachliches wie therapeutisches Know-how führt zu einem hohen Stresslevel. In diesem Buch lernen sie, wie sie diese Anforderungen erfolgreich zu managen, indem sie ihre eigene innere Balance bewahren. Der Autor geht gezielt auf die wichtigen Bereiche Stressprävention und Stressbewältigung ein und bietet einen informativen Überblick zum Thema Stress bei Betriebsräten.

Der Anti-Stress-Trainer für Handelsvertreter

by Steffen Becker Peter Buchenau

Dieses Buch aus der Anti-Stress-Trainer-Reihe ist auf die Berufsgruppe der Handelsvertreter zugeschnitten. Ein hohes Arbeitspensum sowie Termin- und Erfolgsdruck und der Umgang mit schwierigen Kunden sind nur einige der Stressoren. Der Tätigkeitsbereich hat sich gewandelt und dennoch ist eines gleichgeblieben: Der Handelsvertreter steht im Spannungsfeld zwischen den Bedürfnissen der zu vertretenden Firmen, der Kunden und seiner eigenen. Diesem Spannungsfeld gerecht zu werden, ohne sich selbst aus den Augen zu verlieren, ist ein Balanceakt, der täglich neu gemeistert werden muss. Dieses Buch kann dem Leser wichtige Hilfestellungen bieten. Der Autor geht auf die unterschiedlichen Anforderungen von den zu vertretenden Unternehmen, der Kunden, der Familien und Freunde ein und zeigt dem Leser Wege auf, wie er den Arbeitsalltag selbstbestimmt und ausgeglichen meistern kann, ohne in die Stressfalle zu geraten.

Der Anti-Stress-Trainer für Lehrer

by Stefanie Simone Klief Peter Buchenau

Dieses Buch aus der Anti-Stress-Trainer-Reihe stellt das Thema Stress bei Lehrern in den Fokus. Lehrerinnen und Lehrer sind im Berufsalltag mit vielen Herausforderungen konfrontiert: schwierige Schüler, ein ständiger Lärmpegel, das Thema Mobbing und nicht zuletzt anstrengende Eltern und ein geringes gesellschaftliches Prestige können im Lehreralltag eine belastende Rolle spielen. All diese Stressfaktoren führen dazu, dass Burnout bei Lehrern immer häufiger auftritt. Doch es gibt Möglichkeiten diesem Stress frühzeitig und effizient entgegenzutreten. Dieses Buch zeigt solche Möglichkeiten in kompakter Form auf, indem es den Leser dabei unterstützt seine eigenen Belastungen zu identifizieren und erfolgreiche Strategien gegen Stress zu entwickeln. Ein sinnvolles und vor allem hilfreiches Buch für mehr Ausgeglichenheit im Lehreralltag.

Der Anti-Stress-Trainer für Musiker

by Joe Orszulik Peter Buchenau

Dieses Buch aus der Anti-Stress-Trainer-Reihe thematisiert das Leben und die Stressfaktoren von Musikerinnen und Musikerin. Zahllose Musiker, Instrumentallehrer, Musikpädagogen, Komponisten und auch Textschreiber, die allermeist sehr euphorisch in ihre Karriere starten, sind schon bald desillusioniert, erschöpft oder leiden sogar unter Burnout. Gründe dafür sind unter anderem eine unsichere finanzielle Position, unregelmäßige Arbeitszeiten und auch eine starke körperliche Belastung. Dieses Buch informiert die Leser nicht nur über das Thema Stress bei Musikern, sondern gibt gleichzeitig viele hilfreiche Praxistipps für einen gesunden und erfolgreichen Umgang mit Stress. Der Autor, der selbst jahrelang aktiver Musiker war, gibt seine Erfahrungen und sein Wissen in diesem Buch weiter.

Der Anti-Stress-Trainer für Projektmanager: Auf den Punkt geplant und trotzdem entspannt

by Markus Blaschka

Dieses Buch aus der Anti-Stress-Trainer-Reihe befasst sich eingehend mit dem inoffiziell größten Berufsrisiko von Projektmanagern, dem Stress. Nicht einmal ihr Privatleben bleibt von der Vielzahl von Stressfaktoren, denen sie sich gegenüber sehen, verschont. Projekte müssen nicht nur kompetent, sondern bei ungeduldigen Auftraggebern auch möglichst schnell abgewickelt werden. Erschwerend dazu können Präsentationsdruck, ein entscheidungsschwacher Vorstand, ein enges Budget und im schlimmsten Fall auch noch Kleinkrieg im Team hinzukommen. Aber all dies muss nicht sein, denn dieses Buch hilft Ihnen dabei, Ihren beruflichen und privaten Stress erfolgreich und effizient zu meistern und macht nebenbei auch noch Spaß beim Lesen. Die Leser erhalten Informationen aus erster Hand, da der Autor aufgrund seiner weitreichenden Erfahrung im Bereich von IT- und Beratungsprojekten Experte für das Thema Projektmanagement ist. Die ReiheStress gehört in unserem Berufs- und Privatleben zum Alltag. Dabei unterscheiden sich die stressauslösenden Faktoren jedoch je nach Berufsgruppe. Aus diesem Grunde widmen sich in der Anti-Stress-Trainer-Reihe, initiiert von Peter Buchenau, führende Expertinnen und Experten diesen spezifischen Stresssituationen.Der AutorDr. Markus Blaschka ist Business Coach, Management Trainer und Senior Consultant. Er coacht Projektleiter und entwickelt maßgeschneiderte Projektmanagement-Konzepte für Betriebe. Besonders beschäftigt er sich mit der Frage, wie Projekte stressfrei und ohne die üblichen zwischenmenschlichen Konflikte erfolgreich durchgeführt werden können.

Der Anti-Stress-Trainer für Selbstständige

by Marcel Schettler Peter Buchenau

Dieses Buch aus der Anti-Stress-Trainer-Reihe widmet sich dem Thema Stressbewältigung für Selbstständige. Oft fehlt selbständigen Unternehmern ein neutraler ebenbürtiger Gesprächspartner, um berufliche Themen zu diskutieren. Das Ergebnis, wenn Selbstständige alles mit sich alleine abmachen: Stress pur. Doch das ist nur ein Aspekt von vielen, der Unternehmer in Stress und Überforderung führt. Der Anti-Stress-Trainer für Selbständige zeigt Ihnen die typischen Stolpersteine auf, die Sie geradewegs in die Stressfalle führen und hilft Ihnen mit praktischen Tipps, diese Stolpersteine zu umgehen. Zudem öffnen gestandene Unternehmer ihre persönliche „Anti-Stress-Trickkiste“ und verraten Ihnen neben ihrem eigenen stressigsten Erlebnis ihren persönlichen Praxistipp gegen Stress und Überlastung.

Der Anti-Stress-Trainer für Vertriebler

by Oliver Schumacher Peter Buchenau

Dieses Buch aus der Anti-Stress-Trainer-Reihe beschäftigt sich umfassend mit dem Thema Stress bei Vertrieblern. Es dient als Ratgeber für alle Vertriebler, die unter Akquise- und Verkaufsdruck stehen, permanent auf der Straße unterwegs sind und/oder unter Zeitdruck und Dauerhochleistungen agieren. Konkrete und im Alltag anwendbare Anti-Stress-Tipps und Beispiele machen dieses Buch sehr praxisorientiert.

Desde Auden a Yeats: Análisis Crítico de 30 Poemas Seleccionados

by Geetanjali Mukherjee A. Carolina Álvarez y Karina G. Marchini

Desde Auden a Yeats: Análisis crítico de 30 poemas seleccionados por Geetanjali Mukherjee Este libro es una referencia rápida para los estudiantes de literatura inglesa que busquen ayuda al navegar la poesía de algunos de los grandes poetas del siglo XIX y XX. Este libro es una referencia rápida para los estudiantes de literatura inglesa que busquen ayuda para navegar la poesía de alguno de los grandes poetas del siglo XIX y XX. El libro contiene un an{alisis crítico y profundo de 30 poemas seleccionados de las obras de W. H. Auden, Ted Hughes, John Keats, Philip Larkin and W.B. Yeats. Con una colección de 30 ensayos, el libro tiene como fin ayudar a los alumnos de literatura a obtener un mirada de la vida y trabajo de cada poeta aquí presentado, como también una comprensión de los poemas tratados con la suficiente profundidad. EL LIBRO POSEE: * Una sección sobre la vida y trasfondo de cada poeta para comprender mejor las influencias detrás de sus poemas y obtener un mejor conocimiento del contexto de los poemas seleccionados. * Una explicación sencilla de cada poema. * Una explicación de los temas, motivos y símbolos utilizados en los poemas. * Un ensayo específico para cada poema en particular, analizado para el beneficio del estudiante de literatura. * Preguntas breves para que el estudiante reflexione sobre los temas subyacentes de los poemas. Es una guía invaluable para los estudiantes de literatura en colegios secundarios y universidades o cualquiera que desee obtener una profunda comprensión de algunos de los poemas más reconocidos del último siglo. Este libro es muy útil como guía de estudio y no debe substituir la lectura de los poemas (LOS POEMAS NO ESTÁN INCLUIDOS). Algunos de los poemas tratados son: * W.H. Auden – Blues del refugiado * Ted Hughes – Cuervo tiranosaurio * John Keats – Al otoño * Philip Larki

Design as Democracy: Techniques for Collective Creativity

by Jeffrey Hou David de la Pena Diane Jones Allen Randolph T. Hester Jr. Laura J. Lawson Marcia J. McNally

How can we design places that fulfill urgneeds of the community, achieve environmental justice, and inspire long-term stewardship? By bringing community members to the table, we open up the possibility of exchanging ideas meaningfully and transforming places powerfully. Collaboration like this is hands-on democracy in action. It's up close. It's personal. For decades, participatory design practices have helped enliven neighborhoods and promote cultural understanding. Yet, many designers still rely on the same techniques that were developed in the 1950s and 60s. These approaches offer predictability, but hold waning promise for addressing currand future design challenges. Design as Democracy: Techniques for Collective Creativity is written to reinvigorate democratic design, providing inspiration, techniques, and case stories for a wide range of contexts.Edited by six leading practitioners and academics in the field of participatory design, with nearly 50 contributors from around the world, Design as Democracy shows how to design with communities in empowering and effective ways. The flow of the book's nine chapters reflects the general progression of community design process, while also encouraging readers to search for ways that best serve their distinct needs and the culture and geography of diverse places. Each chapter presents a series of techniques around a theme, from approaching the initial stages of a project, to getting to know a community, to provoking political change through strategic thinking. Readers may approach the book as they would a cookbook, with recipes open to improvisation, adaptation, and being created anew.Design as Democracy offers fresh insights for creating meaningful dialogue between designers and communities and for transforming places with justice and democracy in mind.

The Design of the University: German, American, and “World Class” (Routledge Research in Higher Education #26)

by Heinz-Dieter Meyer

What is the reason for the American university’s global preeminence? How did the American university succeed where the development of the German university, from which it took so much, stalled? In this closely-argued book, Meyer suggests that the key to the American university’s success is its institutional design of self-government. Where other university systems are dependent on the patronage of state, church, or market, the American university is the first to achieve true autonomy, which it attained through an intricate system of engagements with societal actors and institutions that simultaneously act as amplifiers of its impact and as checks on the university’s ever-present corrosive tendencies. Built on a searching analysis of the design thinking of Wilhelm von Humboldt and Adam Smith and closely tracing the learning process by which Americans adapted the German model, The Design of the University dismisses efforts to copy superficial features of the American university in order to achieve world-class rank. Calling attention to the design details of the university and the particulars of its institutional environment, this volume identifies the practices and choices that produced the gold standard for today’s world class higher education.

Designing and Developing Digital and Blended Learning Solutions

by Mark Loon

Designing and Developing Digital and Blended Learning Solutions is essential reading for anyone studying the Level 5 CIPD L&D module of the same name as well as all learning and development professionals looking to understand the growing role of technology in L&D. Covering both current and emerging learning technologies, this book will help readers assess which technologies are right for their needs. It also covers how to design blended learning solutions, how to develop digital learning content as well as how to evaluate the effectiveness of this digital content. Most importantly, Designing and Developing Digital and Blended Learning Solutions provides guidance on how to implement digital and blended learning solutions including identifying the appropriate platforms and the roles, tools and processes needed to support effective implementation. Full of practical examples and advice, this is an invaluable guide for students and practitioners alike.

Designing and Using Performance Tasks: Enhancing Student Learning and Assessment

by Tracey K. Shiel

Stretch student thinking with performance-based tasks. With the continual increase of high-stakes assessments also comes the surge of professional development on designing performance-based tasks. Providing step-by-step insights, this book shows you how to incorporate performance tasks as a tool to teach, monitor, and extend student learning. If you’re ready to stretch your students’ thinking, grab a copy of this how-to guide to help you: Make instructional decisions based on student performance of learning tasks Incorporate learning progressions as an integral part of planning performance tasks Close the “knowing–doing” gap by focusing on considerations for successful implementation

Designing and Using Performance Tasks: Enhancing Student Learning and Assessment

by Tracey K. Shiel

Stretch student thinking with performance-based tasks. With the continual increase of high-stakes assessments also comes the surge of professional development on designing performance-based tasks. Providing step-by-step insights, this book shows you how to incorporate performance tasks as a tool to teach, monitor, and extend student learning. If you’re ready to stretch your students’ thinking, grab a copy of this how-to guide to help you: Make instructional decisions based on student performance of learning tasks Incorporate learning progressions as an integral part of planning performance tasks Close the “knowing–doing” gap by focusing on considerations for successful implementation

Designing Gifted Education Programs and Services: From Purpose to Implementation

by Scott Peters Dina Brulles

This book is intended to support educators in the design and implementation of comprehensive gifted education plans. From planning to actual implementation, this book takes the reader from goals and purpose to assessing student needs and program design. The authors begin with a broad overview of best practices in programming and services, highlighting connections to student needs, programming standards, and state laws. Their recommendations include philosophical, cultural, and practical considerations and data-based decision making. In this book, Peters and Brulles guide the reader through the process of determining the most optimal programming methods for schools to take based on their individual needs and circumstances. With this book, schools will be able to design and develop programs and/or services that lay the foundation necessary to ensure all students are appropriately challenged.

Designing Gifted Education Programs and Services: From Purpose to Implementation

by Scott J. Peters Dina Brulles

This book is intended to support educators in the design and implementation of comprehensive gifted education plans. From planning to actual implementation, this book takes the reader from goals and purpose to assessing student needs and program design. The authors begin with a broad overview of best practices in programming and services, highlighting connections to student needs, programming standards, and state laws. Their recommendations include philosophical, cultural, and practical considerations and data-based decision making. In this book, Peters and Brulles guide the reader through the process of determining the most optimal programming methods for schools to take based on their individual needs and circumstances. With this book, schools will be able to design and develop programs and/or services that lay the foundation necessary to ensure all students are appropriately challenged.

Designing Research in Education: Concepts and Methodologies

by Dr Jon Swain

This is a clear introduction to the methodological and philosophical debates in the field of education research. It sets out the key ideas, questions, and dilemmas which inform all research and then, through the careful use of case studies and practical advice from experienced researchers, grounds them in the specific concerns of education and educational studies. Written by experienced academics and teachers the book links broad philosophical principles with practical strategies for designing and conducting ethical and effective research. Perfect for postgraduate students planning their own research in education this book will help you to: · Understand the philosophical foundations of your work. · Conceptualise and refine your research question. · Pick the right methodology for your research. · Embed ethical considerations throughout your research. This book is an ideal companion for any postgraduate student or early career academic conducting research across education and educational studies.

Designing Services and Programs for High-Ability Learners: A Guidebook for Gifted Education

by Rebecca D. Eckert Jennifer H. Robins

The updated, comprehensive guide to developing or enhancing gifted programming With new perspectives based on recent research and the updated National Association for Gifted Children Programming Standards, this second edition of Designing Services and Programs for High-Ability Learners provides educators with the comprehensive, practical advice they need to support today’s gifted learners. Written by leading experts, each chapter focuses on a key feature of high-quality gifted programs and takes into account current educational trends, such as the Focus on diversity to ensure underrepresented populations are screened for gifted education Collaboration with special education to ensure students with disabilities have access to programming Use of technology Development of local policies to support gifted education

Designing Services and Programs for High-Ability Learners: A Guidebook for Gifted Education

by Rebecca D. Eckert Jennifer H. Robins

The updated, comprehensive guide to developing or enhancing gifted programming With new perspectives based on recent research and the updated National Association for Gifted Children Programming Standards, this second edition of Designing Services and Programs for High-Ability Learners provides educators with the comprehensive, practical advice they need to support today’s gifted learners. Written by leading experts, each chapter focuses on a key feature of high-quality gifted programs and takes into account current educational trends, such as the Focus on diversity to ensure underrepresented populations are screened for gifted education Collaboration with special education to ensure students with disabilities have access to programming Use of technology Development of local policies to support gifted education

Deutsch für Ärztinnen und Ärzte

by Ulrike Schrimpf Markus Bahnemann

Dieses Buch ist ein Kommunikationstrainer, mit dem Sie sich als ausländische Ärztin bzw. Arzt optimal auf Ihre praktische Tätigkeit in Deutschland und auf die geforderte Fachsprachprüfung vorbereiten können:Übungsaufgaben und Fallbeispiele bereiten auf Situationen im Klinikalltag vorAudio-Dateien zum Download mit Beispieldialogen trainieren Hörverständnis und AusspracheOnlinebasierter Vokabeltrainer hilft beim gezielten Lernen von FachbegriffenEntwickelt von der Charité International Academy Berlin, bewährt seit 3 Auflagen - einsetzbar für alle Sprachlevel ab B1.

Developing Academics: The essential higher education handbook

by Shelda Debowski

Academics work in a highly complex world where they must build integrative capabilities and outcomes as teachers, researchers and leaders. As they progress from novice to expert their evolving identities, methodologies and strategies need to be well-attuned to their own strengths and the sectoral expectations: a process that is greatly facilitated by the guidance of leaders and specialist developers. Developing Academics offers guidance to developers, senior leaders and academics on the principles and practices that support high-performing and adaptive academic communities. As the first work to explore the complex nature of academic capacity building, it offers comprehensive development principles, learning theories and specific strategies to support academic growth and development. Developing Academics explores academic capacity from a range of perspectives, including: What makes a high-performing, well-rounded academic? How can our academics be equipped to meet the demands of their current and future roles? What are the essential characteristics of an outstanding developer and development service? How can leaders support and guide high-performing academics who wish to excel? This book is divided into five parts. The first explores academic capacity building and the role developers, leaders and academics play. The second part offers comprehensive guidance to higher education developers, providing the theoretical grounding, methodologies and advanced professional techniques that support their service delivery. The third explores the academic development context, mapping the key capabilities that academics need to acquire as they progress from early career to senior roles across their various portfolios. The fourth explores strategies to evaluate and research the impact of higher education development on learners and their performance. In the final part, the design of higher education services and their interaction with university leaders is explored, illustrating the critical importance of building influence and impact across the university community. The positioning of higher education development as a discipline is also mapped. Developers, leaders and academics will find this handbook to be an essential resource for regular reference: full of useful insights, tips and strategies to help them increase their outcomes and impact. Readers are challenged to reflect on their own leadership and effectiveness throughout this work, as individuals and contributors to academic capacity building.

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