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Showing 43,526 through 43,550 of 78,540 results

Dialogue in Places of Learning: Youth Amplified in South Africa (Routledge Research in International and Comparative Education)

by Adam Cooper

Showing how youth from one of the poorest and most violent neighborhoods in Cape Town, South Africa, learn differently in three educational contexts— in classrooms, in a community hip hop crew, on a youth radio show—this book illuminates how South African schools, like schools elsewhere, subtly reproduce inequalities by sorting students into social hierarchies linked to assessments of their use of language. Highlighting the voices and perspectives of young South Africans, this case study of youth in the global South explores how language is linked to cultural mixing which occurred during colonialism and slavery and continues through patterns of global mobility. Dialogue in Places of Learning: Youth Amplified in South Africa demonstrates how language and learning are bound to space and place.

Dialoguing across Cultures, Identities, and Learning: Crosscurrents and Complexities in Literacy Classrooms (Language, Culture, and Teaching Series)

by Bob Fecho Jennifer Clifton

Drawing on Dialogical Self Theory, this book presents a new framework for social and cultural identity construction in the literacy classroom, offering possibilities for how teachers might adjust their pedagogy to better support the range of cultural stances present in all classrooms. In the complex multicultural/multiethnic/multilingual contexts of learning in and out of school spaces today, students and teachers are constantly dialoguing across cultures, both internally and externally, and these cultures are in dialogue with each other. The authors unpack some of the complexity of culture and identity, what people do with culture and identity, and how people navigate multiple cultures and identities. Readers are invited to re-examine how they view different cultures and the roles these play in their lives, and to dialogue with the authors about cultures, learning, literacy, identity, and agency.

El Diario de Julia Jones, Libro 6 - Cambios

by Katrina Kahler Cinta Garcia de la Rosa

¡Todo es perfecto en el mundo de Julia! Tenía el mejor novio del mundo. Tiene la más increíble de las mejores amigas. ¡Su banda va genial! Ya casi ha terminado el colegio y está realmente deseando que llegue la graduación. Entonces, ¿qué podría ir mal? ¿Qué podría poner el mundo de Julia patas arriba? ¿Habéis tenido alguna vez la sensación de que alguien está obsesionado con vosotras? Al principio sientes que solo se trata de tu imaginación... luego te das cuenta de que algo va mal. Empieza a volverse siniestro y en realidad no estás segura de qué hacer... Lee cómo Julia le hace frente a "él". Y algunas veces no importa lo feliz que seas, o lo perfecta que sea tu vida... los cambios suceden. Cambios que estás segura van a destruir tu vida "perfecta". El Diario de Julia Jones, Libro 6 - "Cambios" hará que tu corazón sonría, que se te erice el pelo de la nuca, y que sientas mariposas en el estómago. Otro fabuloso añadido a la serie del Diario de Julia Jones que a todas las seguidoras de Julia Jones les va a encantar.

Diário de um Rapaz Quase Fixe Livro 2 Campo de Férias terrível

by Bill Campbell Sandra Borges

Um livro divertifo para as crianças: O campo de férias é suposto ser divertido... certo? O AJ não parece convencido, especialmente quando chega e vê o seu velho inimigo Cedric! Felizmente não estão na mesma cabana! Infelizmente, têm de competir um com o outro para ganhar a Competição do Campo de Férias. O Cedric começa a jogar sujo contra a cabana do AJ. Será que o AJ, o Hawk e o Mike vão conseguir se vingar? Quem sairá vencedor? Este é o segundo livro daa série Diário de Um Rapaz Quase Fixe. É perfeito para rapazes e raarigas que gostam de livros engraçados.

Diário de Uma Rapariga Quase Fixe

by Carina Mota Bill Campbell

Uma nova escola… um novo começo. Bem, pelo menos é o que a Madonna espera. Ela é uma rapariga “normal”, bem, mais ou menos. Não está no grupo dos populares, mas também não é uma nerd. Está no meio dos dois e a tentar integrar-se. Segue as suas aventuras hilariantes na sua nova escola. Aposto que te consegues relacionar com montes delas! Este livro é adequado para raparigas ou rapazes dos 8 aos 12 anos de idade. Se gostaste do Diário de um Miúdo Fracote, provavelmente vais gostar deste livro. É sobre uma rapariga que é “quase fixe”, amável, forte e muito, muito engraçada. Diário de Uma Rapaz Quase Fixe acabou de ser lançado e é tão engraçado e divertido como este livro!

Diario de una lechuza #7: Un libro de la serie Branches (Diario de una lechuza #7)

by Rebecca Elliott

Eva and her friends are opening a bakery!Pick a book. Grow a Reader!¡La versión en español de The Wildwood Bakery!María, la amiga de Eva, tiene una hermanita que no puede volar, así que la clase de Eva decide reunir dinero para comprarle una silla voladora súper chévere. Una parte de la clase abre una pastelería para reunir el dinero, y la otra parte abre una tienda de dulces. Ambos grupos compiten por ver quién reúne más dinero, pero a la larga tendrán que trabajar juntos para lograrlo. ¿Podrá Eva hacer que todos trabajen en equipo?Eva's friend Macy has a little sister who can't fly on her own. So Eva's class decides to raise money to buy her a super-cool flying chair! Half of the class opens a bakery to raise the money. The other half opens a candy store. Soon the owls are competing to see whose shop can make the most money. But they will all need to work together to raise enough money for the special chair. Can Eva get everyone to work as a team?

Diario del Sig. Alto, Misterioso e Affascinante La Mia Vita È Cambiata - Libro 1

by Kaz Campbell Silvia Gallico & Marco Gallico

Il Sig. Alto, Misterioso e Affascinante (Sig. AMA in breve)… Richard Jones deve questo soprannome a Maddi Bull. Leggi il diario di Richard e scopri cosa pensa di tutto quello che succede nella sua vita e che cosa pensa di Maddi. A volte, la vita può essere difficile, soprattutto se si ha recentemente perso la mamma in un incidente d’auto. Ma Maddi riporta il sorriso sul viso del Sig. AMA. E poi c'è l’orologio. Richard scopre l'orologio da tasca della sua mamma, un antico cimelio di famiglia che è stato tramandato di generazione in generazione. La nonna gli aveva raccontato molte storie sulle avventure da lei vissute. Potevano quelle storie essere vere? E poteva quell’orologio da tasca aver qualcosa a che fare con queste storie? Cosa farà Richard? Deciderà di esplorare e vivere mille avventure o seguirà il consiglio di suo padre di ignorare quelle storie inverosimili? Un libro perfetto per giovani ragazze fra i 9 e i 12 anni.

Diario di una Super Girl Libro 1 Alti e bassi dell’essere Super

by Loredana Marmorale Katrina Kahler and John Zakour

Lia ha sempre pensato di essere una dodicenne come le altre. La sua vita è fatta dei tipici alti e bassi della sua età: gli amici, gli allenamenti di lacrosse, una valanga di compiti, le bulle della scuola. Ma le cose stanno per cambiare! Alla vigilia del suo tredicesimo compleanno, Lia fa infatti una scoperta sensazionale: è l’ultima di una stirpe di super donne. All’apparenza sembra una ragazzina normale, simile in tutto e per tutto alle sue coetanee, in realtà è dotata di straordinari superpoteri, che si manifesteranno proprio appena compirà i fatidici 13 anni! Il lato positivo di questi SUPERPOTERI è avere la forza di cento persone, il lato negativo è… Venite a scoprirlo! Libro per ragazze, età 9-12 anni

The Diary of a Bookseller

by Shaun Bythell

Hilarious, wry, and charming tales of bookselling in remotest Scotland "Among the most irascible and amusing bookseller memoirs I've read." --Dwight Garner, New York TimesThe funny and fascinating memoir of Bythell's experiences at the helm of The Bookshop, Scotland's largest second hand bookstore--and the delightfully unusual staff members, eccentric customers, odd townsfolk and surreal buying trips that make up his life there.

Die Lese- und Rechtschreibstörung wirksam bekämpfen: Effiziente Lernmethoden für Eltern, Lehrer und Interessierte (essentials)

by Rita M. Brehm

Rita Brehm stellt neue Methoden zur Stabilisierung der Sprechwahrnehmung von Schülern vor – wie das „Handlautieren“ oder das „Silbenkonstruieren“ – und erläutert, wie das Silbentrennen, Abschreiben, Diktieren oder Lesen methodisch effizienter zu gestalten ist. Sie zeigt, dass im Zeitalter der Inklusion phonetisch-phonologische Methoden aus der Sprachtherapie zunehmend Eingang in die schulische Förderung gefunden haben. Zur wirksamen Bekämpfung von Lese- und Rechtschreibstörungen benötigt man effiziente Lernmethoden auf der Grundlage wissenschaftlicher Erkenntnisse. Ziel dabei ist, über die Festigung der phonologischen Bewusstheit mit dem eigenen Sprechen gleichermaßen das Lesen und Schreiben anzubahnen und zu festigen. Darüber hinaus erklärt die Autorin, wie das Abschreiben effektiver wird, warum Kurzdiktate unverzichtbar sind und wie Schüler zum beständigen Lesen motiviert werden können.

Dieci storie divertenti per bambini dai 2 ai 5 anni

by Katrina Kahler Simona Trapani

Questo libro è pieno di storie originali e divertenti che tutti i bambini ameranno. Ai vostri bambini piaceranno subito i personaggi e le loro fantastiche avventure. I personaggi includono una serie di simpatici animali, dinosauri, pirati, ma anche bambini e bambine con i quali i vostri figli potranno identificarsi. Ogni storia vuole trasmettere un messaggio, del quale potrete parlare con il vostro bambino per evidenziare temi quali l'importanza di essere gentili e premurosi, di dire la verità, di essere coraggiosi, di dare sempre il meglio di sé e di affrontare l'arrivo di un nuovo bambino in famiglia, solo per citarne alcuni. Tutte le storie sono illustrate, e leggerle sarà divertente sia per voi che i vostri bambini. Perfetto per i lettori principianti e adatto per i bambini dai 2 ai 5 anni. Potrete leggerle come fiabe della buonanotte e rileggerle in età prescolare, quando i bambini cominciano a imparare a leggere. Inoltre, l'indice dei contenuti è cliccabile per una facile navigazione. Un libro favoloso per tutti i bambini!

Differentiated Coaching: A Framework for Helping Educators Change

by Jane A. Kise

Differentiate your coaching practice to meet the needs of every teacher! Jane Kise takes you on a journey into differentiated coaching with a strength-based framework for understanding, appreciating, and working with people who may think differently from you. Through an online self-assessment tool, you will discover how your strengths and beliefs influence your coaching practice. Through examples, case studies, and reflection exercises, you will understand how to: Tailor your coaching practices to meet the needs of each educator Increase teacher willingness to implement new skills in their classrooms Anticipate patterns of resistance and adjust both the content and delivery of professional development

Differentiated Coaching: A Framework for Helping Educators Change

by Jane A. Kise

Differentiate your coaching practice to meet the needs of every teacher! Jane Kise takes you on a journey into differentiated coaching with a strength-based framework for understanding, appreciating, and working with people who may think differently from you. Through an online self-assessment tool, you will discover how your strengths and beliefs influence your coaching practice. Through examples, case studies, and reflection exercises, you will understand how to: Tailor your coaching practices to meet the needs of each educator Increase teacher willingness to implement new skills in their classrooms Anticipate patterns of resistance and adjust both the content and delivery of professional development

Differentiated Literacy Instruction: Assessing, Grouping, Teaching

by Sharon Wapole Michael C. McKenna Zoi A. Philippakos John Z. Strong

The goal of this book is to answer the question What is differentiated instruction? It offers pre-service and in-service teachers the background and foundational skills they will need to understand, plan for, and achieve effective differentiated literacy instruction in their classrooms, based on individual student needs. Chapters provide essential information about how to analyze and synthesize data from assessments, use the information for grouping students, and then plan and implement differentiated instruction. Many specific, hands-on descriptions and exhibits are provided. Case studies of real classrooms demonstrate effective differentiated instructional techniques. End-of-chapter Practical Application questions allow readers to apply chapter concepts as they learn to motivate and teach diverse learners.

Differentiating Instruction With Menus: Science (Grades 6-8)

by Laurie E. Westphal

The best-selling Differentiating Instruction With Menus series has helped teachers nationwide differentiate instruction for their high-ability learners with easy-to-use menus and exciting tools to challenge and reach gifted and advanced students in the classroom. Each book includes an updated, student-friendly rubric that can assess different types of products, free choice proposal forms to encourage independent study, and new and favorite challenging menus to meet the needs of these diverse higher level learners. Readers will also be able to save time by using updated guidelines that reflect changes in technology for each of the products included in the menus and find direct alignment with standards approved in recent years. Topics addressed in Differentiating Instruction With Menus: Science (Grades 6-8, 2nd ed.) include process skills, physical sciences, life sciences, and Earth and space sciences.Grades 6-8

Differentiating Instruction With Menus: Social Studies (Grades 6-8)

by Laurie E. Westphal

The best-selling Differentiating Instruction With Menus series has helped teachers nationwide differentiate instruction for their high-ability learners with easy-to-use menus and exciting tools to challenge and reach gifted and advanced students in the classroom. Each book includes an updated, student-friendly rubric that can assess different types of products, free choice proposal forms to encourage independent study, and new and favorite challenging menus to meet the needs of these diverse higher level learners. Readers will also be able to save time by using updated guidelines that reflect changes in technology for each of the products included in the menus and find direct alignment with standards approved in recent years. Topics addressed in Differentiating Instruction With Menus: Social Studies (Grades 6-8, 2nd ed.) include U.S. history, government, people, and geography.Grades 6-8

Differentiating Instruction With Menus: Math (Grades 6-8)

by Laurie E. Westphal

The best-selling Differentiating Instruction With Menus series has helped teachers nationwide differentiate instruction for their high-ability learners with easy-to-use menus and exciting tools to challenge and reach gifted and advanced students in the classroom. Each book includes an updated, student-friendly rubric that can assess different types of products, free choice proposal forms to encourage independent study, and new and favorite challenging menus to meet the needs of these diverse higher level learners. Readers will also be able to save time by using updated guidelines that reflect changes in technology for each of the products included in the menus and find direct alignment with standards approved in recent years. Topics addressed in Differentiating Instruction With Menus: Math (Grades 6-8, 2nd ed.) include numbers and operations, geometry, measurement, and basic algebra.Grades 6-8

Differentiating Instruction With Menus: Language Arts (Grades 6-8)

by Laurie E. Westphal

The best-selling Differentiating Instruction With Menus series has helped teachers nationwide differentiate instruction for their high-ability learners with easy-to-use menus and exciting tools to challenge and reach gifted and advanced students in the classroom. Each book includes an updated, student-friendly rubric that can assess different types of products, free choice proposal forms to encourage independent study, and new and favorite challenging menus to meet the needs of these diverse higher level learners. Readers will also be able to save time by using updated guidelines that reflect changes in technology for each of the products included in the menus and find direct alignment with standards approved in recent years. Topics addressed in Differentiating Instruction With Menus: Language Arts (Grades 6-8, 2nd ed.) include genres, writing skills, and mechanics.Grades 6-8

The Digital Humanities and the Digital Modern

by James Smithies

This book provides new critical and methodological approaches to digital humanities, intended to guide technical development as well as critical analysis. Informed by the history of technology and culture and new perspectives on modernity, Smithies grounds his claims in the engineered nature of computing devices and their complex entanglement with our communities, our scholarly traditions, and our sense of self. The distorting mentalit#65533; of the digital modern informs our attitudes to computers and computationally intensive research, leading scholars to reject articulations of meaning that admit the interdependence of humans and the complex socio-technological systems we are embedded in. By framing digital humanities with the digital modern, researchers can rebuild our relationship to technical development, and seek perspectives that unite practical and critical activity. This requires close attention to the cyber-infrastructures that inform our research, the software-intensive methods that are producing new knowledge, and the ethical issues implicit in the production of digital humanities tools and methods. The book will be of interest to anyone interested in the intersection of technology with humanities research, and the future of digital humanities.

Digital Media, Culture and Education

by John Potter Julian Mcdougall

This book provides a critical commentary on key issues around learning in the digital age in both formal and informal educational settings. The book presents research and thinking about new dynamic literacies, porous expertise, digital making/coding/remixing, curation, storying in digital media, open learning, the networked educator and a number of related topics; it further addresses and develops the notion of a 'third space literacies' in contexts for learning. The book takes as its starting point the idea that an emphasis on technology and media, as part of material culture and lived experience, is much needed in the discussion of education, along with a criticality which is too often absent in the discourse around technology and learning. It constructs a narrative thread and a critical synthesis from a sociocultural account of the memes and stereotypical positions around learning, media and technology in the digital age, and will be of great interest to academics interested in the mechanics of learning and the effects of technology on the education experience. It closes with a conversation as a reflexive 'afterword' featuring discussion of the key issues with, amongst others, Neil Selwyn and Cathy Burnett.

Digital Photography Masterclass: Advanced Photographic Techniques for Creating Perfect Pictures (DK Tom Ang Photography Guides)

by Tom Ang

Featuring tutorials, image analyses, assignments, and step-by-step image manipulation exercises, Digital Photography Masterclass explains how to see the world with a photographer's eyes. Stunning images and stylish design make this book a great tool for anyone looking to learn about the technical and creative aspects of photography and post-production.

Digital Resources for Learning

by Daniel Churchill

This book addresses the theory and practice of using digital resources for contemporary learning, and how such resources can be designed, developed, and employed in a variety of learning activities and with various devices. Drawing on insights into learning theory, educational research and the practical design of digital resources for learning that the author has gained over the past 20 years, the book provides the first classification guide to digital resources for learning and links various types of digital resources for learning to both contemporary curriculum design and learning design models.

Digital Restoration from Start to Finish: How to Repair Old and Damaged Photographs

by Ctein

This third edition of Digital Restoration from Start to Finish walks you step-by-step through the entire process of restoring old photographs and repairing new ones using Adobe Photoshop, Photoshop Elements, GIMP and more. This best-selling guide is now updated with the latest software advancements, and new techniques including hand-tinting in lab, repairing water damaged photos, and tips for the spot healing brush and masked layers. No process detail is overlooked, from choosing the right hardware and software, getting the photographs into the computer, getting the finished photo out of the computer and preserving it for posterity. LEARN HOW TO: Scan faded and damaged prints or films Improve snapshots with Shadow/Highlight adjustment Correct uneven exposure Fix color and skin tones quickly with Curves, plug-ins, and Hue/Saturation adjustment layers Correct uneven exposure and do dodging and burning-in with adjustment layers Hand-tint your photographs easily Correct skin tones with airbrush layers Clean up dust and scratches speedily and effectively Repair small and large cracks with masks and filters Eliminate tarnish and silvered-out spots from a photograph in just a few steps Minimize unwanted print surface textures Erase mildew spots Eliminate dots from newspaper photographs Increase sharpness and fine detail Maximize print quality

Digital Storytelling in Higher Education

by Grete Jamissen Pip Hardy Yngve Nordkvelle Heather Pleasants

This book broadens the scope and impact of digital storytelling in higher education. It outlines how to teach, research and build communities in tertiary institutions through the particular form of audio-visual communication known as digital storytelling by developing relationships across professions, workplaces and civil society. The book is framed within the context of 'The Four Scholarships' developed by the Carnegie Foundation for the advancement and redefining of teaching, including the scholarships of discovery, integration, application, and teaching and learning. Across four sections, this volume considers the potential of digital storytelling to improve, enhance and expand teaching, learning, research, and interactions with society. Written by an international range of academics, researchers and practitioners, from disciplines spanning medicine, anthropology, education, social work, film and media studies, rhetoric and the humanities, the book demonstrates the variety of ways in which digital storytelling offers solutions to key challenges within higher education for students, academics and citizens. It will be compelling reading for students and researchers working in education and sociology.

Digital Technologies and Learning in Physical Education: Pedagogical cases

by Ashley Casey, Victoria A. Goodyear and Kathleen M. Armour

There is evidence of considerable growth in the availability and use of digital technologies in physical education. Yet, we have scant knowledge about how technologies are being used by teachers, and whether or how these technologies are optimising student learning. This book makes a novel contribution by focusing on the ways in which teachers and teacher educators are attempting to use digital technologies in PE. The book has been created using the innovative ‘pedagogical cases’ framework. Each case centres on a narrative, written by a PE practitioner, explaining how and why technology is used in their practice to advance and accelerate learning. Each practitioner narrative is then analysed by a team of experts from different disciplines. The aim is to offer a multi-dimensional understanding of the possibilities and challenges of supporting young people’s learning with digital technologies. Each case concludes with a practitioner reflection to illustrate the links between theory, research and practice. Digital Technologies and Learning in Physical Education encourages critical reflection on the use of technologies in PE. It is an essential resource for students on physical education, kinesiology or sport science courses, practitioners working in PE or youth sport, and researchers interested in digital technologies and education.

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