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The New Quest for Paul & His Reading of the Old Testament: The contrast between the "Letter" & the "Spirit" in 2 Corinthians 3:1-18

by Timo Laato

The author is known as a strong opponent of the so-called New Perspective on Paul. In this book, he seeks to move beyond that debate and open new vistas in Pauline research. There is a need for much revision. The author first dives in­ to a detailed exegetical study of 2 Corinthians 3, a chapter that has a reputation of being an exegetical nightmare. He examines the interpretational problems associated with the opposition between the letter that kills and the Spirit that gives life. Fresh insights emerge. Ultimately, the whole issue turns on the question whether to understand the Old Testament ac­ cord­ ing to the "literal-letteral" or "literal-spiritual" sense. As a consequence, Paul breaks up with Ju­ da­ ism and pulls down the works of the law since he competes against the view of observing the Torah "in flesh" and ac­ cording to the "literal-letteral" meaning of the text. He regards such a reli­ gious pur­ suit as the worst form of human self-righteousness and self-praise (despite the serious efforts to true piety). On the other hand, Christians have undergone a transformation in terms of re-creation, rege­ neration, resusci­ tation, resur­ rec­ tion, or revitalization. The Spirit gives them life. He reigns in them. Hence, Christians do fulfill the whole Mosaic law. Yet, they fulfill it "in Spirit" and not "in flesh," in other words, according to the "literal-spiritual" and not "literal-letteral" sense of Scripture. As a consequence, they do not bolster their self-righteousness and self-praise. To corroborate his the­ sis, the author draws on similar wordings in other Pauline letters and several passages in the Old Tes­ ta­ ment from Exodus, Jeremiah, and Ezekiel. The author concludes that the New Perspec­ tive on Paul has run its course. A New Quest for Paul is needed. Therefore, this book is needed.

New Realities in the Management of Student Affairs: Emerging Specialist Roles and Structures for Changing Times

by Ashley Tull Linda Kuk

Student affairs organizations are at a crossroads. They face expanding enrollments; a concomitant increase need for often more complex services; changing demographics; a growing cohort of non-traditional and first-generation students; shifting and more demanding responsibilities; and increased expectations from the greater campus community, parents, and external constituents. These challenges are intensified by the accelerating speed of advancements in technology, globalization, innovation, and student consumerism; and by the long-term reality of shrinking resources, and limitations on the ability to increase tuition and fees. This book shares alternative ideas about organizational design, and about ways to restructure roles and responsibilities to enable student affairs organizations to respond to these challenges and demands more effectively at a time of reduced resources. It also addresses the many emerging roles that student affairs organizations are increasingly being expected to address – such as IT, fund raising and development, external communications, human resources management and professional development, as well as research and assessment – and describes approaches developed by a variety of institutions. The contributors also pay attention to the solutions appropriate for smaller institutions, and for community colleges. They explore the various dimensions of change and offer frameworks to help student affairs leaders and practitioners to more effectively understand and manage the changes they are confronting; and describe ideas and solutions adopted by others within the profession.

A New Representation of Chinese Learners: Experiences of Chinese Learners of English in Tertiary Sino-Australian Programs in China (Cultural Studies and Transdisciplinarity in Education #13)

by Yingmei Luo

This book examines Chinese tertiary students' experiences of learning English in Sino-Australian programs in China. Using an institutional ethnography, the book examines one well-established Sino-Australian program based at a Chinese university. The book explores the ways that participant students used the Chinese words, tropes and their meanings to describe their English learning experiences with both local Chinese and foreign English teachers. This book introduces an innovative theoretical framework, “representation theory with a multilingual perspective”, to analyse how Chinese students' everyday experiences are constructed and mediated through language, discourse and identity. This framework also highlights graphic examples of how concepts are created in both Chinese and English, and thus serves as a powerful tool for deconstructing dichotomies between China and the West. The aim of this book is, then, two-fold: to show how a novel theoretical lens can help us to develop more nuanced understandings of Chinese students, and to propose a new methodological and theoretical framework through which one can challenge the monolingual subjectivity and parochial views of both Chinese and Western conceptions.

A New Republic of Letters

by Jerome Mcgann

A manifesto for the humanities in the digital age, A New Republic of Letters argues that the history of texts, together with the methods by which they are preserved and made available for interpretation, are the overriding subjects of humanist study in the twenty-first century. Theory and philosophy, which have grounded the humanities for decades, no longer suffice as an intellectual framework. Jerome McGann proposes we look instead to philology--a discipline which has been out of fashion for many decades but which models the concerns of digital humanities with surprising fidelity. For centuries, books have been the best way to preserve and transmit knowledge. But as libraries and museums digitize their archives and readers abandon paperbacks for tablet computers, digital media are replacing books as the repository of cultural memory. While both the mission of the humanities and its traditional modes of scholarship and critical study are the same, the digital environment is driving disciplines to work with new tools that require major, and often very difficult, institutional changes. Now more than ever, scholars need to recover the theory and method of philological investigation if the humanities are to meet their perennial commitments. Textual and editorial scholarship, often marginalized as a narrowly technical domain, should be made a priority of humanists' attention.

New Research and Possibilities in Wellbeing Education

by Mathew A. White Faye McCallum Christopher Boyle

This book examines a variety of issues related to wellbeing education and cross-cultural education, curriculum and pedagogy, education policy and systems, teacher education and professional development of educators, educational administration, management and leadership, and inclusive education. Stimulated, in part, by the launch of positive psychology, wellbeing education has grown worldwide. Various theories of wellbeing have been adopted in education, coining the term 'wellbeing education', defined in this book as how school leaders and teachers plan to implement evidence-informed wellbeing interventions to promote wellbeing and academic goals. This book investigates a series of questions related to wellbeing education, and how evidence-informed wellbeing approaches are integrated into learning, teaching, and education.

New Research on Cohesion and Coherence in Linguistics (China Perspectives)

by Zhang Delu Liu Rushan

The study of text cohesion and coherence has been a topic of heated discussion in Linguistics since the 1990s. Western linguists have developed two major theoretical frameworks to describe the relationship between the two concepts: one posits that cohesive devices are important means to ensure cohesion; the other argues that coherence does not rely on cohesion. Yet neither has complete explanatory power over reality; nor can they solve real-life problems. This title proposes a creative, concrete, and highly operational theoretical model that unites cohesion and coherence using authentic English or Chinese examples. The authors clarify the concepts of coherence and expand the scope of the research by focusing on a variety of internal and external factors, such as psycho-cognitive and socio-cultural factors. Moreover, the authors propose that the new theoretical paradigm can be applied to a range of other disciplines, including translation and foreign language teaching. This title has been one of the most cited works on cohesion and coherence in China. Students and scholars of discourse analysis, linguistics, and language education will find this an invaluable reference.

A New Role for Museum Educators: Purpose, Approach, and Mindset

by Elizabeth Wood

A New Role for Museum Educators shows how learning happens in communities, how volunteers and professionals approach their work, the underlying principles and philosophies that guide the work of museum education, and how these practices are always evolving to remain relevant. Museum education in its most expansive definition is about communicating messages, creating learning experiences, and, at its most aspirational, promoting human development for people of all backgrounds, abilities, and circumstances. This edited volume revisits the legacy of museum education practices, reflecting on the changing context of community and the role of cultural institutions, and provides insights into new directions that museums can take with a visitor-centered mindset. It provides foundational concepts around educational philosophies that guide practice, applied methods and approaches for implementation, and the ethos of an educational institution intended to support community learning and engagement that are essential to provide for the wide-ranging needs of all audiences. International perspectives from a variety of museums are considered, including art museums, children’s museums, history museums and historic sites, science museums, botanical gardens, zoos, and aquariums. Chapters include thought-provoking reflections on contemporary practices, concrete examples from across the globe, and useful tools for anyone working with public audiences. Grounded in practice and informed by research, this volume will be a go-to resource for arts and cultural organization practitioners, particularly those working in Museum Education. It will also be essential reading for students of Museum Studies, Education, and related fields

The New Rules of College Admissions

by Stephen Kramer Michael London

This all-in-one guide shows parents and students how to select, apply to, get accepted by, and pay for college, from the experts at America's #1 educational consulting firm. The rules of college admissions have changed, and the competition today is tougher than ever. It's no longer enough to fill out a few applications and wish for the best. Students not only need to excel, they also need to make their applications stand out from the crowd. Parents often wish they had a personal coach to help their children navigate the process. The New Rules of College Admissions is like having your own team of expert advisers guiding you every step of the way. Each chapter is written by a former admissions officer from top universities -- including Yale, Columbia, and Northwestern -- and each chapter covers topics to help you &#149 Create a list of the "best fit" colleges &#149 Develop a strategy for standardized tests &#149 Prepare for and ace the interview &#149 Navigate financial aid options and much more. Your family's journey to college admissions success begins now. The New Rules of College Admissions will help simplify today's complex college admissions process and lead to an acceptance letter from the college of your dreams.

The New Rules of High School

by Blake Nelson

I had thought there was a lot of freedom being a good student, being trusted, being given special privileges, but that was nothing compared to the freedom I felt now. Once people gave up on you, once people wrote you off, now that was freedom. Max Caldwell is tired. He's tired of having a "perfect" girlfriend, he's tired of worrying about college applications, and he's tired of always doing what he's supposed to do. So for the first time, dependable, reliable Max steps back from his Mr. Perfect, straight-A life to see what happens when he lets go for a while. He learns quickly that his new approach to life won't bring all the answers, but it sure raises a lot of interesting questions. This fast-paced novel introduces a fantastic cast of characters, from downtown Goth kids to preppy suburbanites, seen through the eyes of a seventeen-year-old who's trying to figure it all out.

The New Rules of Influence: How to Authentically Build Trust, Drive Change, and Make an Impact

by Lida Citroen

Leave the power tie at home. The old rules of influence don't work anymore.It's time to throw out the old rules of influence and become the leader you've always wanted to be.A new type of leader is emerging—one with a bold mission who empowers others through transparency and unwavering passion. Modern-day executive presence mandates levels of authenticity and honesty never before seen in the C-suite.Personal branding and reputation management expert, Lida Citron guides leaders through this new paradigm of executive presence and influence. Through inspiring examples, compelling stories, and practical exercises, Citron helps leaders tap into their passion, connect authentically with others, and create space for inclusivity and community.Greta Thunberg is a powerful example of a new paradigm leader. The Swedish teenager s influence arguably exceeds that of most CEOs or political leaders. The youngest person to be named Time's Person of the Year, she radically upended Swedish politics and world climate policy. Nothing about her conforms to the typical expectations of a leader's executive presence—her power comes from her absolute honesty and genuine passion to make the world a better place.

New Scholarship in Critical Quantitative Research, Part 1: New Directions for Institutional Research, Number 158 (J-B IR Single Issue Institutional Research)

by Frances K. Stage Ryan S. Wells

This volume presents work focused on underrepresented persons in a variety of levels of higher education. Each scholar has used critical quantitative approaches to examine access and/or success in the higher education arena. Their scholarship pushes the boundaries of what we know by questioning mainstream notions of higher education through: the examination of policies the re-framing of theories and measures the reexamination of traditional questions for nontraditional populations. The work is divergent, but the commonality of the presentations lies in each scholar’s critical approach to conventional quantitative scholarship. Their research highlights inequities and explores factors not typically included in conventional quantitative analysis. This is the 158th volume of this Jossey-Bass quarterly report series. Always timely and comprehensive, New Directions for Institutional Research provides planners and administrators in all types of academic institutions with guidelines in such areas as resource coordination, information analysis, program evaluation, and institutional management.

New Scholarship in Critical Quantitative Research, Part 2: New Directions for Institutional Research, Number 163 (J-B IR Single Issue Institutional Research)

by Ryan S. Wells Frances K. Stage

This volume is the second in a two-part series on differentiating approaches to quantitative research from more traditional positivistic and postpositivistic approaches. While the first volume provided an expanded conceptualization of critical quantitative inquiry, this volume concludes the series by: applying critical quantitative approaches to new populations of college students who are rarely addressed in institutional and higher education research, such as American Indian, Alaska Native, and students with disabilities, applying the principles of quantitative criticalism to advanced methods of statistical analysis, and discussing the variety of challenges to overcome and presenting a future research agenda using these methods. This work is of interest to institutional and higher education researchers who want to expand and critique new ways of thinking about the broad array of populations participating in and served by higher education, while keeping in mind the goals of revealing inequity, challenging marginalization, and helping all students to succeed.This is the 163rd volume of this Jossey-Bass quarterly report series. Timely and comprehensive, New Directions for Institutional Research provides planners and administrators in all types of academic institutions with guidelines in such areas as resource coordination, information analysis, program evaluation, and institutional management.

The New School Management by Wandering Around

by William A. Streshly Susan P. Gray Larry E. Frase

Achieve success step by step The topic of management by wandering around is not new, but the authors’ approach is fresh and timely. This current rendition based on the original work by Frase and Hetzel gives new and seasoned administrators smart, practical advice about what to do in critical school leadership circumstances. This text cites more than 20 well-constructed research studies that show how management by wandering around produces desirable outcomes, including: Higher student achievement Improved school culture Higher teacher efficacy Topics covered include developing meeting agendas, supervising instruction, dealing with marginal teachers, and creating safe campuses.

The NEW School Rules: 6 Vital Practices for Thriving and Responsive Schools

by Mr Anthony Kim Ms Alexis Gonzales-Black

Actions to increase effectiveness of schools in a rapidly changing world Schools, in order to be nimble and stay relevant and impactful, need to abandon the rigid structures designed for less dynamic times. The NEW School Rules expands cutting-edge organizational design and modern management techniques into an operating system for empowering schools with the same agility and responsiveness so vital in the business world. 6 simple rules create a unified vision of responsiveness among educators Real life case studies illustrate responsive techniques implemented in a variety of educational demographics 15 experiments guide school and district leaders toward increased responsiveness in their faculty and staff

The NEW School Rules: 6 Vital Practices for Thriving and Responsive Schools

by Mr Anthony Kim Ms Alexis Gonzales-Black

Actions to increase effectiveness of schools in a rapidly changing world Schools, in order to be nimble and stay relevant and impactful, need to abandon the rigid structures designed for less dynamic times. The NEW School Rules expands cutting-edge organizational design and modern management techniques into an operating system for empowering schools with the same agility and responsiveness so vital in the business world. 6 simple rules create a unified vision of responsiveness among educators Real life case studies illustrate responsive techniques implemented in a variety of educational demographics 15 experiments guide school and district leaders toward increased responsiveness in their faculty and staff

A New School Year: Stories in Six Voices

by Sally Derby

In a unique narrative, readers meet a diverse group of six children ranging in age from Kindergarten through fifth grade. With nerves and excitement each child gears up for a new school year by hustling in the morning, meeting new teachers and new classmates during the day, and heading home with homework and relief by day&’s end. Simple, bright illustrations focus on each child and his/her worries, hopes, and successes on the first day of school.

The New Science Of Learning: How To Learn In Harmony With Your Brain

by Terry Doyle Todd Zakrajsek Jeannie H. Loeb

Learning to learn is the key skill for tomorrow. This breakthrough book builds the foundation every student needs, from freshman orientation to graduate school Recent advances in brain science show that most students' learning strategies are highly inefficient, ineffective or just plain wrong. While all learning requires effort, better learning does not require more effort, but rather effectively aligning how the brain naturally learns with the demands of your studies. This book shows you what is involved in learning new material, how the human brain processes new information, and what it takes for that information to stick with you even after the test. Taking a small amount of time to read and act upon the material in this book will prove to be one of the best decisions you can make as a learner. What you discover will change the way you learn in college and will be helpful in your personal and professional life. You live in a world where you will have to be a lifelong learner, constantly updating your skills and changing jobs to compete in the global marketplace. Most college students today will have as many as 10-14 different jobs by age 38. Learning how to learn in harmony with your brain is crucial to your long-term success. This succinct book explains straightforward strategies for changing how you prepare to learn, engage with your course material, and set about improving recall of newly learned material whenever you need it. This is not another book about study skills and time management strategies, but instead an easy-to-read description of the research about how the human brain learns in a way that you can put into practice right away. Did you know neuroscientists have shown that memories are made while you sleep, and by studying right before sleeping you can make stronger memories for your information? In this book the authors explain the role that sleep, exercise and your senses play in learning; how memory works and what makes the brain pay attention; the importance of your mindset towards learning and pattern recognition; as well as new breakthroughs in brain science that can enhance your ability to learn new information and make later recall (for tests or everyday life) easier. This book will put you on the path to reaching your full learning potential.

New Science of Learning

by Myint Swe Khine Issa M. Saleh

The earliest educational software simply transferred print material from the page to the monitor. Since then, the Internet and other digital media have brought students an ever-expanding, low-cost knowledge base and the opportunity to interact with minds around the globe--while running the risk of shortening their attention spans, isolating them from interpersonal contact, and subjecting them to information overload. The New Science of Learning: Cognition, Computers and Collaboration in Education deftly explores the multiple relationships found among these critical elements in students' increasingly complex and multi-paced educational experience. Starting with instructors' insights into the cognitive effects of digital media--a diverse range of viewpoints with little consensus--this cutting-edge resource acknowledges the double-edged potential inherent in computer-based education and its role in shaping students' thinking capabilities. Accordingly, the emphasis is on strategies that maximize the strengths and compensate for the negative aspects of digital learning, including: Group cognition as a foundation for learning Metacognitive control of learning and remembering Higher education course development using open education resources Designing a technology-oriented teacher professional development model Supporting student collaboration with digital video tools Teaching and learning through social annotation practices The New Science of Learning: Cognition, Computers and Collaboration in Education brings emerging challenges and innovative ideas into sharp focus for researchers in educational psychology, instructional design, education technologies, and the learning sciences.

The New Science Of Learning: How To Learn In Harmony With Your Brain

by Todd D. Zakrajsek

While preserving the elements that have made the previous two editions so successful―such as chapters on sleep, exercise, memory and mindset―this third edition introduces students to wholly new aspects of brain function and how they impact learning; and furthermore, addresses the challenges of learning online. By introducing new concepts, strategies, and applications related to learning and memory that are based on current findings in cognitive, social, and motivational psychology, this text offers a richer and more complete picture of how brain science illuminates how we learn. Students assigned this book will be equipped to design effective learning plans, employ new strategies, recognize learning traps, discover ways to work effectively in groups, improve recall, and realize better academic performance through test-taking and paper-writing strategies. This new edition also addresses the concerns of all students―particularly those unfamiliar with the college setting and its expectations and assumptions―and offers strategies for success. In keeping with the preceding editions, this book introduces students to concepts, techniques, strategies, tips, and ideas to help them be academically stronger students, advance faster in their studies, and demonstrate what they have learned more effectively―in short, how anyone can learn to be a better learner by learning how to learn in harmony with their brain. The book remains compact and student-friendly, offers examples of practice, and includes discussion questions at the end of each chapter. An instructor's manual is available for faculty.

The New Science of Learning: How to Learn in Harmony With Your Brain

by Todd D. Zakrajsek

While preserving the elements that have made the previous two editions so successful—such as chapters on sleep, exercise, memory and mindset—this third edition introduces students to wholly new aspects of brain function and how they impact learning; and furthermore, addresses the challenges of learning online. By introducing new concepts, strategies, and applications related to learning and memory that are based on current findings in cognitive, social, and motivational psychology, this text offers a richer and more complete picture of how brain science illuminates how we learn. Students assigned this book will be equipped to design effective learning plans, employ new strategies, recognize learning traps, discover ways to work effectively in groups, improve recall, and realize better academic performance through test-taking and paper-writing strategies. This new edition also addresses the concerns of all students—particularly those unfamiliar with the college setting and its expectations and assumptions—and offers strategies for success. In keeping with the preceding editions, this book introduces students to concepts, techniques, strategies, tips, and ideas to help them be academically stronger students, advance faster in their studies, and demonstrate what they have learned more effectively—in short, how anyone can learn to be a better learner by learning how to learn in harmony with their brain. The book remains compact and student-friendly, offers examples of practice, and includes discussion questions at the end of each chapter.

The New Science of Medicine & Management: A Comprehensive, Case-Based Guide for Clinical Leaders

by Jon A. Chilingerian S. Abbas Shobeiri Mark A. Talamini

This exciting, first-of-its-kind title describes the blossoming new science of medicine and management—the concepts, methodologies, techniques, and tools that create value for patients, populations, caregivers, staff, and healthcare organizations. Developed out of the innovative and powerful physician executive MBA program at the Heller School of Social Policy and Management at Brandeis University, The New Science of Medicine & Management describes what physician leaders need to know and do to fix problems that can erode value in complex healthcare environments in which they practice medicine. The book is motivated by a singular proposition—Every Physician a Leader; Every Leader a Collaborative Team Player and a new definition of high-value health care. Composed of the best 18 of approximately 200 outstanding physician-led business school projects, the book is based on the collective efforts and experiences of 33 authors and coauthors, 28 of whom are physicians and 19 of whom have an MD and an MBA degree. The work is grounded in three important assertions: First, the clinical side of complex professional medical organizations such as hospitals has traditionally been led by highly skilled, highly experienced medical practitioners trained in the underlying biomedical disciplines and applied medical sciences. Second, there is research evidence that managers with clinical backgrounds can run better healthcare organizations, and a growing number of physician-led multispecialty groups are outperforming organizations run by lay managers. Third, physicians and other caregivers should have some training in the new science of medicine and management; moreover, and very importantly, the transition from clinician to clinical manager and leader is challenging and requires training in the new science of medicine and management. State of the art, developed by expert physician leaders in the field, and replete with a wide range of management insights and lessons, this book asks important questions and offers an exciting and comprehensive resource for all physicians, health administrators, and clinicians interested in not only the science of medicine and management and in developing physician-led teams but, crucially, in ensuring value in healthcare by improving patient outcomes, safety, affordability, and employee well-being.

The New Sciences of Religion

by William Grassie

Performing a critical analysis of new scientific research on religious and spiritual phenomena, Grassie takes a two-staged phenomenological approach working from the 'outside in' and the 'bottom up' without privileging at the outset any religious traditions or philosophical assumptions.

The New Shop Class

by Joan Horvath Rich Cameron

The New Shop Class connects the worlds of the maker and hacker with that of the scientist and engineer. If you are a parent or educator or a budding maker yourself, and you feel overwhelmed with all of the possible technologies, this book will get you started with clear discussions of what open source technologies like 3D printers, Arduinos, robots and wearable tech can really do in the right hands. Written by real "rocket scientist" Joan Horvath, author of Mastering 3D Printing, and 3D printing expert Rich Cameron (AKA whosawhatsis), The New Shop Class is a friendly, down-to-earth chat about how hands-on making things can lead to a science career. Get practical suggestions about how to use technologies like 3D printing, Arduino, and simple electronics Learn how to stay a step ahead of the young makers in your life and how to encourage them in maker activities Discover how engineers and scientists got their start, and how their mindsets mirror that of the maker What you'll learn What all of the big "maker" technologies are, what they can do, and how to get more information Why scientists, citizen scientists, and makers do what they do -- and how they do what they do Why breaking things is as important as making things How portrayals of science differ from the real world How to encourage the young scientists and makers in your life, or become one yourself What scientists and makers can learn from each other Who this book is for Aspiring scientists, makers, teachers, students, and anyone who wants a guide to the vast and expanding world of makers and their tools and inventions. Table of Contents Front Matter: Featuring a Foreword by Coco Kaleel, Mosa Kaleel, and Nancy Kaleel Part 1. The Technologies Chapter 1. 21st Century Shop Teacher Chapter 2. Arduino, Raspberry Pi, and Programming Physical Things Chapter 3. 3D Printing Chapter 4. Robots, Drones, and Other Things that Move Part 2. Applications and Communities Chapter 5. Makerspaces and Hackerspaces Chapter 6. Citizen Science and Open Source Labs Chapter 7. Cosplay, Wearable Tech and the Internet of Things Chapter 8. Circuits and Programming for Kids Chapter 9. Open Source Mindset and Community Chapter 10. Creating Female Makers Chapter 11. Making at a Community College and Beyond Part 3. How Scientists Get Started Chapter 12. Becoming a Scientist Chapter 13. How Do Scientists Think? Chapter 14. What Do Scientists Do All Day? Part 4. Tying It All Together Chapter 15. Learning by Iterating Chapter 16. Learning Science by Making Chapter 17. What Scientists Can Learn from Makers Appendix: Links

The New Significance of Learning: Imagination's Heartwork

by Pádraig Hogan

Should education be understood mainly as a practice in its own right, or is it essentially a subordinate affair to be shaped and controlled by a society’s powers-that-be? What difference does it make if students are chiefly viewed as recipients of a set of skills and knowledge, or as active participants in their own learning? Does education have a responsibility in cultivating humanity’s maturity, or are its purposes to be effectively matched to the functional requirements of a globalized age? The New Significance of Learning explores these and other high-stakes questions. It challenges hierarchical and custodial conceptions of education that have been inherited as the ‘natural order’ of things. It discloses a more original and imaginative understanding of educational practice, illustrating this understanding with frequent practical examples. Among the merits highlighted by this approach are: a recognition that education is first and foremost an invitation to join a renewed experience of quest and disclosure; a realisation that taking up and pursuing such an invitation is a basic right, as distinct from a privilege to be bestowed or withheld; an awareness of the decisive importance of specific kinds relationships in practices of teaching and learning; an emphasis on the human qualities as well as the intellectual achievements nourished by dedicated communities of learning; an acknowledgement of partiality – of incompleteness and bias – in even the best of humankind’s learning efforts; the emergence of a distinctive ethical orientation for education as a practice in its own right.

A New Social Contract in a Latin American Education Context

by Danilo R. Streck

A New Social Contract in a Latin American Education Context is committed to what has become known as "perspective of the South:" understanding the South not as a geographical reference but as a vindication of the existence of ways of knowing and of living which struggle for their survival and for a legitimate place in a world where the respect for difference is balanced with the right for equality. The metaphor of the new social contract stands for the desire to envision another world, which paradoxically cannot but spring out of the entrails of the existing one. Could the same contract under which the colonial orders were erected serve as a tool for decolonizing relations, knowledge, and power? Consequently, what kind of education could effectively help structure a new social contract? These are some of the questions Streck addresses.

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