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Showing 76,876 through 76,900 of 78,532 results

Wiser: Getting Beyond Groupthink to Make Groups Smarter

by Cass R. Sunstein Reid Hastie

Why are group decisions so hard? Since the beginning of human history, people have made decisions in groups-first in families and villages, and now as part of companies, governments, school boards, religious organizations, or any one of countless other groups. And having more than one person to help decide is good because the group benefits from the collective knowledge of all of its members, and this results in better decisions. Right? Back to reality. We’ve all been involved in group decisions-and they’re hard. And they often turn out badly. Why? Many blame bad decisions on "groupthink” without a clear idea of what that term really means. Now, Nudge coauthor Cass Sunstein and leading decision-making scholar Reid Hastie shed light on the specifics of why and how group decisions go wrong-and offer tactics and lessons to help leaders avoid the pitfalls and reach better outcomes. In the first part of the book, they explain in clear and fascinating detail the distinct problems groups run into: They often amplify, rather than correct, individual errors in judgment They fall victim to cascade effects, as members follow what others say or do They become polarized, adopting more extreme positions than the ones they began with They emphasize what everybody knows instead of focusing on critical information that only a few people know In the second part of the book, the authors turn to straightforward methods and advice for making groups smarter. These approaches include silencing the leader so that the views of other group members can surface, rethinking rewards and incentives to encourage people to reveal their own knowledge, thoughtfully assigning roles that are aligned with people’s unique strengths, and more. With examples from a broad range of organizations-from Google to the CIA-and written in an engaging and witty style, Wiser will not only enlighten you; it will help your team and your organization make better decisions-decisions that lead to greater success.

Wiser Together Study Guide: Learning to Live the Right Way

by Bill Hybels Shane Farmer Todd Katter

In this five-session video-based Bible study, best-selling author and pastor Bill Hybels challenges you to make doing life together a priority, exploring from the book of Proverbs how experiencing community and growing in wisdom are inseparably linked and offering practical direction on how to experience this with others. All of us want to get better at life. Gettting wiser alone, however, is not the way it works. God didn’t wire us to catch onto wise and godly living through lone-ranger attempts at learning; it’s something that rubs off on us when we spend time with others who have the wisdom of God living inside of them. As the proverb says, “Iron sharpens iron as one person sharpens another.” This study is designed with both new and experienced group leaders in mind. For new leaders, it includes optional weekly DVD training sessions to help them lead a fantastic, first-time small group experience. For experienced leaders, it includes a "Going Deeper" section for those ready to take this content to the next level.

The Wisest Fool And Other Men of the Bible

by Clarence Edward Macartney

As a master of biographical preaching, Macartney examines the successes and failures of great Bible characters.“INCLUDING THOSE IN THIS BOOK, I FIND THAT I HAVE preached 167 sermons on the characters of the Bible. In a number of instances, however, some of the sermons have dealt with different aspects of the same men and women, or with different incidents in their lives. It has been a long and delightful study for me. I discovered early in my ministry that people like biography; and nowhere is there such biography, so stirring, so moving, so uplifting, so tragic, as that to be found in the Bible.It has been a joy to me to learn that these different volumes of sermons on Bible characters have been suggestive and of help to not a few preachers in their own work and ministry. There are still other interesting men and women in the Bible about whom I have never preached a sermon. Perhaps at some time in the future I shall be able to preach on them also.”-Foreword

The Wish

by Gail Carson Levine

When granted her wish to be the most popular girl in school, Wilma, an eighth grader, forgets that she will graduate in three weeks and her popularity will vanish.

Wish Riders

by Patrick Jennings

Fifteen-year-old Dusty, a ward of the state, is forced to work in a logging camp during the Depression. Despite the bleakness of her life, spirited Dusty dreams of escape. One day, a mysterious seagull delivers some unusual seeds to Dusty. Her whole life changes when she plants them. Perhaps it is the strength of her wishes, or the magic of the forest, but some unknown power transforms the tiny seeds into an astonishing creatureâ "and a possible means of deliverance. Now Dusty and her friends have a way to navigate the enchanted, though dangerous, forest, and escape the wretched existence they've been trapped in all their lives. Richly layered with fairy-tale lore and steeped in both the familiar and the darker elements of the Cinderella story, Patrick Jennings's inspired novel weaves a compelling tale about finding freedom, and finding oneself.

Wish We Knew What to Say: Talking with Children About Race

by Dr Pragya Agarwal

'A thoughtful, prescient read for any mother or father parenting through the unique challenges of this racially polarised year, decade and beyond' Kenya Hunt 'Comprehensive, readable, and so very important. The next generation needs you to read this book' Clare Mackintosh, Sunday Times bestselling author'A vital book that equips us to have conversations about race and racism with young people, ensuring we are all playing our part to raise the next generations as anti-racist. With excellent, clear advice from Dr Agarwal I Wish We Knew What to Say is a quick, engaging and easily digestible read' Nikesh ShuklaWe want our children to thrive and flourish in a diverse, multi-cultural world and we owe it to them to help them make sense of the confusing and emotionally charged messages they receive about themselves and others. These early years are the most crucial when children are curious about the world around them, but are also quick to form stereotypes and biases that can become deeply ingrained as they grow older. These are the people who are going to inherit this world, and we owe it to them to lay a strong foundation for the next phases of their lives. Wish We Knew What to Say is a timely and urgent book that gives scenarios, questions, thought starters, resources and advice in an accessible manner on how to tackle tricky conversations around race and racism with confidence and awareness. it brings in the science of how children perceive race and form racial identity, combining it with personal stories and experiences to create a handy guide that every parent would refer to again and again. Written by behavioural and data scientist, Dr Pragya Agarwal, Wish We Knew What to Say will help all parents, carers and educators give children the tools and vocabulary to talk about people's differences and similarities in an open, non-judgemental, curious way, and help them address any unfairness they might see or encounter.

Wish We Knew What to Say: Talking with Children About Race

by Dr Pragya Agarwal

'A thoughtful, prescient read for any mother or father parenting through the unique challenges of this racially polarised year, decade and beyond' Kenya Hunt 'Comprehensive, readable, and so very important. The next generation needs you to read this book' Clare Mackintosh, Sunday Times bestselling author'A vital book that equips us to have conversations about race and racism with young people, ensuring we are all playing our part to raise the next generations as anti-racist. With excellent, clear advice from Dr Agarwal I Wish We Knew What to Say is a quick, engaging and easily digestible read' Nikesh ShuklaWe want our children to thrive and flourish in a diverse, multi-cultural world and we owe it to them to help them make sense of the confusing and emotionally charged messages they receive about themselves and others. These early years are the most crucial when children are curious about the world around them, but are also quick to form stereotypes and biases that can become deeply ingrained as they grow older. These are the people who are going to inherit this world, and we owe it to them to lay a strong foundation for the next phases of their lives. Wish We Knew What to Say is a timely and urgent book that gives scenarios, questions, thought starters, resources and advice in an accessible manner on how to tackle tricky conversations around race and racism with confidence and awareness. it brings in the science of how children perceive race and form racial identity, combining it with personal stories and experiences to create a handy guide that every parent would refer to again and again. Written by behavioural and data scientist, Dr Pragya Agarwal, Wish We Knew What to Say will help all parents, carers and educators give children the tools and vocabulary to talk about people's differences and similarities in an open, non-judgemental, curious way, and help them address any unfairness they might see or encounter.

Wish You Were Dead

by Todd Strasser

I'll begin with Lucy. She is definitely first on the list. You can't believe how it feels to be in the cafeteria and turn around and there she is staring at me like I'm some disgusting bug or vermin. Does she really think I WANT to be this way? I hate you, Lucy. I really hate you. You are my #1 pick. I wish you were dead. The day after anonymous blogger Str-S-d wishes the popular girl would die, Lucy vanishes. The students of Soundview High are scared and worried. Especially frightened and wracked with guilt is Madison Archer, Lucy's friend and the last person to see her the night she disappeared. As days pass with no sign of the missing girl, even the attention of Tyler, an attractive new student, is not enough to distract Madison from her growing sense of foreboding. When two more popular students disappear after their names are mentioned on Str-S-d's blog, the residents of Soundview panic. Meanwhile, Madison receives anonymous notes warning that she could be next. Desperate to solve the mystery before anyone else disappears, Madison turns to Tyler, but can she trust him when it becomes clear that he knows more than he's sharing? The clock is ticking. Madison must uncover the truth behind the mysterious disappearances . . . before her name appears in Str-S-d's blog. In the spirit of stories like I Know What You Did Last Summer, Todd Strasser updates the teen thriller for the techno age with Wish You Were Dead.

Wishes and Wellingtons (Wishes and Wellingtons #1)

by Julie Berry

From New York Times bestselling and award-winning author Julie Berry comes a brand new middle-grade fantasy adventure full of humor and heart.Be careful what you wish for ...Maeve Merritt chafes at the rigid rules at her London boarding school for "Upright Young Ladies." When punishment forces her to sort through the trash, she finds a sardine tin that houses a foul-tempered djinni with no intention of submitting to a schoolgirl as his master.Soon an orphan boy from the charitable home next door, a mysterious tall man in ginger whiskers, a disgruntled school worker, and a take-no-prisoners business tycoon are in hot pursuit of Maeve and her magical discovery. It'll take all of her quick thinking and sass to set matters right. Maeve Merritt is one feisty heroine you won't soon forget.First published as an Audible Original in 2018

Wissen, Werte und Kompetenzen in der Mitarbeiterentwicklung: Ohne Gefühl geht in der Bildung gar nichts (essentials)

by John Erpenbeck Werner Sauter

John Erpenbeck und Werner Sauter erklären, warum Wissen und Qualifikation keine Kompetenzen sind. Diese Kriterien stellen vielmehr die Fähigkeit dar, Problemstellungen in der Praxis selbstorganisiert zu lösen und auf dieser Basis effektiv zu handeln. Die Autoren beschreiben einen praxiserprobten Kreislauf des Lernens, der die Verinnerlichung (Interiorisation) von Werten und damit Kompetenzentwicklung im Rahmen von Praxisprojekten und im Prozess der Arbeit sowie im Internet ermöglicht. Die Gestaltung dieses Lernrahmens orientiert sich dabei konsequent an den Entwicklungen im Web 2. 0 und in der Arbeitswelt.

Wissensbestände: Zur (Un)Möglichkeit herrschaftskritischer (Deutsch)(Hochschul)Didaktik (Pädagogische Professionalität und Migrationsdiskurse)

by Nina Simon

Im Rahmen eines Plädoyers für eine epistemologische Neuorientierung der Deutschdidaktik versucht dieses Buch (Deutsch)(Hochschul)Didaktik herrschafts- und rassismuskritisch zu reflektieren und weiterzuentwickeln. Entlang einer Auseinandersetzung mit zahlreichen Interviewäußerungen von Studierenden und theoretischen Perspektiven auf die Universität, gesellschaftliche (Herrschafts-)Verhältnisse, das Pädagogische, didaktische Gegenstände und Lehrende wird eine herrschafts- und rassismuskritisch inspirierte (Deutsch)(Hochschul)Didaktik begründet, die beständig zweierlei ist: möglich und unmöglich.

Wissenschaftliche Arbeitstechniken für die MINT-Fächer

by Jens Kirchner Sebastian Meyer

Das Buch vermittelt die grundlegenden Arbeitstechniken, die für Seminare und Abschlussarbeiten wie auch für die Erstellung wissenschaftlicher Publikationen im Bereich Mathematik, Informatik, der Ingenieur- und Naturwissenschaften (MINT-Fächer) nötig sind. Es deckt den gesamten Ablauf eines solchen wissenschaftlichen Projekts ab: angefangen von der Themendefinition und Projektplanung über die Grundlagen des wissenschaftlichen Arbeitens und Recherchierens bis zur Organisation und Aufbereitung von Informationen, strukturiertem Schreiben sowie Erstellen und Halten von Präsentationen.

Wissenschaftliche(s) Arbeiten in den Wirtschaftswissenschaften: Themenfindung - Recherche - Konzeption - Methodik - Argumentation

by Jan Goldenstein Michael Hunoldt Peter Walgenbach

Dieses Buch unterstützt bei der erfolgreichen Anfertigung wissenschaftlicher Arbeiten, insbesondere von Abschlussarbeiten. Es geht ausführlich auf alle relevanten Teilaspekte von der Ideengenerierung über die Literaturrecherche bis zum Verfassen der finalen Arbeit ein. Es erläutert anwendungsorientiert die vier Grundtypen wissenschaftlicher Arbeiten: Literaturübersichten, theoretisch-konzeptionelle Arbeiten sowie qualitative und quantitative Studien. Anhand konkreter Beispiele stellen die Autoren wesentliche Charakteristika und Kernelemente der jeweiligen Grundtypen dar und vermitteln deren strukturierte Umsetzung. Die Fokussierung auf die Managementwissenschaften in der BWL ermöglicht eine detailreiche Darstellung, von der Bachelor- und Masterstudierende ebenso profitieren können wie Doktorand/inn/en.

Wissenschaftliche Weiterbildung als Ermöglichungskontext: Eine Rekonstruktion bildungs- und berufsbiographischer Prozesse und Orientierungen (Theorie und Empirie Lebenslangen Lernens)

by Christina Möller

Universitäre wissenschaftliche Weiterbildung kann in verschiedenen Lebensphasen zum bedeutsamen bildungs- und berufsbiographischen Ermöglichungskontext werden. Vor dem Hintergrund gesellschaftlicher Entwicklungen wie dem demografischen Wandel, Fachkräftemangel und der Entwicklung zur Wissensgesellschaft ermöglicht wissenschaftliche Weiterbildung nicht nur Wissensaneignung, sondern kann auch identitäre Suchprozesse begleiten und berufliche Veränderungen ermöglichen. Dem geht die Autorin mittels biographischer Erzählzeugnisse von Studienabsolvent*innen eines theologischen Weiterbildungsmasters nach.

Wissenschaftliches Arbeiten: Methodenwissen für Wirtschafts-, Ingenieur- und Sozialwissenschaftler

by Bernd Heesen

Schnell und kompakt vermittelt dieses Buch die wichtigsten Methoden und Techniken des modernen wissenschaftlichen Arbeitens und führt gezielt in die Erstellung von Bachelor-, Master- und Dissertationsarbeiten für Wirtschafts-, Ingenieur- und Sozialwissenschaftler ein. Studierende profitieren besonders von dem praxiserprobten Aufbau des Buches und dem Bezug auf einen international etablierten wissenschaftlichen Standard, den APA-Standard. Quellenangaben erfolgen hier entsprechend der oft auch als Harvard-Zitation bekannten Teilbelegmethode.Eine Vorlage zur Anfertigung wissenschaftlicher Arbeiten mit Microsoft Word finden Sie auf der Webseite zum Buch. Diese erleichtert das effektive Schreiben.Die vierte Auflage wurde umfassend aktualisiert.

Wissenschaftliches Publizieren und Präsentieren: Ein Praxisleitfaden mit Hinweisen zur Promotion und Karriereplanung

by Claus Ascheron

Das Ziel dieses Buches ist es, jungen Wissenschaftlern zu helfen, ihre mündliche und schriftliche Kommunikationsfähigkeit zu verbessern und damit die eigenen Ergebnisse besser zu verkaufen. Dieses Buch ist kein wissenschaftliches Lehrbuch. Es stellt die oft vergessene Frage danach, wie man seine wissenschaftlichen Ergebnisse effektiv und überzeugend in Vorträgen und Publikationen darstellt. Zusätzlich gibt dieses Buch Hintergrundwissen zum Prozess des wissenschaftlichen Publizierens und zu den wissenschaftlichen Gepflogenheiten.Die Empfehlungen helfen dabei, einen guten und effektiven Arbeits- und Kommunikationsstil zu entwickeln, der einem ein Leben lang nützt und Befriedigung in der Arbeit bringt.Weiterhin werden konkrete Hinweise dazu gegeben, wie eine Dissertation zu verfassen und erfolgreich zu verteidigen ist und wie die ersten Schritte der Karriereplanung gelingen.

Wissenschaftsleadership: Die Zukunft der Führung von Hochschulen und außeruniversitären Forschungseinrichtungen

by Norbert Sack

Dieses Buch gibt einen Überblick über die Führung von akademischen Einrichtungen in Deutschland und zeigt, welche Persönlichkeitskriterien erfolgreiche Führungskräfte in diesem Umfeld auszeichnen und welche Erfolgsrezepte zu einer nachhaltigen Weiterentwicklung ihrer akademischen Institutionen führen. Der Autor kombiniert quantitative Auswertungen zum Stand der Führung an wissenschaftlichen Einrichtungen mit Best-Practice-Beispielen und leitet daraus ein konkretes Leadership-Modell für Führungskräfte ab. Das Buch richtet sich vor allem an Entscheider bei der Besetzung von Führungspositionen in der Wissenschaft und an Nachwuchswissenschaftler, die eine Führungslaufbahn in der Wissenschaft anstreben.

Wissenstransfer in der Sportpädagogik: Grundlagen, Themen, Formate (Bildung und Sport #34)

by Nils Neuber

Forschung und Lehre gelten gemeinhin als die zentralen Aufgaben von Universitäten. In den letzten Jahren kommt als „Third Mission“ der Transfer akademischen Wissens in die Praxis hinzu. Dafür mangelt es jedoch oft noch an Konzepten und Formaten. Das gilt auch für die Sportwissenschaft im Allgemeinen und die Sportpädagogik im Besonderen. Vor diesem Hintergrund werden mit dem Band Grundlagen, Themen und Formate sportpädagogischer Transferaktivitäten zusammengetragen und systematisiert.

Wit and Wisdom for Teachers: 930 Quotes to Motivate and Inspire

by John Blaydes

Nationally acclaimed speaker and educator John Blaydes complies nuggets of wit and wisdom to motivate and inspire his fellow educators. The Educator&’s Book of Quotes is a comprehensive resource for quotes relating to education and leadership, organized by sixteen themes for easy access and reference, including: The Art of TeachingBalancing the Time CrunchPrinciples and PrincipalsCreating a Culture of ExcellenceInspirational LeadershipEducation is KeyContaining hundreds of inspirational quotes for teachers in all stages of their career, The Educator&’s Book of Quotes is a must have.

A Witch In The Classroom!

by Ghillian Potts

"You're a frog, Ryan James, you're a frog. Slimy and jumpy, bug-eyed and lumpy . . ."Abigail is thrilled when she discovers that she's a witch - at last she can get her own back on her bullying classmate, Ryan.With help from her pet rat, Gnasher, Abigain turns Ryan into a frog, but that's when disaster strikes - she can't change him back! And suddenly Abigail discovers that she's not the ONLY witch in the classroom . . .

The Witch of the Ditch (Early Reader)

by Steven Butler

A red Early Reader full of humour and fun, from bestselling author and actor, Steven Butler.Every town in the world has one witch - only one! So when the Hag of the Crag moves into town next door to the Witch of the Ditch, an all-out Witch War ensues.Early Readers are stepping stones from picture books to reading books. A blue Early Reader is perfect for sharing and reading together. A red Early Reader is the next step on your reading journey.

Witch Week

by Diana Wynne Jones

There are good witches and bad witches, but the law says that all witches must be burned at the stake. So when an anonymous note warns, "Someone in this class is a witch," the students in 6B are nervous -- especially the boy who's just discovered that he can cast spells and the girl who was named after the most famous witch of all.Witch Week features the debonair enchanter Chrestomanci, who also appears in Charmed Life, The Magicians of Caprona, and The Lives of Christopber Chant.Someone in the class is a witch. At least so the anonymous note says. Everyone is only too eager to prove it is someone else -- because in this society, witches are burned at the stake.

With All Your Heart Discovery Guide: Being God's Presence to Our World (That the World May Know)

by Ray Vander Laan

Find out what it means to remember the Lord in your own life on this one-of-a-kind spiritual pilgrimage.In Exodus, God warned Israel to remember him when they left the dry desert and reached the fertile fields of the Promised Land. In this tenth volume of the series That The World May Know, you'll discover how quickly they forgot God and began to rely on themselves. You'll walk in their shoes through places like Timnah, Negev, and Jerusalem to gain a new understanding of the Bible that will ground your convictions and transform your life.This discovery guide includes passages of Scripture explored in the DVD (sold separately); questions for discussion and personal reflection; personal Bible studies to help you deepen your learning experience between sessions; as well as sidebars, maps, photos, and other study tools.Lessons include:Build Me a Sanctuary – Filmed in TimnahMaking Space for God – Filmed in TimnahHe Led Them Like a Shepherd – Filmed in NegevBy Every Word – Striking the Rock – Filmed in NegevWith All Your Might: The Final Test – Filmed in JerusalemA Well-Watered Garden – Filmed in JerusalemDesigned for use with the With All Your Heart Video Study (sold separately)._______________THAT THE WORLD MAY KNOWJoin renowned teacher and historian Ray Vander Laan as he guides you through the land of the Bible. In each lesson, Vander Laan illuminates the historical, geographical, and cultural context of the sacred Scriptures.Filmed on location in the Middle East and elsewhere, the That the World May Know film series will transform your understanding of God and challenge you to be a true follower of Jesus.

With Christ at the Helm: The Story of Bethel College

by Dennis Engbrecht

The past seven decades has witnessed an awakening in Christian higher education among American evangelicals. The story of Bethel College in northern Indiana is the embodiment of this reality. Birthed in 1947 by a denomination fraught with reservations and outright distrust of higher education, the college has survived a series of financial crises, experienced denominational realignment, endured the student unrest of the ‘60s and ‘70s, and suffered through an identity crisis in the ‘80s to eventually blossom into the fulfillment of its founders’ dreams by the late twentieth century. What emerges is the story of a college that epitomizes the very essence of its founding denomination: revivalism, a campus culture that encourages a strong sense of community, passionate evangelism, an unapologetic Christian worldview, and a deep commitment to the authority of Scripture. Coupled with a pursuit for academic excellence and the growth of vibrant co-curricular programming, the story of Bethel College is representative of evangelical colleges flourishing across the landscape of twentieth century American higher education.

[ ] With Design: Proceedings of the 9th Congress of the International Association of Societies of Design Research (IASDR 2021)

by Gerhard Bruyns Huaxin Wei

This collection stems from the International Association of Societies of Design Research (IASDR) congress in 2021, promoting the research of design in its many fields of application. Today's design finds itself at a critical moment where the conventional ‘modes’ of doing, thinking and application are increasingly challenged by the troubled ideology of globalisation, climate change, migration patterns and the rapid restructuring of locally driven manufacturing sectors. The volume presents a selection of papers on state-of-the-art design research work. As rapid technological development has been pushing and breaking new ground in society, the broad field of design is facing many unprecedented changes. In combination with the environmental, cultural, technological, and, crucially, pandemic transitions, design at large is called to fundamentally alter its modes of practice. Beyond the conventional models of conducting research, or developing solutions to ‘wicked’ problems, the recoupling of design with different modes should be seen as an expression to embrace other capacities of thinking, criticisms and productions. This selection of proceedings papers delivers the latest insights into design from a multitude of perspectives, as reflected in the eight thematic modes of the congress ; i.e., [social] , [making] , [business] , [critical], [historical/projective], [impact], [pandemic], and [alternative] with design modes. The book benefits design researchers from both academia and industry who are interested in the latest design research results, as well as in innovative design research methods. In presenting an interesting corpus of design case studies as well as studies of design impact, this comprehensive collection is of relevance to design theorists and students, as well as scholars in related fields seeking to understand how design plays a critical role in their respective domains.

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