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Showing 77,751 through 77,775 of 78,623 results

Organization Theory by Chester Barnard: An Introduction (SpringerBriefs in Business)

by Kazuhito Isomura

This book helps undergraduate and graduate students understand Chester Barnard’s organization theory. Barnard’s book The Functions of the Executive is a classic that, along with Herbert Simon’s Administrative Behavior, is often considered to be essential reading for management students. However, it is well known to be difficult and abstract. Offering a systematic overview, this book provides an excellent introduction to Barnard’s organization theory.Chester Barnard’s concept of formal organization is often cited as a definitive opus on the subject of organization. However, he provided other concepts of organization, such as cooperative systems, complex formal organizations, and informal organizations. In his second book, Organization and Management, he added two more concepts, lateral organizations and status systems, allowing researchers to gain a better understanding of how Barnard developed his organization theory after his first publication.Barnard was a successful practitioner as well as a theorist, and his organization theory is full of practical insights gained from managing various types of organizations, including NGOs and NPOs. This book discusses how Barnard’s organization theory can be applied to business practices in the context of exploring a new style of management, and provides suggestions for business people seeking innovations for their own organizations.

Higher Education Design: Big Deal Partnerships, Technologies and Capabilities

by Hamish Coates

This book advances new views on higher education design, steps beyond prevailing problems and perspectives, and stimulates broader contributions. The 2020 pandemic has shocked already fragile business and academic models, and the time is ripe for innovating global online education, shifting towards Asia and lifelong learning, and investing in 21st century institutions and partnerships. Rather than dwell on dystopian discontents, the book charts narratives for developing the industry and the field. It is written for commercial, governmental and collegial communities to inject major research-driven insights into contemporary transformations and research.

Getting Dialogic Teaching into Classrooms: Making Change Possible (Understanding Teaching-Learning Practice)

by Klára Šeďová Zuzana Šalamounová Roman Švaříček Martin Sedláček

This book contributes to our understanding how teachers can improve classroom dialogue and thereby boost student learning.The book reports the results of intervention research based on professional development program for teacher. Participating teachers strived, with the help of the researchers, to instigate a rich and authentic dialogue in their classrooms. The data shows that teachers were able to change their talk and interaction patterns, and this was followed by a desirable change in their students who started to talk more and expressed more complex thoughts.The book not only reports on a successful intervention, but most importantly investigates in depth the teacher experiences and ways of learning during the intervention project.

Capital, Systems, and Objects: The Foundation and Future of Organizations (Management for Professionals)

by Richard Thomas Watson

This book provides a set of integrated frameworks—capital, systems, and objects—that transcend managerial or technology hype by focusing on the long-term fundamentals that sustain organizational success. Many organizations are currently addressing two important transformational issues: ecological sustainability and digitization. Sustainability is a goal, an end, and digitization is a process, a means to achieve a goal. This book introduces a flexible model that can be applied to current and future organizational challenges, including sustainability and digitization, because the fundamentals are constant. This book is designed to serve two purposes for the readers: first, to present three conceptual foundations for designing and operating organizations (capital, systems, and objects in Part I); and second, to provide a reference source for implementing these ideas in an organization (Parts II and III). The Part I of the book, chapters 1 through 7, sets forth the conceptual foundations. The chapters mix concepts and practical examples to give a new way of thinking about the setting in which one may work many days each year. The Part II provides details and associated examples of every one of the thirty-six forms of capital conversion. It also illustrates how the five foundational systems support capital conversion in a variety of ways. Finally, the Part III is about measuring capital and systems. The book will resonate with practitioners and students of strategy, leadership, and organizational design. It is critical reading for leaders, industry experts, and general readers who want to understand how over thousands of years the capital creation system has developed today’s world and will fashion its future.

The Lived Experience of Chinese International Students in the U.S.: An Academic Journey (Education in the Asia-Pacific Region: Issues, Concerns and Prospects #56)

by Yalun Zhou Michael Wei

This book marks a departure from traditional assumptions concerning the deficiencies of Chinese international students in terms of learning and adapting. It employs phenomenological narrative inquiry and a small culture approach to investigate the evolved, fluid experience of pursuing a graduate degree in the U.S. at Blue Fountain University (a pseudonym for a mid-western university).Adopting an interdisciplinary perspective, this book addresses two fundamental questions: What study abroad is and what study abroad counts? The sociocultural dimensions that shape the cross-border degree seeking endeavors inform stakeholders what works for Chinese international students’ successful pursuits as EFL learners and ESL users and what could be improved. This book shares thoughts on the implications and impact of educational contexts to stakeholders at normal and dynamic contexts interrupted by global pandemic outbreak. It contributes to the understanding of the internationalization of the host institute and the EFL education reform efforts (policy making, teacher education, and classroom practice) in China (and in Asia at large).

Carbon Footprint Case Studies: Municipal Solid Waste Management, Sustainable Road Transport and Carbon Sequestration (Environmental Footprints and Eco-design of Products and Processes)

by Subramanian Senthilkannan Muthu

Global warming and its effects are felt and understood by almost every one across the globe now. Carbon footprint calculation and mitigation in different industrial sectors is the need of the hour. There are numerous industrial sectors, whose carbon footprints need to be calculated and the ways to mitigate the greenhouse gas emissions from those sectors need to be started with immediate effect. This book highlights case studies involving the carbon footprints of municipal solid waste, sustainable road transport and Carbon footprint accounting of sources and sinks by studying carbon sequestration of Karnataka, a state in India.

Bacterial Cellulose: Sustainable Material for Textiles (Sustainable Textiles: Production, Processing, Manufacturing & Chemistry)

by Subramanian Senthilkannan Muthu R. Rathinamoorthy

This book presents the potential of bacterial cellulose in the textile and fashion industry. Most of the earlier work on the bacterial cellulose was focused on the bio technology application of cellulose, but the recent urge for the need of a sustainable material in the fashion and textile industries identified the scope of the bacterial cellulose in this aspect. The unique feature of this book is that it relates the bio technological aspects of bacterial cellulose with the sustainable issues in the fashion industry.

Teacher as Designer: Design Thinking for Educational Change

by David Scott Jennifer Lock

This book offers insights into how design-based processes, principles, and mindsets can be productively employed in diverse P-16 educational spaces by a myriad of educational actors including teachers, instructional leaders, and students. It addresses concerns about the theoretical and practical implications of the still emergent emphasis of design in education. The book begins by examining a number of prominent design processes being used by educators including human-centred design, designing for authentic inquiries, and Universal Design for Learning. It then delves into how teachers, system leaders, and students can engage in educational design within the complex spaces of K-12 contexts. Finally, the book takes up design in education within a maker and making context. Each chapter includes a vignette, a series of guiding questions, along with specific design principles that can help address common challenges and issues educators encounter in their practice. This book provides both theoretical and practical elements involved in educational design and is beneficial to scholars, graduate students, educators, and pre-service teachers.

Social Work Education, Research and Practice: Perspectives from India and Australia

by Ilango Ponnuswami Abraham P. Francis

This book addresses a range of key issues concerning social work education, research and practice in India and Australia from a cross-cultural perspective. The respective chapters focus on specific areas of social work regarding e.g. the status and recognition of the profession, regulatory mechanisms, roles and functions of social workers in different settings, and issues and challenges faced by the social work community. The book shares valuable perspectives to help understand the culturally sensitive practice of social work in various socio-cultural, economic and political contexts in both countries. Given the scope of its coverage, the book is of interest to scholars, students and professionals working in the areas of social work, social development and social policy practice.

Diversifying Learner Experience: A kaleidoscope of instructional approaches and strategies

by Caroline Koh

This book brings together strategies and innovations that educators from diverse educational contexts have conceptualized and implemented to cater to differences in academic ability, as well as in other domains such as psychosocial contexts and developmental needs. The emergence of IT and new technologies have altered the educational landscape and opened a multitude of opportunities for diverse modes of instruction catering to diverse student populations.The book addresses the gap in the literature with evidence-based reports of innovative strategies and approaches that are grounded in educational research. It identifies student differences in terms of academic ability and also, with regard to their cultural and social background, their developmental and psycho-emotional needs. It examines how new technologies are used in instructional approaches and how these innovative strategies diversify learner experiences. The book is a valuable resource to practitioners, researchers and educational administrators.

Workgroups eAssessment: Planning, Implementing and Analysing Frameworks (Intelligent Systems Reference Library #199)

by Rosalina Babo Nilanjan Dey Amira S. Ashour

This book was developed during a particular pandemic situation in the whole world which confined people to their homes. Therefore, there was a rise in the use of distance working and learning (e-learning) which led to a very quick adoption of technology in order to guarantee different approaches to fulfil the same or better outcomes and ensure that people are connected. This book provides a better understanding about the importance of teams' assessment and collaborative work, as well as the use of collaboration tools and online assessment techniques supported by technology. Consequently, the book is aimed at all institutions that seek new working environments, namely higher education institutions, companies and organizations, sports teams, and others. Furthermore, this book provides new approaches and systems to carry the knowledge and learning assessment. The book gathers knowledge from several authors, related to collaboration environments and tools, as well as their insights on how technology can be applied to carry assessment processes. The book seeks to provide knowledge on new technologies and different learning environments.

Chinese Medicine and Transnational Transition during the Modern Era: Commodification, Hybridity, and Segregation

by Md. Nazrul Islam

This volume analyses the transition of Chinese medicine during the modern era, and the development of product and service niches in selected countries: China, Malaysia, Japan and the Philippines. By investigating the major actors behind the transition, it explores in what way and to what extent these actors affect the transition. It argues that the transnational transition of Chinese medicine is caused not only by spontaneous cultural and social factors, i.e. population growth, technological innovation and acculturation, but also by hegemonic political and economic factors such as Western influence, adoption of the philosophy of modern state, and global commodification of indigenous medical specialties.

Wittgenstein, Education and the Problem of Rationality

by Michael A. Peters

This book develops an argument for a historicist and non-foundationalist notion of rationality based on an interpretation of Wittgenstein of the Philosophical Investigations and On Certainty. The book examines two notions of rationality—a universal versus a constitutive conception – and their significance for educational theory. The former advanced by analytic philosophy of education as a form of conceptual analysis is based on a mistaken reading of Wittgenstein. Analytic philosophy of education used a reading of Wittgenstein’s philosophy of language to set up and justify an absolute, universal and ahistorical notion of rationality. By contrast, the book examines the underlying influence of the later Wittgenstein on the historicist turn in philosophy of science as a basis for a non-foundationalist and constitutive notion of rationality which is both historical and cultural, and remains consistent with wider developments in philosophy, hermeneutics and social theory. This book aims to understand the philosophical motivation behind this view, to examine its intellectual underpinnings and to substitute this universal conception of rationality by reference to a Hegelian interpretation of the later Wittgenstein that emphasizes his status as an anti-foundational thinker.

Educational Assessment in Tanzania: A Sociocultural Perspective (SpringerBriefs in Education)

by Joyce Kahembe Liz Jackson

This book examines teachers’ conceptions and practices of assessment in Tanzania. Adopting a sociocultural perspective, it reveals how Tanzanian teachers understand the role of assessment in relation to their classroom practices, community and other factors. The book determines that although teachers in Tanzania generally consider assessment to be useful for evaluating and monitoring learning, improving student performance and for accountability, their assessment practices are rarely seen as directly supporting student learning; it is not that teachers do not know how to implement the mandated assessment reforms. Instead, they are reluctant to adopt and embrace the reforms because they consider them to be contradictory to their teaching roles, and overly burdensome, if not implausible, given the physical, economic and cultural contexts of teaching and learning. This book argues that improving traditional assessments, rather than radically transforming them, can be more effective for cultivating practices that suit the physical, political, economic and cultural contexts of Tanzanian schools. Highlighting the significance of sociocultural factors in educators’ professional practices, while also illustrating the major challenges in implementing global reform agendas in diverse contexts, it is a valuable resource for educators and scholars interested in development and educational reform in African contexts.

Design for Tomorrow—Volume 1: Proceedings of ICoRD 2021 (Smart Innovation, Systems and Technologies #221)

by Amaresh Chakrabarti Ravi Poovaiah Prasad Bokil Vivek Kant

This book showcases cutting-edge research papers from the 8th International Conference on Research into Design (ICoRD 2021) written by eminent researchers from across the world on design processes, technologies, methods and tools, and their impact on innovation, for supporting design for a connected world. The theme of ICoRD‘21 has been “Design for Tomorrow”. The world as we know it in our times is increasingly becoming connected. In this interconnected world, design has to address new challenges of merging the cyber and the physical, the smart and the mundane, the technology and the human. As a result, there is an increasing need for strategizing and thinking about design for a better tomorrow. The theme for ICoRD’21 serves as a provocation for the design community to think about rapid changes in the near future to usher in a better tomorrow. The papers in this book explore these themes, and their key focus is design for tomorrow: how are products and their development be addressed for the immediate pressing needs within a connected world? The book will be of interest to researchers, professionals and entrepreneurs working in the areas on industrial design, manufacturing, consumer goods, and industrial management who are interested in the new and emerging methods and tools for design of new products, systems and services.

Transforming Pedagogies Through Engagement with Learners, Teachers and Communities (Education in the Asia-Pacific Region: Issues, Concerns and Prospects #57)

by Dat Bao Thanh Pham

This book identifies three types of influential forces that pose challenges to innovations: socio-cultural dynamics, teacher individuality, and local circumstances. It uses languages, cultural traits, and intellectual heritages in the Asia-Pacific region as an example to show the resistance to Western-based pedagogies due to disparities between the innovations and these local heritages. It reveals personal and professional values that teachers hold and how these values, while seemingly supporting creative ideologies, happen to prevent them from incorporating innovations in their practices. The book discusses how informal educational activities and services that a society possesses could impede pedagogical innovations. There is, therefore, a need for institutions and educators to develop a positive relationship between these phenomena and teaching innovations.

Design for Tomorrow—Volume 3: Proceedings of ICoRD 2021 (Smart Innovation, Systems and Technologies #223)

by Amaresh Chakrabarti Ravi Poovaiah Prasad Bokil Vivek Kant

This book showcases cutting-edge research papers from the 8th International Conference on Research into Design (ICoRD 2021) written by eminent researchers from across the world on design processes, technologies, methods and tools, and their impact on innovation, for supporting design for a connected world. The theme of ICoRD‘21 has been “Design for Tomorrow”. The world as we know it in our times is increasingly becoming connected. In this interconnected world, design has to address new challenges of merging the cyber and the physical, the smart and the mundane, the technology and the human. As a result, there is an increasing need for strategizing and thinking about design for a better tomorrow. The theme for ICoRD’21 serves as a provocation for the design community to think about rapid changes in the near future to usher in a better tomorrow. The papers in this book explore these themes, and their key focus is design for tomorrow: how are products and their development be addressed for the immediate pressing needs within a connected world? The book will be of interest to researchers, professionals and entrepreneurs working in the areas on industrial design, manufacturing, consumer goods, and industrial management who are interested in the new and emerging methods and tools for design of new products, systems and services.

Assessment of Ecological Footprints (Environmental Footprints and Eco-design of Products and Processes)

by Subramanian Senthilkannan Muthu

This book highlights the concepts and assessment methods of Ecological Footprints. Ecological footprint is defined as, ”a measure of how much area of biologically productive land and water an individual, population or activity requires to produce all the resources it consumes and to absorb the waste it generates, using prevailing technology and resource management practices”. Developed in 1992 by William Rees, it was the first footprint developed followed by other footprints such as Carbon, Water and Energy. Assessment of Ecological footprints strive for comparing consumption footprint to biological capacity. This book presents five interesting chapters pertaining to the assessment of Ecological Footprints.

Design for Tomorrow—Volume 2: Proceedings of ICoRD 2021 (Smart Innovation, Systems and Technologies #222)

by Amaresh Chakrabarti Ravi Poovaiah Prasad Bokil Vivek Kant

This book showcases cutting-edge research papers from the 8th International Conference on Research into Design (ICoRD 2021) written by eminent researchers from across the world on design processes, technologies, methods and tools, and their impact on innovation, for supporting design for a connected world. The theme of ICoRD‘21 has been “Design for Tomorrow”. The world as we know it in our times is increasingly becoming connected. In this interconnected world, design has to address new challenges of merging the cyber and the physical, the smart and the mundane, the technology and the human. As a result, there is an increasing need for strategizing and thinking about design for a better tomorrow. The theme for ICoRD’21 serves as a provocation for the design community to think about rapid changes in the near future to usher in a better tomorrow. The papers in this book explore these themes, and their key focus is design for tomorrow: how are products and their development be addressed for the immediate pressing needs within a connected world? The book will be of interest to researchers, professionals and entrepreneurs working in the areas on industrial design, manufacturing, consumer goods, and industrial management who are interested in the new and emerging methods and tools for design of new products, systems and services.

Ruraling Education Research: Connections Between Rurality and the Disciplines of Educational Research

by Philip Roberts Melyssa Fuqua

This edited volume brings together a collection of chapters from leading scholars in rural education with the purpose of linking knowledge from the rural education field to the wider discipline of education studies. Through addressing significant issues in the rural education field, the book gives insights from rural education that have general relevance for the wider disciplines of education, and provides up-to-date scholarship in research in rural contexts.This book aims to be a definitive and comprehensive edition of contemporary rural education scholarship that works as a guide for those new to researching in and for rural contexts, as well as actively expand the other sub-fields of education from a rural perspective. It examines the connection between rurality and the other domains of educational research, exploring what a rural perspective might bring to the broader fields of educational research, and how it might evolve them. In its unique approach, this book brings the concept of ‘rural’ to the disciplines of education; chapters regarding the ethics of research in the rural context speaks to a gap in rural education, and provide tools for engaging marginalised communities more generally in educational research.

Understanding EAP Learners’ Beliefs about Language Learning from a Socio-cultural Perspective: A Longitudinal Study at an EMI Context in Mainland China

by Chili Li

This book focuses on the dynamic nature of EAP (English for academic purposes) learners’ beliefs about language learning in their shift from an EFL (English as a foreign language) environment to an EMI (English as the medium of instruction) setting in mainland China. It adopts a mixed method paradigm, whose quantitative part aims to capture the general dynamic feature of the selected student population, while its qualitative part attempts to unveil the process of change in beliefs about language learning among the sample. It is hypothesized that the change in their beliefs about language learning is the result of the interplay between the learners’ agency and the mediation of the contextual realities at the institutional and social levels.

A Human Values Pathway for Teachers: Developing Silent Sitting and Mindful Practices in Education

by Suma Parahakaran Stephen Scherer

This book combines perspectives from psychology, spiritual education and digital teaching pedagogies in a transnational framework to discuss the Education in Human Values Program (EHV) for child development, with a focus on silent sitting, mindfulness, meditation and story-telling as tools in the classroom. Through positive guidance in the early stages of child development using EHV tools, teachers will be better equipped to handle disciplinary issues in primary and secondary schools. These practices are also useful for the higher education community, as teachers and educators from tertiary institutions may adopt these practices in their teaching and become reflective practitioners. Topics such as teacher morale and school climate and its impact on children are discussed in relation to building resilience, reflective capacities, and inner strength (shared values) using an intrinsic and transformational approach. The discussions also include perspectives from the neurosciences. With contributions from teachers and educators from the US, South Africa, Malaysia, Australia, Hong Kong and Mauritius, this edited volume addresses the challenges, strengths and weaknesses associated with daily teaching practices in primary and secondary schools and higher education institutions. The content is relevant to policymakers and researchers in child development studies, with a particular focus on the impact of silent sitting, mindful practices, and meditation on children’s self-regulation and resilience. The authors collectively espouse that silent sitting techniques can help a child to grow and discover their hidden potential, thus enhancing their social, emotional, spiritual and physical capacities.

Educational Equity Policy in China: Concept and Practice (Exploring Education Policy in a Globalized World: Concepts, Contexts, and Practices)

by Eryong Xue Jian Li

This book investigates the educational equity in China from multiple perspectives, including rural and urban educational equity, interschool educational equity, Eastern and Western educational equity and administrative policies related to the educational equity. All those perspectives concentrate on examining the comprehensive development of the educational equity in contemporary China. In addition, this book also presents specific historical and cultural shifts for policymakers and stakeholders to offer an in-depth understanding of the educational equity strategy in a long term.

The Water–Energy–Food Nexus: Concept and Assessments (Environmental Footprints and Eco-design of Products and Processes)

by Subramanian Senthilkannan Muthu

Water, Energy and Food are the very basic necessities of human life and all the three of them are interconnected with each other, this connection being called the Water-Energy-Food nexus. Water is an inevitable element to energy and food systems to work. Water is essential for the growth of crops and produce energy and it consumes a lot of energy to treat and move water. Food and energy are equally dependent upon each other as well. This book highlights with various examples and case studies from around the World, the importance of this concept.

Teaching History for the Contemporary World: Tensions, Challenges and Classroom Experiences in Higher Education

by Adele Nye Jennifer Clark

This book brings together history educators from Australia and around the world to tell their own personal stories and how they approach teaching history in the context of contemporary tensions in the classroom. It encourages historians to think actively about how history in the classroom can play a role in helping students to make sense of their world and to act honourably within it.The contributors come from diverse backgrounds and include experienced history educators and early career academics. They showcase both a mix of approaches and democratize and decolonize the academy. The book blends theory and practice. It reflects on what is happening in the classroom and supports the discipline to understanding itself better, to improve upon its practices and to engage in academic discussion about the responsibility of teaching in the contemporary world.

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