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WRS Student Reader 8 (Wilson Reading System Series)

by Barbara A. Wilson

Students can improve accuracy and speed by practicing with controlled text, including wordlists, sentences, and stories that are 98% decodable across all 12 steps.

WRS Student Reader 9: Nine (Wilson Reading System Ser.wilson Reading System Series)

by Barbara A. Wilson

Students can improve accuracy and speed by practicing with controlled text, including wordlists, sentences, and stories that are 98% decodable across all 12 steps.

WTF con el SAT: Guía de supervivencia básica para cumplir con tus obligaciones fiscales

by Paulina Casso Rodriguez

Una fresca guía de supervivencia que explica con manzanas, memes y referencias a la cultura pop cómo afrontar una de las más duras responsabilidades de ser adulto: nuestro peor enemigo, el Servicio de Administración Tributaria (alias el sat) y los fastidiosos impuestos. La materia que todos debimos tener en la escuela, lo que debimos aprender en lugar del trinomio cuadrado perfecto y el Quiúbole con los impuestos que por años los millennials han pedido a gritos en las redes al fin llega a tus manos gracias a Paulina Casso, una joven emprendedora serial llamada “caso de éxito” por Entrepreneur y Mujer Ejecutiva, quien decidió agarrar al toro por los cuernos y explicarnos en términos humanos qué es el sat y por qué nos quita nuestras quincenas. Porque convertirse en adulto es horrible. De pronto la vida consiste en pagar, pagar y pagar, pero todo empeora cuando desbloqueamos el famoso nivel de PAGAR IMPUESTOS. Se sabe. En este libro aprenderás cómo funciona el sistema fiscal mexicano, qué son los impuestos y cómo calcularlos, porqué te quitan tanto dinero y qué tanto hacen con él, lo que necesitas saber para darte de alta en el sat y no ponerte la soga al cuello tú solitx, cómo emitir facturas electrónicas, el proceso para hacer tu declaración anual, cuándo necesitas contratar a un contador y cómo escogerlo, y una serie de recursos muy útiles para estar al día con tus obligaciones fiscales y que ser adulto se vuelva una experiencia un poco menos nefasta.

The WTO and the University: Globalization, GATS, and American Higher Education (Studies in Higher Education)

by Roberta Malee Bassett

By and large, the debate about the merits of including higher education services within free trade policies has occurred outside of the United States, even though the U.S. Office of the Trade Representative has specifically included higher education services in its March 2003 negotiating offer to the General Agreement on Trade in Services (GATS). This book emerged from research and conversations on the potential implications of free trade on American higher education, implications which have yet to lead to any real conversation or debate within the broad higher education community in the United States. It fills a niche in the literature on trade and higher education services by providing context and analysis of the trade issue in the American higher education context, as well as the pros and cons of free trade in higher education services from the perspectives of the U.S.-based actors.

WTO/GATS and the Global Politics of Higher Education (Studies in Higher Education)

by Antoni Verger

Since the General Agreement on Trade in Services (GATS) was created in 1995, there has been international pressure towards the liberalization of education all over the world, as well as new challenges to the traditional internationalization rationale in the field of higher education. Nevertheless, education liberalization under the GATS is also a contested process. Public universities, teachers unions, development NGOs and other education stakeholders have opposed and campaigned against the GATS in different countries and at a range of levels from local to global. Based on intensive fieldwork in the WTO headquarters and on two case studies (Argentina and Chile), Antoni Verger opens the black-box of the GATS negotiations in the field of education. His well-documented work explores in-depth how domestic actors and interests are key to understanding the constitution of the global education liberalization process entailed by the GATS as well as the opposition to this process in certain places. This book is crucial reading to anyone with an interest in the future of higher education.

Wurst Case Scenario

by Catherine Clark

Courtney Von Dragen Smith has done the unthinkable: In a burst of self-improving zeal (and some unexpected trouble with local options), she has left home for college out of state. What seemed like a good idea in spring feels like a calamity in fall. Culture in rural Wisconsin seems to be a formal bratwurst roast. Not to mention: Grant (best bf ever) is 1,000 miles away, there's a six-foot ear of corn making unwanted advances, and being vegan in America's Dairyland is regarded as highly suspicious at best. And so Courtney, "so on the fringe," begins her chronicle of what truly is a Wurst Case Scenario.

Wyoming Rules of the Road: The 2017 State of Wyoming Driver License Manual

by Wyoming Department of Transportation

Wyoming Rules of the Road - The 2017 State of Wyoming Driver License Manual by the Wyoming Department of Transportation

X Marks the Spot (Orca Echoes)

by Dave Whamond Danielle Saint-Onge Jeff Szpirglas

A natural-born explorer, Leo loves to make maps and experiment with new ways of getting around the schoolyard. But explorers sometimes get sidetracked, which can lead to getting in trouble. When Leo's teacher, Mr. Chang, announces he'll be giving out an award for responsibility, Leo is determined to redeem himself. The upcoming class field trip to the woods seems like the perfect opportunity. He'll get to use his handy compass watch and show Mr. Chang he can be extra-responsible! But when two of Leo's classmates wander out of bounds, Leo is faced with a tough decision.

X-Ray Technician: Passbooks Study Guide (Career Examination Series #C-910)

by National Learning Corporation

The X-Ray Technician Passbook® prepares you for your test by allowing you to take practice exams in the subjects you need to study. It provides hundreds of questions and answers in the areas that will likely be covered on your upcoming exam, including but not limited to: radiologic procedures and radiographic techniques; radiographic exposure; anatomy, physiology systems and pathology; radiation protection and radiobiology; electrical and radiation physics; and other related areas.

X-Ray Technician II: Passbooks Study Guide (Career Examination Series)

by National Learning Corporation

The X-Ray Technician II Passbook® prepares you for your test by allowing you to take practice exams in the subjects you need to study. It provides hundreds of questions and answers in the areas that will likely be covered on your upcoming exam, including but not limited to: anatomy and positioning; electrical and x-ray physics; troubleshooting; x-ray practices and procedures; supervision; and other related areas.

Xander and the Slide

by Aminta Quintero-Jackson

Xander is afraid of the slide. After being bullied, he decides to adopt the identity of his twin brother, Alex. Will his friends believe his lie? Will Xander overcome his fear of the slide?

Xenakis Creates in Architecture and Music: The Reynolds Desert House

by Roger Reynolds Karen Reynolds

Xenakis Creates in Architecture and Music describes the collaborative interaction of internationally acclaimed composer Roger Reynolds, musician Karen Reynolds, and musically inspired composer, engineer, and architect Iannis Xenakis (1922-2001) to create a house design, The Reynolds Desert House. The process combined aesthetics and intuition with mathematical systems, showcasing how art and science are balanced—by way of music and architecture—to address the essential technical aspects of music along with the role of emotion and energy. The book analyzes three representative chamber works and presents a trove of primary sources: letters, diaries, notes, photographs, sketches, and person-to-person conversations. What emerges are patterns of direct parallels between how Xenakis characterized the process of musical creation and his design of The Reynolds Desert House. Xenakis Creates in Architecture and Music is a testament to the singularly innovative and creative mind of Iannis Xenakis. Supplementary materials—including color reproductions of black and white images in the book—can be found at:

XML Visual QuickStart Guide

by Kevin Howard Goldberg

What is XML? XML, or eXtensible Markup Language, is a specification for storing information. It is also a specification for describing the structure of that information. And while XML is a markup language (just like HTML), XML has no tags of its own. It allows the person writing the XML to create whatever tags they need. The only condition is that these newly created tags adhere to the rules of the XML specification. In the seven years since the first edition of "XML: Visual QuickStart Guide" was published, XML has taken its place next to HTML as a foundational language on the Internet. XML has become a very popular method for storing data and the most popular method for transmitting data between all sorts of systems and applications. The reason is, where HTML was designed to display information, XML was designed to manage it. This book begins by showing you the basics of the XML language. Then, by building on that knowledge, additional and supporting languages and systems will be discussed. To get the most out of this book, you should be somewhat familiar with HTML, although you don't need to be an expert coder by any stretch. No other previous knowledge is required. "XML: Visual QuickStart Guide, 2nd Edition" is divided into seven parts. Each part contains one or more chapters with step-by-step instructions that explain how to perform XML-related tasks. Wherever possible, examples of the concepts being discussed are displayed, and the parts of the examples on which to focus are highlighted. The order of the book is intentionally designed to be an introduction to the fundamentals of XML, followed by discussions of related XML technologies.

Y a mí, ¿quién me asiste?: Manual de supervivencia para la oficina

by Lilit Marcus

¿Qué tiene que hacer un humilde currito para no morir en el intento? Descúbrelo en este manual definitivo para sobrevivir en el trabajo. En tu primer día de trabajo aprendes cómo contestar al teléfono y encender el ordenador. Pero los años pasados en la universidad no te forman para la preparación del café, las puñaladas traperas y los «esto-tendría-que-estar-hecho-para-ayer» del día a día en cualquier oficina. Este manual está aquí para ayudarte, no solo a sobrevivir a tu trabajo, sino para, a la larga, ayudarte a conseguir el trabajo que deseas. ¿Qué pasa cuando un horario de 9 a 17 se convierte en uno de 9 a 23? ¿Cuál es la estrategia para neutralizar al tipo que no para de criticar tu trabajo? ¿Cómo tienes que reaccionar si tu jefe te tira una grapadora a la cabeza? ¿Y si te tira los tejos? Abre este libro, la guía más adictiva y práctica para conservar tu salud mental en tu lugar de trabajo, y ve a por todas. «Esta ex-asistente siente tu dolor.»Marie Claire «Empatía y consejos de supervivencia para los veinteañeros.»The New York Observer

Y llegó Hicklebee-Riyatulle (Escuela de frikis #Volumen 2)

by Gitty Daneshvary

La escuela de Mrs Wellington reabre sus puertas... ¡para un curso de verano! ¿Imagináis un modo más aterrador de pasar las vacaciones? Madeleine, Theo, Lulu y Garrison han recaído en sus antiguas fobias. O, por lo menos, eso es lo que cree Mrs. Wellington. Así que la extravagante directora y antigua reina de la belleza "invita" a los cuatro chicos a un segundo curso "no opcional" en su exclusiva y secretísima escuela de verano para eliminar cualquier vestigio de sus antiguos miedos. Sin embargo, pronto todos tendrán cosas más importantes en las que pensar: una misteriosa persona quiere destruir la escuela, y, por si fuera poco, ha llegado Dahlia Hycklebee-Riyatulle, la nueva alumna...

Ya te llamaremos: Claves para presentarte a un cásting y obtener con éxito tu primer trabajo

by Maite Buenafuente

Un manual imprescindible para afrontar con éxito un casting o una entrevista de trabajo. Buscar una oportunidad, aspirar a un papel, encontrar el primer trabajo... sea en el terreno que sea, requiere de una preparación previa, de un método y de una actitud. Un casting, como cualquier proceso de selección, empieza mucho antes del día de la prueba; hay todo un procedimiento anterior que garantiza que lleguemos al momento clave con garantías de éxito. Tras años de experiencia como responsable de casting y como coach de actores y actrices, Maite Buenafuente resume en Ya te llamaremos las claves imprescindibles para enfrentarse a este tipo de procesos de selección. Y nos propone una nueva definición de la palabra casting, que resume en los siguientes consejos: Contagiar al director con tu entusiasmo.Admirarte de lo que eres capaz.Sonreírle a la confianza.Temblar de emoción positiva.Imaginar que el mundo es tuyo.Negociar con tus nervios, darles una tregua.Gozar de un momento único e irrepetible.

Yahadus Curriculum Book 1

by Living Lessons

Madah and Ahavah Living Lessons' flagship Yahadus curriculum gives a strong overview of the entire Torah over five years (fourth through eighth grade) with the mitzvos as a framework. <P><P> Each year, students learn approximately 120 Mitzvos, and the curriculum adjusts in content, language and design to suit the target age level. <P><P> The Rambam's order of the mitzvos, organized by subject, has been used, with rare exceptions. This logical sequence makes it much easier for children to connect to and retain the information. <P><P> The curriculum starts in fourth grade with the mitzvos of Sefer Madda, and ends with Sefer Shoftim in eighth grade. There is one student textbook for each year. Four volumes are now available, with the fifth and final volume coming soon b'ezras Hashem. The textbooks are sturdy and designed to last for a number of years by the students in each grade. <P><P> A two-part Teacher s Guide, as well as a workbook with activities is available for the students to use. <P><P> While every school is constantly challenged to squeeze in everything they want to teach into their limited time resources - as they should be - this curriculum is a tremendous asset, as it can change the approach of the teachers and students to the entire learning process. <P><P> The curriculum also covers many aspects of any Jewish Studies curriculum, being that it goes through all 613 mitzvos, and thus may free up some of the time needed for them. <P><P> It is designed to use approximately 90 minutes per week. <P><P> The curriculum is built with much flexibility in the time it will use: <P><P> It can be taught either in varying timeframes (1 - 2 longer sessions per week, or 3 - 4 shorter ones.) <P><P> Much of the information is optional and the layout is designed to allow it to easily be included or omitted in classroom instruction based on time allowances. <P><P> It reads easily and is visually attractive enough for students to take home and prepare varying amounts of the text before class. <P><P> Living Lessons is a grass-roots effort to create high-quality Torah learning materials for children. Benefiting from the latest educational methods, and without compromising our rich Mesorah, a group of dedicated individuals have undertaken the monumental task of preparing materials to make Torah engaging, meaningful and exciting to learn and teach. <P><P> The first result of the this effort is the state-of-the-art Yahadus curriculum, designed by a team of Mechanchim and Mechanchos, Rabbonim, researchers, writers, designers, parents, and children. Other exciting projects are underway. Stay tuned for updates!

Yahadus Student's Textbook 3

by Living Lessons

Zeraim and Avodah (1) Living Lessons' flagship Yahadus curriculum gives a strong overview of the entire Torah over five years (fourth through eighth grade) with the mitzvos as a framework. Each year, students learn approximately 120 Mitzvos, and the curriculum adjusts in content, language and design to suit the target age level. The Rambam's order of the mitzvos, organized by subject, has been used, with rare exceptions. This logical sequence makes it much easier for children to connect to and retain the information. The curriculum starts in fourth grade with the mitzvos of Sefer Madda, and ends with Sefer Shoftim in eighth grade. There is one student textbook for each year. Four volumes are now available, with the fifth and final volume coming soon b'ezras Hashem. The textbooks are sturdy and designed to last for a number of years by the students in each grade. A two-part Teacher s Guide, as well as a workbook with activities is available for the students to use. While every school is constantly challenged to squeeze in everything they want to teach into their limited time resources - as they should be - this curriculum is a tremendous asset, as it can change the approach of the teachers and students to the entire learning process. The curriculum also covers many aspects of any Jewish Studies curriculum, being that it goes through all 613 mitzvos, and thus may free up some of the time needed for them. It is designed to use approximately 90 minutes per week. The curriculum is built with much flexibility in the time it will use: It can be taught either in varying timeframes (1 - 2 longer sessions per week, or 3 - 4 shorter ones.) Much of the information is optional and the layout is designed to allow it to easily be included or omitted in classroom instruction based on time allowances. It reads easily and is visually attractive enough for students to take home and prepare varying amounts of the text before class. Living Lessons is a grass-roots effort to create high-quality Torah learning materials for children. Benefiting from the latest educational methods, and without compromising our rich Mesorah, a group of dedicated individuals have undertaken the monumental task of preparing materials to make Torah engaging, meaningful and exciting to learn and teach. The first result of the this effort is the state-of-the-art Yahadus curriculum, designed by a team of Mechanchim and Mechanchos, Rabbonim, researchers, writers, designers, parents, and children. Other exciting projects are underway. Stay tuned for updates!

Yahadus Student's Textbook 4

by Rabbi Zalman Glick

Avodah (2), Korbanos, Tahara, Nezikim Living Lessons' flagship Yahadus curriculum gives a strong overview of the entire Torah over five years (fourth through eighth grade) with the mitzvos as a framework. Each year, students learn approximately 120 Mitzvos, and the curriculum adjusts in content, language and design to suit the target age level. The Rambam's order of the mitzvos, organized by subject, has been used, with rare exceptions. This logical sequence makes it much easier for children to connect to and retain the information. The curriculum starts in fourth grade with the mitzvos of Sefer Madda, and ends with Sefer Shoftim in eighth grade. There is one student textbook for each year. Four volumes are now available, with the fifth and final volume coming soon b'ezras Hashem. The textbooks are sturdy and designed to last for a number of years by the students in each grade. A two-part Teacher s Guide, as well as a workbook with activities is available for the students to use. While every school is constantly challenged to squeeze in everything they want to teach into their limited time resources - as they should be - this curriculum is a tremendous asset, as it can change the approach of the teachers and students to the entire learning process. The curriculum also covers many aspects of any Jewish Studies curriculum, being that it goes through all 613 mitzvos, and thus may free up some of the time needed for them. It is designed to use approximately 90 minutes per week. The curriculum is built with much flexibility in the time it will use: It can be taught either in varying timeframes (1 - 2 longer sessions per week, or 3 - 4 shorter ones.) Much of the information is optional and the layout is designed to allow it to easily be included or omitted in classroom instruction based on time allowances. It reads easily and is visually attractive enough for students to take home and prepare varying amounts of the text before class. Living Lessons is a grass-roots effort to create high-quality Torah learning materials for children. Benefiting from the latest educational methods, and without compromising our rich Mesorah, a group of dedicated individuals have undertaken the monumental task of preparing materials to make Torah engaging, meaningful and exciting to learn and teach. The first result of the this effort is the state-of-the-art Yahadus curriculum, designed by a team of Mechanchim and Mechanchos, Rabbonim, researchers, writers, designers, parents, and children. Other exciting projects are underway. Stay tuned for updates!

The Yale Indian: The Education of Henry Roe Cloud

by Joel Pfister

Honored in his own time as one of the most prominent Indian public intellectuals, Henry Roe Cloud (c. 1884-1950) fought to open higher education to Indians. Joel Pfister's extensive archival research establishes the historical significance of key chapters in the Winnebago's remarkable life. Roe Cloud was the first Indian to receive undergraduate and graduate degrees from Yale University, where he was elected to the prestigious and intellectual Elihu Club. Pfister compares Roe Cloud's experience to that of other "college Indians" and also to African Americans such as W. E. B. Du Bois. Roe Cloud helped launch the Society of American Indians, graduated from Auburn seminary, founded a preparatory school for Indians, and served as the first Indian superintendent of the Haskell Institute (forerunner of Haskell Indian Nations University). He also worked under John Collier at the Bureau of Indian Affairs, where he was a catalyst for the Indian New Deal. Roe Cloud's white-collar activism was entwined with the Progressive Era formation of an Indian professional and managerial class, a Native "talented tenth," whose members strategically used their contingent entry into arenas of white social, intellectual, and political power on behalf of Indians without such access. His Yale training provided a cross-cultural education in class-structured emotions and individuality. While at Yale, Roe Cloud was informally adopted by a white missionary couple. Through them he was schooled in upper-middle-class sentimentality and incentives. He also learned how interracial romance could jeopardize Indian acceptance into their class. Roe Cloud expanded the range of what modern Indians could aspire to and achieve.

Yale Law School and the Sixties

by Laura Kalman

The development of the modern Yale Law School is deeply intertwined with the story of a group of students in the 1960s who worked to unlock democratic visions of law and social change that they associated with Yale's past and with the social climate in which they lived. During a charged moment in the history of the United States, activists challenged senior professors, and the resulting clash pitted young against old in a very human story. By demanding changes in admissions, curriculum, grading, and law practice, Laura Kalman argues, these students transformed Yale Law School and the future of American legal education.Inspired by Yale's legal realists of the 1930s, Yale law students between 1967 and 1970 spawned a movement that celebrated participatory democracy, black power, feminism, and the counterculture. After these students left, the repercussions hobbled the school for years. Senior law professors decided against retaining six junior scholars who had witnessed their conflict with the students in the early 1970s, shifted the school's academic focus from sociology to economics, and steered clear of critical legal studies. Ironically, explains Kalman, students of the 1960s helped to create a culture of timidity until an imaginative dean in the 1980s tapped into and domesticated the spirit of the sixties, helping to make Yale's current celebrity possible.

Yale Needs Women: How the First Group of Girls Rewrote the Rules of an Ivy League Giant

by Anne Gardiner Perkins

"Perkins makes the story of these early and unwitting feminist pioneers come alive against the backdrop of the contemporaneous civil rights and anti-war movements of the 1970s, and offers observations that remain eerily relevant on U.S. campuses today." —Edward B. Fiske, bestselling author of Fiske Guide to Colleges"If Yale was going to keep its standing as one of the top two or three colleges in the nation, the availability of women was an amenity it could no longer do without."In the winter of 1969, from big cities to small towns, young women across the country sent in applications to Yale University for the first time. The Ivy League institution dedicated to graduating "one thousand male leaders" each year had finally decided to open its doors to the nation's top female students. The landmark decision was a huge step forward for women's equality in education.Or was it?The experience the first undergraduate women found when they stepped onto Yale's imposing campus was not the same one their male peers enjoyed. Isolated from one another, singled out as oddities and sexual objects, and barred from many of the privileges an elite education was supposed to offer, many of the first girls found themselves immersed in an overwhelmingly male culture they were unprepared to face. Yale Needs Women is the story of how these young women fought against the backward-leaning traditions of a centuries-old institution and created the opportunities that would carry them into the future. Anne Gardiner Perkins's unflinching account of a group of young women striving for change is an inspiring story of strength, resilience, and courage that continues to resonate today.

The Yale Swallow Protocol

by Steven B. Leder Debra M. Suiter

The Yale Swallow Protocol is an evidence-based protocol that is the only screening instrument that both identifies aspiration risk and, when passed, is able to recommend specific oral diets without the need for further instrumental dysphagia testing. Based upon research by Drs. Steven B. Leder and Debra M. Suiter, an easily administered, reliable and validated swallow screening protocol was developed and can be used by speech-language pathologists, nurses, otolaryngologists, oncologists, neurologists, intensivists and physicians assistants. In addition, the protocol can be used in a variety of environments, including acute care, rehabilitation and nursing homes. The Yale Swallow Protocol meets all of the criteria necessary for a successful screening test, including being simple to administer, cross-disciplinary, cost effective, acceptable to patients and able to identify the target attribute by giving a positive finding when aspiration risk is present and a negative finding when aspiration risk is absent. Additionally, early and accurate identification of aspiration risk can significantly reduce health-care costs associated with recognized prandial aspiration.

Yankee Girl

by Mary Ann Rodman

An unflinching story about racism and culture clash in the 1960s.The year is 1964, and Alice Ann Moxley's FBI-agent father has been reassigned from Chicago to Jackson, Mississippi, to protect black people who are registering to vote. Alice finds herself thrust into the midst of the racial turmoil that dominates current events, especially when a Negro girl named Valerie Taylor joins her sixth-grade class -- the first of two black students at her new school because of a mandatory integration law. When Alice finds it difficult to penetrate the clique of girls at school she calls the Cheerleaders (they call her Yankee Girl), she figures Valerie, being the other outsider, will be easier to make friends with. But Valerie isn't looking for friends. Rather, Valerie silently endures harassment from the Cheerleaders, much worse than what Alice is put through. Soon Alice realizes the only way to befriend the girls is to seem like a co-conspirator in their plans to make Valerie miserable. It takes a horrible tragedy for her to realize the complete ramifications of following the crowd instead of her heart.

Yaqui Delgado Wants to Kick Your Ass

by Meg Medina

One morning before school, some girl tells Piddy Sanchez that Yaqui Delgado hates her and wants to kick her ass. Piddy doesn't even know who Yaqui is, never mind what she's done to piss her off. Word is that Yaqui thinks Piddy is stuck-up, shakes her stuff when she walks, and isn't Latin enough with her white skin, good grades, and no accent. And Yaqui isn't kidding around, so Piddy better watch her back. At first Piddy is more concerned with trying to find out more about the father she's never met and how to balance honors courses with her weekend job at the neighborhood hair salon. But as the harassment escalates, avoiding Yaqui and her gang starts to take over Piddy's life. Is there any way for Piddy to survive without closing herself off or running away?<P><P> Winner of the Pura Belpre Medal

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