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Tischtennis – Das Praxisbuch für Studium, Training und Freizeitsport (Sportpraxis)

by Timo Klein-Soetebier Axel Binnenbruck

Dieses Lehrbuch verknüpft erstmals wissenschaftliche Erkenntnisse zu der Sportart Tischtennis mit praktischen Handlungsempfehlungen für Training und Wettkampf. Es wurde in enger Zusammenarbeit mit dem Deutschen Tischtennis-Bund (DTTB) konzipiert und richtet sich insbesondere an Sport-Studierende mit Praxismodulen sowie an trainingswissenschaftlich- und pädagogisch-interessierte Trainer*innen und Übungsleiter*innen im Breiten- und Freizeitsport.Mithilfe der Buchinhalte können Sie die technischen und taktischen Elemente der Sportart Tischtennis erlernen und Ihre Spielfähigkeit unter verschiedenen Wettkampfbedingungen – z. B. Doppel und Einzel – weiterentwickeln. Darüber hinaus lernen Sie als Trainer*in praxisnahe didaktisch-methodische Ansätze kennen, um unterschiedliche Schwerpunkte zu setzen und ein angepasstes Tischtennistraining für nahezu jede Zielgruppe planen und durchführen zu können.Abrufbare Videos, beispielsweise zum Aufschlagtraining oder zur Beinarbeitstechnik, veranschaulichen Trainingsinhalte und ermöglichen einen einfachen Praxistransfer. Zusätzlich erhalten Sie einen vertiefenden Einblick in die Besonderheiten, Alleinstellungsmerkmale und aktuellen Entwicklungen im Tischtennis. Insgesamt bietet dieses Lehrbuch die optimale Basis sowohl für Ihre eigene persönliche Entwicklung im Tischtennis als auch für die Wissensvermittlung an zukünftige Instrukteure dieser Sportart.

Aufgabenstellungen für sprachlich heterogene Gruppen: Perspektive auf DaZ- und Regelunterricht (Edition Fachdidaktiken)

by Lena Bien-Miller Magdalena Michalak

Im Fokus des Sammelbands steht die Frage, wie Aufgabenstellungen im Deutsch-, DaZ- und Fachunterricht sprachbewusst ausgestaltetet werden können, um auf Seiten der Lernenden die schnelle Verfügbarkeit und den Einsatz angemessener sprachlicher Mittel bei anspruchsvolleren kognitiven Aktivitäten zu sichern und zugleich ihre mehrsprachigen und plurikulturellen Ressourcen zu nutzen. Damit spiegelt der Band die aktuelle Debatte zum Einsatz von sprachbildenden Aufgabenstellungen und zu Praktiken des Übens in der Didaktik des Deutschen als Erst- und Zweitsprache an der Schnittstelle zu anderen Fachdidaktiken und mit Blick auf die Heterogenität der Lernenden wider.

Serious Games und Gamification in der schulischen Bildung

by Wolfgang Becker Maren Metz

Der Sammelband gibt einen breiten Überblick über Serious Games und gamifizierte Lernelemente in der schulischen Bildung sowie über die Erfahrungen und den nachhaltigen Lernerfolg dieser Formate. Ein besonderer Fokus liegt auf der Verknüpfung von theoretischen, methodischen und praktischen Aspekten des Einsatzes von Serious Games und Gamification. Dabei werden auch die Anforderungen und Herausforderungen solcher digitalen Tools für Lehrerinnen und Lehrer aufgezeigt.

Disruptive Stories: Amplifying Voices from the Writing Center Margins

by Elizabeth Kleinfeld Sohui Lee Julie Prebel

Disruptive Stories uses an activist editing method to select and publish authors that have been marginalized in scholarly conversations and enrich the understanding of lived writing center experiences that have been underrepresented in writing center scholarship. These chapters explore how marginality affects writing centers, the people who work in them, and the scholarship generated from them by examining the consequences—both positive and negative—of marginalization through a mix of narratives and research. Contributors provide unique perspectives ranging across status, role, nationality, race, and ability. While US tenure-track writing center administrators (WCAs) do not make up the majority of those who hold WCA positions in writing centers, they are more likely to be the storytellers of the writing center grand narrative. They publish more, present more conference papers, edit more journals, and participate more in organizational leadership. This collection complicates that narrative by adding marginalized voices and experiences in three thematic categories: structural marginalization, globalization and marginalization, and embodied marginalization. Disruptive Stories spurs further conversations about ways to improve the review process in writing center scholarship so that it more accurately reflects the growing diversity of its administrators and practitioners.

Early Childhood Voices: Children, Families, Professionals (International Perspectives on Early Childhood Education and Development #42)

by Andi Salamon Sharynne McLeod Linda Mahony Jenny Dwyer

This revolutionary book explores theoretical and practical issues of listening to children, families, and professionals who advocate for and work with young children to promote social justice and improve their lives, and to ensure no one is left behind. Listening to children is explored across multiple disciplines internationally and highlights the practical application of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals in the context of the Convention on the Rights of the Child. The work explores innovations, theories, and partnerships, and draws on the voices of children, families, early childhood educators, speech-language pathologists, and multidisciplinary teams from across 17 countries to provide a shared vision for equity, peace and justice for all while integrating social environmental, economic, and dimensions of sustainability. Topics include giving children a voice; methods for listening to and documenting young children’s perspectives; listening to and working in partnership with families, educators, and professionals; and wellness and wellbeing of young children and their families across multiple dimensions.

AQA GCSE Food Preparation and Nutrition Second Edition

by Anita Tull Yvonne Mackey Bev Saunder

This title has been submitted for approval by AQA.Motivate all learners to build their knowledge and skills so they can approach both practical and written assessments with confidence. Written by a leading author team, our new edition textbook has been specifically designed to provide comprehensive, accessible and engaging content for AQA GCSE Food Preparation and Nutrition.- Easily deliver your course with structured and comprehensive coverage of the specification, supporting both specialist and non-specialist teachers- Enable students of all ability levels to progress, with accessible language, clear layout and photographs used throughout to bring the content to life- Help students understand the relevance of food science with revised content, including more scaffolding and guidance on how to apply their knowledge in the context of assessment- Build students' knowledge and skills with key term definitions, study tips and activities, including practical tasks to help them prepare for the NEA component- Consolidate learning with short practice questions that check understanding, plus exam-style questions to help students prepare for assessment, with all answers provided in the book

AQA GCSE Food Preparation and Nutrition Second Edition

by Anita Tull Yvonne Mackey Bev Saunder

This title has been submitted for approval by AQA.Motivate all learners to build their knowledge and skills so they can approach both practical and written assessments with confidence. Written by a leading author team, our new edition textbook has been specifically designed to provide comprehensive, accessible and engaging content for AQA GCSE Food Preparation and Nutrition.- Easily deliver your course with structured and comprehensive coverage of the specification, supporting both specialist and non-specialist teachers- Enable students of all ability levels to progress, with accessible language, clear layout and photographs used throughout to bring the content to life- Help students understand the relevance of food science with revised content, including more scaffolding and guidance on how to apply their knowledge in the context of assessment- Build students' knowledge and skills with key term definitions, study tips and activities, including practical tasks to help them prepare for the NEA component- Consolidate learning with short practice questions that check understanding, plus exam-style questions to help students prepare for assessment, with all answers provided in the book

Approaches to Teaching Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet (Approaches to Teaching World Literature #174)

by Joseph M. Ortiz

By the time they encounter Romeo and Juliet in the classroom, many students have already been exposed to various, and sometimes incongruous, manifestations of Shakespeare's work. This volume makes a virtue of students' familiarity with the preconceptions, anachronisms, and appropriations that shape experiences of the work, finding innovative pedagogical possibilities in the play's adaptations and in new technologies that spark students' creative responses.The essays cover a wide area of concerns, such as marriage, gender, queer perspectives, and girlhood, and contributors embrace different ways of understanding the play, such as through dance, editing, and acting. The final essays focus on decolonizing the text by foregrounding both the role of race and economic inequality in the play and the remarkable confluence of Romeo and Juliet and Hispanic culture.

Let’s Talk About Race in the Early Years

by Stella Louis Hannah Betteridge

We all have biases and our biases, whether conscious or not, can prevent us from teaching and supporting children equitably. We cannot turn a blind eye to this, no matter how uncomfortable it may feel to tackle the difficult questions.This groundbreaking book is a must-read for all early years professionals working with babies, toddlers, young children, and their families. Its practical and accessible guidance provides the tools and techniques you need to identify and confront discriminatory practices, with strategies to break down barriers and tackle these complicated issues sensitively and constructively. Reflective questions facilitate active engagement with a wealth of case studies and encourage you to evaluate your own practice. Each chapter builds your confidence and ability to create dynamic and anti-racist learning environments that embrace and celebrate difference and will ensure your setting fosters a positive sense of identity and belonging.Let’s Talk About Race in the Early Years gives practitioners the language and tools they need to create an environment where all children can shine and is essential reading for all early years professionals.

Making Space for Cultural Equality in Educational Leadership: School Ethos and Postcolonial Pedagogy (Routledge Research in Decolonizing Education)

by Mathew Barnard

This book foregrounds postcolonial theory as a lens through which to explore the concept of ‘global heritage’ and argues that the meso-level spaces of institutional ethos and cultural pedagogy must take an active role in the pursuit of cultural equality.Through interviews and accounts of observational, empirical data, chapters draw attention to how the cultural capital of Global Majority students is institutionally positioned as a racialised and inferior cultural capital that is constantly required to ‘prove itself’ in the Western school. Ultimately, the book contributes to international discussion on decolonising education and the spaces within in order to enact change, further the field, and more precisely to recognise the importance of global heritage as vital to a transformative understanding of the West’s cultural identity within a globalised world.This book will appeal to scholars, researchers and post-graduate researchers in the fields of multicultural education, school leadership, management and administration, and education policy and politics more broadly. Those interested in social justice, ideas of cultural and racial equality, and the sociology of education more broadly will also benefit from the volume.

Connected Learning: A Machine-Generated Literature Overview

by Henning Schoenenberger

This book offers a unique, machine-generated overview of the current state of research in Connected Learning, Networked Learning, Digital Badges, Micro-Credentials, and Lifelong Learning. The concept of Connected Learning picks up learners where they are, and that is no longer just the classroom or seminar room. Connected Learning seeks to understand the context of learning and the motivation of learners in order to design a more contemporary and effective learning experience. Central to this is the understanding that Connected Learning is collaborative and takes place in peer-to-peer networks, that it is based on participation, problem orientation and application, and that the more personalised the learning, the more interested learners are.This volume condenses and synthesizes research from a large variety of English-language articles into a concise yet comprehensive overview. Readers will benefit from the selection and synthesis of articles that allow them to get a quick understanding of the research area, while also being able to click through to the original sources to dive deeper into any particular topic. This volume is a key source of information and insight for those interested in the current research, as well as serving as an inspiring starting point for their own research.

Literature and Computation: Platform Intermediality, Hermeneutic Modeling, and Analytical-Creative Approaches (Routledge New Textual Studies in Literature)

by Chris Tanasescu

Literature and Computation presents some of the most relevantly innovative recent approaches to literary practice, theory, and criticism as driven by computation and situated in digital environments. These approaches rely on automated analyses, but use them creatively, engage in text modeling but inform it with qualitative[-interpretive] critical possibilities, and contribute to present-day platform culture in revolutionizing intermedial ways. While such new directions involve more and more sophisticated machine learning and artificial intelligence, they also mark a spectacular return of the (trans)human(istic) and of traditional-modern literary or urgent political, gender, and minority-related concerns and modes now addressed in ever subtler and more nuanced ways within human-computer interaction frameworks. Expanding the boundaries of literary and data studies, digital humanities, and electronic literature, the featured contributions unveil an emerging landscape of trailblazing practice and theoretical crossovers ready and able to spawn and/or chart the witness literature of our age and cultures.

Understanding Environmental Education: From Theory to Practices in India

by Chong Shimray

The book establishes the importance of environmental education by tracing its history and the developments that have taken place subsequently to date. It provides basic understanding about environmental education as well as valuable suggestions for its effective incorporation in the school curriculum. The strength of the book lies in its content as all major areas of environmental education have been addressed such as school curriculum, professional development, and policies, especially in the context of India, thus making it a unique and go-to resource for all stakeholders working in the field of environmental education. The well-balanced content will help readers appreciate the nature of environmental education and its distinctiveness from other subject disciplines as well as environmental studies and environmental science substantiated with several examples and illustrations. What is striking about the book is its proposed road map which is critical for successful implementation of environmental education in India with the launch of the National Education Policy 2020 and the subsequent introduction of new curriculum frameworks. The book will be useful to students, preservice teachers, and teacher educators. It will also be of much value to in-service teachers, practitioners in different settings, teachers, policy makers, curriculum developers, and researchers in the field of environmental education.

Interdisciplinary Practices in Higher Education: Teaching, Learning and Collaborating Across Borders

by Bianca Vienni-Baptista Merel Van Goch Rianne Van Lambalgen Katrine Ellemose Lindvig

Drawing on eight crowdsourced cases, Interdisciplinary Practices in Higher Education demonstrates the range and diversity in approaches to teaching, learning and collaborating across disciplinary and institutional borders. The cases explore everyday challenges within interdisciplinary higher education experiences such as designing study programmes, planning curricula, ensuring sufficient assessment and feedback for diverse groups of students and coordinating and aligning expectations with external stakeholders. Each case is analysed by three leading experts, providing solutions and practical guidance to support practice.Chapters explore the challenges of: Breadth versus depth in interdisciplinary teaching and learning activities Disciplinary identities in interdisciplinary collaborations The governance and administration of interdisciplinary courses and study programmes Career trajectories for interdisciplinary researchers Aligning expectations with stakeholders in transdisciplinary endeavours A highly practical, solution-based book, this is an essential read for lecturers, students, researchers and others who might wish to embark on an interdisciplinary path or develop future border-crossing practices within their higher education institutions.

Representations of Language Learning and Literacy: How to Read Literacy Narratives (Literary Criticism and Cultural Theory)

by Elena West

Representations of language learning and literacy, also known as “literacy narratives” are a staple of literature. They tell stories of conflict that illuminate the sociocultural dynamics whereby we learn to speak, read, and write. Yet, they tend to be read as stories about the “powers” of language and literacy – the power to make someone “human”, to form identity, and improve one’s social status. This book introduces the “literacy narrative approach”, a methodology for the study of literacy narratives that accounts for the conflict that pervades them. It achieves this by focussing on how the texts represent the interactions between writing and other semiotic modes (multimodality).Sitting at the interface between theory and practice, it provides three practical applications of the literacy narrative approach and, in the process, develops a theoretical perspective for thinking about language learning, literacy, and communication as they are practised in the real world.

Pedagogies for Autonomy in Language Teacher Education: Perspectives on Professional Learning, Identity, and Agency (Routledge Research in Language Education)

by Flávia Vieira Manuel Jiménez Raya Borja Manzano Vázquez

This book aims to challenge established teaching cultures to promote teacher autonomy and autonomy-oriented pedagogies in language teacher education.Offering a set of inspiring case studies that illustrate language teacher education for autonomy as a space of multiple possibilities, the book fuses theory and practice and gives a holistic view of the changing landscape of language teacher education, accounting for the transformative power of educational practices that help teachers think and act in informed, context-specific, and learner-centred ways. It also demonstrates the importance of autonomy in language teacher education contexts, specifically to foster teachers’ professional learning, identity, and agency, as well as in assessing and reshaping teacher education programmes.This book will be particularly useful to researchers, scholars, and postgraduate students in the fields of teaching and teacher education, modern foreign languages, and teaching and learning language research more broadly. Curriculum designers and language teacher education programme directors may also find the volume of use.

Sustainable Community Development in Ghana (Routledge Studies in African Development)

by John Kwame Boateng Isaac Kofi Biney Paul Gary Nixon

This book explores sustainable community development in Ghana post-COVID-19, highlighting examples of how individuals facing extreme challenges have adapted to their changing circumstances.Through the voices of African researchers, it explores the different responses that local, subnational, and national stakeholders and communities initiated to preserve the gains made in achieving the Sustainable Development Goals in Ghana during the global pandemic. This collection considers how policy makers are tackling the pressing issues of sustainability, climate change and its effects on Africa and Ghana in particular, and multi-stakeholder policy responses to building communities in a post-COVID-19 world. The case studies show how communities are interacting to ensure sustainable community development and learning in the Global South, and the role that education and learning, both formal and informal, play in strengthening livelihoods, choices, and opportunities in African communities.An assessment of multi-stakeholder policy responses to building communities in Ghana, this book will be of interest to scholars and students in the field of Education, Education Management, Sociology, Economics, and African Studies. It will also be of interest to policy makers and practitioners engaged in community development programmes and activities and the development of associated policies.

Experiments in Art Research: How Do We Live Questions Through Art?

by Sarah Travis Jorge Lucero Azlan Guttenberg Smith Catalina Hernández-Cabal

Experiments in Art Research: How Do We Live Questions Through Art? is not a conventional research methods guide; it's an encounter for asking questions through art.Originating from the work of a community of tightly connected scholars, artists, and teachers, the book unfolds through a tapestry of moments, practices, and people, embracing the celebration of works in progress and in community. Rooted in the practice of permission-giving, the narrative intertwines personal stories—laying bare the transformative power of unconventional teaching methods, risky endeavors, and the breaking of scholarly norms—and begins by understanding that “art” and “research” are not separate. After that, there are endless directions to take up. Instead of a handbook offering rules or best practices, this text offers an inspiring collection of joy, longing, and determination. This is fascinating reading for arts-based researchers, artists, educators in the arts, education scholars, research-creators, performance theorists, art history scholars, art education scholars, inter- and anti-disciplinary scholars, qualitative and post-qualitative researchers, decolonization scholars, public humanities scholars, and writing pedagogy scholars.

Internationalization of the Doctoral Experience: Models, Opportunities and Outcomes (ISSN)

by Elspeth Jones Björn Norlin Carina Rönnqvist Kirk P. H. Sullivan

This groundbreaking book highlights the profound impact of internationalization in doctoral education, offering a variety of models to align with student interests and needs. It includes insights from over seventy contributors spanning more than thirty-five national contexts on six continents, who explore the values and benefits of internationalization at the doctoral level, such as social and cultural enrichment, academic and personal growth, network enhancement, and research collaboration, paving the way for meaningful career opportunities in academia or elsewhere. Evaluating the outcomes of internationalization and the development of researcher identities, the volume underscores the immeasurable value and impact of internationalized doctoral experiences while recognizing the importance of student agency. Reflections from students and graduates reveal the merits of international experiences but also address challenges and pitfalls, including environmental, economic, equity, and decolonization concerns.With implementable recommendations for institutions, academics, and students, this important book offers guidance for the future of internationalization in doctoral education and emphasizes the importance of strategic institutional approaches. Internationalization of the Doctoral Experience: Models, Opportunities and Outcomes is essential reading for anyone interested in the evolving landscape and transformative potential of internationalization in doctoral education.

Learning and Teaching Chinese as a First Language: International Perspectives (The Routledge Series on Chinese Language Education)

by Lee, John Chi-Kin Chung Mou Si Lam, Sin Manw Sophia

In this book, the authors embark on a critical investigation of the complex field of Chinese language education, with a particular focus on exploring new trends and teaching and learning. They delve into the intricacies of language, education and its effectiveness in teaching Chinese as a first language.The book has three objectives: establishing a field of study in Chinese language learning and teaching, providing critical discussion and progressive insights on language education, and offering relevant pedagogical perspectives of learning and teaching Chinese as L1 and L2. The chapters investigate learning and teaching of Chinese in different aspects, including four skills, culture, literature, technology-assisted learning, and learners’ identity. By focusing on the teaching practices of Chinese at different levels, it sheds light on teaching Chinese as a first language. Theoretically, it broadens the linguistic and geographical reach of previous works on language education that mainly examine English as a lingua franca or children’s first language acquisition. Drawing upon theories in language learning, the book demonstrates the applicability of language theories in the first language and Chinese as a non-alphabetic language and examines the impact and effectiveness of some theories in Chinese learning and teaching.Academic researchers, teacher educators, teachers and students interested in Chinese language and education will find this a highly relevant text for its focus on curriculum, pedagogy and assessment of teaching Chinese as a first language.

Co-Creating Digital Curricula in Higher Education: An Instructor’s Guide to Team-Based Online Learning Design

by Alain A. Noghiu Amy J. Hilbelink Stacey von Berger

Co-Creating Digital Curricula in Higher Education is a step-by-step guide to the collaborative design of online and blended curricula in higher education using systematic yet flexible frameworks. While instructors charged with developing and delivering curricula in the remote era may lack formal credentials in learning design, technology management, and institutional leadership, they nonetheless have numerous opportunities to partner with stakeholders who do. This practical, actionable workbook empowers and upskills teaching faculty to partner with their fellow professionals—instructional designers, lead administrators, librarians, and other student support personnel—in co-creative design endeavors that foster outstanding curricula and engaged, successful learners. This holistic, team-oriented approach, intended to ensure curricular cohesion within and between courses, certificates, and programs, is supported by workflows, checklists, workshop agendas, and other field-tested resources.

The Digital and AI Coaches' Handbook: The Complete Guide to the Use of Online, AI, and Technology in Coaching (The Coaches' Handbook Series)

by Jonathan Passmore Sam Isaacson Sandra J. Diller Maximilian Brantl

This comprehensive practitioner guide supports coaches in developing their understanding of digital technologies and how to work in ever-changing digital environments, and shows coaches how to craft their own practices to take advantage of working online.The practice of coaching is undergoing significant change, with technology widely embedded and used in professional coaching services today. Coaching practitioners worldwide are adapting to digital environments, and a host of new technological tools have come into play, from the developments in virtual reality to AI-informed coaching, and from coaching bots to workplace apps. Edited by Jonathan Passmore, Sandra J. Diller, Sam Isaacson, and Maximilian Brantl, this third book in the acclaimed Coaches’ Handbook Series brings together internationally respected coaching experts and practitioners to share the most up-to-date know-how. The book takes you through key technical developments, the critical factors in making digital coaching successful, and how to build a coaching business using these technologies. The book also considers the impacts on the wider industry and concludes with a number of case studies of global coaching organisations and their experiences of using digital techniques, including CoachHub and EZRA.Aimed at coach practitioners, their supervisors, trainers, and student coaches on accreditation programmes or undertaking training for a certificate in coaching, this book showcases best practice, new ideas, and the science behind the digital revolution within coaching practice and the coaching industry.

Pedagogical Opportunities of the Review Genre: Learning in Cultures of Evaluation (Routledge Research in Media Literacy and Education)

by Maarit Jaakkola

Pedagogical Opportunities of the Review Genre unleashes the pedagogical potential of the review genre, reframing the act of reviewing of cultural products as a communicative practice from a pedagogical perspective.Negotiating between traditions of journalism and media studies and pedagogy, the author presents a novel approach that will increase the readers’ understanding of an activity that is on the increase in an era where 'everyone can be a critic'. She identifies, describes, and develops genre-based pedagogies in formal, non-formal, and informal contexts of learning and teaching, in order to recontextualize the review as a form of learning and rethink of its potential as an inclusive, engaging, and a transformative critical cultural practice.This innovative and truly interdisciplinary study will interest students and researchers in the areas of media literacy, digital media, media and communication studies, cultural studies, sociology of arts, and pedagogical studies – in particular, cultural journalism and criticism, audience studies, cultural production, and cultural mediation, as well as critical media pedagogy and literacy studies.

Building Disciplinary Literacies in Content and Language Integrated Learning (Routledge Series in Language and Content Integrated Teaching & Plurilingual Education)

by Julia Hüttner Christiane Dalton-Puffer

Hüttner and Dalton present research demonstrating the tangible benefits of the long-term sustainability of Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL) on participants’ educational outcomes.The chapters outline the argument that the main benefit of CLIL lies in the fact that learners acquire specific literacy practices linked to the curricular subjects they study via the CLIL language and that these go beyond what is commonly learned and studied within a foreign language curriculum. The book provides an orientation as to how such disciplinary literacy or literacies can be conceptualised and understood, and introduces several models that have served to make disciplinary literacies graspable and visible. The various chapters showcase research and development projects from different geographical and educational contexts and therefore elaborate ideas around disciplinary literacies from different vantage points.This book aims at a wide and varied readership, including graduate students studying applied linguistics, foreign language education, and/or teaching methodology; language teachers; content subject teachers with an interest in the linguistic side of their subject; and teacher trainers.

Academic Leadership in Higher Education in India: Needs, Issues, and Challenges

by Lokanath Mishra

This volume focuses on the need to establish good leadership in academic settings and higher education institutions in India. It provides an understanding of the higher education system, knowledge, skills, and experience required for better leadership and management of academic institutions. The book highlights the importance of practising data-driven decision making for leaders of dynamic organizations within a complex social, political, and economic environment. It explores how a systematic leadership programme needs to be developed to ensure academic leadership effectiveness. While discussing federal and state systems of higher education, policies and regulations, key leadership strategies for improved institutional performance and better institutional governance, the volume outlines how effective academic leadership helps in building teams, nurturing staff, strengthening alliances, developing research capacity and strategic planning, and renewing academic programmes.This volume will be of interest to teachers, students, and researchers of education, higher education, management education, and political economy. It will also be useful for academicians, policy makers, management leaders, and academic leaders.

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