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Showing 78,651 through 78,675 of 78,748 results

The Little Slaves of the Harp: Italian Child Street Musicians in Nineteenth-Century Paris, London, and New York (McGill-Queen's Studies in Ethnic History #13)

by John E. Zucchi

During the nineteenth century child musicians could be seen performing in the streets of cities across Europe and North America. Although they came from a number of countries, Italians were most associated with street music. In The Little Slaves of the Harp John Zucchi tells the story of the thousands of Italian children who were indentured to padrone and then uprooted from their villages in central and southern Italy and taken to Paris, London, and New York to perform as barrel-organists, harpists, violinists, fifers, pipers, and animal exhibitors.

MTEL Magic: Writing Subtest

by Chuck Zucco

The name of this book is a misnomer. There really is no magical solution to taking this or any other test. What makes this book different is that it presents a simple formula for passing-skills + strategies + practice = success.

The Role of Pleasure to Improve Tourism Education

by Alejandra Zuccoli Maximiliano E. Korstanje

This book discusses how pleasure, as an emotional motivation, can play a leading role in improving the learning of new cognitive skills and abilities. Set in a research center orientated to innovate educative techniques for optimizing the learning process, this case study is focusing on the power of pleasure (joy) as a strategy to better the standard education systems in Argentina and beyond.This editorial project is based on an efficient experiment known as “PANCOE” where pre-graduate students of tourism bachelor at the University of Palermo, Argentina, were subject to different pleasurable experiences mainly marked by eating, tasting dishes and non-alcohol drinks while cooking and kneading bread pieces. PANCOE aims to integrate students' senses with their emotions, academic performance, and digital platforms. PANCOE devotes efforts to transforming negative feelings like fear into positive ones like joy. As an outcome, students who had taken part in PANCOE not only obtained higher degrees but also completed their studies with a bachelor's degree. Therefore, PANCOE situates as a promising and exciting tourism education method to better the academic performance of low-grade students in tourism and to bring creativity to the tourism classroom for all students.

Basic Bible Interpretation

by Roy B. Zuck

BASIC BIBLE INTERPRETATION Can the Bible really be understood? Are Old Testament prophecies relevant for today? How can I understand the symbolism of the Book of Revelation? What is the relationship of the Old Testament to the New Testament? Why study Bible interpretation? Dr. Roy Zuck points out that it is essential for understanding and teaching the Bible properly, essential as a step beyond observation, and essential for applying the Bible correctly. He discusses the challenges of Bible interpretation, considers the problems of Bible interpretation, explores the history of Bible interpretation, and defines key terms--all in a practical, down-to-earth way. Though Dr. Zuck's many years of teaching and scholarship are evident in this book, he has written in language understandable to all who are serious about bible study and who want to know better what Scripture means.

Rightly Divided: Readings in Biblical Hermeneutics

by Roy B. Zuck

Everyone who studies and teaches the Bible has a responsibility to accurately interpret and communicate God's message. <p><p>Understanding the principles of sound interpretation, therefore, is of vital importance. Pastors, Bible teachers, and anyone who studies the Scriptures will appreciate the helpful guidance of this collection of scholarship. This text brings together the insights of twenty-one experienced Bible scholars in the field of hermeneutics, providing a basic overview of hermeneutics and also addressing specific issues of interpretation.

Anxiety-Free Kids: An Interactive Guide for Parents and Children

by Bonnie Zucker

Anxiety-Free Kids (2nd ed.) offers parents strategies that help children become happy and worry-free, methods that relieve a child's excessive anxieties and phobias, and tools for fostering interaction and family-oriented solutions. Using a unique companion approach that offers two books in one—a practical, reader-friendly book for parents and a fun workbook for kids—this solutions-oriented guide utilizes the cognitive-behavioral approach to therapy and integrates the parent in the child's self-help process.Research has shown that if left untreated, children with anxiety disorders are at higher risk to perform poorly in school, to have less-developed social skills, and to be more vulnerable to substance abuse. Covering the six most commonly occurring anxiety disorders—generalized anxiety, separation anxiety, specific phobias, social phobias, panic disorder, and obsessive-compulsive disorder—this book gives kids and parents successful strategies for achieving relaxation, conquering worries, challenging faulty thinking patterns, developing positive self-talk, and facing one's fears.Educational Resource

Parenting Kids With OCD: A Guide to Understanding and Supporting Your Child With OCD

by Bonnie Zucker

Parenting Kids With OCD provides parents with a comprehensive understanding of obsessive-compulsive disorder, its symptoms, types, and presentation in children and teens. The treatment of OCD is explained, and guidelines on how to both find appropriate help and best support one's child are provided. Family accommodation is the rule, not the exception, when it comes to childhood OCD; yet, higher accommodating is associated with a worsening of the child's symptoms and greater levels of familial stress. Parents who have awareness of how they can positively or negatively impact their child's OCD can benefit their child's outcome. Case examples are included to illustrate the child's experience with OCD and what effective treatment looks like. OCD worsens when there is increased stress for the child; therefore, stress management is an essential component for improvement. Parents will learn how to manage stress in themselves and encourage effective stress management for their children.

Take Control of OCD: A Kid's Guide to Conquering Anxiety and Managing OCD

by Bonnie Zucker

Take Control of OCD: A Kid's Guide to Conquering Anxiety and Managing OCD is a must-have guide for kids and teens ages 10-16 with Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder to help them take control and use their strengths to find success in school and in life. This fully updated second edition:Uses a cognitive-behavioral therapy and exposure/response prevention method to stress gradual exposure to obsessive thinking patterns.Provides a step-by-step ladder-based process to help readers conquer their fears and demolish their worries.Helps kids change their obsessive thoughts, tolerate uncertainty, and develop positive self-talk and stress management.Also helps kids advocate for their needs in school and build successful relaxation procedures.Includes workbook-style pages for readers to complete.By interviewing kids with OCD from across the country, the author offers tons of advice, information, and ideas for students, by students just like them. Readers will find themselves in this book, as it normalizes and validates the often hidden and undisclosed thoughts, urges, and images, and accompanying rituals and compulsions that so many children and teens with OCD struggle with.Ages 10-16

Take Control of OCD: The Ultimate Guide for Kids With OCD (Take Control Ser. #0)

by Bonnie Zucker

Take Control of OCD: The Ultimate Guide for Kids With OCD is a unique guide just for kids ages 10-16 with Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder to help them take control of their disorder and find success in school and in life. Using a cognitive-behavioral therapy method to stress gradual exposure to students' obsessive thinking patterns, the book takes kids step-by-step through a ladder-based process to conquer their fears and demolish their worries.Focusing on helping kids change their obsessive thoughts, tolerate uncertainty, develop positive self-talk and stress management, advocate for their needs in school, find successful relaxation procedures, and face their fears, the book includes workbook-style pages for kids to complete. By interviewing kids with OCD from across the country, the author offers tons of advice, information, and ideas for students, by students just like them. This handy guidebook is sure to help children with OCD change their behaviors and conquer their worries, discovering a sense of accomplishment and achievement.Ages 10-16

CliffsNotes AP World History Cram Plan

by James Zucker

A last-minute cram plan for the AP World History exam! This new edition of CliffsNotes AP World History Cram Plan calendarizes a study plan for the 265,000 AP World History test-takers depending on how much time they have left before they take the May exam.Features of this plan-to-ace-the-exam product include:• 2-months study calendar and 1-month study calendar• Diagnostic exam that helps test-takers pinpoint strengths and weaknesses• Subject reviews that include test tips and chapter-end quizzes• Full-length model practice exam with answers and explanations

EDGE: Free Kick Pro

by Jonny Zucker

Leo's football skills are...well let's just say he's not his team's star player. But when he visits a football museum everything changes in a flash. He can talk to football superstars - and they help to coach him! In Free Kick Pro, Leo is transported to David Beckham's past where he is given dead ball tips by the England legend himself! Leo has to learn fast, because before he's ready he has to help David take his crucial free kick against Greece in 2001. It's a last gasp chance for England to get to the World Cup Finals! A fantasy football tale from another dimension! This title is published by Franklin Watts EDGE, which produces a range of books to get children reading with confidence. EDGE - for books children can't put down.

Callie's Rules

by Naomi Zucker

Eleven-year-old Callie Jones tries to keep track of all the rules for fitting in that other middle schoolers seem to know, but when the town decides to replace Halloween with an Autumn Festival, Callie leads her large family in an unusual protest.

The Sense of Music

by Victor Zuckerkandl

This book is addressed to the listener whose enjoyment of music is filled with questions and whose curiosity makes him eager to grasp the sense of music, despite a lack of theoretical training. Unlike the usual listener's guide, which begins with a discussion of the elementary materials of music, this book starts with the elementary experiences of listening.

The Sense of Music

by Victor Zuckerkandl

This book is addressed to the listener whose enjoyment of music is filled with questions and whose curiosity makes him eager to grasp the sense of music, despite a lack of theoretical training. Unlike the usual listener's guide, which begins with a discussion of the elementary materials of music, this book starts with the elementary experiences of listening.

Sound and Symbol, Volume 1: Music and the External World (Bollingen Series (General) #655)

by Victor Zuckerkandl

An approach to music as an instrument of philosophical inquiry, seeking not so much a philosophy of music as a philosophy through music.

Writing the Blockbuster Novel

by Al Zuckerman

Every novelist dreams of it--writing the book that rockets to the top of the best-seller lists. Now, they can see how it's done, up close, in a book by an agent who has sold manuscripts that turned into hits.<P><P> Here Albert Zuckerman covers the essential elements of the blockbuster novel and shows writers how to put them to work in their books. Zuckerman covers the subject thoroughly, from creating outlines and building larger than life characters to injecting suspense and more. His instruction is decisive, direct and clear and is supported with examples from Gone With the Wind, The Godfather and other blockbusters.

Scientific Elite: Nobel Laureates in the United States

by Harriet Zuckerman

Scientific Elite is about Nobel prize winners and the well-defined stratification system in twentieth-century science. It tracks the careers of all American laureates who won prizes from 1907 until 1972, examining the complex interplay of merit and privilege at each stage of their scientific lives and the creation of the ultra-elite in science.The study draws on biographical and bibliographical data on laureates who did their prize-winning research in the United States, and on detailed interviews with forty-one of the fifty-six laureates living in the United States at the time the study was done. Zuckerman finds laureates being successively advantaged as time passes. These advantages are producing growing disparities between the elite and other scientists both in performance and in rewards, which create and maintain a sharply graded stratification system.

From Lesson Plans to Power Struggles, Grades 6–12: Classroom Management Strategies for New Teachers

by June Trop Zuckerman

Straight talk about classroom management from new teachers who have developed solutions! Offering authentic stories from novice secondary school teachers in urban, suburban, and rural districts with diverse students, this practical guide illustrates how new teachers can benefit from the experiences of their peers to resolve common classroom challenges. The author provides instructional and disciplinary cases, plus an expert analysis of each teacher’s successful strategies. The book includes: A table of contents with specific instructional/discipline topics for easy reference, Ways to identify when problems are related to lesson delivery or discipline, A glossary of terms and a resource list for detailed information.

Innere Kontexte: Entwicklungssensible Ergänzung des naturwissenschaftsdidaktischen Kontextbegriffs

by Thomas Zügge

Der Kontextbegriff ist in der Naturwissenschaftsdidaktik wohletabliert. Das verleitet zu der Fehlannahme, er sei auch wohldefiniert. In dieser Arbeit wird gezeigt, dass die sehr un- terschiedlichen Verständnisse auch zu unterschiedlichen Zielsetzungen didaktischer Kon- textualisierung im naturwissenschaftlichen Unterricht führen. Die damit verbundenen Deutungen und Funktionen des Begriffs werden in einer Definition zusammengefasst. Dabei wird deutlich, dass die Entwicklung Heranwachsender bisher nicht Teil dessen ist, was didaktisch als Kontext des Unterrichts bezeichnet wird. Die im weiteren Verlauf eingeführte „entwicklungssensible Kontextualisierung“ versteht sich in bewusster Abgrenzung zu anderen diskutierten Ansätzen, die Entwicklungsprozesse Jugendlicher in der Unterrichtsgestaltung abzubilden. Ihre Grundlage sind „innere Kontexte“, deren Charakter aus einer umfangreichen Diskussion des Entwicklungsaufgabenbegriffs in der modernen Entwicklungspsychologie abgeleitet wird.

Ik bepaal

by Jellie Zuidema-Cazemier

Dit boek is voor jou bestemd als je meer dan 5 kilo gewicht wil verliezen en - je voor de eerste keer gaat lijnen - je al vaker hebt gelijnd en weer op je oude gewicht bent teruggekomen of zelfs zwaarder bent geworden - je zoekt naar een manier om je gewicht blijvend omlaag te brengen De inzichten die ik, als ervaren diëtist en docent voedingsleer, eerst met je wil delen zijn: Lijnen op wilskracht alleen werkt niet Een goede voorbereiding is heel belangrijk Kennis is kracht Met kleine veranderingen boek je groot succes Verander alleen iets als je er echt aan toe bent Deze inzichten vormen de sleutel tot succes en de basis voor dit boek. De rest van het boek bestaat uit 46 onderwerpen. Elk onderwerp is een stap op weg naar blijvend gewichtsverlies. Dit lijken misschien veel stappen, maar er zijn dan ook veel verschillende factoren die een rol spelen bij overgewicht en lijnen.

Truth Matters: Knowledge, Politics, Ethics, Religion

by Lambert Zuidervaart Allyson Carr Matthew J. Klaassen Ronnie Shuker

Why should we seek and tell the truth? Does anyone know what truth is? Many are skeptical about the relevance of truth. Truth Matters endeavours to show why truth is important in a world where the very idea of truth is contested. Putting philosophers in conversation with educators, literary scholars, physicists, political theorists, and theologians, Truth Matters ranges across both analytic and continental philosophy and draws on the ideas of thinkers such as Aquinas, Balthasar, Brandom, Davidson, Dooyeweerd, Gadamer, Habermas, Kierkegaard, Plantinga, Ricoeur, and Wolterstorff. Some essays attempt to provide a systematic account of truth, while others wrestle with the question of how truth is told and what it means to live truthfully. Contributors address debates between realists and anti-realists, explore issues surrounding relativism and constructivism in education and the social sciences, examine the politics of truth telling and the ethics of authenticity, and consider various religious perspectives on truth. Most scholars agree that truth is propositional, being expressed in statements that are subject to proof or disproof. This book goes a step farther: yes, propositional truth is important, but truth is more than propositional. To recognize how it is more than propositional is crucial for understanding why truth truly matters. Contributors include Doug Blomberg (ICS), Allyson Carr (ICS), Jeffrey Dudiak (King’s University College), Olaf Ellefson (York University), Gerrit Glas (VU University Amsterdam), Gill K. Goulding (Regis College), Jay Gupta (Mills College), Clarence Joldersma (Calvin College), Matthew J. Klaassen (ICS), John Jung Park (Duke University), Pamela J. Reeve (St. Augustine’s Seminary), Amy Richards (World Affairs Council of Western Michigan), Calvin Seerveld (ICS), Ronnie Shuker (ICS), Adam Smith (Brandeis University), John Van Rys (Redeemer University College), Darren Walhof (Grand Valley State University), Matthew Walhout (Calvin College), and Lambert Zuidervaart (ICS).

AN Off Year

by Claire Zulkey

Cecily has always done everything as she was supposed to: taken the right classes, gotten the right grades, applied to the right colleges. But after a lifetime of following the rules, she surprises everyone by arriving for her freshman year of college . . . and turning around. There are infinite possibilities for Cecily's unexpected gap year. She could volunteer, or travel around the world - but, for now, Cecily is content to do absolutely nothing. What follows is a year of snarkily observed self-doubt and selfdiscovery during which Cecily must ask herself, for the first time, what does she really want to do with her life?

An Off Year

by Claire Zulkey

Cecily has always done everything as she was supposed to: taken the right classes, gotten the right grades, applied to the right colleges.

The Art of Changing the Brain: Enriching the Practice of Teaching by Exploring the Biology of Learning

by James E. Zull

Neuroscience tells us that the products of the mind--thought, emotions, artistic creation--are the result of the interactions of the biological brain with our senses and the physical world: in short, that thinking and learning are the products of a biological process.This realization, that learning actually alters the brain by changing the number and strength of synapses, offers a powerful foundation for rethinking teaching practice and one's philosophy of teaching.James Zull invites teachers in higher education or any other setting to accompany him in his exploration of what scientists can tell us about the brain and to discover how this knowledge can influence the practice of teaching. He describes the brain in clear non-technical language and an engaging conversational tone, highlighting its functions and parts and how they interact, and always relating them to the real world of the classroom and his own evolution as a teacher. "The Art of Changing the Brain" is grounded in the practicalities and challenges of creating effective opportunities for deep and lasting learning, and of dealing with students as unique learners.

From Brain to Mind: Using Neuroscience to Guide Change in Education

by James E. Zull

Finalist for Foreword Magazine's 2011 Book of the YearWith his knack for making science intelligible for the layman, and his ability to illuminate scientific concepts through analogy and reference to personal experience, James Zull offers the reader an engrossing and coherent introduction to what neuroscience can tell us about cognitive development through experience, and its implications for education.Stating that educational change is underway and that the time is ripe to recognize that “the primary objective of education is to understand human learning” and that “all other objectives depend on achieving this understanding”, James Zull challenges the reader to focus on this purpose, first for her or himself, and then for those for whose learning they are responsible. The book is addressed to all learners and educators – to the reader as self-educator embarked on the journey of lifelong learning, to the reader as parent, and to readers who are educators in schools or university settings, as well as mentors and trainers in the workplace.In this work, James Zull presents cognitive development as a journey taken by the brain, from an organ of organized cells, blood vessels, and chemicals at birth, through its shaping by experience and environment into potentially to the most powerful and exquisite force in the universe, the human mind.Zull begins his journey with sensory-motor learning, and how that leads to discovery, and discovery to emotion. He then describes how deeper learning develops, how symbolic systems such as language and numbers emerge as tools for thought, how memory builds a knowledge base, and how memory is then used to create ideas and solve problems. Along the way he prompts us to think of new ways to shape educational experiences from early in life through adulthood, informed by the insight that metacognition lies at the root of all learning.At a time when we can expect to change jobs and careers frequently during our lifetime, when technology is changing society at break-neck speed, and we have instant access to almost infinite information and opinion, he argues that self-knowledge, awareness of how and why we think as we do, and the ability to adapt and learn, are critical to our survival as individuals; and that the transformation of education, in the light of all this and what neuroscience can tell us, is a key element in future development of healthy and productive societies.

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