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The Cinema of James Cameron

by James Clarke

This timely volume explores the massively popular cinema of writer-director James Cameron. It couches Cameron's films within the evolving generic traditions of science fiction, melodrama, and the cinema of spectacle. The book also considers Cameron's engagement with the aesthetic of visual effects and the 'now' technology of performance-capture which is arguably moving a certain kind of event-movie cinema from photography to something more akin to painting. This book is explicit in presenting Cameron as an authentic auteur, and each chapter is dedicated to a single film in his body of work. Space is also given to discussion of Strange Days as well as his documentary works.

Virgin Film: Ridley Scott

by James Clarke

This indispensable guide provides a thorough chronological examination of Ridley Scott's directorial career. All of Scott's films are included, along with information on his frequent collaborators, his thoughts on his own films, and a section on his unrealised projects. This is the essential reference guide to one of mainstream cinema's most diverse directors.

Virgin Film: War Films

by James Clarke

War films have existed since the birth of cinema, typically gung-ho tales of macho derring-do. But war films are not always about bravado and bravery, they also detail the horrors of war, the sadness, the brotherhood of soldiers and comedy that can be found in the bleakest of situations, as well as the excitement of the battlefield. War Films explores defining movies of the genre in sections covering different wars as well as wars with other worlds.The book also offers links between the different films, historical and cinematic worth and profiles of key actors and directors. Among the films included are Saving Private Ryan, Dr Strangelove,Welcometo Sarajevo, The Dam Busters, Gallipoli, The Deer Hunter and Ran.

Willow the Duckling (Dr. KittyCat #4)

by Jane Clarke

Feathers will fly if this feline vet can’t cure a baby duck’s stage fright in this delightful adventure from the author of Daisy the Kitten.We’ll be there in a whisker! Dr. KittyCat is a talented vet—and an adorable cat. She’s ready to rescue whenever help is needed.All the little animals of Thistletown are putting on a show. Dr. KittyCat is on hand to make sure everyone stays safe. When Willow the duckling feels sick just before she’s supposed to go on stage, she’s worried she’ll miss her big moment. Dr. KittyCat must get quacking and figure out what’s wrong!Willow has two-color art inside! Supercute photographs of real animals combine with hand-drawn orange line art for a completely unique look.Praise for Posy the Puppy“Beatrix Potter meets Grey’s Anatomy as a feline medic tends to animals’ scraped ears, hurt ankles, and other bumps and bruises in this series opener.” —Publishers Weekly“Cuddly animals everywhere are lucky to have Dr. KittyCat on call.” —Kirkus Reviews

Affective Sexual Pedagogies in Film and Television (Routledge Research in Cultural and Media Studies)

by Kyra Clarke

Popular film and television hold valuable potential for learning about sex and sexuality beyond the information-based model of sex education currently in schools. This book argues that the representation of complicated—or "messy"—relationships in these popular cultural forms makes them potent as affective pedagogical moments. It endeavours to develop new sexual literacies by contemplating how pedagogical moments, that is, fleeting moments which disrupt expectations or create discomfort, might enrich the available discourses of sexuality and gender, especially those available to adolescents. In Part One, Clarke critiques the heteronormative discourses of sex education that produce youth in particularly gendered ways, noting that "rationality" is often expected to govern experiences that are embodied and arguably inherently incoherent. Part Two explores public intimacy, contemplating the often overlapping and confused boundaries between public and private.

The American Girl Goes to War: Women and National Identity in U.S. Silent Film (War Culture)

by Liz Clarke

During the 1910s, films about war often featured a female protagonist. The films portrayed women as spies, cross-dressing soldiers, and athletic defenders of their homes—roles typically reserved for men and that contradicted gendered-expectations of home-front women waiting for their husbands, sons, and brothers to return from battle. The representation of American martial spirit—particularly in the form of heroines—has a rich history in film in the years just prior to the American entry into World War I. The American Girl Goes to War demonstrates the predominance of heroic female characters in in early narrative films about war from 1908 to 1919. American Girls were filled with the military spirit of their forefathers and became one of the major ways that American women’s changing political involvement, independence, and active natures were contained by and subsumed into pre-existing American ideologies.

Mais verdade, mentiras e propaganda

by Lucinda E Clarke

Mais histórias inacreditáveis pelas lentes de Lucinda e sua "Equipe Arco-Íris" em suas viagens através da África do Sul. Eles conhecem Mandela, passam por momentos de terror e socializam com tribos de bosquímanos praticamente lançados à própria sorte. Encontram-se em meio a tumultos urbanos, veem uma paciente abandonada, sofrem uma crise de identidade, e então uma casa desaparece. Essas histórias, ao mesmo tempo hilárias e de cortar o coração, revelam a verdade sobre o que acontece nos bastidores das cenas que a mídia exibe. Este livro prova que a propaganda segue viva e bem, nas telinhas da televisão no mundo inteiro.

Más verdad, mentiras y propaganda: Más aventuras desde detrás de las cámaras de televisión, normalmente divertidas, a veces tristes.

by Lucinda E Clarke

Más historias increíbles desde detrás del lente de la cámara, mientras Lucinda y su "tripulación del arco iris" viajan por Sudáfrica. Conocen a Mandela, soportan un aterrador viaje en helicóptero y empatizan con los desamparados bosquimanos. Hay disturbios, un paciente abandonado, un carnero con una crisis de identidad y una casa que desaparece. Sus historias son a la vez hilarantes y desgarradoras, revelando la verdad de lo que ocurre entre bastidores en los medios de comunicación. Este libro prueba que la propaganda está viva y bien en las pantallas de televisión de todo el mundo. Nunca creas lo que ves en esa Xbox en la esquina de tu salón.

Verdades, Mentiras e Propaganda

by Lucinda E Clarke Talita Mahfuz Adamo

Embora Lucinda sonhasse ser escritora, obediente, ela estudou para ser professora e obter um emprego “adequado”. Seu primeiro contato com a mídia foi através do trabalho no Serviço de Língua Inglesa em Benghazi, na Líbia. Infelizmente, depois disso, ela voltou às salas de aula. Ela não imaginava que perder o emprego de professora e fazer fiasco numa audição para a SABC a teria levado a escrever roteiros de rádio sobre gado doméstico, sobre o qual ela não sabia absolutamente nada. Assim, começou a sua jornada através da escritura, pré-produção e direção de programas sobre diversos assuntos. O que você vê na televisão, às vezes tem pouca relação com a verdade. Esta coleção de acontecimentos far-lhe-á rir e chorar. Ela retira a máscara da mídia e revela a verdade.

Verdad, Mentiras y Propaganda

by Lucinda E Clarke José A Herrera R

Este libro describe la primera parte de mi viaje desde ser maestra de escuela primaria, pasando por anunciante en radio, luego escritora de libretos para radio hasta llegar a producir para televisión. Todas las historias son verídicas, aunque algunos nombres han sido cambiados para proteger a los personajes más interesantes. Si alguna vez se han preguntado qué ocurre detrás de las cámaras, este libro les brindará algunos secretos y les explicará cómo se hacen los programas de TV. ¿Cómo se siente trabajar con gente famosa, o entrevistarles cuando no les interesa hablarte? No se dejen engañar con eso de que trabajar en televisión es glamoroso. No lo es. Yo pasé más tiempo en baños y husmeando entre montañas de basura que en salas de banquete. Hacer cualquier tipo de programa de TV es un trabajo de equipo, y yo he trabajado con los mejores equipos de grabación y el mejor personal de estudio en Sudáfrica. Sin ellos y sin su pasión, no podría orgullosamente recordar nada de lo que produjimos. Este libro es para ellos y los clientes que nos dieron la confianza de relatar sus historias. Es también para mi esposo que sufre desde hace tiempo y cuya paciencia mientras escribo este libro ha resistido nuevos límites. No hay dos días que sean iguales en el mundo de los medios de comunicación y yo me siento privilegiada de haber sido parte de ello. Pero no crean todo lo que ven en la televisión. Probablemente, ¡es más sabio no creer en absolutamente nada! España 2014

Artists in the Archive: Creative and Curatorial Engagements with Documents of Art and Performance

by Paul Clarke Simon Jones Nick Kaye Johanna Linsley

Artists in the Archive explores the agency and materiality of the archival document through a stunning collection of critical writings and original artworks. It examines the politics and philosophy behind re-using remains, historicising this artistic practice and considering the breadth of ways in which archival materials inform, inflect and influence new works. Taking a fresh look at the relationships between insider know-how and outsider knowledge, Artists in the Archive opens a vital dialogue between a global range of artists and scholars. It seeks to trouble the distinction between artistic practice and scholarly research, offering disciplinary perspectives from experimental theatre, performance art, choreography and dance, to visual art making, archiving and curating.

The Life of Rylan

by Rylan Clark-Neal

*The Sunday Times Number One Bestseller*Well hark at you, stumbling upon my autobiography. Bet you wouldn't have put money on that three years ago, eh?! Please don't stress yourself out too much, though, it's actually socially acceptable nowadays that you're interested. Firstly I'd like to emphasise that I have WRITTEN THIS BOOK MYSELF, so be assured you're getting the TOOTH, the WHOLE TOOTH and NOTHING BUT THE TOOTH! (Which was my original choice of title, but babe, we're so over that.) This book documents my story, year by year, from my humble beginnings growing up in the East End of London, becoming one of the nation's most talked-about people overnight to finally moving up the spectrum from guilty pleasure, and getting nearer to national treasure.It will make you laugh, cry, and most importantly you'll discover who I really am. If it doesn't do any of those things you're not legally entitled to a refund - just clearing that up ;-).I hope you enjoy reading this book as much as I have enjoyed writing it. This book has been like therapy, and LORD was I in need. Enjoy!

And Another Thing: The World According to Clarkson Volume 2 (The World According to Clarkson)

by Jeremy Clarkson

In And Another Thing... the outspoken and outrageous presenter Jeremy Clarkson, shares his opinions on just about everything.Jeremy Clarkson finds the world such a perplexing place that he wrote a bestselling book about it. Yet, despite the appearance of The World According to Clarkson, things - amazingly - haven't improved. Not being someone to give up easily, however, he's decided to have another go.In And Another Thing... the king of the exasperated quip discovers that: • Bombing North Carolina is bad for Yorkshire• We can look forward to exploding at the age of 62• Russians look bad in Speedos. But not as bad as we do• Wasps are the highest form of lifeThigh-slappingly funny and in your face, Jeremy Clarkson bursts the pointless little bubbles of the idiots while celebrating the special, the unique and the sheer bloody brilliant...And Another Thing... is a hilarious collection of Jeremy's Sunday Times columns and the second in hisThe World According to Clarkson series which also includes The World According to Clarkson, For Crying Out Loud! and How Hard Can It Be?Praise for Jeremy Clarkson:'Brilliant . . . laugh-out-loud' Daily Telegraph'Outrageously funny . . . will have you in stitches' Time OutNumber-one bestseller Jeremy Clarkson writes on cars, current affairs and anything else that annoys him in his sharp and funny collections. Born To Be Riled, Clarkson On Cars, Don't Stop Me Now, Driven To Distraction, Round the Bend, Motorworld and I Know You Got Soul are also available as Penguin paperbacks; the Penguin App iClarkson: The Book of Cars can be downloaded on the App Store.Jeremy Clarkson because his writing career on the Rotherham Advertiser. Since then he has written for the Sun and the Sunday Times. Today he is the tallest person working in British television, and is the presenter of the hugely popular Top Gear.

As I Was Saying . . .: The World According to Clarkson Volume 6 (The World According to Clarkson)

by Jeremy Clarkson

As I Was Saying... is the seventh book in Jeremy Clarkson's best-selling The World According to Clarkson series.***Crikey, the world according to Clarkson's been a funny old place of late . . .For a while, Jeremy could be found in his normal position as the tallest man on British television but, more recently, he appears to have been usurped by a pretend elephant.But on paper the real Jeremy remains at the helm. That's as it should be. For nearly thirty years he has been fearlessly leading the charge as one the best comic writers in the country. And in 2015, he shows no sign of slowing down. So, whether it's pondering If Jesus might have been better off being born in New Zealand Why reflexive pronoun abuse is the worst thing in the world How Pam Ayres's head trumps Gordon Gecko's underpants Or what a television presenter with time on his hands gets up toJeremy is still trying to make sense of all the big stuff.Circumstances change. Nothing's forever. But As I Was Saying provides glorious proof that Jeremy remains as funny, puzzled, excitable, outspoken, insightful and thought-provoking as ever. As if you ever doubted it . . .***Praise for Clarkson: 'Brilliant... laugh-out-loud' Daily Telegraph 'Outrageously funny... will have you in stitches' Time Out 'Very funny . . . I cracked up laughing on the tube' Evening Standard

Can You Make This Thing Go Faster?

by Jeremy Clarkson

The hilarious new collection of stories and observations from Jeremy Clarkson - setting our off-kilter world to rights with thigh-slapping wit once again.Who is that tractor-driving Gentleman Farmer?Has Jeremy turned into a horny-handed son of the soil?These and other perplexing questions may or may not be answered in the latest volume of Clarkson's utterly unbiased musings on life, the universe and everything in between (except cars - this isn't one of his four-wheel drive books).Inside you'll also discover why:· Bathing in crude oil isn't for everyone· People who go fishing hate their kids· Noise-cancelling headphones will never silence James May· The rambler who stole his marrow is in for itFull of fact-checked opinions and ideas so good they're no longer following the science but chasing it up a tree, Can You Make This Thing Go Faster? is one hundred per cent guaranteed Clarkson . . .Praise for Clarkson:'Brilliant . . . laugh-out-loud' Daily Telegraph'Outrageously funny . . . will have you in stitches' Time Out'Very funny . . . I cracked up laughing on the tube' Evening Standard

Diddly Squat: The No 1 Sunday Times Bestseller

by Jeremy Clarkson

Pull on your wellies, grab your flat cap and join Jeremy Clarkson in this hilarious and fascinating behind-the-scenes look at the infamous Diddly Squat FarmTHE NO. 1 SUNDAY TIMES BESTSELLER'Brilliant . . . laugh-out-loud' Daily Telegraph'Outrageously funny . . . will have you in stitches' Time Out_________Welcome to Clarkson's farm.It's always had a nice ring to it. Jeremy just never thought that one day his actual job would be 'a farmer'.And, sadly, it doesn't mean he's any good at it.From buying the wrong tractor (Lamborghini, since you ask . . .) to formation combine harvesting, getting tied-up in knots of red tape to chasing viciously athletic cows, our hero soon learns that enthusiasm alone might not be enough.Jeremy may never succeed in becoming master of his land, but, as he's discovering, the fun lies in the trying . . ._________'Very funny . . . I cracked up laughing on the tube' Evening StandardPraise for Clarkson's Farm:'The best thing Clarkson's done . . . it pains me to say this' GUARDIAN'Shockingly hopeful' INDEPENDENT'Even the most committed Clarkson haters will find him likeable here' TELEGRAPH'Quite lovely' THE TIMES

Diddly Squat: The No 1 Sunday Times Bestseller 2022

by Jeremy Clarkson

THE NO. 1 SUNDAY TIMES BESTSELLERHead back down to Clarkson Farm with the latest bestseller from our favourite welly-wearing wannabe farmer, Jeremy Clarkson___________Enthusiastic trainee farmer Jeremy Clarkson made just £144 in his first year at Diddly Squat Farm. This year he's determined to do better. Not because he now knows what he's doing. But because he's fed up of getting stick from Kaleb.Yet farming continues to be a challenge.For instance . . .· Loading a grain trailer was more demanding than flying an Apache gunship?· Cows were more dangerous than motor-racing?· It's easier to get planning permission to build a nuclear plant than to turn a barn into a restaurant?Jeremy's always got a plan. Loads of them. Often cunning.Not always greeted with wild enthusiasm by Kaleb and Cheerful Charlie, however . . .___________PRAISE FOR DIDDLY SQUAT'Clarkson has done more for farmers in one series than Countryfile achieved in 30 years' James Rebanks, author of A Shepherd's Life'Clarkson has showcased the passion, humour and personalities of the people who work throughout the year to grow the nation's food . . . and brought an understanding of many of the issues faced by farmers to the British public' National Farmers Union'A deserving Farming Champion of the Year' Farmers Weekly 'I don't know anything about farming. It's like David Attenborough doing jet-skiing, or Nicholas Witchell saying, "I'm going to be a cage fighter'" Jeremy Clarkson

Diddly Squat: Pigs Might Fly

by Jeremy Clarkson

Get tucked in to a third bestselling helping of Clarkson's Farm from our favourite wellie-wearing wannabe farmer, Jeremy ClarksonWelcome back to Clarkson's Farm. Since taking the wheel three years ago Jeremy's had his work cut out. And it's now clear from hard-won experience that, when it comes to farming, there's only one golden rule:Whatever you hope will happen, won't.Enthusiastic schemes to diversify have met with stubborn opposition from the red trouser brigade, defeat at the hands of Council Planning department, and predictable derision from Kaleb - although, to be fair, even Lisa had doubts about Jeremy's brilliant plan to build a business empire founded on rewilding and nettle soup. And only Cheerful Charlie is still smiling about the stifling amount of red tape that's incoming . . . But he charges by the hour.Then there are the animals: the sheep are gone; the cows have been joined by a rented bull called Break-Heart Maestro;. the pigs are making piglets; and the goats have turned out to be psychopaths.But despite the naysayers and (sometimes self-inflicted) setbacks, Jeremy remains irrepressibly optimistic about life at Diddly Squat. Because It's hard not to be when you get to harvest blackberries with a vacuum cleaner.And, after all, it shouldn't just be Break-heart Maestro who gets to enjoy a happy ending . . .Diddly Squat, Number 1 Sunday Times bestseller, October 2022

For Crying Out Loud: The World According to Clarkson Volume 3 (The World According to Clarkson)

by Jeremy Clarkson

Jeremy Clarkson, shares his opinions on just about everything in For Crying Out Loud.The publication of The World According to Clarkson in 2004 launched a multi-million copy bestselling phenomenon. But to no avail. Jeremy's one man war on crimes against common sense has not yet been won. And out hero's still scratching his head at the madness of it all. But it's not all bad. He's learnt a little along the way, including:• Why binge drinking is good for you• The worst word in the English language• The remarkable secret of eternal youth• The problem with America• And how to dispose of a seal For anyone who's been driven to wonder just what is the matter with people these days, For Crying Out Loud is the perfect riposte. Surprising, fearless and always laugh-out-loud funny, Clarkson's back. And he's got a point . . .For Crying Out Loud is a hilarious collection of Jeremy's Sunday Times columns and the third in his The World According to Clarkson series which also includes The World According to Clarkson, And Another Thing... and How Hard Can It Be?Praise for Jeremy Clarkson:'Brilliant . . . laugh-out-loud' Daily Telegraph'Outrageously funny . . . will have you in stitches' Time Out'Cars take a back seat as Clarkson grumpily lets rip . . . the man has a point!' ZooNumber-one bestseller Jeremy Clarkson writes on cars, current affairs and anything else that annoys him in his sharp and funny collections. Born To Be Riled, Clarkson On Cars, Don't Stop Me Now, Driven To Distraction, Round the Bend, Motorworld and I Know You Got Soul are also available as Penguin paperbacks; the Penguin App iClarkson: The Book of Cars can be downloaded on the App Store.Jeremy Clarkson because his writing career on the Rotherham Advertiser. Since then he has written for the Sun and the Sunday Times. Today he is the tallest person working in British television, and is the presenter of the hugely popular Top Gear.

How Hard Can It Be?: The World According to Clarkson Volume 4 (The World According to Clarkson)

by Jeremy Clarkson

How Hard Can it Be? is the fourth hilarious volume in Jeremy Clarkson's The World According to Clarkson series.How hard can it be...To build a power station without upsetting the eco-mentalists? To seek world domination if you've been hit the ugly stick? For the Met Office to get yesterday's weather right?In volume four of The World According to Clarkson, Jeremy Clarkson pours scorn on the nonsensical, the dumb, the idiotic and the plain foolish in his continuing quest to discover where exactly we've all gone wrong.Along the way he ponders:• Whether conquering France might solve the immigration problem• What happened when you ignore proper warning labels • What would happen if we turned the internet offOften controversial, frequently scathing but always funnier than James May, Jeremy Clarkson shows us how we could so easily make the world a better place. Praise for Jeremy Clarkson:'Brilliant . . . laugh-out-loud' Daily Telegraph'Outrageously funny . . . will have you in stitches' Time OutNumber-one bestseller Jeremy Clarkson writes on cars, current affairs and anything else that annoys him in his sharp and funny collections. Born To Be Riled, Clarkson On Cars, Don't Stop Me Now, Driven To Distraction, Round the Bend, Motorworld, and I Know You Got Soul are also available as Penguin paperbacks; the Penguin App iClarkson: The Book of Cars can be downloaded on the App Store.Jeremy Clarkson because his writing career on the Rotherham Advertiser. Since then he has written for the Sun and the Sunday Times. Today he is the tallest person working in British television, and is the presenter of the hugely popular Top Gear.

I Know You Got Soul

by Jeremy Clarkson

In I Know You Got Soul, Jeremy Clarkson writes about the machines that he believes have 'soul'. It will come as no surprise to anyone that Jeremy Clarkson loves machines. But it's not just any old bucket of blots, cogs and bearings that rings his bell. In fact, he's scoured the length and breadth of the land, plunged into the oceans and taken to the skies in search of machines with that elusive certain something.And along the way he's discovered:* The safest place to be in the event of nuclear war* Who would win if Superman, James Bond and The Terminator had a fight* The stupidest person he's ever met* What an old Cornish institution called Arthur has to do with 0898chat lines* And how Jean Claude Van Damme might get eaten by a lion . . .In I Know You Got Soul, Jeremy Clarkson tells stories of the geniuses, innovators and crackpots who put the ghost in the machine. From Brunel's SS Great Britain to the awesome Blackbird spy-plane and from the woeful - but inspiring - Graf Zeppelin to Han Solo's Millennium Falcon, they can't help but love them in return.Praise for Jeremy Clarkson:'Brilliant . . . laugh-out-loud' Daily Telegraph'Outrageously funny . . . will have you in stitches' Time Out'Very funny . . . I cracked up laughing on the tube' Evening Standard

If You’d Just Let Me Finish

by Jeremy Clarkson

Clarkson is back with a brand new book of hilarious stories and observations about our gone-wrong world. ___________In November 2016 we woke up to the news that the forthright presenter of a popular television programme had become the most powerful man on the planet. His name, sadly, was not Jeremy Clarkson, but we might not have been any more surprised if it had been.Because the world seems to have taken a decidedly odd turn since Jeremy last reflected on the state of things between the covers of a book. But who better than JC to help us navigate our way through the mess?And while he's being trying to make sense of it all he's discovered one or two things along the way, including- The disabling effects of being vegan- How Blackpool might be improved by drilling a hole through it- The problem with meditation- A perfect location for rebuilding Palmyra- Why Tom Cruise can worship lizards if he wants toIt's all been a bit unsettling.But don't worry. If You'd Just Let Me Finish is Clarkson at his best. He may be as bemused, exasperated, amused and surprised as the rest of us, but in a world gone crazy, thank God someone has still got his head screwed on ...Praise for Clarkson:'Brilliant...laugh-out-loud' - Daily Telegraph'Outrageously funny...will have you in stiches' - Time Out'Very funny...I cracked up laughing on the tube' - Evening Standard

Is It Really Too Much To Ask?: The World According to Clarkson Volume 5 (The World According to Clarkson)

by Jeremy Clarkson

Is It Really Too Much To Ask? is the fifth book in Jeremy Clarkson's bestselling The World According to Clarkson series.Well, someone's got to do it: in a world which simply will not see reason, Jeremy sets off on another quest to beat a path of sense through all the silliness and idiocy. And there's no knowign what might catch Jeremy's eye along the way. It could be:-The merits of Stonehenge as a business model-Why all meetings are a waste of time-The theft of the Queen's cows-One Norwegian man's unique approach to showing his gratitude-Fitting a burglar alarm to a tortoise-Or how Lou Reed was completely wrong about what makes a perfect dayPithy and provocative, this is Clarkson at his best, taking issue with whatever nonsense gets in the way of his search for all that's worth celebrating. Why should we be forced to accept stuff that's a bit rubbish? Shouldn't things work? Why doesn't someone care? I mean, is it really too much to ask?It's a good thing we've still got Jeremy out there, still looking, without fear or favour, for the answers.Jeremy Clarkson becomes the hilarious voice of a nation once more in Is It Really Too Much To Ask?, Volume 5 of The World According To Clarkson, following bestselling titles The World According to Clarkson, And Another Thing, For Crying Out Loud and How Hard Can It Be?. Praise for Clarkson:'Brilliant... laugh-out-loud' Daily Telegraph'Outrageously funny... will have you in stitches' Time OutJeremy Clarkson began his writing career on the Rotherham Advertiser. He now writes for the Sun and the Sunday Times and is the tallest person working in British television.

Really?: The World According To Clarkson

by Jeremy Clarkson

JEREMY CLARKSON'S LATEST - AND MOST OUTRAGEOUS - TAKE ON THE WORLDCLARKSON'S BACK - AND THIS TIME HE'S PUTTING HIS FOOT DOWNFrom his first job as a travelling sales rep selling Paddington Bears to his latest wheeze as a gentleman farmer, Jeremy Clarkson's love of cars has just about kept him out of trouble.But in a persistently infuriating world, sometimes you have to race full-throttle at the speed-bumps.Because there's still plenty to get cross about, including:· Why nothing good ever came out of a meeting· Muesli's unmentionable side effects · Navigating London when every single road is being dug up at once· People who read online reviews of dishwashers· ****ing driverless carsBuckle up for a bumpy ride - you're holding the only book in history to require seatbelts . . .Praise for Jeremy Clarkson: Brilliant . . . Laugh-out-loud' Daily Telegraph'Outrageously funny . . . Will have you in stitches' Time Out 'Very funny . . . I cracked up laughing on the tube' Evening Standard

The World According to Clarkson: The World According to Clarkson Volume 1 (The World According to Clarkson #1)

by Jeremy Clarkson

Jeremy Clarkson, shares his opinions on just about everything in The World According to Clarkson. Jeremy Clarkson has seen rather more of the world than most. He has, as they say, been around a bit. And as a result, he's got one or two things to tell us about how it all works - and being Jeremy Clarkson he's not about to voice them quietly, humbly and without great dollops of humour. In The World According to Clarkson, he reveals why it is that:• Too much science is bad for our health• '70s rock music is nothing to be ashamed of• Hunting foxes while drunk and wearing night-sights is neither big nor clever• We must work harder to get rid of cricket• He liked the Germans (well, sometimes)With a strong dose of common sense that is rarely, if ever, found inside the M25, Clarkson hilariously attacks the pompous, the ridiculous, the absurd and the downright idiotic, whilst also celebrating the eccentric, the clever and the sheer bloody brilliant. Less a manifesto for living and more a road map to modern life, The World According to Clarkson is the funniest book you'll read this year. Don't leave home without it.The World According to Clarkson is a hilarious collection of Jeremy's Sunday Times columns and the first in his The World According to Clarkson series which also includes And Another Thing . . . , For Crying Out Loud! and How Hard Can It Be?Praise for Jeremy Clarkson:'Brilliant . . . laugh-out-loud' Daily Telegraph'Outrageously funny . . . will have you in stitches' Time OutNumber-one bestseller and presenter of the hugely popular Top Gear, Jeremy Clarkson writes on cars, current affairs and anything else that annoys him in his sharp and funny collections. Born To Be Riled, Clarkson On Cars, Don't Stop Me Now, Driven To Distraction, Round the Bend, Motorworld, and I Know You Got Soul are also available as Penguin paperbacks; the Penguin App iClarkson: The Book of Carscan be downloaded on the App Store.

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