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Showing 4,526 through 4,550 of 4,740 results

Rural Literacy Sponsorship Networks: Piloting Mixed-Methods Mapping for Small Communities

by Amy McCleese Nichols

This text provides an in-depth exploration of rural community literacy, examining the ways in which community-building, social networks, time, race, and politics interplay.Mapping the dense literacy sponsorship network of a small rural town in the southeastern United States, Nichols offers a window into the challenges and successes of collective literacy sponsorship. Through an original mapping-focused approach, the book explores multiple social and environmental layers that construct literacy sponsorship writ large.This approach provides a novel methodological entry to rural literacies and will be key reading for rural community literacy advocates, literacy scholars, graduate students, and researchers.

Language is the Key: The Canadian Language Benchmarks Model (Politics and Public Policy)

by Monika Jezak

The CLB/NCLC success was dependent on many factors—outstanding work by leading Canadian scholars; steady commitment of the government and non-governmental stakeholders at the federal, provincial, and local level; and, last but not least, unconditional commitment and caring on the part of an invested community of practice. Language is the key covers a range of topics: historical and political context that lead to the development of the Canadian standards, their current positioning in global educational markets, as well as their research and teaching cultures. This edited volume provides a comprehensive overview of recent and ongoing projects and of CLB- and NCLC-related materials, tools and resources for teaching and assessment. Finally, it offers a bold outlook, proposing various scenarios to branch out beyond these benchmarks into the domains of higher education, essential skills, literacy, workplace training, as well as international and indigenous languages. The 20th anniversary of the CLB/NCLC provides an opportunity to reflect on the scope and importance of this exceptional Canadian intellectual product.

L’immersion française à l'université: Politiques et pédagogie (Politique et politiques publiques)

by Hélène Knoerr, Alysse Weinberg & Aline Gohard-Radenkovic

L’immersion française est née dans les années 1960 dans une école primaire en banlieue de Montréal afin de répondre aux besoins des enfants anglophones appelés à vivre dans le nouveau contexte francophone du Québec. Si elle s’est rapidement répandue dans les établissements primaires et secondaires à travers le Canada, en revanche elle est aujourd’hui encore pratiquement inexistante au niveau universitaire. Graham Fraser, le Commissaire aux langues officielles, porte-parole fédéral de la promotion et de la protection des droits linguistiques, a maintes fois recommandé d’étendre l’offre en immersion au niveau postsecondaire. Le présent ouvrage fait écho à cette recommandation et le titre Politiques et pédagogies de l’immersion en français au niveau universitaire au Canada explicite le caractère éminemment politique de toute disposition, tout aménagement, concernant les langues, en particulier dans un contexte bilingue ou plurilingue. La préface de Graham Fraser resitue le concept d’immersion dans une perspective historique des débats linguistiques au Canada. L’ouvrage fait état des lieux des politiques linguistiques et des aménagements de l’immersion en français au palier universitaire en recensant les dispositifs des universités canadiennes et plus spécifiquement ceux de l’Université d’Ottawa. Cet ouvrage incontournable servira de cadre de référence pour les institutions universitaires au Canada et dans le monde.

Didactique du français en contextes minoritaires: Entre normes scolaires et plurilinguismes (Éducation)

by Alexandra Girard Carole Fisher Cécile Bullock Claude Quevillon Lacasse Diane Dagenais Francis Bangou Gail Prasad Ginette Plessis-Bélair Marianne Cormier Marie-Paule Lory Nathalie Auger Paule Buors Rosianne Arseneau Sara Schroeter Sylvie Huard-Huberdeau

À partir d’ancrages qui relèvent de la sociologie, de la linguistique, de la psychologie cognitive et de l’éducation, les chercheurs qui signent cet ouvrage collectif font état de la recherche et de la théorie sur la didactique du français en contexte de minorité linguistique. Au fil des chapitres, les auteurs mettent en évidence la nécessité d’un enseignement du français qui soit signifiant et qui, en ce sens, soit pensé en fonction des caractéristiques qui sont propres aux populations scolaires qui évoluent dans les contextes francophones minoritaires du Canada. Dans cet ouvrage privilégiant une approche humaniste, les auteurs posent les jalons d’une didactique du français qui, afin de permettre aux apprenants de s’approprier les normes scolaires qui favoriseront leur épanouissement en société, s’inspire de leur réalité, de leurs trajectoires, de leurs histoires, de leurs forces et des défis qu’ils rencontrent. Publié en français.

Parcours jeunes et FLS: Activités pédagogiques en français langue seconde, niveau B2 – C1 du CECR

by Laura Ambrosio Miriam Hatabi

Conçu pour de jeunes adultes de niveau universitaire, Parcours jeunes et FLS est le fruit d’un regard jeune au service de l’enseignement et de l’apprentissage du français langue seconde de niveau intermédiaire et avancé (B2-C1). Ce manuel de format 8,5 x 11, à reliure boudinée et avec une mise en page aérée et colorée, propose une série de documents audio et vidéo structurés en neuf unités aux thématiques actuelles et est conçu pour optimiser l’expérience en salle de classe. Il appuie la conceptualisation et la réalisation d’activités pédagogiques qui reflètent les approches actuelles en enseignement des langues, tout en proposant des pistes d’apprentissage fidèles aux orientations du Cadre européen commun de référence pour les langues (CECRL). Il appuie aussi des compétences spécifiques et des approches plurielles favorables à l’épanouissement des apprenants, grâce au développement du savoir, du savoir-être et du savoir-faire du CARAP. Comme l’apprentissage des habiletés réceptives d’une langue seconde est influencé par l’authenticité, l’intérêt, la pertinence, et l’adaptabilité de documents choisis, Parcours jeunes et FLS propose un portrait actuel des mondes culturel, social, intellectuel, économique et professionnel des jeunes d’aujourd’hui. Les apprenants du FLS pourront se voir, se reconnaître et se représenter dans l’espace public extérieur à la salle de classe, renforçant ainsi leurs compétences métalinguistiques. Cet ouvrage est un exemple de la vitalité, de la vigueur et de la richesse des communautés francophones en situation minoritaire. Comprend un CD d’accompagnement de vidéos réalisées par des étudiants en journalisme de La Cité collégiale.

Résistances, mobilisations et contestations: L’Association canadienne-française de l’Ontario (1910-2006) (Collection Amérique française)

by Gratien Allaire Serge Dupuis Mariève Forest Anne Gilbert Marcel Martel

L’Association canadienne-française de l’Ontario (ACFO) a été le principal porte-parole politique de la collectivité franco-ontarienne au XXe siècle. Cette analyse historique en six chapitres chronologiques va de la fondation de l’Association canadienne-française d’éducation d’Ontario (ACFEO) en 1910 jusqu’à sa disparition et son absorption par l’Assemblée de la francophonie de l’Ontario en 2006. De 1910 à 1927, l’Association joue un rôle déterminant dans la crise du Règlement 17, qui interdit l’enseignement en français dans les écoles de la province. De 1927-1969, l’ACFEO contribue activement à l’avancement de la cause des écoles françaises (ou « bilingues ») de l’Ontario. Entre 1969 et 1982, l’Association, devenue l’« ACFO », travaille aux progrès institutionnels de la collectivité franco-ontarienne, tout en essuyant des critiques, voire des dénonciations formulées par plusieurs groupes de militants animés par les idéologies contre-culturelle et participative alors en vogue. Entre 1982 et 1992, l’ACFO se redéfinit pour s’adapter à la transformation de l’espace politique de l’Ontario français, ainsi qu’à la fragmentation de son champ idéologique sous l’impulsion de plus en plus irrépressible des régionalismes identitaires et de l’arrivée de groupes ethnoculturels issus de l’immigration francophone. Les années 1992-2006 sont les dernières de l’ACFO, qui ne peut se relever de la crise de légitimité qui la mine depuis la fin des années 1970. Une fenêtre privilégiée sur les efforts de construction identitaire et politique de la francophonie ontarienne au XXe siècle. Ce livre est publié en français. - The French-Canadian Association of Ontario (ACFO) has been the main political voice person for the Franco-Ontarian community in the 20th century. The first chapter (1910-1927) examines the first years of the Association and delves into the pivotal role it played during the debate surrounding Regulation 17, which was designed to prevent French-language schooling in the province. From 1927-1969, the ACFEO actively contributed to the advancement of French (or “bilingual”) schools in Ontario. From 1969-1982, the Association, now called ACFO, played a key role in the institutional progress of the Franco-Ontarian community, amidst much criticism and accusations made by militants inspired by the counter-culture and participative ideologies of the day. From 1982 to 1992, ACFO redefined itself in order to adapt to an evolving political situation in l’Ontario français, as well as to the fragmentation of its ideology as regional identities took shape to a new ethnocultural reality in the wake of francophone immigration. The years from 1992 to 2006 were the Association’s last, as it became unable to overcome a legitimacy crisis that had been undermining it since the end of the 1970s. A glimpse into the efforts that went into the identity and political construct of the Ontarian Francophonie throughout the 20th century. This book is published in French.

Online Chinese Learning: Exploring Effective Language Learning Strategies (Routledge Studies in Chinese as a Foreign Language)

by Lijuan Chen

Online Chinese Learning aims to investigate the types of language learning strategies (LLSs) that online Chinese learners use across asynchronous and synchronous learning environments in different learning contexts.This book examines how the use of language learning strategies by online Chinese learners is influenced by the interactants; the characteristics of the specific learning context; and selected individual learner characteristics. This book will provide: (1) new and detailed information about students’ LLS use in online Chinese learning; (2) insights into how individual students adopt LLSs and technological tools to solve learning problems in various learning contexts; (3) an exploration of factors influencing LLS use; and (4) recommendations regarding LLS adoption, use, and training.This book will be a valuable resource for university instructors in languages, language teaching methods, and second language acquisition, as well as researchers in languages, linguistics, and language learning and teaching.

English-Medium Instruction in Turkish Universities: Policies, Practices, and Perceptions (Routledge Focus on English-Medium Instruction in Higher Education)

by Kari Sahan

In response to the growing use of English as an international language, the number of English-medium instruction (EMI) programs in higher education has increased. However, decisions to implement EMI programs are often made through top-down policymaking processes with little consideration for the educational issues surrounding language policy changes.This book examines the variation with which EMI is implemented at universities in Turkey through a multilevel empirical investigation of policies, practices, and perceptions. In addition to providing a sociohistorical overview of EMI in Turkey, the book draws on a dataset that includes policy documents, classroom observations, interviews with teachers, and focus group discussions with students. Despite national policies which envision a "one-language-at-a-time" model of EMI education, this book argues that EMI is neither English-only nor English-always in practice. By highlighting the variation with which EMI is implemented at and across Turkish universities, this study illustrates the need for more comprehensive EMI policies and processes aimed at integrating content and language learning in higher education.Implications are discussed with respect to policy planning, program development, and pedagogical support and will be relevant for researchers and postgraduate research students interested in EMI, particularly in the Turkish context.

Deutsch in der Grundschule: Eine Einführung

by Ruth Hoffmann-Erz

Diese Einführung verbindet Themen der Sprachwissenschaft und der Sprachdidaktik und ist speziell auf das Grundschullehramtsstudium Deutsch zugeschnitten. Fachwissenschaftliche Kapitel zu Semiotik, Phonologie, Graphematik, Textlinguistik, Grammatik sind verzahnt mit fachdidaktischen Kapiteln zu Sprechen und Zuhören, Schriftspracherwerb, Lese- und Rechtschreibdidaktik, Texte verfassen und Sprache untersuchen. So wird die Relevanz fachwissenschaftlicher Inhalte für die Lehrerprofessionalisierung ersichtlich. Der Band ist auch für die Fort- und Weiterbildung zu empfehlen. – Im zweifarbigen Layout, mit Definitionen, Beispielen und Aufgaben.

The Everything German Phrase Book: A Quick Refresher for Any Situation (The Everything Books)

by Edward Swick

Travelers need more than danke schön to get around Germany. Featuring hundreds of commonly used phrases, this pocket-sized guide provides travellers with the words they need in any setting. They will be able to order dinner, talk on the phone, read street signs and train schedules, and shop with confidence. This book even features the basics of German grammar and pronunciation as well as common idioms and slang words. Conveniently organized and indexed by category, this quick reference guide is all travellers need to make the most of their trips.

The Everything Essential German Book: All You Need to Learn German in No Time! (The Everything Books)

by Edward Swick

Learn to speak and write German like a pro!Need a quick introduction to the German language? Whether you're planning a vacation, adding a valuable second language to your resume, or simply brushing up on your skills, The Everything Essential German Book is your perfect guide for learning to speak and write in German. This portable guide covers the most important basics, including:The German alphabet and translationGreetings and conversation startersCommon questions and answersVerb tenses and sentence structureWith step-by-step instructions, pronunciation guides, and practical exercises, you'll find learning German can be easy and fun! You'll be speaking--and understanding--German in no time!

How to Learn a Foreign Language

by Paul Pimsleur

In this entertaining and groundbreaking book, Dr. Paul Pimsleur, creator of the renowned Pimsleur Method, the world leader in audio-based language learning, shows how anyone can learn to speak a foreign language.If learning a language in high school left you bruised, with a sense that there was no way you can learn another language, How to Learn a Foreign Language will restore your sense of hope. In simple, straightforward terms, Dr. Pimsleur will help you learn grammar (seamlessly), vocabulary, and how to practice pronunciation (and come out sounding like a native). The key is the simplicity and directness of Pimsleur’s approach to a daunting subject, breaking it down piece by piece, demystifying the process along the way. Dr. Pimsleur draws on his own language learning trials and tribulations offering practical advice for overcoming the obstacles so many of us face.Originally published in 1980, How to Learn a Foreign Language is now available on the 50th anniversary of Dr. Pimsleur’s publication of the first of his first audio courses that embodied the concepts and methods found here. It's a fascinating glimpse into the inner workings of the mind of this amazing pioneer of language learning.

With My Shadow: The Poems of Hilde Domin, A Bilingual Selection

by Hilde Domin

“These translations and poems are full of the refugee’s loss and longing, made infinitely richer by Kafatou’s love for the poet and poems. This is a deeply loving, compassionate collection of poems, remaining anchored, ultimately, in the exile’s intertwined desire and nostalgia for home.” —The Massachusetts Review Not to tire / but to hold out your hand / gently / as to a bird / to the miracle This bilingual edition of the poems of Hilde Domin, an outstanding lyric poet of exile and return, brings her work to English-speaking readers for the first time. Hilde Domin fled Nazi Germany when, as a Jew, she was no longer safe there. For many years she lived in Italy and the Dominican Republic, where she encountered modernist currents in Italian and Spanish poetry. Returning permanently to Germany in the mid-1950s, she quickly found recognition as a poet of memory and reconciliation. For the rest of her long life she wrote and spoke in a tone poised between vulnerability and trust, on behalf of moral and civic values worth living for. <p><p>As Sarah Kafatou writes in her Introduction, Domin “is always frugal: she reworks and transforms her repertoire of metaphors, images, themes, and ideas again and again, extending and refining, never explaining too much. Her lyric sensibility is concise, her syntax and vocabulary are simple and apt, her short lines break on the phrase, and she has an uncanny ability to hit the right note at exactly the right moment, according to the rhythm of the breath.” Domin writes of “people like us we among them,” providing a voice for victims of persecution everywhere. Today, with refugee populations on the move throughout the world and with rising intolerance and polarization, these poems of conscience, and courage discovered in desperation, will speak directly to every reader.

Trèfle d’or

by Jean-François Chabas François Place

Les événements dont je veux vous parler se produisirent en 1920. Ils ont pour héros Patrick O'Donnell, qui entrait alors dans sa soixante et unième année, un ouvrier noir de dix-sept ans, Leroy Moor, qui travaillait pour la compagnie des chemins de fer, et un pur-sang arabe nommé Golden Clover, ce qui signifie Trèfle d'or. Quant à moi, Sean O'Donnell, je n'étais qu'un témoin : des yeux et des oreilles." Lorsque, malgré leurs préjugés et leurs familles, deux personnes qui ne doivent pas se rencontrer se rencontrent puis s'apprécient, il arrive que leur histoire en devienne presque incroyable. Une amitié d'exception. Mots-clés : Etats-Unis, ségrégation, racisme, cheval, animaux, amitié

Complete Cantonese (Learn Cantonese with Teach Yourself): EBook: New edition

by Hugh Baker Ho Pui-Kei

Is this the right course for me?This new and improved Edition of Complete Cantonese will take you effortlessly from beginner to confident speaker. Whether you are starting from scratch, or are just out of practice, Complete Cantonese will guarantee success! It is fully updated to make your language experience fun and interactive. You can still rely on the benefits of a top language teacher with years of teaching experience, but now with added learning features within the course and online. The course is structured in thematic units and the emphasis is placed on communication, so that you effortlessly progress from introducing yourself and dealing with everyday situations to using the phone and talking about work. This course uses the widely-accepted Yale Romanisation system and includes a helpful pronunciation guide at the beginning of the textbook.By the end of this course, you will be at Level B2 of the Common European Framework for Languages: can deal with most situations likely to arise whilst travelling in an area where the language is spoken.Learn effortlessly with a new easy-to-read page design and interactive features: Not got much time?One, five and ten-minute introductions to key principles to get you startedAuthor insightsLots of instant help with common problems and quick tips for success, based on the author's many years of experience.Grammar tipsEasy-to-follow building blocks to give you a clear understanding.Useful vocabularyEasy to find and learn, to build a solid foundation for speaking.DialoguesRead and listen to everyday dialogues to help you speak and understand fast.PronunciationDon't sound like a tourist! Perfect your pronunciation before you go.Test yourselfTests in the book and online to keep track of your progressExtend your knowledgeExtra online articles at to give you a richer understanding of the culture and history of China.Try thisInnovative exercises illustrate what you've learnt and how to use it.

Complete Cantonese (Learn Cantonese with Teach Yourself): EBook: New edition

by Hugh Baker Ho Pui-Kei

Is this the right course for me?This new and improved Edition of Complete Cantonese will take you effortlessly from beginner to confident speaker. Whether you are starting from scratch, or are just out of practice, Complete Cantonese will guarantee success! It is fully updated to make your language experience fun and interactive. You can still rely on the benefits of a top language teacher with years of teaching experience, but now with added learning features within the course and online. The course is structured in thematic units and the emphasis is placed on communication, so that you effortlessly progress from introducing yourself and dealing with everyday situations to using the phone and talking about work. This course uses the widely-accepted Yale Romanisation system and includes a helpful pronunciation guide at the beginning of the textbook.By the end of this course, you will be at Level B2 of the Common European Framework for Languages: can deal with most situations likely to arise whilst travelling in an area where the language is spoken.Learn effortlessly with a new easy-to-read page design and interactive features: Not got much time?One, five and ten-minute introductions to key principles to get you startedAuthor insightsLots of instant help with common problems and quick tips for success, based on the author's many years of experience.Grammar tipsEasy-to-follow building blocks to give you a clear understanding.Useful vocabularyEasy to find and learn, to build a solid foundation for speaking.DialoguesRead and listen to everyday dialogues to help you speak and understand fast.PronunciationDon't sound like a tourist! Perfect your pronunciation before you go.Test yourselfTests in the book and online to keep track of your progressExtend your knowledgeExtra online articles at to give you a richer understanding of the culture and history of China.Try thisInnovative exercises illustrate what you've learnt and how to use it.

Short Stories in Welsh for Beginners: Read for pleasure at your level, expand your vocabulary and learn Welsh the fun way! (Readers)

by Olly Richards

An unmissable collection of eight unconventional and captivating short stories for young and adult learners of Swedish."Olly's top-notch language-learning insights are right in line with the best of what we know from neuroscience and cognitive psychology about how to learn effectively. I love his work - and you will too!" - Barbara Oakley, PhD, Author of New York Times bestseller A Mind for Numbers Short Stories in Welsh for Beginners has been written especially for students from high-beginner to low-intermediate level, designed to give a sense of achievement, a feeling of progress and most importantly - enjoyment! Mapped to A1-B1 on the Common European Framework of Reference (CEFR) for languages, these eight captivating stories are designed to give you a sense of achievement and a feeling of progress when reading.What does this book give you?- Eight stories in a variety of exciting genres, from science fiction and crime to history and thriller - making reading fun, while you learn a wide range of new vocabulary- Controlled language at your level to help you progress confidently- Realistic spoken dialogues to help you learn conversational expressions and improve your speaking ability- Accessible grammar so you learn new structures naturally, in a stress-free way- Pleasure! Research shows that if you're enjoying reading in a foreign language, you won't experience the usual feelings of frustration - 'It's too hard!' 'I don't understand!'Carefully curated to make learning a new language easy, these stories include key features that will support and consolidate your progress, including: - A glossary for bolded words in each chapter- Full plot summary- A bilingual word list- Comprehension questions after each chapter. As a result, you will be able to focus on enjoying reading, delighting in your improved range of vocabulary and grasp of the language, without ever feeling overwhelmed. From science fiction to fantasy, to crime and thrillers, Short Stories in Welsh for Beginners will make learning Welsh easy and enjoyable.

Short Stories in Welsh for Beginners: Read for pleasure at your level, expand your vocabulary and learn Welsh the fun way! (Readers)

by Olly Richards

An unmissable collection of eight unconventional and captivating short stories for young and adult learners of Swedish."Olly's top-notch language-learning insights are right in line with the best of what we know from neuroscience and cognitive psychology about how to learn effectively. I love his work - and you will too!" - Barbara Oakley, PhD, Author of New York Times bestseller A Mind for Numbers Short Stories in Welsh for Beginners has been written especially for students from high-beginner to low-intermediate level, designed to give a sense of achievement, a feeling of progress and most importantly - enjoyment! Mapped to A1-B1 on the Common European Framework of Reference (CEFR) for languages, these eight captivating stories are designed to give you a sense of achievement and a feeling of progress when reading.What does this book give you?- Eight stories in a variety of exciting genres, from science fiction and crime to history and thriller - making reading fun, while you learn a wide range of new vocabulary- Controlled language at your level to help you progress confidently- Realistic spoken dialogues to help you learn conversational expressions and improve your speaking ability- Accessible grammar so you learn new structures naturally, in a stress-free way- Pleasure! Research shows that if you're enjoying reading in a foreign language, you won't experience the usual feelings of frustration - 'It's too hard!' 'I don't understand!'Carefully curated to make learning a new language easy, these stories include key features that will support and consolidate your progress, including: - A glossary for bolded words in each chapter- Full plot summary- A bilingual word list- Comprehension questions after each chapter. As a result, you will be able to focus on enjoying reading, delighting in your improved range of vocabulary and grasp of the language, without ever feeling overwhelmed. From science fiction to fantasy, to crime and thrillers, Short Stories in Welsh for Beginners will make learning Welsh easy and enjoyable.

Representation, Inclusion and Social Justice in World Language Teaching: Research and Pedagogy for Inclusive Classrooms

by Lillie Padilla Rosti Vana

This volume introduces teaching methodologies for improving and incorporating representation, inclusion and social justice perspectives in the world language curriculum. Chapters present state-of-the-art research and cover many different language contexts, including French, Spanish, Mandarin, and Portuguese. Authors discuss difficult and hot topics, such as Critical Language Awareness, Critical Race Theory, non-binary language use in gendered languages, culturally sustaining curriculum, teaching heritage language speakers, and more. Ideal for graduate courses, students, and scholars in world language education, the volume offers new pathways and strategies for promoting diversity and equity in the classroom.

Complete Malay Beginner to Intermediate Book and Audio Course: Learn to read, write, speak and understand a new language with Teach Yourself

by Christopher Byrnes Eva Nyimas Chistopher Byrnes Tam Lye Suan

Are you looking for a complete course in Malay (Bahasa Malaysia) which takes you effortlessly from beginner to confident speaker? Whether you are starting from scratch, or are just out of practice, Complete Malay (Bahasa Malaysia) will guarantee success!Now fully updated to make your language learning experience fun and interactive. You can still rely on the benefits of a top language teacher and our years of teaching experience, but now with added learning features within the course and online. The course is structured in thematic units and the emphasis is placed on communication, so that you effortlessly progress from introducing yourself and dealing with everyday situations, to using the phone and talking about work. By the end of this course, you will be at Level B2 of the Common European Framework for Languages: Can interact with a degree of fluency and spontaneity that makes regular interaction with native speakers quite possible without strain for either party.Learn effortlessly with a new easy-to-read page design and interactive features: NOT GOT MUCH TIME?One, five and ten-minute introductions to key principles to get you started.AUTHOR INSIGHTSLots of instant help with common problems and quick tips for success, based on the author's many years of experience.GRAMMAR TIPSEasy-to-follow building blocks to give you a clear understanding.USEFUL VOCABULARYEasy to find and learn, to build a solid foundation for speaking.DIALOGUESRead and listen to everyday dialogues to help you speak and understand fast.PRONUNCIATIONDon't sound like a tourist! Perfect your pronunciation before you go.TEST YOURSELFTests in the book and online to keep track of your progress.EXTEND YOUR KNOWLEDGEExtra online articles at: to give you a richer understanding of the culture and history of Malaysia.TRY THISInnovative exercises illustrate what you've learnt and how to use it.Access the audio for this course for free by downloading it to the Teach Yourself Library app or streaming it on on Teach Yourself, trusted by language learners for over 85 years.

Chinese Signs: An Introduction to China's Linguistic Landscape

by null Zheng-sheng Zhang

Highlighting stylistic and rhetorical characteristics, this fully illustrated book explores the written form of Mandarin Chinese in a range of everyday settings. Taking examples from Chinese public writing across a variety of textual genres, such as signs, banners and advertisements, it prepares students for navigating 'real world' Chinese, not only in terms of its linguistic and stylistic characteristics, but also its social and cultural context. Drawing over 500 pictorial examples from the linguistic landscape, it explores the signs from a variety of perspectives, for example by highlighting elements of classical Chinese that are still used in the modern language, showing the most popular rhetorical patterns used in Chinese, and presenting the interactions between both Standard Mandarin and dialect, and Chinese and other languages. Detailed annotations are provided for all signs, in both Chinese and English, to accommodate readers of all proficiency levels in Chinese.

Teoría sociocultural y español LE/L2 (Routledge Advances in Spanish Language Teaching)

by Eduardo Negueruela-Azarola Próspero N. García Arturo Escandón

Teoría sociocultural y español LE/L2 es una introducción académica a conceptos clave de la teoría sociocultural aplicada a la enseñanza y el aprendizaje de español como segunda lengua y lengua extranjera. Los capítulos han sido escritos por expertos de todo el mundo, tanto por investigadores y profesores de larga trayectoria como por nuevos investigadores. La obra ofrece una revisión detallada del impacto de las ideas socioculturales en la enseñanza y aprendizaje de español.Es el primer libro que se publica en español con este enfoque. En sus páginas se documenta la transformación que el enfoque sociocultural está produciendo en la enseñanza-aprendizaje de segundas lenguas, en su investigación y evaluación, y en la formación docente. La obra concibe el aprendizaje y el desarrollo como actividades socioculturales e interpersonales, y destaca el objetivo de la evaluación y de la investigación como herramientas de intervención dinámica para el aprendizaje y crecimiento y, finalmente, cómo un enfoque sociocultural ilumina la importancia de la mediación en los procesos de aprendizaje y desarrollo de la persona.El volumen tiene las siguientes características: Incluye una entrevista con James P. Lantolf, uno de los investigadores más prominentes de la teoría sociocultural aplicada a las segundas lenguas Un uso consistente de la terminología de la teoría sociocultural en español a lo largo de toda la obra Cada capítulo tiene una estructura homogénea, lo cual facilita su consulta No reproduce la literatura existente en inglés, sino que desarrolla propuestas teóricas y de investigación propias y novedosas Incluye un glosario, disponible en línea, de términos relevantes en la teoría sociocultural con breves definiciones Diseñado y pensado para aquellos sin conocimientos previos de la teoría, Teoría sociocultural y español LE/L2 ofrece explicaciones claras y accesibles sobre la TSC acompañadas de ejemplos concretos y aplicaciones prácticas para la clase de lenguas. Es un recurso esencial para cualquiera que enseñe español LE/L2, así como para quienes investiguen su adquisición.Chapter 4 of this book is freely available as a downloadable Open Access PDF at under a Creative Commons Attribution-Non Commercial-No Derivatives (CC-BY-NC-ND) 4.0 license.Teoría sociocultural y español LE/L2 introduces the key concepts of sociocultural theory (SCT) as they apply to the teaching and acquisition of Spanish as a second and foreign language. Contributions from leading experts from across the globe, both well-established and emerging scholars, offer an in-depth view of how a sociocultural approach can impact the teaching and learning of Spanish.The first book on this subject to be written in Spanish, this unique volume examines the transformation that sociocultural ideas are producing and conceives learning and development as sociocultural and interpersonal activities. It highlights the objective of evaluation and research as dynamic intervention tools for learning and growth, the active role learners must play, and how a sociocultural approach illuminates the importance of mediation in the learning and development processes of the individual.Key features include: An interview with James P. Lantolf, one of the most prominent researchers in SCT applied to second languages A consistent use of sociocultural theory terminology in Spanish throughout A homogeneous chapter structure which makes it easy to consult Its own newly developed theoretical and research proposals An online glossary of relevant terms in sociocultural theory with brief definitions Designed for those with no prior knowledge of the subject area, Teoría sociocultural y español LE/L2 provides straightforward and accessible explanations of SCT accompanied by specific and practical applications for the language classroom. It is an essential resource for anyone

The Power of Self-Presentation: Spanish Speakers Constructing Digital Identity

by Carmen Maíz-Arévalo

​This book follows a Goffmanian approach to self-presentation to focus on the different strategies Spanish users employ to construct their digital identity in profiles, biographies, pictures, and statuses on platforms such WhatsApp, Twitter, Facebook, Instagram and LinkedIn. The author presents a functioning taxonomy of self-presentation strategies along the front-stage/back-stage continuum, including common strategies such as eudaimonic (or inspirational) messages and the use of humour. Special attention is paid to the effects of social variables such as the users' gender and age, and the perceived purposes of the different platforms (e.g. LinkedIn is often intended as a professional market for job hunting, whereas Facebook is rarely used in this context). The book will be of interest to students and scholars of Technologically Mediated Communication (traditionally known as Computer-Mediated Communication or CMC), media communication, internet pragmatics, digital discourse analysis, and related fields.

Candide: A Dual-Language Book (Dover Dual Language French)

by Voltaire

Evergreen in its appeal, Candide makes us laugh at human folly and marvel at our reluctance to face reality and the truth. Voltaire's brilliant satire, first published in Paris in 1759, is relentless and unsparing. Virtue and vice, religion and romance, philosophy and science — all are fair game. Through the adventures of young Candide, his love Cunégonde, and his mentor Dr. Pangloss, we experience life's most crushing misfortunes. And we see the redeeming wisdom those misfortunes can bring — all the while enjoying Voltaire's witty burlesque of human excess. In this unique volume, readers who wish to follow every nuance of Voltaire's classic tale in the original French can do so with the aid of a new and exacting English translation on facing pages. Shane Weller's critical introduction illuminates the satire of Candide and the reasons for its enduring appeal.

German Made Simple: Learn to speak and understand German quickly and easily (Made Simple)

by Arnold Leitner

Learning German Has Never Been Easier! Whether you are studying the language in school, planning a trip to Germany or Austria, or trying to learn the basics of the language closest to English, German Made Simple is the perfect book for any self-learner. Void of all nonessentials and refreshingly easy to understand, German Made Simple includes:• Basics of German grammar• Modern German vocabulary• German pronunciation guide• German reading exercises• German economic information• Common German expressions• Review exercises• Complete answer key• German-English dictionary

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