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A Gentle Man

by John Terry Moore

As a young gay man growing up in southwest Victoria, Nick Williams leads a charmed life. Life on the family farm gives him a sense of purpose. His supportive parents are loving and affectionate. And his best friend Aaron is always around to help him get out of trouble. But when his father dies a few days before Nick&’s eighteenth birthday, it changes the course of Nick&’s life. From rural Australia to India, Nick builds a life as a successful businessman only to watch it crumble in a way he never thought possible. Running from betrayal and heartbreak, Nick returns to the land and people who know him best, but sometimes you have to hit rock bottom to be able to see what was in front of you all along.

A Nice Normal Family

by John Terry Moore

Jackson "Jacko" Smith is dyslexic, but like many people affected by the learning disability, he is highly intelligent. His best friend Sammy Collins helps him get through school and unlocks his potential. Jacko progresses through the ranks of local government until Mother Nature intervenes and the straight boy and the gay boy become a couple. As Jacko and Sammy start a family and challenge social mores, Jacko enters politics, horrified at the direction the Australian government is taking. With Sammy by his side, he can achieve anything and rises through the ranks to the highest office in the land, driving Australia away from its British colonial roots and engaging with its neighbors in Asia like never before. Economic growth results, and while most Australians are supportive, a small group of extremists might endanger everything Jacko has built--including his life. Through the love and the strength of their partnership, Jacko and Sammy rise above their ordinary lives. Because love is never ordinary.

The Routledge Companion to the Reception of Ancient Greek and Roman Gender and Sexuality

by K. R. Moore

This Companion covers a range of receptions of ancient Greek and Roman gender and sexuality. It explores ancient representations of these concepts as we define them today, as well as recent perspectives that have been projected back onto antiquity. Beginning in antiquity, the chapters examine how the ancient Greeks and Romans regarded concepts of what we would today call "gender" and "sexuality" based on the evidence available to us, and chart the varied interpretations and receptions of these concepts across time to the present day. In exploring how different cultures have "received" the classical past, the volume investigates these cultures’ different interpretations of Greek and Roman sexualities, and what these interpretations can reveal about their own attitudes. Through the contributions in this book, the reader gains a deeper understanding of this essential part of human existence, derived from influential sources. From ancient to modern and postmodern perspectives, from cinematic productions to TikTok videos, receptions of ancient gender and sexuality abound. This volume is of interest to students and scholars of ancient history, gender and sexuality in the ancient world, and ancient societies, as well as those working on popular culture and gender studies more broadly.

Our Transgenic Future: Spider Goats, Genetic Modification, and the Will to Change Nature

by Lisa Jean Moore

How scientific advances in genetic modification will fundamentally change the natural worldThe process of manipulating the genetic material of one animal to include the DNA of another creates a new transgenic organism. Several animals, notably goats, mice, sheep, and cattle are now genetically modified in this way. In Our Transgenic Future, Lisa Jean Moore wonders what such scientific advances portend. Will the natural world become so modified that it ceases to exist? After turning species into hybrids, can we ever get back to the original, or are they forever lost? Does genetic manipulation make better lives possible, and if so, for whom?Moore centers the story on goats that have been engineered by the US military and civilian scientists using the DNA of spiders. The goat’s milk contains a spider-silk protein fiber; it can be spun into ultra-strong fabric that can be used to manufacture lightweight military body armor. Researchers also hope the transgenically produced spider silk will revolutionize medicine with biocompatible medical inserts such as prosthetics and bandages. Based on in-depth research with spiders in Florida and transgenic goats in Utah, Our Transgenic Future focuses on how these spidergoats came into existence, the researchers who maintain them, the funders who have made their lives possible, and how they fit into the larger science of transgenics and synthetics. This book is a fascinating story about the possibilities of science and the likely futures that may come.

The Collected Poems of Anna Seward Volume 1

by Lisa L. Moore

This critical edition of the poems of Anna Seward (1742-1809) re-establishes one of the most popular and prolific poets of the early Romantic period. Her work influenced Charllotte Smith and Mary Robinson and later both Wordsworth and Coleridge. Her reputation was so high that Sir Walter Scott edited the posthumous edition of her poems in 1810. Unlike Scott's, this edition reproduces the poems as they were first published in periodicals and collections during Seward's lifetime, allowing scholars to experience them as eighteenth century readers did. It also includes mire than 200 poems that were excluded from the Scott edition.

The Collected Poems of Anna Seward Volume 2 (The\pickering Masters Ser.)

by Lisa L. Moore

This critical edition of the poems of Anna Seward (1742-1809) re-establishes one of the most popular and prolific poets of the early Romantic period. Her work influenced Charllotte Smith and Mary Robinson and later both Wordsworth and Coleridge. Her reputation was so high that Sir Walter Scott edited the posthumous edition of her poems in 1810. Unlike Scott's, this edition reproduces the poems as they were first published in periodicals and collections during Seward's lifetime, allowing scholars to experience them as eighteenth century readers did. It also includes mire than 200 poems that were excluded from the Scott edition.

Dangerous Intimacies: Toward a Sapphic History of the British Novel

by Lisa L. Moore

Refuting commonly held beliefs within women's and lesbian history, feminist theory, and histories of the novel, Dangerous Intimacies challenges the idea that sex between women was unimaginable in British culture before the late nineteenth century. Lisa L. Moore argues that literary representations of female sexual agency--and in particular "sapphic" relationships between women--were central to eighteenth-century debates over English national identity. Moore shows how the novel's representation of women's "romantic friendships"--both platonic and sexual--were encoded within wider social concerns regarding race, nation, and colonialist ventures.Moore demonstrates that intimacy between women was vividly imagined in the British eighteenth century as not only chaste and virtuous, but also insistently and inevitably sexual. She looks at instances of sapphism in such novels as Millenium Hall, Memoirs of a Woman of Pleasure, Belinda, and Emma and analyzes how the new literary form of the novel made the bourgeois heroine's successful negotiation of female friendship central to the establishment of her virtue. Moore also examines representations of sapphism through the sweeping economic and political changes of the period and claims that middle-class readers' identifications with the heroine's virtue helped the novel's bourgeois audience justify the violent bases of their new prosperity, including slavery, colonialism, and bloody national rivalry.In revealing the struggle over sapphism at the heart of these novels of female friendship--and at the heart of England's national identity--Moore shows how feminine sexual agency emerged as an important cultural force in post-Enlightenment England

Fabulous: The Rise of the Beautiful Eccentric

by Madison Moore

An exploration of what it means to be fabulous—and why eccentric style, fashion, and creativity are more political than ever Prince once told us not to hate him ’cause he’s fabulous. But what does it mean to be fabulous? Is fabulous style only about labels, narcissism, and selfies—looking good and feeling gorgeous? Or can acts of fabulousness be political gestures, too? What are the risks of fabulousness? And in what ways is fabulous style a defiant response to the struggles of living while marginalized? madison moore answers these questions in a timely and fascinating book that explores how queer, brown, and other marginalized outsiders use ideas, style, and creativity in everyday life. Moving from catwalks and nightclubs to the street, moore dialogues with a range of fabulous and creative powerhouses, including DJ Vjuan Allure, voguing superstar Lasseindra Ninja, fashion designer Patricia Field, performance artist Alok Vaid†‘Menon, and a wide range of other aesthetic rebels from the worlds of art, fashion, and nightlife. In a riveting synthesis of autobiography, cultural analysis, and ethnography, moore positions fabulousness as a form of cultural criticism that allows those who perform it to thrive in a world where they are not supposed to exist.

Invisible Families: Gay Identities, Relationships, and Motherhood Among Black Women

by Mignon Moore

Mignon R. Moore brings to light the family life of a group that has been largely invisible--gay women of color--in a book that challenges long-standing ideas about racial identity, family formation, and motherhood. Drawing from interviews and surveys of one hundred black gay women in New York City, Invisible Families explores the ways that race and class have influenced how these women understand their sexual orientation, find partners, and form families. In particular, the study looks at the ways in which the past experiences of women who came of age in the 1960s and 1970s shape their thinking, and have structured their lives in communities that are not always accepting of their openly gay status. Overturning generalizations about lesbian families derived largely from research focused on white, middle-class feminists, Invisible Families reveals experiences within black American and Caribbean communities as it asks how people with multiple stigmatized identities imagine and construct an individual and collective sense of self.

Tweaked: A Crystal Memoir

by Patrick Moore

"There are moments when I suddenly realize that I'm a nice boy from Iowa who is entirely comfortable sitting in a room of freaks. " So begins Patrick Moore's unforgettable account of life as a crystal meth addict—a "tweaker. " Like a wild ride down Alice's rabbit hole with a guide who is darkly funny and heartbreakingly honest, Tweaked chronicles a twenty-year trip that stretches from Moore's lonely childhood in Iowa with his grandmother, Zelma—an alcoholic artist who, when loaded, turns frozen food into crafts projects —to the day he sits, naked, in a Los Angeles rental, hallucinating about psycho-robbers while talking to a possum he's sure is God. Along the way, there are acid trips at the V. F. W. , Dexetrim study halls with his Bad Girl Posse in the seventies, teeth-grinding nights of dancing and anonymous sex in New York City's hottest eighties clubs, taking pictures of Andy Warhol, losing friends and lovers, and navigating a Byzantine underworld of cookers, users, club kids, dealers, and colorful characters as intense as the drug itself. There is Lee, the glamorous, outr#65533; bad boy with a devastating wit and a taste for danger; Tony, the tweaker who likes to remove his eyebrows; Ding-Dong, the Depends-wearing, nearly blind housemate; Hisako, the artist and squatter with an impenetrable Japanese accent and a fondness for hot plate cooking; "Mother" Judy, the tough, butch rehab counselor who takes no prisoners, and countless others on the road from crystal meth hell to eventual sobriety. Candid, gripping, and ultimately triumphant, Tweaked is that rarest of memoirs—a tale so vivid and personal in the telling it feels like fiction, but every word is true.

Tweaked: A Crystal Memoir

by Patrick Moore

"There are moments when I suddenly realize that I'm a nice boy from Iowa who is entirely comfortable sitting in a room of freaks. "So begins Patrick Moore's unforgettable account of life as a crystal meth addict—a "tweaker. " Like a wild ride down Alice's rabbit hole with a guide who is darkly funny and heartbreakingly honest, Tweaked chronicles a twenty-year trip that stretches from Moore's lonely childhood in Iowa with his grandmother, Zelma—an alcoholic artist who, when loaded, turns frozen food into crafts projects —to the day he sits, naked, in a Los Angeles rental, hallucinating about psycho-robbers while talking to a possum he's sure is God. Along the way, there are acid trips at the V. F. W. , Dexetrim study halls with his Bad Girl Posse in the seventies, teeth-grinding nights of dancing and anonymous sex in New York City's hottest eighties clubs, taking pictures of Andy Warhol, losing friends and lovers, and navigating a Byzantine underworld of cookers, users, club kids, dealers, and colorful characters as intense as the drug itself. There is Lee, the glamorous, outré bad boy with a devastating wit and a taste for danger; Tony, the tweaker who likes to remove his eyebrows; Ding-Dong, the Depends-wearing, nearly blind housemate; Hisako, the artist and squatter with an impenetrable Japanese accent and a fondness for hot plate cooking; "Mother" Judy, the tough, butch rehab counselor who takes no prisoners, and countless others on the road from crystal meth hell to eventual sobriety. Candid, gripping, and ultimately triumphant, Tweaked is that rarest of memoirs—a tale so vivid and personal in the telling it feels like fiction, but every word is true.

Bone to Pick (Digging Up Bones #1)

by Ta Moore

Cloister Witte is a man with a dark past and a cute dog. He’s happy to talk about the dog all day, but after growing up in the shadow of a missing brother, a deadbeat dad, and a criminal stepfather, he’d rather leave the past back in Montana. These days he’s a K-9 officer in the San Diego County Sheriff’s Department and pays a tithe to his ghosts by doing what no one was able to do for his brother—find the missing and bring them home. He’s good at solving difficult mysteries. The dog is even better. This time the missing person is a ten-year-old boy who walked into the woods in the middle of the night and didn’t come back. With the antagonistic help of distractingly handsome FBI agent Javi Merlo, it quickly becomes clear that Drew Hartley didn’t run away. He was taken, and the evidence implies he’s not the kidnapper’s first victim. As the search intensifies, old grudges and tragedies are pulled into the light of day. But with each clue they uncover, it looks less and less likely that Drew will be found alive.

Cani e lupi (Wolf Winter #1)

by Ta Moore

Un libro della serie L'inverno dei lupiIl mondo non finisce con uno schianto, ma con un diluvio. I tornado invadono il cuore di Londra, New York soffoca sotto un’ondata di calore che fa sciogliere persino l’asfalto, mentre la Russia congela sotto uno spesso strato di permafrost. All’inizio le persone si uniscono, paracadutando aiuti dal cielo e facendo evacuare la popolazione, ma il clima non fa che peggiorare. A Durham, il mite professore universitario Danny Fennick si prepara ad affrontare la tempesta. È cresciuto nelle Highlands scozzesi, perciò ha già vissuto inverni rigidi in passato. Inoltre, ha un vantaggio. È un lupo mutaforma. O, per essere precisi, un cane mutaforma. Meno impressionante, ma sempre utile. Tuttavia gli altri lupi mutaforma non credono che quello sia un inverno qualsiasi e stanno attraversando il Vallo per marcare il loro nuovo territorio. Tra loro ci sono l’ex di Danny, Jack, Principe Ereditario del branco del Numitor, inseguito dal fratello che vuole ucciderlo. L’inverno dei lupi non è bianco. È rosso come il sangue.

Cash in Hand

by TA Moore

The last monster died a hundred years ago. At least, that’s what the monsters want you to think. Half-monster Cash just wants to keep his head down and raise his daughter, Ellie, to be an upstanding member of monstrous society. Even if she’d rather spend the summer with her human friends than learn the art of man traps at Camp Dark Hollow. So the last person Cash wants to see is her uncle Arkady Abascal, who’s also Cash’s ex-boyfriend. Arkady has more than Ellie’s summer plans on his mind. He’s there to enlist Cash to find out who’s been selling monster secrets. Cash hasn’t gotten any better at telling Arkady no, but it’s not just his weakness for Arkady that makes him agree. The Prodigium thinks an Abascal exposed them to humans, and now the whole family is at risk—including Ellie. Recruited to help Arkady identify the culprit—or frame a scapegoat—Cash finds the machinations of monstrous power easier to navigate than his feelings for Arkady. At least, at first. But when things get bloody, he wishes romantic disasters were all he had to worry about….

Chasser les corbeaux (Wolf Winter #2)

by TA Moore

Lorsque l’hiver s’abattra, les Loups franchiront le mur et dévoreront les petits garçons dans leur lit. Le Dr Nicholas Blake a beau avoir peur du noir, il sait que les histoires de monstres racontées par sa grand-mère pour le tourmenter durant son enfance ne sont pas réelles. Ou du moins, il le pensait… avant de voir la mer geler, le pays être paralysé par la neige, et de trouver un homme à l’agonie, se vidant de son sang sous le regard d’une étrange femme morte. À présent, ses cauchemars empiètent sur sa vie et seul son patient imprévu semble connaître le fin mot de l’histoire. Pour Gregor, la situation est simple : ces traîtres de prophètes l’ont mutilé et lui ont volé son frère, Jack, et il compte bien les faire payer. Sans son loup, la tâche s’avérera difficile, mais jamais il ne laisserait quelqu’un d’autre tuer son jumeau à sa place, même s’il doit quémander de l’aide auprès de son médecin très attirant, mais trop humain. Cependant, peut-être les prophètes visent-ils un but pire que la mort, et peut-être Nick s’avère-t-il moins humain qu’il le pense ? À mesure que les cadavres s’entassent et que les vieilles histoires se réalisent, les deux hommes doivent se serrer les coudes pour sauver Jack et empêcher les prophètes de réveiller une chose plus terrible encore que l’hiver de loup.


by TA Moore

When ex-priest Jack finds a dead man nailed to his bed, he knows it’s going to be a bad night. He just has no idea how bad. Now he’s been recruited by his own personal demon to find the thieves who killed a man, kidnapped his family, and stole something of indescribable value from the demonic Math. To find answers he has to delve deep into the infernal underbelly of his town and face his own past. Jack’s been promised his soul back if he succeeds. As local cop Ben Ambrose risks his own soul by following too closely in Jack’s footsteps, and with a child’s life on the line, Jack has to decide if it’s a deal he’s willing to make.

Dead Man Stalking (Blood and Bone #1)

by TA Moore

A Blood and Bone NovelAgent Luke Bennett proved that humans could rise just as high in the ranks as their vampire colleagues—until a kidnapper held him captive for a year and turned him without his consent. Now he’s Took: a reluctant monster afraid to bite anyone, broke, and about to be discharged from his elite BITERs unit. When an old colleague suggests he consult on a BITERs case, Took has little to lose. The case is open and shut… but nothing is ever that easy. As he digs deeper, he discovers a lot more than one cold case is at stake, and if he wants to solve this one, he’ll need the help of the BITERs team. Even if that brings his old commander, Madoc, back into his life.

Die Spürnasen sind zurück (Die Spürnasen)

by TA Moore

Cloister Witte und seine Hundestaffelpartnerin Bourneville finden Vermisste und bringen sie heim.Doch damit ist die Arbeit nicht immer beendet.Die junge Transfrau Janet Morrow liegt im Koma, seit sie sich während eines Unwetters von ihrem Auto entfernte. Dass Cloister sie finden konnte, bedeutet nicht, dass die junge Touristin auch heimgefunden hat. Was führte sie nach Plenty in Kalifornien … und wer wollte verhindern, dass sie den Ort wieder verließ?Mithilfe von Special Agent Javi Merlo, der seine zunehmenden Gefühle für den ungeschliffenen Deputy weiterhin leugnet, deckt Cloister ein zehn Jahre altes Komplott des Schweigens auf, das Plentys korrupte Vergangenheit eröffnet.Janet Morrows alte Geheimnisse sind nicht die einzigen, die ans Licht kommen. Obwohl Javi seine Vergangenheit hinter sich gelassen hat, scheinen einige Menschen fest entschlossen zu sein, seine Leichen aus dem Keller zu zerren. Seine finstere Vergangenheit mit einem hochrangigen Agenten in Phoenix macht nicht nur die Ermittlungen komplizierter, sondern auch seine Beziehung zu Cloister.Und seit wann interessiert ihn die überhaupt?

Dog Days (Wolf Winter #1)

by Ta Moore

The world ends not with a bang, but with a downpour. Tornadoes spin through the heart of London, New York cooks in a heat wave that melts tarmac, and Russia freezes under an ever-thickening layer of permafrost. People rally at first--organizing aid drops and evacuating populations--but the weather is only getting worse. In Durham, mild-mannered academic Danny Fennick has battened down to sit out the storm. He grew up in the Scottish Highlands, so he's seen harsh winters before. Besides, he has an advantage. He's a werewolf. Or, to be precise, a weredog. Less impressive, but still useful. Except the other werewolves don't believe this is any ordinary winter, and they're coming down over the Wall to mark their new territory. Including Danny's ex, Jack--the Crown Prince Pup of the Numitor's pack--and the prince's brother, who wants to kill him. A wolf winter isn't white. It's red as blood.

Elf Shot (Monster Dads)

by TA Moore

Special Illustrated Edition All Conri wanted was to drop his kid off at Changeling camp, find the nearest halfway nice hotel, and enjoy a week of uncomplicated debauchery. It should be simple. It doesn&’t work out that way. When a local girl disappears, the neighborhood quickly lays blame at the well-guarded gates of the camp. With his son incriminated, a mystery to solve, and a malevolent pocket of the Otherworld to navigate, Conri will need all the help he can get—even if it does come from a distractingly pretty, tightly wound Iron Door agent who doesn&’t trust Conri to be on the right side. Previously released as part of the anthology Bad, Dad, and Dangerous by Dreamspinner Press, October 2020

Every Other Weekend

by Ta Moore

Divorce lawyer Clayton Reynolds is a happy cynic who believes in hard work and one-night stands. He also believes that being an excellent lawyer means he never has to go home to the miserable trailer park where he grew up and that volunteering at a women’s shelter will buy off the conscience that occasionally plagues him. So when Nadine Graham comes in with a broken arm and a son she desperately wants to protect, Clayton can’t turn down their plea for help. Taking the case means appealing to investigator “Just Call Me Kelly” for help. That wouldn’t be so bad if Kelly weren’t a hopeless romantic… and the hottest man Clayton’s ever met. Kelly has always had a crush on the unobtainable Clayton Reynolds. He agrees to help, even though he has enough on his plate with the motherless baby his widowed brother left him to care for. As Nadine’s case turns dangerous and the two seemingly opposite men are forced to work together, they discover they have a great deal in common—but solving the case and saving Nadine’s life might cost Kelly everything.

Gefährliche Liebe

by TA Moore

Der Scheidungsanwalt Clayton Reynolds ist ein überzeugter Zyniker, der an harte Arbeit und One-Night-Stands glaubt. Außerdem ist er der Meinung, dass er als exzellenter Anwalt nie mehr nach Hause – in die elende Wohnwagensiedlung, in der er aufgewachsen ist – zurückkehren muss. Mit ehrenamtlicher Arbeit für ein Frauenhaus versucht er das schlechte Gewissen zu beruhigen, das ihn gelegentlich plagt. Als Nadine Graham mit einem gebrochenen Arm und einem Sohn erscheint, den sie verzweifelt beschützen will, kann Clayton ihre Bitte um Hilfe daher nicht abschlagen. Die Annahme des Falls bedeutet jedoch auch, den Ermittlungsbeamten „nennt mich einfach nur Kelly“ um Unterstützung bitten zu müssen. Das wäre gar nicht so schlimm, wenn Kelly nicht ein hoffnungsloser Romantiker wäre und außerdem der heißeste Mann, dem Clayton je begegnet ist. Kelly hat immer schon für den unerreichbaren Clayton Reynolds geschwärmt. Er willigt ein, zu helfen, obwohl er mit dem mutterlosen Baby, das sein verwitweter Bruder bei ihm gelassen hat, eigentlich schon genug um die Ohren hat. Als Nadines Fall eine gefährliche Wendung nimmt und die zwei scheinbar gegensätzlichen Männer zur Zusammenarbeit gezwungen werden, entdecken sie, dass sie sehr viel gemeinsam haben. Die Lösung des Falls und die Rettung von Nadines Leben könnten Kelly jedoch alles kosten.

Ghostwriter of Christmas Past (2017 Advent Calendar - Stocking Stuffers)

by Ta Moore

Ever since ghostwriter Jason Burke ended up in loco parentis for his orphaned niece, Mallory, he’s been trying. He goes to parent/teacher events, and he makes packed lunches, so he definitely didn’t mean to forget about Christmas. He just hasn’t celebrated it since he left home under a cloud years ago. Put on the spot, Jason makes the snap decision to take Mallory to see where he and her father spent their Christmases as kids. The last thing he expects is to run into Tommy, his ex—ex-best friend, ex-boyfriend—who is still living in town… and working as a sheriff’s deputy. It’s hard to avoid someone in a small town—and maybe Jason doesn’t want to. He got Mallory a Christmas, and maybe now it’s time to get himself a Christmas boyfriend. But first, he owes Tommy some explanations.A story from the Dreamspinner Press 2017 Advent Calendar "Stocking Stuffers."

Le loup de la prophétie (Un hiver de loup)

by TA Moore

Le territoire de la meute écossaise.Jack et Gregor, les princes loups exilés, auraient voulu ne jamais le quitter. Danny le chien, en revanche, l&’a fui dès que possible et il n&’avait pas prévu d&’y revenir. Quant à Nick, à la fois médecin pathologiste et oiseau charognard, il n&’a plus nulle part où aller.Après bien des périples, il ne leur reste qu&’une option : réclamer l&’aide du vieil homme afin d&’annihiler les prophètes qui les poursuivent depuis leur départ de Durham. Vu la réputation sinistre et méritée du Numitor, chef de meute et père des jumeaux, même les prophètes, ces traîtres aux mains sanglantes, évitent de lui chercher noise.Quand Jack et Gregor arrivent enfin chez eux, c&’est pour apprendre que le vieil homme a disparu, remplacé par un fantoche à la solde des prophètes. Le quatuor, bien qu&’endeuillé et hanté par d&’anciennes erreurs commises, cherche à démanteler les funestes projets de la prophétesse Rose avant qu&’il soit trop tard. Les enjeux montent vite et le froid s&’installe jusque dans leurs os lorsqu&’ils découvrent les horreurs cachées derrière les légendes et les prophéties.Dans les Hautes-Terres glacées d&’Écosse, Fenrir se réveille et sa faim est inextinguible.Les prophètes affirment depuis toujours que l&’Hiver de loup serait rouge sang, mais ils n&’avaient jamais révélé de qui venait le sang.

Liar, Liar

by Ta Moore

Just another day at the office. For some people that means spreadsheets, and for others it’s stitching endless hems. For Jacob Archer a day at the office is stealing proprietary information from a bioengineering firm for a paranoid software billionaire. He’s a liar and a thief, parlaying a glib tongue and a facile conscience into a lucrative career. He just has one rule—never get involved with a mark. Well, had one rule. To be fair, though, Simon Ramsey is dark, dangerous, and has shoulders like a Greek statue. Besides, it’s not as though Jacob’s even really stealing from Simon… just his boss and his brother-in-law. Simon didn’t buy that excuse either after he caught Jacob breaking into the company’s computer network. That would have been that—one messy breakup, one ticket to Bali booked—but it turns out that the stolen information is worth more than Jacob thought. With his life—and his ribs—threatened, Jacob needs Simon to help him out. Or maybe he just needs Simon.

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