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Beyond Black Belt

by Emery C. Walters

Wren is a hardworking archaeologist on his first vacation in years. While he’s tempted to look for ancient artifacts, this is Maui and he needs to focus on taking it easy. So it’s off to the beach to relax.There Wren dives into trouble, literally. Luckily, the backward roll and breathing techniques he learned studying Ninjutsu saves his life, because the shore break called Satan’s Washing Machine grinds him up and spits him out, temporarily blinded and badly battered.A karate dojo owner named Steven takes him to a doctor, a pharmacy, and then back to the beach, only to find Wren’s car and all his belongings have been stolen. So Steven invites him home instead.Will their mutual love of martial arts lead to other a deeper relationship? Or will their shared desire for humbleness and respect for others keep them from falling in love?

Men at Play

by R. W. Clinger

When video game designer Brett Bett attends a New Year's Eve party, he reunites with friends and foes. Happily single with no intention of discovering a "possible" boyfriend, Brett meets the private party's handsome bartender, Nevin McBane. The attraction between them is immediate.Through an assortment of party games, the two become quite acquainted with each other. Numerous drinks are shared, histories of their pasts are learned, and dancing becomes necessary.Frankly, Brett thinks he’s met a great guy, a charmer. Someone he can maybe fall for. As midnight approaches and the clock counts down to the New Year, Brett must make a decision. Does he want to go home with Nevin after the party, or stay single and unencumbered?

Hitting It Big

by Shawn Lane

Six years ago, Billy Grant had a night he never forgot losing his virginity to the jock of his dreams, Mitch Crestfield. But Billy fled afterward, not wanting to hear Mitch’s regrets.Now Mitch has hit it big, winning the lottery, and Billy finds himself invited to Mitch’s celebration. When Mitch suggests another night of passion, Billy can’t seem to resist. But Mitch has something more than one night in mind.

Saving Akita

by M. M. Shapiro

Akira Watanabe’s greatest issue isn’t being a lesbian, but rather having a father with the maturity of a teenager. He’s a heavy drinker and hardly works, so she supports them both with a job at a local convenience mart. It’s there she befriends police sergeant Rosey Garatino, who frequents the store and lives in the same complex as the Watanabes.Akira has the hots for a Goth girl named Jade, but unfortunately, Jade likes guys, and she also drinks and smokes. One night when Jade comes into the store, drunk, and tries to steal some beer, Akira stops her. Jade gets sick, and Akira helps her outside. Sparks fly between them, but nothing happens.Later Akira hears rumors that Jade is a lesbian. The heat that smoldered between them now sparks into a fire, especially when Jade promises to quit drinking and smoking. Akira’s surprised to learn Jade is Rosey’s daughter.Growing up can be difficult in the best of situations, but the neighborhood where Akira and Jade live is dangerous, too. As their friendship deepens into love, will they be able to protect each other and find their happy ending?

Motorcycle Man

by Sarah Hadley Brook

Motorcycle shop owner Ben Makowski offers a three-day class for new riders. When he finds out one of his students doesn’t even like motorcycles, he’s irritated but drawn to the man at the same time. Though he can clearly see the new student is dealing with something difficult, Ben sets out to get to know what that might be and if he can help in any way.Writer Angus Winter’s publisher has insisted he learn about motorcycles for an upcoming book, which is the last thing he wants to do. His fear of motorcycles stems from a tragedy in his past. But something about his sexy new teacher makes him want to open up to the man. Can Angus trust Ben with the burden he’s carried for so long?

Heaven in a Matchbox

by Lex Baker

Lovers Regan and Emmeline are the sole survivors in a post-apocalyptic world. They roam freely through the deserted cities in Great Britain, scavenging what they can, trying to survive in a world that is no more than ash.After a quarrel, Emmeline goes off on her own. But with Regan’s mind being on the verge of insanity, will a little accident mean the end for both women?


by Dale Chase

An entity that has no substance or form lands on Earth after traveling among planets and stars. It happens to land in the hair of a gay man, accompanying him into his apartment and his life, where the entity becomes so enamored of an old Royal typewriter that it splits in two.Though unable to speak, the entities learn language because the man is a writer. They also learn about sex because he writes porn. Observing the man with a male lover, the entities are fascinated and ultimately crave sex for themselves. Can an entity without form or substance manage to have sex?

Evan's Fantasy

by Sarah Hadley Brook

Evan is crazy about his roommate’s best friend, Nick, but has kept it secret for months. When Nick catches him in a compromising position, moaning his name, the cat’s out of the bag.Surprisingly, it turns out Nick feels the same way about Evan, and he wants to play. With the house to themselves for the evening, will Evan’s fantasy become reality?

A New Pair of Steel Shoes

by Kassandra Lea

Nathan Pratchett’s last relationship ended because he spends too much time at the barn with his mare, Birch. But he finds peace in the saddle.However, Birch seems to have other plans.After losing a shoe while out on a trail ride, Nathan is forced to use a new ferrier. After that, it seems like Birch is a different horse. She’s gone from well-behaved to running loose! And, for some reason, she keeps winding up at the home of a dreamy fella named Lucas Shaw. Is it possible the mare knows something Nathan doesn’t?

Say Cheese

by Michael P. Thomas

Grover “Shep” Shepherd is the only thing Felix Medrano loves more than being the current darling of Hollywood. He throws a star-studded surprise engagement party to declare their love to the world, and it’s a smash, save for one detail: Shep is a no-show. Felix knows Shep missed his flight home from New Orleans, but that was hours ago. What’s the hold up?Shep’s still at the airport is what, watching flight after flight wing westward without him. Each time he sends Felix a progress report via text message, Felix replies with a romantic photo from their past, and Shep spends much of his airport odyssey Remembering When. It’s easy to see how these two fell in love, but can Shep possibly make it home in time to celebrate with Felix and their friends?

Married Ones

by Matthew J. Metzger

It's the summer break, and for the first time in his life, Mike would rather stay in the bloody classroom.It's wedding season, and Mike is doomed to spend all summer sipping cheap champagne and pretending he likes tiny portions of posh food. From the passive-aggressive torment of Mike's mother-in-law to the insulting incredulity of his colleagues over what his mysterious husband actually looks like, Mike would voluntarily teach sex education to fourteen-year-olds for the rest of his life if it would only get him out of one more wedding. Even his husband in a kilt isn't going to save this one.But there's nothing like watching someone else get hitched to remind him of where he's come from ... and where he's determined to go from here.

A Knight for All

by Shawn Lane

For his birthday, Edward, Baron Rycliffe, and his wife, Katherine, plan a celebratory tournament of knights. Edward invites his friend and former lover, Sir Gregory, to attend, and the reunited pair is unable to resist the sensual pull they still feel for each other.What Edward doesn’t know is that Lady Katherine sent Gregory an invitation of her own. Though she’s content in her marriage, Katherine isn’t satisfied with mere contentment, and she intends to give her husband a special birthday present involving a knight of passion with her and the knight of his dreams.

Old Christmas Magic

by Kassandra Lea

Drew McLean has had a run of bad luck and it’s dampened his Christmas spirit. But the last thing he expects to find for the holiday is a demon.While strolling in the late-night snow, Drew hears screeching tires and a sad scene is awaits him around the corner. A man kneels beside a dog hit by a car, distraught and broken.The man is Artem, a demon sent to find a pure soul. Drew matches that description to a T. The problem is Artem’s never really been good at the demon gig.Will a little Christmas magic help them both find what they’re looking for?

The Mistletoe Kiss

by Ruby Moone

Widowed bookseller Lawrence Fenton has spent a lonely lifetime hiding who he is. He has convinced himself his feelings for his far too young, gorgeous, but troubled assistant Christy Shaw are nothing more than pride in his protégé and concern for his plight.Christy’s life involves walking fine lines: one between his mother and his abusive stepfather, one where he must keep his needs hidden, and hardest of all, one where he must keep his feelings for his serious employer to himself.Lame since birth, Lawrence cannot imagine anyone wanting him, least of all Christy. But when Christy’s life threatens to spiral out of control, Lawrence steps in. Then Christy’s emotions spill over into a kiss under the mistletoe at Christmas. Will Lawrence be able to face the long-buried truth about himself and keep Christy by his side?

The Best Gift

by Shawn Lane

Malcolm Rowland’s nearly year old relationship ends just before Christmas when he learns his boyfriend has been cheating on him.Now Malcolm has no place to live and no job. His best friend, Dustin Jones, who has stood by him for years, takes him in. Dustin is determined to show Malcolm not only a great Christmas, but that love between the two of them can be the best gift.

Closets Are for Clothes

by Addison Albright

Mike’s life is carefully compartmentalized. He’s deep in the closet to his family back in Kansas, but lives life honestly and openly in Austin. He’s unnerved when Wes, his old university crush, turns up at his door in answer to a roommate advertisement, but quickly sees the potential ... benefits of the arrangement. Wes has never doubted nor denied his sexuality. With the support of his family he’s an out and proud LGBT activist.On the scale balancing his self-esteem on one side, and the love of his family on the other, Mike has to decide which weighs more. Is Mike being fair to his parents by not giving them the chance to know his real self? When the delicate balance of his life is disrupted, he decides he’s tired of living a lie. Will Wes understand his concerns, or will their fledgling relationship crumble under the strain of Mike’s uncertainty?

Six Pack Box Set

by Sarah Hadley Brook

This steamy collection features six M/M erotic romances by up-and-coming author Sarah Hadley Brook. Follow along with these gay men as they seek out their happily ever afters. Celebrate as they find true love, fulfill their desires, and even act out a few erotic fantasies. Contains the stories:Caleb's Choice: Caleb Dodson has lived and breathed baseball most of his life. Playing in the Minor Leagues means he’s close to his dream of being in the Majors, and he doesn't want anything to mess that up. That means keeping his attraction to men a secret. But when new announcer Lucas Landry arrives at the stadium, Caleb falls hard and fast. Maybe it’s time for Caleb to figure out just what that dream is.Eggplant Highlights and Mustard Yellow Jeans: Seth Robinson manages a local kitchen boutique and has his eye on sexy customer Chris Berger, but he’s too shy to start a conversation about anything other than kitchen gadgets. When they finally do get together, they are both dealing with a lot of changes in their lives. Are they strong enough to work together and find their happily ever after?Evan's Fantasy: Evan is crazy about his roommate's best friend, Nick, but keeps it secret. When he's caught in a compromising position, moaning Nick's name, the cat's out of the bag, but it turns out Nick wants to play. Two sexy men share an unforgettable night of passion as Evan's fantasy becomes reality.Motorcycle Man: Biker Ben Makowski is irritated when a student in his latest riding class doesn't even like motorcycles. Ben can see the man, Angus Winter, is dealing with something painful, and sets out to find out what it might be. Angus Winter is a writer and must learn about motorcycles for a book. He's afraid of bikes, but his sexy new teacher makes him want to reveal his burden and begin to heal.Officer Charming and the Prince Who Wooed Him: Officer Chad Charming does not believe in love at first sight, or even true love. When Jeff Garner’s horse kicks him and he lands in the hospital, he is furious. When Jeff announces he believes they’re meant to be together, Chad tells him that it can’t be. While Chad recovers, the two men become close, but can Chad ever get past the idea that love isn’t real and allow himself to love his Prince?The Great Pretender: Billy loses control of his vehicle on the way to the diner and ends up alone in a ditch. Will the sexy mechanic in the black leather jacket come to his rescue in more ways than one?Bonus content! Read the first chapters of Sarah's novels, Holding On and The Promise of Hope Shelter, included in the back of this edition!

Just Us Box Set

by J. D. Walker

Ten of J.D. Walker's best-selling interracial gay romance are now together in one box set! Contains the stories:And This Is Ed: Ed is a laidback guy who works as a housekeeping manager and takes care of the elderly in his spare time. He’s a very private person, but there’s more to Ed than meets the eye. Titus discovers this when he befriends Ed. But a stupid bet derails their relationship. Now Titus has figure out how to get Ed to give him another chance.Can't Buy His Love: Wheeler is attracted to Gregory, which is funny, since Wheeler usually avoids commitment like the plague. When Wheeler saves a child’s life, Gregory sees him with new eyes. Together, they forge a new beginning for both of them: one learning how to open his heart, the other, how to let love in.Copy Me, Unrequited: Theodore loves Henry, but he knows it's one-sided. Sheldon has the hots for Theodore, but it never goes anywhere. When Sheldon signs a one-year lease for the apartment complex where Theodore lives, Henry sees the attraction between the two and plays cupid.He's So Heavy: One look at Thorn and Bill wants him for his own. Problem is, Thorn is trouble and Bill can recognize someone going downhill, fast. Bill’s offer of help is rebuffed, but when Thorn shows up on Bill’s doorstep, he doesn’t hesitate to help. Thorn is the love of his life and Bill would do anything for him. Even let him go, if he has to.Keys to His Heart: While Grady helps his mom rehearse for a show, he bumps into Tim . The instant lust he feels almost blinds him, but Tim isn’t interested in casual sex. After some false steps, the two decide to take it slow, and after a month of blue balls, they finally become intimate. Does Tim hold the keys to Grady's heart?Let the Song Last Forever: Evan has feelings for Chuck, but being betrayed and outed in high school has left scars on his heart. He cools things off with Chuck, but Chuck won’t let things go. The two have an argument, ending in a broken nose. When huck still professes his love, Evan has to find a way to make things right.Loving Me, Loving You: Hanson is tired of his job, and of doing things to please his mother. A harrowing encounter leads him to Lindsey, a man he’s sure would never look at him twice. But he is looking, and Hanson doesn’t know what to do about it.Purple Daze: When Gabe meets Beebub , he knows it’s love. But his best friend is larger than life and not meant for the small town in which they live, and all too soon, he goes away to college. The day Beebub comes home, all the feelings Gabe has tried to bury return to the surface, and resentment rules his actions. Beebub wants Gabe, but Gabe, he’s not so sure anymore.Something About Lud: Deacon detests Ludwig as a roomie. Lud is really nice to look at, but the man is messy and lacking in hygiene. Still, there’s just something about him that keeps Deacon from throwing Lud out on the street. And when Deacon finds out the reasons behind Lud’s behavior, the truth can either bring them together, or tear them apart.The Cookie Said Red: Cisco’s fortune cookie reads, "Red is the color of your heart's desire." When his date turns up wearing a red shirt, he's ecstatic. But things turn ugly and he has to call for assistance. Benjy, head of security, comes to his rescue. Then he notices Benjy's red tie. Has Cisco's "heart's desire" been under his nose all along? Are the stars finally in his favor?

The Ninth Elixir

by Pelaam

Crevyn is a student of the College of Mystic Arts with an affinity to animals, especially those with magical properties of their own. He is one of a chosen few to undertake a quest for the Ninth Elixir. The finder’s reward is to be claimed by one of the arcane Masters.But Crevyn’s opponent is a man used to winning, who will use any means at his disposal to ensure he brings back the Ninth Elixir.At the risk of losing to Garvit, Crevyn still take time to help those in need. But even if he’s successful in finding the elixir, the trick will be surviving the challenge.

Role Model

by Becky Black

Journalist Paul Bradley reports on an act of heroism by paramedic Drew McGregor and goes on to have him nominated for a bravery award. Drew's heroism is a great story that Paul wants to make the most of, but he has other reasons to want to see the great-looking and openly gay Drew again. Ones he doesn't dare speak about, since he's deeply closeted and terrified of being outed, fearing losing his career.When Drew accidentally finds out Paul is gay, he's initially angry at the deception, but he's sympathetic too and his kindness encourages Paul to confess his feelings. Drew likes Paul, but won't date a closeted man, saying that leads to too many lies, too much pain. Paul will have to reevaluate all the choices he’s made for the sake of career and family, if he wants Drew to give him a chance.

Lovers and Liches

by G. D. Penman

Korgulg Skulltaker is a swarthy half-orc barbarian with a hunger for battle and a lust to match. Lady Leithianel Stormsong is a beautiful elven wizard of great power and wit. Both are on an epic quest to destroy the evil Lich Voldridas and save the world from his tyranny.Their players, Greg and Gabriel, have been friends since they were teenagers, but while they have the bravery to explore dark dungeons and slay terrible dragons at their friend’s dining room table, they can’t muster up the courage to tell one another how they feel.Every week for the last decade, they have gathered with their friends to play games of adventure and magic together, without ever letting their real fantasies come to life. But all of that could change with just a roll of the dice.

Hot Shots

by Michael P. Thomas

Since he first laid eyes on Michael Phelps as a teenager, young Beau has longed to be an Olympian; the better to sleep with as many other Olympians as possible. Too bad he's a flop at every sport he tries.An offhand reference by his European mother reveals a family connection to the world of competitive shooting, and a quick -- if not wholly truthful -- email nets Beau an invitation to Luxembourg to train with Marcel, a dashing rifle champion. He jumps at the chance, and, when he learns they aren't actually related, at the champ.Sparks fly, but Beau’s never exactly been what you’d call a one-man man. Will Beau’s smoldering desire for Marcel burn hot enough to keep the torch of his Olympic dreams aflame?

Together Box Set

by Drew Hunt

Five of Drew Hunt's best-selling gay romance stories are together in one box set for the first time! Contains the stories:Colin and Martin's First Christmas: Blind since birth, Martin orders groceries online. It doesn’t hurt that the delivery driver is hot. Colin usually leaves Martin’s deliveries until last so he can spend extra time with the man he has a secret longing to protect. Martin is making soup, and asks Colin to join him. As they eat, Martin offers to cook Christmas dinner for Colin. Will turkey and stuffing be all they’ll share?Rough Road to Happiness: David Grover meets sexy Marine Bud Williams when the two are forced to share a hotel room. What starts as a one-night stand turns into regular weekend trysts, but Bud harbors a secret that threatens to tear them apart. When Bud's injured in Iraq, David struggles to forgive him for his past. It's a rough road to happiness as the two men move towards a life together.Saving Ernest: Ernest Porter is drawn to PC Liam McAvoy after the man saves him from falling in the street. But it can’t go anywhere. Liam isn’t gay, there’s a big age difference, and Ernest is still hurting from a previous betrayal. When Ernest finally confesses all, Liam’s reaction is not what he expects.Something About Trevor: Paul is straight, Trevor is a flamer. But the two soon discover they have many things in common. However, long-held prejudices, fear of history repeating itself as well as an ex lover showing up all threaten to stop what has only just begun. Can Trevor learn to trust again, and will Paul listen to his heart and discover that despite first impressions, there’s just something about Trevor?Trapped Nerves: Two men trapped in an elevator discover they have more in common than the inconvenience of lost time. Mason Grant recognizes Parker Collins, whom he had loved in high school, but Parker does not immediately recognize Mason. Maybe it’s the passage of time ... or maybe it’s the wheelchair in which Mason is confined. What happens when Parker realizes who’s trapped in the elevator with him?

Love for the Holidays Box Set

by J. D. Walker

Seven of J.D. Walker's best-selling holiday gay romance stories in one box set! Contains the stories:And Good Will to All: When Lonnie “Mack” McDaniel returns to town after twenty years, Charles “Charlie” Mayburn is stunned. But he overlooks their past -- and the love he still feels -- and hires Mack for a job at his self storage facility. Charlie senses that Mack is hiding something, and finally discovers he’s homeless. Will the offer of a home be enough to heal Mack and let Charlie back into his heart—to stay, this time?Boyfriend Countdown: Milo Slowiak doesn’t do relationships, hence his little black book. Nelson Agnew, a frequent buddy in Milo’s bed, has been fine with that, too, until Christmas Day, when he changes the rules. Now, Nelson wants a relationship, and Milo has until New Year's Day to make his decision. Milo is upset, but he can’t erase the feeling that he could be missing out on something good. Should he take the leap?Grateful for You: Jared Gillespie left home five years ago because his boyfriend, Walt Schneider cheated on him. With a woman. What he doesn't realize is that Walt, the man he still loves was trying to tell him something, which Jared figures out after his mother convinces him to come home for Thanksgiving. Harsh truths are revealed and second chances become possible. Something to be grateful for.Of Love and Feather Boas: Zachary Bodine can’t seem to move on from the betrayal of his ex, Maddox five years ago on Halloween. Lucius 'Lucille' Lombardi, a gorgeous drag queen is determined to change that. The plan? A few home-cooked meals, kisses, and Dinah Washington. When a surprise visitor appears on Halloween night, Zachary has to choose: let the past rule his life, or don a feather boa and grab hold of Lucius.Paulie and the Wedding Bell Grouch: Paulie Hajek loves weddings and enjoys working for a wedding planner. What isn’t enjoyable is dealing with the wedding planner’s brother, Van Tremaine on a daily basis. Paulie’s heart was broken by Van a year ago because he wouldn’t commit to something permanent. But now, Van is up to something, and Paulie’s not sure if it will end up being everything he’s always wanted, or a disaster.The Hippie Whisperer: Carl Neilson meets his match in Ben Brooker, an artist with questionable fashion sense and a garish hairstyle. Ben calls things as he sees them, including the way Carl uses his college-aged son Chester as a crutch. The truth is hard to take, but it forces Carl to look at himself in a new way. And in the end, a willingness to find love in unexpected places might be enough, in spite of it all.A Hippie Independence Day: Carl Neilson and Benjamin “Ben” Brooker are total opposites, but they’ve made it work for over a year. Carl has made great strides in letting his son Chester live his own life, though he’s still being stubborn about getting rid of the Hawaiian shirts. This Independence Day, Ben will stop at nothing to get Carl to open up to him, and maybe make some fireworks of their own, in the process.

Love Songs Box Set

by J. D. Walker

This new box set by best-selling author J.D. Walker features seven sexy stories of men who find love through the power of music. Contains the stories:I Can't Get No Satisfaction: Georgie Baldt is dissatisfied with his life. Working dead-end jobs leaves little time to find that spark he’s lost, let alone someone to love. Then a trick from his past becomes his new produce manager. Ry Archibald remembers Georgie, but they end up arguing constantly at work, despite the sexual tension between them. Georgie decides it’s time for a change. Will Ry tag along for the ride?Love, Love Me Dude: Tory Cuthbert is shocked when Wheeler Ridley, a man from his past, arrives at his motel. Meanwhile, there’s Maury Landrum -- handsome and willing, yet Tory can’t seem to take the next step. When Wheeler hits on Tory without recognizing him, Tory reveals all. But Wheeler remembers things differently. Then Maury resigns. Tory has to act quickly before he loses what he never knew he had, forever.Loving Me, Loving You: Hanson Yoo is tired of his job, and doing things to please his mother. A harrowing encounter at night in an alley leads him to Lindsey Grier, a man he’s sure would never look at him twice. But he is looking, and Hanson doesn’t know what to do about it. A serious misstep and a life-changing moment lead him to take charge of his future and do something for himself, this time.Norwegian Woody: Woodrow “Woody” Anker grew up with the Zumpanos, and he’s in love with the eldest son, town Sheriff Rafe Zumpano. Problem is, Rafe is an alcoholic in denial and Woody wants to know why. When he finds out the truth, Woody doesn’t know how to move beyond all the lies. It takes a punch in the face, a hard kiss and even harder words to get these men to a place of trust. And love, maybe.Paint It, Black: Engelbert Trentworthy -- call him Trent -- doesn’t take himself seriously. He sleeps around, thinking that’s all he deserves because of his black past. And then, he meets photographer Elias Lane, whose photos of Trent cause havoc in his life. Elias wants more from Trent, but Trent’s not having it. So the dance begins, and Elias will do anything to get past Trent’s barriers, because he’s perfect.Purple Daze: When Gabe St. James meets Beebub Beaumont, he knows it’s love. But his best friend is larger than life and not meant for the small town in which they live, and all too soon, he goes away to college. The day Beebub comes home, all the feelings Gabe has tried to bury return to the surface, and resentment rules his actions. Beebub wants Gabe, but Gabe, he’s not so sure anymore.Take Me Back: Gus Atchison despises Seb Paddington for choosing a job in another state over their relationship. But Seb keeps coming back to town, trying to start something up between them again. They end up arguing and finally call a truce. However, when Seb returns four months later, he’s too thin and Gus realizes he still has feelings for Seb. Will Gus take him back? Or will they remain at odds forever?

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