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Un semplice dessert (Il curioso ricettario di Nonna B #5)

by Natascia Gandini Mary Calmes

Un libro della serie Il curioso ricettario di Nonna BBoone Walton ce l’ha messa tutta per mettere un po’ di distanza tra lui e il suo passato. Ha investito nella sua nuova vita, nella sua galleria d’arte a New Orleans e nella sua amicizia con Scott Wren. Tutto sembra sistemato e Boone non potrebbe essere più felice della ritrovata normalità. Lo chef Scott Wren vuole qualcosa di più della semplice normalità con Boone. Vuole far fare un passo avanti al loro rapporto, ma l’amico è spaventato, e non a causa dei fantasmi che infestano l’appartamento di Scott o della sua famiglia. No, il passato di Boone sta per fargli visita, e l’unica cosa che potrebbe mettersi tra lui, Scott e la strana ricetta di una mousse al cioccolato trovata in un curioso ricettario è il fiume di sofferenza che Boone ha dovuto attraversare per arrivare a New Orleans. C’è però un segreto dietro agli ingredienti, un segreto che potrebbe far emergere la verità e l’amore che sono sempre mancati nella vita di Boone.

Der Inselarzt (Die Insel #4)

by Vanessa S. Kleinwächter Sue Brown

Ein Titel der Die Insel SerieSeit fünf Jahren ist Dr. Jeff Martin nun schon als Landarzt auf der Isle of Wight, doch die Tatsache, dass er schwul ist, behält er lieber für sich. Nur heimlich fährt er seinen Partner Tris besuchen. Als er jedoch herausfindet, dass der ihn betrogen hat, beendet er die Beziehung. Wenig später trifft Jeff auf Cameron Gillard, der auf der Insel aufgewachsen ist. Cameron ist bodenständig und lebhaft und noch besser: Er gibt ihm das Gefühl, die wichtigste Person in seinem Leben zu sein. Unter Camerons Zuwendung blüht Jeff richtig auf und er beschließt, sich vor seinen Kollegen und Freunden zu outen. Gerade als alles gut läuft, taucht aus dem Nichts Tris wieder auf. Jeff hat kein Interesse mehr an ihm, doch davon muss er wohl gleich zwei Männer überzeugen: Tris, der nicht glauben kann, dass es Jeff mit der Trennung ernst ist – und Cameron, der seine Eifersucht kaum verbergen kann. Für Jeff ist klar: Der einzige Mann, den er in seinem Leben will, ist Cameron. Jetzt muss er es ihm nur noch beweisen …

In quattro e quattr’otto (Graffi, fusa e felini #2)

by Emanuela Cardarelli M. A. Church

Serie Graffi, fusa e felini, Libro 2L’aria fresca del mattino, un giardino pieno di uccellini e un micio in missione. Cosa può desiderare di più un gatto mannaro? Il beta Heller Wirth ha tutto, tranne un compagno. Un compagno mutaforma, a essere precisi. L’ultima cosa che desidera è uno di quei pericolosi umani che uccidono senza rimorso. Heller lo sa perché ci è passato. Che cosa fa allora la dea Bast? Gli dà proprio quello che non vuole: un umano, Lawson Dupre. Lawson non ha capito cosa sia successo nel suo negozio. Un istante prima un cliente attraente sta per svenire, quello dopo si riprende e inizia a flirtare, poi fugge via come se fosse inseguito dai demoni dell’inferno. Non è la natura speciale di Heller a spaventare Lawson, che è uno dei pochi umani al corrente dell’esistenza delle creature sovrannaturali, dato che ne ha due come coinquilini. A Heller e Lawson ne succederanno delle belle mentre affrontano vecchie ferite, antichi pregiudizi e un cambio di potere nella colonia felina.

Abaddon's Locusts: 5 (BJ Vinson Mystery #5)

by Don Travis

A BJ Vinson MysteryWhen B. J. Vinson, confidential investigator, learns his young friend, Jazz Penrod, has disappeared and has not been heard from in a month, he discovers some ominous emails. Jazz has been corresponding with a “Juan” through a dating site, and that single clue draws BJ and his significant other, Paul Barton, into the brutal but lucrative world of human trafficking. Their trail leads to a mysterious Albuquerquean known only as Silver Wings, who protects the Bulgarian cartel that moves people—mostly the young and vulnerable—around the state to be sold into modern-day slavery, sexual and otherwise. Can BJ and Paul locate and expose Silver Wings without putting Jazz’s life in jeopardy? Hell, can they do so without putting themselves at risk? People start dying as BJ, Paul, and Henry Secatero, Jazz's Navajo half-brother, get too close. To find the answer, bring down the ring, and save Jazz, they’ll need to locate the place where human trafficking ties into the Navajo Nation and the gay underground.

Calculated Magic (Dreamspun Beyond #30)

by Sjd Peterson

Never too late for love. Three-hundred-and-fifty-year-old warlock Tikron must find his true love or forfeit his immortality. But if he hasn’t found his ideal mate in all these centuries, the prospects don’t look too bright. That is, until he sees mathematician Richard Beaumont. It’s love at first sight and Tikron’s future just go a whole lot brighter. Except Richard doesn’t believe in love at first sight. He doesn't believe in love at all. He certainly doesn’t believe in magic. His life is ruled by statistics and logic, and they tell him a relationship with Tikron has only a 10 percent chance of success. That’s unacceptable—even if the attraction between them is off the charts. With his powers waning and the clock ticking down, Tikron’s last hope is showing Richard the true meaning of magic.

To Love Again

by Andria Large

Jack Leaving was the hardest thing I’ve ever done. He would have killed me if I stayed, though. I couldn’t have done it without Warwick’s help. Not only did he give me the out I needed, but also a safe place to live. With my ex looming around every corner, looking for the chance to get his hands on me, I received the best gift ever—a month in England—and I took it! Warwick England was supposed to help Jack get away from his ex and find himself again. I wasn’t supposed to fall in love with him there. Especially when I knew he might stay… indefinitely. With my busy schedule as an ER doctor, an ocean between us, and the trust issues his abusive ex inflicted, the chance of a successful long-distance relationship is close to zero. Loving Jack may be the one thing I can’t fix.

Fire and Granite (Carlisle Deputies #2)

by Andrew Grey

A Carlisle Deputies NovelThe heat is growing from the inside, but danger is building on the outside. Judge Andrew Phillips runs a tight ship in his courtroom. He’s tough, and when he hands down a sentence, he expects to be obeyed. So when a fugitive named Harper escapes and threatens his life, Andrew isn’t keen on twenty-four/seven protection… especially not from Deputy Clay Brown. They have a past, one that could cause problems in their careers. But with Clay assigned to Andrew and the two of them together every minute, there’s nowhere to hide from their attraction—or from the fact that there’s much more than chemistry blooming between them. As the threat intensifies, Clay knows he’ll do anything it takes to protect the people who are taking their places in his heart: Andrew and his young niece and nephew.

Sieg über das Feuer (im Feuer #3)

by Vanessa S. Kleinwächter Andrew Grey

Die beiden Feuerwehrmänner Lee Stanton und Dirk Krause sind urlaubsreif. Doch das Leben hat andere Pläne: An ihrem letzten Arbeitstag haben die beiden mit einem Feuer zu kämpfen, das drei Leben fordert. Wie gut, dass Lee und Dirk eine ganze Woche auf hoher See vor sich haben, um sich von dem Schrecken zu erholen. Sie haben eine tolle Zeit – bis sie feststellen müssen, dass auch Dirks miesepetriger, engstirniger Vater an Bord ist. Über dessen Anwesenheit und den Schuldgefühlen wegen der Menschen, die er nicht retten konnte, vergeht Dirk die romantische Stimmung gehörig. Doch dann rettet er einem Passagier das Leben – und vielleicht kann er ja auch noch etwas anderes retten …

Two of a Kind (Dreamspun Desires #65)

by Ba Tortuga

Working on a full house. Once upon a time, Trey Williamson and Ap McIntosh had quite the whirlwind romance—but that was before family tragedy left them the guardians of five kids. Their lives have changed quite a bit over the last six years, but Ap is still on the rodeo circuit, doing what he does best in an attempt to feed all those extra mouths. That leaves Trey back on the ranch, isolated and overworked as the kids’ sole caregiver. Something has to give, and when Ap comes home, they’re reminded how hot they burned once upon a time. But is it a love that can withstand wrangling over time, money, and the future? They have to decide what kind of family they want to be… and whether what they share can stand the test of time.

À toute vitesse

by Damon Suede

À toute vitesse : L&’amour n&’attend pas.Patch Hastle a grandi vite, abandonnant sans un regard en arrière son Texas natal pour New York afin de se faire un nom comme DJ et mannequin. Lorsque ses parents meurent de façon brutale, il retourne chez lui afin de vider la ferme familiale avec l&’intention de déguerpir le plus vite possible. C&’était sans compter sur le testament qui laisse la direction de la ferme à son pire ennemi : le magnifique meilleur ami de son père qui a fait de ses années de lycée un enfer. Tucker Biggs tourne en rond. Vingt ans après sa carrière dans le rodéo, il s&’enracine dans son rôle de gardien de la ferme des Hastle. Il sait que le fils « je sais tout » de son ami le déteste toujours, mais lorsque Patch apparaît plus mature, ressemblant à un péché sur pattes dans un jean moulant, Tucker transforme son retour en leçon sur les vieux singes à qui on n&’apprend pas à faire la grimace. Patch et Tucker batifolent, mais ils ne sont pas dupes. Lorsque la ferme sera vendue, ils comptent en rester là et prendre des chemins séparés. Avec le temps qui passe, la vie du citadin et du campagnard traditionaliste s&’entremêle. S&’ils veulent que cela dure plus longtemps que la neige au soleil, ils feraient mieux de comprendre ce qui est important – et vite.

Love Conventions (Dreamspun Desires #81)

by Morgan James

A happy ending worthy of a TV fantasy… in real life? Ashland Wells is an actor of sci-fi cult fame but with little direction for the future, when handsome grad student Remy Beaumont lands in his lap at a fan convention. Remy is everything Ash ever wanted and wished he could be—including out and proud. For twelve hours they’re the best of friends. But the convention ends, and saying goodbye to Remy might be the biggest mistake Ash has ever made. A few months later, they’re reunited on a new production—Ash as an actor, Remy a writer—and though Ash doesn’t plan to let him go twice, being with Remy means going public about being gay. He’s not sure that’s a risk he—or his career—can handle, no matter how great the temptation. If only they could write themselves the romantic happily ever after they both need.

Denying Fate (A Series of Fates #1)

by C. C. Dado

A Series of Fates: Book OneFate is a funny thing. Some try to cut its threads, while others wrap themselves in it like a blanket. Young wolf shifter Max is cocky and crass. Unlike others his age, he has yet to discover a talent that will serve his pack. Since childhood, he’s been convinced the pack alpha is his mate, but Alpha Christian cannot envision unfiltered and directionless Max taking the place of his elegant mother at the head of the pack. As Max begins to build a life with his best friend, he also begins to see that maybe what he thought was inevitable was all in his head, and it’s time to move on. Or are they both denying fate?

Embracing Fate (A Series of Fates #2)

by C. C. Dado

A Series of Fates: Book TwoSometimes you just have to embrace your fate. Seth has a secret: he has a crush on the human next door. His brilliant plan to meet Jack, the man of his dreams who happens to be an animal trainer? Take wolf form and ask his best friend, Max, to take him next door for training. Seth is the only one surprised when things go horribly awry. Still, can this shy wolf and a human meet their fate as mates?

Fearing Fate (A Series of Fates #3)

by C. C. Dado

A Series of Fates: Book ThreeHe is a fearless protector by nature and in his heart. But nothing’s ever simple with love… or fate. At nearly seven feet tall, Zeus’s role had always been to protect the pack—but his newest charges need him more than most. Kimber and Kron are transplants from another pack, and they have a dangerous stranger on their tails. Zeus is determined to do his duty and drive the human out of town. But when he confronts Toren, his wolf has other ideas…. Something isn’t right, but should a huge, tattooed wolf with a secret soft heart fear his fate—to love a man with secrets of his own?

Jackass Flats (Prärie Cowboys #1)

by E. Losian Julia Talbot

Buch 1 in der Serie - Prärie CowboysKönnen ein reisender Soldat und ein in seinen Gewohnheiten festgefahrener Cowboy eine funktionierende Beziehung miteinander führen? Tate fühlt sich, als wäre die beste Zeit seines Lebens einfach an ihm vorbeigerauscht, weshalb der Cowboy mittleren Alters nachts die Bars unsicher macht. Als er jedoch Dave kennenlernt, einen jungen Soldaten des nahen Army Stützpunkts, glaubt Tate, dass alles besser werden kann. Er und Dave haben einen holprigen Start, doch bald findet Tate heraus, dass er und der Junge genug gemeinsam haben, um die Sache interessant zu machen. Dave hat nicht viel für die „Frage-nichts-sage-nichts-Theorie“ übrig, die im Militär vorherrscht, und er bemüht sich auch nicht, die Beziehung mit Tate vor seinen Freunden zu verbergen. Als er realisiert, dass er vorsichtiger hätte sein sollen, ist es vielleicht schon zu spät. Doch Dave ist gewillt, um Tate zu kämpfen, auch wenn das bedeutet, sich mit dem Militär anzulegen.

L' amour est impitoyable (L'amour ne peut pas...)

by Kim Fielding

L'amour ne peut pas..., numéro hors sériePetit mais costaud, telle pourrait être la devise de l’inspecteur Nevin Ng. Désormais inspecteur dévoué au commissariat de police de Portland, il n’a pas laissé un mauvais départ dans la vie l’empêcher de protéger ceux qui en ont besoin. Il ne laisse personne lui marcher sur les pieds, il n’a aucune attirance pour les relations. Jusqu’à ce qu’il se rende chez une personne âgée qui s’est fait agresser avec une grande violence et rencontre le propriétaire de la victime, avec son nœud papillon et sa richesse évidente. Agent et promoteur immobilier, Colin Westwood a grandi dans tout ce qui a fait défaut à Nevin, comme un tas d’argent et une famille aimante qui le soutient sans condition. Qui le soutient trop, peut-être, parce qu’après une enfance marquée par la maladie, ses parents ont encore du mal à admettre qu’il est désormais un adulte fort et indépendant. Colin veut une relation, mais les siennes ne fonctionnent jamais. Maintenant, il se dit juste qu’il devrait arrêter de suivre le mouvement. Il est peut-être temps de tenter quelque chose de plus excitant. Mais être témoin d’un horrible crime, voire deux, n’était pas vraiment ce qu’il avait en tête. Malgré leurs différences, Colin et Nevin découvrent les étincelles qu’ils produisent quand ils sont ensemble. Mais les étincelles sont éphémères, refroidies par l’avènement de crimes brutaux, et Colin et Nevin semblent avoir si peu en commun. La question reste de savoir s’ils ont le désir de construire quelque chose de solide entre eux.

Raising the Bar (States of Love #42)

by Leigh Dillon

Destin Bellingham has inherited a problem. Thanks to his late playboy father, Destin faces putting a For Sale sign on his family’s historic horse farm. Getting his talented stallion, Black Sambuca, into the Grand Prix show ring would put Bellmeade back on the map—if only someone could make “Sam” behave like a show horse. Disgraced top rider Tonio Benedetto has his own problems, but he can work magic with difficult jumpers, so Destin hires him despite his bad-boy reputation. The street-smart, openly gay loudmouth from Miami and the closeted, buttoned-down son of Old Dominion Virginia make a rocky pairing, but time is running out to save Bellmeade from bankruptcy. Opposites attract, sparks of tension grow into flames of passion. But if Tonio fails to tame Sam, will true love become a lost cause too?States of Love:Stories of romance that span every corner of the United States.

Fuoco e acqua (Carlisle Cops (Italiano) #1)

by Andrew Grey

Serie Carlisle Cops, Libro 1L’agente Red Markham ha imparato a conoscere le difficoltà della vita da adolescente, quando un incidente d’auto lo ha lasciato sfregiato e orfano di entrambi i genitori. Anche per le strade che pattuglia nella cittadina di Carlisle affronta episodi orribili, come il recente aumento di morti per overdose. Un pomeriggio Red viene mandato in una struttura sportiva per un incidente in piscina e, arrivato sul posto, scopre che il ragazzo coinvolto è stato salvato dal bagnino, Terry Baumgartner. Per Red non è una sorpresa che lo splendido Terry non voglia avere niente a che fare con lui e con il suo brutto muso. Un commento casuale sulla sua superficialità fa però aprire gli occhi a Terry. Forse non è una persona di buon cuore come ha sempre pensato. La sua amica Julie gli suggerisce allora di aiutare i meno fortunati consegnando pasti agli anziani. Durante il suo giro Terry incontra Margie, una signora molto diretta che dice sempre quello che le passa per la testa e che è anche la zia dell’agente Red Markham. I mondi di Red e Terry si scontrano. Red cerca di proteggere Terry da un ex che non accetta un no come risposta, intanto indaga per arrivare alla fonte della droga che sta mietendo vittime in città. Inaspettatamente i due uomini scoprono che per loro potrebbe esistere una possibilità, ma dovranno imparare a vedere oltre la superficie per coglierla.

The Librarian's Ghost (Dreamspun Beyond #29)

by Sean Michael

The SupersCan love survive the perils of MacGregor House? The Supernatural Explorers are back and looking for their next big paranormal case. They might’ve found it in a plea from Payne, a mild-mannered librarian who has inherited the family mansion—MacGregor House. Since moving in a few months ago, Payne’s exhausted the list of ghost hunters and experts in his quest for help. The Supers are his last chance. So why does normally good-natured cameraman Will take an instant dislike to Payne? For that matter, why has he felt irritable and angry since they arrived at the site? It soon becomes clear that the answers they seek will be found in the basement—where nobody has gone since Payne was a little boy. As the haunting grows deadlier, things get sweeter between Will and Payne, but all hell’s about to break loose when they breach the basement door. Will they be ready?

Hex and Candy (Dreamspun Beyond #26)

by Ashlyn Kane

True love’s kiss can break the curse. But then what? Cole Alpin runs a small-town candy store. He visits his grandmother twice a week. And sometimes he breaks curses. Leo Ericson’s curse is obvious right away, spiderwebbing across his very nice body. Though something about it worries Cole, he agrees to help—with little idea of what he’s getting into. Leo is a serial monogamist, but his vampire ex has taken dating off the table with his nasty spell, and Leo needs Cole’s companionship as much as his help. When the hex proves to be only the beginning of his problems, Leo seeks refuge at Cole’s place. Too bad magic prevents him from finding refuge in Cole’s arms. Cole’s never had a boyfriend, so how can he recognize true love? And there’s still the matter of the one responsible for their troubles in the first place….

In the Pines (Charlie Schiffer Mysteries #1)

by Laura Lascarso

A Charlie Schiffer Mystery: Book OneWhen your high school crush is also your number one suspect, what’s a boy to do? After the disappearance of Eastview High’s homecoming king, seventeen-year-old Charlie Schiffer must put his detective skills to work to help class heartthrob Dare Chalmers find his missing twin brother. From the gator-filled swamps of Paynes Prairie to the truck-stop strip club Café Risqué, there’s no situation too dicey for this amateur sleuth when he’s on the prowl for clues to this mystery. Meanwhile, Dare is everything Charlie could want in a boyfriend—charismatic, handsome, polite—but as Charlie’s mother always says, the unlikeliest people can turn out to be criminals. When evidence surfaces revealing his suspects’ hidden motives, Charlie must dig deep to suss out who among them is innocent and who is guilty, even if it means betraying the man he cares for most.

Blood and Eternity (Blood #3)

by Shira Anthony

Sequel to Blood and Ghosts Blood: Book ThreeVampire hunter Adrien Gilbert never dreamed he’d fall for his prey or that his love, Nicolas Lambert, would give him the gift of immortality. But when a hunter bent on destroying the truce between vampires and hunters throws the gauntlet at Adrien’s feet, Adrien must travel through time to save Nicolas, and with him, the entire vampire race. The time has come to make a choice—one they will live with for eternity. In this final installment in the Blood Trilogy, Adrien and Nicolas must face their greatest enemy in a deadly last confrontation. But to prevail, they’ll need to master the enemies within. When Adrien awakens to a future he doesn’t recognize, he faces an impossible decision: live a perfect life with Nicolas in a shattered world, or risk everything to repair a broken past. But before he can challenge vampire hunter Verel Pelletier, he must master the demon who lives in his own mind—and learn to control his ability to travel through time. With Nicolas by his side, he prepares for a final battle against a powerful adversary who likes to play games with the past and future. But the price of ensuring a future for their loved ones may be an eternity spent alone.

Incubus Honeymoon (Arcana Imperii #1)

by August Li

Arcana ImperiiAs the so-called magical creatures go, I’m low on the hierarchy, and my powers aren’t much good to human mages. I’m a lover, not a fighter, through and through. I’m also selfish, lazy, and easily bored. But I’m damned good at what I do. Too bad that won’t get my arse out of this sling. Do one—granted, uncharacteristic—good deed, and now I’m held hostage to an arrogant faerie prince, trying to track down the one who summoned him while dodging gangbangers, gun runners, and Nazis. Add the powerful mage guilds scrambling to gather firepower for some doomsday event they’re sure is around the corner, and my cushy life of leisure might be nothing but a memory. On top of that, something’s compelling me to change on my most fundamental level. I’m not sure what I’ve got myself mixed up in, but nothing will ever be the same. Bloody hell.Featuring a new twist on urban fantasy combined with fast-paced action and intrigue, the Arcana Imperii series books are standalone adventures, each completely accessible to new readers.

Twice Bitten

by Rayna Vause

With a new species of vampire stalking the streets, the stakes are high. But that’s not the only reason hearts are on the line. Danny Reynolds thought Kieran McCade was the one—true love and hot lust forever—until Danny found out Kier’s bloody secret and ran away screaming. Months later, Danny is facing his own paranormal crisis, and he needs Kieran’s help, but are there enough ways to apologize for breaking a vampire’s heart? Nothing about Danny’s transformation is normal—not the attack that led to it, and not the symptoms Danny’s plagued with—but being in close proximity to Kieran is even worse than becoming a thing that goes bump in the night. Danny and Kieran aren’t the only things threatening to bump each other off, though. Secret organizations and clashing vigilante agendas want to get their hands on Danny. His only hope is to find a fix for his problem before he’s either captured or his abnormal transition starves him to death. Danny and Kieran might have a real chance to repair their broken romance… but only if they keep Danny alive!

Love and Linguistics (Movie Magic Romances #2)

by Tara Lain

A Movie Magic RomanceIn his neighborhood, El Martin stands out, and that can be life-threatening. Against the odds, he’s managed to graduate high school and then master IT. Now he’s desperate to get a good job to free his drunken dad and himself from the control of gang leader M2 and the drugs he sells. But with his piercings and his slang-ridden speech, El looks and sounds like a Bronx gangbanger, and potential employers won’t give him a second look. So when El hears about Henry Fairhaven, PhD, linguistics researcher and wealthy New York socialite, El takes his life in his hands to escape from M2 and ends up sleeping in the stairwell at Henry’s building, hoping to learn how to speak. To Henry, who wants to prove himself as a scholar and not merely a rich dilettante, El isn’t only the most beautiful man he’s ever seen—he’s also the key to getting a paper published on Henry’s ground-breaking linguistics methods before a competitor beats him to the punch. But Henry doesn’t tell El the truth, and El thinks Henry’s helping him because he cares. El’s dreams collide with Henry’s ambitions at the elegant Met Gala, where El captivates a prince of Silicon Valley. But the real collision comes when M2 tracks El down and Henry has to choose between the validation he craves and a future with the man he’s come to love.

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