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Once Upon an Island

by Terry O'Reilly

Neil Logan, recently graduated equine veterinarian, always felt he’d know when he found the man he wanted to spend the rest of his life with. Unfortunately, though Neil cares deeply for him, his college roommate Jordan is not that man. Neil takes a summer position far from home, foolishly thinking time and distance will cool Jordan’s feelings for him, and they can both move on.Neil’s job is on an island attractive to tourists. There, horses are the sole mode of transportation, and Rolf Gundersen is the head farrier. Neil is immediately attracted to the handsome, mature man, and starts to believe Rolf might be the one for him. Frustratingly, despite Neil’s best efforts, Rolf seems determined to avoid him.When Neil discovers the reason for Rolf’s aloofness, he’s able to forge a relationship with the farrier. Can Rolf and Neil find happiness in their newfound love, or will Jordan continue to be a factor in Neil’s life, possibly undermining Neil’s efforts to win Rolf over?

Merrick the Art Thief

by Michelle Woody

Brilliant art thief Merrick Davidson can steal anything, except Grant Silvan’s heart. Merrick has to keep Grant at arm’s length for fear of revealing his secret. When Merrick’s biggest rival exposes his secret to Grant, the rejected lover returns to win back his relationship with Merrick, but there are obstacles to overcome.Wyatt Silvan, Grant’s father and Merrick’s employer, is after the famous seven Xanderclied paintings, which all contain clues to a treasure. If Merrick succeeds in obtaining all the paintings and find the treasure, he can retire as an art thief and start a normal, uncomplicated life with Grant.Together, they hunt the paintings from art galleries to private collections, from city to city, dodging bullets and escaping from life threatening attacks. With danger all around and the FBI on their tails, will Wyatt and Merrick find the paintings and treasure they are looking for? Will Merrick realize love is the biggest treasure of it all, before it is too late?

Pulling Away

by Shawn Lane

Noah grew up with Charlie. They’d always been friends, if not close. Noah becomes the only friend that sticks around after Charlie practically becomes a hermit.Determined to get through to Charlie, Noah invents an identity on the computer. And while Charlie still keeps Noah at arm's length, he opens up to his new computer buddy. Noah's dream finally comes true when his friendship with Charlie changes to include sex, but each time they are together, Charlie withdraws afterward. Every time Noah tries to get through to him, Charlie grows even more distant. Then Charlie tells Noah's disguised internet persona that he doesn't have a boyfriend, merely a neighbor with whom he has sex.Crushed and heartbroken, Noah thinks it’s time to give up and forget Charlie ever loving him the way he loves Charlie. But is pulling away from Charlie too much for Noah to take?

Cole in Distress

by Feral Sephrian

Eighteen years ago, Cole’s bigot father kicked him out of their Texas ranch for being gay, threatening to shoot him if he ever came back. Fortunately, Cole made his way north to the gay-friendly Seyda Ranch in Wyoming, where he eventually met Daniel. For the past six years, the two have been in a happy relationship with barely any contact with Cole’s family.That is, until Cole’s father dies.Though Cole won’t shed a single tear over his father’s passing, his siblings and their families invite him to the funeral so they can all be together for the first time in nearly two decades. With encouragement and support from Daniel, Cole accepts. The pair travel to the funeral together, but will Cole be able to face his past and move beyond the pain he left behind?

At Long Last: Scott And Preston

by Shawn Lane

When Scott Trask gets a job at his law firm, Preston Reynolds begins to feel the same attraction he felt for his best friend’s younger brother years earlier. But he couldn't be sexually attracted to the young man. Preston isn't gay.Scott has been in love with Preston for years, but just because Preston is now divorced doesn’t mean he’s available. Yet soon enough, they surrender to their desires, and begin a passionate affair.At first, Scott thinks he can handle it when Preston wants to keep their private life together a secret but he’s wrong. Then when Preston promises to change, there is hope. Sort of. Preston has a tough choice. Learn to accept himself at long last, or risk losing Scott forever.

The Secret of the Pink Ray

by Maya Anders

It’s 1939 and an evil mastermind is on the loose in New York City, armed with a giant death ray. The stakes couldn’t be higher, with a transatlantic war threatening to break out at any moment.Fortunately help is at hand in the form of a talented and sexy team of lesbian crime fighters led by Tiffany Hazard, A.K.A. the Bronze Goddess, and her erudite sidekick Kimmerleigh Fox, the Sapphic Super-Scientist.Add in sword-wielding vigilante Lady Blade, alias mild-mannered researcher Suki Suzuki, and glamorous British movie star Emma Storm, who just happens to be a secret agent with a license to kill.The quartet is hot on the trail of the enemy ... when they’re not engaged in red-hot sex. If the old-time pulp magazines had lesbian heroines, this is what they would have been like!

Pulling Apart

by Shawn Lane

Noah Riggins thought his troubles were over and he’d live happily ever after with Charlie Banks, but lately their domestic bliss has been anything but blissful. Charlie’s shutting down and shutting Noah out, refusing to even consider getting help.When Charlie suggests a separation, Is this really the end?


by Kassandra Lea

Derrick Landers has a strong attraction to his riding instructor, Seth Winnow. But is pursuing the May/December romance worth risking his riding career?Seth is winding down for the day when there’s a knock at his door. It’s Derrick, soaked, shivering, and in need of assistance. He spends enough time with Derrick in the riding ring, mesmerized by the movement of his hips. Maybe there really is something to the whole teacher/student fantasy?

Three Cakes

by Kim Davis

When Chicago ophthalmologist Patrick Holt meets transplanted southerner Clayton Teal at a dinner party, the attraction between them is immediate and mutual. Two men bond over Patrick’s love of food and Clay’s love of cooking.But Patrick and Clay soon realize tasty dinners and delicious desserts sometimes aren’t enough to make a relationship work. Can Clay and Patrick keep their romance from falling flat?

Most Likely to Succeed

by Shawn Lane

Thomas Harrigan can't help but admire his sexy, single, and openly gay boss, Clark Sterling. He never expects the gorgeous lawyer to be interested in him. But when Clark makes his interest shockingly clear, Thomas find himself involved with the enigmatic man.Burned before by a disastrous office romance, Clark knows he should keep his relationship with Thomas professional. But there’s something disarmingly genuine about Thomas that Clark can’t resist.The more time Thomas spends in Clark’s company and bed, the more he knows he is falling in love with Clark. But when Thomas’s resume finds its way to a rival firm, owned by the very man who hurt Clark before, Clark cuts Thomas out of his life leaving Thomas wondering if he really is the most likely to succeed.

Blue Plague: The Great Silence

by Emery C. Walters

On a first-class flight, Bruce encounters a service dog that’s only slightly less annoying than the woman who owns it. What no one realizes is that, thanks to a monkey bite, the dog is now a vector for a plague that will soon sweep the planet.A sexy, young flight attendant named Burk offers to help Bruce home and to stay with him while on break. Burk organizes Bruce’s home for survival as they watch civilization begin to fall apart. Slowly, they collect others in need, including a young transman. When they hear cathedral bells calling the survivors to come together, they all pitch in to help.Can love bloom amidst the apocalyptic death and destruction?

One More Time

by Shawn Lane

Dane Westerfield left Vermont a decade ago without a desire to return. California was home now. Or rather, his partner of six years, made it home. But when the unexpected death of his lover leads to the revelation of long kept secrets, Dame returns to the Vermont town he grew up in to help deal with his grief.On the way to his sister’s home, he runs into Theo Mason, his first love. Theo had been one of the reasons Dane had been eager to leave Vermont and Dane’s not eager to see him again. Yet the rugged police officer makes it clear he wants another chance. Theo’s patience and understanding catch Dane off guard, and Dane finds himself wanting to give into Theo and his familiar heat. But Dane can’t shake the feeling that it’s too soon to try one more time.

Death Benefits

by William Holden

Victor Kane isn’t an ordinary funeral director. He’s a vampire, and not an ordinary one, either. He doesn’t drink fresh blood, but rather the lifeless blood from corpses that come into his family-run business. Despite the benefits of dead blood, there’s one side effect he hasn’t come to terms with -- dead blood caused erectile dysfunction.Cliff a handsome young man who loses his husband unexpectedly in the heat of passion and calls After Care Funeral Home to help with the arrangements. When Victor and Cliff meet, though, it’s anything but business.Cliff wants to feel again, and sex is his answer. Victor knows from experience that sex with a vampire is a powerful aphrodisiac and tries to keep Cliff at bay. Can Victor confess his identity to Cliff without ruining his chance for love?

The Crush Revisited (Lincoln Hill Ser.)

by Shawn Lane

Tim Olfander escapes his busy, hectic life in LA to attend his ten year high school reunion in the city he left behind years ago, Lincoln Hill. There, at the resort the reunion has booked, his gaze falls almost instantly on the sexy, pretty guy behind the check-in counter. He chats up the guy only to learn he is the assistant manager, Brandon Collins.Tim instantly sets in motion his plan to spend the week at the resort with Brandon's sweet body under his. He has no clue he’s no stranger to Brandon. He went to the same high school and is also going to be at the reunion.Back then, Brandon was a shy, closeted nerd who had a big crush on Tim. Now’s Brandon’s chance to revisit that old crush from high school too. But he doesn’t want to give away his heart this time.

The Agency

by Edward Kendrick

When runaway Kip Faulkner was seventeen, he witnessed two men commit a murder. Fear kept him from telling Sheriff Long the truth about what he'd seen. Guilt made him turn his life around. Eleven years later, he's the owner of a reputable private investigation agency in Denver.John Rigby looks like a typical biker, tattoos and all. But Kip discovers he’s the antithesis of that stereotype when he hires John to work for his agency.When Kip learns about a recent killing exactly like the one he witnessed and recognizes one of the killers in a blurry photo on the news, he vows to find out how the two murders are connected ... and if there have been more.With John's help, can he learn the truth behind the murders while the two men fight their mutual attraction? Or will Kip become the next victim?

California Dreaming

by Shawn Lane

You can never go home again. But Mick Lawler is doing just that after ten years. Mick left California when his first love, Joe, chose his twin sister, Raine, over him. Joe and Raine married and a broken-hearted Mick left behind everything he’d ever known.Settling first in Chicago, Mick met his fellow lawyer, Zach Covington. When Zach left Chicago for sunny Florida, Mick went along. Life is great. He has a good job, a nice apartment, and Zach close by. Sure, Mick is in love with seemingly unobtainable, Zach, but just having Zach in his life is enough.When Raine calls to tell him Joe is dead, Mick agrees to return but not alone. Zach insists on going. Once there, Mick has to deal with his grieving twin, his estranged parents, and his newfound, sudden sexual relationship with Zach. But his family want their prodigal son to move back home. Sounds great. But there’s Zach and Florida. His new idea of home.

Rez Dogs and Scooter Trash

by Deirdre O'Dare

Mike Dufrane fled a traumatic youth, hard years haunted by an abusive biker father, poverty and degradation, by escaping into the military. There he found only more savage violence. Then a chance encounter with an animal rescue group showed him another way. On an Indian reservation in the southwest, he finds a place to make a difference. Rez Dogs Rescue Shelter will be his route to build a positive life. Then a handsome Native American rides up on a Harley and throws Mike’s plans for a loop.Adam was not there when his kid brother needed guidance and a firm hand. Back from two tours with Special Forces, he starts a youth center on the Rez to try to atone for his error but he cannot give up his Harley or his image as one bad ass biker. When an outsider starts a shelter for abused and neglected dogs, Adam initially finds it ludicrous but then recognizes a purpose similar to his own. However, the stranger seems to fear or hate bikers and is reluctant to begin a friendship. When crime and danger threaten both their projects, they have to join forces to prevail and suppressed attraction bursts into flame.

What Not to Wear

by Clare London

Beckett and Doug work together, travel together, live together ... and play very enthusiastically together. They're easily and cheerfully distracted by their desires, wherever they happen to be, whatever they’re officially meant to be doing.The work week starts normally for the newly promoted Beckett, but that's soon disturbed by his lover's sexual provocation. As each day of the week passes, Doug's behavior, and the slogans on his daily T-shirt, get increasingly outrageous.With the recipe of Doug’s unruly libido, Beckett’s masochistic tendency to surrender to it, and their shared fascination for sex in risky places -- it’s inevitable their career prospects are soon completely out of control. But measured up against the love they have for each other, the question is ... are they really bothered by that?

Us Again

by Nell Iris

When Alex gets a call in the middle of the night telling him his ex-boyfriend is in the hospital, he only hesitates for a second before rushing to Sammy’s side. But the Sammy in the hospital bed is fragile and not the same man who told Alex to leave seven months ago.Alex wants to help Sammy get better and is desperate to find out what went wrong between them. Maybe he’ll even get a second chance with the man he hasn’t been able to get over.But will Sammy let Alex back into his life?

The Knight Before Christmas

by Drew Hunt

‘Tis the night before Christmas and hardware store owner Harry Pettit was all alone in his store with only his accounts and a recording of La Boheme for company. When someone knocks at the shop’s door, Harry is surprised to see a knight in full armour. Thinking it’s a drunken prank or a hold up, Harry is reluctant to let the knight in.However, upon discovering the knight’s helmet is stuck closed, Harry’s good nature and the fact it’s Christmas has him invite the stranger inside.Once freed from the helmet, Harry is immediately captivated by the shy man underneath the armour. Seems George White was destined to attend a fancy-dress party with his brother, but when the brother cancels, George, like Harry, finds himself with nothing else to do on Christmas Eve. So why not spend it together?Can St. Nicholas deliver a happy Christmas and a good night to both men?Warning: this short holiday-themed story contains romance, poetry, snow, and a can of WD-40.

Mean Guy

by R. W. Clinger

Insurance claims officer Ricky Farr is a nice guy. He's single, charming, fun, and responsible. At thirty-eight, his life is going well. Things are nice these days, and comfortable. Then all hell breaks loose.Ricky asks his coworker (and frenemy) Jamie Oakley to do him a favor and help him move some boxes. What Ricky knows about Jamie is simple: he's blonde, beautiful, and mean. The stud isn't nice to anyone. Not to Ricky. Not to his boyfriends. No one.When Ricky confronts Jamie about being mean, the two have a hellacious argument. Ricky ignores him for a week, but something strange happens. Jamie claims he misses Ricky, and promises to be nice to him.Is this the beginning of a changed relationship -- and romance -- between the men? Or is Jamie just being his usual mean guy self, leading Ricky's heart astray?

The Man with the Big Gun

by Gordon Phillips

Rick’s first words as he pulls Henry feet-first out of the rubble were an expression of such gentle concern that they melt Henry’s heart. But then Rick turns him over and realizes he’s a guy.The two are alone in the deserted underground passages of the downtown core, the city above in ruins due to a nuclear near miss that destroyed the power grid and fried all electronic equipment. Yet all Henry can think about is his burning desire to hear that tone in Rick’s voice again.He knew that isn’t likely to happen. Rick is obviously straight, a survivalist, big, obviously capable, and built. Henry, on the other hand, doesn’t seem to bring much to the table. But Rick himself acknowledges two are better than one. So they team up.Their goal is to stay alive as they try to escape the city. It isn’t going to be easy, but there’s a growing sense of connection between them, feelings that challenge the dark desperateness of their situation.Can love flower in a new and brutal world ruled by survival of the fittest?

Right Now or Never Again

by M. L. Heinrich

Leo has a reputation of being shallow. Eeli has dead lizard eyes. Together their weaknesses grow into opportunities.Eeli is used to being socially awkward even in the best circumstances. It isn’t enough he lost his business after trusting his crooked accountant. Now his fiancée has broken up with him, and a recruiter calls him a Komodo dragon behind his back.Leo needs somebody to warm his microwave meals and guard him in his tub of horrors after chemo sessions leave his fingers numb and feet shaky. Eeli wants something to distract him from his present misfortune, and his confusingly perky neighbor seems to fit that role just fine. With Eeli’s help, Leo starts to live the life he is losing in the grips of the big C, and little by little they both get more than they asked for.There is only one hitch against their robot-loving nerd bromance turning into a real thing: Eeli is not gay. Or, if he’s going to be, he has to first deal with his ex-future-father-in-law’s retirement party, friends turning into bigots, and the disease having a good chance of killing his Leo.


by W. S. Long

Sequel to Too Tough to TameCaleb and his husband Sebastian are at a crucial crossroads in their lives. New York City has put challenges and opportunities in their path, and without race car driving in his future, Caleb worries about the future and money. At the same time, Sebastian presses him to have kids. Keeping their love going is Caleb's main goal.When their friend Cujo visits from Florida, he meets their roommate Tristan. Cujo has always wondered about having a college romance. What would have happened if he wasn’t afraid of being with another man? Tristan is charming and loving, and presents a new challenge to Cujo, who’s now faced with a decision that will change his life forever. Once he embarks on this path of love, there is no turning back. Can he overcome his fears to find love in a new way?

The Beach Brat

by Louise Collins

He’s known on the sands as Beach Brat Brody, the arrogant surfer with his group of loyal fans. Finn and his best friend Trent are lifeguards, and Finn has been captivated by Brody since he first saw him surf. He’s hot, skilled, and has Finn’s heart.He doesn’t just want to know the Beach Brat, but also the man behind the board. But Brody is guarded and gives nothing of himself away. He doesn’t do relationships, and Finn doesn’t do one-night stands.Encouraged by his friends, Brody tackles a dangerous wave and Finn rushes to save him. The Beach Brat loses his sass and his confidence. Putting aside his broken heart, Finn vows to help Brody get on the board again.They tackle his fear of the sea together, and Finn catches glimpses of the hidden Brody. His walls come down, and things start to look promising, but Finn has his own demons. Just as him and Brody begin to get close, Finn rushes into the sea for a dangerous rescue that might cost him everything.

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