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Showing 13,351 through 13,375 of 17,700 results

E a Vidente Disse: É Amor.

by Giselle Renarde

Marty fica um pouco surpreso quando ele se encontra com uma vidente entre a loja de bebidas e uma florista e esta diz–lhe que alguém está apaixonado por ele. Quem poderia ser? Marty não tem perspectivas. Mesmo as raparigas do seu trabalho não mostram interesse por ele - ou no seu colega Cameron. Mesmo assim, sempre que ele a vê, ela insiste que ele é mais amado do que pensa. Quando a amada avó de Marty morre, Cameron é a única pessoa do trabalho que aparece no funeral. Marty tenta ser um pilar para a sua mãe e para a sua tia, mas tudo o que ele quer fazer é unir-se ao seu amigo que estava na última fila e puder chorar nos braços de Cameron. Após o funeral, Cameron toma conta dele, alimentando-o com uma sopa caseira e ser o melhor amigo que Marty poderia imaginar. Mesmo assim, ele não esperava que Cameron se aproximasse e o beijasse. Eles sempre foram amigos, nada mais. Será que Marty poderá fazer a transição de um simples amigo para se tornar um amante?

Per la sensitiva è amore: Un racconto gay

by Giselle Renarde

Marty è più che sorpreso quando una sensitiva per strada gli annuncia che qualcuno è innamorato di lui. Chi potrebbe essere? Non ne ha idea. Neanche le ragazze a lavoro mostrano il minimo interesse verso di lui - né per suo collega Cameron. Eppure, ogni volta che la rivede, la sensitiva insiste che qualcuno lo ama più di quanto creda. Quando Marty perde la sua amata nonna, Cameron è l'unico collega di lavoro presente al funerale. Marty cerca di essere forte per sua madre e sua zia, ma vorrebbe solo raggiungere l'amico nell'ultima fila e piangere tra le sue braccia. Dopo il funerale, Cameron si prende cura di lui, gli prepara una zuppa fatta in casa e si dimostra il miglior amico che Marty possa immaginare. Eppure, resta di sasso quando Cameron lo bacia. Sono sempre stati amici, niente di più. Riuscirà a passare da amico ad amante? Un racconto gay dalla pluri-premiata autrice queer canadese Giselle Renarde.

Süße Lesbische Liebesgeschichten: Eine Sammlung Queerer Romantischer Kurzgeschichten

by Giselle Renarde

Sieben süße Geschichten über lesbische Liebe von der preisgekrönten Autorin Giselle Renarde. Brauchen Sie eine Pause von heißen und pikanten Liebesromanen? Finden Sie originelle lesbische Geschichten zwischen den sauberen Buchdeckeln dieses Buches, sowie Geschichten, die in renommierten Sammlungen wie Best Lesbian Romance und Best Lesbian Love Stories erschienen sind. Gegensätze ziehen sich an, nachdem zwei Freiwillige in Aller Anfang ist Schwer einen steinigen Start hingelegt haben. In Blitz-Eis verliebt sich Lauren heftig in Zarina - so heftig, dass sie mit dem Kopf auf dem Bürgersteig aufschlägt. Hailey weiß nicht, wie sie Sashi in Wie Hailey Sashi kennenlernte ihr größtes Geheimnis verraten soll, und Yvonne und Deva leben in Hochzeitsglocken glücklich bis an ihr Lebens Ende (nachdem sie an ihrem Hochzeitstag einem Mann das Leben gerettet haben!). Sieben süße lesbische Liebesgeschichten, besiegelt mit einem Kuss!

Sweet Lesbian Love Stories: An Anthology Of Queer Romance Shorts

by Giselle Renarde

Zeven zoete verhalen over lesbische liefde van de bekroonde auteur Giselle Renarde.   Een pauze nodig van hete en kruidige romantiek? Vind originele lesbische fictie tussen de schone covers van dit boek en verhalen die te zien zijn in prestigieuze collecties zoals Best Lesbian Romance en Best Lesbian Love Stories.   Tegenpolen trekken elkaar aan nadat twee vrijwilligers rotsachtig beginnen in Beginning Badly. In Flash Freeze valt Lauren hard voor Zarina - zo hard dat ze haar hoofd op de stoep slaat. Hailey weet niet hoe ze Sashi haar grootste geheim moet vertellen in When Hailey Met Sashi, maar Yvonne en Deva leven nog lang en gelukkig (na het redden van het leven van een man op hun trouwdag!) In Going to the Chapel.   Zeven lieve lesbische liefdesverhalen verzegeld met een kus!

Doces Histórias de Amor Lésbico

by Giselle Renarde Mariana Baroni

Sete doces histórias de amor lésbico da premiada autora lésbica Giselle Renarde. Precisa de uma pausa de romances quentes e apimentados? Encontre ficção original sobre lésbicas entre as capas deste livro, além de contos que apareceram em coleções de prestígio como a Best Lesbian Romance e a Best Lesbian Love Stories. Os opostos se atraem depois que duas voluntárias começam com um relacionamento conturbado em "Mau Começo". Em "Congelamento Instantâneo", Lauren tem uma forte atração por Zarina — tão forte que cai e bate a cabeça na calçada. Hailey não sabe como contar à Sashi seu grande segredo em "Quando Hailey Encontrou Sashi", mas Yvonne e Deva vivem felizes para sempre (depois de salvar a vida de um homem no dia de seu casamento!) em "A Caminho da Igreja". Sete doces histórias de amor lésbico seladas com um beijo!

Dolci storie d'amore lesbico

by Giselle Renarde Scila Bertini

Sette dolci storie d'amore lesbico scritte dalla premiata scrittrice queer Giselle Renarde. Avete bisogno di una pausa da storie d'amore bollenti e piccanti? Oltre la candida copertina di questo libro potrete trovare alcuni originali racconti lesbici, tra i quali, alcune storie che sono state già pubblicate in antologie di prestigio quali la Best Lesbian Romance e la Best Lesbian Love Stories. Gli opposti si sttraggono quando due volontarie iniziano con il piede sbagliato in Un pessimo inizio. In Congelamento istantaneo, Lauren cade preda di un fortissimo amore per Zarina, così forte che finisce per sbattere la testa sul marciapiede. Hailey non sa come rivelare a Sashi il suo più grande segreto in Hailey incontra Sashi, ma Yvonne e Deva vivranno per sempre felici e contente (dopo aver salvato la vita di un uomo nel giorno delle loro nozze!), in Andando all'altare. Sette dolci storie d'amore che culminano in un bacio!

Γλυκιές Ιστορίες Λεσβιακής Αγάπης: Disciplined Sex

by Giselle Renarde Panagiota Vakola

Χρειάζεστε ένα διάλειμμα από τα καυτά, πικάντικα ρομάντζα; Σε αυτό το βιβλίο θα βρείτε πρωτότυπες λεσβιακές ιστορίες, καθώς και κάποιες που έχουν εμφανιστεί σε συλλογές υψηλού κύρους όπως το Καλύτερα Λεσβιακά Ρομάντζα, και το Καλύτερες Ιστορίες Λεσβιακής Αγάπης. Τα ετερώνυμα έλκονται, αφότου δύο εθελόντριες ξεκινούν στραβά στο Κακή Αρχή. Στο Ξαφνική Παγωνιά, η Λόρεν την έχει πατήσει άσχημα με την Ζαρίνα- τόσο άσχημα που πέφτει και κοπανάει το κεφάλι της στο πεζοδρόμιο. Η Χέιλι δεν ξέρει πως να αποκαλύψει το μεγάλο της μυστικό στην Σάση, στο Όταν η Χέιλι Γνώρισε την Σάση, αλλά η Υβών και η Ντέβα κάνουν βίων ανθόσπαρτων, αφότου σώζουν τη ζωή ενός άνδρα την ημέρα του γάμου τους. στο Στον Δρόμο για το Εκκλησάκι. Επτά γλυκιές ιστορίες λεσβιακής αγάπης σφραγισμένες με ένα φιλί!

The Charioteer: A Virago Modern Classic (Vmc Ser. #84)

by Mary Renault

'The Charioteer remains compelling both as a snapshot of a particular - and particularly fascinating - cultural moment, and as a deeply romantic story of love fulfilled against the odds. It has all those qualities that make Mary Renault so memorable as a novelist: craft, subtlety, intelligence, and a terrific natural sympathy with the intricacies of honour and desire' SARAH WATERS'An explosive and courageous book' SIMON RUSSELL BEALEFirst published in 1953, The Charioteer is a tender, intelligent coming-of-age novel and a bold, unapologetic portrayal of homosexuality that stands with Gore Vidal's The City and the Pillar and James Baldwin's Giovanni's Room as a landmark work in gay literature.Injured at Dunkirk, Laurie Odell, a young corporal, is recovering at a rural veterans' hospital. There he meets Andrew, a conscientious objector serving as an orderly, and the men find solace in their covert friendship. Then Ralph Lanyon appears, a mentor from Laurie's schooldays. Through him, Laurie is drawn into a tight-knit circle of gay men for whom liaisons are fleeting and he is forced to choose between the ideals of a perfect friendship and the pleasures of experience.'Emotionally intelligent, beautifully written and deeply moving, it transcends categorisations' Telegraph

The Charioteer: A Virago Modern Classic (Virago Modern Classics #323)

by Mary Renault

'The Charioteer remains compelling both as a snapshot of a particular - and particularly fascinating - cultural moment, and as a deeply romantic story of love fulfilled against the odds. It has all those qualities that make Mary Renault so memorable as a novelist: craft, subtlety, intelligence, and a terrific natural sympathy with the intricacies of honour and desire' SARAH WATERS'An explosive and courageous book' SIMON RUSSELL BEALEFirst published in 1953, The Charioteer is a tender, intelligent coming-of-age novel and a bold, unapologetic portrayal of homosexuality that stands with Gore Vidal's The City and the Pillar and James Baldwin's Giovanni's Room as a landmark work in gay literature.Injured at Dunkirk, Laurie Odell, a young corporal, is recovering at a rural veterans' hospital. There he meets Andrew, a conscientious objector serving as an orderly, and the men find solace in their covert friendship. Then Ralph Lanyon appears, a mentor from Laurie's schooldays. Through him, Laurie is drawn into a tight-knit circle of gay men for whom liaisons are fleeting and he is forced to choose between the ideals of a perfect friendship and the pleasures of experience.'Emotionally intelligent, beautifully written and deeply moving, it transcends categorisations' Telegraph

The Charioteer: A Novel (Virago Modern Classics Ser. #84)

by Mary Renault

A WWII soldier embarks on affairs with two very different men in a landmark novel that &“transcends categorizations&” (The Telegraph). After being wounded at Dunkirk in World War II, Laurie Odell is sent back home to a rural British hospital. Standing out among the orderlies is Andrew, a bright conscientious objector raised as a Quaker. The unspoken romance between the two men is tested when Ralph, a friend of Laurie&’s from school, re-enters his life, introducing him into a milieu of jaded, experienced gay men. Will Laurie reconcile himself to Ralph&’s embrace, or can he offer Andrew the idealized, Platonic intimacy he yearns for? This novel has been called one of the foundation stones of gay literary fiction, ranking alongside James Baldwin&’s Giovanni&’s Room and Gore Vidal&’s The City and the Pillar. Celebrated for its literary brilliance and sincere depiction of complex human emotions, The Charioteer is a stirring and beautifully rendered portrayal of love. This ebook features an illustrated biography of Mary Renault including rare images of the author.

The Friendly Young Ladies: A Novel (Virago Modern Classics Ser. #72)

by Mary Renault

A wry romp through 1930s mores, social and sexualProgressive for its time as well as ours, The Friendly Young Ladies is a deftly witty comedy set in England between the wars. At eighteen, Elsie has had enough of life at her bickering parents&’ Cornwall home. She decides to join up with her bohemian older sister, Leo, in the city. Leo&’s life is full of surprises—not least her significant other, Helen, a beautiful nurse. As Elsie gets acquainted with Leo&’s world, new characters—including a novelist and a doctor deluded enough to chase all three women at once—come into play. With acid humor and a supremely light touch, The Friendly Young Ladies colors in an unseen dimension of the 1930s.

The Persian Boy: A Novel Of Alexander The Great: A Virago Modern Classic (The Novels of Alexander the Great #2)

by Mary Renault

A New York Times–bestselling novel of the ancient king of Macedon and his lover by the author Hilary Mantel calls &“a shining light.&”The Persian Boy centers on the most tempestuous years of Alexander the Great&’s life, as seen through the eyes of his lover and most faithful attendant, Bagoas. When Bagoas is very young, his father is murdered and he is sold as a slave to King Darius of Persia. Then, when Alexander conquers the land, he is given Bagoas as a gift, and the boy is besotted. This passion comes at a time when much is at stake—Alexander has two wives, conflicts are ablaze, and plots on the Macedon king&’s life abound. The result is a riveting account of a great conqueror&’s years of triumph and, ultimately, heartbreak.The Persian Boy is the second volume of the Novels of Alexander the Great trilogy, which also includes Fire from Heaven and Funeral Games.This ebook features an illustrated biography of Mary Renault including rare images of the author.&“Mary Renault is a shining light to both historical novelists and their readers. She does not pretend the past is like the present, or that the people of ancient Greece were just like us. She shows us their strangeness; discerning, sure-footed, challenging our values, piquing our curiosity, she leads us through an alien landscape that moves and delights us.&” —Hilary Mantel

Hopeless Aromantic: An Affirmative Guide to Aromanticism

by Samantha Rendle

If you've picked up this book, the chances are you have some doubts about your Happiness 101 assignment sheet. True love; candlelit dinners; 2.1 children; joint bank accounts - The One? It might make you want to a run a mile - or you might just have a few big questions. Aromanticism is defined as experiencing little to no romantic attraction to others. Sam Rendle, onetime aromantic asexual, sometime aroaceflux, and present-day label unspecified, knows a thing or two about the aro spectrum - and she has some answers for you.You'll explore what aromanticism is, how aromantic people form relationships, how to know if you're aromantic and deal with internalised shame and societal stigma. With a history of aromantic representation, guidance on queerplatonic relationships, and testimony from your worldwide aro family - this is the affirmatory aro companion to have in your back pocket.

The Skeleton Woman

by Renée

Rose Anthony is recovering from a serious illness, smarting from a fight with her lover, and waiting for the results of an art contest that she entered when an unlikely person arrives at her door in this compelling mystery from a leading New Zealand writer. A baby has been abandoned on her doorstep with an accompanying note that reads "For Rose Anthony." The secret life of her late mother is revealed to Rose in this tightly plotted, entertaining read.

Sexuality in the Swedish Police: From Gay Jokes to Pride Parades (Routledge Critical Studies In Crime, Diversity And Criminal Justice Ser.)

by Jens Rennstam

Sexuality in the Swedish Police is based on the experiences of lesbian, gay, and bisexual police officers and the author's observations of police work. Written at the intersection of organizational, gender, and police studies, the book analyses how processes of exclusion and inclusion of LGB sexuality coexist in the Swedish police, how these processes are related to the culture and characteristics of police work, and how police management attempts to create an inclusive organization. How and under what conditions does the exclusion and inclusion of LGB officers and LGB sexuality take place in the Swedish police? By delving into this question, the author seeks to answer, among other things, how it is that there are so few openly gay male police officers and how barriers to inclusion can be understood. The book contributes to a better understanding of the problems and activities associated with diversity issues, particularly with a focus on sexual orientation, but also more generally; many of the insights in the book can be used to understand the inclusion and exclusion of other groups in society. A key insight from the book is that inclusion and exclusion are collective processes characterized by struggle, a struggle that according to the author can be understood through the concept of “peripheral inclusion”. Sexuality in the Swedish Police will be of great interest to scholars and students as well as practitioners with an interest in diversity issues and policing. The book is also relevant to those working in or interested in diversity, inclusion, and equality in other similarly "masculinized" organizations, such as the armed forces and certain sports organizations. The Open Access version of this book, available at, has been made available under a Creative Commons Attribution-Non Commercial-No Derivatives 4.0 license.

Gender Recognition and the Law: Troubling Transgender Peoples' Engagement with Legal Regulation (Social Justice)

by Flora Renz

Analysing the strategies people use to resist, accept and respond to laws that attempt to shape not just their behaviour, but also their identity, this book pursues a critical engagement with legal gender transition. The Gender Recognition Act (GRA) has often been described as a groundbreaking and progressive legal framework for allowing people to legally change their gender. This book seeks to challenge this representation by drawing on in-depth qualitative interviews with trans people about the GRA. Theoretically this book uses the concepts of legal consciousness, agency and emotion to highlight the normative underpinnings of the GRA. Overall, the book contends, the GRA does not accurately reflect many trans people's own understanding of their gender identity or their sexuality. It is designed to create subjects that govern their behaviour and self-expression in a way that aligns with a purely binary model of sex/gender and sexuality. Although a deviation from these norms does not incur any direct punishment, it indirectly leads to a denial of rights and legal protections. By reviewing relevant legislation and case law, and through qualitative research, the book establishes how, instead of uncritically accepting or completely rejecting the GRA, trans people enact their singular identities by engaging strategically with law. This book will be of interest across a range of disciplines, including socio-legal studies, family law, gender, sexuality and law as well as sociology courses on gender, identity and social policy.

The Stolen Luck

by Shawna Reppert

How far will a good man go to save his home and loved ones?Lord James Dupree must recover his family's stolen Luck, the elven talisman that has protected the Dupree lands for generations. Without the talisman, the Dupree vineyards are failing and creditors are closing in. The Luck is his only hope of saving his home and his family from poverty and ruin.Despite his abhorrence of slavery, James wins an elven slave in a game of cards. The slave, Loren, provides the only chance to enter the Lands Between and recover the stolen Luck. Despite James's assurances and best intentions, Loren does not trust his new master and James finds it all too easy to slip into the role of slave master when Loren defies him.As the two work together through hardship and danger, James finds himself falling in love with Loren. And when a hidden enemy moves against them, he must choose between his responsibility to his family and his own soul.78,000 words

Cats (And Their Dykes): An Anthology

by Irene Reti Shoney Sien

Stories, poems, pictures, and cartoons about the relationship of lesbians and cats.

The Evenings: A Winter's Tale

by Gerard Reve Sam Garrett

THE FIRST ENGLISH TRANSLATION OF A POSTWAR MASTERPIECE'I work in an office. I take cards out of a file. Once I have taken them out, I put them back in again. That is it.'Twenty-three-year-old Frits - office worker, daydreamer, teller of inappropriate jokes - finds life absurd and inexplicable. He lives with his parents, who drive him mad. He has terrible, disturbing dreams of death and destruction. Sometimes he talks to a toy rabbit.This is the story of ten evenings in Frits's life at the end of December, as he drinks, smokes, sees friends, aimlessly wanders the gloomy city street and tries to make sense of the minutes, hours and days that stretch before him.Darkly funny and mesmerising, The Evenings takes the tiny, quotidian triumphs and heartbreaks of our everyday lives and turns them into a work of brilliant wit and profound beauty.From the Hardcover edition.

Ask the Brindled

by No'u Revilla

Ask the Brindled, selected by Rick Barot as a winner of the 2021 National Poetry Series, bares everything that breaks between “seed” and “summit” of a life—the body, a people, their language. It is an intergenerational reclamation of the narratives foisted upon Indigenous and queer Hawaiians—and it does not let readers look away. In this debut collection, No‘u Revilla crafts a lyric landscape brimming with shed skin, water, mo‘o, ma‘i. She grips language like a fistful of wet guts and inks the page red—for desire, for love, for generations of blood spilled by colonizers. She hides knives in her hair “the way my grandmother—not god— / the way my grandmother intended,” and we heed; before her, “we stunned insects dangle.” Wedding the history of the Kingdom of Hawai?i with contemporary experiences of queer love and queer grief, Revilla writes toward sovereignty: linguistic, erotic, civic. Through the medium of formal dynamism and the material of ?Oiwi culture and mythos, this living decolonial text both condemns and creates. Ask the Brindled is a song from the shattered throat that refuses to be silenced. It is a testament to queer Indigenous women who carry baskets of names and stories, “still sacred.” It is a vow to those yet to come: “the ea of enough is our daughters / our daughters need to believe they are enough.”

The Necessary Hunger: A Novel

by Nina Revoyr

A Stevo's Book Reviews on the Internet "Best of the Bunch" Fiction Pick"High school basketball player Nancy Takahiro's future is uncertain. She's courted by recruiters from various colleges, but isn't sure where she'll go once high school ends. But when her father moves in with the mother of her friend and basketball rival Raina Webber, Nancy's life gets a little more complicated."--Bustle, included in "15 Sapphic Romances to Cozy Up With This Valentine's Day""Revoyr's The Necessary Hunger is absolutely pioneering: it may be the first work by an out, queer Asian American writer to be published out of a major press AND for that work to include a major queer Asian American lesbian courtship plot. The interracial dynamics and high school sporting plot all make for an engaging work, one well worthy of retaining in print forever!"--Asian American Literature Fans"[Revoyr's] characters are diverse and full of vulnerabilities, passion, and drive, and it is commendable to see a gay, Asian-American, female athlete as the protagonist...All in all, the story is worth reading to experience the racial tensions and teenage gay love and angst in a city that is growing restless."--The Eclectic ReviewPraise for the original edition of The Necessary Hunger:"The Necessary Hunger is the kind of irresistible read you start on the subway at six p.m. on the way home from work and keep plowing through until you’ve turned the last page...It beats with the pulse of life...American writers dealing with race relations tend to focus on black-white or Asian-white situations; Revoyr has the imagination to depict racial issues in which whites are not the reference point."--Time Magazine"Quietly intimate, vigorously honest, and uniquely American...Tough and tender without a single false note."--Kirkus Reviews"Revoyr triumphs in blending many complex issues, including urban poverty and violence, adolescent sexuality, and the vitality of basketball, without losing sight of her characters. She creates a family, in all senses of the word, of characters who are complex, admirable, and aggravating; readers will root for them on and off the court."--Detroit Free Press"A wholesome coming-of-age novel about two high school basketball stars, Revoyr's debut is a meditation on consuming passion and a reflection on lost opportunities...The basketball action, which builds climactically, honors the split-second timing and excitement of the game. Revoyr also evokes the feel of contemporary LA, capturing crackheads, gang-bangers, and car-jackings in sharp, street-smart dialogue."--Publishers WeeklyThe Necessary Hunger follows two basketball stars--Nancy Takahiro and Raina Webber--and several of their friends through their last year of high school. For some of them, their senior year will be full of glory, and the anticipation of college. For others, however, stranded in an inner-city Los Angeles neighborhood that promises little in the way of opportunity, it will mark not only the end of their time in school but also the end of their hope.As Nancy and Raina both prepare to leave the urban neighborhood that has nurtured them, they find themselves looking toward a future that is no longer easily defined. The Necessary Hunger is about families, friendship, racial identity, and young people who are nearing adulthood in a dangerous and challenging world. It is about sports as a means of salvation, about the nature of competition, and ultimately about the various kinds of love.Our reissue of The Necessary Hunger includes a new introduction by Lynell George, and a new afterword by Nina Revoyr.

Bold Strokes

by Hayden Rexelle

A serial killer is on the loose and it's up to FBI Forensic Examiner Dr. Maura Dunne and Special Agent Melissa Russo to track him down. Maura might wear designer dresses and have a closet bigger than the average bedroom, but that doesn’t stop her from using her smarts to track down killers on a regular basis. Cameron Fraser is making a name for herself in the art world, which leads her to meet Dr. Dunne. Maura has all the tools to help Cameron bury her troubled past, and the good doctor’s eyes ignite a fire Cameron hasn’t felt for quite some time. Will they fall into each other's arms, or fall prey to the Southgate Stabber?

In Love and Sacrifice

by Hayden Rexelle

World War Three and the Teal-47 plague have ravaged the world as we know it. Machines and technology have become relics of the past, and gone are the days of the nine to five. Survivors band together where they can to find a sense of normalcy and safety from the renegades who travel the land taking what they please and killing without mercy.For Claire Munro, that place is the City. Run with an iron fist by a leader named the Duke, the City is a place Claire can try and find herself again. That is, until her mother goes missing.Now Claire has to place her trust in the hands of a young woman whose name she doesn’t even know. Will the mysterious Captain with her shining six guns be Claire’s salvation or her doom?

Two Ships Passing

by Hayden Rexelle

It’s the mid-1800s. Dr. Moira Kelly has completed her schooling at the New York School of Medicine and is looking to return home to London, and her fiancé, Henry. Three years away from home has garnered Moira an independence she never thought possible, and she wonders if this new independence will go over well with her beloved fiancé.Aboard The Persephone, the only ship that will take her on as passenger, Moira befriends the handsome and dashing young sea captain Morgan McKenzie with his eye-patch, piercing green eye, and neatly trimmed moustache. Moira’s captivation with Morgan turns to shock when McKenzie reveals he is, in actuality, a woman.Will Moira be able to return home to marry Henry and live the life her parents have planned for her in London? Or will she find her heart spirited away to the depths of the sea?

Madre and I: A Memoir of Our Immigrant Lives

by Guillermo A. Reyes

In this moving and funny memoir, award-winning playwright Guillermo Reyes untangles his life as the secretly illegitimate son of a Chilean immigrant to the United States and as a young man struggling with sexual repression, body image, and gay identity. But this is a double-decker memoir that also tells the poignant, bittersweet, and adventurous story of Guillermo's mother, Maria, who supports herself and her son cleaning houses and then working as a nanny in Washington, D. C. and eventually in Hollywood. In one memorable scene, after realizing that her friend Carmen is cleaning the house of one of the producers of Annie Hall, Maria recruits her to take her picture as she poses dramatically with Mr. Joffe's Oscar in hand. It is Maria's defiant yet determined attitude amidst her sacrifices that allows for Guillermo's spirited coming of age and coming out. Their common ground is the drama of their encounters with discovery, heartbreak, and passion--the explosive emotions that light up the stage of their two-actor theater. Honorable Mention, Best Auto/Biography in English, International Latino Book Awards

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