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Reviens-moi (L'amour à n'importe quel prix #1)

by Lisa M. Owens Julie Bénazet

L'amour à n'importe quel prix, tome 1Pour Josh Brooks, c'est l'été de tous les miracles. Il vient d'acheter le cheval de ses rêves à un dresseur concurrent, et un ancien camarade d'armée de son frère, le beau Dane Keller, pourrait bien quant à lui être l'homme de sa vie. Dane est sexy, musclé, et il vient de dire adieu au cadre rigide et parfois intolérant de l'armée. Le hic ? Personne ne sait que Josh et Dane sont gays. Dane Keller n'aspire qu'à une chose : trouver un travail avec un salaire raisonnable dans un ranch sans histoire et mener une vie tranquille. Mais lorsqu'il commence à travailler pour les Brooks et qu'il fait la connaissance de Josh, ses rêves de tranquillité tombent à l'eau. Josh, le petit frère de son meilleur ami, le petit frère qui envoyait les lettres qui l'ont empêché de perdre la raison en Afghanistan. Très vite, et malgré sa peur panique des relations amoureuses, Dane s'attache à lui. Tandis que Dane et Josh tentent (et manquent) désespérément de contenir leurs sentiments, quelqu'un les observe, tapi dans l'ombre, attendant l'heure de la revanche. Et puis un jour, il frappe, et leur secret est révélé au grand jour. Dane est déterminé à protéger Josh, quoi qu'il en coûte. Même si pour ça il doit quitter le ranch pour toujours.

Queer Kids: The Challenges and Promise for Lesbian, Gay, and Bisexual Youth

by Robert E Owens

Packed to the hilt with living narratives, scholarly research, and problem-solution scenarios, Queer Kids: The Challenges and Promise for Lesbian, Gay, and Bisexual Youth examines the unique challenges faced by today’s homosexual young adults. You’ll learn what modern-day queer kids do to cope, survive, and find understanding in a world riddled with homophobic intolerance. Queer Kids is a lens of clarity that will help the average straight adult--and maybe even the average gay adult--see things from a kid’s point of view. Its detail-oriented, well-wrought chapters will provide you with literally hundreds of stories of young people who are trying to define themselves sexually and emotionally in a society of criss-crossing judgment, stereotyping, anger, and expectation. Aimed at three target groups--counselors, parents, and youth--this book introduces you to a variety of interesting kids, offers you a look at the process of coming out, and helps you grasp the experience of queer identification. Specifically, you’ll read about: queer kids and their families and peers the medical/health care profession’s impact on queer kids the teachers and counselors of gay, lesbian, and bisexual youth how to alleviate harrassment, abuse, withdrawal, and loneliness the effects of familial denial, prejudiced counselors, and standoffish gay adultsBeing a kid is tough--but being a queer kid can be even tougher. Fortunately, Queer Kids is available for students, ministers, teachers, youth- and health-care workers, and especially the friends and families of teens who are working through the personal turbulence that too often accompanies sexual and emotional definition. Guided by its upfront approach and practical resource list of written, computer, and telephone aids, you’ll see that a solution is not as distant as you think. Read it, and relearn what it means to be a kid again.


by Zahra Owens

By day Cooper Miller is a bland paper pusher, a health and safety inspector who does everything by the book. Deciding he needs some excitement in his life, he sheds his off-the-rack suit and tan raincoat and signs up for an introductory session at a BDSM club. His welcome mat turns out to be Nando Arenas, the man who owns the new tattoo shop Cooper inspected just that morning. At first glance, Nando seems like forbidden territory, but when Cooper discovers a taste for being tied up and dominated, the enterprising tattoo artist delivers all the excitement Cooper could want.

Charity Starts at Home

by Zahra Owens

During the Christmas holidays, the affluent Haden knocks on the door of Quinn's homeless shelter with a proposition: he wants to help make Christmas a little brighter for the shelter's residents. But Quinn is suspicious of Haden's motives and money. The fact that their worlds are miles apart is painfully clear, and although Quinn finds he just might be able to love Haden, his own prejudices might block the way to a future together.I fell in love with Quinn and Haden; two guys with hearts of gold and a passion that could even melt Jack Frost's cold heart. 4 of 5 divas Deb @ Dark Diva Reviews

Cleary Palit

by Zahra Owens

Edward "Ted" Cleary and Cazimir Palit have shared everything for eight years. Well, almost everything. They own a successful business together, share a house in West Hollywood, and never travel anywhere without each other, but they've never slept in the same bed. There's one more thing Ted hasn't shared with Caz. Ted has a mother, sister, and brother in Atlanta Caz has never met. With good reason. They threw Ted out when he wouldn't "change his ways," and he's never looked back. When Ted is rejected all over again, Caz steps up and proves he isn't the superficial man Ted always took him for, and Ted's long-hidden feelings might finally be returned.

Clouds and Rain (Clouds And Rain Stories Ser. #1)

by Zahra Owens

A Clouds and Rain StoryFlynn Tomlinson has drifted for several years, working odd jobs when he needs the money and moving on when he doesn't. He's content with his freestyle life, not tied down, not responsible for anyone but himself. Then he comes across a Help Wanted ad in a post office in Idaho and meets Gable Sutton. Gable can't pay Flynn until he sells his horses, but a serious accident has left him unable to work his ranch alone. Working with horses beats stacking shelves at the supermarket, and so Flynn agrees to Gable's terms. What Flynn doesn't bargain for is being captivated by this gentle, lonely man who captures his heart and moves Flynn to take on an incredible burden: saving Gable's ranch.

Clouds and Rain Serie: Die komplette Serie (Clouds and Rain Serie)

by Zahra Owens

Eine Ranch im Osten Idahos am Laufen zu halten ist harte Arbeit. Die Sommer sind trocken und die Winter eisig kalt. Die atemberaubende Umgebung des Grand Tetons bietet den Männern, die versuchen ihren Lebensunterhalt zu bestreiten, wenig Trost.Einen Partner zu finden, der ein fester Bestandteil ihrer Leben wird, ist etwas, das sie nicht zu hoffen wagen, vor allem wenn besagter Partner männlich und harte Arbeit sieben Tage die Woche, zweiundfünfzig Wochen im Jahr gewöhnt sein soll.Glücklicherweise folgt aber auf Regen Sonnenschein.<br style="color: #3c4043; font-family: Roboto, Arial, sans-serif; font-size: 14px; font-styl

Conflict of Interest

by Zahra Owens

When a material witness changes her story during a court interrogation, allowing the man who assaulted her little boy to go free, Senior Crown Prosecutor Finn DeHavilland&apos;s legendary self-control goes out the window. His subsequent suspension from appearing in court leaves Finn with time on his hands. Desperate to continue working, and after regularly attending his mandatory psychiatric sessions, he accepts a delicate case involving a fraudulent Scotland Yard police detective. Excited to be assigned to the case, DS Tommy Drummond, who has had a soft spot for Finn since Finn defended him during an internal investigation, and his partner, Stevie Fielding, begin uncovering evidence. A series of seemingly random occurrences muddle their investigation. Believing they're on the right path, the team pushes forward, until Tommy's apartment goes up in flames. Offering Tommy a guest room in his home turns up the heat on the growing feelings between Finn and Tommy. But Finn's baggage may be too much to deal with, and paranoia threatens to tear them apart. As the net around the corrupt detective tightens, it becomes clear he must have had help from high places, and Finn and Tommy become pawns in the game.


by Zahra Owens

Jack Christensen has everything he ever wanted. He&apos;s a rising star in US Diplomacy, the youngest man to have been appointed as an Ambassador of the United States. A career diplomat who&apos;s just been sent to a politically interesting Embassy in Europe, he has the perfect wife, speaks five languages and has all the right credentials, yet there&apos;s something missing and he doesn&apos;t quite know what. Then Lucas Carlton walks into an Embassy reception and introduces himself and his American fiancée. From the first handshake, the young Englishman makes an impression on Jack that leaves him confused and uncharacteristically insecure. Lucas&apos; position as the British liaison to the American Embassy means they are forced to work together closely and they have a hard time denying the attraction between them, despite their current relationships. When their women decide to go on a weekend trip together, Jack and Lucas start a passionate relationship, which continues long after their partners return. Diplomatic circles are notoriously conservative though, and they each know that the right woman by their side makes a very significant contribution to their success. Will they be able to make the right choices in their professional and personal lives? Or will they need to sacrifice one for the other?

Earth and Sky (Clouds and Rain Stories #2)

by Zahra Owens

A Clouds and Rain StoryHunter Krause knows better than anyone that running a ranch is hard work. Wranglers are hard to find, and even with Hunter's foreman and entire extended family on hand, the busy ranch is constantly short-handed. So when horses go missing, Hunter's brother-in-law hires a man Hunter would never have considered: Grant Jarreau, a man Hunter can&apos;t forgive for leaving Hunter's best friend Gable after an incapacitating accident. Grant quickly fits in, befriending Hunter's sister and making himself invaluable. Despite Hunter's misgivings, he can't quite control his body's reactions to Grant, and he isn't sure what to do about it. Then Grant saves Hunter's young nephew from drowning and one thankful kiss opens doors Hunter never knew existed. While Hunter and Grant tentatively move toward a relationship, the family's in an uproar, the ranch is struggling, they can't figure out what happened to the horses, and to top it all off, Grant is hiding something. Can Hunter learn to trust Grant, or will the turmoil already tearing up his family claim another victim?


by Zahra Owens

Jonas Hunter is a high-class body for hire with a small, exclusive, mostly male clientèle who pay big bucks for his undivided time and attention. Discretion is Jonas&apos;s middle name--he can play his role to the hilt for the client&apos;s benefit and at the same time disappear seamlessly into a crowd, safely anonymous. He&apos;s persuaded to take on a new client who is everything he despises in a man: the effeminate, tantrum-throwing, attention-seeking bad boy of Paris haute couture named Nicky Bryant. Nicky&apos;s shows are outrageous and always good for a front cover, and his appearance never fails to turn heads. But Jonas soon learns Nicky is a carefully maintained façade himself. As a fiery attraction grows, Jonas and Nicky have to find a way to walk the tightrope between their public and private personas. They&apos;ll need to learn to love and trust each other around the other people in their lives if they&apos;re going to share their hearts....totally held my attention with its complex, organized plot, with its depth of characterization and, last but not least, its heart-stoppingly gorgeous sex scenes. Zahra Owens has done an exceptional job of developing the characters of these two men, plus a cast of secondary characters, against a complex and riveting plot. 5 of 5 Stars Carole @ Rainbow Reviews

Floods and Drought (Clouds and Rain Stories #3)

by Zahra Owens

A Clouds and Rain StoryTim Conroy knows all about patience. He's waited three years for Rory McCown to get out of jail after doing time for stealing horses from the Blue River Ranch. Now that Rory is eligible for parole, Tim makes it his goal to persuade his boss, Hunter Krause, to give Rory a second chance. He almost regrets it when Hunter agrees. Rory is a morose loner one moment, then arrogant and overconfident the next. The attraction between them is still there, but as soon as they start to get close, an old enemy throws a wrench in the works... and their fledgling relationship may not be strong enough to weather the coming storm. Honorable Mention: Best Gay Contemporary General Fiction

The Hand-me-down

by Zahra Owens

When a volcano erupts in Iceland and leaves globetrotting headhunter Jez Robinson stranded in Barcelona, he isn't sure what to do. He has a hard time sitting still, so deciding to make the best of his situation, he pays a visit to his old friend Nick Stone, a retired porn star he shares a history with. Only the visit doesn't go anything like Jez expected. First Nick introduces Jamie, his much younger lover, a man so painfully shy he can't even bring himself to talk to strangers. The love he and Nick share is plain to Jez, but also puzzling, because Nick was never the monogamous type. Then Nick tells Jez he's dying and wants Jez to look after Jamie. In his whole life, Jez has never committed to so much as a house plant, so at first he refuses. But Nick and Jamie are insistent, and soon Jamie worms his way into Jez's graces and his bed, determined to do the convincing Jez's heart needs.

Happiness for Beginners

by Zahra Owens

Jesse harbored a crush on his TV series costar, Kaye, for more than eight years, but when the show was canceled and he realized those years of playing gay hadn't convinced Kaye to leave the straight and narrow, Jesse turned his back on acting for good. Ten years later, Kaye is back in Jesse's life, on Christmas Eve--and the eve of his third divorce. Jesse's not sure his heart can take another beating, but Kaye has a few tricks up his sleeve--and a few truths from his own heart--that might just convince Jesse that the gifts of love and happiness are not just for Christmas.

I Can See Right Through You (2010 Daily Dose - Midsummer's Nightmare)

by Zahra Owens

When Lander's Great Aunt Angie is shipped off to a convalescent home, she asks him to house-sit. Soon enough he finds out why: she wants him to keep James, a rather attractive and benevolent Victorian ghost, company. Their new friendship is threatened when a not-so-benevolent and very menacing burglar breaks into the house, threatening Lander--and the last thing he expects is for James to come to the rescue.A part of the 2010 Daily Dose Set, Midsummer's Nightmare which includes 30 M/M stories of supernatural romance that may feature an edge of suspense and heart-pounding fear; a taste of the paranormal worlds of ghosts, vampires, and werewolves; and even the stuff of nightmares and dreamscapes.

Moon and Stars (Clouds and Rain Stories #4)

by Zahra Owens

A Clouds and Rain StoryAfter an affair with a married DA led to scandal and disbarment, Cooper Nelson left his legal career in shambles, and found solace working as a hand at the Blue River Ranch. Eight years later, during a rare visit into town, Cooper bumps into Kelly Freed, a man he left behind fifteen years earlier when he started out as an attorney. Unfortunately, Kelly is running for sheriff and his wife is terminally ill, so Kelly can't even consider rekindling their relationship. Cooper knows from sad experience that hiding the truth leads to lives being ruined, so for his part, he refuses to be anybody's dirty secret. In the meantime circumstances at neighboring Blackwater Ranch have taken a desperate turn. Gable's friend Calley has breast cancer, and when Gable and Flynn take in Calley's kids, they need help from their friends. Cooper and Kelly's combined talents are put to work to ensure Gable can make a bid to become the legal father of his children, and that Calley's affairs are in order if worse comes to worst. For Cooper, staying away from Kelly was never easy, and now with a common cause, Cooper finds he can&apos;t stop himself from seeking the man out.

A Thousand Goodbyes

by Zahra Owens

History is written by the biased victors, leaving only their view intact. Future civilizations are now trying to learn from the past, sending agents Niall and Dafydd to record lost perspectives from destroyed cultures. To achieve this, they keep Dafydd in the dark, and it takes a thousand lifetimes of love and loss before he sees the light.

You Can Choose Your Friends

by Zahra Owens

Twenty years before You Can&apos;t Choose Your Family, Jay Molenski saved Fran Galloway&apos;s life. Franklyn Galloway is the youngest son of a conservative Evangelical minister, and it goes without saying that he is stuck in the closet. He dreams of being an architect, but his father puts a stop to that faster than Fran can say "Frank Lloyd Wright." So when Fran meets popular, laid-back Jay Molenski, he does everything he can to deny the sparks flying all around them. It only works for so long. After a brutal trip home, Fran finds himself staring down a fifth of vodka and a bottle of sleeping pills. How can Jay and his family make Fran see that he deserves not just love, but the freedom to be himself?Be the change - $1.20 of every sale will be donated to the It Gets Better Project.

You Can't Choose Your Family

by Zahra Owens

Jay and Fran have been a couple for twenty years. They have a great relationship with only one minor bone of contention: while Fran is very much a member of Jay&apos;s extended family, to Fran&apos;s family, Jay is just "his business partner." It&apos;s not that Fran doesn't want to come out to his family; it&apos;s more that they don&apos;t want to hear it. When Fran&apos;s father, an evangelical minister, dies, Fran hopes the rest of his family will be more accepting. This hope is nipped in the bud by his very conservative older brother, so Jay&apos;s mother steps in and invites Fran&apos;s mother over for Christmas... but will joining Fran's happy-go-lucky in-laws be too much for Fran&apos;s mother, or will they help her see the truth of just how much Jay means to Fran?

Zahra Owens's Greatest Hits (Dreamspinner Press Bundles #14)

by Zahra Owens

Don&apos;t miss these four contemporary romances from Zahra Owens: In Diplomacy, Jack and Lucas start a passionate relationship, which continues long after their partners return. Diplomatic circles are notoriously conservative though, and they each know that the right woman by their side makes a very significant contribution to their success. Will they be able to make the right choices in their professional and personal lives? Or will they need to sacrifice one for the other? In Façade, Jonas Hunter, high-class body for hire, meets his match in new client Nicky Bryant, an effeminate, tantrum-throwing, attention-seeking bad boy of Paris haute couture, everything he despises in a man. But Jonas soon learns they each carefully maintain a façade. In The Hand-me-down, Jez pays a visit to his old friend Nick, who introduces his much younger lover, Jaime... and then asks Jex to look after him when Nick is gone. And in the reader-favorite Western Clouds and Rain, Flynn doesn't bargain for being captivated gentle, lonely Gable, who captures his heart and moves Flynn to take on an incredible burden: saving Gable's ranch.See excerpt for individual blurbs.

Conflit d'intérêts

by Zahra Owens Jade Baiser

Quand un témoin important change son histoire devant la Cour, permettant ainsi à l&apos;homme qui a agressé un petit garçon d&apos;être libéré, le self-contrôle légendaire de Finn DeHavilland, procureur principal de la Couronne, part en fumée. Suspendu de toute apparition en audience, Finn se retrouve avec bien trop de temps libre dans les mains. Mourant d&apos;envie de continuer à travailler, et après ses rendez-vous obligatoires avec une psychiatre, il accepte une affaire délicate impliquant un inspecteur de police frauduleux de Scotland Yard. Excité à l&apos;idée d&apos;être affecté à cette affaire avec sa partenaire Stevie Fielding, Tommy Drummond, sergent-détective qui a un faible pour Finn depuis que celui-ci l&apos;a défendu lors d&apos;une enquête interne, commence à mettre à jour des preuves. Une série d&apos;événements apparemment sans lien entrave leur enquête. Pensant qu&apos;ils sont sur la bonne voie, l&apos;équipe va plus loin, jusqu&apos;à ce que l&apos;appartement de Tommy soit incendié. Finn décide alors de lui offrir sa chambre d'amis, et la tension entre les deux hommes monte peu à peu. Mais les bagages émotionnels de Finn sont peut-être trop durs à gérer, et la paranoïa menace de les séparer. Alors que le nœud qui entoure l&apos;inspecteur corrompu se resserre, il devient clair qu&apos;il doit avoir de l&apos;aide haut placée. Et si Finn et Tommy n'étaient que des pions dans le jeu ?

Le diplomate

by Zahra Owens Cassie Black

Jack Christensen possède tout ce dont il a toujours rêvé. Étoile montante de la diplomatie américaine, il est le plus jeune diplomate à avoir obtenu un poste d'Ambassadeur des États-Unis. En tant qu'homme d'État, il est affecté à l'une des Ambassades d'Europe les plus enrichissantes au niveau politique. Il est marié à une femme parfaite, parle cinq langues et ses qualifications ne montrent aucun défaut. Et pourtant, quelque chose lui manque dans la vie sans qu'il ne sache quoi. Arrive alors Lucas Carlton lors d'une réception à l'Ambassade, accompagné de sa fiancée américaine. Dès leur première poignée de main, le jeune Britannique fait forte impression à Jack qui se retrouve alors confus et pour la première fois incertain. Lucas est l'agent de liaison entre l'Ambassade britannique et l'Ambassade américaine, ce qui veut dire qu'ils devront travailler en étroite collaboration. Nier leur attirance mutuelle est alors bien plus difficile, malgré le fait qu'ils soient déjà tous deux engagés dans une relation. Quand leurs femmes décident d'aller en week-end ensemble, Jack et Lucas commencent une liaison passionnée, qui continue après le retour de celles-ci. Mais il est de notoriété publique que le cercle diplomatique est des plus conservateurs, et ils savent tous deux qu'avoir une femme à leur côté est essentiel à leur carrière. Seront-ils capables de faire les bons choix, pour leur vie professionnelle et leur vie privée ? Ou devront-ils sacrifier l'une des deux ?


by Zahra Owens Saura García

Jack Christensen tiene todo lo que podía desear. Es uno de los más destacados diplomáticos de los Estados Unidos, y el hombre más joven que jamás había sido postulado como embajador. Tiene una carrera que acaba de ponerse políticamente interesante con su asignación a una embajada en Europa, la mujer perfecta, habla cinco idiomas y tiene las credenciales adecuadas, aunque le falta algo y no sabe exactamente qué es. Entonces Lucas Carlton entra en una recepción que ofrece la embajada y se presenta junto con su prometida americana. Desde el primer apretón de manos, el joven británico causa tal impresión en Jack que lo deja confuso e inusualmente inseguro. La posición de Lucas como enlace de la embajada británica y americana, hace que se vean forzados a trabajar muy de cerca, y lo pasan mal intentando negar su mutua atracción. Cuando sus mujeres deciden irse durante un fin de semana, Jack y Lucas comienzan una apasionada relación, que continuará después de que sus parejas vuelvan. Sin embargo, los círculos diplomáticos son extremadamente conservadores, y ambos saben que la mujer correcta a su lado es una significativa contribución para su éxito. ¿Serán capaces de tomar las decisiones adecuadas para sus vidas profesionales y privadas? ¿O tendrán que sacrificar una o la otra?

Nubes y Lluvia (Nubes y lluvia #1)

by Zahra Owens Saura García

Un libro de la saga Nubes y lluviaFlynn Tomlinson ha ido a la deriva durante los últimos años, aceptando todo tipo de empleos cuando necesitaba dinero y marchándose a otro lugar en cuanto lo obtenía. Está contento con su estilo de vida sin tener que echar raíces ni ser responsable de nada más que de sí mismo. Un día encuentra un cartel que reza "se necesita ayuda" en una oficina de correos de Idaho, y conoce a Gable Sutton, que no puede trabajar solo en el rancho porque un serio accidente lo ha dejado impedido. Como su sueño es volver a trabajar con caballos acepta los términos del contrato que Gable le ofrece. Sin embargo, lo que no negoció fue enamorarse de ese hombre amable y solitario, que capturará su corazón y hará que tome sobre sus hombros una carga increíble: salvar su rancho.

Luna e stelle (serie Nuvole e pioggia #4)

by Zahra Owens Killerqueen

Un libro della serie Nuvole e pioggiaDopo una tresca con un procuratore distrettuale sposato che lo ha portato allo scandalo e alla radiazione dall'albo, Cooper Nelson ha lasciato una carriera legale ormai distrutta, trovando conforto nel lavoro al Blue River Ranch. Otto anni dopo, durante una delle rare visite in città, Cooper s'imbatte in Kelly Freed, un uomo che si era lasciato alle spalle quindici anni prima per cominciare a lavorare in uno studio legale. Purtroppo, Kelly è in lizza per diventare sceriffo e sua moglie ha una malattia in fase terminale, quindi far rinascere la loro relazione è fuori questione. Cooper sa per esperienza che nascondere la verità porta a rovinare delle vite, perciò rifiuta di essere l'amante segreto di qualcuno. Nel frattempo, al Blackwater Ranch, gli eventi hanno preso una piega drammatica. Calley, l'amica di Gable, ha un cancro al seno e, per occuparsi dei suoi figli, lui e Flynn hanno bisogno dell'aiuto degli amici. Cooper e Kelly devono unire i loro talenti per fare in modo che Gable possa essere riconosciuto legalmente come padre dei propri figli e per sistemare gli affari di Calley nel caso in cui la situazione dovesse peggiorare. Restare lontano da Kelly non è mai stato facile per Cooper, e ora che hanno una causa comune, scopre di non poter fare a meno di volere l'uomo accanto a sé.

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