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Le diplomate

by Zahra Owens Cassie Black

Jack Christensen possède tout ce dont il a toujours rêvé. Étoile montante de la diplomatie américaine, il est le plus jeune diplomate à avoir obtenu un poste d'Ambassadeur des États-Unis. En tant qu'homme d'État, il est affecté à l'une des Ambassades d'Europe les plus enrichissantes au niveau politique. Il est marié à une femme parfaite, parle cinq langues et ses qualifications ne montrent aucun défaut. Et pourtant, quelque chose lui manque dans la vie sans qu'il ne sache quoi. Arrive alors Lucas Carlton lors d'une réception à l'Ambassade, accompagné de sa fiancée américaine. Dès leur première poignée de main, le jeune Britannique fait forte impression à Jack qui se retrouve alors confus et pour la première fois incertain. Lucas est l'agent de liaison entre l'Ambassade britannique et l'Ambassade américaine, ce qui veut dire qu'ils devront travailler en étroite collaboration. Nier leur attirance mutuelle est alors bien plus difficile, malgré le fait qu'ils soient déjà tous deux engagés dans une relation. Quand leurs femmes décident d'aller en week-end ensemble, Jack et Lucas commencent une liaison passionnée, qui continue après le retour de celles-ci. Mais il est de notoriété publique que le cercle diplomatique est des plus conservateurs, et ils savent tous deux qu'avoir une femme à leur côté est essentiel à leur carrière. Seront-ils capables de faire les bons choix, pour leur vie professionnelle et leur vie privée ? Ou devront-ils sacrifier l'une des deux ?


by Zahra Owens Saura García

Jack Christensen tiene todo lo que podía desear. Es uno de los más destacados diplomáticos de los Estados Unidos, y el hombre más joven que jamás había sido postulado como embajador. Tiene una carrera que acaba de ponerse políticamente interesante con su asignación a una embajada en Europa, la mujer perfecta, habla cinco idiomas y tiene las credenciales adecuadas, aunque le falta algo y no sabe exactamente qué es. Entonces Lucas Carlton entra en una recepción que ofrece la embajada y se presenta junto con su prometida americana. Desde el primer apretón de manos, el joven británico causa tal impresión en Jack que lo deja confuso e inusualmente inseguro. La posición de Lucas como enlace de la embajada británica y americana, hace que se vean forzados a trabajar muy de cerca, y lo pasan mal intentando negar su mutua atracción. Cuando sus mujeres deciden irse durante un fin de semana, Jack y Lucas comienzan una apasionada relación, que continuará después de que sus parejas vuelvan. Sin embargo, los círculos diplomáticos son extremadamente conservadores, y ambos saben que la mujer correcta a su lado es una significativa contribución para su éxito. ¿Serán capaces de tomar las decisiones adecuadas para sus vidas profesionales y privadas? ¿O tendrán que sacrificar una o la otra?

Nubes y Lluvia (Nubes y lluvia #1)

by Zahra Owens Saura García

Un libro de la saga Nubes y lluviaFlynn Tomlinson ha ido a la deriva durante los últimos años, aceptando todo tipo de empleos cuando necesitaba dinero y marchándose a otro lugar en cuanto lo obtenía. Está contento con su estilo de vida sin tener que echar raíces ni ser responsable de nada más que de sí mismo. Un día encuentra un cartel que reza "se necesita ayuda" en una oficina de correos de Idaho, y conoce a Gable Sutton, que no puede trabajar solo en el rancho porque un serio accidente lo ha dejado impedido. Como su sueño es volver a trabajar con caballos acepta los términos del contrato que Gable le ofrece. Sin embargo, lo que no negoció fue enamorarse de ese hombre amable y solitario, que capturará su corazón y hará que tome sobre sus hombros una carga increíble: salvar su rancho.

Luna e stelle (serie Nuvole e pioggia #4)

by Zahra Owens Killerqueen

Un libro della serie Nuvole e pioggiaDopo una tresca con un procuratore distrettuale sposato che lo ha portato allo scandalo e alla radiazione dall'albo, Cooper Nelson ha lasciato una carriera legale ormai distrutta, trovando conforto nel lavoro al Blue River Ranch. Otto anni dopo, durante una delle rare visite in città, Cooper s'imbatte in Kelly Freed, un uomo che si era lasciato alle spalle quindici anni prima per cominciare a lavorare in uno studio legale. Purtroppo, Kelly è in lizza per diventare sceriffo e sua moglie ha una malattia in fase terminale, quindi far rinascere la loro relazione è fuori questione. Cooper sa per esperienza che nascondere la verità porta a rovinare delle vite, perciò rifiuta di essere l'amante segreto di qualcuno. Nel frattempo, al Blackwater Ranch, gli eventi hanno preso una piega drammatica. Calley, l'amica di Gable, ha un cancro al seno e, per occuparsi dei suoi figli, lui e Flynn hanno bisogno dell'aiuto degli amici. Cooper e Kelly devono unire i loro talenti per fare in modo che Gable possa essere riconosciuto legalmente come padre dei propri figli e per sistemare gli affari di Calley nel caso in cui la situazione dovesse peggiorare. Restare lontano da Kelly non è mai stato facile per Cooper, e ora che hanno una causa comune, scopre di non poter fare a meno di volere l'uomo accanto a sé.

Diplomatische Beziehungen

by Zahra Owens Teresa Simons

Jack Christensen hat alles, was er sich nur wünschen kann. Er ist ein aufstrebender US-amerikanischer Diplomat und der jüngste Mann, der je zum amerikanischen Botschafter ernannt wurde. Als Berufsdiplomat, der soeben zu einer aus politischer Sicht interessanten Botschaft in Europa entsandt wurde, hat er die perfekte Frau, spricht fünf Sprachen und verfügt über alle nötigen Qualifikationen. Und trotzdem scheint irgendetwas zu fehlen, auch wenn er nicht genau weiß, was. Bis sich ihm bei einem Empfang in der Botschaft Lucas Carlton mit seiner amerikanischen Verlobten vorstellt. Vom ersten Händedruck an hinterlässt der Brite bei Jack einen Eindruck, der ihn ungewöhnlich verwirrt und verunsichert. Lucas' Position als Verbindungsbeamter zwischen der amerikanischen und britischen Botschaft zwingt sie zu enger Zusammenarbeit, und bald können sie trotz ihrer Partnerinnen kaum noch abstreiten, wie sehr sie sich voneinander angezogen fühlen. Als die beiden Frauen einen gemeinsamen Wochenendausflug unternehmen, lassen sich Jack und Lucas auf eine leidenschaftliche Liebesbeziehung ein, die sie auch nach der Rückkehr ihrer Partnerinnen weiterführen. Doch in konservativen Diplomatenkreisen macht die richtige Frau an ihrer Seite einen großen Teil des beruflichen Erfolges aus. Wird es ihnen gelingen, sowohl in ihrem Berufs- als auch in ihrem Privatleben die richtigen Entscheidungen zu treffen? Oder werden sie eines von beidem für das andere opfern müssen?

Avec la lune et les étoiles (Nuages et Pluie #4)

by Zahra Owens Anne Solo

Nuages et Pluie, numéro hors sérieAprès une calamiteuse liaison avec un district attorney, un homme marié, Cooper Nelson a été radié du barreau. Ayant dû renoncer à sa brillante carrière d’avocat, il a modestement refait sa vie aux écuries du ranch Blue River. Huit ans après le scandale, il retrouve Kelly Freed, son amant d’autrefois, à l’école de droit. Malheureusement, la situation est délicate : d’abord, Kelly est en campagne pour devenir le prochain shérif de St Anthony, petite ville conservatrice, ensuite, il est marié et son épouse est en phase terminale. Cooper ne supporte pas l’idée d’une liaison secrète. D’expérience, il sait que mensonges et dissimulations se paient très cher. Dans le voisinage, la vie continue, avec ses drames incontournables : au Blackwater, Gabe est désespéré d’apprendre que sa meilleure amie souffre d’un cancer du sein. Lui et Flynn, son partenaire, aimeraient avoir la garde des enfants de Calley, mais pour ce faire, ils ont besoin d’assistance. Cooper et Kelly unissent leurs compétences, policières et juridiques, pour aider Gabe à rétablir ses droits parentaux et Calley à mettre ses affaires en ordre, au cas où… Maintenant que tous deux font cause commune, Cooper trouve de plus en plus difficile de résister à Kelly. Mais, après le drame qu’il a déjà vécu, est-il prêt à mettre en danger celui qu’il n’a jamais pu oublier ?

Entre déluge et sécheresse (Nuages et Pluie #3)

by Zahra Owens Anne Solo

Nuages et Pluie, numéro hors sérieTim Conroy a de la patience. Depuis trois ans, il attend que son ami Rory McCown sorte de prison, après une condamnation pour un vol de chevaux commis au ranch Blue River. Rory serait susceptible de bénéficier d'une libération anticipée, mais à condition d'avoir un poste stable et un endroit où loger. Aussitôt, Tim se donne pour objectif de convaincre son ami et patron, le rancher Hunter Krause, d'offrir à Rory une deuxième chance. Quand Hunter accepte, Tim le regrette presque : Rory a changé. À certains moments, il se montre morose et renfermé, à d'autres, arrogant et trop présomptueux. Pourtant, l'attraction est toujours aussi forte entre eux. Malheureusement, dès qu'ils commencent à se rapprocher, un ennemi acharné œuvre dans l'ombre, prêt aux plus sombres machinations pour les séparer... Leur relation encore fragile sera-t-elle assez forte pour résister aux tempêtes à venir ?

Isali Dreams

by Zahra Owens Stuart Wakefield

Diplomat and linguist Everett leads a quiet life on an Earth colony outpost until he’s called on to translate for a strange creature discovered on a crashed ship. Despite the magnetic attraction he feels to it, Everett can’t communicate well enough to resolve the apparent murder of the ship’s pilot. At least not until Isali, the survivor, shows up in Everett’s dreams. Isali is on the run from a supreme being hellbent on destroying him, and Everett soon finds himself caught up in a fight for their lives. The increased intimacy between them triggers memories for Everett, but can he put the pieces together before Isali’s nemesis destroys them both?

Floods and Drought - Eine zweite Chance für Rory (Clouds and Rain Serie #3)

by Zahra Owens Melina Wilke

Ein Titel der Clouds and Rain SerieTim Conroy ist es gewohnt, geduldig zu sein. Er hat drei Jahre darauf gewartet, dass Rory McCown aus dem Gefängnis entlassen wird, nachdem er auf der Blue River Ranch Pferde gestohlen hatte. Doch nun, da Rory auf Bewährung entlassen wird, macht Tim es sich zur Aufgabe, seinen Chef Hunter Krause davon zu überzeugen, Rory eine zweite Chance zu geben. Er bedauert es fast, als Hunter seinem Vorschlag zustimmt, denn Rory ist in einem Moment ein schlecht gelaunter Einzelgänger, nur um sich im nächsten arrogant und unnahbar zu geben. Die beiden fühlen sich trotzdem zueinander hingezogen, doch als sie sich endlich näherkommen, taucht ein alter Feind auf, um Unfrieden zu stiften. Wird ihre Beziehung stark genug sein, diesen Sturm zu überstehen?

Moon and Stars - Ein Wiedersehen mit Cooper (Clouds And Rain Serie Ser. #4)

by Zahra Owens Melina Wilke

Ein Titel der Clouds and Rain SerieNachdem Cooper Nelsons Affäre mit einem verheirateten Bezirksstaatsanwalt zu einem Skandal und dem Entzug seiner Lizenz geführt hat, hat er seinen Frieden als Ranchhelfer auf der Blue River Ranch gefunden. Acht Jahre später, bei einem seiner seltenen Besuche in der Stadt, trifft er zufällig auf Kelly Freed, einen Mann, den er fünfzehn Jahre zuvor verlassen hatte, als er gerade anfing, als Anwalt zu arbeiten. Unglücklicherweise kandidiert Kelly gerade für den Posten des Sheriffs und seine Frau ist todkrank, darum steht für ihn eine Wiederaufnahme ihrer Beziehung außer Frage. Aus seiner eigenen Vergangenheit weiß Cooper, dass das Verschweigen der Wahrheit alle Beteiligten nur ins Unglück stürzen wird, weshalb er nicht mehr das kleine, schmutzige Geheimnis eines anderen Mannes sein will. Währenddessen ist die Lage auf der benachbarten Blackwater Ranch verzweifelt. Gables Freundin Calley hat Brustkrebs, und als Gable und Flynn ihre Kinder aufnehmen, brauchen sie die Hilfe ihrer Freunde. Cooper und Kelly helfen dabei, Gable auch rechtlich als Vater seiner Kinder einzusetzen und Calleys Verhältnisse zu ordnen, sollte das Schlimmste eintreten. Für Cooper war es nie einfach gewesen, sich von Kelly fernzuhalten, doch jetzt, wo sie ein gemeinsames Ziel haben, ist es ungleich schwerer, Kelly auf Abstand zu halten.

Towards a Queer and Trans Ethic of Care in Education: Beyond the Limitations of White, Cisheteropatriarchal, Colonial Care (ISSN)

by Bishop Owis

Synthesizing conversations from across gender and sexuality education, race and settler-colonialism studies, and care work literature, Towards a Queer and Trans Ethic of Care in Education explores how queer and trans teachers of colour understand and practice care. Woven between narratives and scholarly literature, Owis theorizes a unique and radical new way of conceptualizing and practicing care in K-12 educational settings, proposing a "queer and trans ethic of care." This new ethic of care is argued for as both a theory and practice. It aims to challenge the embeddedness of white supremacy and settler-colonialism in K-12 classrooms, while offering a framework that can be applied in personal relationships, teaching and research in communities and higher education. Drawing on a study of participants in the Ontario educational system, Owis examines why care is critical in the community and in practice as an education. They then ask how a queer ethic of care can help us understand what it means to heal, thrive beyond survival, and provide care outside of the matrix of white supremacy and settler-colonialism. These considerations are crucially linked to critical points of intervention in academia, schooling environments and policy at the provincial, federal and global level, demonstrating the need for a radical, systemic overhaul to the way educational institutions practice and understand care. Challenging, educating and offering new ways of thinking about care for and with QTBIPOC communities, it will appeal to scholars and researchers of gender and sexuality studies, race and ethnicity in education, sociology, social work, and diversity and equity in education.

Safe: 20 Ways to be a Black Man in Britain Today 'Everyone should read it' Bernardine Evaristo

by Derek Owusu

'It's brave and honest, and not a moment too soon.' Afua Hirsch, Brit(ish)'[An] outstanding myth-busting book. Everyone should read it.' Bernardine EvaristoWhat is the experience of Black men in Britain today? Never has the conversation about racism and inclusion been more important; there is no better time to explore this question and give Black British men a platform to answer it. SAFE: 20 Ways to be a Black Man in Britain Today is that platform. Including essays from top poets, writers, musicians, actors and journalists, this timely and accessible book is in equal parts a celebration, a protest, a call to arms, and a dismantling of the stereotypes surrounding being a Black man. What does it really mean to reclaim and hold space in the landscape of our society? Where do Black men belong in school, in the media, in their own families, in the conversation about mental health, in the LGBTQ+ community, in grime music - and how can these voices inspire, educate and add to the dialogue of diversity already taking place? Following on from discussions raised by Natives and Why I'm No Longer Talking to White People About Race, this collection takes readers on a rich and varied path to confront and question the position of Black men in Britain today, and shines a light on the way forward.Contributors: Alex Holmes, Alex Wheatle, Aniefiok 'Neef' Ekpoudom, Courttia Newland, Derek Oppong, Derek Owusu, Gbontwi Anyetei; Jesse Bernard, JJ Bola; Joseph Harker; Jude Yawson; Kenechukwu Obienu; Kobna Holdbrook-Smith; Nels Abbey; Okechukwu Nzelu; Robyn Travis; Stephen Morrison-Burke; Suli Breaks; Symeon Brown; Yomi Sode

Safe: On Black British Men Reclaiming Space

by Derek Owusu

'This is an inspiring collection of essays ... Every page of this book breaks down stereotypes of what being a Black man is.' Benjamin Zephaniah What is the experience of Black men in Britain? With continued conversation around British identity, racism and diversity, there is no better time to explore this question and give Black British men a platform to answer it. SAFE: On Black British Men Reclaiming Space is that platform. Including essays from top poets, writers, musicians, actors and journalists, this timely and accessible book brings together a selection of powerful reflections exploring the Black British male experience and what it really means to reclaim and hold space in the landscape of our society. Where do Black men belong in school, in the media, in their own families, in the conversation about mental health, in the LGBT community, in grime music - and how can these voices inspire, educate and add to the dialogue of diversity already taking place? Following on from discussions raised by The Good Immigrant and Why I'm No Longer Talking to White People About Race, this collection takes readers on a rich and varied path to confront and question the position of Black men in Britain today, and shines a light on the way forward.Read by Contributors: Alex Holmes, Alex Wheatle, Aniefiok 'Neef' Ekpoudom, Courttia Newland, Derek Oppong, Derek Owusu, Gbontwi Anyetei; Jesse Bernard, JJ Bola; Joseph Harker; Jude Yawson; Kenechukwu Obienu; Kobna Holdbrook-Smith; Nels Abbey; Okechukwu Nzelu; Robyn Travis; Stephen Morrison-Burke; Suli Breaks; Symeon Brown; Yomi Sode(p) Orion Publishing Group 2019


by S. A. Ozment

Ever since arriving in Hollywood, Skylar Murphy has been loving life. He's starring in a hit television show and on the verge of grabbing the lead role in the most anticipated movie of the decade. Poised on the edge of superstardom, he doesn't want or need any complications to distract him from that goal. Whether he's sleeping with a woman or a man, his noncommittal, no-strings-attached love life suits him perfectly, and despite his rep for playing gay roles, the world still thinks he's straight. At the launch party for his new show, Skylar meets Aiden Moore, an openly gay firefighter by day and cater waiter to the stars by night. Skylar is immediately attracted to him, but Aiden rejects him. When an arsonist appears to have targeted Skylar, their paths keep crossing. Always up for a challenge, Skylar works to win Aiden over, and he agrees to a date. Soon enough they can't stay away from each other. Despite hiding their relationship away from the ever-present paparazzi, they're happy together until a jilted fan joins forces with the arsonist to sabotage their future.

Tangled Web

by S. A. Ozment

By day Ashley Stevens is a dedicated nurse; by night he runs multiple social media sites for his crush and all-time favorite actor, Sebastian Gray. After a particularly grueling day at work, Ashley drinks away his misery while dreaming about being with Sebastian--only to realize it's no dream when Sebastian actually contacts him. Sebastian asks him to officially run his sites and Ashley is thrilled--right up until Sebastian makes it clear that he thinks Ashley is a girl. And maybe it's the wine, or maybe it's a fear that if Sebastian knew the truth, he wouldn't want him, but Ashley never sets him straight. But keeping the secret becomes a nightmare as Ashley and Sebastian talk online night after night, forging a true connection. And the longer Ashley waits to tell the truth, the more tangled the lies become. A plane ticket from Sebastian along with an invitation to meet in New York City for a fan event brings it all to a head. Ashley must face Sebastian and tell all, but he might not be the only one keeping secrets.

Tranny: Confessions of Punk Rock's Most Infamous Anarchist Sellout

by Dan Ozzi Laura Jane Grace

ONE OF BILLBOARD'S "100 GREATEST MUSIC BOOKS OF ALL TIME"The provocative transgender advocate and lead singer of the punk rock band Against Me! provides a searing account of her search for identity and her true self. It began in a bedroom in Naples, Florida, when a misbehaving punk teenager named Tom Gabel, armed with nothing but an acoustic guitar and a headful of anarchist politics, landed on a riff. Gabel formed Against Me! and rocketed the band from its scrappy beginnings-banging on a drum kit made of pickle buckets-to a major-label powerhouse that critics have called this generation's The Clash. Since its inception in 1997, Against Me! has been one of punk's most influential modern bands, but also one of its most divisive. With every notch the four-piece climbed in their career, they gained new fans while infuriating their old ones. They suffered legal woes, a revolving door of drummers, and a horde of angry, militant punks who called them "sellouts" and tried to sabotage their shows at every turn. But underneath the public turmoil, something much greater occupied Gabel-a secret kept for 30 years, only acknowledged in the scrawled-out pages of personal journals and hidden in lyrics. Through a troubled childhood, delinquency, and struggles with drugs, Gabel was on a punishing search for identity. Not until May of 2012 did a Rolling Stone profile finally reveal it: Gabel is a transsexual, and would from then on be living as a woman under the name Laura Jane Grace. Tranny is the intimate story of Against Me!'s enigmatic founder, weaving the narrative of the band's history, as well as Grace's, with dozens of never-before-seen entries from the piles of journals Grace kept. More than a typical music memoir about sex, drugs, and rock 'n' roll-although it certainly has plenty of that-Tranny is an inside look at one of the most remarkable stories in the history of rock.

Sabine (Books That Changed the World)

by A. P.

&“This book is The Secret Historymeets Interview with the Vampire. It&’s campy, creepy, sensational fun that&’s hardly life-sucking&” (Daily Candy). A sensual and Gothic tale of obsession and sexual awakening, Sabine &“was deemed so scandalous by its author that she refused to put her name to it. But despite its lusty content, the real shock is the scary secret unearthed toward the end&” (Reveal). It is the 1950s and existentialism is flourishing in Paris. But Viola, a seventeen-year-old English girl, is languishing in an elite boarding school in the dull French countryside. Under the distracted tutelage of Aimée, the students lounge about the crumbling gray château playing records and smoking Gitanes, awaiting the arrival of some suitable distraction. Then a new teacher arrives—Sabine—with her long, tanned legs and mane of golden hair. Sabine questions everything and challenges the girls to look at their world anew. Passion strikes Viola. But there are sinister forces at play in the château and when Sabine becomes ill with a blood disorder, Viola uncovers a dangerous secret . . . In this &“irresistible gothic potboiler . . . the anonymous author of this ardent girl-for-girl romance evokes the mesmerizing quality of a dream at dusk, meshed with an appropriately overheated, breathless, and hormone-driven narrative voice&” (Booklist). &“A.P. writes superbly, whoever she or he may be . . . Sabine is an enchanting novel that deserves to be a cult classic.&” —The Daily Telegraph &“Anonymous A.P marvelously re-creates the hormonal anguish of the fey teenagers.&” —Publishers Weekly &“A sexy, Gothic tale.&” —Harpers & Queen &“Remarkable . . . creepy.&” —Kirkus Reviews

Ti ho fatto un torto: Erotica lesbica

by Roberta P

Dieci anni fa, Imogen è andata a letto con il marito di Antonia. Il senso di colpa la sta mangiando viva. Quando confessa ciò che ha fatto, Antonia non prende la notizia nel modo in cui Imogen aveva immaginato. Infatti, Antonia sembra credere che il modo migliore per Imogen di essere assolta per i suoi peccati sia di raggiungerla a letto...

Captive Prince: A Captive Prince Short Story (The Captive Prince Trilogy #1)

by C. S. Pacat

From global phenomenon C. S. Pacat comes the first novel in her critically acclaimed Captive Prince trilogy.Damen is a warrior hero to his people, and the rightful heir to the throne of Akielos, but when his half brother seizes power, Damen is captured, stripped of his identity, and sent to serve the prince of an enemy nation as a pleasure slave.Beautiful, manipulative and deadly, his new master Prince Laurent epitomizes the worst of the court at Vere. But in the lethal political web of the Veretian court, nothing is as it seems, and when Damen finds himself caught up in a play for the throne, he must work together with Laurent to survive and save his country.For Damen, there is just one rule: never, ever reveal his true identity. Because the one man Damen needs is the one man who has more reason to hate him than anyone else...

Fence Vol. 3 (Fence #3)

by C. S. Pacat

From the superstar team of C.S. Pacat (The Captive Prince) and fan-favorite artist Johanna the Mad comes the third volume of this acclaimed, dynamic series.

Kings Rising (The Captive Prince Trilogy #3)

by C. S. Pacat

The stunning conclusion of worldwide phenomenon—from the boldly original author of Captive Prince and Prince&’s Gambit.&“I fell in love with the writing, the characters, [and] the story.&”—V.E. Schwab, #1 New York Times bestselling authorHis identity now revealed, Damen must face his master Prince Laurent as Damianos of Akielos, the man Laurent has sworn to kill. On the brink of a momentous battle, the future of both their countries hangs in the balance. In the south, Kastor's forces are massing. In the north, the Regent's armies are mobilising for war. Damen's only hope of reclaiming his throne is to fight together with Laurent against their usurpers. Forced into an uneasy alliance the two princes journey deep into Akielos, where they face their most dangerous opposition yet. But even if the fragile trust they have built survives the revelation of Damen&’s identity—can it stand against the Regents final, deadly play for the throne?

Prince's Gambit: Volume Two (The Captive Prince Trilogy #2)

by C. S. Pacat

The second novel in the critically acclaimed Captive Prince trilogy from global phenomenon C. S. Pacat.With their countries on the brink of war, Damen and his new master, Prince Laurent, must exchange the intrigues of the palace for the sweeping might of the battlefield as they travel to the border to avert a lethal plot. Forced to hide his identity, Damen finds himself increasingly drawn to the dangerous, charismatic Laurent. But as the fledgling trust between the two men deepens, the truth of secrets from both their pasts is poised to deal them a final devastating blow...

Fence (Fence #5)

by C. S. Pacat Johanna The Mad Joana Lafuente

Seiji’s calm is badly rattled over a lost match and his mysterious past begins to come out.

Fence #4: Rivals (Fence #4)

by C. S. Pacat Johanna The Mad Joana Lafuente

Nicholas begins to overthink everything as he struggles to prove he deserves his place at Kings Row.

Fence #6 (Fence #6)

by C. S. Pacat Johanna The Mad Joana Lafuente

After an unexpected defeat, tensions run high among the fencers of Kings Row. <P><P><i>Advisory: Bookshare has learned that this book offers only partial accessibility. We have kept it in the collection because it is useful for some of our members. To explore further access options with us, please contact us through the Book Quality link. Benetech is actively working on projects to improve accessibility issues such as these.</i>

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