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Tom Fleet’s Machine

by Deirdre O’Dare

Tom Fleet was a bit of a misfit as the second son of a minor English noble in the 1880s. Once he finished his schooling he had little to do. His grandfathers had left him adequate finances for his needs and with his elder brother set to take the title, he gave in to his fascination with gadgets and began to tinker and invent. His goal was to create a sky craft to go to the moon. Surely if Jules Verne’s characters could go there and many other places, he could do as well.Rowan Farrell followed in his Uncle Gordon’s footsteps, joining the UniFleet, but went a step farther and became an officer. Assigned to his first command level post, he takes a small patrol ship out to scout a region of interest to the Council and report if any signs of the enemy Angevirian Empire in the area. When one of his crew spots a strange, tiny craft, he decides to capture and study it. After all it could be an Angevirian Trojan horse. But the odd cylindrical vessel holds only one man, unconscious and suffering from hypothermia and lack of oxygen. When the man comes to, he claims to come from the earth ... five centuries in the past!

Return to Atsileigh

by Deirdre O’Dare

Sequel to Treading Dangerous GroundSome years ago, an event now called Hightower’s Betrayal ended the existing settlement of old world Native Americans on the obscure world of Atsileigh. But was Hightower the betrayer or the betrayed?Floyd Jaxon, Nathan No Horses, and Jamison Hightower, nephew of the earlier Hightower, meet as cadets at the Unifleet Training base. They alternately razz each other and share in some steamy interludes as they are drawn into the growing plot to mark Hightower’s Betrayal with a return to Atsileigh.Can their budding friendship withstand the dangers and demands they must face? Will Nate’s contempt for the Hightower name destroy any chances for a long term connection among them? The future looms ahead, filled with threat and promise. How the three young men grow to deal with it and each other will impact them all.

A Classic Blunder

by Lynn Townsend

Sequel to Got the BluesBeau Watkins and Vin Reyes have mended their differences, but that doesn't mean everything is back the way it was. When Beau's teenage niece shows up with her son in tow, Beau is thrown unexpectedly into a world of adult responsibilities and adult decisions, all of which could have disastrous consequences. Reconciliation with his family is complicated by an overseas internship with a predatory business woman.Vin still struggles with his alcoholism, with finding his place in a world after college, and with establishing relationships with his newfound father and sister. The last puzzle piece of Vin's mysterious past clicks into place when he comes face-to-face with his mother's ex-fiancé. His relationship with Beau has never been stronger ... until an unexpected email threatens to topple everything they've build together.

Dreams, Memories, and Reality

by Edward Kendrick

Philip lives alone with his dog Barnabas, miles from the nearest mountain town. Late one evening, while he and Barnabas are out running, they are attacked by a very handsome male. Philip shoots him, immediately regrets it, and brings him home to deal with his wounds. Soon he realizes there is something very different about the man, beginning with the fact he is unable to speak or understand English.Adam is different. Other than recalling his name, Ád-hamh, he has no memories, including why he ended up naked in a cave high in the mountains above Philip's house. He survived on the blood of animals he kills, until the night Philip finds him and brings him home.Slowly, Philip teaches Adam about his new life. In the process, he discovers things about Adam that will change both their lives forever.

Fire on Ice

by Deirdre O’Dare

Bard Welstaad is a model Uni-Fleet officer. He’s not sure what his unit is to accomplish, marching up an icy peninsula in the frozen hell of Gelada, but without his NCO, Gordon Farrell, he knows he could not keep the unit together fighting off Snow Wasps and the savage deadly cold. Not until tragedy strikes does he admit the big sergeant means much more to him than simply being his right hand man.Gordon Farrell idolizes his captain, who represents everything he reveres. The threat of imminent death finally forces him to admit the strength of his feelings as he fights to save Bard’s life. With death stalking at their heels, they can only hope to live long enough to share more than a single incredible night. Fate seems to conspire against them at every turn. Still they cling to the frail hope that somehow their love will find a way.

The Artist's Mechanic

by J. D. Walker

Logan Winston makes a deal with his younger brother Marco to pose in the buff for an art class. Why? Because Marco is threatening to quit high school, and Logan doesn't want his sibling to go through difficulties in life because of bad choices. Still, all Logan sees in the mirror is an average guy with dreadlocks and grease under his fingernails pretending to be a model. Then he meets Wayne Rodriguez, the hunky art teacher who causes Logan to want like he's never wanted before.Wayne Rodriguez is getting over a bad relationship and desires nothing more than friendship. Logan is raising his little brother and feels inadequate in Wayne’s presence. Angry words and fear make things worse, and sneaky brothers try to get them back on track.They have to find a solution, if only to stop their siblings from meddling.

Under the Jasmine Flowers

by W. S. Long

Jojo Arias, a Spanish-Filipino mestizo, didn’t expect to meet a U.S. Marine in a tony bar in the Philippines. But, Jojo can’t deny the electricity they have once he meets Adam.Although they come from different worlds, they struggle to keep their relationship private to protect Jojo’s status and position as an heir to one of the wealthiest and powerful families in Filipino society. Billions of dollars could be easily lost if his family business is jeopardized by Jojo’s secret love affair.Because of his standing in society, Jojo is pressured to abandon Adam and live a life in the closet. But he doesn’t want to leave the man he loves. As he struggles to maintain their secret romance, things begin to unravel and Jojo has to make a life-changing decision. Should he choose to stay with his family, or does he have the courage to pursue the love of his life?

Hansen and Graber

by Deirdre O’Dare

When life-long friends Hanson and Graber learn there may be a great wizard on the far side of the woods behind their village, they decide to seek him out. The source of the information may be suspect, but the lure proves too strong. In hopes of learning magic to rise above their current status as Hanson the Pigs and Graber the Firewood, they set out on this quest.When they meet wizard Holzy, they’re both intrigued and intimidated. He makes them labor and suffer, but eventually begins to teach them the practice he calls “the feat of the wand,” which turns out to impart much energy and knowledge as well as unsuspected pleasures to both men.A submerged attraction between them comes to the fore as Holzy awakens urges and desires they hardly even dreamed existed. But he keeps them entranced and bound to him. When Holzy makes a mistake, can Hanson and Graber apply their new powers to gain freedom from his spell and be acknowledged as his equals? Will they go home in triumph or be consigned to the salt mines?

Unexpected Journey

by J. D. Walker

John Dornbrook is forty-nine years old. He's been doing the same job for fifteen years and hates it. But when he’s laid-off, it hits him hard and his world turns upside down. When he meets Hollis Lombard, his neighbor’s grandson, the unexpected happens.Hollis Lombard is determined to get John out of his funk, so he offers to take him on a summer road trip. They head out west in search of adventure, but John is touchy and lashes out easily. Hollis, aware of the attraction between them, doesn’t want to take any chances which could hurt their budding friendship.It's all a frightful muddle, and it remains to be seen if they can overcome their issues in time to reach their final destination. Will the journey be worth it?


by Deirdre O’Dare

Although veterinary technician Carlton is violently allergic to cats, he loves them with an undying passion, enough to tolerate miserable symptoms to keep working with the felines in the San Maribal Zoo. The cheetahs especially fascinate him. Then he meets a mysterious stranger who is evasive about why he’s in the zoo -- nude and after hours! This man tells Carl there’s a cat inside him wanting to get out. That sounds really crazy, and the suggested way to make it happen even crazier ... but exciting.Zyl is a member of the ancient shifter tribe, or Were-Kind. His people are working to enforce humane treatment of animals and save endangered species. Hearing of a planned raid by an extreme animal rights group to free the denizens of zoos, they realize this will a real catastrophe. Joining forces with regular humans to avert the problem will mean “coming out” as the powerful beings they are. Again, a potential disaster.Attracted to Carlton against his better judgment, Zyl teams up with the vet tech he meets under awkward circumstances only to discover a valuable ally and a soul mate.

The Sorcerer's Apprentice

by Deirdre O’Dare

Driz aspires to be a great mage but he’s done poorly the last few years of his schooling and cannot enter the mage university. Instead he seeks a mentor in the remnants of the once-great magical race of Melcovia, now mostly driven into hiding by the brutal government of dictator Congerson.Cory has hidden out in a remote estate in the foothills of the great mountains and sorely misses contact with others of his kind. When he hears a telepathic call from a youth seeking a mentor and master, it seems a dream come true. But will the young man find him? Can he buckle down enough to learn the discipline and control he needs? And can he ever become the true partner and soul-mate Cory has never found?When Congerson’s minions and a rogue mage strike the last empowered folk in Melcovia, Driz’s family is in dire peril. He must choose between staying to work with Cory or breaking his indenture to try to save his mother and siblings. Which will it be?

The Fool

by Gordon Phillips

Keith, single and in his thirties, is given a paid tarot reading session with a top psychic for his birthday. Unexpectedly, after the Lovers card is drawn, the reading produces four nines in a row, which the psychic says is a strong message from the universe. To find love, Keith must keep his eyes open for occurrences of nine.On his way to meet up with his friend George, Keith meets George’s friend Zvika, someone he has always found unnerving. As Keith also gets to know Zvika, though, he finds himself drawn to the enigmatic man. But they are unalike, and while opposites might attract, can they live happily ever after? Is the persistent number nine a problem or a solution?

Marine Handsome

by R. W. Clinger

When Gary Islip, a full-time writer for the e-magazine Guns & Target, meets the ex-Marine next door, things become interesting between the two men along Lake Erie in Pennsylvania.As Islip spies on Keith Rutger, he becomes infatuated with the stud. Truth is, Islip thinks the ex-military man is beyond sexy ... more like Marine Handsome. So how can he mind his own business and ignore Rutger? In short, he can’t.On hot summer nights, Islip can hear Rutger's fearful screams, obviously from nightmares. Islip soon learns Rutger has PTSD after serving in Afghanistan. Surprisingly, Rutger confides in Islip, explains his condition, and the two become friends. Islips start helping Rutger with the dilapidated Cape Cod, and also assists him during his nightmarish PTSD episodes.When the summer ends, though, will Rutger head back to Maryland after a season in Lake Erie? Can they remain friends or, better still, move from friends to lovers?

Define Boink

by Emery C. Walters

Divorce can be nasty. Clement discovers how nasty gay divorce can be as he surveys the damage wreaked by his ex-partner in their soon-to-be-sold home.After cleaning the mess, he goes for a late coffee and dinner snack. The lone barista, Troy, recounts his traumatic car accident drama as they close the shop and share coffee and leftovers. Troy also reveals the pain of rejection he's felt for being gay.The two men share another connection: the next day, Troy starts a new position as a social worker, and Clement is a counselor, as well. So the next morning when Clement drives Troy to his new job, he knows they may cross paths again.It comes sooner than expected, though, when Clement returns to Troy’s office with an abused gay teenager who has nowhere to go. Try as they might, Troy and his new coworkers can find no available foster family. Suddenly Clement finds himself with a potential new family. Can things work out for the three of them?

The Nine Year Bar

by Shawn Lane

It's the ninth anniversary of the day they met, and Allan Baker is at a neighborhood bar waiting for his husband. While there, he strikes up a conversation with an old man sitting on a stool beside him.The man introduces himself only as Gene. He sits alone nursing a beer he never touches and listens to Allan’s story about coming to the bar for the first time years ago.Little does Allan know, but Gene is celebrating a nine-year anniversary of his own.

Amazons on Planet Nine

by Davina Lee

Bookish astrophysicist Angela Knight occasionally hires out her services via an internet consulting site. She’s pleasantly surprised to find herself knocking on the door of attractive YouTuber Julie Jones to report for a gig.On the surface, Julie is self-assured and apparently very friendly. But Angela soon discovers that, underneath the pleasant exterior, she’s stumbled onto a crackpot alien conspiracy theorist.Will Julie’s outlandish theories about lost alien civilizations be enough to send Angela running for the hills, or will she take it as a chance to add some fun to her otherwise serious life?

Number Nine on the Beaufort Scale

by Emery C. Walters

Born into a completely dysfunctional family with a mentally challenged younger sister, Gale found life particularly hard. The Navy a good place to hide and to grow despite his guilt over leaving his sister unsupported by other family members.Nine years later, he returns to civilian life to find the old home abandoned, his family gone, and his sister missing from the group home her special education teacher Dave had arranged for her. Dave was Abigail’s only constant during the time Gale was away.Worse, a major storm is on the way, promising flash flooding and damaging winds. Gale reaches out to Dave only to discover he doesn’t know where Abigail is, either. The two team up to find her, and in weathering the storm, they find solace in one another. But what will happen when the storm is over?

Go to Him

by Terry O'Reilly

Twenty years ago, Trent Hardy and Dean Pennington were on the brink of a loving relationship. Then Dean’s family suddenly whisked him half-way around the world.For a time the two tried to maintain contact, but life intervened, and they lost touch. Though he’d not heard from Dean in years, Trent still continued to hope.Following a vivid dream in which a voice repeatedly instructs Trent to Go to him, Trent is led back to Dean, who is delighted their love has survived the long separation.But is all as it seems? Can Trent hold onto Dean this time, or is it too late?

Diving In (Family Found #2)

by Kris T. Bethke Nell Iris

Preston and Sawyer Waters need a vacation in the worst way. Life stressors have gotten to be too much, and they need to reconnect. A month-long vacation at a cabin in the woods is perfect to remember how to enjoy each other. But they never expect to meet the man who would fit with them so perfectly.Wade Johansson loves his life. Running V Wilderness Adventures with his best friends, spending his life on the water, and being surrounded by nature is his dream come true. But he's missing one key element: someone to love.The three men find an instant connection and are quick to explore the attraction. It becomes clear immediately that they want a relationship lasting longer than just a vacation. But with Preston and Sawyer living in another town and Wade worried about how he fits, can they find the courage to dive in head first?

Forbidden in Uniform Box Set

by W. S. Long

Two of W.S. Long’s best-selling gay romance stories are now available in a box set! Fall in love with Pad and RJ’s love story. Contains the stories:Ask and I’ll Tell: Raised by his aunt, after his mother died, Pad McLaughlin enlisted in the Air Force to see the world, and save money for college, but he didn’t expect to fall in love with his supervisor, RJ Davis, a handsome, dashing officer. Rather than return home right away after his tour of duty in Saudi Arabia, Pad gambles on love by joining RJ in Bangkok, despite the government’s policy of “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell.” When Pad realizes RJ doesn’t love him, he returns home broken-hearted only to be distracted by Wayne, another hunky airman, who keeps secrets from Pad.When RJ finally realizes after Pad’s gone what Pad means to him, is he too late? Will Pad choose the officer or the airman? Set in 2008, this love story takes place before the end of “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell,” when gay men who loved each other were forced to remain in the closet and deny themselves happiness.Splendidly Ever After: Seven years after they meet, and more than four years since RJ initially proposes, RJ and Pad are back. The wedding invitations have been sent again and the date is set. This time, both men are more committed than ever to each other and willing to make their relationship work.But old issues surface that cause conflict before their big day. Will RJ’s recent diagnosis of sexual addiction disorder tear them apart? Can they weather the growing disapproval from their families over same-sex marriage before they walk down the aisle? Will RJ and Pad finally tie the knot?

Never Give Up on Love Box Set

by Erin E. Keller

Erin E. Keller's three best-selling gay romance stories in one box set! Contains the stories:Elias: Thomas Doyle and Elias Byrne couldn’t be more different. A loner cop and a tough kid with a very hard life and a history of violence. Elias makes his way through Thomas’ life with no regards for rules and roles. He wants Thomas, he wants to be seen. Accepted. Even if he doesn’t know how to reciprocate. Their story has the potential to crash them both, especially when Elias’ life gets in the way.His Scar: A car wreck leaves Ryan with a facial scar he believes people find unsightly. But not Sean, a smiling tattoo artist who doesn't judge a book by its cover. But convincing Ryan to open his heart is proving to be quite a challenge. When someone from Ryan's past offers him what he wants most in the world, Ryan has a decision to make. Which voice will he listen to -- his heart or his head?Silent Night While dressed as Santa Claus, Pete meets Lucas, a deaf-mute living on the streets. When Lucas is attacked and robbed, it gives Pete the opportunity to invite him home for Christmas. But can they live together long-term? Will Lucas's bid for independence break their hearts or bring them to deeper understanding?

Angel Box Set

by Sharon Maria Bidwell

Sharon Maria Bidwell’s best-selling gay romance trilogy is now available in a box set. From falling in love to finding forever, join Dean and Jay on the way to their happy ever after! Contains the stories:Snow Angel: Dean likes women, but not nearly as much as he likes himself. Little does he know his friend Jay is in love with him, always has been, always will be, but he’s about to find out. If Dean isn’t careful, he might lose the one person who can take him just as he is, ego included. Angel Heart: There’s a reason Dean calls his lover Angel, but Jay’s thoughts are far from angelic. He must stop his sister interfering in their relationship, and ask if Dean’s remembered to pack the strawberry lube for the weekend.Christmas Angel: True love's path seldom runs smooth. Dean Chapman built his life and reputation around being a womaniser. Until he fell in love with a man. Three years with his boyfriend, Jay, have upended the identity of which he was always so sure. To give the man he loves the commitment he deserves, Dean must lay his heart open to a future of possibilities, or risk losing everything.

Snatched (Awakening the Alpha #2)

by Carolina Valdez

Sequel to Awakening the AlphaBlaze flies to see his sexy lover Logan, who is being honored as featured artist by the National Museum of the American Indian. Blaze is captivated by what the exhibits and grounds reveal about native values and spiritual beliefs. On that emotional high, Blaze meets Logan’s family and rescues him from an unpleasant encounter with Bernard Holgrum, his stalking ex-boyfriend.Upon returning to Yellowstone Gateway, Logan leases a house, and they fly to his Encinitas home for items for the rental. When they get there, though, they’re stunned to see the house has been vandalized. Logan’s sure he knows the culprit.After they return to Yellowstone, life eases along until Logan vanishes. The moon is approaching full, when Blaze will shift. Always hypersensitive in this period, Blaze panics. When he doesn’t find Logan in town, he looks for clues, then plans and marshals the resources he needs. But can he find Logan before it’s too late?

The Sacrifice

by Stephanie Park

For years now the harvest has been less than it should be. Last year the people of Oisin's village sacrificed a goat, but their god did not come. Now, in desperation, a human sacrifice has been suggested, and Oisin, recently orphaned and feeling life is not worth living, volunteers.But the god Belinos is not quite what he seems, and Oisin's sacrifice will not be what he expects, for Belinos first came out of the darkness to drink the sacrificial blood not because he was a god, but because he was a vampire.This is just the beginning of the changes to Oisin's life, as he is drawn further and further into a world of gods and magic, where the most unexpected thing is not even his own blossoming talent, but the blossoming feelings he has for Belinos.Love between mortal and immortal is not without its difficulties, though. As outright war among the gods threatens, Oisin will end up making a far greater difference in the conflict than he could ever have dreamed possible.

A Haunting of Ghosts

by Edward Kendrick

Sequel to Dead and Hating ItWhen Van and Gene, partners in life as well as in their writing, are murdered in what looks like a drive-by shooting, it's up to Mike and Sage, as well as their four ghostie friends, to discover who was responsible.Van and Gene had been researching two cold cases for their newest book at the time of their deaths. One was eleven years old, with three potential suspects for a girl's murder. The other was more recent, involving the death of Jon Watts, one of their ghostie friends.Can Mike, Sage, and the ghosts learn who killed Van and Gene so they can move on? And, more to the point, can Van and Gene help the others solve Jon's murder? If they do, will Jon and his lover Brody finally move on, or will they remain with their friends, both ghost and human?

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