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The 12 Days of Hipster (The Avona Tales)

by Raine O'Tierney

Last Christmas, Tyler Lang accidentally accepted David Griffith’s invitation for dinner. Yes, it was an accident. See, hipster (don’t call him that!) Tyler doesn’t date guys, and even if he did, he certainly doesn’t date jocks. A rude and hasty exit right when the date was getting good left things awkward between them. <p><p> David Griffith isn’t really a jock. Well, he’s a former athlete who loves sports, but “jock” has a certain connotation that doesn’t quite fit the intelligent, hardworking store owner. A jock wouldn’t have given Tyler Lang the time of day. But even after that little, ahem, stunt with the fire escape, David can’t stop thinking about the hipster a year later. Which would be fine if fate didn’t keep butting her nose into their business, making it impossible for the jock and the hipster to avoid each other this Christmas. <p> A hilarious holiday romp, set to the music of the Winter Sounds.

Clean Slate

by Heidi Champa

Wes Green keeps everyone at arm’s length, either by pushing buttons or simply pushing them away. When that doesn’t work, Wes runs, as far and as fast as he can. This time, bolting from his boyfriend also costs him his professional organizing job. His last resort is to retreat to his brother’s basement and try to pick up the pieces. The only bright spot in his new life is his niece, Kelsey. One day, while in Kelsey’s school drop-off line, he meets Sam Montgomery, the father of Maya, Kelsey’s best friend. When Wes finds out Sam is gay and interested in some no-strings-attached fun, Wes thinks he’s hit the jackpot. With boundaries firmly in place, keeping Sam at a distance should be easy. What starts out simple quickly gets complicated when fun turns to feelings between Wes and Sam. But the baggage both men carry threatens to stop things before they start. Can Wes stay put long enough to find real love, or will old habits be too hard to break?

Love’s Opening Night

by Jeff Adams

Can an onstage love story lead to a real-life romance? Jeremy Steele is a veteran Broadway performer. For his latest role, he's dancing alongside a man he's fantasized about for years, TV star Ty Beaumont. Jeremy knows better than to get involved with a castmate, but when Ty has trouble learning the complicated choreography, Jeremy offers to lend a hand. When a rehearsal kiss turns into something more, Jeremy can't help but wonder what a celebrity like Ty could ever see in a Broadway chorus boy like him. Will a relationship with his crush make it past previews, or can it become a long-running hit?

Wounded Pride (Wounded #2)

by Remmy Duchene Blmorticia

Wounded: Book TwoRenford Kline is straight… right? He got over his experimentation in college and moved on. Then how does he explain his blush-inducing fantasies about Brian Daystar? Fantasies he’s having when he should be focused on his career move from attorney to professor. When Brian comes to New York, Renford knows he’s in trouble. Everything about Brian attracts him—from his tight body to his beautiful, dark hair—but Renford is straight… right? Brian Daystar needs a break. He’s been working nonstop to turn his Montana ranch into a safe haven for at-risk youth—so much so that he can’t even bring himself to care when he finds out his partner, country star Corey, is cheating on him. Their relationship has been over for a long time, but it might take his feelings for Renford to make Brian accept it. Both men have decisions to make. Renford must come to terms with who he truly is, and Brian is going to have to decide if he will shun his happiness or embrace it.

A Bond of Truth (Sensual Bonds)

by K. C. Wells

Sequel to A Bond of ThreeIt is twenty years since the Bond of Three returned to Teruna. The kingdom of Kandor, once Teruna's enemy, seeks help and sends its finest warrior, Dainon, on a diplomatic mission. A solitary man since his wife and child died, Dainon is unable to explain why an encounter with a young man on a beach rocks his world to its core. Prince Arrio of Teruna has always been attracted to men but has never acted on it--until he meets Dainon. Headstrong Arrio goes after what he wants, despite his fathers' advice. But when Prince Kei arrives unexpectedly, Arrio finds himself drawn to both men. Is history repeating itself? Prince Kei has his first taste of freedom and is shocked when the visions that have plagued him since childhood become reality. The three men embark on a voyage of discovery. No one has foreseen the day, however, when the arrival of a stranger threatens to destroy their bond.

More Things in Heaven and Earth

by Paul Comeau

When young Danny Crawford's father and a priest conspire to subject him to conversion therapy, Danny only sees one way out. But little does Danny know he'll soon have a sentinel watching from the darkness, a guardian angel in the most unlikely form imaginable. Damien, a vampire, is inexplicably moved by Danny's plight. He takes it upon himself to make sure Danny's father and the priest can never hurt him again, giving Danny a chance at a normal life. As Danny grows up, Damien struggles to keep the boy--and later the young man--from harm. He does not dare go any further, no matter how much he wants to. To do so would ruin everything he's tried to do for Danny. He doesn't realize that as Danny embarks on a successful modeling career and begins dating, Danny feels empty, longing for something--or someone--just beyond his reach: a shadow, a presence he despairingly believes forever lost to him. When brutality and violence threaten Danny again, Damien must make a decision--risk revealing himself to Danny, or leave Danny to his fate.

Bad Boy

by Sjd Peterson Pauline Tardieu-Collinet

Avec sa crête, ses tatouages et ses piercings, Ridley Corbin correspond à l'image du parfait bad boy - ce qui lui convient bien, puisqu'il se voit comme le défenseur des plus faibles. Mais ce qu'il veut par-dessus tout, c'est devenir le héros d'Alex Firestone. Alex, bibliothécaire discret et délicat, vient de s'installer à Slater, paisible ville étudiante, dans l'espoir d'échapper à son passé. Solitaire, il se fait toutefois remarquer par la brute du campus. Mais les apparences sont parfois trompeuses. Le passé d'Alex le rattrape, et l'heure vient pour lui de devenir le héros.

Accadde un weekend (Serie Colleghi improbabili #1)

by A. J. Thomas Victor Millais

Serie Colleghi improbabili, Libro 1A causa della malattia della madre, Doug Heavy Runner ha lasciato la vita del poliziotto gay dichiarato a Miami per tornare a casa, nella Riserva Indiana Salish-Kootenai. Nei due anni da quando lei è venuta a mancare, si è costruito una grigia vita da vicesceriffo di una piccola comunità, accontentandosi delle avventure di una notte fuori città per mantenere la sanità mentale. Poi conosce Christopher Hayes, un detective di San Diego di passaggio nel Montana, e insieme trascorrono una notte di passione talmente incredibile che Doug infrange la sua stessa regola e permette a quell'incontro occasionale di diventare un weekend di sesso meraviglioso. Quando Christopher arriva nella piccola città di Elkin per occuparsi del suicidio del fratello violento, non si aspetta di trovare l'uomo con cui ha trascorso il weekend a gestirne il caso. Di sicuro non gli dispiace passare più tempo con Doug, ma un piromane distrugge la casa che gli è stata lasciata in eredità, e lui e il vicesceriffo finiscono tra i principali sospettati. Le indagini rivelano che il fratello di Christopher li ha messi sulle tracce di un pedofilo psicopatico che non si fermerà davanti a nulla pur di mettere a tacere la sua ultima vittima. La ricerca della vittima finisce però in maniera orribile, lasciando Doug ferito in ospedale e Christopher alla mercé del killer...

La isla de… ¿dónde? (Historias de la isla #1)

by Sue Brown Juan J. Roldán

Volumen 1 de la serie Historias de la islaCuando el mejor amigo de Liam Marshall, Alex, pierde su lucha contra el cáncer de colon, le deja a Liam un último deseo: que compre un billete de tren hacia Ryde, en la Isla de Wight, y que esparza sus cenizas desde el muelle. Liam está cansado, exhausto, y necesita urgentemente unas vacaciones. Sin embargo, en vez de sol, mar, arena, y chicos bronceados y atractivos, lo que obtiene es una chatarra de tren, niños revoltosos, y ni rastro de Ewan McGregor. Liam habría hecho cualquier cosa por su amigo, pero cumplir con el último deseo de Alex implica desprenderse de la única familia que le queda a Liam. Perdido, se queda helado en el muelle... hasta que Sam Owens llega al rescate. La familia de Sam ha ido en vacaciones a la Isla de Wight desde que él tiene memoria, pero nunca ha conocido a nadie como Liam. Sam está decidido a hacer que Liam siempre recuerde esas vacaciones, por lo que se dedica a cuidarle, tanto dentro como fuera de la habitación. Incluso le presenta a toda su familia. Pero del mismo modo que Sam ayuda a Liam a seguir adelante, se ve forzado a reconocer que quiere que Liam se aferre, no a su vida anterior, sino a la que él y Sam tienen en común.

The Worst Best Man (Dreamspun Desires #27)

by M. J. O'Shea

It was her special day... but his worst nightmare. A rekindled romance wasn’t part of the plan. Despite his American background, August O’Leary is the most sought-after wedding planner in London. Naturally, Libby and Edward come to him for a wedding the city will never forget. But Edward is an international businessman, so the details are left to Libby and her best friend—who happens to be the love of August’s life and the one who broke his heart eight years ago: Christopher Burke. How’s August supposed to pull off the event of the year with Christopher distracting him and old feelings crashing the party uninvited? Christopher has let money and status dictate his life, but no more. His failure to stand up to others’ expectations cost him his future with August—one he hoped would include marriage. Now he has to face August’s hurt and anger and prove he’s still the best man to make August happy.

Poppy's Secret (Dreamspun Desires #28)

by Andrew Grey

A second chance born of love. Pat Corrigan and Edgerton “Edge” Winters were ready to start a family—or so Pat thought. At the last minute, Edge got cold feet and fled. Pat didn’t bother telling him the conception had already gone through and little Emma was on her way. He didn’t want a relationship based on obligation. He’d rather raise his daughter on his own. Nine years later, Emma and her Poppy are doing fine. Edge isn’t. He realizes what he threw away by leaving, and he’s back to turn his life around and reclaim his family. It’ll take a lot to prove to Pat that he’s a new man, and even if Edge succeeds, the secret Pat has hidden for years might shatter their dreams all over again.

Snowblind (Dreamspun Desires #29)

by Eli Easton

Snow, steam, and secrets. The latest snowstorm carries something unexpected to the doorstep of Hutch’s secluded Alaskan cabin: a stranger named Jude, the most beautiful man Hutch has ever seen. Jude says he’s in the area for a ski trip and that he fled a domineering lover, thinking he could make it into town. But Hutch is a suspicious SOB and treats his unwanted guest warily. The problem is Jude isn’t just gorgeous, he’s funny and smart and flirtatious. Two gay men snowed in for three days—things happen. Really good things. By the time the storm clears, Hutch finds himself a little too attached to Jude Devereaux, San Francisco-based male model. But is Jude what he claims to be? Or is he entangled in the secrets Hutch moved to Alaska to escape?

Stage Two (Dreamspun Desires #33)

by Ariel Tachna

Lexington LoversLove has a steep learning curve. Assistant high school principal Blake Barnes has everything he wants—a chance to help troubled students and an outlet for his passion for theater. Well, almost everything—he still goes home to an empty apartment. Then his high school crush explodes back into his life, the unexpected guardian of two boys in Blake’s care. Thane Dalton has always been a bad boy through and through. Not much has changed, including his mistrust of authority figures, and no amount of institutional bureaucracy will keep him from protecting his nephews from the bullies terrorizing them. If that means butting heads with Blake, so be it. Blake and Thane have lessons to learn: that they both have the boys’ best interests at heart, that the tension between them isn’t just confrontational, and that sparks can fly when opposites come together.

Breaking Bonds (Dreamspun Desires #35)

by Ari Mckay

From the frying pan into the fire. After a critic’s review attacks both Chef Liam Walker’s culinary skills and his personal life, Liam can no longer take the heat of the cutthroat New York City restaurant scene. He needs to get out of the kitchen—at least long enough to cool down and regroup. At the Overlook Resort in North Carolina, Liam meets owner Carter Galloway. Carter has a passion for the hospitality business to rival Liam’s own, and it’s not hard to see where their shared interests—and attraction—could lead. But Carter has no interest in a fling, and Liam has no intention of walking away from the career he fought so hard for. If they want a taste of happiness together, they’ll have to find the courage to break the bonds threatening to pull them apart.

Two for Trust (Dreamspun Desires #34)

by Elle Brownlee

A fairy-tale vacation—if he can get the ending right. American nurse Finch Mason steps beyond the comfort of his orderly life and takes a dream trip to England, complete with a National Trust Pass so he can visit numerous historical sites. At the first one on his list, he’s warmly welcomed—and told he bought a pass good for two. Finch doesn’t hesitate to offer the pass to Benedict, a handsome Brit also there on an outing. They spend a magical week touring the countryside, and while it’s too soon to get attached, Finch wishes their time together would never end. Then Finch finds himself stuck abroad with no money, and he has no one to turn to but Benedict. Benedict is happy to help, but he also owes Finch some answers—such as who he really is and why he was at the estate where they first met.

The City of Rocks (BJ Vinson Mystery #3)

by Don Travis

A BJ Vinson MysteryConfidential investigator B. J. Vinson thinks it’s a bad joke when Del Dahlman asks him to look into the theft of a duck… a duck named Quacky Quack the Second and insured for $250,000. It ceases to be funny when the young thief dies in a suspicious truck wreck. The search leads BJ and his lover, Paul Barton, to the sprawling Lazy M Ranch in the Bootheel country of southwestern New Mexico bordering the Mexican state of Chihuahua. A deadly game unfolds when BJ and Paul are trapped in a weird rock formation known as the City of Rocks, an eerie array of frozen magma that is somehow at the center of the entire scheme. But does the theft of Quacky involve a quarter-million-dollar duck-racing bet between the ranch’s owner and a Miami real estate developer, or someone attempting to force the sale of the Lazy M because of its proximity to an unfenced portion of the Mexican border? BJ and Paul go from the City of Rocks to the neon lights of Miami and back again in pursuit of the answer… death and danger tracking their every step.

Nos cœurs meurtris

by Cassie Black Remmy Duchene Blmorticia

La carrière de Zane Ashford au sein de la police new-yorkaise connaît une fin brutale quand il est blessé dans l'exercice de ses fonctions. Après s'être réveillé presque aveugle d'un œil, il ne souhaite rien d'autre que de s'enfoncer dans un trou, mais ses amis ne lui laissent aucun répit. Avec réticence, il laisse son meilleur ami le convaincre de passer du temps au loin, dans un ranch du Montana. Mais à l'instant même où il y arrive et rencontre Cyrus Abrams, Zane est pris de soudaines envies de meurtres. Cyrus Abrams est vulgaire, grincheux, têtu et peu enclin à changer pour qui que ce soit, qu'importe combien Zane Ashford est beau dans son jean. Plus ils se prennent la tête et plus Cyrus commence à voir le policier d'une tout autre façon. Mais Cyrus a un passé qui l'a laissé dans beaucoup d'ennuis, et bien plus brisé qu'il n'est prêt à l'admettre. Un passé dont personne n'a parlé à Zane. Cyrus craint que quand il le découvrira, tout s'effondre autour de lui.

Gestählt im Feuer (im Feuer #2)

by Andrew Grey Christina Brombach

Fortsetzung zu Erlösung im FeuerBuch 2 in der Serie - im FeuerLee Stanton und Dirk Krause sind schon seit ein paar Monaten ein Paar. Doch dann erhalten sie schlechte Neuigkeiten: Die Feuerwache, auf der sie beide arbeiten, soll geschlossen werden, wenn sie es nicht schaffen, genug Geld für die überfälligen Reparaturen zusammenzukratzen. Die Union-Feuerwehr will sich gemeinsam dagegen wehren. Es gibt nur ein Problem: Die einzige Idee, wie sie an Geld kommen können, ist von Lee. Und Dirk hasst sie. Unglücklicherweise finden alle anderen Lees Idee von einem "Dinner mit Aussicht" - bei dem sie nur in Helmen, Stiefeln und Uniformhosen servieren sollen - großartig, und Lee wirft sich in die Vorbereitungen. Doch Widerstand aus der Verwaltung und ein schleppender Vorverkauf bringen Lees Event in Gefahr. Solange es Dirk nicht schafft, seinen Stolz und seinen Eigensinn einen Abend lang unter Kontrolle zu bringen, könnte es ihn und Lee ihre Jobs kosten - von ihrer Beziehung ganz zu schweigen.


by John Inman Lily Karey

À vingt-six ans, les jours de Gordon sont comptés. Du moins, il espère qu'ils le sont. Lassé de la culpabilité et des regrets qui découlent d'un horrible accident de voiture, deux ans auparavant, dans lequel un homme a perdu la vie, il se réveille chaque matin avec des pensées suicidaires. Alors que la loi l'oblige à travailler pour expier ses péchés, sa rédemption personnelle est beaucoup plus difficile à trouver. Puis Minus - un simple sans-abri qui a sa propre croix à porter - sauve Gordon d'un terrible destin. Une nuit, non seulement Gordon trouve une lumière à suivre, et peut-être même un but à sa vie, mais aussi la possibilité que l'amour l'attende au bout du tunnel. Il n'aurait jamais imaginé qu'il découvrirait un moyen de se pardonner et, qu'en le faisant, il ouvrirait suffisamment son cœur pour gagner l'acceptation et l'amour de la personne qu'il a le plus blessée.

Bite Night (2016 Advent Calendar - Bah Humbug)

by Clare London

Creatures of the Night and Santa's Christmas duties don't mix. Every myth and bedtime story tells you so. But on Christmas Eve, when the Elves walked off the job over pension rights, it was time for me--Irwin, the only vampire on Santa's payroll, despite recent diversity initiatives--and my trusty team to help out. Just deliver a few parcels, Santa asked me. Just help out on your local patch. Just for one night. Armed with my reluctance to face all that human sentimentality, and accompanied by a wise-cracking werewolf and an unruly fairy with a taste for vodka, I did my best. Honest. But we were heading for disaster until I came face-to-face with cute babysitter Benny. It's Santa's Number One Rule--no interaction with the clients. But Benny somehow managed to upset my appetite, inflame my libido, and restore my faith in the Christmas spirit, with one cheeky smile and a tasty body piercing. It's Christmas, and the show must go on!A story from the Dreamspinner Press 2016 Advent Calendar "Bah Humbug."

The Fortune Cookie (2016 Advent Calendar - Bah Humbug)

by Matt Burlingame

Thirty-three-year-old technical writer Laurence Hart is a modern-day Scrooge when it comes to the holiday season--and the rest of the year too. He doesn't like most people, they don't like him, and he's happy to keep it that way. Over lunch with his best friend, he receives a fortune cookie promising him true love. The next day, forced to work on a holiday charity committee or lose his job, he meets Nick, a jolly ginger giant who loves all things Christmas. Together they face numerous obstacles to put together a holiday fair to raise money for children in foster care in only four days. While Laurence has to mend his curmudgeonly ways to make the event a success, Nick's holiday magic might mend Laurence's heart.A story from the Dreamspinner Press 2016 Advent Calendar "Bah Humbug."

Anyplace Else (2016 Advent Calendar - Bah Humbug)

by Kim Fielding

Grant Beaudoin should be thrilled to escape Minneapolis at Christmastime and grateful to lounge on a Hawaiian beach. Instead he is mired in self-pity and drowning in too much tequila. His twin is marrying the perfect man, while Grant is stuck in middle management with no love life in sight. A walk into the rain forest leads to a meeting with a doomed man who has a story about a holiday that predates Christmas. Grant comes to realize that difficult endings can lead to new beginnings--and perhaps a brighter future.A story from the Dreamspinner Press 2016 Advent Calendar "Bah Humbug."

The Orpheum Miracle (2016 Advent Calendar - Bah Humbug)

by Pat Henshaw

Christmas joy is a matter of perspective. For some, it's the happiest time of the year. For others, not so much. Twenty-nine-year-old Mick, the son of crack addicts, isn't exactly a dyed-in-the-wool Scrooge. Mick's been on his own from childhood. As a teen, he lived in a shelter, where for a short time he had a boyfriend. After the boyfriend left, Mick moved to the Orpheum Theater. While squatting there and taking care of the grand old building, Mick watched others celebrate the holidays from a distance, never able to share in their merriment. Only his Technicolor dreams liven his dull, mechanical life until one day the world around him begins to change. Mick is surprised when a man named Jim buys the vintage Orpheum and plans to restore it. Something about Jim makes Mick think they've met before. In fact, Jim rekindles Mick's longing for a better life and a little holiday magic for himself.A story from the Dreamspinner Press 2016 Advent Calendar "Bah Humbug."

Krampus Hates Christmas (2016 Advent Calendar - Bah Humbug)

by Andi Van

Karl Kringle hates the modern-day Christmas. He was born to be Krampus, but the Holiday Council refuses to let him help his brother Nick--aka Santa Claus--with the Naughty List until he finds his holiday spirit. To meet that challenge, he's turned human and dumped in a strange apartment. Lewis Weatherby loves the holidays and always has. Not only do his parents own a pumpkin patch and tree farm, he's also inherited a Christmas-themed shop. All he wants from Santa is the man of his dreams, and the Big Guy might've just delivered. Lewis's new neighbor Karl is gorgeous, sweet, and has a fantastic sense of humor--if his jokes about being Krampus are any indication. Soon getting home is less important to Karl than what will happen when Lewis inevitably realizes the truth behind his jokes. He's finally starting to understand the real joy of the season--now he just has to figure out how to hold on to it.A story from the Dreamspinner Press 2016 Advent Calendar "Bah Humbug."

Matthew's Present (2016 Advent Calendar - Bah Humbug)

by Sarah Hadley Brook

Matthew Blick is almost thirty years old, and he hates the thought of another holiday alone. He has become a bit of a wet blanket when Christmas rolls around every year. So much so that even his five-year-old niece, Hannah, knows something needs to change. She asks the department store Santa to bring her uncle a man to love, and when Santa sees her uncle, he formulates a plan to set that possibility in motion. Santa shows up at Matthew's house and at first Matthew can't place him, but then the memories of his first kiss flood his mind and he is shocked to find that Santa is the man he has carried a torch for since high school. Will this twist of fate help Matthew change his view on the holidays? Only a kiss can tell.A story from the Dreamspinner Press 2016 Advent Calendar "Bah Humbug."

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