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Chocolate with a Bite

by Holly Day

Sequel to A Vampire Chew ToyDevin Jace lives in a huge mansion together with six other people, four of them turn furry, one needs to drink blood to survive, and one is a former blood slave, just like him. Most days he’s happy with his life with his vampire boyfriend, Mars O’Ceallaigh, but today he’s arranged a chocolate-tasting evening for everyone in the house, and Mars is nowhere to be found.Mars has a problem. The guy delivering his blood bags can’t get hold of any, and Mars is starving. He doesn’t dare go near Devin since he’s afraid his control will shatter, and he’ll eat him. In a bad way. Without informing anyone, he sneaks out of the house to try to figure out what’s gone wrong with the blood delivery.The night doesn’t turn out as Devin had expected, but he does his best to hide his disappointment. Mars never meant to hurt Devin’s feelings, but what is a hungry vampire to do? Eat his favorite person?

A Prophecy for Two

by K. L. Noone

Revised and expanded!Crown Prince Oliver doesn’t want his life to change. Despite sharing a border with Fairy, the kingdom of Bellemare’s at peace, and Oliver’s in no hurry to inherit the throne. He’d rather be an artist than a hero, and his fairy-companion Tirian is his best friend, who hardly does magic at all.But every heir to the throne must complete the traditional Quest to find their destiny, and it’s Oliver’s turn ... and he’s starting to realize that he doesn’t want a destiny without Tir at his side.But Tir has secrets of his own, about his magic, his reasons for crossing the Fairy border, his feelings for Oliver -- and a prophecy that could change the fate of two kingdoms forever ... if Tir and Oliver can find their happy ending.

Facing the Curse

by Patrick Bryce Wright

As a Wiccan, Tito Russell is a firm believer in magic -- just not the fairytale, happily-ever-after kind. He and Matt have been dating for years, they’ve met each other’s families, and everyone seems to agree Matt is “good enough.” Despite ongoing problems with Matt’s jealous and possessive tendencies, they move into an apartment together in a new town. Tito finds a job as a clerk at a used bookstore. Everything is working out.Then the local Wiccan circle, which is hosting a workshop, accepts Tito’s RSVP but not Matt’s. Despite Matt’s jealous whining, Tito refuses to give up his shot at joining a circle and making friends in their new town. When Tito shows up at the house where the circle is holding their meeting, he discovers his sexy upstairs neighbor from the apartment complex, Leo, is a member. As soon as they shake hands, magical sparks fly. Tito and Leo both feel it. During the barbeque after the workshop, Leo seeks out Tito, and they talk for hours. Leo is everything Matt isn’t: outgoing, deep, and kind.The problem is that Matt knows it, too, and for once his jealous paranoia that Tito is attracted to another guy is on target. Despite Tito’s being loyal and refusing to become more than friends with Leo, Matt unleashes his full rage, ripping off the mask of the lovable nerd and becoming a rageful abuser.As soon as Leo sees the bruises, he convinces Tito to take a stand and dump Matt. But with Matt’s behavior getting progressively more unhinged, where will it end? With Leo and Tito getting together, or with both of them dead at Matt’s hands?

Glad Tidings

by Shawn Lane

After being disowned by his father, Emery Halloran relocates from Haydon Cliff to Sutter’s Bay, whereupon after a small inheritance he opens his dream business, Glad Tidings bakery. It’s his first holiday season in Sutter’s Bay when he receives a visit from his high school crush, Matthias Constantine, who is now acting as Emery’s great uncle’s lawyer.Great Uncle Sherman is all alone in Haydon Cliff now that his husband is gone and he wants to connect with his last remaining relative, Emery. With the Christmas holiday approaching, Sherman wants to get to know Emery so that he can leave his estate to his great nephew someday. And it’s also a great chance to reconnect with Matthias, who is now divorced and anxious to get to know Emery again.Is it time for Emery to return to his home town of Haydon Cliff for the holidays and beyond?

Good Housekeeping

by Dove Spalding

Arden Francis is a fifth-generation butler who has lived his entire life under the expectation that he will one day manage his own household staff. When he gets the opportunity to step out from his father’s shadow, he believes there is nothing he can’t manage.Arden tends to cause conflict with his abrasive personality and short temper, but his billionaire boss, Jaime Montgomery, is quite the opposite. While Jaime is amiable and warm on the outside, Arden discovers with time he is just as inwardly turbulent as anyone else.When Jaime takes a predilection for Arden that solicits activities far beyond the onus of a butler, Arden must choose between fighting for the career he’s been training for or the attention of the man who needs him. Arden struggles to find balance between professionalism and complete abandonment of everything he learned over two and a half decades of training.His typically frigid exterior is threatened by the overwhelming warmth of his boss, and he finds himself at the point of no return, buckling under the weight of feelings he’s never had before.

Retro Active

by Alex Winters

Sometimes to play nice, you have to get a little naughty ...Taylor Hastings couldn’t be prouder as she sets about stocking Retro Active, her vintage memorabilia shop in downtown Chance, Ohio. The only thing missing? The pop culture-inspired mural she’s hired a local artist to complete before the store’s grand opening at the end of the month. But when Daisy, the artist in question, arrives, Taylor can’t help but fall for the sexy goth temptress, alluring from her sleeve tattoos to her comely ripe figure to her fishnet stockings.Daisy Fitzgerald has never met anyone like Taylor. Ten years older but sexier than any of her more age appropriate lovers, Daisy struggles to keep things professional as she sets about creating a magical mural for her tempting new boss. Will the two be able to keep things professional until the mural is finally finished? Or will their temptation prove too strong, turning their fanciful “meet cute” into a masterpiece of love instead?

Midwinter Music

by K. L. Noone

London at Midwinter. Magical art theft. And it’s personal.Sam Rookwood, chief magistrate of Bow Street’s Preternatural Division, doesn’t feel like celebrating the holiday. Someone’s magically stealing paintings -- all of which have a connection to Sam’s family. His ex-stepbrother is back in Town, after years on the Continent -- and John’s as beautiful and charming and scandalous as ever. And if John knows something about the thefts, it’s Sam’s duty to find out ... and not to give in to temptation.John Thynne doesn’t use the Rookwood name. After all, he was never a blood relation, and he loathed his stepfather the viscount, even before his mother fled the marriage in a scandalous divorce. But John does care about his family, and about past wrongs. He’s come home to try to make amends -- even if that means technically committing a crime or two.And he might not mind being caught by Sam, respectable and proper chief magistrate ... and the one person John’s always wanted.

Santa's Naughty List

by K. S. Murphy

Sequel to Another Luck DayHunter Lewis has never believed in luck. He still doesn't, not really. Two years ago, however, his life changed when Lynn Valentine requested him as his partner in his very first shoot for Naked Boys Films. Something happened that day, a spark caught fire between Hunter and Lynn that hasn't lessened at all. They've since become two of Naked Boys' most popular models, and have fallen completely in love with each other.Lynn calls it another luck day, a day that set them together on this new course. Luck or not, Hunter couldn't be more pleased with these results, being in the best relationship of his life since that day.Today, they're doing something a little different. A cozy, domestic film for the holidays. What Lynn doesn't know, though, is Hunter's been planning this for a few months as one of his gifts for the holidays, and a surprise guest will be joining them. And Gunner Lund, a legend in the adult film industry, will be more than happy to help Hunter remove Lynn from Santa's naughty list.

A Town, a Disappearance, and a Cat

by Edward Kendrick

My name is Shaun Marlow and I write mysteries. When I inherited my grandfather's house, a couple of miles from the town of Winterdale, I packed up and moved into it. I wanted the serenity of small town life and chance to fully involve myself in my writing without the distractions of city living. Little did I know that wasn't going to happen.Within a few days of the move I met three men, all gay but then so am I, and we became friends. I had no expectations of more because I find relationships almost impossible to maintain -- my fault, I know, but it is what it is.I also met a stray cat. I named him Laird after he decided I was going to be his person. If it wasn't for him things might have turned out quite differently in my new life.Then there was the disappearance, and ultimate murder, of Norma Willows, the town gossip and flirt. I became involved because she came on to me more than once. Lucky me? One of my new friends was the sheriff, Alan Quinn, who didn't really object when I stuck my nose into the case, once he decided I hadn't killed her.Last but not least, I managed to obtain a stalker, much to my and Alan's dismay.Yes, my new life was definitely turning out to be much more interesting than I'd expected.

Good Brothers

by Trish DeVene

Fresh out of college and still recovering from the unrequited love of his best friend, the last thing Richie wants is a casual fling. He even offers to help his dad babysit for his kid sister’s pool party. What could be safer?But Richie isn’t the only big brother doing good deeds. As his sister’s best friend rushes by, Richie can’t take his eyes off her brother waving from the driveway. His sun-polished arm rests over the car door, his smooth, rounded shoulders relaxing into the summer day.Then flashing Richie a smile, he starts over, each step like territory claimed. And Richie is the territory. But is Richie willing to take the risk? Is he ready for a new summer love?

Operation Destiny

by Sarah Hadley Brook

Living on Snow Hope Island has its perks: it’s beautiful, the community is like a family, and if you’re an elf but find the North Pole too busy, it’s the ideal place. Still, Noel is lonely. He loves running Frosty’s Diner and he has a cat, but he wants more.When Charlie Claus shows up on the island, Noel is instantly attracted to him. The more time Noel spends with him, the more he falls for Charlie. Would Charlie ever give up his life and move to the island permanently?

The Prodigal

by Rafe Jadison

Jonah Gentry knows his family is a lot, so, it’s been three years since he visited them back in Atlanta. As hesitant as he might be to spend another holiday with them, Jonah finds his reluctance is quickly assuaged when he meets the gorgeous man sitting next to him on the plane. After an amazing night together, Jonah realizes he isn’t sure he’s up for competing with the other man who has a place in this man’s heart, Jesus.Paul Carrington left Alabama years ago. Twenty years later, he’s built a life for himself with a thriving business, and a nice house he’s hoping to fill with just the right guy. When he meets a man on a plane ride back from Portland, he wonders if maybe Jonah might be the one. Then Jonah leaves him standing in his bathrobe in the middle of the street chasing after his cab.When Paul and Jonah find themselves next to each other at Jonah’s mother’s Christmas dinner, sparks fly. Can Jonah work through his family and religious issues enough to work it out with the guy with the kind eyes? Can Paul forgive the man who left him without saying goodbye? Or is it just another holiday down the tubes?


by Feral Sephrian

Claudius’s family, the Calherns, already have a reputation as the more generous of the noble families in Rubifeld, but Claudius wants an even stronger legacy. He finds his opportunity begging in one of the properties the Calherns own: Simon, a young disabled artist. Claudius is immediately taken with the talent Simon displays drawing on simple scraps of paper, ad so he offers Simon a position at the Calhern estate as their live-in artist, which not only gets the poor lad off the street but also provides a glowing example of the household’s support for arts and culture.As Claudius learns more about Simon, his affection for the artist grows. He doesn’t simply want Simon around to boost his family’s reputation anymore; he wants to see Simon happy and taken care of, whether that involves treating him to a day of shopping or simply providing him with ample paint and pencils and sketchbooks. Then one day Claudius finds something unexpected drawn in one of Simon’s sketchbooks, and he fears it could put Simon’s new position in jeopardy. Does he dare question Simon about the drawings, or will he forget it all for the sake of keeping Simon around?

Yesterday's Dust

by J. D. Walker

Macon Tilly has had it with men and their shenanigans -- cowboys, to be exact. Tight butts and hot smiles aren’t enough to get past the lack of a true connection. He’s starting to believe that the man of his dreams, that perfect ranch hand who only has eyes for him, doesn’t exist. What’s a guy to do?Well, there’s Cornelius “Dane” McDaniel, who shows up on Macon’s doorstep, lost, exhausted, and a little touchy. But also, perfect, from head to toe, inside and out. New to town, Dane is focused on making a good impression at his new job and puts Macon’s “no more cowboys” resolutions to the test. Is Dane too good to be true? Or could he be everything Macon has ever wanted in a partner?

Tyler's Alphas

by Drew Hunt

A hillbilly and a former Marine walk into a bar sounds like the opening line of a joke. But it's no laughing matter for Tyler Warboys when werewolf alphas Rocky and Blaze Blackstone enter the Byte Bar, the computer repair store where he works.Tyler is instantly attracted to the huge, powerful, but allegedly dangerous creatures. And, miracle of miracles, they feel a connection to him, too. But how can that be? Tyler is human and Rocky and Blaze are not. However, the alphas can smell a faint something on Tyler that has them wondering if he isn't as human as he's always thought. But as Tyler has never shifted, how can he be a werewolf?So many questions, but between the three of them, they are bound to find some answers. Surely three isn't always a crowd, especially where love is concerned?

Dream for Me

by Becky Black

In a society awake for twenty-four hours a day a man who sleeps is a freak. But not to neurobiologist Shay Mistry. Jacob Garcia, the last known sleeper in America, is the test subject whose brain Shay has been dying to get his hands on for years. When they meet, Shay discovers the sleeper’s brain comes accompanied by a gorgeous body and a hostile attitude. As Jacob sleeps night after night in his lab it’s harder and harder for Shay to resist their mutual attraction.Jacob is tired of being a lab rat, but he’s got his reasons to be in Shay’s lab -- one of them he’s not going to tell anyone about -- and his plan is to do what he came to do and leave. So falling in love with Shay is like adding a hand grenade to all the other balls he’s juggling. He doesn’t need this added complication, but his desire for Shay is too strong to resist.When Jacob’s secret comes out, it triggers a chain of events leaving Shay irrevocably changed and forcing Jacob to choose where his loyalties lie.

A New Season of Intimacy

by Patrick Bryce Wright

Sequel to Facing the CurseA month after moving in together, Tito and Leo visit Matt’s grave so Tito can find closure. Tito vents his feelings at Matt’s gravestone and lays his past relationship to rest. Feeling freed of his confused and angry grief, Tito explores the idea of deepening his intimacy with Leo, the man he hopes to spend his life with.After celebrating a Celtic harvest holiday together, Tito reveals his desire to Leo, but he’s also nervous about his childhood sexual trauma getting in the way. Leo assures Tito that he never has to do anything he’s uncomfortable with. Tito and Leo head home and fill the bathroom with lit candles, setting a romantic mood. Can two people who are healing from childhood sexual trauma find both love and pleasure in each other’s arms?

Iced Tea Love Box Set

by La Toya Hankins

Like iced tea, love is a perfect blending of the bitter and sweet to have something worth savoring.The women in these six stories ignore religious and racial difference to find someone who serves as the perfect balance. They know and prove flavors that are perfect on their own can come together to create something that requires celebrating.From mixed up place settings at a wedding reception to forgoing an elaborate ceremony for exchanging vows in front of a magistrate after a night of civil disobedience, the women in these stories pursue their passions on their way to wedded bliss, joining in the joy at those crossing that threshold and on the other side of the broom where the savory and the sweet can be so satisfying.Contains the stories:Challah and Callaloo: Leah had no way of knowing the informational interview she had with shapely marketing manager Patricia would lead to their planning a same-sex Southern wedding complete with a rabbi and rum cake seven years later. They come from different faiths but their love knows no bounds and, with the permission of the United States Supreme Court, they plan to make their love legal.Ghosted: Kathleen planned to spend her Halloween doling out candy and reminiscing about an ex-lover. But when a slinky character from her black and white TV-watching past shimmies down her driveway, she realizes the trick of living life after death can be the treat she has been missing. This year’s Halloween proves to be the right occasion to bring Kathleen’s love life back to life.Heat Wave Southport: An encounter at a Fourth of July food truck brings together two elementary school classmates for an afternoon delight that takes eating cotton candy in a totally different direction. Zora and Sarah spent twenty years on opposite side of the state but reconnecting during the Fourth of July inspires them use their town library in a totally different way that doesn’t require a library card.Icing on the Cake: Octavia Banfield has a lot on her plate. Still, she is willing to shed all the hats she wears to put on her baker cap to make her lady lover Audra her favorite cake. The sweetest revenge is to enjoy each other and some sweet adult time together. Red velvet cake may be just a mixture of eggs, butter, and milk, but the icing on the cake is the love two Southern women have for each other.Married to the Struggle: Sedalia and Charlotte meet standing up for what they believe is right. But is their love enough to sustain when Charlotte is arrested for protesting in the early morning hours of their wedding day? Sedalia believes in social justice but will she allow it to prevent her from enjoying her special day?Sometimes She Gets Lucky: Nona Essex had no idea she'd find the woman to ignite the embers of her heart after a break-up at her sorority sister’s wedding reception. But a chance encounter with a lawyer named after a jazz singer and a late night dinner featuring a Southern staple on whole wheat bread inspires her to reconsider opening herself up to the possibilities.

Impeccable Credentials

by Ellie Thomas

Sequel to Petticoats and PantaloonsOutwardly, twenty-one-year-old Julian Buchanan is the epitome of wealth, breeding and good looks. He’s a pink of the ton in Regency London, and his position in society is assured. But beneath his impeccable surface, Julian is riddled with doubt.Matters come to a head in the autumn of 1812 when his autocratic father, Sir Roger Buchanan, orders Julian to court an heiress and propose marriage. Finally, Julian must acknowledge that he has no interest in women. At the same time, he becomes involved with Rafe Ingles, a radical intellectual whose beliefs concur with Julian’s inward convictions.With pressure building and so much at stake, can Julian find the courage to break the habit of a lifetime and choose love and freedom over duty?

Like Puzzle Pieces

by T. K. Dane

Ben Harper can’t understand why his best friend and roommate for the past five years always gets involved with the wrong men. Feeling protective, Ben is seriously concerned about his friend’s latest date, which leads to an ugly confrontation.Sammy Matthews thinks he needs love more than he needs saving. He has known rejection and abuse since he was a child, and has been looking for love in all the wrong places. Sammy still has to realize he needs to deal with his past before he’ll find acceptance, and then love.When Ben and Sammy confess their true feelings to each other, their lives change irrevocably. But will Sammy heal from his past wounds? How will Ben deal with the demons from Sammy’s past and the unexpected chemistry between them? Will the two men enjoy and cherish their natural fit?

The Painting

by Pelaam

Drake seeks the comfort of solitude halfway around the world after a friend dies. He loves the house set on the hill, despite its isolation. But he slowly realises the character in one of the many paintings in the house is not only moving but warning him against staying.Eventually Nate is able to step free from the painting’s confines, and Drake thinks he’s fallen in love with a ghost. But the truth is far more deadly.Drake calls upon a friend who specializes in dealing with the paranormal. Can their combined efforts free Nate and save Drake from becoming another victim?

Worth and Wickedness

by Mimi Heverin

Freddie Churchill is no prodigal son. After living his freshman year of college proudly as a heathen, he comes home to the closet, and to a father who will always put the Mormon Church before him. He's on his best behavior. Until one Sunday, from across the chapel, he flirts with a temptation too good to pass up.Jamie Fairfax is preparing to serve a mission for the Church he's always loved. He is pushing himself hard to overcome lingering doubts and intrusive anxieties, to be the valiant missionary the Lord needs him to be. And before he can prove himself worthy to serve, the Lord asks Jamie to minister to Freddie, and to entangle himself in his most forbidden desires.They won't be married in the temple for time and all eternity. But they just might get their happily ever after ...

Care Less, Cowgirl

by D. J. Fronimos Elke Lakey

Steph Haas cares. For the patients in the nursing home she runs, for her family, but most of all, for her partner Lilou, whom she adores. Life is good when she’s pleasing her woman even if it has Steph playing über butch to Lilou’s demanding femme. For them it works ... until suddenly it doesn’t.Annika mistrusts all women, yet longs for a steady relationship. After unsuccessfully throwing herself at yet another prospect, almost ruining her career in the process, Annika’s boss forces her to take a vacation. Having nowhere to go and no one to go with, Annika is grateful when her gay friend Leo suggests she join him and his partner on the very trip to the US Steph was supposed to take with Lilou.Knowing Annika and she will be the only non-couple on the Gittie-Up Ranch, Steph is determined to make the best of an altogether bad situation. But traveling with Annika isn’t easy, especially when the maddening woman rebuffs Steph’s attempts at being nice. Instead, Annika drools incessantly over the resident lesbian, a butch cowgirl named Jesse.Somehow they still become friends, with Steph valiantly fighting her physical attraction to the gorgeous femme, only to give in when Annika suddenly shifts gears and they land in bed together. So what? It’s just a vacation fling. Nobody cares, right?

A Master and His Pup

by Fyn Alexander

Master Cain is an intergalactic bounty hunter who is regularly employed by the king of Arriden to find his runaway son. To assist him in his search, Cain buys Star, a man-dog. Man-dogs are bred over generations for their strength and loyalty. But Star turns out to be a eunuch from Earth with fantasies of being a man-dog. Once Star is in his possession, Cain decides he might as well try him out.Together they capture the prince and return him to the capital city. However, they found him in the desert in the camp of the Plainsmen’s army, which is heading toward the capital to kidnap the king and take over the city. With Star’s help, can Cain protect the king and fight off the Plainsmen? Will Star’s loyalty to Cain and his increasing love for his new master be rewarded?

The Dead Don't Fall

by Anne Russo

Sequel to The Dead Don’t DreamIan and Adam find themselves thrust into an new world of danger and deceit as enemies, old and new, threaten their fragile bond. As they travel from the desolate deserts of the American Southwest to the vibrant chaos of Mexico City, their relationship is pushed to the breaking point by dark forces as they desperately try to outrun their tortured pasts in pursuit of a happiness that seems just out of reach.Together they must rely on each other in ways they never thought possible. Amidst heated and complicated emotions, they grapple with the stark contrast of light and darkness within themselves and each other. To survive, they must do more than simply trust; they must surrender their deepest fears and embrace the vulnerability that love demands. However, the path to true love has scars that run deep and secrets that threaten to shatter everything.In this thrilling continuation of love and sacrifice, Ian and Adam learn the strength of their love may be the key to overcoming the perilous obstacles they face. As they embark on a journey where betrayal lurks around every corner and sacrifices are inevitable, they come to realize that some loves are worth risking everything for. Can their love be enough to overcome the menacing shadows threatening to tear them apart forever? Or does fate have other plans for them?Note: This book includes scenes of violence and mentions of suicidal ideation, alcohol abuse, physical and emotional trauma, and other dark and potentially disturbing themes, including a character dealing with past sexual trauma.

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