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Everyday Hero Box Set (Vic and Matt Box Set #2)

by J. M. Snyder

Vic Braunson is a city bus driver who falls in love with Matt diLorenzo, a swimmer he meets at the gym. When they finally hook up, there's no denying the energy between them.Something about Matt brings out the best in Vic -- literally. He gives Vic superhuman powers. Can they learn to live with these abilities without losing each other?This box set continues the adventures in the super sexy, super powered world of Vic and Matt! Contains the stories:Seventh Inning Stretch: When Vic and Matt face off on opposing teams in a charity ball game, Matt's afraid his lover's superhuman powers will give him an edge. He suggests they abstain from sex until after the game, but before long Matt discovers that keeping his hands to himself is easier said than done. And when the two teams face off against each other, he finds it almost impossible to keep his mind on the game.Outage: Roxie drags Matt to a boring workshop on office admin. When a winter storm knocks out power to the city, they are trapped in an elevator downtown. Vic’s current superpower is an electromagnetic ability that will allow him to rescue the pair. But fallen power lines & the building’s concierge stymie Vic. Then there’s Roxie, who doesn’t yet know of Vic’s powers or how he gets them.An Evening with the Rush Hour Hero: In the time Vic and Matt have been together, the powers have become such an integral part of Vic that he doesn't hesitate to use them when his help is needed. One evening on his way home from work, he witnesses a traffic accident that ties up the interstate and responds without thinking. But when Matt hears about the accident on the evening news, Vic has a lot of explaining to do.Worst. Power. Ever.: Vic Braunson shares a very sexy secret with his lover, Matt diLorenzo -- something in Matt's semen gives Vic superhuman powers. While the powers fade over time, most of them come in handy. But every now and then, he draws a doozy ...Santa Vic: Vic's boss asks him to don the Santa suit for the company's employee family Christmas dinner -- again. The kids love him. One little boy in particular wants to make sure Vic -- or rather, Santa Vic -- doesn't forget his sister, who's in the hospital for the holiday.No Place Like Home: A tornado and washed out road take Matt on a detour he didn't expect -- unconscious in a ditch. When he comes to, he finds himself in the merry old Land of Oz. As he struggles to find his way home, Vic has a more pressing problem -- locating Matt. Can the two find each other before it's too late?Abstinence Makes the Heart Grow Fonder: Vic and Matt’s tradition to abstain from sex for the week between Christmas and New Year's has Matt frustrated, to say the least. Can Matt make Vic change out the tradition for a new one that has them loving each other instead? Or will Vic insist on waiting until midnight rings in the new year before either man finds release?

Stepping Up to the Plate

by J. M. Snyder

At 16, Stacy Evans dropped out of high school in the hopes of moving on with his life. But four years later, he's stuck in an abusive relationship with Lamar, a "friend with benefits," and works long hours at a dead-end job just to get by.Then his mother enrolls him in a program to earn his GED. There he meets Darian, a woodshop teacher who is everything Stacy's friends are not -- smart, successful ... and who seems to take a personal interest in helping Stacy turn his life around. The two develop a rapport that keeps Stacy after school just to spend extra time with him. In intimate moments alone, they grow closer than just student and teacher.On the right track for once, Stacy has a chance to choose between his troublesome past and a promising future with Darian. But his jealous friends won't let him go so easily.

2021 Top Ten Gay Romance (Top Ten Gay Romance #8)

by J. M. Snyder Jamie Craig Holly Day Pat Henshaw Kris T. Bethke Wayne Mansfield Shawn Lane A. C. Katt Nell Iris K. L. Noone Ofelia Gränd

2021 Top Ten Gay Romance brings together the best-selling short stories published by JMS Books that year.From first love to true love, from submission to sensual, from heat to sweet and everything in between, the couples in these stories are sure to keep you turning the pages as you fall in love with them.With stories by Kris T. Bethke, Jamie Craig, Holly Day, Ofelia Gränd, Pat Henshaw, Nell Iris, A.C. Katt, Shawn Lane, Wayne Mansfield, and K.L. Noone, this head-over-heels collection goes beyond bedtime reading. Whether happily ever after or happy for now, there’s an ending for everyone in here!Contains the stories: Gingerbread and Good Tidings by Kris T. Bethke, First and Always by Jamie Craig, Blown Away by Holly Day, Kisses and Cabins by Ofelia Gränd, A Kiss in Time by Pat Henshaw, Wake Him with a Kiss by Nell Iris, A Permanent Arrangement by A.C. Katt, Holly Jolly by Shawn Lane, Ugly by Wayne Mansfield, and Cinnamon and Strawberries by K.L. Noone.

Between States Box Set

by J. M. Snyder

The year is 1863. Caleb Chilson is a private in the Confederate Army, currently camped in the Virginian woods. Most of his time is spent on picket duty, on the lookout for a Yankee attack. But when the moon is full, he manages to slip away from the encampment and into the woods to become something a little less than human ...Imagine his surprise when he meets another werecat like himself. The only difference? Brance Brenneman wears a Yankee uniform.This box set contains all three stories of J.M. Snyder's best-selling historical shifter trilogy:Under a Confederate Moon:Bitten as a teen, Caleb suffers through a painful transformation from human to bobcat a few days each month. As a bobcat, he leaves behind his camp and fellow soldiers to explore the night. But a gunshot and the bright scent of fresh blood draws him to a clearing where he learns that he isn’t the only one of his kind.Wounded and hurt, Brance is a loner by nature, gruff and grumbling, who doesn’t want anything to do with Caleb ... at first. The younger bobcat prevails, and starts to win Brance over, until they turn human again and find themselves on opposite sides of the American Civil War.Beneath a Yankee Sky:Brance Brenneman is used to harsh conditions -- the eldest son of a stern Amish preacher, Brance was bit by a werecat as a young boy, and managed to keep his secret from his family until he was old enough to leave them and their religion behind. Years later, when the nation is divided by war, Brance is enlisted in the Union army. By sheer chance, he meets Caleb, a Confederate soldier who bears his same shapeshifting burden.Together they leave the war behind to forge a new life in the wilderness of Pennsylvania. But trappers near their camp are hunting bobcats, and they don’t much care if Brance and Caleb are only in the fur part of the time. Brance finds his peaceful existence shattered, and he has to fight to defend the life -- and the bobcat, the man — he’s come to love.A More Perfect Union:Once a soldier, Brance has left the war behind and gone into hiding with his lover, Caleb. Deserters intent on keeping to themselves, they find a nice, sparse acre of land where they can finally settle down. Life falls into domesticated routine for both the brooding Yank and the excitable Rebel. Together they struggle to create a more perfect union forged of love and their shared shapeshifting secret.But the discovery of another bobcat encroaching on their territory brings out the possessive alley cat in Caleb, eager to defend his home and his mate. Will the newcomer destroy what they’ve worked so hard to attain? Or is there room enough for the three of them deep in the wilderness of Pennsylvania?

2023 Top Ten Gay Romance (Top Ten Gay Romance #10)

by J. M. Snyder Holly Day Charles Payseur Shawn Lane Nell Iris K. L. Noone Mere Rain Ellie Thomas Eve Morton T. J. Blackley Glenn Quigley

2023 Top Ten Gay Romance brings together the best-selling short stories published by JMS Books that year.From first love to true love, from submission to sensual, from heat to sweet and everything in between, the couples in these stories are sure to keep you turning the pages as you fall in love with them.With stories by T.J. Blackley, Holly Day, Nell Iris, Shawn Lane, Eve Morton, K.L. Noone, Charles Payseur, Glenn Quigley, Mere Rain, and Ellie Thomas, this head-over-heels collection goes beyond bedtime reading. Whether happily ever after or happy for now, there’s an ending for everyone in here!Contains the stories: The Wedding by T.J. Blackley, Saved by the Bear by Holly Day, After Marcus by Nell Iris, Loving the Boss by Shawn Lane, My Roommate Kyle by Eve Morton, December Beginnings by K.L. Noone, Fieldwork by Charles Payseur, The Great Santa Showdown by Glenn Quigley, Nice and Vicious by Mere Rain, and A Christmas Engagement by Ellie Thomas.

Hot Jocks

by J. M. Snyder

Eight hot, sexy stories about gay athletes finding love and lust on the playing field in one sizzling box set! Contains the stories:Faceoff: Minor league hockey player Christian Magdziuk transferred to a new team, leaving his teammate and lover Ronnie behind. Now it's the first game of a new season, and he's facing off against his former teammates in the season opener. But does something still smolder between Christian and Ronnie after all this time?Play On: This is Cordero’s rookie year with the intramural soccer team, but he catches Sean’s eye the first day of practice. Sean wastes no time letting this fly brother know just how sprung he is. The feeling’s mutual and there’s no denying the spark between them. Unfortunately, Sean is easily distracted by Cordero on the field. Can he get his mind back on the game before he's thrown off the team?Served!: The night before Wildwood’s annual Beach Volleyball Tournament, Colby meets Van at a bar. The instant attraction is mutual. The next day when Colby runs into Van at the tournament, a quick look at the schedule shows the day could end with the two facing off through the volleyball net. To up the ante, Van proposes a little wager. Whoever loses gets whatever he wants from the winner.Tee'd Off: Greg has loved golf since he was a kid. When he was twelve, he met Trevor Johns, who he caddied for throughout high school. Ten years later, Greg works at the Hermitage Country Club where he runs into Trey Johns, son of his former employer. Trey is quick to inform Greg he’s smitten with the caddy, but Greg has reservations. Greg almost blows a chance to hook up with Trey. Will he get another?Batter Up: Rob Ritchie sneaks into the ballpark to watch practice and ends up going out with short stop, Mike Hennessey. It isn't until they face off on the baseball field that Mike realizes he slept with the enemy. Can Rob talk his way back into Mike's bed after the game?Victory Lap: After a hard look at his life, Josh Helton ditches his abusive boyfriend and takes up running. On a morning jog he meets Chad, a sexy bicyclist who's everything Josh has always wanted in a guy. But Josh isn't confident in himself any more ... so it's up to Chad to make the first move.Getting Wet: Rory Holt is the best swimmer on the team at State U. and he knows it. If he hopes to win Olympic gold one day, he can’t let anything distract him. But new teammate Chase Cohen is determined to catch Rory’s eye. Rory can’t deny the attraction he feels towards Chase, but when it costs him his spot on the leaderboard, he’s pissed. Is Chase after Rory’s position on the team, or Rory himself?Out of Bounds: Jo plays basketball on his college team. At an off-campus party before the season begins, he hooks up with a guy named Kevin. Things heat up between them, leading to a night of hot sex. But the next day Jo learns Kevin has been hired as his team’s new assistant coach. Is their budding relationship over before it even begins? Or will Kevin go out of bounds to be with Jo?

Birth of a Hero Box Set (Vic and Matt Box Set #1)

by J. M. Snyder

Vic Braunson is a city bus driver who falls in love with Matt diLorenzo, a swimmer he meets at the gym. When they finally hook up, there's no denying the energy between them.Something about Matt brings out the best in Vic -- literally. He gives Vic superhuman powers. Can they learn to live with these abilities without losing each other?This box set is the perfect introduction to the super sexy, super powered world of Vic and Matt! Discover how Vic gets his superhuman abilities, and feel the love between these two men grow as they fall for each other for the first time! Contains the stories:The Powers of Love: The first Vic and Matt story, where it all begins. With his shaved head, piercings, and tattoos, the muscular Vic Braunson isn’t one who falls hopelessly in love at first sight. But when he meets swim instructor Matt diLorenzo at the gym, sparks fly. After having sex with his new boyfriend, Vic Braunson discovers he suddenly has superhuman powers. WTF?Matching Tats: Vic Braunson’s latest tattoo makes his lover, Matt diLorenzo, decide that he might want to get inked, too. But Matt's more than a little skittish when it comes to needles, and watching the tattoo artist at work is frightening. With the powers love gives him, however, Vic finds a way to help Matt overcome his fears.Leatherman and Sexy Boy: It's Vic's birthday, and apparently his lover Matt diLorenzo stumbled upon Vic's old supply of fetish gear when cleaning. Matt knows slipping into the leather and chains will be a sexy surprise for his lover when Vic gets home from work.Parking Lot Hero: It's the weekend of the Super Bowl. Vic is looking forward to a quiet Saturday with his lover, Matt. But when a trio of ruffians terrorize their landlady in the parking lot of the local grocery story, Vic finds the superhero in him called to action.Foot Fetish: It's Valentine's Day, and Matt has a special evening in mind for Vic to accommodate his lover's foot fetish.Take It Outside: It's close to midnight, New Year's Eve, and Matt is tired of watching Vic mingle at Roxie's party. After several beers, Matt wants a piece of his lover, and he wants it now. And we all know Matt gets what he wants.Turn the Tables: Vic shares a very special relationship with his long-time lover, Matt. Like any couple, they have fallen into a set routine and each knows where he stands with the other. But turning the tables now and then is a good way to spice things up again. Especially in the bedroom.

Snowed In Anthology

by J. M. Snyder Kris T. Bethke Sarah Hadley Brook Shawn Lane Jessie Pinkham K. L. Noone J. V. Speyer

JMS Books brought you smoldering tales that threatened to melt the snow and ice. Whether it was first crushes, fleeting affairs, or longtime romances, the stories in our Snowed In multi-author series featured characters trapped together during a snowstorm who are finally able to give into what they want most — each other.This anthology combines the six best-selling titles in the series. With stories by J.V. Speyer, Jessie Pinkham, K.L. Noone, Shawn Lane, Kris T. Bethke, and Sarah Hadley Brook, these tales of M/M romance and erotic romance will keep you warm all winter long!Contains the stories: Ross and Ashton by J.V. Speyer, Jude and Cal by Jessie Pinkham, Kit and Harry by K.L. Noone, Sam and Lincoln by Shawn Lane, Jonah and Cooper by Kris T. Bethke, and Shawn and Logan by Sarah Hadley Brook.

Turning Thirty

by Shawna Jeanne

Lisa Keenan is turning thirty, and dreads the big “three-oh.” Her boyfriend Nick tries to make light of it, but she knows her youth is fading. The best birthday gift would be a marriage proposal -- they've been together ten years already, and neither is getting any younger -- but she doesn’t want to have to tell Nick to buy her a ring.So when he asks what she’d like for her birthday, she says the only other thing she would really love. A threesome.Nick’s best friend Ray has always been flirtatious -- not just with Lisa, but with Nick, too. She knows the guys have experimented sexually in the past, so getting them together again, this time with her in the middle, won’t be a problem.On Lisa’s birthday, Nick treats her like a princess, but things heat up royally when Ray joins them in the bedroom.

V Box Set (Vic and Matt: V #7)

by J. M. Snyder

The sudden appearance of superpowers might transform most mild-mannered men into egomaniacs with visions of grandeur. Fortunately, Vic Braunson isn’t most men. His powers come from his lover, Matt diLorenzo, and Vic refuses to let the abilities control or change him.But even he can't stop the powers from enhancing who he is. These stories explore different aspects of Vic's personality that are brought out by his superpowers. Contains the stories:The V in Valor: When one of the landlady’s cats gets loose, Matt broaches the subject of getting a pet with his lover. Vic doesn’t want the added responsibility, but the discussion raises questions of long-term commitment that neither man is ready to address just yet.The V in Vengeance: Vic and Matt slowly adjust to life with a new addition to their little family. Matt finds himself dwelling on a more outward way to show the world how he feels for Vic. Though living with a superhero isn't always easy, Matt wouldn't have it any other way. Especially when his car is vandalized late one night.The V in Vigilant: When Vic has a rough day at work, his lover Matt puts their telepathic connection to good use, tapping directly into Vic's needs to provide some relaxing downtime at home. However their sensual massage turns to serious talk, and Matt finally asks Vic the question he's been wrestling with for the past few months.The V in Virtue: From the beginning, Vic and Matt have celebrated their anniversary on New Year’s Eve. It’s tradition for them to swear off sex the week between Christmas and New Year’s, a long stretch Matt finds especially difficult to weather. Then Roxie invites the guys to a year-end bash at her place. Will Vic still make the evening special even though they aren’t alone?The V in Vulnerable: Matt is on a quest to find the perfect ring to symbolize the love he shares with Vic. An ad for a local jewelry store draws him in, but criminals strike before he leaves. When the police arrive, what started as a simple robbery turns into a hostage situation. Officer Jones calls the one man who she knows can help ... Vic.The V in Valentine's: For Valentine’s Day, Matt has the perfect evening planned. But the police need Vic’s help to find an autistic boy who wandered away from his campsite. If he can’t be found before the weekend, chances are he won’t survive. The timing couldn’t be worse -- Vic’s arsenal of superpowers are nowhere in sight. Despite all the odds, can he save the boy as well as the romantic evening with Matty?

The Positions of Love Box Set (Vic and Matt #4)

by J. M. Snyder

When Matt diLorenzo gives his lover, Vic Braunson, a copy of the Kama Sutra for Gay Men as a Christmas gift, they find it doubles as a handy reference guide to Vic's super powers. All they have to do is test out the positions to see which one gives him what ability ...Contains the stories:The Positions of Love: When Vic’s boss asks him to play Santa at the company Christmas party, the enticement of more time off sweetens the deal. It might be a wonderful holiday season after all ... if he can only find the perfect present for his lover.Two Pillars Position: Some mornings, Vic stops by the gym to bench-press a few thousand pounds, show off for his fellow bodybuilders, and spend some time with his lover before he has to start his day. A quickie in the pool showers seems like a good way to get the blood pumping ...Clasping Position: Though Vic had difficulty finding a suitable gift for his lover for Christmas, Matt has the perfect evening planned for Valentine's. He's made reservations at an expensive steakhouse for the two of them, and hopes the intimate dinner is a prelude to a night of love. But things get a little frisky before they leave for the restaurant.Hammock Position: Spring is in the air, and Matt convinces Vic to join him for a little rest and relaxation on the sunny banks of the James River. What's more enticing than sex on the rocks by the river's rapids?Two Dogs Position: Doggy style brings out the animal in Vic, literally. He finds out the hard way, when Matt invites friends over for a party. Vic's heightened senses reel from the sights and sounds, and he locks himself away in the bathroom just to get his latest superpower under control. But what he hears in the apartment above puts the party on hold.Cowboy Position: Matt diLorenzo has a secret fetish -- he loves to watch a man eat. When Vic finds out, he suggests they share a quiet, indoor picnic. Something sinfully sexy, for just the two of them. On the menu? Whipped cream, fresh strawberries, and chocolate syrup drizzled over Matt's bare skin for Vic to lick off.Kneeling Butterfly Position: It's a rainy Saturday and Matt wants to spend it at the mall. And what Matt wants, he gets. There's only one little problem. He loves shopping; Vic does not. Still, the promise of sex in the dressing room sparks Vic's interest.Pillar and the Ivy Position: One of Matt’s favorite sexual positions, but he doubts his ability to support Vic’s weight as they make love standing up. He’s not the one with super strength, after all. Vic thinks maybe they could pull it off ... in the gym’s swimming pool.Tripod Position: It's Vic's birthday, and Matt wants to do something special. When he discovers his lover has a leather fetish and used to be into clubbing, Matt thinks it'd be fun to go out as a couple to celebrate his special night. But while Matt looks sexy in boyshorts, Vic isn't the only one watching.Lotus Position: When Vic has a few days off from work, the two visit Wildwood, New Jersey, a tourist town Matt used to frequent as a child. Though Vic isn't keen on crowds and would prefer to spend his downtime at home, Matt entices him with the offer of sex on the beach ... and he doesn't mean the drink, either.The Arc Position: It’s Halloween, and Roxie is having a party. Matt wants to dress as policemen but Vic’s latest power creates a costume all his own.Sideways Position: For Thanksgiving, Matt takes Vic home to meet his parents. The diLorenzos aren’t quite sure what to make of their son’s lover. Matt’s Nonna tends to lapse into her native tongue without realizing it. Imagine everyone’s surprise when Vic answers her in flawless Italian.

She and He and Him Box Set

by Shawna Jeanne

In these steamy erotic romances, strong and sassy women know what they like in bed, and find themselves given the chance of a lifetime when they take on two men at once between the sheets. This book gathers together four of Shawna Jeanne’s best-selling MMF bisexual ménage stories in one red hot collection.Contains the stories:For Pete’s Sake: Sheila has always known her husband Pete is bisexual -- his attraction to guys is part of what attracts her to him in the first place. But since they've been together, he hasn't been with anyone other than her, male or female. She wants to reward him for being so loving and faithful ... and she'd be lying if she didn't admit that the idea of watching her husband have sex with another man turns her.She Said Yes!: Marianne falls for Ben, but he's gay and introduces her to his hot best friend, Johnny. The two guys share everything, and before long, Ben wants to join Johnny and Marianne in bed. Johnny is afraid to ask, though. What if the thought of a threesome scares her away? It looks like she’ll have to take matters into her own hands if she wants both men between the sheets.Swing Both Ways: The only guy Jenny is interested in is her coworker Eric, but even though he seems interested in her, he’s in a committed relationship with Mike. The way he flirts with her only makes matters worse. Does he like her, or is he only being nice? When they invite her along to a Halloween party, will she be a third wheel, or will she discover the guys swing both ways?Turning Thirty: Lisa is turning thirty, and knows her youth is fading. So when her boyfriend Nick asks what she’d like for her birthday, she says a threesome. She knows he and his best friend Ray have experimented in the past, so getting them together again with her in the middle won’t be a problem. Nick treats her like a princess, but things heat up royally when Ray joins them in the bedroom.

It's All Relative

by J. M. Snyder

When Michael Knapp brings his lover Dan Biggs home to meet his parents, he doesn't expect things to go smoothly. His mother's been trying to marry him off for years, and sometimes he isn't even sure his father knows he exists. He has always felt like the shadow son, competing with his terminally stupid older brother and smart-mouthed little sister for his parents' attention. Coming out to them over dinner seemed like the perfect opportunity to finally get noticed.But an unexpected phone call interrupts his announcement -- Aunt Evie, the family matriarch, is dead. With Dan in tow, Michael follows his family to Sugar Creek, where he spent his summers growing up, to prepare for the funeral.Amid an overabundance of memories and relatives, Michael's world begins to slip. His dysfunctional family, Evie's death, and an old friend's confession all threaten to smother him. Worse, in his grief and confusion he seems determined to inadvertently push everyone away, including his lover. Can he and Dan move beyond his family and his past to a new life together, before Michael's insecurities tear them apart?

Vic and Matt Omnibus

by J. M. Snyder

Vic Braunson is a city bus driver who falls in love with Matt diLorenzo, a swimmer he meets at the gym. When they finally hook up, there’s no denying the energy between them.Something about Matt brings out the best in Vic -- literally. Every time they have sex, Vic gains new superhuman powers from his lover. Can they learn to live with these abilities without losing each other?This box set contains all Vic and Matt stories published to date in one box set! The stories included are:The Powers of Love, Foot Fetish, Matching Tats, The Positions of Love series (13 stories), Parking Lot Hero, Leatherman and Sexy Boy, The Bonds of Love, With This Ring, Seventh Inning Stretch, Outage, An Evening with the Rush Hour Hero, Take It Outside, Turn the Tables, V series (6 stories), Worst. Power. Ever., Santa Vic, No Place Like Home, and Abstinence Makes the Heart Grow Fonder.If you've ever wanted to pick up this series and didn't know the order or didn't want to spend so much money on all the Vic and Matt stories, this is the collection for you!

Gay Daddies Box Set

by J. M. Snyder

This box set collects four of J.M. Snyder's best-selling stories about gay dads with young children who want a fresh start ... and maybe a new relationship.Contains the stories:A Present for Daddy:Bob’s wife left him with a 7-year-old daughter. While visiting his parents for Christmas, he runs into Dave, an old high school friend, who admits he’s always been attracted to Bob. With his wife gone, Bob finds he’s open to the idea of a relationship with Dave. But what will his daughter think?A Surprise for Daddy:It's been six months and Dave has something special planned -- a surprise luncheon with his two favorite people in the world. Jenna's in on it, and excited to skip school for the occasion. But can they convince Bobby to ditch work and play a little hooky?One More Try:When Evan admitted his feelings for Charlie, his friend broke his heart. Now divorced with a little girl, Evan has started putting his life back together. Then Charlie returns for a second chance.Tyler's Teacher:Jason Peters is a young widower whose son, Tyler, is starting a new school in the middle of the term. His new teacher, Greg Boucher, is incredibly attractive. For the first time since his wife’s death, Jason finds himself interested in the possibility of a romantic relationship.

Office Romance Box Set

by J. M. Snyder

Most of us spend forty hours or more a week at the workplace. Shuffling papers at a desk job, taking orders, waiting tables, working in the field, punching a time clock. Whether it's a career or simply a job to be done, we do whatever it takes to make a living. Sometimes the people we meet at work are among the best -- and the worst -- we'll ever know.From harmless, sweet flirting to fulfilling hot sex, these stories show you just how much some men enjoy their line of work!This box set contains all J.M. Snyder's Working Men stories:At Your ServiceBlurring the LinesCafé de l’AmourCar TroubleClosing TimeEasily AddictedHot MerchandiseKnocking BootsLunch BreakMaintenance!Makin’ CopiesOn the JobOpening Day at the County FairOrder UpOut for DeliveryPleasure CruiseQuintessentialRub Me the Right WaySpeed TrapSummer Kisses and Ice Cream DreamsTech SupportYes-Man

In His Kiss Box Set

by J. M. Snyder

If you love interracial gay romance, this box set is for you!Collected together for the first time are 8 sizzling stories by M/M author J.M. Snyder. These hot and heavy tales of manlove feature quick hookups and exciting encounters between men looking for love outside their race.Contains the stories:Car Trouble: What begins as a bad day improves when Terrence meets the hot mechanic. Dressed in a pair of tight, oil-stained jeans and little else, Jimmy exudes sex appeal. Terrence finds himself drawn to Jimmy, and soon it's not just his car being serviced.Closing Time: Mitchell Nolan is a bartender working late on Christmas Eve. As the last patrons leave, he stays behind to clean up. Then he meets Romy Lariner, who ducks inside the bar when his car won't start. Sparks fly between these two lonely men this holiday.Cruising on Cary Street: Willis Moore is a detective who was suspended. After his first day back on the force, he cruises downtown Cary Street looking for action. He finds a hustler named Corey who reminds him of a previous lover. Will wants a piece of Corey, and won't let his badge get in the way of hooking up.Hot Merchandise: A shoplifter attracts the attention of Bill's coworker, so he has to step in to avoid a scene. When he's asked to empty his pockets, the potential thief agrees ... but only in the privacy of the store's back room, where Bill discovers just how hot his merchandise is.On the Down Low: Nick's the only white guy at his roommate Tyrone's hip hop party, but Tyrone's friend De'Andre is the center of attention. The moment Nick notices him, he gets sprung. De'Andre is big and black and hot damn, but he's sexy. Nick feels out of his league -- he's young, white, gay, and desperately looking for a chance to spend some time alone with De'Andre. Luckily De'Andre seems just as interested.One on One in the Studio: When pop star Joey Angel is asked to record on a song with hip hop legend DJ Key, he's thrilled. He's a fan of Key's and hopes the song will help give him street cred. But things get off to a rough start, and Joey finds it hard to concentrate during the session. When Key gets him alone for a little one on one in the studio, can he help Joey relax enough to make their collaboration a success?Playing the Field: Out of Bounds: Jo plays basketball on his college team. At an off-campus party before the season begins, he hooks up with a guy named Kevin. Things heat up between them, leading to a night of hot sex. But the next day Jo learns Kevin has been hired as his team's new assistant coach. Is their budding relationship over before it even begins? Or will Kevin go out of bounds to be with Jo?Playing the Field: Play On: This is Cordero's rookie year with the intramural soccer team, but he catches Sean's eye the first day of practice. Sean wastes no time letting this fly brother know just how sprung he is. The feeling's mutual and there's no denying the spark between them. Unfortunately, Sean is easily distracted by Cordero on the field. Can he get his mind back on the game before he's thrown off the team?

Swing Both Ways

by Shawna Jeanne

At 28, Jenny Wilson’s career takes off when she lands a job as office manager for an architect firm. But her personal life is nowhere near as successful. A number of guys seem interested in her, but the only one she’s interested in is Eric Thomas. He’s witty, fun, and drop-dead sexy ... and in a committed relationship with hot construction foreman, Mike Lewis.How can Jenny hope to compete with that? The way Eric flirts with her only makes matters worse. Does he like her, or is he only being nice? Jenny’s hopes are raised when she learns Eric and Mike consider themselves bisexual rather than gay -- they both were previously engaged to women. Talk turns to threesomes and Jenny wonders if Eric is hitting on her or just teasing. Will she ever find out?When a friend of Mike’s throws a Halloween party, Eric invites her along, thinking it’ll be a great time to introduce his office wife to his house husband. Will Jenny’s fears of being a third wheel be realized, or will she discover that Mike and Eric really do swing both ways?

Beautiful Box Set

by J. M. Snyder

Step into the glittery and glamorous world of celebrities who seek real love among the stars. This box set contains two of gay erotic romance author J.M. Snyder's best-selling novellas, plus three short stories featuring the same characters. Contains the stories:Beautiful Liar: Johnny Thomas hopes to jump start his acting career by hiring his former manager Lou, who has heard rumors that might prevent him from landing those coveted leading roles. Johnny swears he’ll play it straight ... until he meets Brett, who turns his life -- and his heart -- upside down. When photographs surface that were taken in confidence, Johnny must choose between his career and love.More Lies: Actor Johnny Thomas has landed a coveted role in the upcoming Roxy Greene movie. The catch? Roxy wants the media to think they're dating. The problem? Johnny's gay. Will his sexuality cost him the role? Or does Roxy have a secret of her own?Beautiful Disaster: Corey and Ian are members of the pop duo 2ICE. When Corey discovers he’s in love with Ian -- and, better yet, that Ian feels the same -- his promiscuous past makes it hard for his band-mate to admit his feelings. Can they move beyond the pain to embrace a love they both desperately want?Render: Before Corey Evans and Ian Coltraine became lovers, they were simply band-mates on tour. When an accident onstage leaves Corey hurt and vulnerable, Ian is there to pick up the pieces. This flash story is a slice of life look at the beginnings of something more than mere friendship between the two.Encore: Pop superstar Corey Evans realizes how hollow he feels until he discovers he's in love with his best friend and band-mate, Ian Coltraine. They've managed to hide their relationship from the press and their fans, but what happens when their manager finds out?

Power Play

by J. M. Snyder

Ryan Talonovich is the star of his college hockey team, until an accident during practice leaves him confined to a wheelchair. The doctors say he'll walk again but a new season is already underway and he's been replaced on the team, which leaves him feeling alone and betrayed. What's the use of fighting to get back on the ice now?Then he meets Dante Espinosa, a short track skater on the city's speed skating club. Though he has to work overtime to afford his sport, Dante is hell on ice, and dreams of making the cut on the U.S. Olympic Speedskating Team.Their love of the ice brings them together, but too many obstacles stand in their way: Ryan's struggle with therapy. The memory of Dante's first boyfriend. Lack of funding to the event, Dante's harassing boss, a skating friend in love with him, and Wil Dietrich, who will do anything to win.

Guilty Pleasures Box Set

by J. M. Snyder

Eight erotic romance short stories of gay guilty pleasures! Take a wild romp through the wicked pages of some of J.M. Snyder's hottest, best-selling gay fiction, collected together into one box set!Contains the stories:Before the Show: College student by day, drag queen by night, Devin Elliot loves his job. He likes to watch himself get ready, primping in the mirror, his masculinity slowly peeled away and replaced with feminine silk and lace. With the clock counting down to show time, can Devin and Chuck the bouncer manage to snag some time alone before the show?Fuck the Foreplay: Tory's a freshman in college who can't stand being away from his boyfriend Jon for long. When his roommate decides to head home for the weekend, Tory invites Jon to stay at the dorm. The moment Jon arrives, Tory can't wait to get their romantic get-together underway.Mastering Stefan: Stefan has a latex fetish. When he meets the man of his dreams at a local gay bar, can he prove himself worthy of Master’s affection?Money's Worth: Carl has always harbored feelings for his roommate Ritchie, but he's too shy to do anything about it. When a stranger outside a club offers Ritchie a blowjob for ten bucks, but he doesn’t have the cash. If Ritchie wants a blowjob, why doesn't he just ask Carl?My Best Friend's Dad: I had the worst crush on Mikey Pierce's dad. The week before I left for college, I stayed at Mikey's while Mr. Pierce and his buddies gambled. When I snuck downstairs for beers, the card game was over but Mr. Pierce wasn't alone in the dining room. The man with him owed money from playing cards, and I had a ring-side seat as he paid up.On the Down Low: Nick's the only white guy at his roommate Tyrone's hip hop party, but Tyrone's friend De'Andre is the center of attention. The moment Nick notices him, he gets sprung. Luckily De'Andre seems just as interested.Take It Outside: It's close to midnight, New Year's Eve, and Matt is tired of watching Vic mingle at Roxie's party. After several beers, Matt wants a piece of his lover, and Matt always gets what he wants.Windows: Thom is down on love and writes off men for good. Then Bradley moves in next door and Thom can’t help but notice. He doesn’t need another lover, but how long can he resist Bradley's advances?

2018 Top Ten Gay Romance (Top Ten Gay Romance #5)

by J. M. Snyder

2018 Top Ten Gay Romance brings together the best-selling short stories published by JMS Books that year.From first love to true love, from submission to sensual, from heat to sweet and everything in between, the couples in these stories are sure to keep you turning the pages as you fall in love with them.With stories by Addison Albright, Laura Bailo, Kris T. Bethke, Sarah Hadley Brook, Nell Iris, Shawn Lane, K.L. Noone, Deirdre O'Dare, J.M. Snyder, and J.D. Walker, this head-over-heels collection goes beyond bedtime reading. Whether happily ever after or happy for now, there’s an ending for everyone in here!Contains the stories: The Contingency Plan by Addison Albright, No Rulebook for Flirting by Laura Bailo, Hero Worship by Kris T. Bethke, Motorcycle Man by Sarah Hadley Brook, Unexpected Christmas by Nell Iris, Hitting It Big by Shawn Lane, Leather and Tea by K.L. Noone, Doggone Love by Deirdre O'Dare, Commanding Officer Thomas by J.M. Snyder, and No Snarkasm in Love by J.D. Walker.

Hottest Heat Wave

by J. M. Snyder

JMS Books brought you hot tales of summer love in their popular Heat Wave series in the form of first crushes, fleeting affairs, and longtime romances that bubbled over into hot flashes with the soaring heat. In the Hottest Heat Wave anthology, which combines the six best-selling titles in the series, gay men are driven to distraction by the heat and each other, seeking solace anyway they can.With stories by Drew Hunt, J.D. Walker, J.M. Snyder, Jeff Adams, Terry O'Reilly, and Michael P. Thomas, this sizzling anthology of M/M romance and erotic romance will have your temperature through the roof all summer long!Contains the stories: Heat Wave: Newark by Drew Hunt, Heat Wave: Stone Mountain by J.D. Walker, Heat Wave: Richmond by J.M. Snyder, Heat Wave: Tuscaloosa by Jeff Adams, Heat Wave: Traverse City by Terry O'Reilly, and Heat Wave: Colorado Springs by Michael P. Thomas .

Hard at Work Box Set

by J. M. Snyder

Four stories by best-selling gay erotic romance author J.M. Snyder about men who find love and lust while "hard" at work. From a hotel employee putting in overtime during a comic book convention, to a pair of co-workers who finally hook up while on a business trip, to a supervisor who hired a new salesman in the hopes of taking their working relationship beyond its professional level, to a tattoo aficionado whose crush on his tattoo artist keeps him returning to the parlor for more ink, each story explores the dynamics between men in the workplace.Contains the stories:Carey'd Away:It’s comic convention weekend at the Omni Hotel where Carey works, and while checking in the vendors, he meets sexy Pat Dix, setting up the booth for Kryptonite Comics. Patrick has never dreamt a guy like Carey would ever find him attractive. He’s surprised when Carey asks him to hang out after the hall closes. A late night in the hotel pool might just let Patrick get “Carey’d away."Double Standard:Jeff has lusted after Evan since the moment his new employee first stepped into his office. Evan is just as interested. The only problem? The little paragraph in the employee handbook that states they can’t get together because Jeff’s the boss. Then Jeff finds himself working late one evening with Evan, who decides to take matters into his own hands regardless of what the manual might say.On Company Time:Since his first day at his new job, Jimmy has had a horrible crush on a sexy coworker of his named Scott. When the two of them are scheduled to attend a business trip, Jimmy hopes it's the perfect opportunity to make his move. Unless Scott makes one first ...The Tattooed Heart:Chris is a tattoo artist who coerces Lee to stop by after hours for free tattoos. Lee’s body is a shrine to Chris’s artwork. Every tattoo is a custom creation by Chris, whom Lee has loved for years. What will it take for Chris to realize the lover he’s looking for has been sitting in his tattoo chair all along?

The Boss's Daughter

by J. T. Marie

Once the daughter of a prominent dentist in Philadelphia, Natalie Allen wasn’t happy with the life she was expected to lead, so she left society behind and headed west. Now, in the little town of Junction, she’s known as Nat, a cowboy working on Boss Daddy’s cattle ranch. She keeps to herself, renting a room in a local boarding house instead of staying in the bunk house, and with her dungarees and short hair, no one realizes she’s living as a man.But Boss Daddy’s pretty daughter Miss Lucille takes a notice to “Mr. Nat,” and the closer the two become, the more conflicted Nat grows. She likes Miss Lucille a lot more than she knows she should, and it’s easy to forget who she’s pretending to be around the boss’s daughter.Then Miss Lucille surprises everyone, Nat included, by announcing their engagement. Nat knows they can’t marry, and if she tells Miss Lucille why, her ruse will be up. Her only choice is to leave Junction behind, even if it means breaking Miss Lucille’s heart.But will Miss Lucille let Nat go so easily?

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