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Inocente 5: Janeesia

by L. A. Zoe

Con un grado en Artes Dramáticas en la mano, Janeesia apunta al estrellato de Hollywood. Mientras tanto, vende por teléfono inspecciones de equipos de calefacción y refrigeración para pagar las facturas. Para obtener más experiencia de actuación, realiza audiciones para cada papel que se abre. Incluso en una obra "experimental" como Desert Island Blues, escrita y dirigida por la tiránica Tatum, que toma todo en serio. Janeesia no esperaba interpretar un cactus, pero sigue siendo un papel de habla, por lo que lo acepta. Planea bromear cuando acepte su Premio de la Academia. Tampoco planea besar a Tatum, pero en una fiesta de elenco, de alguna manera eso es lo que hace. Lo que lleva a una cita "amigable" para ver una ópera, simplemente porque ambas odian la ópera, y un paseo nocturno en el paseo marítimo que bordea el río Mississippi. Janeesia realmente no espera lo que sucederá esa noche. Después de todo, Janeesia nunca se identificó como lesbiana. ¿Qué le está pasando? Janeesia tampoco sabe que Tatum aún sufre del dolor de perder a su novia más querida que se casó con un hombre, y se automedica con alcohol. Janeesia tampoco se da cuenta de cuánto le persigue el alcoholismo de su padre. O cuánto su ambición por el éxito comercial viola los estándares personales de Tatum de pureza artística y política. Con tantos obstáculos, es una maravilla que Janeesia todavía pueda interpretar un cactus en la obra de Tatum. ¿Cómo pueden vivir con su amor?

Inocente 5: Janeesia

by L. A. Zoe

Descrição do livro: Com diploma de Artes Dramáticas na mão, Janeesia visa o estrelato de Hollywood. Enquanto vende inspeções de equipamentos de aquecimento e resfriamento por telefone para pagar suas contas. Pretendendo obter mais experiência de atuação ela faz um teste pra cada oportunidade de papel que surge. Mesmo numa peça "experimental" como a Blues da Ilha Deserta, escrita e dirigida pela tirânica Tatum, levando tudo muito a sério. Janeesia não esperava representar um cacto, mas ainda é uma parte de fala, então ela aceita. Ela planeja brincar sobre isso quando ela aceita seu Oscar. Ela também não planeja beijar Tatum, entretanto numa festa de elenco, de alguma forma é isso que ela faz. O que leva a uma data "amigável" para assistir a uma ópera - só porque os dois odeiam ópera - e um passeio noturno no calçadão que faz fronteira com o rio Mississippi. Janeesia realmente se surpreende com o ocorrido naquela noite. Afinal, nunca se identificou como lésbica. O que está acontecendo com ela? Janeesia também não sabe que Tatum ainda sofre com a mágoa de perder sua namorada mais amada para se casar com um homem, e se automedica em sua depressão com álcool. Além do mais Janeesia não percebe o quanto o alcoolismo de seu pai perdura assombrando e sua ambição pelo sucesso comercial viola os padrões pessoais de pureza artística e política de Tatum. Com tantos obstáculos é uma maravilha Janeesia ainda poder representar um cacto na peça de Tatum. De Que forma elas podem viver este amor?

Another Dead Teenager (Paul Turner Mystery #3)

by Mark Richard Zubro

When two suburban high-school students are found murdered--both boys who were well respected and liked, with solid family lives and no apparent enemies--Detective Paul Turner is assigned the case. However, as a gay father with two teenage sons and a new lover in his life, Paul Turner has trouble bringing his full attention to bear on the case. But as details slowly emerge, he begins to suspect that he is investigating something more deadly and horrifying than a pair of senseless killings, something that could threaten the lives of the people he holds most dear.

Dead Egotistical Morons

by Mark Richard Zubro

Seventh in the Paul Turner mystery series.

Drop Dead (A Paul Turner Mystery)

by Mark Richard Zubro

Fifth in the series; Turner investigates the unexplained death of a fashion model.

An Echo of Death

by Mark Richard Zubro

Fifth "Tom and Scott" mystery.

An Echo of Death: A Tom And Scott Mystery (Tom & Scott Mysteries #5)

by Mark Richard Zubro

Tom Mason and his lover, professional baseball player Scott Carpenter, go on the run when they find an ex-teammate and friend of Scott's murdered in their apartment. With the killers now on their trail, with the death of Scott's friend still a mystery, and with the discovery that they are on the police department's list of murder suspects, Tom and Scott are forced into a dangerous game of hide-and-seek to solve the murder and to ensure their own survival."Readers have both campy humor and an action-filled plot to keep them entertained. Highly recommended for all fiction collections - this one's a good read in every sense of the term!" - Booklist

Everyone's Dead But Us

by Mark Richard Zubro

Tenth Tom and Scott mystery; on vacation the two men find themselves solving the murder of the owner of the resort they are staying in.

File Under Dead

by Mark Richard Zubro

Tenth Tom/Scott mystery.

File Under Dead: A Tom And Scott Mystery (Tom & Scott Mysteries #10)

by Mark Richard Zubro

After years of avoiding volunteer organizations, Chicago high school teacher Tom Mason is finally guilted into volunteering a few hours a week at a local gay services clinic. Since he finds the bitter in-fighting at the organization to be intolerable, and the head of the clinic to be downright poisonous, Tom does his hours on early Saturday morning before anyone else arrives and avoids most of the office politics. But his quiet Saturday goes quickly awry when two gay teens, in a particularly difficult situation, seek him out for counseling early to avoid being seen by anyone else. After they leave, Tom decides to tidy up the cramped, disordered office and file some of the tettering piles that are practically everywhere. Filing turns out to be a surprisingly gruesome task, however, when in one of the filing cabinet drawers Tom finds the severed head of the director of the clinic. The director, called Snarly Bitch behind his back because of his unpleasant demeanor, had a particularly long enemies' list and Tom himself is not particularly choked up about his untimely demise. But with a long suspect list, a fairly indifferent police force, and the welfare of some of the clinic's youthful charges on the line, Tom himself must sort out the murder before an innocent takes the fall for this very unusual crime.

Here Comes The Corpse (Tom & Scott Mystery #9)

by Mark Richard Zubro

Chicago area high school teacher Tom Mason and his lover, professional baseball player Scott Carpenter have had a taxing year. After publicly coming out, Scott and Tom have had to deal with a firestorm of publicity, a major loss of privacy, a great outpouring of support and an equal number of cranks. Now, finally, they are going to do something that they've always wanted - get married in a service before their family and close friends. Despite the potential problems of such of an event, the ceremony comes off with nary a hitch. With the reception in full swing - with a guest list ranging from long-time family friends and co-workers to the cream of the social elite - a small problem emerges. Tom happens to stumble over an ex-boyfriend from many years ago in the bathroom. Unfortunately, what he stumbles across is actually the corpse of the murdered ex-boyfriend and in addition to casting something of a pall across the proceedings, it puts Tom in the awkward position of being the prime suspect in the murder. If he's ever going to get to go on his long-planned honeymoon, Tom is going to have to uncover the truth behind the murder of this unwanted guest.

Here Comes the Corpse: A Tom And Scott Mystery (Tom & Scott Mysteries #9)

by Mark Richard Zubro

Chicago area high school teacher Tom Mason and his lover, professional baseball player Scott Carpenter have had a taxing year. After publicly coming out, Scott and Tom have had to deal with a firestorm of publicity, a major loss of privacy, a great outpouring of support and an equal number of cranks. Now, finally, they are going to do something that they've always wanted - get married in a service before their family and close friends. Despite the potential problems of such of an event, the ceremony comes off with nary a hitch. With the reception in full swing - with a guest list ranging from long-time family friends and co-workers to the cream of the social elite - a small problem emerges. Tom happens to stumble over an ex-boyfriend from many years ago in the bathroom. Unfortunately, what he stumbles across is actually the corpse of the murdered ex-boyfriend and in addition to casting something of a pall across the proceedings, it puts Tom in the awkward position of being the prime suspect in the murder. If he's ever going to get to go on his long-planned honeymoon, Tom is going to have to uncover the truth behind the murder of this unwanted guest.

Hook, Line, and Homicide (Paul Turner Mysteries #9)

by Mark Richard Zubro

Since when are vacations ever relaxing? All Chicago police Detective Paul Turner is hoping for on his annual retreat from the city and his job is a little peace and quiet. This time he's headed to the Canadian Great North Woods for a couple of weeks with family and friends -- his two teenaged sons, his lover Ben, neighborhood pals, and his long-term police partner, Detective Buck Fenwick, along with his wife. But hopes of tranquility are soon crushed when Turner intervenes in a scuffle between a group of First Nations teens and a local bully and his cohorts. In the days following the incident, Turner and company find themselves the object of a series of attacks, break-ins, and sabotage of their equipment. Unable to get the attention of the local police, the events continue to escalate, culminating in the local bully's dead body being found floating in the water near the dock of their houseboat. Making this not only one of the least relaxing vacations ever, but one of the deadliest.

The Only Good Priest: A Mystery (Tom & Scott Mysteries #3)

by Mark Richard Zubro

Father Sebastian, the only good priest everybody knows, is dead. Pastor of a parish outside Chicago, Father Sebastian was also involved in the gay community through his work with Faith, the gay Catholic organization the diocese is trying to drive out of the church.High school teacher Tom mason, who has gained some local notoriety from his involvement in a couple of murder cases, is asked by friends to look into the priest's death; was it murder? Along with his lover Scott Carpenter, a professional baseball player, Tom plunges into ecclesiastical intrigues, the hidden underground of gay Chicago and the tragedies caused by a hypocritical church.

Political Poison

by Mark Richard Zubro

Second Paul Turner mystery; gay detective with two children; sequel to Sorry Now.

The Principal Cause of Death

by Mark Richard Zubro

fourth Tom and scott mystery

The Principal Cause of Death: A Mystery (Tom & Scott Mysteries #4)

by Mark Richard Zubro

The Principal Cause of Death is the next entry in Mark Richard Zubro's Tom and Scott series. When gay high School teacher Tom Mason is accused of murdering the school principal, Tom and his partner, Scott Carpenter, need to catch the real murderer and clear Tom's name.Kirkus Reviews raves, "The school politics are dead-on" in this fourth installment in Zubro's Lamda Literary Award-winning series.

Schooled in Murder (Tom & Scott Mysteries #12)

by Mark Richard Zubro

Tom Mason, Chicago area high school teacher, has been teaching at Grover Cleveland High School for a while--long enough to loathe the faculty meetings and long enough to know that as bad as they are, they aren't fatal. Usually. Having had all he can take of the endless bickering, picking and factional disputes, he sneaks out of the meeting for a short break only to find the meeting over when he returns, the usual suspects having departed to the four winds. Having decided that this was a sign of his good fortune, he decides to see if the stockroom actually has the supplies he needs. What he finds there however is a trysting couple in the dark (one married, the other not) and, once the light is turned on, a dead body in the corner. The body is that of one of his colleagues who stormed out of the faculty meeting earlier, a blackboard eraser stuffed into her lifeless mouth. Having disappeared from the meeting at roughly the same time, Tom finds himself in the unwelcome position of prime suspect and with the help of his husband, former baseball player Scott Carpenter, he'll have to figure out who really killed the other teacher before the crime is pinned on him.

Sex And

by Mark Richard Zubro

Sixth Paul Turner mystery.

The Truth Can Get You Killed

by Mark Richard Zubro

The last thing that Chicago Police Detective Paul Turner wants to do on New Year's Day is investigate a murder. But when the body is that of a conservative, homophobic judge and it is found outside a popular gay nightclub, the task takes on a new urgency for him. Now Turner must unravel the threads connecting the unlikely victim to his unsuspected murder scene-and look for answers in the most unusual places.

Why Isn't Becky Twitchell Dead?

by Mark Richard Zubro

Second Tom/Scott mystery.

Career Counseling: Applied Concepts Of Life Planning

by Vernon G. Zunker

This successful and popular book has been completely updated to give you the most recent information on emerging theories, recent research, and current computer-assisted guidance programs in career counseling! Whether you are a counselor or a counselor-in-training, you'll appreciate the way Vernon Zunker presents practical techniques and real-life examples as he patiently helps you understand the theoretical models of career counseling and how to effectively counsel clients about career issues. In the Sixth Edition, you'll find Zunker's clear writing style and interesting exercises, as well as: *Five career counseling models with case illustrations *A new Chapter 8, "Self-Assessment and a Model for Using Assessment," which discusses the rationale for using self-assessment tools *A new Chapter 15, "Career Counseling for Gay, Lesbian, and Bisexual Clients," which helps familiarize you with the issues and needs of this client population *Theories of career development and counseling models-summarized in tables to help you study and prepare for the licensing examination *Web site information that points you to additional, reliable information online *And much more!

Körpermagie (Triade #2)

by Stefanie Zurek Poppy Dennison

Die Fortsetzung zu Magie der GedankenBuch 2 in der Serie - Triade Ein Rudel ist nur so stark wie sein schwächstes Mitglied. Rocky Harris weiß, wie das System funktioniert. Er hat sein ganzes Leben am untersten Ende der Hierarchie verbracht. Doch als sein Alpha ihn damit betraut, das Sicherheitssystem des High Moon Rudels auf den neuesten Stand zu bringen, gerät Rockys Weltbild gefährlich ins Wanken. Seit die Welpen während seines Wachdienstes entführt wurden, hat Cade Montgomerys Selbstbewusstsein arg gelitten. Er würde alles tun, um seine Familie zu beschützen, selbst wenn das bedeutet, mit Rocky zusammenzuarbeiten. Cade traut Rocky nicht, aber er weiß auch, dass die kontroverse Entscheidung des Rudelalphas, einen Magier zum Gefährten zu wählen, noch für Ärger sorgen wird. Dann erklärt jemand den Gestaltenwandlern den Krieg und plötzlich ist das gesamte Rudel in Gefahr. Cade und Rocky werden die Stärke des anderen brauchen, wenn sie die drohende Schlacht--und ihre wachsenden Gefühle für einander--überleben wollen.

Heat Wake

by Jason Zuzga

Mixing science with humor, humanity, whimsy and love, Jason Zuzga's debut collection is a revelation. In Heat Wake, the reader encounter natures in myriad forms, all crafted from the unusual perspective of a poet astonished by the world and at work among the queerness of life, the odd sweetness of other people, the city, nature, love, and humanity. The poems unfold amid the presence of stubborn rocks, the vast ocean and its shores, the intimate details of a suburban New Jersey landscape. The book's exuberant poems take a journey through time itself: the limited time of humans versus time evolutionary and geological. The poems present in rollicking, playful language and joyful imagery, glancing at the infinite and at the future imagined from the desert in Arizona to Mars. "Charming, witty, and science-y smart, these debut collection poems pop with volleys of youthful and wise acts, tactics, maneuvers, catastrophes, scenes, and did I mention love poems overrunning! --Jane Miller

Trans Historical: Gender Plurality before the Modern

Trans Historical explores the plurality of gender experiences that flourished before the modern era, from Late Antiquity to the eighteenth century, across a broad geographic range, from Spain to Poland and Byzantium to Boston. Refuting arguments that transgender people, experiences, and identities were non-existent or even impossible prior to the twentieth century, this volume focuses on archives—literary texts, trial transcripts, documents, and artifacts—that denaturalize gender as a category. The volume historicizes the many different social lives of sexual differentiation, exploring what gender might have been before modern medicine, the anatomical sciences, and the sedimentation of gender difference into its putatively binary form.The volume's multidisciplinary group of contributors consider how individuals, communities, and states understood and enacted gender as a social experience distinct from the assignment of sex at birth. Alongside historical questions about the meaning of sexual differentiation, Trans Historical also offers a series of diverse meditations on how scholars of the medieval and early modern periods might approach gender nonconformity before the nineteenth-century emergence of the norm and the normal. Contributors: Abdulhamit Arvas, University of Pennsylvania; Roland Betancourt, University of California, Irvine; M. W. Bychowski, Case Western Reserve University; Emma Campbell, Warwick University; Igor H. de Souza, Yale University; Leah DeVun, Rutgers University; Micah James Goodrich, University of Connecticut; Alexa Alice Joubin, George Washington University; Anna Kłosowska; Greta LaFleur; Scott Larson, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor; Kathleen Perry Long, Cornell University; Robert Mills, University College London; Masha Raskolnikov; Zrinka Stahuljak, UCLA.

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