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Closets Are for Clothes

by Addison Albright

Mike’s life is carefully compartmentalized. He’s deep in the closet to his family back in Kansas, but lives life honestly and openly in Austin. He’s unnerved when Wes, his old university crush, turns up at his door in answer to a roommate advertisement, but quickly sees the potential ... benefits of the arrangement. Wes has never doubted nor denied his sexuality. With the support of his family he’s an out and proud LGBT activist.On the scale balancing his self-esteem on one side, and the love of his family on the other, Mike has to decide which weighs more. Is Mike being fair to his parents by not giving them the chance to know his real self? When the delicate balance of his life is disrupted, he decides he’s tired of living a lie. Will Wes understand his concerns, or will their fledgling relationship crumble under the strain of Mike’s uncertainty?

The Contingency Plan

by Addison Albright

A sheltered prince. A sudden death. An unexpected choice. How will Prince Marcelo react to discovering he’s The Contingency Plan?For eighteen years, there has been peace between Sheburat and the kingdom of Zioneven. The untimely death of a princess throws the marriage arrangement -- the final phase to complete the terms of the treaty -- into disarray, and the contingency plan is put into motion. Now the Crown Prince of Zioneven gets to make his own choice from among the princess’s younger siblings.As a rare royal son in the matriarchal sovereignty of Sheburat, Prince Marcelo grew up knowing he would never marry. Never. Royal sons did not marry. Period. Except, Prince Efren isn’t from Sheburat, and he has other plans.

Cultivating Love

by Addison Albright

A man of few words, Joe is a hard-working farmhand who likes his simple, uncomplicated life. Ed is satisfied with his existence as an auto mechanic, but thrilled when an unexpected development in his life allows him to help Joe realize a dream.It forces them, however, to reevaluate the casual, undefined nature of their relationship. They’re too macho to speak of love, and neither would acknowledge he doesn’t really mind when it’s his turn to bottom. When life throws them a curve ball, and the rules of their game get old, Ed tries to take every aspect of their relationship up a notch. Can Joe adapt to the open sentimentality Ed’s injecting into their relationship, let alone the new spice in their bedroom activities?NOTE: This is a previously published story that has been rewritten, expanded, and re-edited.

Déjà Vu

by Addison Albright

Gavin and Matthew just want to get home to enjoy Christmas Eve in their safe, warm apartment. Should they walk or take a cab? But will either option do the trick when Victor, suffering from his holiday blahs, is determined to undermine this happy twosome at every turn?Years ago, Victor made the unfortunate mistake of coming out to his family on Christmas. Why couldn’t he have picked a random summer day? Can Victor’s husband Bryan pull him out of his gloomy mood in order to give the popular Gavin and Matthew the merry Christmas they deserve?

The Faction Box Set

by Addison Albright

A dying man, a chance for life. When the faction’s new recruit takes a misstep on his first solo outing as a vampire, Albert thinks his faction has controlled the fallout. Neil, née Phillip, is thankful for his new lease on life, but will give it all up if that will prevent his ex-boyfriend from having to pay for his mistake. This box set includes both books in Addison Albright’s best-selling M/M vampire duology.Contains the stories:The Recruit: Albert Manlii has walked this earth for many years and leads a faction of highly organized vampires carefully guarding the secret of their existence. Potential recruits are carefully selected and presented with an offer. Phillip Brewer has weeks to live -- if he lets his disease run its course. He doesn’t want to die, but will his desire to live outweigh his concerns about the vampires’ ethics?The Choice: Now that faction-leader Albert has a blood-mate, he finds himself second-guessing his decisions. Neil would be crushed knowing the mistake he’d made as a fledgling vampire led to human deaths, but Albert shouldn’t factor that into the difficult choices he must make. Will Albert’s indecision put the entire vampire establishment in danger? Or is redemption only a flamethrower away?

From This Day Forward (Vows #2)

by Addison Albright

Follow-up story to’Til Death Do Us PartHenry and Sam Miller-Greene are enjoying life in the summer after Henry’s rescue from a small South Pacific island, where Henry and three others were marooned for five years.Henry and Sam thought adopting Aiden -- the child with whom Henry had been stranded -- would be smooth sailing. Matters are complicated by the public nature of their rescue that has turned the survivors into overnight celebrities. Anti-gay-fueled animus rears its ugly head in the blogosphere, causing concerns over the impact libelous rumors might have on Aiden.With their nightmare separation behind them, Henry and Sam are anxious to renew both the intensity of their former intimacies -- now hampered by having a curious and still apprehensive child sharing their home -- and their commitment to one another. Will they be able to move their love forward now that they are together again?

King Kong vs. The Skinny Pirate

by Addison Albright

Blaine is a well-dressed, high priced attorney, and George is a hairy mountain of an auto mechanic. This odd couple meets up one evening on a slow night at a bar. The pickings are slim. Slim enough for these opposites to eyeball each other and ask themselves just how bad they want to get laid.Pleasantly surprised by the evening’s outcome, Blaine is faced with a dilemma. Should he throw caution to the wind and pursue George, or steer clear of that unexpected distraction to his carefully structured life.

Luck of the Draw

by Addison Albright

Drawing the short straw is bad luck ... isn’t it?A treaty between three warring realms calls for a mass wedding ceremony amongst their eligible princes and princesses to solidify the peace. But since the number of males and females differ, one of the marriages must be between two of the princes.Prince Obren of Canna draws the short straw, sealing his fate, and Prince Dukan of Butari volunteers to be the other half of the nontraditional marriage. The two princes fought nobly in the years-long war and are willing to do whatever it takes to finalize the treaty, ending the conflict that took the lives of their loved ones ... Obren’s brother and Dukan’s lover.Each harbors a dark secret, and King Rogan of Canna has long nurtured a deep hatred of Obren, blaming him for bringing home the deadly virus responsible for the untimely death of his much-adored wife. Obren and Dukan can’t deny their chemistry, but can they overcome the ugly truths complicating their path to a friendly, respectful, and -- dare they hope -- loving relationship? Will King Rogan stop at nothing to dash Obren’s chance at happiness, or does that short straw represent good luck, after all?

Of Rats and Cats

by Addison Albright

All he wanted to do was retrieve his newspaper, but Raymond is panic-stricken when a rat dashes through his open apartment door. No worries, though. Pandy is on the job! Except Kevin doesn’t want Raymond’s cat to eat his beloved pet ... mouse.Can Kevin rescue Corky before Pandy gets to her? Will Raymond’s upturned box of ... um ... personal toys and videos drive Kevin away, or will the pile of filigree undies Corky has burrowed into turn Kevin on?

Okay, Then (Hot Flash)

by Addison Albright

Prequel to ’Til Death Do Us PartOkay, then ... that's what Sam said after Henry convinced him he was interested in dating, not merely a fling while together on a research trip to the Solomon Islands. And so they embark on their first date, but the conditions are not ideal.Henry is desperate to convince his crush of his sincerity but second guesses his every move. He's thrilled to discover Sam is just as anxious to impress him. Can these two work through their first-date jitters or are they destined to drift apart?Note: This short story was originally published in the charity collection, Love Is Proud.

The Plans Trilogy Box Set

by Addison Albright

In this light fantasy world, four realms have settled into an uneasy peace. A surprise twist to a prearranged marriage agreement spawns this story of unexpected love, newfound courage, and heroic adventure. Join Princes Efren and Marcelo on their heart-warming journey as they sort through misleading twists and turns to defeat devious foes. Twice! Contains the stories: The Contingency Plan, The Best-Laid Plans, and Change of Plans.

The Recruit

by Addison Albright

Albert Manlii has walked this earth for more than two thousand years, but survival on his own was never easy. Now he leads a faction of highly organized vampires who carefully guard the secret of their existence. Unlike the old days, potential recruits are carefully selected and presented with an offer.Phillip Brewer has weeks to live -- if he lets his disease run its course. He doesn’t want to die, but given a choice, will his desire to live outweigh his concerns about the vampires’ ethics?When the new recruit’s missteps are cause for concern, can Albert control the fallout, or will Phillip’s life once again be torn apart?


by Addison Albright

Whatever your romance reading preference -- gay virgin, opposites attract, friends to lovers, or simply fun how-they-met stories -- this collection contains a variety of sweet, contemporary, short gay romances, sure to make you smile.Rewritten and re-edited, these stories were previously published singly and are available now in one collection!Contains the stories: Cow Pie Bingo, King Kong vs. The Skinny Pirate, Born to Be Wild, The Straggler, Now and Forever, Moving On, Moving Along, Dropping Quarters, Nevermore, Photo Shoot, and Okay, Then.

Til Death Do Us Part (Vows Ser. #1)

by Addison Albright

Henry and Sam Miller-Greene are living the dream. They love their careers -- which afford each of them opportunities to travel to exotic locations -- they love their home, Sam’s caring family, and each other. They disagree on the subject of adoption, but are fully committed to each other in marriage ...’Til Death Do Us Part.The dream is shattered when Henry’s plane crashes and he’s presumed dead. But four people -- Henry, two other men, and a child -- survive undetected on a remote, small, and insignificant island. Will Sam and Henry’s love be able to survive, as well?Henry fights to endure in harsh conditions, never knowing when disaster will strike. Sam struggles with his loss, but with help moves on with his life. Will Sam be able to put aside his new love when he reunites with Henry?

To Love and To Cherish (Vows #3)

by Addison Albright

Companion toTil Death Do Us PartJilted by his fiancé two weeks before their wedding, Nash Marino’s outlook on life in general, and love in particular, is jaded. After months of couch-surfing, Nash is fed up. He’s sick and tired of his living conditions, worn out by the demands of his nursing job, and despairs of ever finding love again. In fact, he doesn’t think he’s capable of true love. Monogamy, commitment, companionship, and regular sex ... that’s all he wants, and the sooner, the better.When Nash crosses paths with a like-minded man who’s also in need of a live-in nurse for a beloved relative, Nash figures all his problems are solved. But matters are complicated by a freak accident and amnesia. When Nash’s marriage of convenience scheme is muddied by notions of love after his memory reboot, will their plans go awry, or will Nash’s new outlook on life be just what the doctor ordered?

Vows Box Set (Vows Ser.)

by Addison Albright

Join Henry and Sam and an appealing supporting cast as they ride a rollercoaster of emotions when their lives are derailed before coming back on track, leaving Nash as collateral damage in the novel, Til Death Do Us Part, novelette From This Day Forward, and short story, Okay, Then. Nash takes an unusual path to his own HEA in To Love and To Cherish.Contains the stories:'Til Death Do Us Part: Henry and Sam Miller-Greene are living the dream, but their worlds are shattered when Henry's plane crashes and he's presumed dead. But Henry survives undetected on a remote, small, and insignificant island. Will Sam and Henry's love be able to survive, as well? When Henry and Sam face an accidental estrangement, and Henry is assumed dead, can their love endure the trials of one's fight for survival, and the other's new love interest? When Henry is rescued, will Sam be able to put aside his new love when he reunites with Henry?From This Day Forward: Henry and Sam are enjoying life after Henry's rescue. With their nightmare separation behind them, Henry and Sam are anxious to renew both the intensity of their former intimacies -- now hampered by having a curious and still apprehensive child sharing their home -- and their commitment to one another. Will they be able to move their love forward now that they are together again?Okay, Then: Sam and Henry's first date/encounter is mentioned in flashback in 'Til Death Do Us Part, but this short story fleshes it out. Relive the moment they first connect while on a research trip in Honiara in the Solomon Islands.To Love and To Cherish: Jilted by his fiancé Sam just weeks before their wedding, Nash Marino's outlook on life in general, and love in particular, is jaded. Will Nash find love again? Of course he will. Will he go about it in the usual way? Now that's another story entirely. When Nash's marriage of convenience scheme is muddied by notions of love after a memory reboot, will their plans go awry, or will Nash's new outlook on life be just what the doctor ordered?

Weekend at Bigfoot's

by Addison Albright

It wasn’t supposed to be REAL! Bigfoot doesn’t actually exist. Yetis, shifters, creatures of the night ... none of those exist. Right? Right?There’s nothing about perky -- some might even say twinky -- Oliver Hughes that would make a skeptic like Sensational News’ (Never Fake! We Swear!) reporter Wilson Banks think otherwise. But while pursuing soundbites for a tabloid story about Bigfoot, Wilson witnesses something he wasn’t meant to see.In Wilson’s new reality, is there room for love with someone whose dreams are as big as his ... er ... feet?This fun novella has a paranormal twist, a hint of mystery, and a flavorful dollop of romantic comedy. Mix it all together for a satisfying HEA!

When Are You?

by Addison Albright

They have to find him ... but how?A former member of an elite military special forces unit, Leo Bailey can handle anything life throws at him. Except maybe approaching a certain gorgeous, purple mohawk-wearing, heavily pierced artist. Not without his three eye-rolling wingmen along to push him in the right direction.One look at the mouthwateringly muscled, military buzzcut-sporting man with the endearing blush, and Vincent Noland is in love. Or at least in lust. Love comes later. Then marriage ... and sweet, adorable Oscar.Life is perfect -- the stuff of fairy tale happily ever afters -- except for Arthur Fletcher, whose unsettling reactions to them threaten to upset the happy balance of their lives. But it isn’t Arthur who throws their lives into turmoil.A freak event causes Oscar to go missing and leaves both men frantic to rescue their son. As they piece together the clues, they discover that Oscar isn’t somewhere. He’s somewhen. And Arthur Fletcher holds the key -- or rather the glass beads -- to their one chance of finding Oscar.Will Leo’s training, Vinnie’s determination, and Arthur’s knowledge help them find Oscar, or is the little boy doomed to spend the rest of his life at the mercy of a primitive civilization? Could there be a third possibility?

Brown on Brown: Chicano/a Representations of Gender, Sexuality, and Ethnicity

by Aldama Frederick Luis

In this book, Frederick Luis Aldama follows an entirely different approach. He investigates the ways in which race and gay/lesbian sexuality intersect and operate in Chicano/a literature and film while taking into full account their imaginative nature and therefore the specific kind of work invested in them. Also, Aldama frames his analyses within today's larger (globalized) context of postcolonial literary and filmic canons that seek to normalize heterosexual identity and experience. Throughout the book, Aldama applies his innovative approach to throw new light on the work of authors Arturo Islas, Richard Rodriguez, John Rechy, Ana Castillo, and Sheila Ortiz Taylor, as well as that of film director Edward James Olmos. In doing so, Aldama aims to integrate and deepen Chicano literary and filmic studies within a comparative perspective. Aldama's unusual juxtapositions of narrative materials and cultural personae, and his premise that literature and film produce fictional examples of a social and historical reality concerned with ethnic and sexual issues largely unresolved, make this book relevant to a wide range of readers.

Once More, With Feeling

by Alex Alder

Meet Chase Chavez: bartender, ex-law student, and unofficial matchmaker. Traumatized by a past breakup, Chase has spent the past three years compensating for his own loneliness by helping his friends find dates, but when he meets Bryan, he finds himself fighting emotions he never thought he'd face again. Bryan's belief in Chase and their relationship is unshakeable; Chase is feeling nothing but shaken. Can he risk it all and take the plunge, not knowing if Bryan will be there to catch him?

Russian Roulette

by Alex Alder

When the new neighbor first moves in, Jacob thinks everything is going to be perfect: Nate is smart, funny, gorgeous, and basically everything Jacob ever wanted wrapped up in a pretty green-eyed package. But when a string of horrific murders starts up in the city shortly after Nate's arrival, his new neighbor's quiet, reclusive nature starts to take on new meaning. Jacob could be falling in love with the serial killer next door, and he may very well have to risk everything he cares about in order to make it out alive.

Counseling LGBTI Clients

by Kevin G. Alderson

Counseling LGBTI Clients is a comprehensive, practical, easy-to-read guide for both emerging practitioners and current practitioners, LGBTI individuals, and those who know them. It combines theory, research and practice with a framework that focuses on challenging and changing beliefs and attitudes toward each LGBTI subgroup, gaining current knowledge about the subgroup, and empathetically developing skills to work effectively with the subgroup in a LGBTI-affirmative manner.

We, Too, Must Love

by Ann Aldrich

A literary lesbian landmark that &“will transport today&’s readers . . . to the 1950s homosexual scene&” (Marcia M. Gallo, author of Different Daughters). Three years after the publication of her groundbreaking 1955 bestseller, We Walk Alone, Ann Aldrich expanded on her journalistic portraits of lesbian subcultures in and around New York, in We, Too, Must Love. Inspired by the hundreds of letters she received by women from around the country (many reprinted here), Aldrich tackled questions of class division; explored the diverse careers lesbians held; guided readers through the social cliques and bar scenes; set the record straight on gay stereotypes; observed the differences among the &“Village,&” &“Uptown,&” and Brooklyn lesbian communities; and hinted at the growing consciousness that would fuel later lesbian and gay rights movements. We Walk Alone and We, Too, Must Love are, in effect, &“indispensable guides to a hidden world&” ( &“Simultaneously intimate and investigative, subjective and discerning&” (UTNE Magazine), &“Aldrich touched innumerable lives and gave hope to lesbians mired in a harsh and ignorant era. Read these books to learn what it was like back then, what we believed and how we made a start in the struggle against prejudice.&” —Ann Bannon, author of The Beebo Brinker Chronicles

We Walk Alone

by Ann Aldrich

The 1950s queer-life groundbreaker by &“a literary pioneer . . . [who] forever changed perceptions of same-sex love and desire&” ( Ann Aldrich flung a provocative assertion at her readers in 1955 when she opened her landmark account of lesbian life in New York City by saying this book was the &“result of fifteen years of participation in society as a female homosexual.&” After the release of We Walk Alone, Aldrich became both a heroine and a scapegoat in some of the period&’s most contentious public debates over what exactly &“lesbian culture&” was. Her non-fiction pulp literally transformed the landscape overnight, and &“the effect on women was electric. From every corner of creation, they wrote wrenching letters of relief and gratitude&” (Ann Bannon, author of The Beebo Brinker Chronicles). Part Kinsey-esque portraits of real people, part you-are-there reports on the scene in bars and offices and at clubs and house parties, We Walk Alone is revealing and compelling composite of an alienated yet amazingly self-aware community—one that Aldrich would revisit three years later in We, Too, Must Love. Today, &“these essential cultural artifacts&” (UTNE Magazine), as Stephanie Foote explains in her afterword, are &“as rich and conflicted a look at the formation of lesbian urban culture as that of any contemporary queer historian.&”

Colonialism and Homosexuality

by Robert Aldrich

Colonialism and Homosexuality is a thorough investigation of the connections of homosexuality and imperialism from the late 1800s - the era of 'new imperialism' - until the era of decolonization. Robert Aldrich reconstructs the context of a number of liaisons, including those of famous men such as Cecil Rhodes, E.M. Forster or André Gide, and the historical situations which produced both the Europeans and their non-Western lovers. Colonial lands, which in the late nineteenth and early twentieth century included most of Africa, South and Southeast Asia and the islands of the Pacific and Indian Oceans and the Caribbean, provided a haven for many Europeans whose sexual inclinations did not fit neatly into the constraints of European society. Each of the case-studies is a micro-history of a particular colonial situation, a sexual encounter, and its wider implications for cultural and political life. Students both of colonial history, and of gender and queer studies, will find this an informative read.

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