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The Secret Life of the Unborn Child: How You Can Prepare Your Baby for a Happy, Healthy Life

by Thomas Verny John Kelly

Using studies and personal experience, Verny discusses prenatal emotional development, awareness of sound, and evidence of cognitive ability.

No Visible Wounds: Identifying Non-Physical Abuse of Women by Their Men

by Mary Susan Miller

DOES YOUR PARTNER . . . * have sudden outbursts of anger or rage? * become jealous without reason? * prevent you from seeing friends and family? * deny you access to family assets such as bank accounts, credit cards, or the car? * control all finances and force you to account for what you spend? * insult you or call you derogatory names? * humiliate you in front of your children? * turn minor incidents into major arguments? If you or someone you know can answer "yes" to the questions above, chances are you are suffering from nonphysical battering--controlling, tyrannical behavior that is just as damaging to a woman's self-esteem as a broken bone or a black eye. An experienced counselor who works with abused women, Mary Susan Miller breaks the silence that surrounds this devastating form of domestic violence. She identifies the many types of nonphysical abuse verbal, emotional, psychological, social, and economic--and explores why this outrageous treatment of women continues unabated in our society. Dr. Miller also shares the stories of many survivors who have escaped their abusive relationships. Their experiences--with law enforcement, the legal system, and the community itself--can help prepare any woman for the decision of whether to stay or leave the relationship. And if she decides to go, Dr. Miller offers sound guidelines on how to protect herself and her children, since a woman's decision to leave is usually the time she is in the most danger from her abuser. Finally, Dr. Miller inspires hope: You can break free of the nightmare of nonphysical battering and heal, once again engaging in a life of integrity, dignity, and peace.

Making Us Crazy: The Psychiatric Bible and the Creation of Mental Disorders

by Herb Kutchins Stuart A. Kirk

The authors map the complex, quirky history of the DSM, often called the "psychiatric Bible" from its inception in the early 1950s to the present. They show that the DSM has been used and misused to shape social policy toward people with mental illnesses. The DSM has also been highly subject to political currents. Specific "diagnoses" such as homosexuality, borderline personality, and post-traumatic stress disorder are discussed in depth as illustrations.

The Soul of Sex: Cultivating Life as an Act of Love

by Thomas Moore

IN OUR AGE OF SCIENCE AND PSYCHOLOGY it's tempting to think of human sexuality in terms of biology and interpersonal relationships. But this new book by Thomas Moore regards sex as an experience of the soul and emphasizes the themes of fantasy, desire, meaning, and morality. In The Soul of Sex, Moore turns especially to religion, mythology, literature, rites, stories, and visual imagery that see in sex some of the most profound mysteries of life. He finds spirituality inherent in sex and at the same time explores the many ways in which spiritual values can sometimes wound our sexuality. He recommends chastity and celibacy for everyone-as aspects of sexuality and not only as literal lifestyles-and presents them as a means of developing a sensuous spirituality. The Soul of Sex also establishes the principle that one can't have a fully satisfying sex life in a world that is asexual and antierotic. Thomas Moore recommends many ways in which society could tone down its moralism and create a public life that is erotic, one that affirms desire and pleasure. He sees widespread attention to sex in the media as a symptom of our failure to find a positive place for sex in the culture, and he spells out an Epicurean way of life in which the simple, deep pleasures of good food, friends, family, home, and intimacy with nature provide an appropriate erotic base for a fulfilling sex life. This is a book for any individual of any gen der or lifestyle who is trying to integrate sex into them to explore their sexuality with honesty, appropriate emotional complexity, civility, and comfort. Moore argues that sex should be at the center of life and at the top of our priorities and if we don't give sex its due, it will haunt and consume us. But when sex has soul, deep pleasure and meaning find a common home, and in that sense this book is a sex manual for the soul.

Clear Your Clutter with Feng Shui

by Karen Kingston

Karen Kingston, pioneer of a branch of Feng Shui known as Space Clearing, expertly guides you through the liberating task of clutter clearing. You will learn: Why you keep clutter How to clear clutter from your body, mmind and spirit How to identify and clear clutter How to stay clutter-free

Bailey By My Side: Golden Lessons for Life

by Patricia Burlin Kennedy

From The Book Jacket: "She taught me that insights come when we connect with our hearts; and that its not the size of the house that matters, but the love that dwells within." Bailey is a very special Golden Retriever. She is a dog with a heart of gold who constantly watches over her household, quietly monitoring comings and goings while keeping a vigil at the bottom of the stairs each night, until every one of her charges is safely at home and tucked into bed. Bailey also teaches her people the virtues of patience and dedication. With quiet wisdom, she turns her attention to whoever will benefit the most from her compassionate brown eyes and wagging tail. In her own unassuming way, Bailey gives of her time and energy to lift the burdens of those around her. Bailey's most important lesson of all, however, is that simple mercies are reward enough-to both giver and recipient.

Curious George Goes to the Hospital

by Margret Rey H. A. Rey

Curious George wakes up with a tummy ache. When doctor Baker examines the little monkey, he says that George must go to the hospital for some tests. While in the hospital, George gets his tummy trouble fixed up but he also gets into some trouble and makes other children laugh. This is an excellent book to acquaint children with what it can be like to be in a hospital. Information concerning procedures is accurate. Other books about Curious George are also available from Bookshare.

Help I'm Hurting

by Bill Oswalt

This book talks about the concept of sanctification and the biblical concept of rewards.

101 Ways to Protect Your Children

by Chris Harris

Suggestions to help parents teach children how to avoid becoming a victim of crime.

Nurse's Night Before Christmas

by David Davis

"Chart notes were hung on the wall with great care Our work load was heavy and break times were rare When outside the doors I herd such a din I called up the guard to see who'd backed in"

T'ai Chi for Seniors: How to Gain Flexibility, Strength, and Inner Peace

by Philip Bonifonte

Guide to T'ai Chi and Qigong exercises, plus overview on Taoist philosophy, as it relates to T'ai Chi.

The Secret To Low Carb Success!: How To Get The Most Out Of Your Low Carbohydrate Diet

by Laura Richard

Low carbohydrate living is easier than you think, and the results can be impressive. But the sheer volume of reduced carbohydrate diet programs can make it difficult to discover which is the best for you. Finally, there's help! Author Laura Richard is a registered nurse who struggled for years to find her own solution to constant dieting. In this well-researched and informative book, updated to include the latest expert advice and diet resources, she discusses all the major programs available, guiding you through the benefits and pitfalls of each and showing you exactly how to create a low carbohydrate lifestyle that works for you. She tells you exactly what to expect from your low carb diet, and relates advice and personal success stories from low carb dieters who have changed their bodies and their lives forever. She teaches you how to harness the power of the Internet for valuable support and insight, and provides you with the research that confirms the benefits of the low carb life. Find out how simple changes to your sleep habits, fluid intake, and daily habits can speed weight loss, and learn how to use the power of low carb dieting to eat less, prevent binges, and break those inevitable plateaus. Not just another diet book, THE SECRET TO LOW CARB SUCCESS! sets you on the road to healthy weight loss, while giving you a better chance for long-term success.

The Astonishing Hypothesis: The Scientific Search for the Soul

by Francis Crick

Nobel Laureate Francis Crick boldly stradles the line between science and spirituality by examining the soul from the standpoint of a modern scientist.

Aphrodite's Daughters: Women's Sexual Stories and the Journey of the Soul

by Jalaja Bonheim

HOW DOES A WOMAN'S SEXUAL EXPERIENCE AFFECT HER SPIRITUAL UNFOLDING? Join Jalaja Bonheim on a fascinating journey of exploration as she invites dozens of women from a wide range of spiritual traditions and backgrounds to tell the stories of their sexual experiences. By sharing our stories, and by contemplating them in the context of the spiritual journey, we begin to heal centuries of repression and shame and rediscover the innocence and beauty of sexual pleasure. The stories gathered in this extraordinary book open our eyes to the rarely acknowledged power of sexual experience to serve as spiritual teacher and guide. Reflecting upon love and lust, sex and marriage, wounding and healing, women on the spiritual path share their most intimate erotic secrets with astounding honesty, courage, and passion. Aphrodite's Daughters sends a strong, persuasive message that it is time to honor sex as a sacred, soul-making force. No matter what a woman's experience has been, this book will transform the way she feels about her sexual journey. A must read for every man and woman on the spiritual path.

The Nature of the New Mind

by J. Krishnamurti

The third volume in the "Selections from the Decades" series and consists of 23 public talks.

The Inflammation Syndrome: The Complete Nutritional Program To Prevent And Reverse Heart Disease, Arthritis, Diabetes,Allergies, And Asthma

by Jack Challem

What is the Inflammation Syndrome? It's the cumulative effect of low-grade inflammation -including the aches and pains that we all experience-that grows into chronic, debilitating disease. The Inflammation Syndrome breaks down your body, making you feel old, tired, and sick. Triggered by inflammatory foods in your diet, the Inflammation Syndrome wreaks havoc on your health, paving the way for such serious diseases as heart disease, diabetes, Syndrome X, obesity, arthritis, allergies, asthma-even some cancers. Written by the best-selling coauthor of the groundbreaking Syndrome X, the book that helped bring the attention of the public to insulin resistance and the diabetes epidemic, The Inflammation Syndrome is the first major book to describe the broad role inflammation plays in disease-and to show you how to reverse and heal it. Drawing on the cutting-edge research being done all over the world-research that has led to the successful treatment of many people who were considered unbeatable or incurable by conventional medicine-Jack Challem provides a revolutionary approach to healing inflammation through an easy-to-follow nutritional program. Challem includes quizzes and tests to assess inflammation levels and risks; anti-Inflammation Syndrome recipes and menu plans; and easy ways to use healthy fats and other nutrients to quench the fires of inflammation. Challem reveals many of the hidden dangers in foods that set the stage for inflammation, causing aches, pains, and allergic reactions and increasing the long-term risk of life- threatening diseases. He shares the latest information on the problems with conventional prescription and over-the- counter anti-inflammatory drugs. He also offers dramatic case histories of patients treated by nutritionally oriented practitioners and up-to-the-minute information on and dosage recommendations for the best natural anti-inflammation supplements, such as fish oils, vitamin E, herbs, and many other natural remedies. Providing a powerful plan to safely prevent and overcome inflammatory disorders, The Inflammation Syndrome shows just how easy it can be to take charge of one's diet and health-and to feel great.

Altars: Bringing Sacred Shrines into Your Everyday Life

by Denise Linn

TFrom the book: he urge to create sacred spaces is so deep in the human psyche that we often create them unconsciously. A gathering of photos on a piano, an arrangement of personal objects on a desk or fireplace mantel, are perhaps outer manifestations of an inner desire to establish hallowed and holy spaces in our environment. Denise Linn, the internationally acclaimed author of Sacred Space, speaks directly to this primal longing for sacred places. In Altars, she demonstrates in photos and text how you can enrich your home or office by creating unique shrines for healing and contemplation. Beautifully illustrated and thoroughly practical, Altars shows how to Create personal altars for devotion, transitions in life, manifestation, and love Choose the optimum place to locate your home altar, according to the points of the compass and the ancient principles of feng shui Select altar objects that are particularly suited to your special needs Purify yourself and your altars with incense, prayers, drumming, and chanting Everyone who yearns to enter into the mysterious and wondrous realms, to infuse ordinary moments with sacred meaning, will find a great abundance of beauty, inspiration, and wisdom in this unique book. Renowned lecturer, author, and visionary Denise Linn has researched spiritual practices from cultures throughout the world for more than twenty-nine years. Calling upon this wealth of knowledge, she originated the unique and groundbreaking feng shui system Interior Alignment . Her synthesis of practical information and spirituality has had a deep impact on thousands of participants worldwide. She is also the author of nine books, including Sacred Legacies, The Secret Language of Signs, Quest, and the international bestseller Sacred Space. Includes appendices which explain the meanings (traditionally) of items frequently used on altars: stones, shells, flowers, herbs and more.

Voice for the Mad: The Life of Dorothea Dix

by David Gollaher

This is a comprehensive biography of a nearly forgotten social reformer of the 19th century. After her own experience with depression and recovery, Dorothea Dix became a passionate champion of the "moral treatment" popular in Europe. In her native Massachusetts she documented the horrific treatment that was the lot of most people with mental illness, and petitioned the legislature to establish asylums that would provide loving care. Dix took her crusade across the country, and for a time her work transformed psychiatric care. Gollaher describes Dix's public persona and delves into her often troubled private life as well.

Simple Abundance: A Daybook of Comfort and Joy

by Sarah Ban Breathnach

A year of brief daily meditations for women, covering everything from spirituality to fashion to stress-management, to food and home decorating.

No More Water In The Tub!

by Tedd Arnold

From the Book jacket: Leave the faucet on another minute, then no more water in the tub!" William's mother warns him as he prepares for his nightly bath. But when the faucet breaks, William and his tub are suddenly sent swooping through the building! Happily surfing in and out of his neighbors' apartments, William collects a strange fleet in his wake-from Uncle Nash, who sits in the trash, to Little Dottie, who sails the potty. Who will William carry off next? "Full of amusing detail that will keep young readers coming back again and again." -School Library Journal Tedd Arnold is the author and illustrator of many books for children, including No Jumping on the Bed!, The Signmaker's Assistant, Green Wilma, and most recently, Parts.

Children Mourning, Mourning Children

by Kenneth J. Doka

From the book: We [Hospice Foundation]aimed to produce something between a popular self-help book and an academic tome, a readable book directed primarily at caregivers, but which might also benefit a family dealing with a pediatric-related problem of grief and bereavement. We hope that Children Mourning, Mourning Children will find an audience beyond those who receive it at the teleconference.. We look forward to its continued use in training, counselling, and study." This book includes information to guide adults in answering both the questions of terminally ill children and those who know them. A useful resource for families, caregivers, and social service professionals.

Cunningham's Encyclopedia of Magical Herbs (second edition)

by Scott Cunningham

Nature has provided a veritable magical pantry in the plants which grow all over our planet. Since ancient times these plants have been used in magic- the practice of causing change by natural (albeit little-understood) powers. Though the medicinal properties of plants are fairly well-known-many of the most widely prescribed drugs are synthesized versions of substances originally derived from plants-their occult powers are less accessible. Much of their magic still lies in the shadow of secrecy. Our ancestors knew that plants had mysterious, magical powers. Although the magic in herbs has been forgotten by many, it has never disappeared. Return to the days when nature spirits dwelled in sacred groves and fairies danced in flower gardens. Inside this book you'll find magical uses for hundreds of plants: String a garland of marigolds above your door to keep evil from entering your home. Bury vervain around your house and in your house plants-wealth will flow and the plants will thrive. Carry a bag of orris root to attract love. Drink rosebud tea before bed to induce prophetic dreams. - Cunningham's Encyclopedia of Magical Herbs is a treasury of herb wisdom and lore from the Old and New Worlds. This comprehensive guidebook has all the information you need to practice magical herbalism. Tap into the power of plants and watch your magic blossom!

Ring the Night Bell: the Autobiography of a Surgeon

by Paul B. Magnuson

Very readable, entertaining, fascinating historical facts about the early years of the Veterans Administration and medicine before 1950.

Taming Tension

by W. Phillip Keller

With his usual compassionate and conversational style, Keller talks about tension: its causes, its affects, and what we can do about it. His advice is practical, well-researched, and always based on Biblical principles. An excellent book for anyone who is (or expects to be) feeling stress-out.

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