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Libro di Cucina per una Dieta Alcalina: Ricette Deliziose per iniziare a Perdere Peso

by Bethany Annear Federica Contini

Questo libro non solo provvede, passo dopo passo, informazioni sulla dieta, ma anche un'infinità di ricette di cui hai bisogno. Sei pronto a perdere peso e a reclamare la tua salute? Se vuoi seguire la Dieta Acida Alcalina, dovresti concentrarti sulle tue abitudini alimentari. La dieta Alcalina ha molti benefici e il Libro Di Ricette Per La Dieta Alcalina ti aiuterà a prendere il controllo del tuo livello di pH nel tuo organismo. In questo libro troverai ricette deliziose. Le ricette sono date con istruzioni complete e il tuo lavoro sarà semplice. Questo libro contiene 25 ricette buonissime con immagini e istruzioni semplici. Puoi provare qualsiasi ricetta senza alcun problema e ottenere i risultati desiderati. Puoi ridurre il peso, le possibilità di avere il cancro e diminuirai le possibilità di avere numerosi problemi di salute. Questo libro può essere una guida veloce per te, quindi scaricalo e segui le sue ricette. Devi usare ingredienti freschi per poter trarre il massimo beneficio dalle ricette di questo libro. Ogni ricetta è cautelativamente ideata per migliorare la tua salute e proteggere il tuo organismo dagli elementi tossici. Questo libro offre: •Ricette per Colazioni Alcaline •Ricette per Pranzi Alcalini •Ricette per Cene Alcaline •Snack Alcalini per il Tè del Pomeriggio •Ricette per Dolci Alcalini Apprenderai le seguenti nozioni: •Cos'è una Dieta Alcalina? •Cos'è il PH? •Benefici di una dieta alcalina •Esempi di Cibi Acidi, Alcalini e Neutri •I cibi alcalini da mangiare e quelli da evitare •Installare l'App e salvare il contenuto su una scheda SD •Ricette per la Colazione •Ricette per il Pranzo •Ricette per la Cena •E tanto altro! Scarica questo libro e impara a conoscere la Lista dei Cibi Alcalini e r

Libro di ricette chetogeniche: ricette facili e veloci per un rapido dimagrimento (Dieta Chetogenica)

by Tom Prescott Cecilia Badiali

Per essere più felice e più sano inizia già da oggi! Sei stanco di sentirti fuori forma? Vuoi iniziare una dieta che ti permetterà di cambiare la tua vita per sempre? Il libro di ricette chetogeniche: ricette facili e veloci per un rapido dimagrimento è una guida eccellente per coloro che vogliono perdere peso e diventare più magri in breve tempo. Al giorno d'oggi l'immagine è la prima cosa che salta all'occhio, dunque dovremmo prendercene più cura. Non solo per l'impressione che lasciamo sugli altri ma anche per avere una vita salutare e migliorarne la qualità. Scenderemo nei dettagli nel libro, per ora dai un'occhiata generale a cosa offre questo libro: •La dieta chetogenica e i suoi infiniti benefici •Ricette chetogeniche per la colazione •Ricette chetogeniche per il pranzo •Ricette chetogeniche per la cena Fai il primo passo verso un nuovo te e una nuova vita accaparrandoti qusto libro.

Life Lessons: 125 Prayers and Meditations

by Julia Cameron

In her signature compassionate voice that has won over the hearts of millions, Julia Cameron offers a collection of inspiring and encouraging messages to help you notice the beauty of life, trust the unfolding of events and know that you being looked after and protected, no matter what is happening.All too often we yearn for a more spiritual life but tell ourselves it's too difficult. But the smallest prayer is heard and answered. The simplest overture meets with a loving response. Each of the prayers in this book is a starting point. Taken collectively, they offer an approach to the Divine that is powerful as well as simple. These prayers not only allow us to reach out to God, but they allow the Divine Energy to reach out to us.The book is called Life Lessons because each entry is a corrective to commonly held misconceptions of the divine. Like the postures assumed in hatha yoga, they stretch us gently. Through these prayers, we learn more of ourselves and the divine.

Lifelong Yoga: Maximizing Your Balance, Flexibility, and Core Strength in Your 50s, 60s, and Beyond

by Alexandra Desiato Roy Williams Sage Rountree

Yoga offers vital tools for healthy aging: strength, flexibility, balance, and peace of mind. In this one-of-a-kind book, Sage Rountree and Alexandra DeSiato describe the poses and routines that can help keep people of any age fit and injury free. In addition to demonstrating simple ways to maintain and even increase our ability to be active into our 50s, 60s, and beyond, the authors—both yoga teachers with decades of experience—offer poses and routines aimed toward specific goals, such as improving balance, maintaining strength and flexibility, and recovering properly between workouts. Each fully illustrated sequence is introduced with a brief overview of its benefits, along with modifications and options suited to individual requirements. Rountree and DeSiato also offer sequences that help support specific activities such as running, swimming, or golf, as well as yard work, travel, and caring for grandchildren. An essential and easy-to-follow guide, Lifelong Yoga offers key practices for maintaining and improving physical and mental well-being throughout a lifetime.

Life's Little Instruction Book: Wise Words for Modern Times

by Summersdale Publishers

When life surprises us – with joy, with sadness, with bafflement, with the whole rainbow of human emotion – we often need a simple reminder to help us gain perspective, to provide comfort, companionship, and a compass when we are lost. This book is a treasure trove of powerful, pragmatic advice to help you face life head on.

Lifestyle Sports and Public Policy (Routledge Research in Sport, Culture and Society)

by Daniel Turner Sandro Carnicelli

Lifestyle Sports and Public Policy is the first book to develop a comprehensive understanding of the interplay between lifestyle sports and the public policy environment which frames and regulates them. Drawing on a wide range of lifestyle sports from across the globe, including parkour, skateboarding, mountain biking and climbing, it identifies the critical issues facing practitioners and policymakers as these sports become increasingly popular. Part I examines public sector bodies that provide lifestyle sports opportunities to the public, either through funding partners or by managing facilities themselves. Part II looks at the use of lifestyle sports to promote policy agendas such as improving public health, while Part III considers the impact of public sector regulatory actions on the lifestyle sports industry. Each part contains case studies which investigate a policy issue from the perspective of a different lifestyle sport, including some sports which have traditionally been under-represented such as rodeo and curling. This book is a valuable resource for anyone with an interest in lifestyle sports, leisure studies, sport tourism, leisure management or sport policy.

Lifetime Physical Fitness and Wellness: A Personalized Program

by Wener W. K. Hoeger Sharon A. Hoeger

LIFETIME PHYSICAL FITNESS AND WELLNESS can help you take control of your personal fitness and wellness by providing current, practical information and tools to make positive choices for your health. The authors encourage you to assess your current behaviors in order to apply the practical steps you learn in the text to start positive behavior changes. The text's unique design integrates activities throughout each chapter to relate the content to your own life and provides dynamic visuals and descriptive examples to help you visualize important concepts. Use the robust, online resources to extend your learning beyond the classroom and reinforce key concepts through research activities, online labs, and a behavior change planner. Feel empowered to make positive changes and improve your health with LIFETIME PHYSICAL FITNESS AND WELLNESS.

The Lifetimes When Jesus and Buddha Knew Each Other: A History of Mighty Companions

by Gary R. Renard

Two and a half decades ago, Ascended Master Teachers Arten and Pursah appeared to Gary Renard and held a series of conversations with him that elaborated on the teachings of two spiritual classics, The Gospel of Thomas and A Course in Miracles. Gary immortalized what he learned in the books of his best-selling series: The Disappearance of the Universe, Your Immortal Reality, and Love Has Forgotten No One. This fourth book is a companion to the original trilogy, yet written to stand alone, an invitation for new readers into this fascinating work.This book explores six of the lifetimes in which the incarnations of Jesus and Buddha lived together, beginning in 700 B.C. when they were known as Saka and Hiroji. Arten and Pursah, through the spiritual lessons that Jesus and Buddha learn on their path, clarify the difference between duality and nonduality. When you are able to internalize these lessons, you will be saved countless years in your spiritual development.

Lifted: 28 Days to Focus Your Mind, Strengthen Your Body, and Elevate Your Spirit

by Myatt Murphy Holly Rilinger

The first fitness program to combine the benefits of mindfulness with the amazingly fast, effective results of high-intensity interval training (HIIT) Transform your life with fitness and meditation and get LIFTED in mind, body, and spirit!There's a secret to a successful fitness program: you won't feel truly satisfied with your results until your mind and spirit are as strong as your body. That's why Holly Rilinger created LIFTED, the first program to combine the mental and emotional benefits of meditation with the amazingly fast results of HIIT. This four-week program trains you to LIFT yourself higher than ever before, with: Equipment-free cardio and strength workouts to melt fat and sculpt muscleGoal-setting and positive thinking exercises to overcome physical and mental challengesGuided meditation sessions to enhance mental clarityEasy, delicious recipes to nourish your body and support your workoutsThis powerful 28-day program will show you how to define your passions, focus on your goals, and commit to daily movement and meditation.

The Light That Shines through Infinity: Zen and the Energy of Life

by Dainin Katagiri Andrea Martin

A Zen Buddhist perspective on the universal flow of cosmic energy and how to incorporate that energy into one's life and spiritual practice--from one of the most revered figures in American Zen.The universe is alive with a dynamic energy that creates and sustains our lives. It surrounds us, flows through us, and is available to us in every moment. Spiritual practice, according to Dainin Katagiri Roshi, is about aligning ourselves with this ever-present life force--sometimes referred to as chi, qi, or ki. This collection, edited from his talks, focuses on cosmic energy as it relates to all aspects of Zen practice. With references to classic texts and personal stories that bring the teachings to life, The Light That Shines through Infinity is also a powerful antidote to the notion that practice is in some way about transcending the world around us. It is in fact about nothing other than relating to it compassionately and whole-heartedly.

Lisa Riley's Honesty Diet: Change your life in just 8 days

by Lisa Riley

Start your weight-loss journey with Lisa Riley's simple, honest and fuss-free diet plan that will help you cultivate the right mindset for a truly rewarding wellness journey'Officially the cheapest way to lose weight' PRIMA________You can feel and look great the simple way with Lisa Riley as she lets us in on the secrets behind her incredible 12-stone weight loss.After years of wearing size-30 clothes and convincing herself she was 'fat but happy', Lisa Riley finally took control of her body and shed a remarkable 12 stone.Healthier, infinitely happier and proud of her slim new figure, Lisa now reveals how she lost all that weight and - more importantly - kept it off. Lisa knows that if she can do it, anyone can.The very first thing she had to tackle was her thinking, and in this book you'll discover the strategies that helped her get honest with herself and stay on track. Inside Lisa shares:· A simple 8-day eating plan to kick things off· Fast, easy, delicious low-carb recipes· An 'honesty diary' section for keeping track of progress and motivating yourself· Tips for staying healthy when on-the-go and eating out· Everyday fitness ideas that anyone can doWith Lisa's help, you can put the fibs and excuses behind you, kick those bad habits and achieve the body and health you've always dreamed of.________What readers say about Lisa Riley's Honesty Diet . . .'I loved the food, the simplicity of the meals and the plan . . . It has changed my outlook on eating and losing weight, my portion size and my body size' Vivien'I have a dress which I last wore 3 years ago . . . today I tried the same outfit and whizzed the zip up and down. It was comfortable and a little loose! I'm with Lisa every step of my journey' Elaine'I learnt that I am a lot stronger and more determined than I thought I was and I DO have the willpower! I LOVE IT!' Louise

Listening to Ayahuasca: New Hope for Depression, Addiction, PTSD, and Anxiety

by Rachel Harris

Used for thousands of years by indigenous tribes of the Amazon rain forest, the mystical brew ayahuasca is now becoming increasingly popular in the West. Psychologist Rachel Harris here shares her own healing experiences and draws on her original research (the largest study of ayahuasca use in North America) into the powerful medicine’s effects on depression, addiction, PTSD, and anxiety. In this wide-ranging and personal exploration, Harris details ayahuasca’s risks and benefits, helping readers clarify their intentions and giving psychotherapists a template for transformative care and healing.

A Little Bit of Meditation: An Introduction to Mindfulness (Little Bit Series #7)

by Amy Leigh Mercree

From a holistic health expert, an easy-to-use, informative introduction to one of today’s most popular spiritual practices: meditation.A great place to start on your mindfulness journey, this book explores the history of meditation and its origins as well as its practical applications. In addition to outlining how meditation can improve the quality of your life, Amy Leigh Mercree covers different forms of the practice, from mantra meditations to moving meditations.Meditation is a proven method of finding calm and coping with our crazy world. Amy Leigh Mercree explores the history of this ancient practice as well as its practical applications—including decreased anxiety and a more contented life. In addition to outlining the physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual ramifications of meditating, she includes a selection of easy-to-follow guided meditations.

A Little Bit of Wicca: An Introduction to Witchcraft (Little Bit Series #8)

by Cassandra Eason

From an acclaimed author on witchcraft, an easy-to-use, informative guide to Wicca for beginners.Wicca is growing in popularity, and Cassandra Eason—much admired for her writing on spiritual subjects—takes a look at its origins, its uses in everyday life, and its gods and goddesses. She explains how magick functions; how to use it in everyday life; how to create an altar and what tools you’ll need; how to make your own spells, rituals, and chants; how to find a coven, and so much more!

The Little Book of Astrology

by Marion Williamson

The Little Book of Astrology delves into each of the astrological signs and shows you how to interpret the cosmos, not only day-to-day but far ahead into the future. Let this book shine a light on how the stars can reveal a deeper understanding of yourself and others.

The Little Book of Astrology

by Marion Williamson

The Little Book of Astrology delves into each of the astrological signs and shows you how to interpret the cosmos, not only day-to-day but far ahead into the future. Let this book shine a light on how the stars can reveal a deeper understanding of yourself and others.

The Little Book of Chakras: Balance your subtle energy for health, vitality, and harmony

by Patricia Mercier

The chakras are vibrant, coloured energy wheels or centres of spiritual power, located within the subtle body, through which our life energy flows.This beautifully illustrated little book will help you to awaken your chakras to improve your physical health, balance energies and resolve physical, emotional and spiritual issues. With detailed descriptions of the chakras and their associations and easy-to follow exercises and activities, you will learn how to work with each of these powerful centres of energy to enhance all aspects of your life.

The Little Book of Dream Symbols: The Essential Guide to Over 700 of the Most Common Dreams

by Jacqueline Towers

Did you know that a dream about a blanket can either be a warning to guard your investments or a sign that you can expect financial gain—depending on the context? Or that a dream about lightening generally precedes good luck? <P><P>From the time Jacob dreamt of a ladder to heaven, through the era of Freud and Jung, right up to the findings of the latest sleep research, the wise have believed that dreams hold important secrets. In this A–Z dictionary of dream symbols, a psychic counselor applies both traditional and scientific approaches to provide a handy key to what your dreams are saying. From anchor to zebra, all dream symbols are analyzed, showing how they bring us messages, reveal our hidden wishes and mental states, and even foretell our future. Readers everywhere will use this little book to learn what their subconscious is trying to communicate. <P><P>Examples of dreams and their meanings: <P><P>Alligator: Treachery and secret enemies are about <P><P>Garlic: You are on the way up and will achieve wealth <P><P>Snakes: Forthcoming problems and deceit <P><P>Vermin: Petty irritations <P><P>Cancer: A long life, if you don’t overdo it! <P><P>Parking: Time to wind down a relationship <P><P>This little dictionary is an ideal reference for your nightstand. When you wake from sleep, quickly refer to this book and discover the meaning of your dreams.

The Little Book of Hygge

by Elias Larsen Jonny Jackson

Hygge – the now familiar Danish word for warmth, cosiness, peace and harmony – is something we all aspire to. This charming little book, filled with comforting quotes and simple tips, will help you kindle this cosiness in your own life. Light a candle, snuggle up and celebrate the things that make life good.

The Little Book of Hygge

by Elias Larsen Jonny Jackson

Hygge – the now familiar Danish word for warmth, cosiness, peace and harmony – is something we all aspire to. This charming little book, filled with comforting quotes and simple tips, will help you kindle this cosiness in your own life. Light a candle, snuggle up and celebrate the things that make life good.

The Little Book of Ikigai: The secret Japanese way to live a happy and long life

by Ken Mogi

AS HEARD ON THE STEVE WRIGHT SHOW'FORGET HYGGE. IT'S ALL ABOUT IKIGAI (THAT'S JAPANESE FOR A HAPPY LIFE)' The TimesFind out how to live a long and happy life thanks to the ikigai miracle, a Japanese philosophy that helps you find fulfilment, joy and mindfulness in everything you do.It is extraordinary that Japanese men's longevity ranks 4th in the world, while Japanese women's ranks 2nd. But perhaps this comes as no surprise when you know that the Japanese understanding of ikigai is embedded in their daily life and in absolutely everything that they do. In their professional careers, in their relationships with family members, in the hobbies they cultivate so meticulously. Ken Mogi identifies five key pillars to ikigai:Pillar 1: Starting smallPillar 2: Releasing yourselfPillar 3:Harmony and sustainabilityPillar 4:The joy of little thingsPillar 5:Being in the here and nowThe Japanese talk about ikigai as 'a reason to get up in the morning'. It is something that keeps one's enthusiasm for life going, whether you are a cleaner of the famous Shinkansen bullet train, the mother of a newborn child or a Michelin-starred sushi chef. The Five Pillars at the heart of everything they do.But how do you find your own ikigai? How does ikigai contribute to happiness? Neuroscientist and bestselling Japanese writer Ken Mogi provides an absorbing insight into this way of life, incorporating scientific research and first-hand experience, and providing a colourful narrative of Japanese culture and history along the way.

The Little Book of Ikigai: The secret Japanese way to live a happy and long life

by Ken Mogi

AS HEARD ON THE STEVE WRIGHT SHOW'FORGET HYGGE. IT'S ALL ABOUT IKIGAI (THAT'S JAPANESE FOR A HAPPY LIFE)' The TimesFind out how to live a long and happy life thanks to the ikigai miracle, a Japanese philosophy that helps you find fulfilment, joy and mindfulness in everything you do.It is extraordinary that Japanese men's longevity ranks 4th in the world, while Japanese women's ranks 2nd. But perhaps this comes as no surprise when you know that the Japanese understanding of ikigai is embedded in their daily life and in absolutely everything that they do. In their professional careers, in their relationships with family members, in the hobbies they cultivate so meticulously. Ken Mogi identifies five key pillars to ikigai:Pillar 1: Starting smallPillar 2: Releasing yourselfPillar 3:Harmony and sustainabilityPillar 4:The joy of little thingsPillar 5:Being in the here and nowThe Japanese talk about ikigai as 'a reason to get up in the morning'. It is something that keeps one's enthusiasm for life going, whether you are a cleaner of the famous Shinkansen bullet train, the mother of a newborn child or a Michelin-starred sushi chef. The Five Pillars at the heart of everything they do.But how do you find your own ikigai? How does ikigai contribute to happiness? Neuroscientist and bestselling Japanese writer Ken Mogi provides an absorbing insight into this way of life, incorporating scientific research and first-hand experience, and providing a colourful narrative of Japanese culture and history along the way.

The Little Book of Ikigai: The secret Japanese way to live a happy and long life

by Ken Mogi

Welcome to ikigai, a Japanese mindset that will change your life. Ken Mogi, a Japanese expert and bestselling writer, reveals all about this mysterious and fascinating miracle that is at the heart of Japan's record-breaking long life, astonishing appreciation of sensory beauty and inherent mindfulness.It is extraordinary that Japanese men's longevity ranks 4th in the world, while Japanese women's ranks 2nd. But perhaps this comes as no surprise when you know that the Japanese understanding of ikigai is embedded in their daily life and in absolutely everything that they do. In their professional careers, in their relationships with family members, in the hobbies they cultivate so meticulously. Ken Mogi identifies five key pillars to ikigai:Pillar 1: Starting smallPillar 2: Releasing yourselfPillar 3:Harmony and sustainabilityPillar 4:The joy of little thingsPillar 5:Being in the here and nowThe Japanese talk about ikigai as 'a reason to get up in the morning'. It is something that keeps one's enthusiasm for life going, whether you are a cleaner of the famous Shinkansen bullet train, the mother of a newborn child or a Michelin-starred sushi chef. The Five Pillars at the heart of everything they do.But how do you find your own ikigai? How does ikigai contribute to happiness? Neuroscientist and bestselling Japanese writer Ken Mogi provides an absorbing insight into this way of life, incorporating scientific research and first-hand experience, and providing a colourful narrative of Japanese culture and history along the way.(P)2017 Quercus Editions Limited

The Little Book of Inner Peace: Simple Practices For Less Angst, More Calm (The Little Books)

by Ashley Davis Bush

A fully illustrated guide to finding inner peace each day, with simple practices for less angst and more calm.

The Little Book of Inner Peace: Simple Practices For Less Angst, More Calm (Mbs Little Book Of... Ser.)

by Ashley Davis Bush

This stunning, colour-illustrated guide includes practices to help you let go of everyday stresses and find inner peace. With practical tools, strategies and exercises harnessing the benefits of mindfulness, meditation, gratitude, creativity, relaxation and compassion, this book will guide you towards your own inner peace and help you to find harmony with those around you: family, friends, your community and the world.CONTENTSIntroduction1. Grounded and Rooted2. Relaxation3. Equinamity4. Acceptance5. Gratitude6. Compassion7. Beyond YourselfToward World Peace

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